
    Podcast Summary

    • Meeting an unexpected mentorOvercoming adversity and finding inspiration in unexpected places can lead to personal growth and success. Continuous learning and networking are essential to achieving goals.

      Overcoming adversity and finding inspiration in unexpected places can lead to personal growth and success. The speaker, Andy Priscilla, shares his experience of meeting Casey Adams, who was injured during football practice and was told he could never play again. Instead of letting this setback define him, Casey turned to entrepreneurship and podcasting as a way to learn and create opportunities. Fast forward to today, Casey has hosted his own podcast for five and a half years, started a company called MediaKits.com, and was acquired by a marketing tech company. This story illustrates the power of resilience and the importance of continuous learning and networking to achieve one's goals.

    • Learn from Successful PeopleSeek out mentors and resources to learn from those who have achieved success in your desired field. Use challenges as opportunities for growth.

      Casey Adams, a young entrepreneur and podcast host, emphasizes the importance of learning from those who have already achieved success in one's desired field. He encourages young people to seek out mentors and resources to help them on their own journeys. Casey himself has found inspiration in the 75 Hard challenge, which he credits with providing him the initial structure and discipline he needed to build a successful career. He started the challenge shortly after discovering it and has completed it multiple times. Growing up in a non-entrepreneurial family, Casey lacked the resources and guidance that many others may have had. He encourages his audience to embrace the challenges they face and use them as opportunities for growth. You can find Casey's podcast, The Casey Adams Show, on various platforms and follow him on Instagram @Casey for more insights and inspiration.

    • Embracing daily commitment to growthThe daily commitment to challenging endeavors, like the 75 Hard program, leads to growth and success through discipline and a mindset of excellence.

      The speaker shared how committing to challenging endeavors, such as the 75 Hard program, has been a game changer for them. At first, they may not fully understand what they're committing to, but the daily commitment to excellence is what leads to growth and success. The speaker also reflected on how their expectations have shifted throughout their experiences with the program, and how they've come to appreciate the importance of daily discipline and wins. They emphasized that this mindset of commitment and discipline is something they plan to carry with them for the rest of their life.

    • The Importance of Personal DisciplinePersonal discipline is a perishable skill that requires consistent practice. The '75 hard' program emphasizes mental and physical discipline, inspiring growth and impacting relationships, training, food choices, and inspiring others.

      Personal discipline is a perishable skill that requires consistent practice to maintain. The speaker shares his experience with the program "75 hard," which emphasizes mental and physical discipline, and how it has impacted his life in various ways. He mentions that living the program is essential for him to be true to himself and to continue growing, as he recognizes the need to keep up with those who are better than him. The speaker also discusses how his perspective on relationships, training, and food has shifted due to the program's influence. He believes that his actions and decisions impact those around him and inspires them to adopt similar habits. The mental discipline gained from the program has helped him stay committed to his goals and values, leading him to surround himself with like-minded individuals. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of personal discipline and the ripple effect it can have on one's life and the lives of those around them.

    • Personal excellence as a form of rebellionSetting high standards for hard work and dedication can inspire others and lead to positive changes, both for the individual and those around them.

      Commitment and personal excellence can inspire and lead others. The speaker shares an example of a friend, Casey, who sets a high standard for hard work and dedication, inspiring others to follow suit. This concept of personal excellence as a form of rebellion can lead to positive changes not only for the individual but also for those around them. Additionally, the speaker shares a personal experience of committing to running a marathon despite initial doubts and injuries, emphasizing the importance of putting pressure on oneself in a healthy way to achieve potential and growth.

    • Embrace challenges as opportunities for growthPressure and challenges can lead to personal growth and the discovery of new skills and capabilities, despite initially appearing stressful and negative.

      Pressure is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can be a source of stress and negativity, but on the other hand, it can lead to personal growth and the discovery of new skills and capabilities. The speaker shares his experience of rating his personal growth before and after going through challenging experiences, such as the 75 hard challenge. He realized that he was not operating at his full potential before these experiences, despite appearing to be doing well in life. The compound effect of going through these challenges helped him discover new skills and capabilities, leading to significant personal growth. It's important to recognize this compounding effect and not convince ourselves that we are already operating at our highest potential. Instead, we should embrace pressure and challenges as opportunities for growth.

    • Committing to daily habits and challengesCommitting to daily habits and challenges, even with setbacks, can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of life. Prepare for setbacks and have a plan to bounce back.

      Committing to daily habits and challenges, even if it's just for a short period of time, can lead to significant improvements in various aspects of your life. However, it's important to remember that life is unpredictable, and setbacks are inevitable. The key is to have a mental framework to deal with these setbacks and not let them derail your progress. The speaker shares his experience of completing a 75-day program, which included daily tasks such as drinking a gallon of water and reading a book, and how he continued the habit beyond the planned end date. He also talks about his physical setback on day 100, a lumbar strain, which forced him to take a break from the program. Despite the setback, he reflects on the importance of the mental aspect of the program, which helped him deal with the pain and recover. The speaker encourages everyone to commit to daily habits and challenges, but also to be prepared for setbacks and have a plan to bounce back.

    • Achieving Exceptionalism with the 75 Hard ProgramThe 75 Hard Program builds mental toughness and discipline through extreme challenges, helping individuals recover from setbacks and regain momentum, leading to increased self-confidence and resilience.

      The 75 Hard program, which includes elements of extreme endurance, discipline, and mental toughness, is not for the average person, but rather for those striving for exceptionalism. Setbacks, whether physical injuries or unforeseen circumstances, are inevitable, but the program helps individuals develop the confidence and discipline to recover and regain momentum. By understanding how to manufacture momentum, individuals gain more control and belief in their abilities, ultimately leading to increased self-esteem and the resilience to follow through on goals despite discomfort.

    • The power of commitment in personal growth and relationshipsCommitting wholeheartedly to relationships and ventures creates a strong sense of identity and belief in oneself, leading to personal growth and success.

      Commitment and the confidence to commit wholeheartedly is a key to personal growth and building strong relationships. This was emphasized in a conversation between two individuals, where the speaker expressed admiration for the other's determination and growth, and how it inspired him to continue his work. The ability to commit, whether in personal relationships or business ventures, creates a strong sense of identity and belief in oneself. The speaker shared his own experiences of committing to significant relationships and business ventures, and how it shaped his life. This idea of identity shifting through commitment is a powerful concept that can lead to personal growth and success.

    • The importance of commitment and confidence for greatnessEmbrace commitment and confidence early for personal and professional growth. Great people are driven, and these traits are crucial for success.

      Commitment and confidence are essential for greatness. The speaker, who started a podcast at 17 and interviewed broadcasting legend Larry King at 19, emphasizes the importance of these traits. Great people are driven, and this drive requires confidence to commit to actions and craft. The speaker has learned this lesson over the years and sees its importance growing. He admires those who embrace it early, like at 22, and encourages continuous learning from experiences. The speaker also reflects on the concept of time and how one's perspective on it changes with age. When he was 22, he was focused on business success, but now he values the importance of commitment and confidence in personal and professional growth.

    • Recognize Discipline and Confidence as Skills to LearnBelieve that discipline and confidence are not innate abilities, but skills that can be developed through intentional effort and a process of growth.

      Discipline and confidence are not inherent traits, but skills that can be developed through intentional effort and a process of growth. The speaker, Scott Young, shares his personal experience of feeling envious of those around him who seemed more disciplined and confident, believing they had some sort of magic he didn't possess. However, he later realized that these qualities could be learned, leading him to become obsessed with mental toughness and eventually creating the program 75 Hard. Young encourages those who admire highly disciplined individuals to shift their mindset and recognize that these traits are skills that can be cultivated, rather than believing they are innate abilities. Additionally, Young's own experience with alcohol highlights the negative impact it can have on one's life and the importance of making conscious choices to prioritize personal growth and well-being.

    • 75 Hard: A 75-day personal growth programThe 75 Hard program is a 75-day discipline-building challenge designed to help individuals improve their daily habits and standard of living, with a 30-day break to make it sustainable.

      The 75 Hard program, despite some criticisms of sustainability, is a powerful tool for personal growth and development. The program, which involves living a strict regimen for 75 days followed by a 30-day break, is designed to help individuals build habits and raise their standard of living. The program's creator emphasizes that the program is not about charging participants, but rather sharing his own experiences and insights to help others. The program's challenges, such as drinking a gallon of water a day, reading ten pages of a non-fiction book each day, doing a 20-minute workout every day, and abstaining from alcohol, are intended to help individuals build discipline and focus. The program's design includes a 30-day break to help individuals remember what it's like to not live under that structure and to snap back into it, making the program sustainable in the long run. The program's impact on individuals is significant, leading to long-term changes in daily routines and habits, making it a truly sustainable program for personal growth.

    • Embrace self-care and discipline for better well-beingDaily water intake and exercise boost well-being. Focus on the next step during challenges and embrace discomfort for personal growth.

      Prioritizing self-care and discipline can significantly improve overall well-being and help individuals tap into their full potential. The speaker shared how drinking a full gallon of water daily and taking time for exercise enhances his day-to-day experience. He also emphasized the importance of mental toughness, citing James Lawrence as an inspiration. Lawrence's advice to focus on the next step during challenging situations, like running a marathon, resonated deeply with the speaker and helped him push through when things got tough. Additionally, the speaker clarified that listeners, not the host, create the ripple effect of positive change. The cold plunge, a personal challenge, was another example of embracing discomfort to grow and thrive.

    • From opposing to embracing cold plungesPersonal experiences can change our perspectives and lead to unexpected benefits, even for things we initially disliked. Fully committing to new experiences can lead to significant improvements in well-being.

      Personal experiences can change our perspectives on things we once thought we wouldn't enjoy or benefit from. The speaker, who was initially against cold plunges due to its trendiness, had a life-changing experience when he used a cold plunge to cure a severe hangover on his 40th birthday. Despite his initial promise to never do it again, he eventually came around and started incorporating cold plunges into his routine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fully committing to the experience by getting all the way in, and not just dipping in with arms on the side. He also credits the cold plunge for improving his overall well-being and recovery process.

    • Cold plunging for mental toughness and stress resilienceCold plunging activates the vagus nerve, releases feel-good hormones, and helps individuals acclimate to stress. It's a valuable tool for high-stress individuals to reduce anxiety and improve mental focus.

      Cold plunging, or taking regular cold showers or baths, can have a significant positive impact on mental toughness and stress resilience. The speaker shared his personal experience of recognizing himself in the story of someone who had built a business for 20 years and was mentally destroyed, only to find relief and reprogramming through cold plunging. This practice, which activates the vagus nerve and triggers the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, helps individuals acclimate to stress and take on challenges with a clearer mind. While it may not be a cure-all, the speaker strongly recommends it as a valuable tool for high-stress individuals, especially when combined with a good magnesium supplement. Cold plunging can help reduce anxiety and improve mental focus, making it an effective addition to any stress management routine.

    • Embracing Discomfort with Cold TherapyCold therapy, including cold plunges and showers, can help individuals push past limits and build strong relationships. Dale Carnegie's book on interpersonal skills and Michael Dell's biography are recommended for self-improvement and inspiration.

      Incorporating cold therapy into your routine, specifically taking a cold plunge followed by a cold shower, can help individuals embrace discomfort and push past their limits. This practice, which the speaker has been doing since April, has been confirmed through personal experience and training for a marathon. The speaker also highlighted the importance of showing up for oneself and building strong relationships, as exemplified by the quick response of the plunge company when their cold plunge broke down during a large event. In terms of book recommendations, the speaker strongly suggested "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie for its emphasis on self-improvement and interpersonal skills, and Michael Dell's biography for its inspiring story of consistent dedication and perseverance in building a successful business.

    • Think Big and Build Strong RelationshipsBelieve in yourself, think big, build strong relationships, and continuously strive for improvement

      Success and winning in life can be achieved by thinking big, as outlined in David Schwartz's book "The Magic of Thinking Big," and demonstrated by individuals like Casey Adams. Trump's book "Think Big and Kick Ass" is another great resource for winning. The importance of friendships and continuous learning, as exemplified by the speaker's appreciation for being on the show and the impact it has had on his life, also plays a significant role in personal growth. The Live Hard program at 75 Hard, which the speaker has shared on the show, offers a framework for building essential skills. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to believe in yourself, think big, build strong relationships, and continuously strive for improvement.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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    Become a Member for ad-free listening, video versions and exclusive content: https://benlionelscott.com/subscribe — Overcome the tempting voice of comfort that hinders progress. Embrace challenges, cultivate resilience, and ignore feelings that obstruct goals. Discipline transforms potential into unstoppable achievement. Spoken by Eric Thomas, Jocko Willink, Les Brown. You can see more of Eric Thomas at instagram.com/etthehiphoppreacher, Jocko Willink at instagram.com/jockowillink, Les Brown at instagram.com/thelesbrown. The music is Lines of Infinity by Ninja Tracks. You can see more of Ninja Tracks at twitter.com/ninjatracks.

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