
    6. Globalism, Scottish Nationalism, and Rory's new job

    enApril 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Blurred Lines: Rory Stewart Prank Tweet Goes ViralPolitical polarization and populism can make people susceptible to believing seemingly absurd things, even when they're not true.

      The line between reality and fiction can become blurred in today's political climate, as evidenced by a prank tweet about Rory Stewart becoming Boris Johnson's director of communications that received widespread belief and reactions. This incident highlights how people are becoming more susceptible to believing things that seem absurd due to political polarization and populism. Despite the absurdity of the situation, Rory's daughter and even diplomats reacted with congratulations and support. Rory also shared that if he had stayed in Boris Johnson's cabinet, he might have been able to defend certain policies, but he couldn't do so while being in the cabinet due to his conflicting views. The episode also touched upon the cost of living crisis, Channel 4, and the situation in Ukraine.

    • The Importance of Media Literacy and Objective TruthThe need for media literacy programs to establish facts and combat misinformation, emphasized at a conference in Cote d'Ivoire. Alsishta highlighted the importance of understanding context and governments in foreign countries.

      The issue of objective truth and information literacy is becoming increasingly important in today's world, as seen in discussions surrounding political leaders like Boris Johnson and the impact of social media on belief systems. This was a topic of debate at a recent conference in Cote d'Ivoire, where Alsishta was speaking, and the minister of communication emphasized the need for media literacy programs to help establish facts. Alsishta, who was in Cote d'Ivoire for the first time, noted the country's complex history and economic challenges, and the importance of understanding the context and governments of the places we visit.

    • Geopolitical challenges in West Africa and Ukraine's conflict impacting governments' prioritiesCountries in West Africa dealing with instability and terrorism prioritize security, while Ukraine's conflict causing misinformation and polarization leads to complex geopolitical dynamics, requiring critical evaluation of sources.

      The geopolitical situation in West Africa and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine have significant implications for various governments' priorities. For instance, in West Africa, countries like Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Ghana face significant challenges such as coup d'etats, terrorism, and instability. This has led to a heightened focus on security issues for these governments. Regarding the Ukraine situation, there is a noticeable trend of people taking sides, with some deliberately choosing to support Russia. This behavior is observed not just among individuals but also among certain countries, such as Indonesia, which has announced its intention to allow Russia to participate in the G20 summit despite its exclusion from other international organizations. Moreover, there is a concerning amount of misinformation being spread through various media outlets, including Russian state TV, which often presents a biased perspective on events. It is essential to critically evaluate the context and sources of this information to gain a more accurate understanding of the situation. Overall, these geopolitical developments have brought about a significant shift in global dynamics, with Europe, the United States, and their allies forming a united front against Russia's actions.

    • Russian involvement in hybrid warfare extends beyond previous realizationRussian cyberattacks could disrupt global energy, food, and tech industries, leading to a more protectionist world, with larger countries better prepared and smaller ones vulnerable.

      The Russian government's involvement in hybrid warfare, including cyberattacks, is more extensive than previously realized. This was evident in their influence on Brexit and Trump's election, as well as their actions in Ukraine and the Sahel region. The potential consequences of these cyberattacks could lead to significant disruptions in global energy markets, food production, and technology industries. This could result in a more protectionist world, with larger countries like the United States being better equipped to handle the changes, while smaller countries like the UK could find themselves in a vulnerable position. The world is shifting away from comfortable narratives of globalization and open trade, and this could have major economic implications. Additionally, leaders like Orban in Hungary, who have close ties to Russia, have been able to use this relationship to their advantage in elections. Overall, the discussion highlights the need for greater awareness and education about the potential risks and impacts of cyber warfare.

    • Geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West impacting democraciesConflicts between Russia and the West can strengthen populist sentiments, distract from domestic issues, and potentially erode democratic values

      The geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West, particularly regarding Ukraine, can have unintended consequences in democracies. These conflicts can strengthen populist sentiments and distract from domestic issues, as seen in the UK with Boris Johnson's handling of the situation in Ukraine and the ensuing energy crisis. Despite any short-term political gains, the long-term impact of rising energy prices and other domestic issues may prove more detrimental to Johnson's government. The normalization of far-right candidates, like Marine Le Pen in France, also raises concerns about the potential erosion of democratic values and the normalization of authoritarianism.

    • New musical collaboration on Ukrainian anthemSpeaker's concern over Channel 4 privatization, positive impact of unconditional cash transfers in Rwanda

      The Ukrainian national anthem on bagpipes could be a new musical collaboration between Rory and the speaker. Meanwhile, the speaker expressed concern over the privatization of Channel 4, viewing it as a tactic to control media similar to Orban's approach. However, the most positive takeaway came from the speaker's experience in Rwanda, where unconditional cash transfers of $800 to households led to remarkable transformations in the lives of 850,000 people. Despite skepticism from government officials, the success of this approach challenges traditional methods in international development.

    • UBI's feasibility in contexts with existing social security systemsImplementing a UBI in places with existing social security systems could increase poverty and require significantly higher taxes due to varying costs of essential services.

      While a universal basic income (UBI) could be effective in improving living standards in certain contexts, such as in the case of a woman in Rwanda described in the conversation, implementing a UBI in a place with an existing social security system might not be feasible due to varying costs of housing, childcare, and disability. This could potentially lead to an increase in poverty and the need for significantly higher taxes. The discussion also touched upon the complexities of evaluating the success of development in countries like Rwanda, which have made significant strides in reducing poverty under authoritarian regimes, but have faced criticism for human rights violations. Ultimately, the question of whether a UBI or other development strategies can lead to growth while maintaining an open civil society and democracy remains an ongoing debate.

    • Finding common ground in international relationsApproach diverse populations and cultures with an open mind, recognize opportunities for cohesion, and practice compromise and pragmatism in politics.

      Despite the challenges and complexities of international relations, it's essential to approach other cultures and populations with an open mind and a willingness to find common ground. This was evident in the discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, where Russian autocracy was a concern, but there was also recognition of the cohesion among immigrants in Cote d'ivoire, making up 24% of the population. The European response to immigration was criticized for being overly cautious, while African countries were praised for their hospitality and acceptance of refugees. Anthony Scaramucci and Katty Kay shared their experiences of helping developing countries, acknowledging the need for compromise and pragmatism in politics. Scaramucci's donation to Obama's campaign in 2008 was a personal decision, driven by a desire to support a fellow alumnus, rather than a business interest. The conversations underscored the importance of recognizing the potential opportunities that come with engaging with diverse populations and cultures.

    • Rory Stewart shares personal anecdote about meeting Obama and announces new podcastRory Stewart's new podcast, The Rest is Politics, offers insights into US administrations and global economy, sponsored by The New European newspaper, reflecting on past political alignments and considering future shifts

      Rory Stewart shares a personal anecdote about meeting former President Obama and discusses the upcoming launch of The Rest is Politics podcast in the US, which will provide insights into the Biden and Trump administrations and the global economy. He also announces the podcast's sponsor, The New European newspaper, which he writes for and praises for its fresh perspectives and lack of nationalistic bias. Rory reflects on his beliefs that led him to align with the Conservative Party and acknowledges that they may have changed or the party itself may have shifted. He ponders what it would take for his support to shift fully towards another party.

    • Identified insincere commitment to policies under David CameronThe speaker believes true passion and belief in a leader's vision inspires loyalty and effective change, in contrast to insincere commitment and compromise.

      During his time working with the Conservative Party under David Cameron, the speaker identified a common theme of insincere commitment to certain policies, including the Big Society, international aid, and Brexit referendum. He felt that Cameron often appeared to compromise with opponents and apologize for his positions, which undermined potential loyalty from supporters. The speaker now seeks to support a center-ground movement focused on practical solutions to real-world issues, as opposed to ideological grandstanding. He believes that true passion and belief in a leader's vision can inspire loyalty and create effective change.

    • The complexities of starting a new political partyDespite political disillusionment, it's important to find common ground and understand each other's viewpoints, rather than starting a new party.

      The current political climate, driven by populism, polarization, and post-truth, has led to the erosion of the center ground, with figures like Corbyn and Johnson being symptoms of this trend. This has led to discussions about starting a new party, but the complexities involved make it a simpler said than done solution. Despite feeling disillusioned with the political situation, it's important to keep things positive and look for common ground where possible. I, for one, would not join Labour, Lib Dem, or the SNP. Though we may come from different backgrounds and hold different political beliefs, Arcelor and I share a Scottish heritage, which can bring us together despite our differences. I used to be a staunch opponent of Scottish nationalism, but I now understand their arguments and see the value in their perspective. I would have voted against Scottish independence in the 2014 referendum, but I would not have been as actively involved in the campaign as I was before. My father, who was passionately Scottish but saw his Scottish identity in the context of the United Kingdom, would have enjoyed the opportunity to assert Scottish superiority within the larger union. Though our differences may seem insurmountable, it's important to remember that we all bring unique perspectives to the table and can find common ground if we're open to understanding each other's viewpoints.

    • Nationalism can be dangerous and divisiveScottish nationalism could lead to independence, but may result in new political battles and potential right-wing parties, emphasizing the importance of fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse groups.

      Nationalism, whether Scottish or Brexit, can be dangerous and reductive as it separates and blames others, creating a temptation to simplify complex issues. However, for the Scots, their disdain for the current British government may lead them to consider independence as a means to achieve a Labor government. Yet, this could result in a new right-wing party emerging, requiring ongoing political battles. It's essential to remember that Scotland and other regions share many commonalities and can benefit greatly from their connections to larger entities. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster understanding and cooperation among diverse groups, rather than creating dividing lines.

    • The Value of Perseverance in Mastering a SkillConsistent practice, focus, and dedication are crucial for mastering a skill, even with challenges like altitude or distractions. Engage in continuous learning and stay focused on the content.

      Practice, focus, and dedication are essential for mastering a skill, even in the face of challenges like altitude or distractions. The speaker shared personal experiences of learning the bagpipes from his father and a former pipe major, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice. He also addressed some feedback from listeners, encouraging them to keep asking questions and leaving reviews. Despite some criticism, the speaker appreciated the engagement and encouraged listeners to stay focused and concentrate on the content. Additionally, he shared a humorous anecdote about a listener who fell asleep during a discussion of loyalty to Tony Blair. Overall, the speaker emphasized the value of perseverance and the importance of continuous learning.

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    270. Will Israel go to war with Hezbollah?
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    The Rest Is Politics
    enJune 20, 2024

    269. Question Time: Orban in person, Biden's fragility, and the subtle art of focus groups

    269. Question Time: Orban in person, Biden's fragility, and the subtle art of focus groups
    Just how beneficial are focus groups to political parties? Will Biden's age cost him the US election? And why does Alastair hate vox pops so much? Join Rory Stewart and Alastair Campbell as they answer all these questions and more on the latest episode of The Rest Is Politics: Question Time. TRIP Plus: Become a member of The Rest Is Politics Plus to support the podcast, receive our exclusive newsletter, enjoy ad-free listening to both TRIP and Leading, benefit from discount book prices on titles mentioned on the pod, join our Discord chatroom, and receive early access to live show tickets and Question Time episodes. Just head to therestispolitics.com to sign up, or start a free trial today on Apple Podcasts: apple.co/therestispolitics. TRIP UK TOUR: To buy tickets for our October Tour, just head to www.therestispolitics.com 🌏 Get our exclusive NordVPN deal here ➼ https://nordvpn.com/restispolitics It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✅ Instagram: @restispolitics Twitter: @RestIsPolitics Email: restispolitics@gmail.com Video Editor: Teo Ayodeji-Ansell Social Producer: Jess Kidson Assistant Producer: Fiona Douglas Producer: Nicole Maslen Senior Producer: Dom Johnson Head of Content: Tom Whiter Exec Producers: Tony Pastor + Jack Davenport Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Rest Is Politics
    enJune 18, 2024

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    | Sander van der Linden |

    ► Website 1 | https://www.sandervanderlinden.com

    ► Website 2 | https://mentalimmunityproject.org

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