
    About this Episode

    Have you been contemplating a career change? 


    In a world where each day feels like a race against time and competition is everywhere, the decision to leave a secure job and chase your passion can seem daunting. But today, we delve into a story that challenges the norms and exemplifies the pursuit of one's true calling.


    Join me as I sit down with my sister-in-law, Melody, a distinguished piano and voice instructor based in Hillsborough County, Florida. Melody's journey is not just about changing careers; it's a narrative of courage, self-discovery, and the transformative power of music.


    Melody will walk us through her remarkable journey—from feeling the nerves of leaving a legal career to embracing a world of melodies and harmonies. From practicing law to touching lives through music, her transition wasn't just a career shift but a quest for meaningful engagement with her talents and the people around her.


    We'll also talk about the pivot to virtual lessons during the pandemic, Melody's gratification in seeing her students succeed, and, importantly, how she navigates her thinking to align with spiritual guidance, fostering a deeper connection with her craft and the individuals she touches along the way.


    Key Takeaways:

    🔹Embrace the Unknown- Melody's journey reminds us that the skills you gather in one profession can serendipitously prepare you for the next.

    🔹Learning Through Teaching- Often, the best way to learn is to teach. Melody reflects on how her own growth was propelled by guiding others, highlighting the mutual benefits of education. 

    🔹Service Over Strife- Transitioning from the legal world to jewelry sales, and finally to teaching, Melody found that prioritizing service to others brought fulfillment beyond any courtroom victory. 


    So whether you're faced with career choices, seeking personal growth, or just love an amazing story accompanied by life's soundtrack, this episode will surely strike a chord with you. It's a narrative of resilience, passion, and the profound impact of pursuing one's true calling. Join us as we uncover the symphony of life, composed of courage, determination, and the pursuit of harmony.

    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    📆 Book your spot in our upcoming workshops on February 26th on Zoom: https://forms.gle/TFEjkzDFmKK9A8mL7




    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    Recent Episodes from Thinking That Matters with Elizabeth Mahusay

    61 Overcoming Eating Disorders and Finding Purpose with Lara Hannigan

    61 Overcoming Eating Disorders and Finding Purpose with Lara Hannigan

    In this episode, I had the privilege of sitting down with Lara Hannigan, a seasoned expert in dentistry with over 20 years of experience. Lara shared her profound insights on the connection between dental health and overall well-being, emphasizing her belief that "tooth wealth equals better health." She discussed the systemic correlations between oral health and heart health, as well as the dangers of undetected dental infections.


    Lara also opened up about her personal journey of recovery from an eating disorder, a battle she has been fighting for 20 years. She spoke candidly about the thought processes that fueled her disorder, such as feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, and the pivotal moment when she recognized her inability to overcome it alone and the courageous decision to seek help, leading her on a path to recovery.


    Lara's story serves as a reminder that recovery is a process that requires vulnerability, courage, and a willingness to seek help. It is a journey that may be fraught with challenges and setbacks, but with the right support system in place, it is possible to overcome even the most daunting obstacles.



    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator




    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    60 From Fashion to Finance Business with Sheri Wilson

    60 From Fashion to Finance Business with Sheri Wilson

    I'm thrilled to share with you our latest episode featuring the incredible Sheri Wilson. Her journey is nothing short of inspiring, and I'm confident that her story will resonate with many of you. 


    Sheri, a Kansas State University graduate with a degree in apparel and textile marketing, shared the various paths her career has taken, from the fashion industry to becoming a financial advisor and eventually owning her own insurance agency.


    Here are three key takeaways:

    • The importance of each career step in preparing for future opportunities.

    • Insights into managing personal finances and the impact of spending habits.

    • The role of faith in Sheri's life and career decisions.

    • Overcoming limiting beliefs through continuous learning and growth.

    • The significance of cultivating thinking that matters to avoid becoming a "wandering generality."


    Mentioned in This Episode:

    • The "Prayer-Powered Entrepreneur" book and its impact on Sheri’s business mindset.

    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator





    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    59 Building a Power Washing Business with Roberto Gonzalez of The Wash Bros

    59 Building a Power Washing Business with Roberto Gonzalez of The Wash Bros

    On this episode of Thinking That Matters, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Roberto, the co-founder of Wash Bros, an exterior cleaning company specializing in pressure washing, window cleaning, and fence staining for both commercial and residential properties.


    Roberto shares how he founded his exterior cleaning company during the pandemic to support his family financially. He also reveals how a conversation with his high school coach led to starting a pressure-washing business.


    Throughout our talk, Roberto emphasized the significance of people and relationships in his business philosophy. He expressed his passion for impacting others positively and the joy he finds in connecting with clients and the community.


    We also touched on the importance of self-development and the entrepreneurial journey. Roberto candidly discussed the challenges he faced, including the decision to forego college soccer to support his family's business. He highlighted how his faith and the support of his parents were instrumental in overcoming doubt and building the confidence necessary to succeed.


    Key takeaways from our conversation:

    1. Cultivating Thinking That Matters: Roberto stresses the significance of our thoughts in influencing our lives and advocates for incorporating scripture into our thinking to gain control and prioritize what truly matters.


    1. Vision and Leadership Development: Roberto emphasizes the importance of having a long-term vision for the future, suggesting that by envisioning where one wants to be in the coming decades, individuals can better strategize and take actionable steps toward achieving their goals.


    1. Self-Confidence and Accountability: Through Roberto's journey, he highlights the importance of self-confidence and taking extreme ownership of our actions. By consistently showing up, taking accountability, and delivering on our promises, we can build self-confidence and stack up wins that propel us forward.


    More about Roberto Gonzalez: 

    Roberto, a faith-driven entrepreneur, and his brother stumbled into entrepreneurship in 2020 when they founded Wash Broz to pay for college, starting with pressure washing trash cans. After a viral Facebook post, they gained media attention and expanded their services to include driveways, patios, and walls. They upgraded equipment, convinced their dad to join, and now run a successful exterior cleaning business in North Texas and the DFW area. Offering services like pressure washing, window cleaning, and fence staining, they pride themselves on attention to detail, quick responses, and quality work. They invite potential clients to meet in person to discuss their services further.


    Know more about their company:

    Website: https://washbroz.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wash-broz/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/washbroz_company/





    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time in helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is the author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/

    58 Career Change: A Lawyer's Transition to Music Mentorship With Melody Mahusay

    58 Career Change: A Lawyer's Transition to Music Mentorship With Melody Mahusay

    Have you been contemplating a career change? 


    In a world where each day feels like a race against time and competition is everywhere, the decision to leave a secure job and chase your passion can seem daunting. But today, we delve into a story that challenges the norms and exemplifies the pursuit of one's true calling.


    Join me as I sit down with my sister-in-law, Melody, a distinguished piano and voice instructor based in Hillsborough County, Florida. Melody's journey is not just about changing careers; it's a narrative of courage, self-discovery, and the transformative power of music.


    Melody will walk us through her remarkable journey—from feeling the nerves of leaving a legal career to embracing a world of melodies and harmonies. From practicing law to touching lives through music, her transition wasn't just a career shift but a quest for meaningful engagement with her talents and the people around her.


    We'll also talk about the pivot to virtual lessons during the pandemic, Melody's gratification in seeing her students succeed, and, importantly, how she navigates her thinking to align with spiritual guidance, fostering a deeper connection with her craft and the individuals she touches along the way.


    Key Takeaways:

    🔹Embrace the Unknown- Melody's journey reminds us that the skills you gather in one profession can serendipitously prepare you for the next.

    🔹Learning Through Teaching- Often, the best way to learn is to teach. Melody reflects on how her own growth was propelled by guiding others, highlighting the mutual benefits of education. 

    🔹Service Over Strife- Transitioning from the legal world to jewelry sales, and finally to teaching, Melody found that prioritizing service to others brought fulfillment beyond any courtroom victory. 


    So whether you're faced with career choices, seeking personal growth, or just love an amazing story accompanied by life's soundtrack, this episode will surely strike a chord with you. It's a narrative of resilience, passion, and the profound impact of pursuing one's true calling. Join us as we uncover the symphony of life, composed of courage, determination, and the pursuit of harmony.

    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    📆 Book your spot in our upcoming workshops on February 26th on Zoom: https://forms.gle/TFEjkzDFmKK9A8mL7




    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    57 Building a Better Future Against the Odds with Angela Tucker

    57 Building a Better Future Against the Odds with Angela Tucker

    Building a Better Future Against the Odds with Angela Tucker


    So, let's talk about building a brighter future. It's something we all strive for, right? 


    Whether it's getting ahead in school, making progress in our careers, or creating strong bonds with our loved ones, we're all chasing that sense of growth and fulfillment. 


    In this episode, we're diving into Angela's incredible journey of overcoming tough times. She's opening up about her seven-year battle in an abusive relationship, where she faced emotional and financial manipulation. 


    But here's the inspiring part: Angela found the strength to break free and start anew. From her troubled teenage years to the challenges of single motherhood with a history of past mistakes, Angela's resilience shines through. Despite facing tough times, like being pregnant while in jail and dealing with a sick father battling alcoholism, Angela never gave up. 


    Now, she's channeling that same determination into her own plumbing business, proving that with grit and determination, we can overcome anything life throws our way.



    Key Takeaways:

    🔹From Darkness to Independence:

    Listen as to how Angela, once entangled in a cycle of crime and limitations, reinvented her destiny through education and the support of empowering programs like Stronger Women and Shiloh Place. 

    🔹 The Power of Self-Belief:

    Discover how she broke free from a toxic relationship, overcame her felon-status, and flourished in her new career, all while being a devoted mother.

    🔹Vision of Hope:

    Be moved by Angela's resolve to transform her dreams into reality, her journey from visualizing a home on her vision board to securing one during the tumultuous year of 2020.



    This episode is not just Angela's story; it's a roadmap for anyone facing life's battles. Uncover the key takeaways from Angela's life lessons, including the importance of mindset, mentorship, self-determination, and the power of supportive communities.



    More about Angela: 

    Angela Tucker is passionate about real estate, helping people and making dreams come true! She genuinely cares for each and every one of her clients and is grateful to be a trusted Realtor advisor to help them navigate through the home selling and home buying process. As a Dallas-Fort Worth native, she uses her lifetime of knowledge to find the perfect home, school district, entertainment, and lifestyle matches for her clients.



    Connect with Angela: 

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/angeladtucker/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.tucker.104





    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    📆 Book your spot in our upcoming workshops on February 26th on Zoom: https://forms.gle/TFEjkzDFmKK9A8mL7





    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/

    56 The 3Cs of Being a Student of the Game

    56 The 3Cs of Being a Student of the Game

    What's the winning formula in the sales game? Do you see sales expertise as the key to shaping your professional journey? 

    The 3Cs of Being a Student of the Sales Game delves into the three essential components of being a successful student of the game: confidence, competence, and compensation. 


    Drawing from Elizabeth’s experience with real estate agents in Texas, she explores how the lack of commitment to being a student of the game impacts these three areas and provides practical strategies to combat these challenges. 


    Tune in as Elizabeth shares insightful tips to cultivate confidence, develop competence, and enhance compensation, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and impactful professional life. 


    ✨To thrive in your industry, consider these actionable insights:

    🔹1. Take Action: Stepping out of your comfort zone and learning from other confident individuals can boost your confidence and competence.

    🔹2. Plan Student-of-the-Game Time: Schedule regular slots for personal and professional development to stay ahead of industry trends and sharpen your skills.

    🔹3. Know Your Numbers: Set clear goals and reverse engineer the steps needed to bridge the gap between your current position and your desired outcome

    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    📆 Book your spot in our upcoming workshops on February 26th on Zoom: https://forms.gle/TFEjkzDFmKK9A8mL7





    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    55 Master the Art of Creative Prospecting with Elizabeth

    55 Master the Art of Creative Prospecting with Elizabeth


    Have you engaged in prospecting and lead generation within your business? How did it go?


    Was it a success, or do you feel like you're just blending into the noise when reaching out to prospects? Or perhaps you're new in town and need to cultivate a network from scratch.


    Tune in to this episode where Elizabeth conducted an IN-PERSON MASTERCLASS training on how to revolutionize your prospecting techniques and stand out in the competitive world of sales.


    This week's episode is a goldmine for sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone eager to refine their prospecting skills and accelerate their business growth. Get ready for a masterclass in making meaningful connections and staying top of mind with your prospects.


    ✨ What's Inside this Episode:

    🔹Discover the strategic power of texting to deliver weekly motivation directly to your prospect’s pockets. We talk cost-effective systems like Project Broadcast that make this seamless!


    🔹Learn why speaking engagements are your secret weapon in prospecting and how to maximize every opportunity to establish your expertise in the market.


    🔹Plus, we get hands-on with a creative exercise to sharpen your commercial presentation skills — don't miss Elizabeth's tips on using props to leave a lasting impression!

    Join Elizabeth's Growth Group initiative and become part of a dynamic network of powerful women propelling each other to new heights!

    💡 Get involved with the Powerful Women Growth Group https://www.eventbrite.com/e/809187500597?aff=oddtdtcreator


    📆 Book your spot in our upcoming workshops on February 26th on Zoom: https://forms.gle/TFEjkzDFmKK9A8mL7





    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    54 God Has a Dream For Your Life: Realize That Successful People Have A Dream

    54 God Has a Dream For Your Life: Realize That Successful People Have A Dream

    What are some examples of dreams in your life that have motivated and sustain you?


    In this episode of "Thinking That Matters," we delve into the concept of dreams and their importance in achieving success. 


    Elizabeth Mahusay shares valuable insights on the role of dreams in our lives and how they drive us towards our goals. She discusses the significance of having a clear and personal dream, and how it can sustain us through challenges and propel us toward our desired future. From practical dreams to significant dreams, she explores the different categories of dreams and their impact on our lives. 


    Join us as we uncover the power of dreaming and how it can transform our present and future.


    Key topics discussed in this episode:

    🔹Your dream needs to be big enough to get you out of bed in the morning, keep you up at night, and strong enough to push through fear and fatigue.


    🔹Dreams can fall into practical, fun, memorable, and significant categories, each playing a unique role in motivating and inspiring us.


    🔹Your dream is singularly your responsibility - it fuels your passion, gives you direction, and propels you forward in your journey towards success.




    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    53 God Has A Dream for Your Life- Release Your Dream Doubts

    53 God Has A Dream for Your Life- Release Your Dream Doubts

    Are you feeling imprisoned by doubt when it comes to pursuing your dream?

    Welcome to another episode of Thinking That Matters with Elizabeth Mahusay. Today, we continue our discussion on how "God Has a Dream for Your Life." 

    In part two of this series, Elizabeth delves into the importance of releasing your dream doubts. She shares biblical insights and personal experiences to encourage listeners to reject misconceptions and embrace the truth that their dreams are important, unique, and worth pursuing. 

    Elizabeth's passion for living a faith-based life shines through as she challenges her audience to reject limiting thoughts and move forward in pursuing the dreams that God has placed within them. 

    If you've ever doubted the significance of your dreams or felt imprisoned by negative thoughts, this episode is for you. 

    Stay tuned as Elizabeth walks us through rejecting doubt and embracing a mindset that allows us to live a life that truly matters.


    Key topics discussed in this episode:

    🔹 Reject the misconception that you don't have a dream – you were made in God's image, and therefore, have a dream within you.

    🔹 Replace the idea of having to invent your dream with the understanding that God has already implanted it within you.

    🔹 Understand that your dream is yours to act on, and while it may seem late, it's never too late to make it a reality.


    Books and authors mentioned in the podcast:

    - "Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge" by Mark Batterson

    - "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers





    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/


    52 God Has A Dream for Your Life

    52 God Has A Dream for Your Life

    In this inspiring episode, Elizabeth shares her deep-rooted belief that God has a dream for each person's life. Drawing from her own personal journey, she recounts how she discovered her dream mission and encourages listeners to do the same. Through powerful stories and biblical references, Elizabeth explores the importance of recognizing our unique purpose, accepting ourselves, and seeking God's guidance in order to receive our dream mission. 


    Join Elizabeth on this transformative journey towards living a life that matters.


    Remember, you are created in God's image, and He has a dream for your life. Embrace it, pursue it, and live a life that truly matters.


    Key topics discussed in this episode:

    🔹 Discovering your dream mission and pursuing it with passion

    🔹 Recognizing that you were created in God's image

    🔹 Accepting and embracing who you are

    🔹 Asking God to help you see your dream mission

    🔹 Understanding that the journey itself is transformative and prepares you for success


    Know more about Elizabeth:

    Elizabeth grew up a self-starter who as a young woman prided herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She found herself challenged to develop deep and meaningful relationships because of her prideful “know-it-all” approach to life and work. She projected that she was perfect yet struggled to deal with failure, thoughts of insecurity, and the feeling of inadequacy. Through her study of the Bible, time as an entrepreneur, and the accountability of some great mentors Elizabeth, is a transformed woman. Today, she passionately invests her time helping others transform their thinking.


    Elizabeth is author of the recently published Transform My Thinking, God study on the book of Philippians. She has published over 170 YouTube videos and hundreds of Facebook Live videos ranging from topics of business building, daily encouragement/motivation, inspiration, marriage, and Bible exposition.

    Connect with Elizabeth:

    Facebook: @elizabethbmahusay/

    Instagram: @ebmahusay/

    Youtube: @ElizabethMahusay

    Website: https://elizabethmahusay.com/