
    592. The “HIDDEN” Agenda Destroying Your Life Ft. Curtis Bowers

    enOctober 27, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exposing Subversive Groups Undermining American ValuesFilmmaker Curtis Bowers' documentaries 'Agenda' and 'Agenda: Grinding America Down' reveal how subversive groups infiltrate government and education to undermine American values, motivating viewers to educate themselves and stand for truth and right.

      Filmmaker Curtis Bowers has dedicated his life to exposing the workings of subversive groups seeking to undermine American values and institutions. His documentaries, "Agenda" and "Agenda: Grinding America Down," provide insight into the strategies and tactics of these groups, which have included infiltrating government and education. Bowers' experiences, including attending a Communist Party USA meeting in 1992, motivated him to create these films. Despite the challenges of spreading awareness for so long, he remains committed to the cause, encouraging viewers to educate themselves and stand for truth and right. "Agenda" and "Agenda 2" are currently available to rent on Amazon and for purchase on the agendadocumentary.com website.

    • Environmental movement used to weaken free enterprise systemThe environmental movement, once insignificant, has grown powerful, aiming to create a need for global solutions by a global gov't, leading to totalitarian control, as outlined in 'The Naked Communist'.

      The environmental movement, which seemed insignificant in the 1990s, has become a powerful tool for those seeking to undermine the free enterprise system in America. This was discussed in a Communist meeting in 1992, but the significance of it became clearer in 2008 with the global reach of the environmental movement. The ultimate goal is to create a need for global solutions by a global government, leading to totalitarian control. This is not a new strategy, as evidenced by the 1958 book "The Naked Communist," which outlined 45 communist goals, including taking control of the schools and pushing socialist ideas. The goal is to transition through socialism before moving towards communism, and this has been a successful strategy throughout the 20th century. It's important to be aware of these historical patterns and the long-term goals of those seeking to undermine our system of government.

    • The Armed Citizenry: A Crucial Deterrent Against TyrannyThe right to bear arms is not just for hunting or target practice, but a crucial deterrent against potential enemy countries and tyrants. It's an obligation dating back to 1776 to protect our freedom and property.

      The armed citizenry in America is a crucial deterrent against potential enemy countries attempting to take us over. This right to bear arms, as written into the Constitution, is an obligation that dates back to 1776. It's not just for hunting or target practice, but a means to stand up against tyrants and protect our property and freedom. Communists and tyrants don't have morals and will manipulate situations, such as mass shootings, to sway public opinion. The youth are often targeted for manipulation. Those who speak the truth and stand up for this right can face backlash and calls for apologies or resignations. Despite this, it's essential to continue the conversation and remember the importance of the armed citizenry in preserving our country.

    • Uncovering the Danger Within: A Documentary on Communist InfiltrationA communist ideology infiltrated American society for decades, targeting education, media, and entertainment, aiming to change American values and transform the country into a Soviet-like society. A documentary, 'Agenda: Grinding America Down,' was created to raise awareness and inspire determination to combat this threat.

      The United States faces an enemy from within that has been working to transform American society from within for decades. This enemy, rooted in communist ideologies, has infiltrated various aspects of American life, including education, media, and entertainment. The goal is to change American values and make the country more like the Soviet Union. The speaker, inspired by his parents' teachings and a divine calling, created a documentary, "Agenda: Grinding America Down," to raise awareness about this threat and awaken the American people to the danger lurking in their own backyard. Despite the challenges and lack of experience, the film was a success, winning a grand prize in a film festival. The journey was a testament to the power of faith and determination in bringing important issues to light.

    • Impact of individual actions and the importance of staying informedIndividual actions, no matter the size, can inspire change. Stay informed to ensure good intentions aren't manipulated for harmful purposes.

      Our actions, no matter the size or motivation, can have a significant impact when done for the right reasons. This was evident in the story shared about a man who, after praying for guidance, took a stand against tyranny and saw his efforts inspire others. Similarly, the environmental movement serves as a reminder that good intentions can be manipulated for harmful purposes. It's important to educate ourselves and stay informed about the true agendas behind issues we care about, such as the environment. The emotional appeal of these issues can make it difficult to see the truth, but doing so can lead to a better understanding of the world around us. For instance, the involvement of figures like Mikhail Gorbachev in environmental organizations raises red flags and highlights the potential for these causes to be used as Trojan horses for ideologies like communism.

    • Modern environmental movement's stance on CO2 being a pollutant is a lieCO2 is essential for plant growth, current CO2 levels are low, warming is beneficial, cooling is the real enemy, and overpopulation is a misconception

      The foundation of the modern environmental movement's stance on carbon dioxide being a pollutant is a lie. Carbon dioxide is actually plant food and essential for growth. The current level of CO2 in the atmosphere is only one fourth of the optimum level for plant growth. This misconception is a result of brainwashing and the teaching of opposites as truth. The fear of global warming is also misplaced, as real scientists suggest that warming would be beneficial, allowing for more farmable land. Contrarily, cooling is the real enemy as it limits the growing season and ability to produce food. Additionally, the idea of overpopulation is also a misconception, and the world is actually entering an age of depopulation due to declining birth rates.

    • Demographic shifts and their economic consequencesAging populations and decreasing birth rates could lead to economic instability and potential manipulation, emphasizing the importance of individual autonomy and resistance to manipulation

      The world population is projected to decline in the future due to aging populations and decreasing birth rates. This demographic shift could have significant economic consequences, including decreased home values and a shrinking workforce. Some powerful individuals or groups may see this as an opportunity to control the population or manipulate the economy. They may use tactics like compliance exercises, such as mask mandates, to evaluate and manipulate public compliance. People's inherent need to belong and fear of being outcast can make them more susceptible to these manipulations. It's crucial for individuals to be aware of these tactics and resist them to protect their autonomy and prevent potential economic and social upheaval.

    • Manipulation towards a one-world communist governmentPowerful groups aim to control society through politics, economics, education, and social norms, promoting depopulation, feminization, and compliant individuals.

      Certain powerful groups and ideologies are working to manipulate various aspects of society, including politics, economics, education, and social norms, with the ultimate goal of creating a one-world communist government. This agenda is being pushed by influential figures at the World Economic Forum and other similar organizations. They aim to depopulate humans, sterilize people through chemicals in food and water, and create a submissive, feminized population. The educational system is designed to produce compliant, dumbed-down individuals, and social constructs like feminism are used to undermine traditional masculine roles. The removal of cultural excellence and the promotion of ambition as a bad thing further weaken individuals and make them easier to control. This process has been ongoing for decades and is not an overnight development.

    • Observing societal issues during the pandemicThe pandemic highlighted societal issues, including manipulation, disregard for the vulnerable, and intentional harm for personal gain, which have been ongoing for decades.

      The speaker's awareness of societal issues was heightened during the COVID-19 pandemic, as they observed what they perceived as manipulation and a disregard for protecting the vulnerable. They also believe that certain individuals and entities have intentionally caused harm for their own gain, and that this has been happening for decades. The speaker expresses concern about the psychological manipulation and the intentional placement of "idiots" in positions of power as a form of demoralization. They also predict that a future pandemic will be used to further control the population and cause fear.

    • Enemy's tactics to maintain powerStay committed to freedom, hold enemies accountable, and encourage building up rather than destroying.

      We are up against an enemy who will stop at nothing to maintain their power and control. They are committed to their agenda of destruction and are willing to use tactics like creating distractions, spreading propaganda, and even causing pandemics or world wars to prevent accountability. It's crucial that we, as individuals, claim and live our freedom, rather than waiting for someone else to save us. We must hold them accountable and encourage each other to build up rather than destroy. Remember, the only way to overcome this is by living in the opposite way of our enemies and refusing to let them dictate our lives.

    • Stand up for the truth, even in adversityEducate yourself and others about the truth, live authentically, and reject unsustainable solutions in the name of the environment

      Living authentically and standing up for the truth is essential, even in the face of adversity and lies. Alexander Solzhenitsyn's essay "Live Not By Lies" encouraged people in the Soviet Union to do just that, leading to the first protests in the country. This concept applies to all areas of life, including environmentalism. It's crucial to separate the cause from the manipulation of it for power and control. For instance, while many care about the environment, some propose unsustainable solutions that create more harm than good. It's essential to educate ourselves and others about the truth and live consistently with our beliefs.

    • Environmental impact of renewable energy and EVsThe production of solar panels and batteries for EVs has environmental costs and the widespread adoption may not be feasible without sufficient power sources. Human presence and influence on the environment may be necessary for its preservation, and the real agenda behind environmental initiatives should be questioned.

      The push for renewable energy and electric vehicles as solutions to save the planet may not be as straightforward or effective as it seems. The speaker raises concerns about the environmental impact of producing solar panels and batteries for electric vehicles, as well as the lack of sufficient power sources to support widespread adoption. Additionally, they argue that man's presence and influence on the environment are necessary for its preservation, and that the real agenda behind these initiatives may be rooted in control rather than environmental concern. The speaker also challenges the notion that human activity is the primary contributor to climate change and that reducing CO2 emissions will have a significant impact. Overall, the speaker encourages critical thinking and questioning the underlying motivations and assumptions behind environmental initiatives.

    • Socialism as a stepping stone to communismAdvocating for socialist causes may unwittingly contribute to communist regimes, leading to individual elimination and societal collapse. Be aware of potential outcomes and consider long-term consequences.

      Socialism is often used as a stepping stone to communism, and those who champion socialist causes may unwittingly be contributing to a larger agenda. Socialists and activists are viewed as "useful idiots" by those seeking to establish communist regimes, and once those regimes are in power, those same individuals may be targeted for elimination. The United Nations' Agenda 21, which outlines a plan for global sustainability, includes the outlawing of private vehicle ownership and the promotion of multifamily dwellings, among other controversial measures. The open borders policy is also seen as a strategy to dilute national identity and culture, leading to societal collapse. Immigrants brought in under false pretenses may not assimilate and instead contribute to societal fracturing. It's important to be aware of these potential outcomes and consider the long-term consequences of advocating for certain political ideologies.

    • Valuing those who contribute to AmericaPrioritize bringing in individuals with strong work ethic and appreciation for America, rather than those seeking handouts, to maintain the country's success.

      The current immigration situation in the US is a cause for concern, as the influx of people entering the country may not be the "cream of the crop" seeking opportunities, but rather those seeking handouts. The discussion emphasizes the importance of valuing those who come to America with a strong work ethic and appreciation for the land of opportunity, as this has historically contributed to the country's success. However, with the current administration's policies, there is a risk of bringing in individuals who may not contribute positively to society, while leaving behind those who have sacrificed greatly for the country, such as veterans. It is essential to be prepared for potential challenges and to support policies that prioritize bringing in individuals who will contribute positively to the US.

    • Emphasizing the power of individuals to make a differenceEvery person has the potential to impact the course of events and should not underestimate their ability to create change.

      Every individual has the power to make a difference, whether it's through standing up for what's right or using their influence to bring about change. This was emphasized through the discussion about the importance of speaking the truth and waking up friends and family to the truth. The illusion of power held by those in control was highlighted, and the story of Jeff Jarvis and Dell computer demonstrated the impact one person can have. In business, every customer interaction is crucial and should be treated as if they hold significant influence. Similarly, in the context of the current conversation, every person has the potential to impact the course of events and should not underestimate their ability to create change.

    • Inspiring change one person at a timeSharing truth and information can change perspectives, leading to exponential growth for both ideological shifts and businesses.

      Changing people's minds and building a business both require a consistent approach, focusing on one person at a time. The current cultural climate has intimidated many into avoiding necessary discussions, but every time we share truth and information, we have the potential to change at least one person's perspective. This ripple effect can lead to exponential growth, not just for ideological shifts, but also for businesses. A story from the speaker's father illustrates this idea, as he and his wife, expecting a fifth child with a high risk of miscarriage, read a book warning about the dangers of communist infiltration. Despite their busy schedules, they both read the book and were inspired to take action, ultimately leading to a significant impact.

    • A small act of sharing knowledge can lead to big impactsSharing knowledge and ideas, even in small ways, can inspire others and lead to significant outcomes

      Faithfulness in sharing knowledge and ideas, even in small ways, can lead to significant impacts. The story of this young couple in St. Louis in the 1960s illustrates this well. They recognized the importance of educating others about communism and started hosting weekly meetings in their home. One attendee was so moved by what he learned that he quit his job to write a book about it. This man, John Stormer, went on to sell 6 million copies of his self-published book, "None Dare Call it Treason," which played a role in Ronald Reagan's election as president. This is a powerful reminder that our actions, no matter how small, can have far-reaching consequences. It also highlights the importance of living out the truth we believe in, as it can inspire and influence others.

    • Protecting Our Way of Life: Speak Up NowHistory shows communism's deadly consequences; current political climate demands engagement; stand up for yourself or risk severe consequences; share info and engage in discussions to contribute.

      The current political climate requires active participation and engagement from individuals to protect our way of life and future. The consequences of not speaking up and contributing now could lead to severe consequences, including imprisonment or even death. History shows us that communism, which involves the government taking control of every aspect of people's lives, has resulted in the deaths of more people than all wars combined. The government's weaponization of the justice system and the arrests of individuals by association demonstrate the danger we all face. It's essential to use your voice and join the fight now before it's too late. The easiest way to contribute is by sharing information and engaging in discussions with others. Remember, if we don't stand up for ourselves, no one else will.

    • Individuals have the power to bring about change despite elites' influenceIndividuals can use the internet to connect, spread ideas, and bring about change quickly, while personal excellence serves as a form of rebellion against those who seek control

      Despite the power and influence of global elites and their affinity for communist systems, the power to effect change lies with individuals. The internet provides a unique opportunity for people to connect and spread ideas quickly, making it possible to bring about significant change in a much shorter timeframe than in the past. Personal excellence, or the pursuit of individual growth and development, can serve as a form of rebellion against those who seek to control us. We have the power to choose where we spend our money, how we live our lives, and what we stand for. The internet, which cannot be fully censored or controlled, is a powerful tool in our hands.

    • Empowering Personal ChangeEmpower yourself through personal excellence, positive choices, and strong values to create a ripple effect of positive change in your life and society. Stay informed and take responsibility for your growth.

      Each individual has the power to bring about positive change in their own lives and in society. By committing to personal excellence, making positive lifestyle choices, and living by strong values, we can create a ripple effect that inspires those around us to do the same. This collective change can lead to greater happiness, financial success, and a stronger community. It's important to be aware of external manipulations and to take responsibility for our own growth. Watching documentaries like "Agenda" and "Agenda: The Sequel" can provide valuable perspective and help us navigate our lives in a more informed way. Remember, the only person who can fix the world is you.

    • Supporting Content CreatorsConsider subscribing to Agenda Weekly for $5 a month for news summaries or watch free videos on Rumble to support content creators keeping the public informed.

      Curtis Powers, the speaker in this discussion, shares his efforts to keep people informed about current issues through various platforms like Agenda Weekly and Rumble. He emphasizes the importance of supporting content creators financially, as they face challenges in maintaining their work due to financial suppression. The Agenda Weekly subscription is an option for $5 a month, providing a summary of the news each week, saving time and resources for subscribers. Powers also encourages viewers to watch his videos on Rumble, particularly his recent one on courage, which is available for free. He emphasizes the significance of supporting content creators like himself, who are working to keep the public informed.

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