
    6/13/22: Inflation Record, Gas Prices, Gun Legislation, 2024 Election, WaPo Chaos, Societal Decay, Jan 6th Hearings, & More!

    enJune 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Financial freedom, unlearning limiting beliefs, and accessibilityState Farm and Viking Cruises promote financial empowerment, Undercover Tourist offers affordable theme park tickets, and the economy, inflation, and potential gun control legislation dominate the news.

      Financial freedom and empowerment are crucial for a comfortable lifestyle and future success. State Farm and Viking Cruises emphasize this message, encouraging us to unlearn financially limiting beliefs. Meanwhile, Undercover Tourist offers affordable adult theme park tickets to make vacations more accessible. Elsewhere, the January 6th committee hearings continue, with potential gun control legislation and inflation concerns dominating the news. Cable news divisions and media outlets face criticism for their handling of misinformation, while the 2024 presidential race heats up with speculation surrounding Biden and Trump's potential opponents. The economy remains a significant concern, with the S&P 500 on the brink of a bear market due to rising inflation, which reached a new post-pandemic high of 8.6% in May.

    • Inflation Affects Multiple Sectors of the EconomyInflation is impacting various sectors, including groceries, fuel, rent, electricity, airfare, and services, with some areas experiencing double-digit increases. While Putin's actions in Ukraine have contributed, the U.S. can take steps to mitigate the crisis, such as pressuring both sides to negotiate.

      Inflation is affecting various sectors of the economy, not just those reliant on global supply chains. Groceries, fuel, rent, electricity, airfare, and services have all seen significant price increases, with some areas experiencing double-digit inflation. The White House, under President Biden, has placed blame on Russian President Putin for the food and gas price hikes due to the conflict in Ukraine and subsequent embargo on Russian oil. However, economists argue that while Putin's actions have contributed to the issue, there are steps the U.S. could take to mitigate the crisis, such as pressuring both sides to negotiate a compromise. Americans, meanwhile, primarily blame corporations for inflation, according to recent polls.

    • Biden Administration's Inaction on InflationThe Biden administration's delay in addressing inflation has limited effective solutions, with the Fed's only option being a recession, and the administration's choices contributing to high gas prices.

      The Biden administration's response to inflation, or lack thereof, has limited options and significant consequences. The White House had the opportunity to address corporate price gouging and profit maximization earlier, but didn't act. Now, with inflation at 12%, many potential solutions are no longer effective. The Federal Reserve's only tool to combat inflation is pushing the economy into a recession, which would result in high unemployment. The gas price, in particular, is a clear indicator of the administration's performance. The Fed meets this week, and the expectation for a rate increase has shifted from a half percent to three-quarters of a percent due to recent reports. The administration's choices, such as the war in Ukraine and oil policies, have had an impact on oil prices but are not a complete solution. The consequences of not acting earlier have left the U.S. with limited options and a challenging economic situation.

    • Economic Challenges Leading to Potential Recession and its ImpactHigh inflation is causing the Federal Reserve to take aggressive actions, increasing recession risk. A recession could harm the housing market, decrease capital expenditure, and lead to significant budget strains for consumers, particularly for essential items like gas and rent.

      The current economic situation, marked by high inflation, is leading to aggressive actions from the Federal Reserve to curb inflation. These actions, including raising interest rates and reducing the money supply, are increasing the likelihood of a recession. This recession could result in significant damage to the housing market and a decrease in capital expenditure. During a recession, businesses cut costs and revert to just-in-time delivery methods, making the economy more precarious. Consumers are also feeling the pinch with rising prices for essential items like food and gas, leading to significant budget strains. The average American consumer now spends over $400 a month on gas alone, a substantial increase from just a year and a half ago. These economic challenges are disproportionately affecting working-class individuals, with essential items like gas, rent, and food experiencing the highest levels of inflation. The situation is particularly dire in states with high gas prices, such as California, where residents now pay an average of $6.43 a gallon. These economic pressures could lead to unrest and significant financial hardships for millions of Americans.

    • Rising Gas and Diesel Prices Exacerbate Inflation and Financial StrainThe rising cost of gas and diesel, driven by inflation, is causing financial strain for consumers, small businesses, and truckers, particularly in industries where margins are already thin, and impacting the availability and affordability of goods and services.

      The rising cost of gas and diesel, now averaging $5 and $5.70 per gallon respectively, is causing significant financial strain for many Americans, particularly for those in industries like trucking where margins are already thin. This situation is exacerbating inflation, which reached an 8.6% year-over-year increase in April, the highest in 40 years. The crunch is affecting everyone, from the average consumer to small business owners and truckers. Even in states with historically lower gas prices, like Texas and Georgia, people are feeling the pinch. The situation is further complicated by the fact that diesel, a key component in food production and logistics, is also seeing record-high prices. The owner operators of truck rigs, who were already operating on razor-thin margins, are struggling to break even, let alone turn a profit. The result is a vicious cycle of rising prices and decreased availability, contributing to the overall inflationary pressure. The situation is expected to worsen, with the Federal Reserve set to make announcements this week that could impact the economy further.

    • Bipartisan gun reform bill includes background checks, closing boyfriend loophole, and beefing up straw purchasing lawsThe bipartisan gun reform bill under discussion addresses key issues like mental health and school safety while respecting the Second Amendment, but faces challenges regarding funding for mental health initiatives and potential budget cuts, as well as disagreements over red flag provisions.

      The bipartisan gun reform bill under discussion includes enhanced background checks for those under 21, closing the boyfriend loophole, and beefing up straw purchasing laws. This framework, which has received positive statements from both Biden and McConnell, aims to address key issues like mental health and school safety while respecting the Second Amendment. However, there are question marks regarding the funding for mental health initiatives and potential offsetting budget cuts. The red flag provisions, which provide funding to states for implementing crisis intervention orders, are expected to be a point of contention due to varying civil liberties and due process standards across states. Despite concerns and uncertainties, this bill marks significant progress in the long-standing debate on gun violence legislation.

    • Bipartisan Senators Agree on Gun Safety Legislation FrameworkSenators reached a deal on gun safety legislation, including red flag provision and mental health resources, marking first significant gun law since 1998. NRA opposes red flag provision, but mental health component is crucial. John Cornyn's support uncertain, aiming to reduce gun deaths from various causes.

      A bipartisan group of senators has agreed on a framework for gun safety legislation, which includes a red flag provision and mental health resources, after the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. The bill, if passed, would mark the first significant gun legislation since 1998. The NRA and gun organizations are expected to oppose the bill due to the red flag provision, but the mental health provision is seen as a crucial component to address the growing mental health challenge in America. The weakest link in the passage of the bill is expected to be John Cornyn from Texas, who is from a state that does not support red flag laws. The legislation, if successful, would aim to curb gun deaths from suicide, domestic abuse, homicides, and mass shootings, even if only by a small percentage. The announcement is seen as a positive sign of bipartisan progress in Washington, despite skepticism about its ultimate passage.

    • Concerns about President Biden's age and competenceCritics question Biden's ability to effectively lead the Democratic Party and deliver for the American people due to his advanced age and perceived lack of agility in public appearances.

      The effectiveness of a leader, particularly in politics, depends not only on the policies they implement but also on their ability to connect with the public. The recent discussions surrounding President Biden's potential re-election in 2024 highlight concerns about his age and perceived competence. Critics argue that his advanced age would make it challenging for him to handle the demands of the presidency effectively. The New York Times article quotes several Democratic officials, voters, and even former Obama aide David Axelrod, expressing doubts about Biden's ability to lead the party and deliver for the American people. Axelrod acknowledged the performance issue, suggesting that Biden's age and perceived lack of agility in front of a camera contribute to the narrative about his competence. The issue of leadership and competence extends beyond messaging or sloganeering; it is rooted in substance and the ability to deliver for the people. The age of political leaders is a valid concern, and it is essential to consider the demands of the job and the impact on governance when evaluating their fitness for office.

    • Concerns over American politics' aging leadershipThe speaker expresses unease about President Biden's age and perceived ineffectiveness, comparing him to Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and believes neither would gain significant support in the next election due to party structures and identity politics.

      The political landscape in the United States is facing a challenging situation with the aging leadership of both major parties. The speaker expresses concerns about President Joe Biden's advanced age and perceived ineffectiveness, comparing him to Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The speaker argues that the political class is stuck with these options due to the party structures and identity politics. They believe that neither Biden nor Harris would be able to garner significant support in the next election. The speaker also reflects on the historical context, noting that Obama faced challenges but maintained strong support among Democrats. Overall, the speaker expresses a sense of unease about the current state of American politics and the limited options for change.

    • Uncertainty for Biden, Trump's Strong Base in GOP RaceDespite doubts about his re-nomination, Biden faces a formidable opponent in Trump, who maintains a strong base of support among Republicans, making it challenging for any challenger to unseat him.

      The political landscape is experiencing an unprecedented shift, with sitting incumbent President Biden facing doubts about his re-nomination from within his own party. This contrasts with Trump, who faced no such uncertainty despite his divisive presidency. The Republican primary race is heating up, with potential contenders like Mike Pence, Tom Cotton, and Ron DeSantis positioning themselves. While some, like DeSantis, have shown promising results in polls, it's widely believed that Trump's strong base of support makes it difficult for any challenger to unseat him. The speculation over a potential Trump vs. DeSantis matchup highlights the deep divide within the Republican party and the enduring influence of Trump's celebrity status and polarizing persona.

    • Will Ron DeSantis challenge Donald Trump in the Republican Party?Despite some speculation, it's unlikely that Ron DeSantis will challenge Donald Trump in a primary due to Trump's enduring influence, DeSantis' potential indebtedness, and the uncertainty of timing.

      Ron DeSantis is currently seen as a polar opposite to former President Donald Trump in terms of political influence and popularity within the Republican Party. While Trump inspires immense loyalty and charisma that goes beyond politics, DeSantis does not have the same level of popularity or recognition. Some believe that DeSantis could potentially challenge Trump in a primary, but it's unlikely given Trump's enduring influence and DeSantis' potential indebtedness to him for his past endorsement. Trump's endorsement carries significant weight, and any perceived disloyalty or attempt to challenge him could lead to public ridicule and backlash. Additionally, the timing of a potential challenge is crucial, as waiting too long could mean missing the moment to capitalize on current support. Ultimately, the Republican Party's elites and activists, as well as some elite liberals, may be pushing for DeSantis as a viable alternative to Trump, but the reality of a successful challenge remains uncertain.

    • Republican Party: Trump's to Lead or DeSantis to Challenge?Trump's grip on the Republican Party remains strong, making it uncertain if DeSantis can effectively challenge him for the nomination.

      The Republican Party appears to be Trump's to lead, as shown in a recent straw poll where he came in close behind Ron DeSantis. However, despite DeSantis' growing clout within the party, it remains unclear if he can effectively challenge Trump for the nomination due to Trump's loyal following and the lack of a clear critique against him. In the world of journalism, The Washington Post faced controversy when reporter Taylor Lorenz falsely claimed to have contacted two YouTubers for comment before smearing them in an article. After being called out, she blamed her editor and continued to deny any wrongdoing, raising questions about her professionalism and journalistic integrity.

    • The Washington Post's handling of a correction raises questions about journalistic practices and credibilityThe Washington Post's correction remains inaccurate, undermining public trust in their reporting, and highlights the importance of factual accuracy and transparency in journalism.

      The Washington Post's handling of a correction in one of their stories raises serious questions about their journalistic practices and credibility. Media critic Eric Wempel discovered that an editor's note in the article still contained a material falsehood, contradicting Taylor Lorenz's account of reaching out to individuals for comment before publishing. When Wempel asked for clarification, The Washington Post refused to comment, leaving the situation unresolved. The larger issue is that the Post's correction, now labeled an editor's note, remains inaccurate, and the public is not being informed. This incident highlights the importance of factual accuracy and transparency in journalism and undermines the public's trust in the Post's reporting. Additionally, Lorenz's past actions, including doxxing and defending the integrity of figures under scrutiny, have further eroded her credibility and raised concerns about her journalistic standards.

    • Journalist's toxic behavior harms institutionAccountability and professional conduct are crucial in journalism to prevent toxic work environments and maintain trust and integrity in the media industry

      The behavior of journalist Felicia Sonmez at The Washington Post led to a toxic work environment and her eventual termination. Sonmez was repeatedly warned for maligning her colleagues online and insubordination, but her actions continued, causing significant damage to the institution. Her colleagues, including Dave Weigel and Brianna Muir, faced consequences for minor infractions while Sonmez went unchecked. The situation highlights the importance of accountability and professional conduct in journalism, as well as the potential consequences of allowing toxic behavior to persist in the workplace. The incident also underscores the importance of maintaining trust and integrity in the media industry, particularly during a time when it is under increased scrutiny.

    • January 6th hearings vs everyday concernsCritics argue media's focus on Jan 6th hearings ignores pressing issues like inflation and high gas prices, but others believe accountability for attempted election overthrow is necessary.

      The ongoing January 6th hearings have become a major focus for the Democratic party, the media, and Congress, but some argue that this obsession comes at the expense of addressing more pressing issues like inflation and high gas prices. Critics argue that the media's prioritization of January 6th over these issues reveals a disconnect with the concerns of everyday people and a lack of seriousness about acting democratically. The tweet from MSNBC's Eamon Mualdi, which criticized those who prioritize the price of gas over democracy, is emblematic of this mindset. However, others argue that this focus on January 6th is necessary to hold those responsible for the attempted overthrow of the election accountable. Ultimately, the debate highlights the importance of addressing both the big picture issues of democracy and the day-to-day concerns of the American people.

    • Widespread unrest and discontent in American politics and societyThe middle class has been hollowed out, inequality is extreme, democratic institutions are ineffective, leading to violence and chaos, and people are turning to extremist groups and conspiracy theories, requiring urgent action to address systemic issues and create a more equitable society.

      The current state of American politics and society is causing widespread unrest and discontent, leading to various forms of violence and chaos. The middle class has been hollowed out, inequality has reached extreme levels, and democratic institutions have become increasingly ineffective in addressing these issues. As a result, many people are turning to extremist groups and conspiracy theories, creating a dangerous and divisive environment. The January 6th hearings are just one symptom of this larger problem, and it's crucial that we address the underlying causes to prevent further unrest and violence. Unfortunately, the country is currently divided along various lines, making it difficult to come together and find solutions. It's essential to recognize that the real problem isn't the actions of individuals or specific groups, but the systemic issues that have led us to this point. We need to act urgently to address these issues and work towards a more equitable and just society.

    • The root cause of the Capitol insurrection goes beyond individual actions to income inequalityTo address the root cause of the Capitol insurrection, focus on income inequality through electing reformers, rebuilding the union movement, and creating a media that serves the masses.

      The root cause of the events leading to the January 6th Capitol insurrection is not just about individual actions or instigators, but rather the deeply entrenched issue of income and resource inequality in America. The speaker argues that this problem has been masked by American mythology of meritocracy and the American dream, but the truth is that collective action and government intervention are necessary to address this issue. The speaker criticizes the focus on the January 6th hearings and calls for attention to be paid to corporate criminals and the unfair distribution of resources. They suggest that the solution lies in electing dedicated reformers, rebuilding the union movement, and creating a media that serves the masses, not the corporate crooks. The speaker also highlights Bill Barr's role in disputing the election claims and calls him no hero.

    • Trump's false election fraud claims known to family, hearings revealDespite knowing his election fraud claims were baseless, Trump continued to spread them, and platforms suspended users discussing the hearings.

      During the January 6th hearings, it was revealed that people close to former President Trump, including his daughter Ivanka, were aware that his claims of election fraud were baseless. However, Trump continued to push these lies to his followers, despite knowing they were false. Furthermore, platforms like True Social, which position themselves as free speech platforms, have been suspending users for discussing the hearings. The ratings for the hearings were a topic of discussion, with some networks experiencing lower than normal viewership, while others saw higher numbers. Overall, the hearings provided more evidence of Trump's willingness to spread false information, even when he knew it was untrue, and the continued efforts to silence discussion on the topic.

    • January 6th Hearings: Unprecedented Viewership, Selective CoverageMSNBC and CNN saw record ratings during the January 6th hearings, while Fox News opted for regular programming, facing criticism for selective coverage and propaganda. The hearings presented evidence that Trump was aware of his election loss but continued to spread false claims, resulting in failed impeachment attempts and increased approval rating.

      The January 6th Congressional hearings received unprecedented viewership, with MSNBC and CNN experiencing higher ratings than usual. Fox News, however, chose not to air the hearings live and instead continued with their regular programming. This decision was criticized for being a form of propaganda, as Fox News personalities are directly involved in the events and they selectively showed violent footage while cutting away from other instances. The overall narrative of the hearings is that former President Trump was well-informed about his election loss but continued to spread false claims and encourage his supporters to come to Washington on January 6th. Despite the emotional case presented, impeachment attempts failed, and Trump's approval rating has since increased. The Democratic strategy post-January 6th focused on taking down Trump through the events of the day and getting him kicked off social media platforms, which may have contributed to his current higher approval rating.

    • Addressing the root causes of political instabilityFocusing on underlying issues rather than individual events could lead to more productive discussions and potential solutions for American politics

      Instead of focusing on individual events like January 6th, it's crucial to address the underlying issues that contribute to the current state of American politics. The American people may not prioritize certain events in their daily lives, but their voting patterns indicate their concerns about material conditions. It's essential to investigate and address the root causes of political instability and divisiveness, rather than becoming fixated on specific incidents. This approach could lead to more productive discussions and potential solutions for the country's challenges. Additionally, it's important to remember that the character of the American people is not inherently flawed, and they deserve leaders who genuinely focus on delivering for them.

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    About Roger:

    Roger Jason Stone is an American conservative political consultant and lobbyist. Since the 1970s, Stone has worked on the campaigns of Republican politicians, including Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump.

    About Ric: Enrique "Ric" Prado is a paramilitary, counter-terrorism, and special/clandestine operations specialist, with a focus on international training operations and programs. Mr. Prado is a twenty-four-year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency where he served as an Operations Officer in six overseas posts. He was Deputy Chief of Station and "Plank Owner" of the original Bin Ladin Task Force/Issues Station under Senior Analyst, Michael Scheuer, as well as Chief of Station in a hostile Muslim country.

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    To donate to the Stone Family Support Fund: https://bit.ly/3OGNpyk

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    Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller Your Next Five Moves (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.


    To reach the Valuetainment team you can email: booking@valuetainment.com

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    I was going through my twitter feeds this morning in preparing for this podcast and found that we as a nation are really controlled by the political and corporate elite in Washington DC.  They are trying to control everything that we do, they tell us men are now women, they can become pragnant, the DOJ and FBI have created a police state and are not long protecting the rule of law, and we can go on and on.  We see lie after lie, and no member of congress or the senate are protecting us from these lies and abuses.  And we have a corrupt president and nothing happens to hold him accountable.

    However, you and I are trying to survive every single day.  We are double checking our food costs, trying to pay our rents, our car payments, gas, utilities.  We are covering the basics of life for our families.  Inflation will be here for quite some time.  You and I will survive, even though how hard it will get.  We have stamina to get through anything.  Keep focused.  Keep your family safe.  Build new businesses.  Keep focused on your spirituality.   

    San Francisco Fall Goes Into Default:  https://fortune.com/2023/06/12/san-francisco-commercial-real-estate-apocalypse-westfield-center/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=lodgeco%2Fmagazine%2FMichael+Lodge+-+The+Business+Advisor

    Purchase my book - The Business Advisor on Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Ethically-Thinking-Its-That-Hard/dp/1790660149/ref=sr_1_1?crid=OX926EZQH6FT&keywords=Ethically+Thinking%2C+It%27s+Not+That+Hard&qid=1686568500&sprefix=ethically+thinking%2C+it%27s+not+that+hard%2Caps%2C392&sr=8-1