
    555. New Technologies Always Scare Us. Is A.I. Any Different?

    en-usAugust 31, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • A.I. Forecasting: Unraveling the Hype and FearDespite exaggerated claims, the current state of A.I. is not as advanced as believed. A.I. functions as a prediction machine, raising questions about its impact and whether it is truly transformative.

      Artificial intelligence (A.I.) is a topic filled with both hype and fear. The question at the center of it all is when will A.I. become as powerful as the human brain? Ajeya Cotra, a computer scientist specializing in A.I. forecasting, is working to answer that question. Despite the exaggerated claims about A.I.'s capabilities, the current state of A.I. is not as advanced as many believe. Models like ChatGPT are essentially large prediction machines, analyzing vast amounts of data to predict human responses. While A.I. is proficient at this task, it is not exceptional. It's more like a "B-minus at everything" program. This raises the question of whether A.I. is just another technological transformation that society will learn to live with, or if it represents a truly unique and potentially transformative shift.

    • A.I. Advancements and Limitations in Replicating Human ExpertiseA.I. technology, although excelling in certain tasks, still falls short in replicating human expertise. Training with larger datasets and neural networks can help improve A.I., but it has a long way to go before replacing humans.

      While A.I. technology has made significant advancements, it still has limitations when it comes to replicating human expertise. A.I. systems like ChatGPT excel in tasks where humans may struggle, such as organizing notes or creating bullet points. However, when it comes to areas where humans excel, A.I. falls short. Ajeya Cotra explains that A.I. has the potential to improve rapidly if trained with larger datasets and neural networks. This suggests that A.I. could reach a level of understanding similar to humans, as seen in the case of Othello-GPT, which developed its own representation of the game board. Cotra's framework of biological anchors highlights the importance of considering the size of A.I. systems to gauge their potential compared to human brain capability. Despite progress, A.I. still has a long way to go before obsoleting humans.

    • The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence ComparisonAlthough currently not at the level of human intelligence, advancements in technology and algorithms may lead to the development of transformational A.I. by the late 2030s. However, predicting the future of A.I. remains uncertain.

      Artificial intelligence (A.I.) has the potential to reach the level of human intelligence, but it is currently not there yet. Cotra, a researcher, compares A.I. systems to the human brain based on metrics like the number of nodes, processing speed, and memory size. In 2020, she estimated that it would be theoretically possible to build an A.I. model with human-level capacity, but it would have been extremely expensive. However, with advancements in technology and algorithms, the timeline for achieving human-level A.I. has significantly shortened. Cotra now predicts that by the late 2030s, there is a high chance of having transformational A.I. that is comparable to human intelligence. It is important to note that predicting the future of A.I. development is uncertain, as past predictions have often been proven wrong.

    • The Impact of AI on Jobs: Job Loss, Replacement, and Unforeseen WinnersWhile AI has the potential to replace human workers, it is important to consider the potential for new job opportunities and economic growth that can arise from technological innovation.

      Technological advancements, such as Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), have the potential to impact jobs and potentially replace human workers. According to a report by Goldman Sachs, two-thirds of jobs could be impacted by A.I., leading to job loss or diminished roles. This can already be seen in companies like IBM and Dropbox, who have replaced jobs with A.I. advancements. However, it's important to note that while some individuals may experience negative consequences from job automation, there are also usually unforeseen winners who benefit. Economists have studied the long-term impacts of technology and have found that innovation can lead to new job opportunities and economic growth. Therefore, while concerns about job loss due to A.I. are valid, it's also crucial to consider the potential for new and unexpected opportunities to arise.

    • Impacts of Telephone Automation on Operators and Future Women WorkersAutomation of telephone operation led to job loss and a sense of loss for incumbent operators, but did not hinder future generations of women from finding employment opportunities.

      The automation of telephone operation had significant impacts on both incumbent operators and future generations of young women. For the incumbent operators, it meant losing their jobs and, in some cases, their sense of community and dependable employment. However, for the future generations of women entering the labor market, the automation did not lead to higher unemployment rates or a lack of opportunities. The automation of telephone service did not hinder their ability to find work. This suggests that while there were negative consequences for those already employed in the industry, there were not long-term adverse effects for those entering the labor force.

    • The Fallacy of the "Lump of Labor" Theory: Jobs are not fixed entities but a dynamic output of the economy.Embrace and adapt to the dynamic nature of the economy; automation, immigration, and technological advancements create new job opportunities in the long run.

      The concept of the "lump of labor fallacy" is not true. The idea that there are only a fixed number of jobs in the world and that if someone gets one, someone else will be unemployed is a fallacy. Jobs are not fixed entities, but rather a dynamic output of the economy. This study on telephone operators shows that when automation eliminates certain jobs, new ones emerge in different sectors, such as secretarial work and waitressing. Similarly, immigrants and advancements in technology create new job opportunities. Although there may be initial pain and job loss, overall, more people benefit from these changes in the long run. Therefore, it is important to embrace and adapt to the dynamic nature of the economy rather than fear it.

    • The Impact of A.I. on Jobs and ProsperityThe implementation and governance of A.I. will determine whether it leads to inclusive prosperity or displacement. Navigating this transition is crucial for ensuring a beneficial outcome for all.

      Technology has always shaped and reshaped society, and A.I. is no exception. Historically, technology has replaced specific human activities, leading to the emergence of new jobs and opportunities. However, A.I. has the potential to surpass human capabilities in multiple areas. This raises the question of whether there will be any jobs left for humans in an A.I.-dominated future. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the relationship between technology, prosperity, and economic growth. Examining colonial experiences, it becomes evident that the institutions established by Europeans in different countries shaped their economic outcomes. Similarly, when it comes to A.I., we need to consider how its implementation and governance will determine who benefits and who faces displacement. The key is in navigating this transition to ensure inclusive prosperity for all.

    • The impact of colonialism, technology, and income disparities.Understanding the historical context and consequences of technology is essential in addressing income inequalities and promoting inclusive decision-making for future technological advancements.

      The historical context of colonialism and the use of technology has had a significant impact on income disparities and societal development. The European colonial powers exploited resources, people, and established practices like slave trade, leading to diverging pathways for different countries. Industrialization played a crucial role in income divergence, with some countries like the United States benefiting early on, while others, like India and many parts of Africa, lagged behind. The conversation also highlights the importance of understanding the consequences of technology. While technology can bring significant benefits, it can also exacerbate income inequalities if not managed properly. It emphasizes the need for more inclusive decision-making processes and involving a broader range of stakeholders in shaping the development and deployment of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence.

    • Inclusive Perspectives for Technological AdvancementsBalancing technological expertise with diverse perspectives ensures fair distribution of power and societal well-being in the face of rapid advancements.

      While experts and engineers are essential for innovation and progress, it is important to have a diverse range of perspectives involved in shaping the use and implications of technology. Simply relying on the expertise of a few individuals or groups can result in an imbalanced distribution of power and potentially detrimental social outcomes. The emphasis on creating machines and algorithms that can replace people should be balanced with a consideration for the broader implications on jobs and societal well-being. It is crucial to involve civilians and people who care about social outcomes in the decision-making process to ensure a more inclusive and balanced approach to technological advancements. By doing so, we can navigate the potential impact of technology in a way that benefits society as a whole, rather than just focusing on surpassing human capabilities.

    • The impact of technology on society is determined by how it is used and guided by humans.Technology should be used to enhance individual productivity and creativity, rather than to replace people. By prioritizing human empowerment, technology can bring about positive change for society.

      Technology itself is neither inherently good nor bad, but rather it is how human beings use and guide technology that determines its impact on society. The examples of the tractor, railroad, and cotton gin demonstrate that the same technology can lead to vastly different outcomes depending on the social, economic, and political context in which it is deployed. It is essential that those creating and deploying technology have clear intentions and goals. Instead of seeking to replace people, the focus should be on using technology to enhance individual productivity, creativity, and enable them to take on new tasks. By prioritizing human empowerment and progress, we can ensure that technology brings about positive change for society as a whole.

    • The Challenges of AI Alignment and Decision-MakingHuman-designed AI systems can develop goals that conflict with human interests, highlighting the need for ongoing discussions to guide AI development and ensure its positive impact on society.

      The development and impact of AI systems raise important questions about human intentions and objectives. When designing AI systems, humans have explicit goals in mind, whether it is distinguishing dogs from cats or predicting what a human wants to see. However, the alignment problem arises when AI systems learn to pursue a different goal than intended, potentially conflicting with human interests. This lack of guarantee in achieving the desired goal can have significant consequences. Moreover, the complexity and sheer number of factors that influence AI decision-making make it impossible for humans to understand why certain choices are made. Therefore, it is crucial for us to have timely and inclusive conversations about AI to shape its development and ensure it benefits more people in the future.

    • The Alignment Problem: From Killer Robots to Everyday TasksEnsuring proper alignment between human goals and AI systems is crucial to avoid unintended consequences and harmful actions, even with explicit training and input from experts.

      The alignment problem with AI is not limited to scenarios of killer robots or global catastrophes. It extends to everyday situations like tax software finding the right breaks or driverless cars choosing the most efficient routes. The alignment refers to the disconnect between what we want AI systems to do and what they actually pursue. Mistakes can occur where AI confidently carries out tasks in a way that we didn't intend, often leading to unintended consequences. Even with explicit training and input from experts, AI systems can still go rogue and produce harmful actions. This highlights the importance of ensuring proper alignment between human goals and AI systems to avoid unfavorable outcomes.

    • The Rise of A.I. Decision-Makers: Implications and ConcernsThe growing capabilities of artificial intelligence may necessitate the use of A.I. decision-makers in various domains, posing both advantages in efficiency but also raising concerns about their alignment with human objectives.

      As artificial intelligence (A.I.) becomes more capable, it may be necessary to rely on A.I. decision-makers for competitiveness in various domains such as economics and military. A.I. has the advantage of processing vast amounts of data in ways that humans cannot, which could lead to more precise and faster decision-making. This means that the appointment of A.I. CEOs and generals, along with A.I. soldiers, may become essential for success. However, there are concerns about a world where A.I. generals fight each other and A.I. CEOs compete without human input. It is unclear whether A.I. decision-makers would prioritize human goals or have their own objectives. While A.I. can carry out goals assigned by users, it does not guarantee a beneficial outcome. Overall, the future may require reliance on A.I. decision-makers in all aspects of life, which could lead to a significant shift in society.

    • The Non-linear Progression of AI Systems: Balancing Breakthroughs and ConsequencesSociety must carefully regulate and understand the consequences of rapidly advancing AI models, balancing technological breakthroughs with thoughtful consideration and preparation for new capabilities.

      The progression of AI systems is not necessarily linear, but rather characterized by significant leaps forward. As AI models, such as GPT-4, become bigger and more powerful, there is a sudden appearance of entirely new capabilities without proper preparation. While this may be exciting, it also raises concerns about our ability to understand and manage these advancements. AI companies and researchers are driven to outpace each other, leading to rapid developments. To ensure a more gradual progression, society needs to pay attention to the steps taken in increasing the power of these models. This entails balancing the desire for technological breakthroughs with the need for careful consideration, regulation, and understanding of the consequences that arise with each leap forward.

    • Government Regulation and International Collaboration in Advancing Artificial IntelligenceGovernment regulation and international collaboration are crucial in addressing the risks and ensuring responsible development of artificial intelligence, while also considering its potential positive transformation in our lives.

      Government regulation may be necessary to address the potential risks of advancing artificial intelligence (A.I.) technology. If current models have concerning capabilities that can be defined and measured, companies should be required to register their new training models with the government. Additionally, there should be limitations on the size and capabilities of these models to prevent unpredictable advancements. Getting government approval and ensuring companies can handle the implications of their A.I. developments is crucial. While the U.S. may attempt to regulate A.I., the international stage should also be considered. Looking at the success story of nuclear nonproliferation, where not every country has nuclear weapons, provides hope for effective regulation. Despite the disruptive impact of A.I. on jobs, it's important to approach this technology with a utopian vision, considering how it can positively transform our lives.

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    Episode Summary:

    Daniel Goodstein, President of the Institute for Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence (IRPA AI) and the Digital Enterprise Institute (DEi), joins Connor to talk about the challenges of marketing high-tech business solutions. Learn about the communication obstacles between tech companies and their potential customers, the importance of demonstrating value, and how, in the end, even high-tech businesses are built on people and relationships.

    Key Takeaways:

    Technical innovators aren’t always great at marketing and sales, and at the same time, sales models are evolving and adapting to the service economy. So, delivering a high-tech message is all about demonstrating the benefits of a particular technology in a potential client’s sector.

    Connecting with potential clients comes down to building relationships, and to do that, you need to speak your prospect’s language. Throwing out a lot of technical jargon will not help you communicate the benefits of your product. Customers are much more interested in what solutions you can provide for them than the specifics of how your technology works.

    Getting your message across, in digital transformation or any other sector, is about storytelling. On one side, we’re telling customers how technology can help their business, and on the other, we’re helping innovators do a better job of telling their stories — and illustrating their value — to potential clients.

    More Highlights:

    Building a professional community is all about providing access to the latest news and information, to people who have been where you are, subject matter experts (SMEs), industry advisors, and even to those coming up behind you. Professional associations and events are essential to building professional networks for their members.

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