
    56 How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change with Adam Braun

    enMarch 17, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • From $25 to 200 schools: One man's dream to make a differenceAnyone can create extraordinary change with a heartfelt idea, determination, and a strong team.

      An ordinary person with a big heart and a clear vision can create extraordinary change in the world. Adam Braun, the guest on this episode of the School of Greatness, started with just $25 and a dream to build a school, which has now grown into Pencils of Promise, an organization that has built over 200 schools around the world. Adam's story shows that you don't need special talents or skills to make a difference. All you need is a heartfelt idea, the willingness to take action, and the ability to build a strong team. Even with setbacks and mistakes along the way, the journey is worth it. If you have a dream, believe in it, and take the necessary steps to make it a reality, you too can create something extraordinary.

    • From ordinary to extraordinary: One man's journey to change the world through educationStarting from humble beginnings, an individual's passion for education led to the creation of an organization making a global impact.

      An ordinary person, even if raised in affluence, can create extraordinary change. The founder of this educational organization started it about four years after its inception in 2009, and they're currently focusing on deepening their impact in Guatemala, Ghana, and Laos. His journey, as detailed in his book "The Promise of a Pencil," is reminiscent of "The Alchemist." Growing up in Greenwich, Connecticut, he was exposed to diversity and instilled with values not to take anything for granted. A pivotal moment came in high school when he hosted two boys from Mozambique, who had been promised a great American education but instead found themselves in a rundown church. This experience sparked a passion for education and led him to create an organization that's now making a difference around the world.

    • Opening eyes to the world beyondPersonal experiences and cultural exposure broaden perspectives and aspirations, inspiring new life choices.

      Personal experiences and exposures to diverse cultures can significantly broaden one's perspective and aspirations in life. The speaker shares how welcoming two boys from Mozambique into his family opened his eyes to the world beyond his small town and ignited his desire to live a different life. Similarly, growing up with exchange students and watching a film about various cultures around the world also had a profound impact on him. Additionally, the speaker's own personal experience of following an inner voice to travel and explore the world led him to have pivotal experiences and make life-changing decisions. These experiences demonstrate the power of stepping out of one's comfort zone and being open to new opportunities and perspectives.

    • Near-death experience led to understanding life's purposeA near-death experience made the speaker realize his life had a purpose, and he became driven to make a difference in the world by providing education to children in need.

      A near-death experience gave the speaker a profound realization of the purpose of his existence. He came to understand that his life was not a random event, but rather, he had a role to play. The second takeaway was the eye-opening discovery of the vast number of children around the world lacking access to quality education. This realization led him to become obsessed with making a difference and traveling to develop countries to learn from communities and provide resources, starting with a simple pencil. These experiences shaped his perspective and drove him to focus on discovering and fulfilling his life's purpose.

    • Overcoming Adversity on Semester at SeaThrough unity and perseverance, Semester at Sea passengers overcame unexpected challenges and gained valuable experiences, connections, and a renewed sense of purpose.

      The Semester at Sea program, despite facing unexpected challenges, proved to be an incredible and unforgettable experience. The passengers, including students and elderly mentors, came together in the face of adversity and formed strong connections. This sense of unity was particularly evident after the ship encountered a large wave, causing it to miss the first two stops but allowing the semester to continue with visits to China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, India, Kenya, South Africa, Brazil, and Venezuela. Despite the potential danger and uncertainty, the experience instilled a deep sense of gratitude and a desire to make the most of every moment. After the semester, many students, including the speaker, were encouraged to pursue their career goals while using their newfound knowledge and connections to make a positive impact on the world.

    • Discovering Passion in Volunteer WorkTaking a work sabbatical to volunteer can lead to personal growth, passion, and making a positive impact on the world.

      The speaker discovered a lack of business acumen and commitment to results in the non-profit sector, which contrasted sharply with his experiences in the corporate world. Feeling disconnected from his own life and in search of passion, he decided to use a work sabbatical to volunteer in Cambodia and build a school through his organization, Pencils of Promise. This experience allowed him to honor his grandmother's legacy and make a tangible difference in the lives of children in poverty. Ultimately, the speaker's story highlights the importance of finding meaning and passion in one's work and making a positive impact on the world.

    • Embrace discomfort and speak in future tense for a meaningful projectStarting a project from a personal passion can grow into something significant when you adopt the mindset and language of your future self, embracing discomfort along the way.

      Finding your passion and speaking the language of your future self can lead to creating something meaningful and significant, even if it starts as a personal project. The speaker, who wanted to build a school as a tribute to her grandmother, initially saw it as a small endeavor. However, by embracing discomfort and speaking in future tense, she transformed it into a large organization serving hundreds of schools within five years. Many successful entrepreneurs begin with a personal issue they aim to address, and by adopting the mindset and language of their future selves, they can turn their vision into a reality.

    • From idea to reality: The power of authentic speech and actionSpeaking authentically about ideas and taking action can lead to the recruitment of top talent and the scaling of organizations. Ideas have the power to manifest when we live into the language of the person we want to become and draw on the skills and passions of volunteers.

      Ideas have the power to physically manifest in the world when we speak about them authentically and put ourselves in uncertain situations. This was demonstrated by an individual's journey from discussing the idea of building schools in the developing world to actually making it a reality. By living into the language of the person they wanted to become and drawing on the skills and passions of volunteers, they were able to create an organization from the ground up, with total ownership and a sense of we, rather than I. This authentic and experiential approach led to the recruitment of top talent from various industries and the scaling of the organization. Ideas, when spoken and acted upon with passion and authenticity, can have a ripple effect across lives and the universe.

    • Embrace new experiences to discover your callingStep out of comfort zone, take risks, make difficult choices, and put yourself in new environments to uncover your unique purpose in life

      To discover your calling and find a sense of purpose in life, you need to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences. This means taking risks and making difficult choices, even if they make you uncomfortable. The first step might be as simple as taking a solo trip or breaking up with a stagnant relationship, but the ultimate goal is to put yourself in an environment where you can truly discover who you are. Another crucial step is acknowledging that you have a unique purpose in life, and it's essential to understand that this goes beyond having goals or aspirations. By recognizing your purpose, you can begin to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. The author of the book "Do the Work" shares his personal experiences and provides 30 mantras or guideposts to help you get started on this journey. The first mantra is to leave the constraints of your comfort zone and embrace new experiences.

    • Embrace personal growth momentsAcknowledge purpose, step out of comfort zone, let go of past identities, and never take 'no' from those who can't say 'yes' for significant personal growth

      Discovering your purpose involves acknowledging its existence, stepping out of your comfort zone, and being open to "lightning moments" that can lead to significant personal growth. These moments can be transformative but may require letting go of past identities and embracing new opportunities. Additionally, never taking "no" from those who can't say "yes" can help you overcome obstacles and achieve the seemingly impossible. The story shared highlights the importance of perseverance and believing in oneself, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges.

    • Persistence and vulnerability are essential for achieving goalsRelentlessly pursue resources, ask for specific donations, and be vulnerable to form meaningful relationships and push past comfort zones

      Persistence and vulnerability are key to achieving your goals, especially when it comes to asking for help or resources. The speaker shared a personal story about securing pro bono resources for his nonprofit by relentlessly pursuing the decision maker and ultimately forming a mentorship with the CEO. He also emphasized the importance of asking for specific donations, even if it's uncomfortable, and being vulnerable about your weaknesses to those around you. By embracing fear and taking calculated risks, we can push past our comfort zones and make meaningful progress towards our dreams.

    • Focus on beneficiaries for easier fundraisingBy recognizing the greater impact on beneficiaries, fear of asking for support is reduced, making the experience an honor rather than a burden.

      Shifting the focus from oneself to the beneficiaries of a cause or project can transform the approach to asking for support. Fear of asking can stem from putting oneself at the center of the equation, but by recognizing that the funds raised go towards helping others, the experience becomes an honor rather than a burden. Entrepreneurs and those raising funds for causes, whether nonprofit or for-profit, can find it easier to ask when they consider the greater impact on the beneficiaries. This perspective not only reduces fear but also adds significance to the act of asking for support. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that the purpose of the ask is greater than oneself, and this shift in mindset can lead to greater success and impact.

    • Transitioning success into significance through giving backReading 'The Promise of a Pencil' and supporting Pencils of Promise can inspire individuals to make a difference in the world and live a life of purpose, love, and dignity.

      Participating in organizations like Pencils of Promise and reading books like "The Promise of a Pencil" by Adam Braun can help individuals transition success into significance by facing their fears and making a difference in the world. Braun's organization has built 200 schools in less than five years, and his personal story of struggling with literacy as a child inspires many to support his cause. The definition of greatness, as shared by the interviewer, is living a life full of purpose, love, and dignity. To get involved, check out Pencils of Promise at pencilsofpromise.org, and pick up "The Promise of a Pencil" on Amazon or other online retailers. Additionally, consider donating to the interviewer's campaign to build a new school through LewisHouse.com/promise.

    • Embrace your potential and live up to your capabilitiesDon't let past experiences define your future, strive for a life filled with passion and greatness, and challenge yourself to make a positive impact on the world.

      No matter our backgrounds or experiences, we all have the potential to live extraordinary lives. Nelson Mandela's words remind us not to settle for less than what we're capable of. Past successes or failures do not define our future. Instead, we should strive to create a life filled with passion and greatness. Don't let fear or doubt hold you back. Embrace your potential and go out into the world to make a difference. Remember, there's no passion to be found in playing small. So, let's challenge ourselves to live up to our capabilities and make a positive impact on the world.

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    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    You can access the transcript, references, and further reading on the Laidlaw Scholars Network: https://laidlawscholars.network/rooms/846-the-good-leader-podcast


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    Listen as we talk about:

    • How a trip at age 10 opened his eyes to how he can help in his community
    • How having multiple jobs has helped him retain an open mind
    • How he strives to meld his religious standards and his work environment
    • What makes his company a stark contrast to others around it
    • Why he sees employee ownership as the key to his business' success
    • How he balances authority with humility
    • How he stays in good mental health
    • How he uses his faith to ground himself
    • The importance of being a family man
    • Recommendations to others wanting to be family centered while still being involved with work


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    #46 Engaging with young New Zelanders in class, with John O'Connell, CEO of Life Education Trust

    Hello, and welcome to the By Doing Good podcast, where we feature powerful conversations with people working on the front line of social innovation. I’m Scott, a leadership coach and Big Bloom facilitator, and your host for this episode.

    Our guest today is John O’Connell, the Chief Executive of Life Education Trust, New Zealand’s largest health education provider, supporting classroom teachers to develop professionally, and helping children and young people make positive choices about their health and well-being for the last 35 years.

    John and I chat about how he ended up working in the non-profit space, and discuss the importance of his business background to his current role as CEO of a charity. John shares the values that underpin the work the trust does, and the incredible impact the organisation is having on the lives of young New Zealanders.

    To get started, I asked John about the approach Life Education Trust takes to engaging with children and young people.