
    560 Les Brown: Overcome All Odds and Change the World

    enNovember 08, 2017
    What challenges did Les Brown face in his journey?
    How does Les Brown define persistence in achieving success?
    Why is finding a 'magnificent obsession' important for fulfillment?
    How can speakers effectively connect with their audience?
    What does Jim Watkins' quote about rivers illustrate about persistence?

    Podcast Summary

    • The power of persistence and belief in oneselfBelieve in yourself, persist through challenges, and don't let fear or doubt silence you. With determination, you can overcome obstacles and unlock your inner greatness.

      The power of persistence and belief in oneself, as exemplified by motivational speaker Les Brown. Despite facing numerous challenges and failures, Les continued to pursue his goals and ultimately achieved great success. He also emphasized the importance of not letting fear or doubt silence us, and the power of spreading hope and positivity through speaking up. As Les shared, "a river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence." This interview served as a reminder that with determination and belief, we too can overcome obstacles and unlock our inner greatness. Don't forget to share your thoughts and takeaways from this episode by leaving a review on iTunes or your podcast app and tagging @lewishouse.

    • Early childhood experiences shape self-perceptionEarly experiences influence personality development and future success, instilling a positive sense of self-worth is crucial, especially for children in challenging circumstances, and the current education system neglects self-perception development.

      Early childhood experiences and the development of self-perception play a crucial role in shaping an individual's future. The speaker, who grew up in Columbus, Ohio, and was adopted by a loving mother after a difficult start in life, emphasizes the importance of instilling a positive sense of self-worth in children, especially those growing up in challenging circumstances. He believes that the attitudes and beliefs formed during the first few years of life can have long-lasting effects, influencing personality development and future success. The speaker's own experiences, marked by labels and challenges, motivated him to create a new curriculum for daycare centers in Cleveland, aimed at helping young children understand their worth and value in life. He also criticizes the current education system for neglecting the development of self-perception and emphasizing only academic achievement.

    • Growing up with limiting beliefsBelieving in yourself despite negative labels is crucial for personal growth. Positive influences and education can help overcome adversity and transform limiting beliefs into empowering narratives.

      The environment in which we grow up can significantly impact our self-perception and limit our potential for success. The speaker shares his personal experience of growing up in a disadvantaged school system that labeled him as inferior, leading him to believe the same about himself. However, he also highlights the power of exposure to positive influences and the importance of challenging limiting beliefs. The turning point in his life came when he was encouraged by a teacher to step out of his comfort zone and believe in himself, despite the negative labels he had internalized. This experience taught him the importance of interrupting the limiting stories we tell ourselves and transforming them into empowering narratives. The speaker emphasizes the role of education and positive role models in helping individuals overcome adversity and reach their full potential.

    • Effective speaking inspires personal growthSpeakers like Tony Robbins use emotional experiences to challenge beliefs and inspire change. Words and perception shape reality, and challenges can serve as catalysts for personal transformation.

      Effective speaking and personal growth go hand in hand. Speakers like Tony Robbins and the speaker in this discussion use emotional experiences to challenge and change people's beliefs about themselves. The motivational industry focuses on creating significant emotional events to interrupt a person's story and inspire them to make new choices. The power of words and perception can shape our reality, and sometimes, being rejected or facing challenges can serve as catalysts for personal transformation. The speaker's own story illustrates this, as he was inspired by Booker T. Washington and his mentor, Mike Williams, to focus on transforming lives individually and collectively, rather than relying on external validation or resources. Ultimately, the power to change how we see ourselves lies within us, and we can choose to believe in our own potential despite the challenges we face.

    • Understand your audience and adapt your messageTo create unforgettable moments and inspire change, speakers must understand their audience's needs and adapt their message accordingly, focusing on conducting communications intelligence and transforming audiences individually and collectively.

      Effective communication as a speaker goes beyond just telling your story. It's essential to understand your audience's needs and adapt your message accordingly. Mike's advice to "pay more attention to the listening than the telling" and "study the audience" resonated with the speaker, leading him to focus on conducting communications intelligence and transforming audiences individually and collectively. This approach not only drives income and requests but also leaves a lasting impact that goes beyond the speaker's lifetime. By training speakers to speak extemporaneously and adapt to their audience, they can create unforgettable moments and inspire change. Ultimately, the goal is to use communication as a tool to create a new day and silence the voices of hate and division in the world.

    • Sharing Personal Stories: Inspiring and Transforming LivesAt 72, Brownie Wetford trains others to share their unique stories effectively to inspire change and offer hope. Wetford's journey to overcome speech impediments and become a top-speaker began with Toastmasters. He encourages preparation, delivery, and contributing to humankind before passing on.

      Sharing personal stories effectively can inspire and transform lives. Brownie Wetford, at 72 years old, has made it his goal to train 77 people to do just that. He believes each person has a unique energy signature that can reach and resonate with certain audiences. Wetford's own journey to overcome speech impediments and share his story on a grand scale began with Toastmasters, where he went from being a stuttering novice to a top-five speaker in the world. He encourages others to organize their voices through thoughtful preparation and delivery, so they can connect with listeners and inspire positive change in themselves and those around them. Despite the challenges, Wetford emphasizes the importance of contributing to humankind before passing on, as many people tragically take their own lives due to feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. By sharing our stories, we can offer hope and empower others to write new chapters in their lives.

    • Finding a meaningful pursuit or 'magnificent obsession'Passionately pursue a topic, become competent, connect with audience, and transform lives through storytelling. Understand unique audience characteristics for effective communication.

      Finding a meaningful pursuit or "magnificent obsession" is essential for leading a fulfilling life. This can be something that drives us, gives us a sense of purpose, and provides value to ourselves and others. For those looking to share their voice and make a difference through speaking, it's crucial to find a topic they're passionate about and become competent in it. This will allow them to confidently connect with their audience and transform lives through storytelling. Remember, stories have the power to create emotional events that can shape human behavior. Additionally, understanding the unique characteristics of each audience is crucial for effective communication. By taking the time to research and connect with the audience, speakers can tailor their message to resonate with them and leave a lasting impact.

    • Creating transformative experiencesSharing authentic stories, expanding minds with new ideas, and inspiring individuals to pursue their dreams are key elements to creating meaningful experiences. Seeking guidance from accomplished mentors can provide valuable insights and help individuals see the bigger picture.

      Creating meaningful and transformative experiences for an audience requires a combination of elements. This includes sharing stories that resonate, expanding minds with new ideas, and inspiring individuals to pursue their dreams. The speaker emphasized the importance of being authentic and embodying the stories being told. Additionally, seeking guidance from accomplished mentors can provide valuable insights and help individuals see the bigger picture. Ultimately, the goal is to create special moments that leave a lasting impact and inspire audience members to live full, authentic lives. As Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Once a man or woman's mind has been expanded with an idea, concept, or experience, it could never be satisfied to go back to where it was."

    • Learning from masters for self-improvementStudying and integrating the styles of influential figures can significantly enhance your abilities. Seek guidance from those who have mastered the craft to find your unique voice and make a difference.

      Finding the right coaching and learning from those who have mastered the craft can significantly enhance your own abilities. Michael Jordan, considered one of the greatest basketball players, underscores this by acknowledging the importance of Phil Jackson in his championship wins. For Less Brown, this meant drawing inspiration from speakers like Mike Williams, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and Martin Luther King Jr. By studying and integrating their styles, Less Brown evolved into a powerful communicator. He emphasizes the importance of finding one's unique voice and encourages those who want to make a difference to reach out to him for guidance. His ultimate goal is to multiply the voices of hope and reduce issues like crime and violence by effectively communicating messages of peace and hope. His mother, who raised seven children by herself, was the most influential person in his life, instilling in him the belief that he could overcome adversity and make a difference.

    • Embracing adversity and finding inspirationDespite difficult circumstances, self-acceptance, resilience, and seeking help can lead to success and making a positive impact on others.

      Everyone has the potential to make a difference in the world and change lives, regardless of their background or circumstances. The speaker, who grew up without knowing his birth parents, was inspired by a mentor to embrace himself and pursue his goals, which led him to a successful career in motivational speaking. He learned that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a way to remain strong and achieve more. The speaker's mother, who raised him alone and faced numerous challenges, was a source of inspiration and strength for him. Her unwavering faith, determination, and resourcefulness in the face of adversity taught him valuable lessons that he carried with him throughout his life. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences underscore the importance of self-acceptance, resilience, and the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity and make a positive impact on the world.

    • The power of a strong mindset and positive influencesRead daily, practice positive self-talk, surround yourself with positive influences, and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles.

      The power of a strong mindset and unwavering determination, instilled in the speaker by his surrogate father figure, has helped him overcome adversity and hardships throughout his life. This includes his mother's passing, his own cancer diagnosis, and other challenges. He emphasizes the importance of having positive influences in your life, developing your mind, and maintaining a belief in your ability to overcome obstacles. He encourages daily reading and positive self-talk as essential practices for maintaining a strong mindset and belief system. The speaker's experiences and lessons learned from his mother and surrogate father have shaped his resilience and determination to face life's challenges.

    • Focus on positive influences, set goals, and build supportive relationshipsEmbrace positivity, push beyond comfort zones, and foster strong relationships to empower yourself, build resilience, and leave a meaningful legacy. Define masculinity by taking responsibility, providing, protecting, building a legacy, and holding oneself to a higher standard while also embracing compassion, sensitivity, and emotional depth.

      To live a fulfilling life, it's essential to focus on positive influences, set goals beyond comfort zones, and surround yourself with supportive relationships. These actions can help empower you, build resilience, and leave a meaningful legacy. Additionally, the definition of masculinity includes taking responsibility, providing and protecting, building a legacy, and holding oneself to a higher standard, while also embracing compassion, sensitivity, and emotional depth. By prioritizing these aspects, one can strive for personal growth and make a positive impact on others.

    • Striving to be a good role model and pursue dreams despite challengesMake loved ones proud by pursuing dreams, even if it means sacrifices and facing challenges. Don't waste time and reflect on inherited traits shaping your life.

      Living a meaningful life is about striving to be a good role model for your loved ones and pursuing your dreams, even if it means making sacrifices and facing challenges along the way. Leslie Odom Jr. shares how he looked up to figures like George Washington and aimed to make his mother proud. He also emphasizes the importance of not wasting time and regrets the 14 years he spent on the sidelines. When asked about his biological parents, he wonders about the inherited traits that have shaped him into the person he is today and the impact he's making on others' lives. Ultimately, the greatest accomplishment is not just personal success, but the pride and admiration of loved ones.

    • Three people shaped the speaker's life: birth parents and adoptive motherBelieve in your potential, listen to your inner voice, and remember there's greatness within you.

      The speaker's life was shaped by three people: his birth parents who gave him life, and his adoptive mother who gave him love. He shared a moving story of how he was adopted, and the sacrifices made by his birth mother to ensure he and his twin brother were taken care of. The speaker emphasized the importance of greatness within each person, encouraging everyone to believe in their own potential and listen to their inner voice. He left the audience with the thought that everyone has the ability to do more than they can imagine and that there is a presence of greatness within each one of us.

    • Unlock Your True PotentialRenew your mind, expand self-vision, ask 'Who am I really?' Inspire others to discover inner greatness, believe in ability to overcome challenges, and make a difference.

      Each person holds unique greatness within them, but many people live their lives based on others' perceptions and limitations. To unlock your true potential, it's essential to renew your mind, expand your self-vision, and ask yourself, "Who am I really?" As Dr. Carter G. Woodson said, determining someone's identity can control their actions. We must strive to inspire and empower others to discover their inner greatness and contribute to making the world a better place. Life is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities, and it's essential to believe in your ability to overcome adversities and make a difference. So, embrace your unique identity, live a life of contribution, and inspire those around you to do the same.

    • Find a magnificent obsession and make a significant contributionLive from love and faith, find a passion, persevere through setbacks, and give the world your best

      Living a meaningful life involves having a "magnificent obsession" and making a significant contribution to humankind. Les Brown encourages finding people with similar convictions and being hungry for success. He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and turning setbacks into opportunities for comebacks. The three truths Les Brown would want people to remember are: live your life from a place of love, live your life from a place of faith, and give the world your past, live fully and die empty. To connect with Les Brown, people can visit his website, lesbrown.com, for resources on storytelling and speaking. They can also follow him on Facebook at facebook.com/thelessbrown for updates on seminars and workshops. Les Brown's positive energy and infectious joy make him a source of inspiration for many.

    • Embrace greatness by surrendering to something greater and pursuing passions persistentlySurrender to something greater, pursue passions persistently, and trust in a guiding presence to unlock untapped power and make an impact on the world

      Greatness lies in surrendering to something greater than ourselves and living courageously with persistence in pursuit of our passions. According to Lesa, when we embrace this mindset, we tap into a source of power beyond our own understanding, allowing us to accomplish things we never thought possible. It's about acting as if we have no limits, trusting that there's a presence guiding us, and focusing on what we love. By doing so, we not only find fulfillment in our own lives but also make an impact on the world around us. As Jim Watkins wisely said, "a river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence." So, let's be persistent in our pursuit of our dreams and embrace the greatness that lies within us.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    Welcome back to another powerful episode of The School of Greatness! Today, we're diving deep into the world of love and relationships with four incredible experts who will share their wisdom on creating lasting, fulfilling connections. From healing past traumas to embracing vulnerability, get ready to embark on a journey towards deeper connections and genuine love. Whether you're single, in a relationship, or somewhere in between, this episode is packed with transformative insights that will help you cultivate healthier, more vibrant relationships. Let's unlock the secrets of lasting love together!

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome the iconic reggaeton superstar Nicky Jam to The School of Greatness! In this powerful conversation, Nicky opens up about his incredible journey from childhood poverty and addiction to becoming one of the biggest Latin artists in the world. He shares raw stories of his struggles with drugs, jail time, and losing everything - and how he found the strength to make an epic comeback. We dive deep into Nicky's creative process, his relationship with God, and how he's working to heal generational trauma. His honesty about battling anxiety and finding peace is truly inspiring. Whether you're a fan of Latin music or just love a great redemption story, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to overcome adversity and chase their dreams.

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    • Strategies for dealing with childhood trauma and PTSD
    • The importance of street smarts and resilience in navigating the music industry

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1665

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 7 DAYS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    Get ready for an exclusive excerpt from my New York Times Bestselling book, The Greatness Mindset! In this powerful episode, I dive deep into the critical topic of healing your past trauma to unlock your true potential. We explore how unresolved pain from childhood experiences can hold us back in life and relationships if left unaddressed. I share vulnerable stories from my own healing journey, including how I overcame limiting beliefs stemming from bullying and sexual abuse. You'll learn practical exercises to identify your triggers, reframe negative self-talk, and craft a new empowering identity aligned with your highest self. Whether you're dealing with abandonment issues, toxic relationship patterns, or simply feeling stuck, this episode offers a roadmap for transforming pain into wisdom and stepping into greatness. Get ready for an inspiring and actionable conversation on becoming the hero of your own story!

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    • Meditation techniques to visualize and embody your highest self
    • The importance of self-celebration in building confidence
    • How to create powerful mantras to overcome obstacles

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1664

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS DAYS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back my friend and neighbor, the incredible Rachel Platten, for her third appearance on The School of Greatness! Rachel opens up about her intense journey over the past few years - from hitting rock bottom with postpartum depression and chronic pain to finding a profound spiritual connection that transformed her life and music. We dive deep into her creative process, discuss the challenges of balancing motherhood with a music career, and explore how she's learned to love herself through it all. Rachel's vulnerability and wisdom shine through as she shares powerful insights on healing, spirituality, and making art from pain. This conversation is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration to overcome struggles and reconnect with their purpose.

    In this episode you will learn

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    • Techniques for managing intense emotions and anxiety without suppressing them
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    • How to balance motherhood with a demanding creative career
    • The importance of self-love and acceptance in achieving true success
    • Rachel's approach to connecting directly with God/universal love for guidance

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1663

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Marlon's approach to overcoming fear and embracing new challenges
    • The power of trusting in your journey and viewing greatness as a ongoing process

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1662

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

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    Esther Perel: The #1 MYTH That Leads to BREAK-UPS - THIS Is The Secret to Making Your Relationship LAST

    Esther's event, "An Evening With Esther Perel" has LIMITED seats available! Get yours right here before they sell out: lewishowes.com/esther

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 2 WEEKS AWAY! Have you gotten your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    I'm thrilled to welcome back the brilliant Esther Perel to the School of Greatness! With nearly four decades of experience as a therapist, Esther shares her profound insights on relationships in our ever-changing world. We dive deep into how the pandemic has affected partnerships, debunk common myths about love, and explore the delicate balance between togetherness and independence. Esther's wisdom on jealousy, desire, and the evolution of marriage is truly eye-opening. Whether you're single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this conversation offers invaluable perspectives on creating and maintaining healthy relationships. Get ready for a masterclass in understanding the complexities of modern love and connection!

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of balancing togetherness and separateness in partnerships
    • How to set yourself up for healthier relationships from the start
    • The role of jealousy in relationships and when it can be positive
    • The four main ways people feel most drawn to their partners
    • How economic independence changed the landscape of marriage and divorce
    • The value of involving your social circle when dating someone new

    Get Esther's new course, "Rekindling Desire", for 15% OFF between 9/17/24 and 12/13/24 with the promo code "HOWES15": https://lewishowes.com/esther-course

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1661

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

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    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 30, 2024

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    David Goggins: “These 2 min 13 secs Changed My Life!” Do THIS When Life KNOCKS You Down!

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS 2 WEEKS AWAY! And David Goggins is speaking at the event! Tickets are going fast -- get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this powerful episode, Lewis Howes sits down with David Goggins, retired Navy SEAL, ultra-marathon runner, and author of "Can't Hurt Me". Goggins shares his incredible journey from an abused and struggling child to becoming known as "the toughest man alive". With raw honesty, he discusses overcoming severe learning disabilities, racism, and obesity to push himself to extremes and unlock his full potential. Goggins offers hard-earned wisdom on building mental toughness, embracing discomfort, and refusing to quit. His intensity and no-excuses approach to life will leave you inspired to push past your own limits and tap into your hidden strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How facing your insecurities and weaknesses head-on is the key to building true confidence
    • Why choosing the harder path in life leads to permanent positive change
    • The power of daily discomfort in expanding your capabilities and mindset
    • How to build "mental armor" to face life's challenges through consistent hard work
    • Why reflection and appreciation for your journey is crucial for continued growth
    • The danger of becoming too comfortable and "civilized" in life

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1660

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 28, 2024

    Dating Experts: "She's Definitely NOT In Love With You!" EXPOSING the Habits That END Relationships | Matthew Hussey & Sadia Khan

    Dating Experts: "She's Definitely NOT In Love With You!" EXPOSING the Habits That END Relationships | Matthew Hussey & Sadia Khan

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS A FEW WEEKS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this powerful episode of the School of Greatness, I sit down with relationship experts Sadia Khan and Matthew Hussey to explore the complex dynamics of modern relationships. We dive deep into why relationships fail and how to navigate breakups when necessary. Sadia, known for her work with men, and Matthew, a New York Times bestselling author who primarily coaches women, offer unique perspectives on the challenges couples face today. From the impact of social media on gratitude to the importance of emotional regulation, this conversation is packed with invaluable insights for anyone looking to improve their relationships or understand the intricacies of human connection in the digital age.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The top reasons relationships fail in the age of social media and constant comparison
    • How to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for your partner amidst external distractions
    • Strategies for improving conflict resolution and emotional regulation in relationships
    • The dangers of selecting partners who enable emotional dysregulation
    • Why giving your partner the same grace you extend to others is crucial for relationship success

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1659

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Eckhart Tolle – https://link.chtbl.com/1463-pod

    Rhonda Byrne – https://link.chtbl.com/1525-pod

    John Maxwell – https://link.chtbl.com/1501-pod

    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 26, 2024

    7 Step Guide To Overcome Procrastination & Achieve ANYTHING You Want In Your Life! | Rory Vaden

    7 Step Guide To Overcome Procrastination & Achieve ANYTHING You Want In Your Life! | Rory Vaden

    SUMMIT OF GREATNESS IS 3 WEEKS AWAY! Have you saved your tickets yet? Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets.

    In this enlightening episode of the School of Greatness, I sit down with Rory Vaden, a renowned expert on the science of success. We delve deep into the root causes of procrastination and explore powerful strategies to overcome this common obstacle to achieving our goals. Rory shares his groundbreaking insights on the three types of procrastination, including the lesser-known concepts of "creative avoidance" and "priority dilution." Drawing from his bestselling book "Take the Stairs," Rory offers a compelling metaphor for discipline and provides actionable advice on how to cultivate the habits of ultra-performers. This conversation is packed with transformative wisdom that will help you unlock your potential and achieve greatness in any area of your life.

    Get a FREE branding call from Rory and his team! https://lewishowes.com/brandcall

    In this episode you will learn

    • The three types of procrastination and how to identify them in your own life
    • Why self-criticism is the number one reason people procrastinate
    • How to reframe discipline as a powerful tool for achieving your goals
    • The paradox principle of sacrifice and its impact on long-term success
    • Strategies to overcome the brain's natural tendency towards trivial tasks

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1658

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The School of Greatness
    enAugust 23, 2024

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