
    Podcast Summary

    • New saddle chair improves posture despite discomfortThe new saddle chair, despite its discomfort, can help improve posture by forcing users to sit upright and prevent slouching.

      Dominic, a podcast host, shared his experience with a new saddle chair designed to alleviate back pain despite its discomfort. He explained how the chair forces the user to sit upright, preventing slouching and potentially improving posture. He also jokingly suggested that the chair could have benefits for women's pelvic floor muscles, drawing parallels to Kegel exercises. Additionally, Dominic shared an amusing anecdote about a porn shoot he attended as a child and introduced listeners to the Mantis Murder Shrimp, a unique marine creature with a powerful defensive mechanism. Overall, the conversation showcased a mix of humor, personal anecdotes, and fascinating discoveries.

    • Discovering the hidden wonders of the ordinaryFrom boxing gloves with hidden springs to comedians performing live, the world is full of unexpected marvels waiting to be explored

      The world is full of fascinating discoveries, no matter how seemingly ordinary they may seem at first. For instance, the mechanism of boxing gloves involves a spring that holds the punch back and releases it with increased force under water, making it an impressive feat of engineering. Additionally, the comedy scene, with podcasts like "Smarter Every Day" and "Kill Tony," showcases the courage and resilience of comedians who continuously hone their craft in front of a live audience, despite the pressure and the challenge of crafting a new minute every week. Whether it's the intricacies of boxing gloves or the raw energy of live comedy, there's always something new to learn and appreciate.

    • Theater vs. Comedy Club: Different Experiences for ComediansPerforming comedy in a theater setting can be challenging due to the echoing laughter and financial differences compared to comedy clubs. Mental health struggles, including depression, are prevalent among comedians.

      The experience of performing comedy in a theater setting is vastly different from that of a comedy club. In a theater, the laughter of the audience can drown out the comedian's words, making it challenging to deliver taglines and quick jokes effectively. Louis C.K. shared his observation of this phenomenon during a performance at Madison Square Garden. He also mentioned the financial difference between the two types of venues. Additionally, Louis C.K. expressed sadness over the deaths of Robin Williams, Richard Jeni, and Robert Schimmel, comedians who struggled with depression. Dana Gould wrote a piece for Rolling Stone about the high prevalence of depression among comedians, which Louis C.K. also referenced. Overall, the discussion highlights the unique challenges and realities of performing comedy in various settings and the impact of mental health issues on the comedy community.

    • Understanding the Complexity of Depression and SuicideDepression and suicide are complex issues influenced by mental health conditions, hormonal imbalances, substance abuse, financial stress, and stigma. Remember, those who take their lives are not making a selfish choice, but rather one driven by overwhelming pain and despair.

      Depression and suicide are complex issues that can be influenced by various factors including mental health conditions, hormonal imbalances, substance abuse, and financial stress. The stigma surrounding suicide often leads people to question the motives of those who take their own lives, but it's important to remember that those suffering from depression may not have the ability to keep going. Long-term hospitalizations, severe operations, and certain medications can also contribute to depression and suicidal thoughts. Robin Williams' suicide was likely the result of a combination of these factors, including his struggle with depression, substance abuse, and financial stress. It's crucial that we approach this issue with empathy and understanding, recognizing that those who take their own lives are not making a selfish choice, but rather one driven by overwhelming pain and despair.

    • Actors Facing Challenges in Transitioning from Film to TelevisionActors known for high-energy, physically demanding performances can struggle when transitioning to television. Age and audience expectations also impact their success.

      The transition from film to television can be challenging for actors, especially when they're known for high-energy, physically demanding performances. Robin Williams, for example, was famous for his unpredictable and manic comedy style, but when he tried to bring that energy to his sitcom "The Crazy Ones," the result was a cheesy and unrealistic show. The difference in age and the expectations of audiences also played a role. For instance, Jim Carrey's iconic character Ace Ventura might have worked when he was younger, but it would be less appealing if he tried to do it in his 50s or 60s. Similarly, Chevy Chase's famous pratfalls on Saturday Night Live helped establish his career, but they also took a toll on his body. Ultimately, actors need to adapt to new mediums and audiences as they age, and finding the right balance between their signature style and the demands of the industry can be a complex and ongoing process.

    • The Challenges of Success and Unexpected DecisionsSuccess can bring unexpected pressures and decisions, but staying true to oneself and exploring new passions is crucial.

      Success can come with its own challenges and pressures, leading individuals to make unexpected decisions. The discussion revolves around Steve Martin's experience of reaching a point where he could no longer connect with his audience and chose to leave stand-up comedy. Similarities were drawn to Johnny Knoxville's risky antics and the unpredictability that comes with pursuing unconventional careers. The conversation also touched upon the contrast between public personas and private demeanors, as seen with Steve Martin's perceived aloofness during an interview. Ultimately, the speakers emphasized the importance of staying true to oneself and continuing to explore new passions despite setbacks or obstacles.

    • MMA's Unique Techniques and CultureMMA camps have unique techniques, insulting athletes is not tolerated, emotional burden respected, and MMA is a real sport with a focus on athletes' skills

      In the world of MMA, different fighting camps have their unique techniques and combinations with distinct names, making it challenging for opponents to predict attacks based on numbers called out in their corners. Insulting athletes is not tolerated in MMA culture, and those who do so are often ostracized. The emotional burden of fighting is respected more than in other sports, and the MMA community values positivity and excitement. Unlike professional wrestling, MMA is considered a real sport, with athletes training rigorously and putting their bodies on the line during matches. While there may be some level of entertainment involved, the focus remains on the athletes' skills and abilities.

    • Early comedy mishaps shape careerEarly setbacks and mishaps in comedy led to growth and opportunities, emphasizing the importance of resilience and the role of chance events in career development.

      The speaker's early experiences in comedy, including a mishap during a demonstration and an ill-timed apartment lease, significantly influenced his career. These events led him to focus more on stand-up comedy and eventually led to opportunities in news radio and other areas. The speaker also reflects on how his confidence and comfort on stage have grown over time. Despite past self-doubt, he acknowledges that he was already making strides in comedy and things could have gone differently if certain events had turned out differently. The pauses and comfort in his own skin on stage, which can make or break a performance, were also areas of growth. The speaker's experiences highlight the importance of resilience and the role of chance events in shaping one's career.

    • The importance of dedication and consistent effort in comedyDedication and consistent effort are crucial for improving and finding success in comedy. Show up, put in the work, and appreciate the process and progress over time.

      Dedication and consistent effort are key to improving and finding success in comedy, as well as other creative pursuits. The speaker, who developed his improv skills in Boston and later moved to New York to focus on stand-up comedy, didn't feel ready to release a CD until he had been performing for ten years. He emphasizes the importance of showing up and putting in the work, even when it's not going well, and appreciating the process and the progress made over time. He also touches on the idea that our experiences and circumstances shape who we become and what we create, but ultimately, it's up to us to invest energy and effort into our craft. The speaker's excitement for stand-up comedy now, even after many years in the industry, underscores the joy and fulfillment that can come from staying committed to a passion.

    • Bridging gaps through shared interests and humorDespite differences, human connections can be built and strengthened through shared interests and humor, even when discussing uncomfortable or taboo topics.

      Despite generational and personal differences, shared interests and humor can bridge gaps. The conversation between Joe and Dom reveals their long-standing bond, built on their mutual appreciation for the absurdity of life. However, their discussions also delve into darker territories, showcasing the complexity and depth of their relationship. Dom's remarks about sexuality and fetishes highlight the inherent embarrassment and vulnerability that comes with human desires. Joe's response to these topics demonstrates his acceptance and understanding, even if he doesn't share the same interests. Another significant theme that emerges is the impact of determinism on personal responsibility and the exploration of taboo subjects. Overall, the conversation sheds light on the intricacies of human connections and the importance of embracing the full spectrum of human experiences, even the uncomfortable and embarrassing ones.

    • Music enhances psychedelic experienceChoosing the right music during psychedelic sessions can significantly enhance the experience, but it's essential to consider individual preferences and potential emotional responses.

      Certain types of music, like the e-caros used in Ayahuasca ceremonies, can significantly enhance the psychedelic experience. These simple-sounding tunes, often made with rattles and whistles, can create a synergy between the music and the hallucinations, making the trip more immersive and intense. However, it's essential to remember that everyone's experience with psychedelics is unique, and what may be enjoyable for some might be overwhelming for others. Music can evoke strong emotions and memories, and the wrong choice could potentially lead to distressing experiences. Therefore, it's crucial to approach the use of music during psychedelic sessions with caution and an open mind.

    • Unpredictable effects of marijuana ediblesMarijuana edibles can cause more intense and unpredictable psychoactive effects due to the production of 11 hydroxymetabolite, increasing risks for negative behaviors and dangerous encounters.

      Consuming marijuana edibles can lead to more intense psychoactive effects due to the production of a metabolite called 11 hydroxymetabolite, which is about five times stronger than THC. This can result in experiences that are more psychedelic and unpredictable than smoking marijuana. The speaker shares a personal story of encountering a dangerous individual while under the influence of edibles, highlighting the potential for enhanced negative behaviors and increased risks. This experience left a lasting impact on the speaker and serves as a cautionary tale. The use of marijuana edibles can lead to unpredictable and potentially dangerous experiences, and individuals should be aware of the potential risks.

    • Psychedelic experiences can alter perception and reveal insignificancePsychedelics can reveal insignificance of ego, lead to deeper understanding of interconnectedness and infinite universe

      A profound psychedelic experience can significantly alter one's perception of self and reality, making one realize their insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe. The ego, in response, may try to reassert control by causing fear and anxiety, leading one to focus on trivial matters. The psychedelic experience, however, can also serve as a reminder to let go of ego-based thoughts and focus on what truly matters. The entities encountered during the experience can act as guides, exposing and challenging insignificant thoughts and beliefs. Ultimately, the experience can lead to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and the infinite nature of the universe.

    • Exploring the transformative power of psychoactive substancesThrough music, drugs, or comedy, psychoactive substances can lead to profound experiences that challenge perceptions, make us question reality, and help us connect with others.

      The use of psychoactive substances, whether it be through music, drugs, or even comedy, can lead to profound and transformative experiences. These experiences can challenge our perceptions, make us question reality, and even help us connect with others on a deeper level. The speakers in this conversation shared their personal experiences with these substances and the impact they had on their creativity and understanding of the world. They also touched upon the idea that these entities or beings from other dimensions might be trying to communicate with us in their own unique ways. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of keeping an open mind and being willing to explore the unknown, even if it makes us uncomfortable or nervous.

    • Exploring the Universe with PsychedelicsPsychedelics can offer profound insights and positive experiences, but also carry risks. Personal readiness and stability are key factors in deciding to explore these substances.

      We are all just atoms moving through space, with no control over our journey. The universe is vast and complex, and our perception of reality can be altered through the use of psychedelic substances like DMT. These substances can provide profound insights and positive experiences, but they also carry risks and should be approached with caution. Our everyday experiences and beliefs shape our perspective, and encountering new realities through psychedelics can challenge and even disrupt those beliefs. Ultimately, the decision to explore these substances is a personal one, and should be based on individual readiness and stability.

    • Impact of Hidden Health IssuesMental and physical health can be affected in subtle ways, and it's essential to acknowledge and address these issues to prevent serious consequences. Personal experiences with hypothyroidism and DMT experiences illustrate the complexity and diversity of health challenges.

      Mental and physical health can be impacted in various ways, and sometimes these issues are not immediately apparent. The speaker shares his personal experience with hypothyroidism and how it affected him, despite appearing to have high energy levels. He also mentions the case of Eddie Bravo's tattoo artist, who became so engrossed in DMT experiences that he withdrew from the regular world. The speaker emphasizes that mental illness can have various causes and that people face various health challenges. He also mentions the importance of acknowledging and addressing these issues, as neglecting them can lead to serious consequences. Additionally, the speaker encourages taking care of oneself and seeking help when needed. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and diversity of health issues and the importance of self-care and support.

    • Discussing Benefits of Chocolate Milk and Nostalgic Memories of PoolChocolate milk's protein and sugar content aid in glycogen replenishment post-workout. Nostalgic memories shared of pool at Amsterdam Billiards and potential pool career for Pete.

      While some people enjoy drinking water, others prefer flavored beverages like chocolate milk or Gatorade, especially after working out. Chocolate milk is particularly beneficial due to its protein and sugar content that helps replenish glycogen. The discussion also touched upon fond memories of playing pool at Amsterdam Billiards in the 90s and the unique table parts made by top pool player Ernesto Dominguez and his brother Oscar. The conversation also revealed that Pete, if not a stand-up comedian, would have considered a professional pool career. Additionally, Pete shared his past basketball skills and how his face sometimes appears Chinese-like due to water retention and alcohol.

    • Misunderstood Song Origins and Alcohol PreferencesSpeakers engaged in a light-hearted discussion about their misconceptions of a song's origin, their alcohol preferences, and corrected each other in a playful banter.

      The discussion revolved around the misconception of a specific song being sung by Jimmy Buffett, when in fact it was Rupert Holmes. The conversation also touched upon the speakers' drinking habits and their preferences for certain types of alcohol and music. The speakers seemed to enjoy arguing about their misconceptions and correcting each other, showcasing a playful banter. Additionally, the topic of Xanax use and its relation to alcohol consumption was briefly discussed. The conversation was filled with humor and light-heartedness, demonstrating a relaxed and friendly dynamic between the speakers.

    • Led's unforgettable fishing trip in AlaskaThe speakers shared their appreciation for the primal satisfaction of catching and cooking their own dinner, with some preferring interactive dining experiences and others the control of cooking their own meals.

      Led, whose name was a source of amusement for the speakers, had an unforgettable fishing experience in Alaska. He and his friend Ari caught several large salmon during the salmon run, which they found more enjoyable than their scheduled gig. The speakers reminisced about the experience and shared their appreciation for the primal satisfaction of catching and cooking their own dinner. They also discussed their preferences for different cooking methods and dining experiences, with some preferring the interactive nature of Brazilian steak houses and others the control of cooking their own meals. The conversation concluded with a shared memory of Joey Diaz's enthusiasm for the food at a Brazilian steakhouse. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' shared love for fishing and food, and their appreciation for the experiences that bring people together.

    • Exploring the art of cooking with high-quality tools and techniquesUsing a pellet grill for smoking meats enhances the experience, try the Bikanya or top sirloin cooked over an open wood fire, and high-quality tools make cooking more enjoyable.

      The experience of cooking and enjoying food can be enhanced by using high-quality tools and techniques, such as a pellet grill for smoking meats. The pecania, a particular dish mentioned, is a popular item at certain restaurants, but the speaker highly recommends trying the Bikanya, a top sirloin cooked over an open wood fire. The pellet grill, which automatically maintains temperature and requires minimal attention, is a game-changer for those who have struggled with traditional smokers. The speaker is a big fan of cooking and is considering starting a hunting show where he takes novice hunters on the experience, potentially even allowing them to shoot from the window of a truck in certain places. Overall, the discussion highlights the joy of trying new foods, using quality tools, and sharing experiences with others.

    • Sharing stories of nature and adventure experiencesBeing prepared and embracing risks can lead to unforgettable nature and adventure experiences

      Nature and adventure can come with risks and unexpected challenges, but the experiences are often worth it. The speakers shared stories of snorkeling in Hawaii, encountering sea creatures like jellyfish and sharks, and even trying surfing. They discussed the importance of being prepared, whether that means wearing protective shoes or being a strong swimmer. The conversation also touched on the lengths people go to experience nature, such as indoor surfing pools and renting trailers for camping. Despite the potential hazards, the speakers expressed a deep appreciation for these adventures and the memories they created.

    • Recording a Podcast at Burning Man FestivalPodcast team plans to record at Burning Man, debating drug legalization and festival control measures

      Next year, the podcast may be recorded from Burning Man festival in Nevada. This annual event in the desert is known for its psychedelic atmosphere, where people dance, camp, and sometimes use drugs. The festival goers often bring large trailers, some of which can be driven around. Will Smith and Dennis McKenna are among the famous figures who attend this festival. Despite the controversial reputation of Burning Man, the organizers have been trying to enforce laws, including drug checks and weapons searches. Some people argue that these attempts to control the event go against the spirit of freedom and self-expression that Burning Man represents. The podcast team is considering taking their recording setup to Burning Man to interview guests who may be harder to reach in other locations. The team is also open to the idea of legalizing drugs, as states like Colorado and Washington have seen significant tax revenue from marijuana sales.

    • Holding Parties Accountable for Harmful SubstancesUnderstanding the potential risks and consequences of various substances is crucial for promoting health and well-being. Parties responsible for selling harmful substances, including seemingly harmless ones, should be held accountable for negative health outcomes or deaths.

      While the legality of drugs like heroin is a complex issue, there should be consequences for those who sell harmful substances that lead to negative health outcomes or deaths. This applies to all substances, including seemingly harmless ones like bacon or medications. It's essential to understand the difference between good and bad cholesterol, and responsible parties should be held accountable for the potential harm their products or actions cause. While some substances may have positive effects for some individuals, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and consequences for others. Ultimately, promoting health and well-being requires a balanced approach that acknowledges the complexities of individual health and the potential risks associated with various substances.

    • Misconceptions about food and healthOur understanding of food and its health effects evolves, like how bacon is now considered heart-healthy due to its monounsaturated fats. Complex joints, like the shoulder, are prone to injury, especially for those in physically demanding careers.

      Our understanding of certain foods and their health effects is constantly evolving. For instance, bacon, which was once considered unhealthy due to its high saturated fat and cholesterol content, is now known to contain mostly monounsaturated fats, specifically oleic acid, which is heart-healthy. This misconception was discussed during a conversation where the topic of exercise and injury also came up. The speaker shared his experience of tearing a rotator cuff and receiving pro bono surgery from an orthopedic surgeon. He also mentioned how certain joints, like the shoulder, are more complex and prone to injury, especially for those in physically demanding careers like fighting or baseball. The conversation ended with a reflection on the advancements in medical technology and the ability to replace or repair damaged body parts.

    • Natural abilities shape sports performanceExceptional physical traits contribute to athletic success, but injuries and other factors can impact performance. Debates about fairness and equality arise due to hierarchical structure based on physical advantages.

      Athletic abilities and physical traits play a significant role in sports performance. Individuals like Bo Jackson, Wilt Chamberlain, and Michael Jordan, who possessed exceptional natural abilities, left indelible marks on their respective sports. However, injuries and other factors could impact their performance, as seen with Bo Jackson's hip injury. The existence of undeniable physical advantages, such as size, speed, and power, creates a hierarchical structure in athletics, with some athletes being on a level above others. This can lead to debates about fairness and equality, as well as discussions about the role of performance-enhancing drugs and racial differences. Ultimately, the athletic world is shaped by the unique abilities of its participants, and the quest for superiority continues to drive competition and innovation.

    • The high cost of NFL film rights hindered Comedy Central's Off Sides showDespite football's popularity, the high cost of NFL film rights prevented Comedy Central from succeeding with their football comedy show, Off Sides.

      The failure of the Off Sides show on Comedy Central was due to the high cost of NFL film rights and the timing not being ideal for the network. Despite football being a hugely popular sport at the time, the production costs were too high for Comedy Central to afford. The interviewer shared some amusing anecdotes about interacting with NFL players like Brett Favre and Reggie White, who were intrigued by the comedic approach to the show. Football's popularity has only grown since then, making it the biggest spectator sport in the US, surpassing even NASCAR in terms of reach and fanbase. The NFL's dominance is evident in how even casual fans recognize names like Dale Earnhardt and Tony Stewart. However, the incident involving Tony Stewart's accident and subsequent return to racing serves as a reminder of the mental and emotional toll that high-profile athletic careers can take on individuals.

    • Respecting Fighters' Peaceful LivesRespect for fighters' peaceful lifestyles is vital in preventing potential conflicts. Communication and understanding between neighbors are also essential in resolving conflicts.

      In the world of combat sports, respect for fighters and their abilities is crucial. A lightweight fighter named Raymond, who weighed 135 pounds, had a kind demeanor and was well-respected in the fighting community. One night, a man approached Raymond and me at an improv show, asking if he could hit Raymond. I warned the man against it, explaining the potential risks and consequences. Later, when a window in a neighbor's car was broken, the neighbor, who was related to the suspected culprit, asked me to approach him on her behalf. The neighbor was initially defensive but later revealed that he was trying to protect his cousin. In both situations, respect for the fighters and their peaceful lifestyles was essential in preventing potential conflicts. Additionally, the importance of communication and understanding between neighbors was emphasized when I had to navigate a situation with a superintendent who had an issue with my walking above his apartment during certain hours.

    • Tenant's privacy and comfort being infringed by landlord's rulesTenants should advocate for their rights and negotiate with landlords to ensure privacy, comfort, and a positive living experience.

      Some landlords can have unreasonable rules and intrusive behaviors, making it challenging for tenants to feel comfortable and secure in their living spaces. In the discussed situation, a tenant was forbidden from walking in the living room during certain hours, which led to frustration and a feeling of being restricted. Additionally, poor insulation and thin walls in the apartment complex resulted in unwanted noise and intrusion of privacy. These issues can significantly impact the quality of life and enjoyment of one's home. It's crucial for tenants to advocate for their rights and negotiate reasonable compromises with their landlords. Ultimately, finding a living situation that respects privacy and provides a sense of comfort and security is essential for maintaining a positive living experience.

    • Anime conventions: A vibrant and inclusive community for Japanese animation fansAnime conventions offer unique experiences for fans to connect and express their love for Japanese animation, with memorable moments and unforgettable camaraderie.

      Anime conventions provide a unique space for fans to connect and express their love for Japanese animation in a vibrant and inclusive community. Joey Diaz, a well-known comedian, was fondly remembered for his energetic performances and eccentric behavior, which often involved dosing others with psychedelic substances. Despite his unconventional methods, Diaz was beloved by fellow comedians and audiences alike for his infectious energy and ability to make every show more enjoyable. The challenges of performing in new environments and adapting to different audiences were noted, but ultimately, the shared love for comedy and anime made these experiences worthwhile. The anecdotes about Diaz's antics and Tom Segura's plane story further highlight the camaraderie and unforgettable moments that come from being part of this subculture.

    • The Comedy Store: A cherished comedy scene hub in LAThe Comedy Store in LA offers a unique comedy scene with a supportive community, critiquing opportunities, and versatile performance spaces for comedians.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles is known for its unique comedy scene and family-like atmosphere among comedians. While some may have negative experiences or encounters, many find the relaxed environment and supportive community to be beneficial for their craft. The infamous "Kill Tony" show, where comics are critiqued on stage, is a beloved experience for new and experienced comedians alike. The various rooms offer different vibes and crowd sizes, making it a versatile venue for performers. Despite any individual preferences or quirks, the Comedy Store remains a significant and cherished part of the comedy world.

    • Intimate shows at The Comedy StoreDespite small crowds, memorable experiences can occur at The Comedy Store, where comedians and audience can relax and enjoy each other's company. Famous comedians launched their careers there, making it an essential part of comedy history.

      The Comedy Store, despite its reputation, doesn't always have a large audience. Sometimes, the best performances happen when there are only a few people in the crowd. These intimate shows can lead to memorable experiences, where comedians and audience members can just relax and have fun. The Comedy Store holds a special place in comedy history, having launched the careers of many famous comedians. Even when it wasn't at its peak, it still held a certain allure for up-and-coming comedians. The speaker shared stories of his experiences there, including a memorable performance by Danny and Joey Diaz, and his friendship with Sam Kinison. Despite the occasional disappointments, the Comedy Store remained an important part of the speaker's comedy journey.

    • The Comedy Store's Unique Culture and Commitment to Top-Notch ComicsThe Comedy Store, unlike other comedy clubs and franchises, prioritized maintaining its original location and top-notch comics, hindering expansion but preserving its legendary status in the comedy world.

      The Comedy Store in Los Angeles, a legendary comedy venue, had a unique history and culture that differed significantly from other comedy clubs and franchises. Mitzi Shore, the club's owner, was opposed to franchising due to her commitment to having top-notch comics perform at her club every night of the year. This made it challenging to fly in comics for weekly shows in other locations. Despite the potential for expansion, the Comedy Store remained focused on its original location, while improv and other comedy franchises thrived. The speakers also shared their personal experiences performing at the Comedy Store and their fondness for the venue, emphasizing its unique energy and importance in the comedy world.

    • Exploring the thrill of positive bettingBetting on over-unders can add excitement, but odds are against bettors, approach responsibly for entertainment only.

      Positive betting, such as betting on the over-under rounds in a boxing match, can bring excitement and joy to people, especially in social settings like casinos. However, it's important to remember that the odds are often set against the bettor, making it more of a game of chance than a level playing field. Some people, like Dana White, are able to gamble large sums of money, but it's not for everyone and can be a risky endeavor. Ultimately, it's essential to approach gambling responsibly and only for entertainment purposes. Additionally, the speaker had a memorable experience working at Brad Garrett's club in Vegas and is looking forward to attending a UFC event there in January.

    • The Unpredictability and Humor of CrapsCraps is a complex game with unpredictable outcomes, and late comedian Richard Jenny's routine brought humor to its uncertainties. Jenny's unique comedic style and underappreciated talent continue to be appreciated.

      The discussion revolves around the complexity and unpredictability of the game of craps, as well as the appreciation for the late comedian Richard Jenny's comedic take on the game. The speakers express confusion over the concept of how someone else's decisions can affect the outcome of the game. They also share memories of Jenny's comedy routine about craps and reminisce about his unique comedic style and underappreciated talent. The conversation also touches on the contrasting behaviors of public figures, such as Bill Clinton and Jack Kevorkian, and the differences between their transgressions and public reactions to them. Overall, the speakers express a shared love for the game of craps and the humor found in its unpredictability.

    • Impact of Technology on Unique SkillsTechnology can make certain skills obsolete, but it's essential to adapt and find new ways to utilize them in the modern world.

      Technology can significantly impact our unique skills and abilities. This was a lesson learned from a guest on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast. The guest, who was an expert in a particular area, shared how the advancement of technology took away his number one skill. This is a reminder that as technology evolves, it can render certain skills obsolete. However, it's essential to adapt and find new ways to utilize our skills in the modern world. The podcast also featured various sponsors, including Ting, Audible, and Onnit. Ting offered a discount code for their services, and Audible provided a free audio book and a month of their service. Onnit offered a discount for their supplements with the code word "rogan." Additionally, the podcast ended with the hosts expressing their love and appreciation for each other and their audience, encouraging everyone to spread love and kindness. They also mentioned Desquadd.tv and Shopsquadd.tv for Brian's original artwork and merchandise. Overall, the podcast was an entertaining and informative discussion on the impact of technology on skills, as well as promoting various products and services.

    Recent Episodes from The Joe Rogan Experience

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    #2173 - Jimmy Dore
    Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comic, political commentator, and host of "The Jimmy Dore Show" on YouTube. Watch his new special, "Covid Lies Are Funny," at jimmydore.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2172 - Sebastian Junger

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    Sebastian Junger is a bestselling author, journalist, and an Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker. His latest book, "In My Time of Dying", is available now. www.sebastianjunger.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard

    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard
    Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.  www.ericweinstein.org www.geometricunity.org Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com www.tcotlc.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2170 - Max Lugavere

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    Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, author, and host of The Genius Life podcast. His debut film Little Empty Boxes is out now. http://littleemptyboxes.com www.maxlugavere.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Hey Besties! Ready for another wild ride in the Confession Corner? Violetta's got the juiciest stories for you. Ever been on a date where you had to do some quick thinking, maybe tell a little white lie? Trust me, you're not alone! We're diving into those hilarious and awkward moments as they take unexpected turns. 

    And, oh boy, get ready for some spice! We're talking about turning up the heat in the bedroom, and yes, it involves food. From a delightful encounter with key lime pie that leaves you questioning cleanliness to accidentally turning a passionate moment into a bit of a bloodbath – these stories are wild, unpredictable, and oh-so-relatable. You won't believe where these confessions lead, but one thing's for sure –  it's a rollercoaster of laughs and surprises. 

    If you want to be featured on the next episode, send an email to press@daddyissuesla.com or call Violetta at 424-278-4268 and leave an anonymous voicemail!

    Today’s Sponsors:

    • Lume - Control Body Odor ANYWHERE with @lumedeodorant and get $5 off off your Starter Pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code ADULTING at https://lumedeodorant.com/ 
    • Nutrafol - Find out why over 4,000 healthcare professionals recommend Nutrafol for healthier hair. Visit https://nutrafol.com/ and use promo code ADULTING
    • Urban Outfitters - Shop https://www.urbanoutfitters.com/ and receive an additional 10% off when you use the code VIOLET10 at checkout

    What to Listen For:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 01:59 Story #1: He cut himself while opening my window on our first date
    • 05:20 Story #2: Eating key lime pie from her p*ssy
    • 10:14 Story #3: I scrapped his d*ck with my nails while I was about to clim*x
    • 17:57 Story #4: I was broken up by him through his mother

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    MDOT with Leslie Mitchell

    MDOT with Leslie Mitchell

    Leslie Mitchell is an improv and stand up comedian here in the Quad Cities and she is brilliant on stage and in real life. She is also full-time graphic designer by day. We had a great conversation about here struggles with anxiety as well as her fight to not let it control her life. We also talked about comedy (of course), NFT's, relationships, and just life in general. Another enjoyable guest I have the privelage of calling a friend. Keep up with Leslie here:



    Releasing Pain through Laughter with Craig Shoemaker

    Releasing Pain through Laughter with Craig Shoemaker

    This world of ours is not an easy one. It’s full of challenges, some real and some imagined, which must be overcome each day. Regardless of the type we face, our first go-to as a society is the medicine cabinet. But what if we chose the most beautiful medicine ever created, the one that everyone has at their disposal, the one that lightens the mood and brings out our very best? What’s that medicine, you ask? Laughter.

    “Seemingly everybody has a mental health issue now that it has become profitable.”

    My guest today is Craig Shoemaker, a man who made his name making others laugh. Laughter also saved him from some dark places and now, he’s making it his life’s mission to help others find the same peace it brought him. He’s seen it all and done a lot too and over the years, laughter, including laughing at himself, has become his go-to when times get hard.

    “If you look at life, it’s almost always tough stuff unless you’re living in a bubble.”

    Join me today as we learn to release pain through laughter while at the same time embracing the precious gift of life. Forgiveness, health, perspective, love, everything can be found in the laugh. It’s time to stop hurting and start healing while laughing on the way to a better place!

    In This Episode:

    • (4:03) – Staying in victimhood keeps you from reaching your destiny.

    • (5:52) – Craig observes how people dance around and bypass conditions of life that can actually be healed.

    • (6:00)- The healing power of laughter.

    • (6:44) – The humor of words with “k”.

    • (8:51) – The power of the source within.

    • (10:01) – Enlightenment comes through laughter. 

    • (13:32) – The “laughitations” and how Craig uses them.

    • (16:24) – Craig and his belief that humility is a superpower. 

    • (16:55) – The trophy Craig considers his most prized possession.

    • (19:30) – The choice to live on a self-evolution path. 

    • (20:20) – If you’re laughing, you’re living in hope.

    • (27:59) – Setting the stage for a change in a relationship. 

    • (29:16) – The false sense of security that is “The Silent Treatment”. 

    • (30:43) – Learn to accept and not force a script. 

    • (34:17) – Everyone lives in some degree of hell.

    • (39:02) – Laughter is the cheapest high you’ll ever get.

    Our Guest

    Craig Shoemaker is an entertainer extraordinaire with a career that spans more than four decades. From stand-up to acting, writing, and producing, his resume speaks to the immense talent he brings to whatever stages he graces. His trophy case includes recognition for Comedian of the Year and two NATAS Emmy Awards. Among a host of other platforms, Shoemaker has been featured on Showtime and has also been on the cover for Netflix. 

    Resources & Links

    Off The Cuff

    Craig Shoemaker

    Ep 58.5: Phantom Limb Syndrome

    Ep 58.5: Phantom Limb Syndrome

    Today James and Casey discuss negotiations with a furniture store, phantom limb syndrome, and imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a common mental health issue with many people who are driven. Let us know your thoughts on it!


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