
    523 Going Viral: The Magic of Creating Mind-Blowing Content with Julius Dein

    enAugust 14, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • Mastering the art of magic and storytellingMagician Julius Dean shares his secrets to success: captivating audiences with mind-blowing tricks, humor, and cultural experiences, emphasizing the importance of the first three seconds and a loyal following, and understanding the key components of a viral video.

      That magic, in the form of unique talent and engaging storytelling, has the power to bring people together and create a large, loyal following. Julius Dean, a 23-year-old magician from London with over 10 million followers and a billion views, has mastered this by combining mind-blowing tricks with humor and cultural experiences. He emphasizes the importance of the first three seconds of a video, the value of a loyal following, and the key components of a viral video. By sharing his talent with the world and effectively translating it into a global audience, Julius has cracked the code on success in a super competitive industry. This interview serves as a reminder that everyone carries the power to transform their world and make an impact, no magic needed.

    • From childhood hobby to successful magician careerStay true to your passion and find creative ways to turn it into a fulfilling and profitable endeavor

      Passion and determination can turn a childhood hobby into a successful career, even if the path is not always straightforward. The magician in this conversation started with a magic set at nine years old and fell in love with the art. Over the years, he performed at various events and scaled his business through social media. Although there were ups and downs, he continued to embrace magic as a tool to connect with people and entertain. Despite the challenges of being constantly asked to perform, he ultimately decided to embrace the magician label and use it to his advantage. His story highlights the importance of staying true to your passion and finding creative ways to turn it into a fulfilling and profitable endeavor.

    • Creating memorable moments through magicUse magic tricks to leave people in awe, make it seem real, use everyday objects, keep it fast-paced and visual, create moments of wonder and amazement to capture attention and leave a lasting impression.

      Creating memorable moments through surprising and visually captivating experiences is an effective way to connect with people and reveal their true selves. Magician and social media expert, [Name], shared his insights on this topic, explaining how he uses magic tricks to leave people in awe and make them feel like children again. He emphasized the importance of making magic seem real and happening in the moment, using everyday objects and keeping the tricks fast-paced and visual. This approach has helped him quickly grow his audience on social media, with one example of a fan gaining over 300,000 followers from a single video. Overall, the key takeaway is to create moments of wonder and amazement that capture people's attention and leave a lasting impression.

    • The Power of Intuition in Magic and LifeIntuition is crucial in magic and life, allowing us to make decisions, solve problems, and connect with others. Magicians tailor their tricks to their audience and adapt to situations, demonstrating the importance of understanding and being adaptable.

      Intuition plays a crucial role in magic and in life. The magician in the conversation demonstrated this by having the audience instinctively remove cards from a pack, believing they were following their intuition, when in reality, they were helping the magician achieve his trick. This concept of trusting one's intuition can be applied to various aspects of life, including decision-making and problem-solving. The magician also mentioned that he tailors his tricks to his audience, suggesting that understanding and connecting with people on a personal level is essential for success. Additionally, the magician's performance aspect highlights the importance of being adaptable and wearing the right "peach situation" for different situations. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the power of intuition, connection, and adaptability.

    • The balance between trick and storytelling in magic performancesSuccess in magic performances depends on a balance between the trick itself and storytelling and character development. For viral videos, the trick is key, while for live shows, storytelling and character matter most. Magicians should be unique and not follow trends, and constant learning and interaction with others is essential for growth.

      The success of a magic performance, whether it be live or viral, depends on a balance between the trick itself and the storytelling and character. For viral videos, the trick becomes more important due to the short clip length. However, for live performances, storytelling and character development are crucial. The style and approach of a magician also plays a role in their success. Some magicians focus on the dark and mysterious, while others bring humor and fun. It's important for magicians to be different and not follow trends. Immersion in the magic world through constant learning and interaction with other magicians is essential for growth and success. The mastery of a trick comes in two parts: the first 90% can be learned quickly, but the final 10% can take months or even years to perfect.

    • Failure and imperfection can lead to viral successExperimenting with different content styles and embracing failure can lead to viral success. Consistency and prolificacy are key to building a successful content creation career.

      Failure and imperfection can lead to viral success in content creation. The speaker, a magician and content creator, shared an experience where a seemingly failed magic trick in Rome resulted in the most views and shares on his videos. He also mentioned that his first viral video was not even a magic trick but a prank, further emphasizing the importance of experimenting with different content styles. The speaker also highlighted the importance of being a consistent and prolific creator, as he became a "production machine" after starting in the social media game.

    • Consistently creating content despite low views can lead to successPersistently creating content on social media, even with minimal engagement, can eventually lead to unexpected viral success.

      Persistence and consistency in creating content on social media, even when it seems like it's not gaining traction, can lead to unexpected success. This individual, who was a university student at the time, spent six months creating three to four videos a week, despite receiving only a few thousand views and having a small following. However, after six months of grinding it out, one of his videos went viral, leading to a significant increase in audience size and engagement. He attributes his success to the value of building a social media following, which cannot be bought, and the positive feedback he received from his viewers. Additionally, he had the time and resources as a student to dedicate to this endeavor.

    • Determination, free time, and a clear mind lead to content channel successDetermination, free time, and a clear mind can help create and grow a successful content channel. Reach out to popular pages for help and be persistent.

      Determination, free time, and a clear mind can lead to the creation and success of a content channel. The speaker's background in fitness and healthy eating contributed to his mental clarity and the generation of ideas. However, it took time and experimentation to figure out what worked. He used various tactics, such as reaching out to popular pages on social media, to gain traction and build a following. Ultimately, one share from a page with a large following, in this case Mayor Boss, led to a significant increase in likes and visibility. Persistence and the willingness to reach out and ask for help were key factors in his success.

    • Leveraging the reach of larger influencers or pagesEffective distribution through larger influencers or pages can significantly boost your audience and lead to viral success. Persistence and dedication to sharing and promoting your content are essential.

      Having good content and effective distribution are crucial for achieving viral success on social media platforms like Facebook. The speaker shared his personal experience of going from a small-time influencer to gaining half a million likes overnight after a video was shared by a powerful page with 10 million followers. Before this, he had relied on smaller pages to help distribute his content and gain traction. The lesson here is that while having high-quality content is essential, leveraging the reach of larger influencers or pages can significantly boost your audience and ultimately lead to viral success. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of being persistent and dedicated to sharing and promoting your content to maximize its potential reach.

    • Effective distribution is key to making a video go viral on FacebookFocus on catching viewers' attention within the first few seconds, find pages or individuals to share content, and understand the unique formula for going viral on Facebook

      Having great content is essential, but it's not enough to make a video go viral without effective distribution. The power of distribution is crucial in reaching a larger audience, especially on platforms like Facebook where the barrier to entry is lower. To create a viral video, one must focus on catching viewers' attention within the first few seconds, as people are just scrolling on Facebook. The formula for going viral on Facebook is different from YouTube, where long-form content and a loyal fan base are more important. Therefore, finding pages or individuals willing to share your content can significantly increase its reach. Anyone, regardless of their industry or business, can potentially create viral content if they focus on both good content and effective distribution.

    • Creating Shareable Social Media ContentMake intros snappy, use common and taggable content, ensure clear subtitled videos, and keep videos between 1-2 minutes long for maximum shareability.

      Creating engaging and shareable content on social media platforms like Facebook requires a captivating introduction, common and taggable content, clear and subtitled videos, and a duration between one and two minutes. The introduction should be snappy and evoke interest to grab viewers' attention. The content should be common and taggable, making it easier for viewers to share with their friends. Videos should be clear with subtitles and easy to understand, even without sound. Lastly, videos between one and two minutes long have the best chance of being shared, as social media platforms like Facebook are pushing long-form content.

    • Making content go viral on social mediaTo create engaging and shareable content on social media, focus on memorable and surprising endings, while maintaining consistency and prioritizing quality over quantity. Understand each platform's unique features and audience preferences.

      Creating engaging and shareable content, especially on social media platforms like Facebook, relies heavily on having a memorable and surprising ending. The most viral videos often include a twist or unexpected element at the end that resonates with viewers and encourages them to share the content with others. However, not every video needs a twist, as long as the ending is impactful and leaves a lasting impression. Consistency in posting is important, but quality should always be prioritized over quantity. It's essential to treat each platform differently and understand the unique features and audience preferences. For example, on Facebook, even if you don't post for an extended period, your content can still go viral if it's high-quality and impactful.

    • Consistency and diversification in social mediaMaintain a consistent presence across multiple platforms, avoid extended breaks, and diversify audience bases to reduce risk. Keep content snappy, engaging, and adapt to platform features. Treat social media as a business and have a clear business model. Stay grounded and positive.

      Consistency is key in building and maintaining a successful social media presence. The speaker shares his experience of growing a large audience on various platforms but emphasizes the importance of not relying on just one. He advises against taking extended breaks and suggests diversifying audience bases to mitigate risk. The speaker also mentions the importance of keeping content snappy and engaging, as well as adapting to the unique features of each platform. He emphasizes the importance of treating social media as a business and having a well-thought-out business model. Additionally, the speaker shares his philosophy of staying grounded and maintaining a positive attitude while enjoying the success.

    • Staying proactive and focused in the entertainment industryEmphasize proactivity, stay current, surround yourself with good people, and take calculated risks to build a successful brand and career in the entertainment industry.

      Magician and content creator, [Name], emphasizes the importance of staying proactive and focused on various areas of his business model to build his brand and career. He creates viral videos announcing his plans to visit different cities, leverages ad revenue and brand deals, engages in corporate speaking and high-profile events, and pursues live performances and book deals. He stresses the importance of remaining current, surrounding oneself with good people, and taking risks to stay relevant and successful in the ever-changing entertainment industry. In the next few years, he aims to continue growing his brand, expanding his reach, and potentially venturing into TV and live performances.

    • Leveraging Social Media and Offline Channels to Build a Personal BrandTo build a personal brand, use social media for viral content, engagement, and user-generated content. Expand beyond digital for mainstream recognition through collaborations, tours, and TV shows. Build a strong team for support.

      Building a personal brand in today's digital age requires a strategic approach that leverages both social media and offline channels. The speaker shares that social media platforms, such as Facebook and YouTube, are currently the most powerful tools for gaining widespread recognition and building a following. To achieve this, creating viral content, engaging with other influencers, and focusing on user-generated content are essential steps. However, to truly become mainstream and transition from social media fame to industry recognition, it's necessary to expand beyond the digital realm. This can include collaborating with celebrities, creating a live tour, and developing a TV show. Building a strong team to support this growth is also crucial. The speaker acknowledges that this is a challenging journey, but is confident in his ability to succeed with the right strategy and mindset.

    • Building a fantastic team is crucial for success in social media and entertainment industriesEven the biggest stars need great teams, families can be supportive despite challenges, and being in the right location is important for growth in the industry

      Having a strong team is crucial for success in social media and entertainment industries. The speaker emphasizes the importance of building a fantastic team, whether it's for creative, vlogging, or videography aspects. He mentions that even the biggest stars are only as good as their teams. The speaker also shares that his family is supportive of his career, despite the challenges of explaining his work to his traditional-minded father. Additionally, he expresses the importance of being in the right location, such as Los Angeles, to grow in the industry due to the high concentration of influencers and the culture of social media followers equating to currency. Magic, for the speaker, is his language and a way to connect with people and make them feel like kids again.

    • Live in the moment and prioritize health for a fulfilling lifeLiving in the present and prioritizing health leads to increased joy, energy, creativity, and overall well-being.

      Living in the moment and being happy with what you have are essential for a fulfilling life. Julius, a successful influencer, emphasized the importance of enjoying the present and not being consumed by competition or what you don't have. He also highlighted the significance of taking care of your health, as it leads to increased energy, creativity, and overall well-being. These two lessons, being happy for the moment and prioritizing health, can bring joy and success in life. Additionally, Julius shared that during his peak of viral video making, he felt the best when he was taking care of his health and cutting out processed foods. He believed that this led to increased energy, excitement, and a clearer vision for his future. In essence, living in the present and prioritizing your health are crucial for a happy and successful life.

    • Embrace the unknown for personal growth and successWriting down daily actions to push beyond comfort zones can lead to personal growth and success, even if initial reactions are negative.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone is essential for personal growth and success. The speaker, Julius, shares his friend Evan's philosophy of writing down daily actions to push beyond comfort zones. Julius himself has applied this principle in creating a magic course, starting social media, and even doing pranks. The initial reactions may not be positive, but once success is achieved, people's perceptions change. Julius emphasizes the importance of this mindset in various aspects of life, from approaching new opportunities to interacting with people. He believes that bringing joy and magic to others, even in small ways, can make a difference in their lives and inspire them to do the same. To connect with Julius and learn more about his magic products, follow him on Instagram (@julistine) and visit his website (www.julisteen.com). Greatness, according to Julius, is defined by embracing the unknown and refusing to conform to the crowd.

    • Stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing your talentsMaster your craft, build a community, stay authentic, and share your unique talents to grow personally and make a difference in the world.

      Stepping out of your comfort zone and sharing your unique talents with the world, no matter the outcome, is essential for personal growth and feeling alive. Julius Dean, a young magician, did just that by mastering his craft and finding innovative ways to reach a global audience. As JK Rowling wisely put it, we all carry magic within us, and it's our responsibility to bring it out and share it with the world. To do so, utilize the strategies discussed in this conversation, such as perfecting your craft, building a community, and staying authentic to yourself. Remember, the power to transform your world lies within you. So go out there and make a difference.

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    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the IVM Podcasts app on Android: https://ivm.today/android or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios, or any other podcast app.

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    Talk to Varun Duggirala on Twitter and Instagram: @varunduggi

    You can listen to this show and other awesome shows on the new and improved IVM Podcast App on Android: https://ivm.today/android

    or iOS: https://ivm.today/ios

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.