
    6. OVERWHELM: Is our exhaustion a sign that we’re CareTicking time bombs?

    enJune 15, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing common struggles and providing solutionsThrough innovative solutions and open conversations, 3rd love and the podcast address the universal struggles of finding a well-fitting bra and managing emotional burdens, promoting self-care and support.

      Both 3rd love and the speakers on the podcast, Glennon and her sister, are addressing common struggles and providing solutions to problems that many people face. 3rd love tackles the issue of finding a comfortable and well-fitting bra through their innovative half cup sizes, virtual fitting room, and educational resources. Meanwhile, Glennon and her sister discuss the emotional burden women carry, the importance of self-care, and the need for support in managing the demands of work, family, and personal life. Ultimately, both 3rd love and the podcast emphasize the universality of these issues and the importance of addressing them to improve overall well-being.

    • Unequal mental load in partnershipsUnequal distribution of mental load in a partnership can lead to feelings of inequality and resentment. Both parties should recognize and share the mental load to build a truly equal partnership.

      Unequal distribution of responsibilities and mental load in a partnership can lead to feelings of inequality and resentment. The speaker in this conversation describes her mental space as constantly filled with a "ticketer" of tasks and responsibilities, while her husband offers to help but doesn't carry the same mental burden. This dynamic can create a sense of unequal partnership and can negatively impact the relationship. It's important for both parties to recognize and share the mental load of planning, organizing, and executing tasks in order to build a truly equal and collaborative partnership.

    • Invisible labor and emotional burden in co-parentingRecognize and value the unseen labor and emotional burden in co-parenting relationships to ensure a more equal and balanced partnership.

      Despite equal participation in decision-making in co-parenting relationships, the invisible labor and emotional burden often fall disproportionately on one partner. This issue is not limited to mixed-gender marriages and can lead to feelings of being undervalued, overburdened, and even crazy. The speaker in this discussion emphasizes the hours of unseen time and effort that go into planning and coordinating various aspects of family life, such as summer camps and schedules. This invisible labor, combined with the emotional burden, can create a heavy load that feels impossible to put down without causing chaos. It's essential to recognize and value this unseen labor and to work towards sharing the burden more equally. This not only benefits the individuals involved but also sets a positive example for the next generation.

    • Clear division of co-parenting responsibilitiesBoth parents should assign tasks based on strengths, trust each other to execute them competently, and relinquish control to allow a more balanced and enjoyable family life.

      Effective co-parenting requires clear division of responsibilities and mutual trust. The speakers in this discussion emphasized the importance of assigning specific tasks to each parent based on their strengths and expertise. However, for this system to work, both parents must commit to executing their assigned tasks competently. Additionally, the original caretaker must relinquish control and allow the other parent to handle their responsibilities in their way. The speakers acknowledged their own challenges with passing over control and the mental load that comes with it. They encouraged listeners to recognize when they are carrying an unfair burden and consider ways to distribute responsibilities more evenly. The ultimate goal is to create a more balanced and enjoyable family life for everyone involved.

    • Impact of Expectations and Perceptions on CommunicationOur expectations and perceptions shape how we receive communication and interactions, and self-awareness is crucial for healthy relationships and well-being.

      Our expectations and perceptions can significantly impact how we receive communication and interactions with others. The speaker shares an experience of feeling insulted by someone's attempt to connect over shared interests due to her own personal circumstances. This incident made her reflect on the dynamic of enabling and martyring herself in various aspects of her life, including family and work. She realizes that she has a desire to have things done her way and that this approach has both rewards and costs. The speaker also acknowledges her role in this pattern and the need to find a balance between taking care of herself and others. This reflection resonates with her previous experience of believing that her anxiety is a form of love. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of self-awareness and the impact of our mindset on our relationships and well-being.

    • Preventing loved ones from truly feeling lovedBeing present and investing time and energy into meaningful connections is a more effective and fulfilling way to show love than taking on all burdens.

      While carrying mental and emotional loads for loved ones can feel like an expression of love, it can also prevent them from truly feeling loved due to our absence. Ashley's question about not losing oneself as a mom resonates with this idea. It's crucial to remember that loving others doesn't always mean taking on all their burdens. Instead, being present and investing time and energy into meaningful connections can be a more effective and fulfilling way to show love. This balance can be challenging, but being aware of the potential consequences of over-carrying can help us make intentional choices in our relationships.

    • Recognizing the invisible labor of motherhoodMotherhood's societal expectations can make women feel they must sacrifice independence, but acknowledging and addressing structural issues can help redefine motherhood and prioritize personal needs.

      The societal expectations and structures surrounding motherhood often lead women to feel as though they must sacrifice their independence and personal needs to fulfill their roles. This is due to the disproportionate burden of unpaid labor and mental load placed on mothers, in addition to their paid work outside the home. To combat this, it's essential to name and make visible the invisible labor we do, and recognize that we are not struggling because we are doing something wrong, but because the system is flawed. By acknowledging and addressing the structural issues, we can begin to redefine motherhood and prioritize our own needs alongside those of our families.

    • Questioning societal expectations of womanhoodRecognize that caretaking responsibilities should not be solely shouldered by women, and open conversations and sharing the load are essential for creating a balanced and equitable family dynamic.

      Women's roles in society, particularly in heterosexual relationships, have been shaped to prioritize selflessness and constant service, creating an ideal of womanhood that can be unsustainable and detrimental to their own well-being. This societal expectation is perpetuated through generations, and it's essential for women to question and alter their own definitions of success and good motherhood, ensuring they are not sacrificing their selves in the process. In the case of Catherine's situation, it's important to recognize that caretaking responsibilities should not be solely shouldered by women, and it's crucial to have open conversations and share the load to create a more balanced and equitable family dynamic.

    • Societal conditioning and gender rolesSocietal conditioning can limit individuals, particularly women, by perpetuating outdated gender roles and expectations, leading to unequal distribution of responsibilities and unnecessary burdens.

      Gender roles and expectations can limit individuals and create unnecessary burdens, particularly for women. The conversation highlights how societal conditioning can influence beliefs and behaviors, leading to the perpetuation of these roles. For instance, a father expresses a preference for a girl based on outdated stereotypes about nurturing and caretaking abilities. This mindset not only places emotional and physical demands on females but also denies men the opportunity to learn and excel in caretaking. Another woman shares her experience of taking on most household responsibilities while her husband enjoys leisure activities. To address this imbalance, it's essential to challenge these expectations and work together to distribute responsibilities fairly. By recognizing and valuing everyone's abilities and potential, we can create a more balanced and inclusive environment for all genders.

    • Renegotiating household responsibilities for a balanced marriageOpenly discussing and dividing household tasks can help avoid traditional gender roles and create a more equitable partnership, reducing mental load and fostering deeper appreciation

      Discussing and dividing household responsibilities openly is crucial to avoid defaulting to traditional gender roles and unequal distributions of labor. The speaker shares an example of how she and her partner decided to renegotiate their roles, with him taking on the grocery shopping and inventory management. This decision has significantly reduced her mental load and brought more balance to their marriage. However, she initially felt guilty for not doing it all herself, fearing others would perceive her as lucky or privileged. But recognizing the societal norm of women handling these tasks, she realized the importance of speaking up and renegotiating. By making all work visible and dividing it fairly, couples can create a more equitable partnership and foster deeper appreciation for each other's contributions.

    • Clear communication and equal responsibilities in relationshipsEffective communication and equal contributions lead to appreciation and a stronger bond in relationships, reducing resentment and promoting equality.

      Effective communication and division of responsibilities are key to maintaining a healthy and equal partnership in a relationship. When expectations are clear and both parties contribute equally, resentment disappears, and appreciation grows. The absence of invisible gender roles allows each partner to see the other's contributions as offerings rather than obligations. While conversations about division of labor may cause tension, they ultimately strengthen the bond between partners and help both parties feel valued and appreciated. Additionally, utilizing resources like IXL Learning can help alleviate stress in other areas of life, such as assisting children with their homework. By releasing the need to control every aspect of life and accepting the imperfections, relationships can flourish and grow stronger.

    • Recognizing and Appreciating Invisible WorkAcknowledge and appreciate hidden tasks and efforts to create a more balanced and equitable environment

      It's essential to recognize and appreciate the invisible work that keeps our households and workplaces running. This can mean expressing gratitude for even the smallest contributions and letting go of the need to control every aspect. Furthermore, women often bear a disproportionate burden of unpaid labor in both the home and the office. By making the invisible visible, we can begin to address these imbalances and work together more effectively. This week, try identifying and acknowledging the hidden tasks and efforts around you, whether at home or in the workplace. Remember, acknowledgment and appreciation go a long way in creating a more balanced and equitable environment. As always, we're here to support you as you navigate the challenges of life. Stay strong, and remember, "We Can Do Hard Things." Produced in partnership with Cadence 13 Studios. Don't forget to rate, review, and follow the show on your favorite podcast platform. Your support helps us reach more people and make a difference.

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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    The One Who Taught Glennon Friendship: Alex Hedison
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Early Detection, Mammograms & Breast Cancer Care with Dr. Rachel Brem
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enJune 11, 2024

    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)

    What Amanda’s Learned About Life, Love & Community (Post Surgery Pt 2)
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    We Can Do Hard Things
    enJune 06, 2024

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know

    Amanda Returns Post Surgery: Here’s What She Wants You To Know
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    We Can Do Hard Things
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    Dating In Religion: Naïve and Unrealistic Dating Advice
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    Dating In Religion I Naive and Unrealistic Dating Advice I Relationship Advice I Dating Tips I Relationship Advice I Finding Compatibility I Dating Skills I Compatibility In Relationships I Psychology I Life Coach I Red Flags I Faith and Dating

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    01:00 - 05:43 - Spiritual and Religious Journeys - Raised Sheltered
    05:43 - 20:43 - Naive Guidance Was Given Religion - Bad Dating Advice
    20:43 - 22:26 - In Summary Lesson

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    CONTACT: pursuingcompatibility@gmail.com

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