
    595: How to “Layer” Legal Protection So Lawsuits Won’t Touch Your Wealth w/Brian T. Bradley, Esq.

    enApril 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding ECCC: Effectiveness, Control, Cost in Asset ProtectionEducate yourself about various asset protection tools like trusts and LLCs, layer up protection, be aware of LLC misconceptions, know the risks of piercing the corporate veil, and consider both defensive benefits and offensive tax strategies.

      Effective asset protection involves understanding the concept of ECCC (effectiveness, control, cost) when evaluating different strategies. As real estate investors, it's essential to educate ourselves about various asset protection tools like trusts and LLCs, as well as their limitations. Brian Bradley, our guest on the BiggerPockets Podcast Show 595, emphasized the importance of layering up protection like clothes, with each layer providing additional security. Common misconceptions about LLCs and corporations can lead to a false sense of security. It's crucial to know the first word in an LLC and understand what it implies for your protection. Piercing the corporate veil is a potential risk that investors should be aware of, and the safest way to protect assets may depend on individual circumstances. Furthermore, some asset protection structures can offer both defensive benefits and offensive tax strategies, maximizing both wealth creation and preservation. If you're unsure whether to form an LLC or buy in your own name, seeking advice from an attorney is recommended. Overall, the key is to stay informed and make informed decisions to secure your assets effectively.

    • Seeking Legal Advice and Tax PlanningAlways consult legal professionals for legal questions, plan taxes throughout the year with a trusted CPA, invest in turnkey rental properties with little to no money down through Rent to Retirement, and use DealMachine for lead generation.

      While the speaker is happy to share information about financing real estate and connecting investors with professionals, they cannot provide legal advice. Instead, they encourage listeners to seek out legal professionals for their questions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of planning for taxes throughout the year by meeting regularly with a trusted CPA. Additionally, they promote the opportunity to invest in turnkey rental properties with no or low money down through Rent to Retirement. Finally, they highlight the value of DealMachine for accessing high-quality contact information for potential real estate leads.

    • Creating legal barriers for asset protectionStart planning and creating asset protection layers early in your investing journey to shield your wealth from potential creditors using tools like LLCs, limited partnerships, and trusts.

      Effective asset protection involves creating legal barriers between your assets and potential creditors before the need arises. This can be achieved through various tools and layers, such as LLCs, limited partnerships, and asset protection trusts. Each tool serves as a layer of clothing, with the specific tools and number of layers depending on factors like your risk profile, profession, asset classes, and total unprotected net worth. Asset protection is not about being boring or legal, but rather understanding how the wealthy protect themselves and implementing similar strategies. The key is to start planning and creating layers early on in your investing journey and adjusting your plans as you grow and your wealth increases. Don't let potential legal issues eat into your profits. Explore the possibilities of asset protection with resources like DealMachine and First American Exchange Company.

    • Layering Asset Protection: LLC, Management Company, and TrustEffectively protect assets by building a solid foundation with an LLC, mid-level management company, and outer shell trust.

      Effective asset protection involves layering different structures to build a solid foundation, mid-level, and outer shell. The first layer is an LLC, which serves as asset protection 101 and holds real estate and risky assets. However, single-member LLCs may not be effectively recognized by courts, making it essential to consider additional layers as your net worth and number of assets grow. The mid-layer is a management company, typically a limited partnership, which owns all LLCs, simplifying tax filings. The outer shell is an asset protection trust, providing doomsday lawsuit protection and ensuring compliance, cost-effectiveness, control, and overall effectiveness. As you progress in your real estate investing journey, consider these layers to ensure robust asset protection.

    • LLCs offer tax advantages but limited asset protectionLLCs provide tax benefits but limited asset protection. For strong asset protection, consider establishing additional layers like a limited partnership.

      LLCs offer tax advantages but limited asset protection, especially when it comes to lawsuits. The IRS treats LLCs as pass-through entities, meaning business taxes pass directly to the owner's personal tax filing. However, for asset protection, it's crucial to establish additional layers, such as a limited partnership, where the LLCs are owned, and the limited partnership provides the protection. A common misconception is that setting up an LLC in a state with more beneficial laws, like Wyoming, can be taken to other jurisdictions where lawsuits may occur. However, jurisdictional connections are crucial, and laws cannot be transferred. Lastly, it's essential to understand that LLCs provide limited protection, and the corporate veil can be pierced, making the owner personally liable. Factors like the nature of the business, particularly real estate, and funding issues can lead to piercing the corporate veil.

    • LLCs aren't a silver bullet for asset protectionUnderstand the limitations of LLCs, manage them properly, and consider additional strategies like creating LLCs in asset-located states and using LLPs for management.

      An LLC, while useful for asset protection, is not a silver bullet. It's essential to understand that an LLC is a holding company with no business operations, and managing it poorly, such as commingling assets or bad accounting, can lead to the LLC being pierced. Charging orders, which stop damages at the LLC level, vary in strength depending on the state. For stronger asset protection, consider creating LLCs in the state where the asset is located and using a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) at the second layer for management. Remember, asset protection and tax planning are separate matters, so consult with your CPA and wealth manager for tax mitigation strategies. A well-insured LLC can help mitigate risks, but it's not a substitute for solid asset protection strategies.

    • Benefits of having GP and LP roles in real estate businessSimplified accounting with one tax filing, perpetual existence, enhanced privacy, and asset protection through a limited partnership serving as a holding company for multiple LLCs. Involve specialists for setup and consider an LP with an asset protection trust for stronger protection.

      Having both a general partner interest and a limited partner interest in a real estate business can lead to significant benefits, including simplified accounting with only one tax filing, perpetual existence of the limited partnership, and enhanced privacy and asset protection. The limited partnership serves as a holding company for multiple LLCs, allowing for easy management and segregation of properties. It's essential to involve specialists in setting up your business, such as an asset protection lawyer and a business lawyer, each focusing on their respective areas of expertise. LLCs act as a financial deterrent and smokescreen in small lawsuits, but for more substantial cases, a limited partnership with an asset protection trust is a stronger choice. Overall, understanding the roles and benefits of these legal entities is crucial for effective asset protection and tax savings in real estate investments.

    • Multiple layers of asset protection including LLCs and trustsEffective asset protection requires a combination of LLCs and trusts, with stronger trusts moving assets out of US jurisdictions for major lawsuits with significant damages.

      Effective asset protection involves multiple layers, starting with LLCs or LLPs that make it more expensive and time-consuming for potential plaintiffs to collect damages. However, for major lawsuits with potentially large damages, stronger asset protection trusts may be necessary. These trusts can move assets out of US jurisdictions, making them legally unreachable. While LLCs have their place, trusts offer stronger protection in doomsday scenarios where significant wealth is at risk. It's essential to understand that trusts come in various forms, and setting up a family trust is just the beginning. The complexity and strength of asset protection depend on the nature of the lawsuit.

    • Trusts: The Heart and Soul of Asset Protection PlanningTrusts offer flexibility, longevity, and asset protection, bypassing probate and tailored to individual needs. Asset protection trusts provide the highest level of creditor protection.

      Trusts are an essential part of asset protection planning, serving as the heart and soul of the system. They offer more flexibility and longevity than business entities, and can be tailored to individual needs. Trusts also allow assets to bypass probate, saving time and money. While there are different types of trusts, such as revocable living trusts, land trusts, and asset protection trusts, each serving distinct purposes. Asset protection trusts, in particular, offer the highest level of protection against creditors and lawsuits. With the increasing wealth and inflation, the importance of effective asset protection strategies becomes even more crucial. By setting up trusts in strategic locations, individuals can make it harder for vultures to take their money. Trusts have been the longest-lasting entity, and their flexibility and strength make them an indispensable tool in one's financial planning.

    • Making the process harder for potential invaders can deter themHistorically, making the process longer and harder for invaders led to their retreat. Similarly, investing in real estate requires effort, but can lead to significant wealth growth. Proper planning and legal protections can add security to your assets.

      Creating obstacles and making the process longer for those trying to access your wealth can deter them from pursuing it. This was demonstrated historically when the Russians made it difficult for the Germans to invade Russia, leading them to eventually give up. Similarly, in real estate investing, putting in the effort to learn and execute strategies can lead to significant wealth growth, as shown by the example of an ex-brother-in-law who went from having no money to over a million dollars in assets in just a few years. However, it's important to have a clear direction and proper structure for your investments, as having assets in multiple jurisdictions without proper planning can lead to complications and the need for costly and time-consuming reorganization. Additionally, some jurisdictions, such as the Cook Islands, offer strong legal protections for trusts, making it more difficult and costly for potential litigants to pursue legal action against you. These protections can provide an added layer of security for your assets.

    • Setting up a purely foreign trust vs hybrid trust for asset protectionHybrid trusts offer asset protection offshore, but with easier maintenance and compliance through domestic structuring. They provide a more effective solution than purely foreign trusts for most individuals due to lower costs and complexities.

      Setting up a purely foreign trust for asset protection comes with significant costs, loss of control over assets, and complex IRS compliance requirements. For most people, the high costs and complexities outweigh the potential benefits. Instead, creating a hybrid or bridge trust, which is a combination of a foreign and domestic trust, offers a more effective solution. With a hybrid trust, assets are protected offshore, but the trust is domesticated for easier maintenance and compliance. In the event of a lawsuit, the trust can be broken and the assets moved offshore for added protection. Personal liability for judgments against the trust can be minimized by removing oneself as trustee and moving equity offshore. However, it's important to note that breaking the IRS compliance and moving equity offshore carries risks and should only be done with the guidance of a trusted legal and tax professional.

    • Setting up an offshore trust for asset protectionEstablishing an offshore trust in a place like the Cook Islands can shield assets from lawsuits and judgments, but it's costly and complex, requiring around $45,000 to $75,000 initially and $10,000 to $15,000 annually. A more affordable alternative is a hybrid trust, costing around $29,000 to set up and $2,600 to maintain.

      Setting up an offshore trust in a place like the Cook Islands can provide strong asset protection against lawsuits and judgments. This is because the offshore trustee will not recognize or honor foreign court orders or judgments, requiring the creditor to sue in the Cook Islands and potentially face difficulties in collecting the debt. The process typically takes around 30 days to set up and transfer assets, making it an effective option for those who anticipate being sued. However, it's best to establish the trust before any legal issues arise to avoid potential challenges of fraudulent transfers. The cost for setting up and maintaining an offshore trust is significant, ranging from $45,000 to $75,000 initially and $10,000 to $15,000 annually. A more affordable alternative is a hybrid option, such as a bridge trust or limited partnership, which costs around $29,000 to set up and $2,600 to maintain annually. Ultimately, asset protection is an important consideration for individuals with significant unprotected net worth, particularly those with multiple real estate properties in different states.

    • Understanding Trusts for Asset ProtectionTrusts offer protection for assets, especially for real estate investors and those in high-risk careers. Offshore trusts offer the most protection but are expensive, while domestic trusts are more affordable but less effective due to states ignoring them. Hybrid trusts offer a balance between cost and protection.

      Having a trust for asset protection is crucial, especially for those heavily invested in real estate or holding high-risk careers. Real estate investing comes with unforeseen issues like mold or renting to the wrong tenant. Trusts act as a safety net, dividing things into known, unknown, and unknown unknowns. The most protection comes from offshore trusts, but they're expensive. Domestic trusts are more affordable but offer less protection, and hybrid trusts offer a balance. The cost for a domestic trust is around $9,000 to $12,000 to set up and maintain, but it only protects assets within the US. With the increasing number of states ignoring domestic asset protection trusts, the effectiveness is questionable. A hybrid trust combines the strengths of both foreign and domestic trusts, offering more protection and costing around $29,000. Regardless of your profession, a trust provides asset protection for all your assets, even if the lawsuit isn't related to real estate.

    • Protect assets with trusts before legal issues ariseSetting up trusts for asset protection can shield assets from lawsuits and creditors, but it's crucial to establish them beforehand. Use a simple, grantor's trust for financing compatibility.

      Setting up trusts and other legal structures for asset protection can provide significant benefits, including shielding assets from personal lawsuits and creditors. However, it's crucial to have these structures in place before any potential legal issues arise. Once assets are transferred into trusts, it may not impact the ability to secure financing, but the specific type of trust used can make a difference. A grantor's trust, which allows the grantor to maintain control, is preferred by banks and lenders. More complex trusts may create challenges in securing financing or maintaining the structure, potentially leading to wasted resources. The key is to keep things simple and use a trusted professional to guide the process.

    • Simplifying complex situations for vacation homes and cryptocurrencyVacation home owners can maximize profits and ease management with full service companies like Vacasa. Cryptocurrency owners must disclose and potentially face legal action due to IRS definition as property, but setting up trusts or working with professionals can help mitigate risks.

      Simplifying complex situations, whether it's owning a vacation home or dealing with cryptocurrency, is key to maintaining compliance and maximizing profits. For vacation home owners, companies like Vacasa offer full service management, ensuring ease and profitability. Regarding cryptocurrency, it's important to remember that the IRS defines it as a property, requiring disclosure and potential legal action. Therefore, while owning cryptocurrency doesn't inherently provide protection, setting up trusts or working with professionals can help mitigate risks. Overall, simplifying complexities and staying informed are essential for successful ventures.

    • Crypto assets and LLCs: Transparency and AccountabilityCrypto assets require disclosure in debtors court, assigning them to asset protection plans and using blockchain technology for trusts can help, but LLCs do not provide anonymity, they offer liability protection and risk management.

      Crypto assets, just like any other property, are subject to disclosure in debtors court and can be frozen or seized if not disclosed. To protect these assets, assigning them to an asset protection plan and using blockchain technology to create unique, verifiable trusts is a developing solution. However, be cautious of scams and always remember that anonymity is a myth when it comes to LLCs. The legal system requires transparency and accountability. During the fire round, it was clarified that the biggest myth surrounding LLCs is the belief that creating an anonymous LLC will make one immune to lawsuits and court appearances. This is not the case. Instead, LLCs offer liability protection and can help manage business risks.

    • Myth of Anonymity in Lawsuits and Asset ProtectionInvestors must prioritize transparency and disclosure to avoid perjury and legal consequences in lawsuits. Consider expanding your team with professionals like a CPA, asset protection attorney, and wealth manager for optimal tax strategies, asset protection, and legal navigation.

      Anonymity is a myth when it comes to lawsuits and protecting assets. While there may be tactics or tools that seem appealing for maintaining privacy, such as Wyoming or Delaware LLCs, once served with a lawsuit, anonymity disappears. The importance of transparency and disclosure becomes crucial to avoid perjury and potential legal consequences. Additionally, investors should consider expanding their team beyond the core 4 (deal finder, property manager, contractor, and lender) to include a CPA, asset protection attorney, and wealth manager. These professionals can help optimize tax strategies, protect assets, and navigate complex legal matters. Investors should prioritize open communication and collaboration with their team to ensure the best possible outcomes.

    • Working with a team of experts for effective financial planningCommunicate strategies and goals to professionals, optimize taxes and wealth growth, ask for case law when hiring an attorney, and take action to avoid analysis paralysis.

      Effective financial planning and management involves working closely with a team of experts, including a CPA and a wealth manager. These professionals can help you optimize your taxes and accelerate wealth growth. It's important to communicate your strategies and goals to them, and trust them to use their expertise to maximize your financial situation. Additionally, it's crucial to plan and structure your finances before potential legal issues arise, rather than waiting until after a lawsuit. When it comes to finding the right attorney, asking for case law is an excellent litmus test. Finally, whether you're building a business or managing personal finances, it's essential to take action and not get stuck in analysis paralysis. For more information, visit Brian's website at www.btblegaledot.com or email him at brianbrian@btblegal.com for a free consultation. And remember, as David Green advises, "Don't get sucked into TikTok!"

    • Finding an investor-friendly real estate agent is crucial for investorsConnect with local market experts through BiggerPockets Agent Finder for neighborhood, number analysis, and confident action in real estate investing.

      Finding an investor-friendly real estate agent is crucial for those looking to get into or expand their real estate investing business. This was emphasized during a recent podcast episode featuring Brian, an experienced investor. He shared valuable insights about the importance of time in the market and navigating the ever-changing real estate market. The hosts expressed their gratitude for Brian's knowledge and acknowledged the potential need for adjustments in their own investing strategies. BiggerPockets Agent Finder was introduced as a free resource for investors to quickly connect with local market experts who can help analyze neighborhoods, numbers, and take confident action. This free service is available exclusively at biggerpockets.com/deals. Remember, investing in real estate involves risk, and it's essential to consult with qualified advisors before making any investment decisions.

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    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades

    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades
    The rental market could finally be returning to stability after a wild past four years. Since 2020, we’ve seen rent prices skyrocket almost overnight, with huge asking price increases for single-family homes, multifamily apartments, and everything in between. But that trend quickly reversed as the fight against inflation began, mortgage rates rose, and would-be homebuyers sat still, not knowing whether to stay renting or search for a home. But, a return to “equilibrium” may be coming soon, and that’s good news for landlords and renters alike. To break it all down, Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades joins the show to share his team’s latest rent data. Anthemos brings some surprisingly good news for landlords, from new month-over-month rent growth data to consumer preferences shifting to a more renter-focused lifestyle; now may be the moment landlords have been waiting for as renter demand looks promising and rates stay high. We’ll also discuss the inflation lag effect our rental market has caused and how to stay on top of current rent prices.  Has the dream of homeownership died? And if so, how do YOU attract the long-term renters who want to make a home out of your house (while paying YOU rent!)? Stick around for this rental market update every landlord needs to know about. Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover Rent growth updates and why rents for some units are starting to climb Single-family vs. multifamily demand and which asset is seeing the most strength  Why Anthemos is predicting a return to “equilibrium” for landlords this summer  The massive effect rent has on inflation and how housing shifts the economy  Is the “American Dream” dead? Why young Americans are ditching homeownership Where to find free, up-to-date rent price data so YOU can make the most from your rental  And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-975 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
    Want to really stand out in your market? A few renter-friendly interior design ideas can make a world of difference, elevating a run-of-the-mill property into one that attracts tenants and guests and stays occupied year-round. Today’s guest has some affordable, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks centered around “maximalism,” the design trend you can’t afford to not know about.   Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! If you want to boost your property’s value, keep renters happy, and get even MORE cash flow from your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. Today, interior designer Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto joins the show to share some of her most popular rental design tips. Regardless of your investing strategy, whether you own short-term rentals or are flipping houses for a profit, you won’t want to miss out on these enormous value-adds. The best part? They are extremely cost-effective, easy to implement, and, most importantly, reversible!   In this episode, Tay delves into maximalism—the interior design trend that is taking the world by storm in 2024—and shares how you can seamlessly integrate this popular style with your rental properties. She even shares some of the best places to find furniture, décor, and materials, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home renovation projects! In This Episode We Cover The best renter-friendly, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks for rentals How to implement maximalism throughout your rental properties Why you must know your limits when making design changes Where to find budget-friendly furniture and décor for your property How landlords can benefit from keeping up with the latest design trends Common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home design projects And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-974 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell

    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell
    Want to retire early? Real estate investing might be your best bet. Looking to boost your cash flow and expand your real estate portfolio, too? In today’s show, we’re sharing how to use home equity to build wealth the RIGHT way, plus the “portfolio architecture” secrets that enable you to retire earlier than you thought. Whether you’ve got one rental or a hundred or are just starting to dig into real estate investing, we’ve got the investing information you need on this Seeing Greene to reach true financial freedom. First, an investor sitting on $300,000 of equity asks what he should do: sell his current rental property and buy more OR convert the single-family home into a multifamily investment. The answer isn’t as clear-cut as you’d think. Next, we discuss whether ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages) vs. fixed-rate mortgages are your best bet for a lower mortgage rate. Plus, we'll share the five BIG mistakes new real estate investors can make. Finally, David describes “portfolio architecture” to an investor who wants to retire by age fifty. He CAN get it done, and you can, too, IF you follow David’s massive passive income plan!  Want to ask David and Rob a question? If so, submit your question here so they can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene, or hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take! In This Episode We Cover How to retire earlier with rental properties by strategizing your “portfolio architecture” Using home equity to invest and whether you should renovate a property or sell it and buy more rentals  Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) vs. fixed-rate mortgages and the “rate roulette” you could be playing Five real estate investing beginner mistakes you should avoid when using the BiggerPockets Forums  How to explode your cash flow by converting your long-term rental into a short or medium-term rental  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:31) Buy More Rentals or Convert Current One? (07:33) ARM vs. Fixed- Rate Mortgages (16:43) 5 Mistakes New Investors Make (21:08) Portfolio Architecture (Retire Early!) (32:05) Moving “Lazy” Equity (42:09) Note Investing 101 (51:12) Starting a Business (53:50) Ask Us Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-973 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market
    What sets apart the wealthy from the wannabes when investing? Knowing how to find real estate deals! You’ll be ahead of ninety-nine percent of investors if you know how to find off-market real estate deals and discounted on-market properties. Today, we’re giving you everything you need to know to find real estate deals in your market, no matter your budget, and even if you have zero real estate investing experience. Henry Washington, co-host of On the Market and author of Real Estate Deal Maker, is on to condense his seven years of investing into simple steps YOU can follow to find undervalued real estate. You’ll learn what a great real estate deal is, how to spot one even if you’ve never invested, why buying right is what REALLY makes you rich, three steps to start finding deals today, and the beginner mistake that’ll stop the deals from coming your way. Plus, Henry even shares the hidden on-market deals ANYONE can find (if they’re up to it). If you follow these steps, you’ll have a steady stream of real estate deals flowing your way. But if you don’t, you could waste years of building wealth waiting for the right deal to fall into your lap. So, are you going to take action or make excuses?  In This Episode We Cover How anyone in any real estate market can find undervalued real estate deals The three steps to finding discounted deals and why most people give up too soon Hidden on-market deals that anyone with a real estate agent can find  The biggest beginner mistake you can’t afford to make (it’ll could cost you…) Why you DON’T need a ton of time and money to start finding off-market real estate And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:08) What Makes a Great Deal? (06:34) How You Really Make Money (08:10) 3 Steps to Find Deals  (16:21) Biggest Beginner Mistake  (20:37) Learning From the Best  (23:29) Hidden On-Market Deals (29:09) Most People Won’t Do This  (33:02) Beginner Steps to Take (35:26) Grab Henry’s Book Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-972 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    'Til next week, team! 💖

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    592: BiggerNews April: How to Counter the Biggest Risk of 2022's Real Estate Cycle w/Doug Lodmell

    592: BiggerNews April: How to Counter the Biggest Risk of 2022's Real Estate Cycle w/Doug Lodmell
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    Most investors buy rental property for cash flow, and much to their surprise, no cash flow is to be found once the deal is done. Maybe they’ll get some limited returns in their first year of landlording, but with cash flow-induced frustration, they decide to try another strategy. This happens again and again as real estate investors struggle to realize anything other than a meager return on what was supposed to be a financially-freeing investment. But worry not—this is all part of the plan. David is back on another episode of Seeing Greene, where he answers the most-pressing real estate questions from across the web. But David isn’t alone in the episode! He brings along real estate investing experts Brandon Turner, Pat Hiban, and Zeona McIntyre to help answer hard-hitting questions surrounding anything and everything related to real estate. This week’s topics touch on shiny object syndrome, when to pay for real estate leads, assisted living investing, 1031 exchanges, short-term rentals vs multifamily investing, and how to find the right mentor. If you’ve been looking to up your real estate game, head over to the BiggerPockets Bookstore and take advantage of MASSIVE discounts on some of the best real estate books around! And remember to use ANY of today’s hosts’ names as a discount code to get even more off when buying any BiggerPockets books! In This Episode We Cover: How to avoid shiny object syndrome when no real estate strategy seems to work Why most new investors have the wrong idea about cash flow and rental properties Assisted living investing and who should make the jump into this high-cash flow asset class 1031 exchanges explained and using them to become a passive real estate investor Short-term rentals vs. multifamily investing and which is the better bet in 2023 How to find a mentor when you’re just starting in your real estate investing journey And So Much More! Links from the Show Find an Investor-Friendly Real Estate Agent BiggerPockets Youtube Channel BiggerPockets Forums BiggerPockets Pro Membership BiggerPockets Bookstore BiggerPockets Bootcamps BiggerPockets Podcast BiggerPockets Merch Listen to All Your Favorite BiggerPockets Podcasts in One Place Learn About Real Estate, The Housing Market, and Money Management with The BiggerPockets Podcasts Get More Deals Done with The BiggerPockets Investing Tools Find a BiggerPockets Real Estate Meetup in Your Area David's BiggerPockets Profile David's Instagram Hear Our Interview with Assisted Living Investing Expert, Isabelle Guarino-Smith Stay Up-to-Date on All the New BiggerPockets Books Coming Soon Shop the BiggerPockets Bookstore and Use Codes BRANDON, DAVID, PAT, or ZEONA for a Special Discount Books Mentioned in the Show Tax Strategies by Amanda Han & Matt MacFarland Advanced Tax Strategies by Amanda Han & Matt MacFarland 30-Day Stay by Zeona McIntyre & Sarah Weaver Real Estate by Numbers by J Scot & Dave Meyer 6 Steps to 7 Figures by Pat Hiban SKILL by David Greene BRRRR by David Greene Long Distance Real Estate Investing by David Greene Connect with Brandon, Pat, & Zeona: Brandon's BiggerPockets Profile Pat's BiggerPockets Profile Zeona's BiggerPockets Profile Click here to check the full show notes: https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-690 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Check out our sponsor page! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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