
    57- Every Man’s Achilles Heel

    enOctober 16, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing New Experiences: Finding the Perfect Fit in Life and BusinessDavid's Bridal provides perfectly fitting gowns, COSIS offers natural makeup and hydration, and Shopify helps transform browsers into buyers for growing businesses. Embrace new experiences, even if they don't always go as planned.

      Finding the right fit is essential, whether it's for a bridal gown, makeup, or growing a business. David's Bridal offers perfectly fitting gowns, while COSIS's makeup and skin care provide a natural look and hydration. Shopify is a global commerce platform that helps transform browsers into buyers, making it an excellent tool for growing businesses. The hosts shared their experiences with trying new things, such as using marijuana for relaxation, which didn't turn out as planned, and attending a comedy show where they were mistaken for strippers. Ultimately, it's important to embrace new experiences, even if they don't always go as planned.

    • Exploring taboo topics through unconventional comedyAttending a naked and explicit comedy show challenged societal norms and provided a unique perspective on sensitive issues, but may not be suitable for all audiences.

      The speakers attended an unconventional comedy show in New York where performers got naked and used explicit content, including references to rape, as part of their acts. The speakers found the experience intriguing and thought it was a unique way to challenge societal norms and shed light on sensitive issues. However, they acknowledge that the show may not be for everyone and that it required a certain level of open-mindedness and alcohol consumption to fully appreciate. Overall, they left feeling entertained and thought the show was worth attending for those who are comfortable with edgy and provocative content.

    • Trying bondage during sex can lead to intense experiencesExperimenting with simple household items for bondage can add excitement and vulnerability to sex, leading to memorable and enjoyable experiences

      Experimenting with bondage during sex can lead to intense and satisfying experiences. The speaker shared a personal story where using a cropped hoodie to tie her hands behind her back during sex resulted in her best orgasm. She emphasized that it's not necessary to have specialized equipment or a dedicated sex room to try bondage. Simple household items like a scarf or a hoodie can serve as effective restraints. The feeling of being unable to move or escape can add an element of excitement and vulnerability to the experience. Overall, incorporating bondage into sex can make it more memorable and enjoyable.

    • Adding surprise and excitement to intimate momentsCommunication, consent, and a willingness to try new things enhance sexual encounters. Using props like blindfolds or bondage materials can add excitement, but ensure both partners are comfortable.

      Exploring new experiences and adding elements of surprise and excitement to intimate moments can enhance sexual encounters. The use of props, such as a door buddy or bondage materials like HDMI cords, can add an element of spontaneity and kinkiness to sexual experiences. However, it's important to ensure that both partners are comfortable and consensually participating in these activities. The use of a blindfold, for example, can help individuals focus on the sensations and enjoy the experience more fully. Ultimately, communication, consent, and a willingness to try new things are key to making any sexual encounter memorable and satisfying.

    • Discovering new experiences can bring joy and excitementIncorporating simple props or creativity in bondage can enhance intimacy, communication is essential, using quality products boosts confidence, and reflecting on past experiences brings humor and growth.

      Exploring new experiences, even those outside of one's comfort zone, can lead to unexpected pleasure and excitement. Bondage, for instance, doesn't have to be intimidating or involve elaborate equipment. Simple props or everyday items can be used to add a new dimension to intimacy. Creativity and communication are key in making such experiences enjoyable and consensual. Additionally, taking care of oneself through quality products, like Kosis makeup, can enhance confidence and overall well-being. And sometimes, looking back at past experiences, even the embarrassing ones, can provide humor and a reminder of personal growth.

    • A night of freedom and excitement at Coco BongoAt 19, the speaker experienced a rite of passage at Coco Bongo, feeling free and excited, despite being in a different life stage than her boyfriend.

      The speaker shares a story from her past where she went to a nightclub called Coco Bongo in Cancun, Mexico, when she was around 19 years old. She got asked to dance on stage due to her perceived attractiveness, and the experience was a rite of passage for her. The night was filled with drinking, dancing, and debauchery. The speaker describes the club as a place where she thrived and felt like she fit in, despite being in a different life stage than her boyfriend at the time, who was settled down with a family. The experience was significant to her, and she fondly remembers the sense of freedom and excitement it brought her.

    • Unexpected Outcomes from EmbarrassmentEmbarrassing moments can lead to unexpected connections and humor, turning uncomfortable situations into bonding experiences.

      Vulnerability and embarrassment can lead to unexpected outcomes, even in the most uncomfortable situations. The speaker shared an experience of accidentally exposing herself on stage at Coco Bongo in front of thousands of people, including her boyfriend's family. Despite the initial shock and embarrassment, the situation ended up leading to a humorous and bonding experience when his family bought her underwear as a joke the next day. The speaker also shared an unrelated experience of stumbling upon a clever hack while using a dating app, which led to a conversation about acknowledging vulnerabilities and shared experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of finding humor and connection in unexpected situations, even when they involve moments of embarrassment or vulnerability.

    • Using a creative alias during texting can make a memorable first impressionCreating a unique alias during texting can add humor, inside jokes, and make the transition from dating apps to texting more memorable and engaging.

      Using a creative and unexpected alias during the initial stages of texting someone can help set you apart from others, create an instant inside joke, and make the transition from the dating app to texting more memorable and engaging. This tactic can also add a layer of humor and lightheartedness to the interaction, potentially leading to a stronger connection. The example shared involved texting someone as "Viviana" and having it show up on their phone, which led to a humorous and memorable experience for both parties. This strategy can be particularly effective when trying to stand out in a crowded dating scene and create a unique and fun connection with someone.

    • Manipulating 'maybe' feature on phone contacts to deceive othersBe cautious when interacting with unknown contacts online, as they may use deception to manipulate 'maybe' feature to impersonate someone else, potentially leading to harmful situations.

      The use of the "maybe" feature on phone contacts can be manipulated to deceive others, allowing someone to pretend to be someone else. This can lead to potentially harmful situations, especially in the context of social media where people may share personal information or desires publicly. For example, a person could easily convince someone they are someone else by using their name in their first text message. This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in the world of social media, where people often present idealized versions of themselves, and the focus on physical appearance has shifted from breasts to buttocks. This can lead to misunderstandings, misrepresentations, and even dangerous situations. It's important to be aware of this potential for deception and to verify the identity of people we interact with online before sharing sensitive information.

    • Double standard in body image and social mediaWomen face criticism for manipulating their body images, specifically their butts, while similar behavior regarding breasts is considered normal. Authenticity is key to avoiding negative consequences of societal pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

      There's a double standard when it comes to body image and social media, particularly regarding women and their bodies. The speaker expressed surprise and criticism towards women who manipulate their body images, specifically their butts, in before-and-after photos. They argued that if a woman were to do the same thing with her breasts, it would be considered ridiculous. The speaker also touched upon the topic of giving blowjobs and shared a personal experience where a certain technique would always elicit a strong reaction from men. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of authenticity and the potential negative consequences of societal pressure to conform to unrealistic beauty standards.

    • Exploring sensitive areas during oral sexExploring the left side of the penis base and surrounding areas, including inner thighs, pelvic area, and pubic hair, can enhance men's pleasure during oral sex

      Exploring areas around the penis, specifically the left side next to the base, can be a sensitive and pleasurable experience for men during oral sex. This technique, which involves licking and teasing the skin, can cause men to react positively and even cringe in pleasure. Additionally, teasing and lightly touching the inner thigh, pelvic area, and pubic hair before oral sex can enhance the overall experience for men, as it is an often overlooked form of foreplay. Overall, these techniques can add depth and excitement to oral sex, making it a more enjoyable experience for both partners.

    • Dealing with Accidental Messages and Sensitive IssuesWhen accidentally sending messages to wrong person, assess harm before reacting. For harmful info, come up with a lie or excuse. For harmless, ignore. Buying a lemon or lime roll-up can help bring down marijuana high intensity. Be patient and wait for solid evidence before confronting sensitive issues in relationships.

      In situations where you accidentally send a message to the wrong person, it's important to think quickly and strategically. If the message contains harmful or incriminating information, it may be best to come up with a lie or excuse to avoid further conflict. However, if the message is harmless, it might be best to ignore it and move on. Another interesting takeaway from the discussion was the suggestion that buying a lemon or lime roll-up can help bring down the intensity of a marijuana high. This could be a useful tip for those experiencing anxiety or paranoia while under the influence. Lastly, when dealing with sensitive issues in relationships, it's important to be patient and wait for solid evidence before confronting your partner. Bringing up minor infractions without solid proof can lead to unnecessary conflict and potentially damage the relationship.

    • Approaching sensitive topics requires thoughtfulness and respectWhen dealing with sensitive topics, consider the potential consequences, approach with respect and open communication, and consider all parties involved.

      When dealing with sensitive topics or situations, it's important to consider the potential consequences and the impact on all parties involved. In the first scenario discussed, bringing up past wrongs or sensitive topics without a good reason can lead to unnecessary conflict and potential harm. In the second scenario, approaching a woman with a sensitive comment, such as suggesting being a stepdad, can be disrespectful and inappropriate. When considering a sensitive request or situation, such as arranging a threesome for a partner's birthday, it's important to approach it with care, consideration, and open communication. This can include setting boundaries, being respectful of all parties involved, and ensuring a safe and comfortable environment. Additionally, being open and honest with your partner and considering their desires and comfort levels is crucial. Overall, approaching sensitive topics and situations requires thoughtfulness, consideration, and respect for all parties involved.

    • Establishing rules and excitement for threesomes and considering timingOpen communication and awareness of boundaries are crucial in any relationship, especially when introducing a third person. Establishing rules and being excited about the experience is important for threesomes, but timing and individual comfort levels should also be considered.

      Communication is key in any relationship, especially when considering introducing a third person. During a discussion, it was suggested that if a girl is considering having a threesome with her boyfriend and another woman, she should establish rules and be excited about the experience. However, if the woman is hesitant or nervous, it might not be the right time. In another scenario, a listener asked about giving a birthday present to a man she's been seeing for six months but hasn't had the "talk" about being his sugar baby. The advice given was that if they haven't had the conversation, no present is necessary. The discussion also touched on the importance of hiding texts from significant others, suggesting a method to edit contact names to "message failed to send" and adjust notification settings to keep messages hidden. Overall, the importance of open communication and being aware of boundaries was emphasized.

    • Navigating Romantic Situations with CreativityCreative solutions include using failed text messages as covers, simple gestures to communicate desires, and dressing up for Halloween to attract partners.

      Creativity and innovation can be found in the most unexpected places, even in failed text messages or language barriers. The Daddy Gang, a group known for sharing humorous and unusual experiences, discussed various ways to hide texting side pieces or navigate language barriers in romantic encounters. One creative solution involved using the "message failed to send" error message as a cover, while another involved using simple gestures and actions to communicate desires when language was a barrier. The group also suggested dressing up as Alex and Sophia for Halloween as a way to attract potential partners. Overall, the discussion showcased the importance of adaptability and creativity in navigating romantic situations.

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    #23 "En m'adaptant un peu à son rythme [...] on a réussi à trouver notre rythme" - Malone

    #23 "En m'adaptant un peu à son rythme [...] on a réussi à trouver notre rythme" - Malone

    Nouvel épisode, nouvelle invitée, on reçoit Malone, jeune diplomé en maquillage professionnel et cherchant encore sa voix. ☺️

    Malone c'est une de nos amies proches est avec qui on a pu parler assez librement de plein de sujets comme ce moment où le cerveau comprend que la masturbation amène du plaisir très rapidement, de parler de son passé sexuel avec ses nouveaux partenaires, du fantasme de faire l'amour sur un bateau au large et de la jalousie de Robin quand il entend ses potes dire qu'ils veulent faire soirée avec d'autre groupes de potes (PARDON ?!).


    Bonne écoute 🎧


    Les recommandations : 

    - Malone : Podcast - Sac à dos et libido (https://podmust.com/podcast/sac-a-dos-et-libido/)
    - Léane : Film - Orgasmique le business Onetaste  (https://www.netflix.com/fr/title/81487901)

    - Robin : Album - Strawberry Moon de Raury