
    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected consequences of intellectual property rightsBe mindful of using others' content without permission and understand potential implications online.

      Intellectual property rights can be complex and unexpected, as demonstrated by a friend's experience with someone copyrighting a portion of his voice from a YouTube video. The incident involved a video titled "American War Machine," where a rant from the friend's video was used without permission and copyrighted. The friend, who had initially thought it was a joke, was surprised to find his own voice being claimed as the copyrighted material. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of understanding intellectual property rights and the potential consequences of using others' content without permission. Another anecdote shared involved a prank called "Pepsi Spice," where a friend bought the domain name before Pepsi released the product, and created a blog about consuming only Pepsi Spice, causing a stir and confusion within the company. These stories illustrate the importance of being aware of the potential implications of one's actions online.

    • Memories of Pepsi Spice and NYC nightlifeThe speaker shared stories of his past experiences with Pepsi Spice and his love for alcoholic beverages, along with the health issues and adventures that came with his lifestyle in NYC's nightlife scene.

      The speaker shared stories about past experiences involving Pepsi Spice, a spicy holiday drink, and his love for various alcoholic beverages like Fireball and Yeagermeister. He also discussed his past lifestyle, which included heavy drinking and occasional drug use, leading to health issues like fatty liver. Despite his current commitment to sobriety, he reminisced about the adventures and late-night exploits during his time in New York City's nightlife scene. The conversation also touched upon the effects of alcohol on breath and the speaker's dislike for spicy foods and rum.

    • The Comedy Store during Kinneson's era: A wild and intense placeThe Comedy Store in LA during Kinneson's days was known for its intense drug culture, with wild nights and regular drug use being a common occurrence, different from the more casual drug scenes in New York.

      The Comedy Store in LA during the Kinneson days was known for its wild and intense drug culture, which was different from the more carefree drug scenes in New York. The speaker shared stories of partying with Kinneson and Marin, and the dark and intense nature of LA drugs compared to New York's more casual drug use. The speaker also shared personal experiences of living in New York and LA, and how the drug scenes differed in each city. Overall, the Comedy Store during the Kinneson era was a unique and intense place, where wild nights and drug use were a regular occurrence.

    • Denying Historical Atrocities: Consequences and ConsequencesDenying historical atrocities like the Holocaust or Armenian genocide can lead to devastating consequences, including loss of reputation and family ties. Learning about historical events promotes awareness and understanding.

      Denying or downplaying historical atrocities, such as the Holocaust or the Armenian genocide, can have devastating consequences. The speaker shares an experience of encountering Holocaust denial in a YouTube video and discusses a documentary, "Doctor Death," about an engineer who made false claims about gas chambers used during the Holocaust. The engineer's actions led to the loss of his career and family. The speaker also shares an unexpected encounter with the Armenian genocide anniversary and expresses shame for not knowing about it beforehand. The speaker questions why some genocides receive more attention than others but acknowledges that the scale of human suffering is significant regardless of the number of deaths. The speaker encourages learning about historical events to promote awareness and understanding.

    • Media coverage influenced by size and sensationalismThe media's portrayal of events can be influenced by the size and sensationalism of the story, as shown by the contrasting coverage of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson's deaths. A controversial theory suggests Michael Jackson may have been a castrato, adding complexity to understanding famous figures.

      The media's coverage of events can be influenced by the size and sensationalism of the story, as evidenced by the contrasting responses to the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Another intriguing theory discussed was the possibility that Michael Jackson's unique voice and behavior could have been a result of him being a castrato, a practice from the past where boys were castrated to produce a specific singing voice. This theory, while not proven, sheds light on the complexity of understanding famous figures and their motivations. The speaker's fascination with the topic stems from his own feelings of wanting to stay a child and rebel against societal expectations of maturity.

    • Michael Jackson's Personal Family Life vs. Public ImageMichael Jackson's commitment to children was public, but he kept his family life private to shield them from fame's intrusions.

      Michael Jackson's connection to children was profound, but his personal family life was kept private. His children were largely out of the public eye, and it was reportedly his wish to shield them from the intense scrutiny that came with his fame. This contrasted with other celebrities, like Britney Spears and Johnny Depp, whose fame was such that they couldn't go anywhere without being recognized. When Brian Stanhope, a comedian, met Johnny Depp, he realized that Depp's fame had become a hindrance, making simple activities like going to the mall impossible without causing a scene. Michael Jackson's dedication to children, particularly sick ones, was a defining aspect of his life and career, but his personal family life remained a private matter.

    • Advice from Dave ChappelleFame can distort reality, be smart and avoid confrontations, and stay calm and composed to prevent negative consequences.

      Fame comes with its challenges, including unwanted attention and difficult situations. During a comedy tour, Dave Chappelle once advised Joe DeRosa to approach a woman directly and ask if she wanted to suck his dick. Although it seemed like good advice at the time, DeRosa realized later that it could lead to negative consequences and damage his reputation. The incident serves as a reminder that fame can distort reality, and people may spread rumors that never happened. Instead, DeRosa advises being smart and avoiding confrontations, especially when dealing with fans or group situations. It's essential to stay calm and composed, as the smart move is often to walk away from potentially dangerous situations.

    • Misunderstandings and AuthenticityPeople's perceptions can be mistaken, leading to misunderstandings and potential consequences. Authenticity and truth are essential for building trust and strong relationships.

      People's perceptions and experiences can vary greatly, even when it comes to simple interactions or memories. The speaker shared an experience where a man mistakenly identified him as someone else, insisting that they had played golf together. The speaker clarified that he had never played golf in his life. This misunderstanding led the speaker to reflect on the importance of authenticity and the potential consequences of hypocrisy and misrepresentation. The speaker also shared his personal background and how he found solace and balance through martial arts. He emphasized the importance of strength and technique in Jiu Jitsu, and how lifting weights helped him protect his joints and execute moves effectively. The speaker also touched upon the idea of rumors and stories, and how they can be both harmless and harmful, depending on the context. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities of human interactions and the importance of truth and authenticity.

    • Exploring Jiu Jitsu and psychedelics for physical and spiritual growthJiu Jitsu and deep psychedelic experiences offer benefits like understanding the body, overcoming fear, and realizing one's place in the universe, but may not be suitable for everyone due to potential risks and personal limitations.

      Jiu Jitsu and deep psychedelic experiences can provide physical exercise, understanding of the body and fear, and a profound realization of one's place in the universe. However, these experiences may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with severe anxiety or a history of negative reactions to psychedelics. The speaker expresses regret for not starting these practices at a younger age and shares his personal struggles with anxiety and fear of death. He also reflects on the importance of a supportive community, like the one he found in comedy, and the impact of the loss of Anthony Cumia from his radio show.

    • Using Anxiety as MotivationSpeakers can use anxiety before and after performances as motivation to give their best effort and not disappoint their audience. Treat every interaction as a new experience and prioritize commitments.

      The speaker experiences significant anxiety before and after performances, but uses this anxiety as motivation to give their best effort and not disappoint their audience. They care deeply about their performances and the impact they have on their fans. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of treating every interaction as a new experience and not taking anything for granted. They draw inspiration from the Joe DiMaggio principle, always striving to give their best performance for those who have never seen them before. Despite the anxiety, they understand that they cannot always accommodate every request and must prioritize their commitments.

    • Delivering value to every audience, no matter the sizeSuccessful artists understand the importance of delivering their best to every audience, creating a welcoming and interactive environment.

      Providing value and connecting with fans, no matter the size of the audience, is crucial for artists. This was a mentality instilled in the speaker by a wise bird years ago, and it was reinforced by observing successful comics like Burr and the O&A fraternity. These artists understood the importance of delivering their best, even to small audiences, and creating a free-form, interactive environment where everyone felt welcome. This attitude not only built a strong fan base but also made the artistic process more enjoyable for the artists themselves. The O&A show was a prime example of this, where every guest was subjected to good-natured banter and everyone had to be on their toes. While other radio shows may be more structured, the unpredictability and camaraderie of the O&A hangout made for some of the speaker's hardest and most memorable laughs.

    • Experience of comedian communityComedians share a unique bond through humor, pushing boundaries, and a special perspective on life. They connect through their craft and find balance with non-comedians.

      Hanging out with comedians provides a unique and hilarious experience, where saying and sharing "fucked up" things is all part of the art form. Comedians have their own circles, with each level having its own dynamics and camaraderie. Amongst them, there's a freedom to joke about sensitive topics that wouldn't fly in normal company. This shared sense of humor and ability to push boundaries helps comedians connect and thrive in their craft. Additionally, interacting with non-comedians is also essential for a balanced perspective. Overall, the experience of being part of the comedian community is a special one, filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a deep appreciation for the absurdity of life.

    • The Power of IndifferenceIndifference can be a powerful response to hate and negativity, but it's important to understand the nuances of human relationships and when letting go of grudges is not possible or desirable.

      Holding onto grudges and hate can consume energy and emotion, while indifference can be a powerful response to those who seek to provoke or harm us. The speaker shares an example of a comedian's insensitive comment about Robin Williams, which led to a moment of connection between the speaker and their podcast co-host. However, they also acknowledge that there are situations where letting go of grudges is not possible or desirable. The speaker reflects on the complexity of human relationships and the importance of understanding the nuances of hate, love, and indifference. They caution against investing energy in arguments with strangers or those who do not deserve our attention, and emphasize the power of indifference as a response to trolls and haters. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to reflect on our own emotional responses and consider the impact of our actions on ourselves and others.

    • Online friend turns hostile, speaker learns to disengageOnline interactions can be hurtful, choose where to invest energy, recognize toxicity, prioritize emotional well-being.

      Online interactions can sometimes lead to intense and hurtful exchanges, especially when emotions run high. In this case, the speaker had a history of friendship with someone who suddenly turned hostile on social media. The speaker tried to address the issue directly but was met with continued hostility, leading to the decision to unfollow and disengage. The experience left the speaker feeling sad for the other person's behavior and recognizing the importance of choosing where to invest energy and focus. The incident also highlighted the paradoxical nature of online communication, where people can be both supportive and cruel, and where the line between playful banter and personal attacks can be blurred. Ultimately, the speaker learned to prioritize their own emotional well-being and to recognize when it was time to disengage from a toxic online interaction.

    • Andy Kinler's stance on constructive discussions vs. inflammatory attacksAndy Kinler advocates for open dialogue and factual discussions to address sensitive issues, rather than emotional outbursts or attacks based on inflammatory reasons. Choosing to associate with those who engage in harmful speech can reflect negatively on one's character.

      The situation between Andy Kinler and Anthony from Opie and Anthony involves complex issues, and reactions without proper understanding can lead to harmful outcomes. Kinler expressed his desire to distance himself from those who attack others based on inflammatory reasons, rather than engaging in constructive discussions. The incident involving Anthony's controversial comments and subsequent responses led to a sensitive and nuanced issue, which Kinler felt should have been addressed through open dialogue and facts, rather than emotional outbursts. Additionally, the company one keeps and the platforms they choose to use can reflect on their character, as seen when Anthony appeared on a white nationalist radio show to defend himself. Ultimately, it's essential to approach sensitive topics with care, understanding, and a commitment to finding solutions rather than fueling attacks.

    • Friend's racist remarks create ethical dilemmaFree speech has consequences, impacting various communities and requiring ethical consideration beyond simple rights.

      Free speech comes with consequences, especially when it involves sensitive topics like race. A friend of the speaker had made racist remarks on a radio show, and while the speaker defended his friend's right to free speech, he also recognized the ethical dilemma of continuing to associate with him. The speaker believed that the situation was not a simple free speech issue and required consideration of the impact on various communities and potential harm caused. The speaker also criticized the one-sided approach to the issue and urged for a more nuanced understanding.

    • Environment and circumstances shape communities, not raceRecognize and address environmental and societal issues in impoverished areas, not based on race, for effective solutions

      The root cause of crime and poverty in communities is not solely related to race, but rather the environment and circumstances people grow up in. Poverty and crime create a cycle that passes down through generations, leading to distorted and difficult upbringings. These environments can be found in various communities, regardless of race. Social engineering and addressing the environmental and societal issues in impoverished areas could be effective solutions. It's essential to recognize that these issues are not limited to any specific race and require a collective effort from society to address. The focus should be on improving the conditions and providing support for children growing up in challenging environments, rather than making assumptions based on race.

    • The Complexity of Fan LoyaltyFan loyalty can lead to extreme actions, but it's important to consider the values and unity of the show or community, and respect others' privacy and boundaries.

      Fan loyalty can lead to extreme actions, but it may not always align with the values or unity that a show or community stands for. In the discussed situation, fans of a radio show canceled their subscriptions en masse to bring back a controversial figure, which felt like mob mentality to some. However, the fans argued that it was their only way to voice their opinion and force the company's hand. Another issue raised was the ethics of taking photographs of strangers without their consent, particularly when it involves a man taking pictures of a woman. The discussion underscores the complexity of fan loyalty and the potential consequences of extreme actions, as well as the importance of respecting others' privacy and boundaries.

    • Misunderstandings and Biases Leading to Tragic ConsequencesEffective communication and empathy can prevent misunderstandings and potentially violent altercations. Biases and backgrounds can influence perceptions and escalate situations.

      The lack of clear communication and understanding between individuals can lead to misunderstandings and potentially violent altercations. The case of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman highlights this issue, as the two seemed to have misinterpreted each other's actions, leading to tragic consequences. Additionally, the backgrounds and biases of those involved can also play a role in how situations are perceived and resolved. The incident, along with the involvement of law enforcement with questionable records, added to the complexity and controversy of the case. Ultimately, effective communication and empathy could have potentially prevented the tragic outcome.

    • Effective communication resolves conflictsCommunicate openly and honestly to avoid misunderstandings and form fair opinions. Everyone deals with challenges, so show empathy and understanding.

      Communication and understanding are key in resolving conflicts. The speaker shared an experience where they texted someone twice and didn't receive a response until the second time. They were initially upset but later discovered the reason for the delayed response. However, the speaker felt disappointed when the person didn't defend the speaker against online attacks. The speaker believes that people should communicate openly and honestly before forming opinions, and that everyone may be dealing with their own challenges and overwhelming situations. The incident served as a reminder to the speaker about the importance of empathy and effective communication.

    • Navigating Complex Conversations on Social MediaDespite potential confrontations, societal issues require compassionate solutions and understanding different perspectives.

      While some people may take social media platforms like Twitter seriously and experience confrontations, others may choose to ignore or ban users instead. Friendships can be deep and complex, even when individuals disagree on certain issues. However, having a productive conversation with someone who refuses to engage can be challenging. The speaker in this discussion believes that societal issues, such as poverty and economic disparities, require compassionate solutions, but acknowledges that these topics can be contentious and may elicit strong reactions. Ultimately, the speaker values the complexity of these issues and the importance of understanding different perspectives, even if they don't align with one's own.

    • The Future of Radio is OnlineThe interviewee sees the future of radio in the internet, where listeners have more control and less restrictions compared to traditional satellite radio.

      The interviewee believes that the future of radio lies in the internet, where listeners have more control over what they listen to and when, as opposed to traditional satellite radio, which he sees as more restrictive and archaic. He also mentions that he would have preferred to discuss race-related issues on a radio show, but only if it was a preset topic, and that his personal grievances with a particular host led to a public disagreement. The interviewee also defends himself against accusations of being upset or hurt, stating that he is not and that the situation is not about the issue itself but about the relationship between the individuals involved.

    • Challenges of open and honest discussionsEffective communication requires open-mindedness, understanding intentions, and productive dialogue to overcome misunderstandings and disagreements. Avoiding online negativity and obsession also plays a role in maintaining healthy discussions.

      Open and honest discussions can be challenging, especially when dealing with sensitive and complex topics. People may have different perspectives and approaches, leading to misunderstandings and disagreements. In this discussion, the speakers expressed frustration over a lack of open-mindedness and willingness to engage in productive dialogue. They also touched upon the issue of online negativity and the potential for anxiety and obsession. Ultimately, the importance of understanding intentions and motivations was emphasized as crucial for effective communication and resolution of conflicts.

    • Addressing complex issues with understanding and communicationRecognize the importance of acknowledging problems while also proposing solutions and fostering productive discussions. Be mindful of the impact of words and actions, especially in sensitive contexts.

      Communication and understanding are key when addressing complex issues, especially those related to race and community. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges the existence of real problems in certain communities but expresses frustration with the denial and anger they encountered from a former friend. They also highlight the importance of addressing potential solutions alongside the identification of problems to foster productive and nuanced discussions. The speaker's personal experience with their friend's involvement in a white nationalist show serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of divisive language and the importance of being mindful of the impact of our words and actions. The conversation also touches on the complexities and nuances surrounding the use of pride symbols and the historical context that shapes their meaning.

    • Understanding the complexities of racial tensionsAvoid dismissing experiences of others, strive for empathy and understanding, and acknowledge unique struggles of different communities to achieve true harmony and equality.

      The complex issue of race and the resulting tensions cannot be simplified with a "stop your complaining" approach. The history of racial setbacks and headaches is not evenly distributed, and it's important to acknowledge and understand the unique experiences and struggles of different communities. Racism, rooted in limiting assumptions and prejudice, is a major source of human suffering and a complex topic that requires nuanced and thoughtful discussion. It's essential to avoid dismissing the experiences of others and to strive for empathy and understanding. Ultimately, achieving true harmony and equality among people of all races is a challenging goal, but one that is worth pursuing.

    • Personal growth and success key to overcoming societal issuesFocusing on personal growth and success, even if it means leaving current environment, empowers individuals to bring about meaningful change

      Individual success and independence are key to overcoming seemingly insurmountable societal issues. The mentality of sticking together and not striving for personal growth can hold people back, creating a cycle of despair. This issue is particularly prevalent in communities where people feel trapped, such as inner cities or areas with a strong sense of tradition or conservatism. To truly make a difference, it's essential to focus on personal growth and success, even if it means leaving one's current environment. This approach may be met with resistance, but it's the only way to bring about meaningful change from the outside. Ultimately, the goal should be to empower individuals to break free from their circumstances and create opportunities for themselves and their communities.

    • Conformity in the Entertainment IndustryThe entertainment industry in LA rewards conformity and liberal thinking due to competition, leading to a perceived trap for individuals and communities.

      The entertainment industry in Los Angeles, particularly show business, rewards conformity and liberal thinking due to the competitive nature of the business. This mentality is not unique to Southern California but is a human survival instinct. The speaker also notes that there is a higher prevalence of liberal thinking in the entertainment industry compared to other industries, leading to a perceived trap of conformity. The speaker draws parallels between this and the behavioral traps experienced by immigrant communities. While the discovery of a large underground water reservoir was mentioned off-topic, it does not impact the main takeaway.

    • New discoveries challenge our understanding of Earth's water contentScientists found large amounts of water deep within Earth, suggesting only a quarter of Earth's water is in oceans. New life forms discovered deep in the ocean and under lava add to Earth's mysteries.

      Scientists have discovered a vast amount of water deep within the Earth, in the form of a water-heavy mineral called ringwoodite. This discovery challenges our current understanding of Earth's water content, as it suggests that only a quarter of Earth's total water is located in the oceans, while the rest is hidden deep beneath the surface. The implications of this discovery are significant, as it could potentially explain how Earth became covered in water in the first place. Additionally, the discovery of new life forms, such as a recently discovered deep-sea mushroom and lava-dwelling animals, highlights the incredible diversity and complexity of life on our planet. Overall, these discoveries serve as a reminder of the vast mysteries that still lie hidden within our own world.

    • Carnivorous Plants: Blurring the Line Between Plants and AnimalsCarnivorous plants, like the Venus flytrap and Nepenthesatin Baroghe, consume organisms for sustenance, blurring the line between plants and animals. These plants have unique adaptations to attract and trap their prey, highlighting the fascinating and often overlooked world of carnivorous plants.

      The line between plants and animals can be blurred when we consider carnivorous plants that trap and consume other organisms. During the discussion, the example of Venus flytraps was brought up, leading to a conversation about the Venus flytrap's predatory behavior and the need to provide it with live or dead insects for sustenance. The conversation then expanded to include other carnivorous plants, such as one that was mentioned to consume rats. The speakers also touched upon the issue of fair use when sharing information and videos online. The conversation concluded with the mention of a specific carnivorous plant called Nepenthesatin Baroghe, which is known for consuming frogs, mice, and other animals. Overall, the discussion highlighted the fascinating and often overlooked world of carnivorous plants and their unique adaptations.

    • New discoveries in the Amazon rainforestThe Amazon rainforest, home to countless undiscovered plants, continues to reveal new species and potential cures, fueling the race for pharmaceutical companies to explore and harness their power.

      Despite the vast expanse of the Amazon rainforest and its abundant plant and animal life, new discoveries continue to be made. For instance, a new plant species was identified in 2009, highlighting the vast amount of biodiversity that remains undiscovered. The Amazon rainforest is massive, larger than the continental United States, China, India, and Italy combined, but it appears smaller on maps due to distortion. The rainforests in Brazil, Peru, and other parts of South America are home to countless plants, many of which have potential medicinal properties. For example, researchers are exploring the venom of the Brazilian wandering spider to develop a new, more powerful erectile dysfunction drug. With so many undiscovered plants and potential cures, the race is on for pharmaceutical companies to explore and harness their power.

    • Fear of Dangerous Spiders and Job LossesThe speaker expresses fear of poisonous spiders, shares personal experiences, and sympathizes with those bitten. He also expresses frustration over job losses at Macworld and the transition to digital media, but is excited about new payment plans for Apple products using NFC technology.

      The speaker expresses a fear and dislike for dangerous creatures, specifically poisonous spiders like black widows and brown widows, which are prevalent on the west coast. He shares personal experiences of encountering these spiders in his home and expresses sympathy for those who have been bitten and suffered consequences. The conversation also touches on the recent layoffs at Macworld, a technology publication, and the transition to digital media. The speaker expresses frustration over the loss of jobs for employees who worked hard to cover the launch of new Apple products. Additionally, the conversation mentions the new payment plans for Apple products using near-field communication technology, which allows for contactless payments using a smartphone.

    • Discussing new tech advancements and their limitationsNew tech brings improvements but also power consumption concerns, potential for novel payment methods, and the need to adapt usage habits

      Technology continues to advance, with larger phone screens and improved features becoming more common. However, these advancements often come with increased power consumption. The discussion also touched upon the potential for using phones to make purchases, with the introduction of Apple Pay. Despite the excitement around new technologies, there are concerns about their limitations and potential drawbacks. For instance, the battery life of phones may not significantly improve, and using certain features, like Wi-Fi, can drain the battery quickly. Additionally, there's the potential for novel payment methods, such as using body parts for recognition, although the feasibility and practicality of such technologies remain to be seen. Ultimately, it's essential to consider the trade-offs and adapt our usage habits to make the most of new technologies while minimizing their drawbacks.

    • Smartwatches: Convenience or Privacy Concerns?Smartwatches offer convenience with quick messages and directions, but raise privacy concerns and debates over battery life, durability, and screen size.

      The discussion revolves around the new technology of wearing smartwatches, which are gaining popularity but raise concerns about privacy and convenience. Burgos warned years ago that relying too much on technology could lead to being shut down by the government once they decide to, and now with smartwatches, people's lives are increasingly dependent on these devices. Some find the convenience of quick messages and directions appealing, while others see it as unnecessary and even goofy. The battery life and durability are also concerns, and the size of the screen is debated as being inconvenient compared to using a phone. Overall, there is a divide in opinion about the usefulness and necessity of smartwatches.

    • Joe DeRosa's Comedy Experience and New AlbumJoe DeRosa had a great time at the comedy event, plans to perform, new album 'Mistakes Were Made: The B Sides' available for $10, podcast 'Down with Joe DeRosa', sponsors: Blue Apron, Dollar Shave Club, Stamps.com, Onnit, free trials/discounts available

      Joe DeRosa had an enjoyable experience at the comedy event, lasting around three hours. He hopes he helped alleviate any anxiety and plans to perform a set that evening. His new album, "Mistakes Were Made: The B Sides," is available now on iTunes and Amazon for $10. His podcast, "Down with Joe DeRosa," can be found on his website or iTunes, where he talks about one topic for an hour. His comedy can be found on jotaroscomedy.com, and he will be working around town this weekend. Joe also thanked the sponsors of the event, including Blue Apron, Dollar Shave Club, Stamps.com, and Onnit. Blue Apron offers a free trial of their meal delivery service at blueapron.com/Rogan. Dollar Shave Club can be found at dollarshaveclub.com/Rogan. Stamps.com offers a $110 bonus offer with the code word JRE, including a free digital scale and up to $55 in free postage at Stamps.com. Lastly, Onnit.com offers a 10% discount with the code word Rogan on all supplements. Additionally, Ice House is sold out this weekend, but there are tickets available for Thunder Pussies. Joe will be back the next day with Timber Net from Solo Hunters.

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    Fermented Food Facts: Nutrition Expert Vicky Shanta Retelny Explains it All

    What exactly are fermented foods and why should we be eating them? Rick and Kate have no idea and think they might be gross, but their guest Vicki Shanta Retelny has all the answers everyone needs. What are some common fermented foods? What are the types and processes of fermentation? What are the benefits for health and immunity, and what role do bacteria play in our digestive tract? Vicki Shanta Retelny, RDN, LDN, is a nationally-recognized lifestyle nutrition expert, culinary and media consultant.  She walks Kate and Rick through gut health, the power of kombucha, and why is everyone so hopped up on probiotics.




    You Won’t Believe What I Ate Last Night is the ongoing conversation by Kate DeVore and Rick Fiori about their endeavor to be and stay healthy in a really tasty world with kindness and compassion towards themselves and others. Perfect if you are interested in: food, eating, diet, weight loss, weight management, health, fitness, compassion, kindness, meditation, mindfulness, humor, comedy, friendship, weight gain, a foodie, podcasts, and healthy eating. Vicki Shanta Retelny is the author of two books, The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods and latest book, Total Body Diet for Dummies, is available on Amazon now. With a particular interest in mindful eating, her byline has appeared in dozens of national publications, and numerous tv shows including The Costco Connection, EatingWell Magazine and Chicago Health Magazine.  Vicki has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, contributes to WGN-TV’s Medical Watch, CBS-TV and ABC-TV in Chicago. Vicki’s blogs her recipes and writings at SimpleCravingsRealFood.com