
    #524: Boxing Trainer Teddy Atlas on What It Means to Be a Man

    enJuly 10, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • From hospital visits to boxing rings: Teddy Atlas' unconventional journeyTeddy Atlas, despite having a father who was a respected doctor, dropped out of high school and committed crimes before finding success as a world-class boxing trainer, inspiring us that unconventional paths can lead to extraordinary achievements.

      Teddy Atlas, despite being the son of a respected doctor, took an unconventional path in life due to his curiosity and desire for experiences beyond the hospital walls. He dropped out of high school, committed crimes, and eventually became a world-class boxing trainer. Growing up, Teddy spent a lot of time with his father, who ran a small hospital and provided care to those who couldn't afford it. Teddy admits that he was stealing time with his father, wanting more than just being present during hospital visits. This desire for more led him to discover the world of boxing and eventually train 18 world champions. Teddy's story is a reminder that unconventional paths can lead to extraordinary achievements, and personal motivation and curiosity can drive one to overcome obstacles and defy expectations.

    • The importance of accepting consequences for mistakesAccountability is a crucial life lesson, demonstrated through the speaker's experiences of waiting for stitches without Novocaine as a child and refusing bail in prison.

      Accountability is a crucial life lesson, even if it's not always easy to accept. The speaker's story illustrates how seeking attention from a respected figure led him down a misguided path, but ultimately, the consequences of his actions taught him the importance of being accountable for his mistakes. His father, a great teacher and role model, instilled this value through his actions, and the speaker learned the hard way that accepting the consequences of his actions was a necessary part of growing up. From waiting for stitches without Novocaine as a child, to refusing bail in prison, the speaker's experiences showed him that accountability is not just a concept, but a reality that shapes our lives.

    • Discovering the Power of Mentorship in BoxingThrough personal experiences and the guidance of a mentor, the speaker found a passion for teaching and training in boxing, leading him to a successful career.

      During a tumultuous time in his young adult life, the speaker discovered boxing and was mentored by a childhood friend, Kevin Rooney, who recognized his potential as a teacher and trainer. The speaker initially had no interest in becoming a trainer but was convinced by Rooney that he could help others achieve their goals and find success in the ring. Rooney saw the speaker as a born teacher and believed that the speaker could make a greater impact on others by developing fighters and guiding them on their journey to success. The speaker's personal experiences and the guidance of his mentor led him to a career in boxing and training.

    • The power of commitment and positive reinforcementStaying committed to a goal and receiving encouragement can lead to unexpected opportunities and success.

      Sometimes, loyalty and commitment to a cause or person can lead to unexpected opportunities and success. The speaker, a former boxer turned trainer, shares how he was persuaded by his mentor to become a trainer despite his initial reluctance. This decision led him to build a successful gym and train notable fighters like Mike Tyson. The speaker also mentions the importance of hearing words of encouragement and believing in oneself, even when not financially rewarded. Another intriguing aspect of his training methods was taking young fighters to "smokers" in the Bronx, which were intense and potentially dangerous events that helped the fighters prepare for real fights. Overall, the speaker's story illustrates the power of staying committed to a goal and the impact of positive reinforcement.

    • Boxing clubs as beacons of hope during tough times in the BronxBoxing clubs in the Bronx provided safe havens for children amidst chaos and danger, teaching essential life skills like discipline, focus, and decision-making.

      Amidst the chaos and danger of the Bronx during the 1960s and 1970s, the local boxing clubs served as beacons of hope and positivity for children. These non-sanctioned fight venues, like the Apollo, Jerome, and Castle Hill, provided a safe haven where dreams and aspirations could be nurtured, despite the surrounding tough conditions. The proprietors of these clubs charged for entry and sold food and drinks, enabling them to keep the doors open and offer opportunities for training and competition. These boxing gyms were crucial for teaching kids essential life skills, including discipline, focus, and how to make decisions under pressure. The experience of being in the ring helped them grow up faster and learn valuable lessons that went beyond boxing techniques. These clubs were more than just places to learn how to fight; they were essential for shaping the lives of young people in the community.

    • Empathy and emotional intelligence in boxing trainingEffective boxing trainers provide emotional support and build confidence in young trainees, shaping their lives beyond just teaching techniques.

      Being a boxing trainer involves more than just teaching techniques; it requires understanding and addressing the emotional and psychological needs of young trainees. The author recalls his experiences at a smoker, where he saw nervous kids facing their fears and learning to control their emotions. He shares an example of a boy named Maimore, who came to the gym seeking a father figure and was initially hesitant to train. The trainer, in turn, became a psychologist, helping the boy build confidence and learn boxing skills. This experience highlights the importance of empathy and emotional intelligence in effective coaching, as well as the critical role that mentors can play in shaping young lives.

    • Finding Courage in the Face of FearSharing personal stories and standing up for oneself can help build confidence and overcome past struggles and fears.

      No matter the past struggles or fears, with determination and the right guidance, one can overcome their challenges. The speaker shares his experience of training a boy named Maine in a gym above a police station, where they used to talk in an empty courtroom. Maine, who had been bullied and feared the gym, would run out crying. The speaker, a former fighter, shared his own story of being bullied and getting tired of feeling powerless. He realized that giving in to the bully only prolonged the suffering, so he stood up for himself. Sharing this story with Maine helped him gain perspective and build confidence. The takeaway is that facing our fears and standing up for ourselves, even if it's just once, can make a significant difference in how we feel and approach challenges in the future.

    • Teaching kids in the South Bronx valuable life lessons through boxingBoxing provided kids with crucial life skills like discipline, emotional control, and fear management, helping them overcome adversity and become responsible adults

      Through boxing training, Teddy Atlas taught kids in the South Bronx not only to be better boxers but also to be men. He put them in challenging situations, allowing them to face and overcome their fears and insecurities. The environment and circumstances didn't dictate their choices or behavior; they did. This prelude to manhood was a crucial lesson for the kids, who learned that they could control their actions despite their tough surroundings. Boxing, often criticized for its brutality, has historically provided opportunities for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds to learn valuable skills like discipline, emotional control, and fear management. A champion, according to Teddy Atlas, is not just someone with impressive boxing abilities but someone who demonstrates strong character and behavior.

    • Embrace responsibility and determination to become a professionalAccepting challenges as reasons to move forward, not excuses, is crucial for achieving professional success in any field.

      Becoming a professional, whether in boxing or any other field, requires a mindset of control and determination. It means making the choice to be the best, regardless of external circumstances or past experiences. The hardest part is accepting this responsibility and either using those challenges as reasons to move forward or allowing them to become excuses for not trying. Boxing, as Teddy Atlas explained, offers the possibility of overcoming adversity and proving yourself as the best on a single night, despite the unfairness of the world. Ultimately, it's about knowing who you are and deciding to be worthy of success. A true fighter, or anyone striving for excellence, only becomes one when they've faced and overcome resistance.

    • Facing challenges and overcoming them defines a personThe ability to push through difficulties and persevere is crucial to success, learned from the inspiring example of a father.

      Facing challenges and overcoming them is what truly defines a teacher, doctor, lawyer, or fighter. It's not just about having the knowledge or skills, but also about pushing through difficulties and persevering. Quitting or giving up is much harder than fighting, as the consequences of quitting can linger long after the fight is over. Throughout his career, the speaker has been inspired by his father's example of accountability and resilience, which has shaped his understanding of what it means to be a man. While his father may have been the initial teacher, the lessons learned from him have become a guiding force in his life.

    • The importance of responsibility over convenienceWaiting 35 years for surgery despite discomfort and preparing beforehand demonstrates perseverance and dedication to duties.

      My father's experience as a young intern and his later encounter with a hernia taught me the importance of responsibility over convenience. Despite the pain and discomfort, he waited 35 years to get surgery and even managed to expedite the process by preparing himself beforehand. His eccentric behavior, including making adjustments to patients' orders before going into surgery, showed his commitment to his responsibilities as a doctor. This story highlights the value of perseverance and dedication to duties, even when it's not the most convenient option.

    • Boxing as a metaphor for life's challengesThrough his podcast and upcoming audio book, Teddy Atlas helps listeners navigate their own battles and connect boxing lessons to everyday life. Find resources on YouTube, podcast platforms, and ArtOfManliness.com.

      Teddy Atlas uses boxing as a metaphor for life's challenges and fights. Through his podcast, "The Fight," and his upcoming audio book, "Atlas from the Streets to the Ring," Atlas aims to help listeners navigate their own battles and connect the dots between boxing and everyday life. Listeners can find and enjoy these resources on YouTube, podcast platforms, and ArtOfManliness.com, where additional resources and articles about boxing are also available. Remember, as Brett McKay always encourages, it's essential to put the knowledge gained into action. Listen, learn, and take the lessons from Teddy Atlas's experiences into your own life.

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    Closing Music by Supaman - Why


    056 Carpo

    056 Carpo
    I am a Father, Husband, Carpenter, Artist, Writer, Vlogger, herbalist and all around Jack of all Trades, so long as it is something that interests me. I was born in Oregon in 1975, and grew up with a passion for knowledge, which led me to create my youtube channel to share my ideas, which I have been at ever since:
    I also have a podcast called "15 Minute Free Thinking" which can be found on most platforms.

    After going through many phases in my life, I have realized the importance of family, community and caring for others is the most important thing to strive for, so we have treat one another as we ourselves would like to be treated. I have a passion for the mysteries, but I am also a skeptic by nature, but I am always searching for the truth, even when it is not what I want to hear.
    I also have a passion for plant medicine and herbs, as well as the magnificent mushroom, which has consumed many of my waking hours in research to discover how these elements fit together into the human existence.


    Our Shungite: https://mysticalware.ositracker.com/180504/11616  

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    The Equipment used: https://tinyurl.com/y78py5g2

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    Shure SM7B mics, cloud lifters, rodecaster pro audio interface

    For Podcast Inquiries, please contact GrahamStephanPodcast@gmail.com

    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

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    Eric Siu is the CEO of content intelligence software ClickFlow, which helps you grow your traffic while looking like a genius. He also owns ad agency Single Grain and has worked with companies such as Amazon, Airbnb, Salesforce and Uber to acquire more customers.

    He hosts two podcasts: Marketing School with Neil Patel and Leveling Up, which combined have over 30 million downloads to date.

    He also speaks frequently around the world on marketing and SaaS.

    Marketing School Podcast: https://marketingschool.io/ 

    Leveling Up Podcast & Book: https://www.levelingup.com/ 

    Our Shungite: https://mysticalware.ositracker.com/180504/11616 

    Contact the show at 13questionspodcast@gmail.com 

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    Telegram: https://t.me/ThirteenQuestions 

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    Closing Music by Supaman - Why
