
    About this Episode

    I was recently talking with Apolo Anton Ohno who is the winningest winter olympic medalist in US history for his 8 medals in short track speed skating. I asked him what was one of the differentiators was between him and the others who got close to olympic glory but didn’t achieve it. He told me it was INTENTIONALITY. 

    Apollo said intentionality was his differentiator. I have to agree that intentionality is a game changer for the elite performers across all different domains.

    Anyone can go into a workout or an event or a business meeting… but the greats, the ones who get the most out of all that they do approach everything with extreme intentionality. They’re clear about why they’re there, what they’re going to do and how they’re going to do it. 

    Each task we’re about to take on we have the ability to take a moment to pause and think about how we’re going to show up. 

    The way I do this is at the start of my day I take a few minutes to pause and think about my intention. I ask myself the following questions when I’m setting my intention,

    What am I going to do today that is my top priority? 

    Why is this important to me?

    How am I going to show up during these events? 

    We have this ability to bring this level of intentionality to all we do. So today as you get ready to embark on a new task or moving from thing to thing, step back, pause, ask what is within your control and how you’re going to show up in this moment. When we begin bringing this level of intentionality in the things we do our level of focus will skyrocket and our positive results will be a natural byproduct.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

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    Recent Episodes from Momentum Minutes

    #69. High Standards are Contagious!

    #69. High Standards are Contagious!

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

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    #68. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

    #68. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.

    So don't hold back today. Go out on a limb and take some chances. Explore what your potential is and the opportunities life presents you. Go out and try. Maybe you’ll fail, maybe you’ll succeed. Maybe you’ll enjoy all of it, the good and the bad. But you’ll never know if you don’t try. So don’t find yourself looking back on life being disappointed by the things you didn’t try because that is what you’ll regret.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #67. Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you are saying no to something that is important.

    #67. Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you are saying no to something that is important.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    Every time you say yes to something that is unimportant, you are saying no to something that is important.

    We have to remember that we only have so much time, energy and attention that we can use during our days.. So knowing these are limited resources, why would we waste them on unimportant things at the expense of important things? 

    Don’t fill your time with the unimportant but reach for something higher, reach for the important. 

    So as you go through today and are about to say yes to something, step back for a second and ask yourself if it’s important?

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #66. The most important quality you need to be successful

    #66. The most important quality you need to be successful

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    The winningest coach in sports said this is the most important quality you need to be a successful adult: “The single most important quality a person can have to be successful as an adult is to be resilient and to be resilient you must first fail. And we’re not letting that happen.” 

    Paul Assaiante is the head men’s squash coach at Trinity College. Paul has won 17 National Championships, there was a stretch when they won 13 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS in a row without losing a single match during those years.

     Paul is regarded as the winningest coach in sports and I was recently talking with him and he had this to say, “The single most important quality a person can have to be successful as an adult is to be resilient and to be resilient you must first fail. And we’re not letting that happen.” 

    Paul was talking about the young student athletes coming into his program today. He said he’s never seen them so buttoned up and polished. They could give you all the right answers, be great in interviews, essentially talk the talk and look the part.. But the second they meet adversity they crumble. They haven’t learned to fail. They’ve been striving for perfection and not realizing that the only way you build resilience is by failing and learning to adapt, to grow and to realize you can get through it. 

    Here is the winningest coach in sports and he’s saying you have to fail. You need to know failure is going to happen but it’s how you respond to failure that is critical. Are you going to expect perfection so the second you meet failure you stop or are you going to be resilient. To run towards your stretch points, come face to face with failure and realize that you can grow and learn from this moment. That just because you failed in one situation doesn’t mean you can’t get back up and go at it again. 

    So today, give yourself the space to fail, run to your stretch points. Allow your kids and coworkers the room to fail as well and then when they do fail be there for them. To help them grow from this experience and to get back at it again. Because the most important quality an adult can have to be successful is resilience.. 

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #65. How you live your days is how you live your life.

    #65. How you live your days is how you live your life.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    How you live your days is how you live your life. Your day is just a condensed version of your life. 

    As we know the little things become the big things so if you want to craft a great life you need to concentrate on the little things like crafting a great day. 

    You can’t wait for a later point in your life to start living the way you need to live in order to be on your deathbed and look back with deep fulfillment. 

    The way you craft a great life is to begin NOW, in this moment! Make sure you live today the way you would if it was your last. 

    Make it so exceptional that when you crawl into bed tonight deeply fulfilled , exhausted, with a huge smile on your face thinking about what an awesome day today was. 

    So my question for you: How are you going to show up today? 

    Will you show up with courage when you face your fears? 

    Will you show up with resilience in the face of adversity. 

    Will you show up with compassion for those struggling? 

    Each moment, choose to show up just a little bit better. 


    Will you choose to show up as a better version of yourself in the little moments of today because as we know these little moments become our days and our days become our weeks and our weeks become our years and our years are our lives. So remember how you live today is how you live your life.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #64. We're either headed in one of two directions... Choose wisely

    #64. We're either headed in one of two directions... Choose wisely

    Everyday we’re either headed in one of two directions: towards our model of who we want to become or towards who we don’t want to be. There is no inbetween. It’s either regression or progress. It’s either growth or decay. Which means everyday you have to make the choice of which direction you’re going to head.The choice is yours…. Choose wisely

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #63. There are great limits… and we do not know where they are until we get there.

    #63. There are great limits… and we do not know where they are until we get there.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    There are great limits… and we do not know where they are until we get there.

    So as you set out today instead of placing limits on yourself before you even begin how about you only find out your limits when you get there. 

    I have a special gift for listening to Momentum Minutes. I know all of us are looking for better ways to set and then achieve our goals this year! 

    Well, After coaching and interviewing hundreds of high achievers I’ve uncovered 3 secrets to help you set and then actually achieve your goals. 

    If you want me to send you the 3 secrets to setting and achieving your goals right now then click the link below!

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #62. NEVER miss 2 days in a row

    #62. NEVER miss 2 days in a row

    Do you want to know one of the keys to sustained high performance over time? It’s never miss two days in a row..

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #61. The Dalai Lama's way of testing our intentions

    #61. The Dalai Lama's way of testing our intentions

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    The Dalai Lama has a simple way of testing our intentions: “Is it just for me, or for others? For the benefit of the few, or for the many? For now, or for the future?” This litmus test can help guide us toward what we truly wish for.

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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    #60. Get better reference points

    #60. Get better reference points

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    One of the fastest ways to speed up your development and growth is to get better reference points. What you want to do is find the people who have done what you want to do and that massively raises the standards of the beliefs you previously put on yourself. You want to see what excellence looks like so you can model excellence. 

    There are 3 criteria I tend to use when looking for a new reference or model to extract wisdom from.

    #1 They need to inspire me. If they don’t inspire me then I’ve found that I don’t tend to want to learn more from them so it’s crucial that the models I’m learning from inspire the hell out of me. They need to energize me about what and who I can become. So that’s #1.

    #2 is I need to be able to relate to them. Some people might push back on this but I’m just sharing what works for me. If I can’t relate to someone or see a bit of me in them it’s hard for me to keep with them as a model. So make it easier on yourself, find someone you can relate to. Someone you see a bit of yourself in and someone who is solving the problems you want to solve.

    #3. They make me a bit uncomfortable. Yes you heard me right, they make me a bit uncomfortable…. I'm a bit nervous. Now the reason for this is because they’ve raised my standards so much that I know if I want to do what they’ve done then I’m going to have to work incredibly hard and everytime you’re about to take on a massive challenge you get some butterflies in your gut. Well those butterflies are exactly what I’m looking for. I want people who are going to take me to the razor's edge of my limits and be the reason I break past them! If someone you’re modeling doesn’t make you  a bit uncomfortable then they aren't stretching you enough!

    So there you have it. If you want to speed up your development and personal growth you need to find new reference points of models of people who have done what you want to and that massively raise your standards of what you thought possible. 

    THe 3 criteria to use to select someone is

    #1 they inspire you

    #2 you can relate to them

    #3 they make you uncomfortable

    Click HERE if you want me to send you my 3 Secrets to Setting & Achieving Your Goals 

    My Ultimate Annual Review + 2023 Planning Guide

    See this episode and all past episodes at https://whatgotyouthere.com/momentum-minutes/

    I’m Sean DeLaney and over the years I’ve interviewed, personally coached and been mentored by some of the world’s most successful people. If you’re enjoying this podcast and interested in speeding up your performance in life even more, than checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed!

    If you're interested in really exploring your potential and having me coach you then send me an email Sean@whatgotyouthere.com

    Checkout my online personal growth course called You Unleashed- CLICK HERE

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