
    The Frank & Shannon Show - Guest: Roan Garcia-Quintana 5-14-2011

    en-usAugust 06, 2011

    About this Episode

    Our guest this week is: Roan Garcia-Quintana, is an American citizen who came to the US as a political refugee from Cuba. He likes to say that he was made in Havana (Cuba) and raised in Savannah (GA), a place that he calls home. Mr. Garcia-Quintana was a research statistician for the SC Department of Juvenile Justice and the SC Department of Education, where he also was a psychometrician, in charge of constructing, analyzing and reporting the tests that are administered to the children who attend public schools in SC. After working for the Reagan 1980 campaign as a pollster with the late Lee Atwater, he received a Presidential Appointment to the US Department of Educationâ??s National Institute of Education, under President Ronald Reagan, where he was a Deputy Director.

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    The Frank & Shannon Show - Guest: Roan Garcia-Quintana 5-14-2011

    The Frank & Shannon Show - Guest: Roan Garcia-Quintana 5-14-2011
    Our guest this week is: Roan Garcia-Quintana, is an American citizen who came to the US as a political refugee from Cuba. He likes to say that he was made in Havana (Cuba) and raised in Savannah (GA), a place that he calls home. Mr. Garcia-Quintana was a research statistician for the SC Department of Juvenile Justice and the SC Department of Education, where he also was a psychometrician, in charge of constructing, analyzing and reporting the tests that are administered to the children who attend public schools in SC. After working for the Reagan 1980 campaign as a pollster with the late Lee Atwater, he received a Presidential Appointment to the US Department of Educationâ??s National Institute of Education, under President Ronald Reagan, where he was a Deputy Director.