
    6/20/22: Recession Warnings, Uvalde Coverup, Buttigieg Failures, Biden Fitness, Assange Case, Global Unrest, & More!

    enJune 20, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring unique topics and gaining insights through various podcastsFrom family histories to economic updates, podcasts offer diverse and informative content, allowing listeners to explore important topics and gain valuable insights.

      There are various podcasts available on different platforms, each offering unique content. Joe Piazza's new podcast, "Sicilian Inheritance," delves into his family's mysterious past in Sicily. Danielle Robae and Symone Boyce's "The Bright Side" brings daily conversations about culture, trends, and inspiration. Elliot Connick hosts "Family Therapy" on The Black Effect podcast network. Amidst the chaos of cable news and the economy, podcasts provide a new way to explore important topics and gain insights. For instance, Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, does not believe a recession is inevitable, and she aims to bring down inflation while maintaining a strong labor market. These are just a few examples of the diverse and informative podcasts available today.

    • Fed's approach to inflation and its impact on individualsThe Fed's decision to raise interest rates to combat inflation may negatively impact individuals' ability to afford essentials and hurt businesses, while historical data suggests that global events and supply-side factors have a more significant role in addressing inflation.

      The current economic situation involves a persistent issue with inflation, and the Federal Reserve's response is to increase interest rates to cool down the economy. However, this approach may negatively impact individuals' ability to afford essentials, and it might not be the only solution to tackle inflation. The Biden administration's stance on inflation being avoidable and the economy's strength contrasts with historical data showing high inflation and chaos in the labor market after major crises. Ultimately, there are only two ways to address inflation: inducing a recession or dealing with supply-side factors. While the Fed's decision to raise interest rates may help reduce demand and lower prices, it can also hurt businesses and cause widespread economic pain. Historically, global events and supply-side factors have played a more significant role in solving inflation than monetary policy alone. Additionally, an interesting detail from Biden's interview revealed that he had no involvement in hanging FDR's portrait in the White House, signaling a disconnect between his rhetoric and actions.

    • The End of Easy Money from the Federal ReserveThe Fed's decision to raise interest rates signals an end to cheap money, leading to potential asset bubble deflation, increased debt distress, and potential recession. Individuals may face decreased spending power, reduced labor market mobility, and potential layoffs as companies protect stock prices.

      The end of easy money from the Federal Reserve signals a new economic climate with potential challenges for consumers, businesses, and the labor market. For decades, cheap money led to easy borrowing for consumers and companies, as well as large budget deficits for the government. However, with the Fed raising interest rates, this era is coming to an end, leading to asset bubbles deflating, increased debt distress, and potential recession. This shift may result in decreased spending power for individuals, reduced labor market mobility, and potential layoffs as companies seek to protect their stock prices. Ultimately, this change is a result of government policy and the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation and unwind the extraordinary support provided during the pandemic.

    • Economic Downturn: Grim Picture for Individuals and BusinessesThe current economic climate is grim, with cheap borrowing leading to a surge in SPACs, low consumer sentiment, struggling politicians, and a crypto market downturn causing a contraction of over $7 trillion in wealth.

      The current economic climate presents a grim picture for individuals and businesses alike. Cheap borrowing has kept loss-making companies afloat, leading to a surge in special purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), but now, these artificial supports are being pulled back. Consumer sentiment is at an all-time low, even worse than during the 2008 financial crisis and the 1970s recession. Politicians, including the Biden administration, are struggling to address the issue, with half-hearted attempts and indecisiveness. The crypto market is also experiencing a significant downturn, with Bitcoin falling below $20,000 for the first time since 2020, and major players like Coinbase laying off staff and halting withdrawals. The combined impact of these events is a contraction of over $7 trillion in wealth in just a few months. The situation is unprecedented, and it's clear that drastic measures are needed to turn things around. However, the current administration's approach seems to be one of hesitation and indecisiveness, leaving many to wonder what the future holds.

    • Crypto Risks: Instability, Fraud, and Lack of RegulationCrypto investments carry significant risks, including potential instability, fraud, and lack of regulation. Understand the technology and exercise caution when dealing with unregulated entities or complex financial instruments.

      The crypto market, particularly those involved in complex financial instruments and unregulated stablecoins, can carry significant risks for both individuals and economies. The speaker discussed an instance where people staked their crypto as collateral for loans, and when asset values declined, banks called for margin payments, leading to a crisis when people couldn't pay up. This lack of regulation and potential instability led to pauses in transactions and significant losses for many, including those in developing countries who had put their savings into crypto as a hedge against their own currency's hyperinflation. Additionally, the speaker mentioned concerns about fraudulent schemes and outright fraud within the crypto market. The Tether stablecoin, which claims to be backed by US dollars, was called into question by investigations revealing that it didn't always have sufficient cash reserves, leading to a run on the "bank" and depegging from the US dollar. While crypto has shown potential for wealth generation, it's crucial to remember that, as with any investment, there are risks involved. It's essential to approach crypto with a solid understanding of the underlying technology and the potential risks, and to exercise caution when dealing with unregulated entities or complex financial instruments.

    • Stablecoins like Tether: A Cause for ConcernThe lack of regulation and transparency in stablecoins like Tether, coupled with speculative behavior and influencer actions, has led to potential risks for investors and markets.

      The stability and future of stablecoins like Tether, which are a significant part of the crypto world, is a cause for concern. If Tether were to fail, there could be serious consequences for various markets. The initial appeal of stablecoins as a hedge against inflation or a medium of exchange has shifted into a speculative asset with no backing. While some compare it to a casino, others see it as a tool for censorship-resistant money. However, the lack of regulation and transparency, as well as the actions of some influencers, have led to a situation where people have lost their savings without fully understanding the risks. The recent controversy surrounding Stiller's piece and the Apple store unionization serves as a reminder of the complexities and challenges in the crypto world.

    • Apple Employees Form First Union at Apple in MarylandApple workers formed the first union at Apple despite a nationwide anti-union campaign, inspired by labor movements at Amazon and Starbucks. However, the current strong labor market could be reversed by the Fed's efforts to combat inflation, potentially weakening the labor movement and impacting low-income workers the most.

      Apple Store employees in Maryland made history by forming the first union at Apple, despite a nationwide anti-union campaign. Workers, who had previously felt powerless in the face of long hours, customer abuse, and no say in workplace conditions, were inspired by the labor movements at Amazon and Starbucks. However, the current strong labor market, which has given workers more leverage, could be reversed if the Federal Reserve's efforts to combat inflation lead to higher unemployment. This could potentially weaken the labor movement and take away the power that workers have gained. The Fed's monetary policy has the ability to trigger a recession within 6 to 8 months, and unemployment, currently at 3.6%, could rise significantly, impacting low-income workers the most. It's important to remember that the economy is about people and their experiences, and recent consumer sentiment data indicates that many people are feeling pessimistic about the economy.

    • Times of crisis call for transparency and accountabilityIn times of crisis, it's crucial for information to be openly shared to ensure accountability and promote understanding, rather than being kept private or withheld by those in power.

      The economic landscape, fueled by inflation and rising interest rates, is making life more difficult for many people, leading to less consumption and investment. Meanwhile, in the aftermath of the Uvalde school shooting, efforts to keep records related to the incident private continue, with the city hiring a law firm to fight against releasing information. Despite this, the Texas attorney general and governor have the power to release the records, raising questions about accountability. New information suggests that police did not attempt to open the classroom door where the gunman held children hostage for 77 minutes. These developments highlight the importance of transparency and accountability, particularly in times of crisis.

    • Uvalde school shooting: New revelations of inconsistencies and potential cover-upNew details reveal unlocked door and officers with tools to open it, adding to concerns of incompetence and potential cover-up in Uvalde school shooting investigation. Calls for full investigation and accountability, but responsibility and justice remain unclear.

      The handling of the Uvalde school shooting investigation has raised serious concerns about incompetence, potential cover-up, and transparency at various levels of law enforcement and government. The latest revelation is that the classroom door was unlocked, contradicting earlier claims, and officers had tools to open locked doors if necessary. This adds to the growing list of inconsistencies and lies from authorities. The police department's control over the release of body camera footage further complicates matters, as they have the power to withhold information. The Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, has called for a full investigation and accountability, but it's unclear if this will lead to meaningful change. The Uvalde police department and CISD should be held responsible for their actions, and the school remains closed, highlighting the ongoing impact of the tragedy. The national conversation on gun control has been overshadowed by these developments, but it's crucial that the focus remains on ensuring justice and preventing future incidents.

    • Denial of accountability and transparency in Uvalde shooting aftermathLocal officials obstruct critical info from public during crises, while airlines take advantage of consumers during summer travel season, leaving them stranded, requiring intervention from authorities for truth and justice

      Accountability and transparency are being denied to the public in the aftermath of the Uvalde school shooting. Despite continued public interest, key figures and local officials are working to withhold critical information from the public. Meanwhile, during the summer travel season, airlines are taking advantage of consumers by canceling flights and offering insufficient customer service, leaving travelers stranded and frustrated. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has the power to intervene, but so far, he has only met with airline executives and promised to monitor the situation. It's essential that those in positions of power act in the best interest of the public, providing truth and justice in times of crisis and ensuring fair practices in everyday life.

    • Understaffing at the FAA and Airlines Causes Flight DisruptionsThe aviation industry's current woes, including frequent cancellations and delays, are due to understaffing at the FAA, a surplus of new pilots, airlines misusing bailout funds, and rising jet fuel prices.

      The current state of the aviation industry, marked by frequent flight cancellations and long delays, can be attributed to a combination of factors including understaffing at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the surplus of new pilots, and the airlines' misuse of the bailout funds. The airlines, despite claiming a shortage of staff, pressured pilots to retire to keep the bailout money for themselves, resulting in a lack of available pilots. The FAA, which has the regulatory authority to address these issues, is understaffed and lacks competent leadership. The situation is further complicated by the rising jet fuel prices. The government's inability to effectively address these issues is a source of frustration for consumers, as flight disruptions can have significant impacts on their personal lives. The Biden administration, through the infrastructure bill, has the power to tackle these issues head-on, but the current transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, has been criticized for his hands-off approach to regulating the airline industry.

    • Discussion about travel issues with American Airlines and potential DOT interventionThe DOT's decision not to demand staffing records and the President's canceled flight fueled discussions about Biden's age and fitness for re-election, with his fall adding to concerns

      During a discussion about travel issues with American Airlines, it was suggested that the DOT could demand records of staffing levels to ensure adequate coverage for flights. However, the DOT is not taking this approach, and instead, the President's own flight was canceled. Meanwhile, the President's fall from his bike during the weekend added fuel to the ongoing conversation about his age and potential fitness to run for re-election in 2024. An article in The Atlantic argued that Biden's age, with him turning 80 during his first term, raises concerns about his ability to handle the demands of the presidency. The fall, while not serious, is a reminder that even minor incidents can have significant implications for a leader's public image and ability to effectively govern.

    • Age and Leadership: Debating Capabilities, Not LimitsDiscussing politicians' age and leadership abilities openly is crucial. Instead of age limits, focus on rigorous questioning and debates to assess strengths and weaknesses, promoting transparency and accountability in the political system.

      The capability to effectively lead and the age of politicians should be openly discussed and debated in the democratic process. The speaker argues against arbitrary age limits for politicians and instead advocates for rigorous questioning and debates to assess their abilities. They believe that it's essential to have a full understanding of each candidate's strengths and weaknesses to make informed decisions. The speaker also criticizes the lack of transparency and accountability in the political system, specifically referencing California's one-party state and its handling of Dianne Feinstein's continued tenure despite her notable decline. They emphasize the importance of honesty and transparency from the press and the public in these discussions. Ultimately, they believe that pushing for more democracy and transparency is the best solution rather than imposing arbitrary limits.

    • Legal battle over Assange's extradition to US continuesAssange faces 18 charges in US, UK approves extradition, but Assange can still appeal, political implications, outcome could set precedent for journalists and publishers, ongoing case with latest legal setback, potential Australian involvement, heated debates over balance between security and press freedom.

      The legal battle to extradite Julian Assange from the UK to the US continues, with Assange currently facing 18 charges of computer misuse and espionage. The US government's request to extradite Assange has been approved by the UK Home Secretary, but Assange can still appeal the decision in UK courts. The case has political implications, with some high-profile US politicians speaking out in support of Assange, arguing that the prosecution infringes on freedom of the press. Others, including the US government, maintain that Assange's actions were not protected by journalistic privileges. The outcome of the case could set a precedent for the treatment of journalists and publishers who release classified information. The case has been ongoing for years, with Assange currently in a UK prison, and the latest legal setback occurring just last week. The Australian government, where Assange is from, may also get involved due to his citizenship status. The case has sparked heated debates about the balance between national security and press freedom.

    • Courageous Actions of Reps. Greene and Omar on Assange's CaseDespite Reps. Greene and Omar's efforts, the lack of action from influential figures like Trump and Biden sets a concerning precedent for criminalizing journalistic activities, threatening press freedom and democracy.

      The courageous actions of Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Ilhan Omar in speaking out against the ongoing prosecution of Julian Assange are important, but it's crucial to consider if they will also pressure their own parties and influential friends to take meaningful action. The refusal of former President Trump and current President Biden to pardon Assange despite their power to do so is concerning, as it sets a dangerous precedent for criminalizing journalistic activities. Assange's wife, Stella, shared the deteriorating health and anxiety of her husband, who has been in prison for over three years without serving a sentence. The ongoing attack on press freedom is a significant threat to the functioning of democracy, especially during fraught times. In a different context, Crystal Barnes described her stressful experience on Bill Maher's Real Time, where she had to be punchy and combative to get her points across in a live, confrontational environment. Ultimately, it's essential to address the underlying issues, not just the symptoms, to find solutions to the challenges facing our society.

    • Inflation's Complex CausesThe inflation crisis is caused by a combination of factors including government spending, Fed intervention, pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine.

      The inflation problem we're facing today is not solely due to stimulus checks or government spending on relief efforts, but also the unprecedented actions taken by the Federal Reserve to prevent a complete economic collapse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trillions of dollars were injected into the economy, primarily benefiting the wealthy and corporations, which fueled inflation. The pandemic, supply chain disruptions, and the war in Ukraine are also significant contributors. It's essential to acknowledge the complexity of the issue and not oversimplify it as being caused solely by stimulus checks. The stock market crash in March 2020, which was followed by record government spending and the Fed's intervention, set the stage for the current economic situation.

    • Understanding the Economic Crisis in March 2020March 2020's economic crisis, marked by a market crash and the Fed's response, had historical parallels and significant implications for oil and stock markets. Understanding complex economic issues and their historical context is crucial for accurate representation.

      The economic situation in March 2020, which included a significant market crash and the Federal Reserve's response, was a pivotal moment that will be studied for decades. It was equivalent to quantitative easing post-Great Recession and had implications for both oil markets and stock markets. However, the current economic challenges we face are different and not directly related to that period. The discussion reminded me of the importance of understanding complex economic issues and their historical context, as cable news formats often don't allow for a nuanced exploration of these topics. The responsibility to represent and explain these issues accurately can be stressful, especially when dealing with differing worldviews on national television.

    • The Advantages of Independent Media and the Global Food CrisisIndependent media offers the freedom to explore complex issues, while the global food crisis worsens, causing protests and unrest in numerous countries, particularly Ecuador, due to rising food and fuel prices.

      The freedom and space to express complex arguments and points in depth, as opposed to being limited to hitting talking points, is a significant advantage in independent media over traditional cable news. This was evident when the speaker shifted from cable news to YouTube and noticed the ability to delve into nuanced topics and receive an engaged audience response. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the ongoing global food crisis, with numerous countries experiencing protests and unrest due to rising food and fuel prices. The situation is particularly dire in Ecuador, where indigenous communities are demanding price freezes and loan forgiveness due to the devastating impact of rising oil and fertilizer prices on food production. The overall picture is one of COVID-19 despair, political dysfunction, and escalating inequalities, which have been exacerbated by supply chain crises, the war in Ukraine, and the West's response to it. The crisis is expected to grow worse, with potentially catastrophic consequences for millions of people in countries like Afghanistan, Yemen, and others.

    • Shift towards left and right in global politicsLeftist and far-right parties are gaining power in various countries, challenging traditional center-right governments. In the US, discontent with neoliberals is growing but the two-party system may limit change.

      The global political landscape is experiencing a significant shift towards the left and right, with traditional center-right parties facing challenges from both sides. In Colombia, a leftist former militant, Gustavo Petro, was elected as the first left-wing president in the country's history. In France, Emmanuel Macron's center-right government was blocked from a majority in parliamentary elections, with a left-wing coalition and Marine Le Pen's far-right National Front making significant gains. Similar trends have been observed in other countries like Australia and Brazil. In the US, there is growing discontent with the governing Democratic neoliberals, but the two-party system may limit the impact of this shift. History suggests that the current circumstances bear similarities to the presidency of Jimmy Carter, marked by economic struggles and a lack of public support. The global tumult is unlikely to leave the US unscathed, and the future remains uncertain.

    • Challenges of being 'anti-choices' presidentsBoth Carter and Biden faced low approval due to lack of creative solutions during crises, with Carter's energy policies and Biden's current oil price hikes reflecting outdated strategies.

      Both Jimmy Carter and Joe Biden faced the challenge of being "anti-choices" in their respective presidencies, lacking a strong core constituency and inspiring little enthusiasm from the public. Carter's response to the 1979 energy crisis involved raising prices and proposing outdated solutions, leading to low approval ratings. Similarly, Biden's policies today, such as raising oil prices and implementing a windfall tax, mirror Carter's failed strategies. The lack of creative thinking and inability to adapt to crises are shared issues for both presidents. Additionally, the end of globalization and its impact on inflation, as discussed in Peter Zayon's book, is a significant factor contributing to the current economic challenges. These interconnected issues highlight the need for new ideas and bold leadership.

    • Globalization's Breakdown and Its Impact on EconomiesRecent events are causing a breakdown of globalization, potentially leading to shortages, inflation, and limited trade. The impact varies by region, with North America facing less severe consequences than China, which could face significant challenges.

      Globalization brought the world closer together economically, leading to diversification, lower costs, and economies of scale. However, recent events like the Ukraine war, nationalism, and tariffs are causing a breakdown of this global economy, leading to potential shortages, inflation, and a return to more limited trade. The impact of this deglobalization will depend on individual regions and economies. For instance, North America may only experience a 10-15% drawback, while China could face significant consequences, including a potential reversion to pre-industrial standards of living. The recent shift in Russia becoming the largest supplier of oil to China is a short-term solution, but the long-term implications are uncertain due to Russia's lack of technical expertise in operating these fields. The traditional approach to combating inflation through interest rate hikes may be effective, but given the complex causes of inflation, its success is not guaranteed.

    • Understanding the Complexity of InflationInterest rates are less effective against inflation caused by labor supply shortages and geopolitical issues. Companies should build up inventories and reshore manufacturing to adapt.

      The current economic situation involves a combination of demand and supply shocks, which makes inflation a complex issue. While interest rates may help with demand shocks, they are less effective when there's a labor supply shortage, which is the primary cause of inflation this year. Additionally, the ongoing geopolitical issues and supply chain disruptions exacerbate the problem. Companies need to adapt by building up their inventories and reshoring their manufacturing, which will take time but lead to a more stable and economically viable system in the long run. The private sector is expected to lead this transition, as demand remains strong despite high inflation.

    • Exploring various topics through podcastsPodcasts offer unique insights and opportunities for learning, inspiration, and personal growth. Access them easily through apps like Iheart and Apple Podcasts.

      Podcasts offer a unique platform for exploring various topics from different perspectives. Whether it's a daily conversation about culture and trends with Danielle Robet and Simone Boyce on The Bright Side, or a journey to uncover family mysteries with Joe Piazza on Sicilian Inheritance, or delving into the complexities of co-parenting with Elliot Koenig on Family Therapy on The Black Effect podcast network, podcasts provide opportunities for learning, inspiration, and personal growth. Additionally, they can be accessed easily through apps like Iheart and Apple Podcasts. So, next time you're looking for a new way to expand your knowledge and broaden your horizons, consider tuning in to a podcast.

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    6/24/24: Biden Panics As Dems Boycott Bibi Speech, Biden Greenlights Hezbollah War, New Tapes Expose 9/11 Saudi Conspiracy

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    Krystal and Saagar discuss Biden panics as Dems boycott Bibi speech, Biden greenlights Lebanon invasion, new tapes expose Saudi 9/11 involvement. 


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    Ep. 1493 - Bidenflation Continues

    Ep. 1493 - Bidenflation Continues

    Inflation remains near record highs as Joe Biden fails to change course; Democrats try and fail to pass a law enshrining abortion until birth; and the SEC is reportedly targeting Elon Musk.

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    6/13/22: Inflation Record, Gas Prices, Gun Legislation, 2024 Election, WaPo Chaos, Societal Decay, Jan 6th Hearings, & More!

    6/13/22: Inflation Record, Gas Prices, Gun Legislation, 2024 Election, WaPo Chaos, Societal Decay, Jan 6th Hearings, & More!

    Krystal and Saagar talk about the inflation numbers and gas prices, bipartisan gun deal, Biden 2024, Trump 2024, WaPo in disarray, liberals prioritizing J6 over economy, widespread societal decay, and a reflection on the January 6th hearings!

    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.supercast.com/

    To listen to Breaking Points as a podcast, check them out on Apple and Spotify

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-points-with-krystal-and-saagar/id1570045623 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kbsy61zJSzPxNZZ3PKbXl 

    Merch: https://breaking-points.myshopify.com/

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