
    570. Andy, Andrew Crapuchettes & DJ CTI: Trump Reclaiming Power, Influx Of Migrant Children In NYC & Barack Obama Gay Encounter

    enSeptember 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Encouraging Authentic Living and Sharing KnowledgeAndy and DJ Cruz inspire their audience to engage with their content, live authentically, and share their message to make a positive impact through their CTI show and mental toughness program, Live Hard.

      Andy and DJ Cruz, hosts of the CTI show, encourage their audience to engage with their content, share it with others, and live authentic lives. They discuss various topics, answer questions, and invite guests to talk about their experiences and solutions to real-world problems. The show's unique perspective challenges modern societal norms and offers practical advice. Additionally, they promote their mental toughness program, Live Hard, which aims to help individuals improve their lives. The hosts emphasize the importance of sharing their message to reach a wider audience and make a positive impact.

    • Aligning personal values with professional opportunitiesPersonal values and professional growth go hand in hand. Finding a job where your beliefs are respected can lead to happiness and success.

      Taking responsibility for one's values and beliefs in the workplace can lead to personal and professional growth. The founder of Red Balloon, a job board for individuals seeking employment at companies aligned with their values, shared his experience of being pushed out of a tech company due to his conservative Christian beliefs. Instead of giving up, he saw an opportunity to help others in similar situations and created Red Balloon as a hobby. The response was overwhelming, with people sharing how the platform changed their lives by connecting them with companies that respected their values. The success of Red Balloon demonstrates the importance of aligning personal values with professional opportunities and the potential positive impact on both personal happiness and business success.

    • An alternative job board for small businessesWorkInProgress helps small businesses find freedom-loving employees and handle the hiring process, ensuring a good cultural fit and protecting against costly bad hires, especially in today's climate where one bad hire can significantly damage a company.

      WorkInProgress is a job board connecting businesses with freedom-loving job seekers, offering an alternative to larger platforms with restrictive policies. For small businesses, they not only provide job posting services but also handle the entire hiring process, ensuring a good cultural fit and protecting against costly bad hires. The importance of this service is highlighted in today's climate where one bad hire can significantly damage a company. Moreover, WorkInProgress addresses the issue of intolerant and destructive employees who may try to disrupt businesses based on their beliefs, making it crucial for businesses to prioritize hiring practices and maintain a strong company culture.

    • Finding work that aligns with valuesAmidst cancel culture and pressure to conform, organizations like Red Balloon and Public Square help connect job seekers with employers who share their beliefs, creating a new economy where values matter and businesses thrive.

      The current political climate is pushing many individuals to reevaluate their employment situations and seek out companies that align with their values. The cancel culture and pressure to conform to certain ideologies have left some feeling compromised and alone. However, organizations like Red Balloon and Public Square are providing a solution by connecting job seekers with employers who share their beliefs. This not only benefits the employees but also creates a new economy where businesses stand for their values and consumers support them. The pendulum is expected to swing back, and companies that were brave enough to lead the way will reap the rewards. It's important for individuals to be brave at work and stand up for what they believe in, knowing that there is a supportive community and job market available for them.

    • Consumers and companies hold responsibility for promoting values and cultureConsumers should align spending with values-aligned companies, while companies should operate authentically. Toxic work environments negatively impact individuals and communities, and well-intentioned efforts like DEI trainings can hinder success. Prioritize values for positive cultural change.

      Consumers and companies both hold responsibility for promoting values and culture. Consumers should align their spending with companies that align with their values, and companies should operate in line with their values instead of adopting the practices of larger, politically driven corporations. The impact of a company's culture extends beyond the workplace and into the community. Microaggressions and DEI trainings, while well-intentioned, can hinder innovation, performance, and overall success. When individuals are stuck in toxic work environments, it can negatively affect all areas of their lives. By understanding the significance of our jobs and the impact they have on our personal and professional growth, we can make conscious decisions to prioritize our values and seek out companies that align with them. This shift can lead to a positive cultural change on both the individual and community levels.

    • The Power of Corporations and Aligning ValuesCEO Larry Fink advocates for behavior change through corporations. Struggling companies may not survive, and employees should consider transitioning to successful ones. Understanding the internet's capabilities and the potential impact of the Biden administration are important.

      The corporate world wields significant influence over employees, and it's crucial for individuals to align themselves with companies that align with their values. Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, openly acknowledges this power dynamic and he pushes for behavior change through corporations. The business landscape is evolving, with a clear divide between companies that are thriving and those that are struggling. The latter group, often labeled as "liberal" or "winner," may not survive in the long run. As such, employees in struggling companies may want to consider transitioning to more successful ones. The Freedom Economy Index survey, conducted by Public Square, highlights this trend. The conversation also touched upon the importance of understanding the internet and its capabilities, such as changing domain endings, and the potential impact of the Biden administration on politics.

    • Growing concerns about President Biden's re-election in 2024Recent polls and news articles indicate Biden's unpopularity, with some voters preferring a former president like Trump. Biden faces challenges over his age, mental capacity, ongoing investigations, and potential Trump trials.

      According to recent polls and news articles, there are growing concerns about President Joe Biden's unpopularity and potential challenges for his re-election in 2024. CNN reported that a significant number of voters are more likely to vote for a celebrated ex-president, implying Donald Trump, due to Biden's unpopularity. The article also mentioned Biden's deep political challenges, including concerns about his age and mental capacity, ongoing investigations involving his son Hunter, and potential trials for Trump that could reshape the electoral terrain. Some Democratic aligned voters have expressed a desire for an alternative nominee, but no clear frontrunner has emerged. The discussion also hinted at the possibility of Biden being replaced before the 2024 election, with Kamala Harris mentioned as a potential successor. Overall, the situation suggests that the political landscape could undergo significant changes in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

    • Political figures prioritize power over meritocracy and public serviceSome believe the Democratic Party may prioritize identity politics and power over meritocracy, with speculation of Michelle Obama replacing Gavin Newsom and concerns of manipulation or assassination to maintain control.

      Certain political figures and groups are believed to prioritize identity politics and maintaining power over meritocracy and serving the public. Some individuals speculate that the Democratic Party may attempt to replace Governor Gavin Newsom with Michelle Obama due to her appeal to specific voter demographics and the party's focus on identity politics. The obsession with power and maintaining control is perceived to be so strong that some even suggest the possibility of political assassinations or manipulation to ensure their continued influence. The election of Joe Biden was seen as a move to install a compliant figurehead, and concerns exist that the real power lies behind the scenes with figures like Barack Obama. These allegations underscore a perception of political elites prioritizing their own interests over the needs and desires of the electorate.

    • Criticisms towards the political landscapeConcerns over actions and motivations of certain political figures, doubts about effective campaigning by Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, accusations of media bias, and calls for more authenticity and seriousness in politics.

      There are strong criticisms towards the current political landscape, with concerns over the actions and motivations of certain political figures. The speaker expresses doubts about the ability of some potential candidates, such as Kamala Harris and Gavin Newsom, to run effective campaigns. There are also accusations of media bias and coordination, particularly regarding the coverage of the Biden family. Additionally, there is a comment from a viewer expressing frustration over perceived insensitivity and laughter on the show, which some may view as racially insensitive. Overall, there is a sense of disillusionment and a call for more seriousness and authenticity in politics.

    • New York Schools Struggle to Accommodate Influx of Migrant ChildrenMayor Adams worries about strain on city resources as schools accommodate migrant children, while DOE urges inclusion and provides resources.

      The influx of migrant children into New York schools presents a significant challenge for the education system, with some schools reaching capacity and turning away students, both American and migrant. The Department of Education has urged schools not to turn away students and has provided resources to help accommodate them, including funding for translators and school supplies. However, Mayor Eric Adams has expressed concern about the strain on the city's resources and infrastructure, warning that the migrant crisis could destroy New York City. The situation highlights the complexities and tensions surrounding immigration and education policy in the US.

    • Immigrants should adopt American values, not deconstruct themThe speaker argues against open borders and encourages immigrants to become Americans by adopting American values, while criticizing those who advocate for policies that encourage immigration for political gain and destabilize American culture.

      The speaker believes the current immigration situation in the US is troubling and feels that those who advocate for open borders and criticize those who want stricter immigration policies are hypocritical. He argues that immigrants should come to America to become Americans and adopt American values, but instead, some are being brought over and encouraged to stay through government policies for political gain. The speaker feels no sympathy for those affected by the situation in New York, as they have advocated for similar policies in the past. He also believes that American culture is about unity among American values and beliefs, and that immigrants should go through the proper process to become citizens. The speaker feels that the current situation is an attempt to deconstruct and destabilize American culture.

    • High-tax states face financial struggles due to population exodus and immigrationBad policies lead to negative consequences, including budget deficits and financial struggles. To improve a state's financial health, leaders must address these issues and prioritize sound fiscal policies and a strong workforce.

      The exodus of hardworking Americans from high-tax, poorly managed states like New York contributes to budget deficits, while importing non-contributing residents leads to financial struggles. The speaker argues that bad policies result in negative consequences, and until leaders address these issues, the trend will continue. He also expresses frustration with the lack of political will to solve the problem and suggests a controversial solution to deport non-taxpaying residents. While the speaker's tone is harsh, the underlying message is that sound fiscal policies and a strong workforce are essential for a state's financial health.

    • Addressing Immigration and Election RulesThe speaker advocates for consequences for illegal immigration and emphasizes the importance of following rules in elections to be competitive

      The current immigration situation at the border needs to be addressed with consequences for those entering illegally. The speaker suggests sending them back to their countries of origin, and that countries should deal with their own immigration issues. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of playing by the rules in elections, including early voter registration and mail-in votes, to compete effectively against the opposing party. The speaker draws a parallel between the current immigration issue and the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports, emphasizing that if one doesn't play by the rules, they risk losing.

    • Speaker believes in validity of Larry Sinclair's Obama sex allegationsDespite lack of evidence, a speaker expressed faith in Larry Sinclair's claims of a sexual encounter with Obama, referencing his pre-election allegations and a polygraph test result.

      During a discussion about an interview between Tucker Carlson and Larry Sinclair regarding Sinclair's allegations of a sexual encounter with former President Barack Obama, the speaker expressed his belief in the validity of Sinclair's claims despite the widely disputed nature of them. He also mentioned that Sinclair had previously made these allegations public before Obama's first presidential election and had undergone a polygraph test, which allegedly came back with no flags. The speaker also joked about Sinclair's appearance and the nature of the allegations, implying that such behavior was not out of the ordinary for Obama. However, it's important to note that these allegations have been widely disputed and that there is no credible evidence to support them.

    • Politics of Controversial ClaimsUnproven allegations can generate significant attention and momentum, but open discussions about personal identity can also be powerful arguments in politics. It's important to consider motivations and implications of political actions.

      The use of controversial or sensational claims, even if they are unlikely to be true, can generate significant attention and momentum in politics. The speaker in this discussion suggests that a smear campaign against a political figure, such as former President Barack Obama, based on unproven allegations, can create a vacuum for their opponent to gain momentum. The speaker also expresses a belief that people may not care about a politician's sexual orientation or gender identity as long as they are effective in their role. However, if a politician were to come forward and openly discuss their identity, it could potentially be a powerful argument for those who have faced similar struggles. The discussion also touches on the politicization of certain issues and the divisive nature of public discourse. Overall, the speaker encourages considering all potential possibilities and thinking critically about the motivations and implications of political actions.

    • Manipulation of information and narrativesThe internet has brought more transparency to the manipulation of information and narratives, but it also provides a tool for powerful elites to normalize harmful agendas and coerce individuals, making it crucial to be aware and not let opposing viewpoints be silenced.

      The manipulation of information and narratives by powerful elites is not a new phenomenon, but the transparency brought about by the internet has made it more apparent. The speaker expresses concern over the normalization and promotion of transgender issues to children, believing it's not a common occurrence and could be harmful. They also criticize the prioritization of representation over meritocracy and the potential manipulation and coercion of individuals in the trans community. The speaker also reflects on the historical manipulation of information and narratives, which was more difficult to detect before the internet, but is now more transparent. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that while the internet has provided more transparency, it has also been used as a tool for manipulation and control, and it's important to be aware of this and not let it silence opposing viewpoints.

    • Deep divide between elite left and normal AmericansElite left pushing communist agenda, normal Americans responding aggressively, Trump seen as best candidate for accountability and economic action.

      The current political climate in America is characterized by a deep divide between the elite left and normal Americans. The elite left has effectively used media and other means to push their agenda, which some believe includes the introduction of communism into the United States. Normal Americans are waking up to this reality and becoming more aggressive in response. The elite, driven by a desire for power and a sense of urgency to see their goals realized before they die, are pushing back with increasing aggression. Trump, with his reputation for accomplishment and aggressive mentality, is seen by some as the best candidate to address the issues of accountability for past crimes and the current state of the economy. The conversation around these issues is far from light-hearted, with a strong emphasis on accountability and a call for action.

    • Utah Couple Discovers They're Third Cousins and Stay TogetherDespite being third cousins, a Utah couple chose to stay married, sparking debate about societal norms and personal choices.

      In Utah, a married couple discovered they were third cousins and decided to stay together, sparking debate and reactions on social media. The couple, Nick and Tyler Waters, have been married for three years and shared similar physical features, leading to speculation about their relationship. When they discovered their familial connection, they revealed it in a TikTok video, which went viral with over 5.7 million views. While some found the situation amusing, others expressed disgust and concern. Another Utah couple, Marcella Hill and her husband, also discovered they were third cousins after marriage. The discovery led to a conversation about the normality of such relationships and the impact on one's life. Ultimately, the couple's decision to stay together raises questions about societal norms and personal choices.

    • The Importance of Background Checks Before MarriageThoroughly investigating someone's background before making a lifelong commitment is crucial for success in marriage and other areas of life. Utilize resources like Redballoon.work to make informed decisions.

      It's crucial to do thorough background checks before getting married. This was a topic of discussion during a podcast episode where the hosts encountered an unexpected situation where they had to abstain from commenting on a celebrity couple's marriage. They joked about the importance of checking family trees in Utah but emphasized the significance of investigating someone's background before making a lifelong commitment. They also encouraged listeners, whether job seekers or employers, to explore opportunities on Redballoon.work, a platform that connects businesses with potential hires. Overall, the episode emphasized the importance of being informed and prepared in various aspects of life.

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    Yvette Carnell is founder of BreakingBrown.com.
    Before embarking on a career in new media, she served as a Congressional aide on Capitol Hill.


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