
    61. Unlocking Your Body’s Potential with WHOOP CEO Will Ahmed

    enMay 14, 2024
    Who is the founder of WHOOP and what did he change?
    What metric did Will Ahmed introduce to wearable technology?
    How can sleep quality be improved according to the text?
    What personal struggles did the speaker face while building a company?
    What role did meditation play in the speaker's transformation?

    Podcast Summary

    • Revolutionizing human performance with wearable technologyWHOOP founder Will Ahmed transformed wearable tech by introducing heart rate variability as a predictive metric for body status, creating a device that optimizes sleep, recovery, and performance for athletes and individuals.

      The founder of WHOOP, Will Ahmed, revolutionized the wearable technology industry by transforming how we measure and optimize human performance using data. He was intrigued by the potential of heart rate variability as a predictive metric for body status and brought it from a hospital-only measurement to a wearable device. Despite facing competition from giants like Nike and Apple, Ahmed's journey involved years of research and a deep passion for data and human optimization. He sought to provide athletes and individuals with valuable insights into their sleep, recovery, and performance, ultimately changing the way we approach health and fitness.

    • Measuring HRV optically during exercise from the wristYoung entrepreneur creates device to accurately measure HRV using optical photodiodes, accelerometers, and gyroscopes, making it accessible for athletes and everyday people to monitor recovery and optimize performance.

      Heart rate variability (HRV), a metric reflecting the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, was an underutilized yet promising technology for performance optimization and recovery assessment. Previously, HRV measurement required expensive and cumbersome equipment like electrocardiograms. However, a young entrepreneur recognized the potential of this technology and sought to bring it to the masses by measuring HRV optically from the wrist during exercise, a feat never achieved before. The challenge was to create a device that could accurately measure HRV while accounting for motion, which required a combination of optical photodiodes, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. The result was a complex math problem that the entrepreneur, being in the right place at the right time, tackled with a team of bright young minds. HRV is a crucial indicator of the body's ability to self-regulate and adapt to its environment. Low HRV can signal stress, overtraining, or poor recovery, while high HRV indicates a well-regulated body. This technology, once made accessible, could revolutionize the way athletes and everyday people monitor their recovery and optimize their performance.

    • Understanding Body Readiness with WHOOP's HRV and Recovery InsightsWHOOP's HRV and recovery insights help users optimize workouts and daily activities by assessing body readiness, with accurate sleep stage tracking and long-term averages enhancing overall performance and well-being.

      The WHOOP fitness tracker provides valuable insights into an individual's heart rate variability (HRV) and recovery, helping users understand their body's readiness to take on daily activities and optimize workouts. HRV is a sensitive metric that constantly changes and is used to determine a daily recovery score, ranging from red (run-down) to green (prepared). WHOOP's accuracy in measuring HRV and sleep stages sets it apart, as it considers 7-day and 30-day moving averages and assesses HRV during the last 5 minutes of slow wave sleep. The recovery score is closely linked to sleep quality, with REM and slow wave sleep being essential for physical and mental restoration. By focusing on optimizing REM and slow wave sleep, individuals can enhance their overall performance and well-being.

    • Focus on optimizing deep sleep for better healthConsistent sleep hygiene and various methods like red light therapy, sauna, cold plunging, PMF mats, and temperature control systems can improve deep sleep and overall health.

      While both REM and deep sleep play crucial roles in overall health, the focus should be on optimizing the amount of time spent in deep, restorative sleep. Consistent sleep hygiene, including going to bed and waking up at the same time, is a simple yet effective hack to improve the quality of sleep. Additionally, various methods such as red light therapy, sauna, cold plunging, PMF mats, and temperature control systems can enhance sleep and extend the duration of deep sleep. It's essential to track sleep metrics to gain a better understanding of individual sleep patterns and make informed decisions to improve overall health and well-being.

    • Consistent sleep schedule for better sleep qualityMeasuring and managing sleep is crucial. Going to bed and waking up at the same time consistently, avoiding destructive behaviors, and tracking factors like sleep patterns, stress levels, and diet can lead to improved sleep and overall well-being.

      Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule significantly improves sleep quality, according to numerous studies. This is more important than the total duration of sleep. Measuring and managing sleep is crucial since it's a significant part of our lives that is often overlooked. Consistently going to bed and waking up at the same time is a simple yet effective way to start. Additionally, avoiding destructive behaviors like excessive alcohol consumption can have a negative impact on sleep and overall recovery. By measuring and tracking various factors, such as sleep patterns, stress levels, and diet, individuals can gain insights into how different elements affect their bodies and make informed decisions to improve their sleep and overall well-being.

    • Optimizing Sleep Environment and HabitsPersonal experiments with hydrogen water, dark, quiet, cool bedroom, sleep mask, good sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine and blue light, calming pre-sleep routine, track sleep for better health

      Optimizing your sleep environment and habits can significantly improve the quality of your sleep and overall health. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal biohacking experiments with hydrogen water and the importance of a dark, quiet, and cool bedroom. He also discussed the impact of sharing a bed with a partner on sleep quality, which can vary greatly depending on individual sleep patterns and sleep chemistry. Wearing a sleep mask, maintaining good sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine and blue light exposure before bed, and creating a calming pre-sleep routine are all effective ways to enhance sleep quality. By measuring and tracking your sleep, you become more accountable for your pre-bedtime decisions and habits, ultimately leading to better sleep and improved health.

    • Blue light from screens and artificial sources affect sleepWearing blue light blocking glasses and using apps like WHOOP can help mitigate blue light's effect on sleep and provide insights to optimize habits for better sleep quality.

      Blue light from screens and artificial sources can disrupt your sleep, keeping your brain stimulated and making it harder to fall asleep. Wearing blue light blocking glasses can help mitigate this effect, acting as an affordable solution. Additionally, the WHOOP fitness tracker and journal offer a wealth of data on various factors influencing sleep and recovery, allowing users to monitor and optimize their habits based on real-world data and population trends. The app can track a wide range of metrics, from caffeine intake and supplements to environmental factors like light exposure and bedtime consistency. By using this data, users can gain insights into how different behaviors impact their sleep and overall health, enabling them to make informed decisions and improve their sleep quality.

    • Intentional daily habits for better sleepIncorporating practices like morning sunlight exposure, breath work, using a PMF mat, and tracking consistency can lead to better sleep quality. Making small promises to ourselves, like going to bed at consistent times, also helps improve sleep. Hydrogen water may offer additional benefits for gut health and inflammation.

      Being intentional about our daily habits, especially before bedtime, can significantly impact the quality of our sleep. The speaker shared an experience where certain practices, such as morning sunlight exposure, breath work, and using a PMF mat, led to better restorative sleep. Measuring and tracking these practices can help us understand which ones have the greatest impact. The speaker also emphasized the importance of making small promises to ourselves, like going to bed at consistent times, to improve sleep consistency. The use of hydrogen water, which the speaker is a believer in, was also mentioned as a beneficial addition to daily routines due to its potential anti-inflammatory and gut health benefits. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of intentionality, consistency, and measurement in optimizing our health and sleep.

    • Experience the benefits of hydrogen therapy through various methodsHydrogen therapy can reduce inflammation, improve nutrient absorption, and aid in healing neuroinflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Methods include hydrogen baths, steam rooms, cold plunges, red light therapy, and hydrogen gas inhalation, leading to joint and muscle pain relief, increased calmness, clarity, and cognition.

      Hydrogen therapy, which includes hydrogen bathing and hydrogen water consumption, has numerous potential health benefits. Studies suggest it can help reduce inflammation, improve absorption of nutrients, and even aid in healing neuroinflammatory and autoimmune conditions. Hydrogen therapy can be experienced through various methods like steam rooms, cold plunges, hydrogen baths, red light therapy, and hydrogen gas inhalation. The therapy can lead to improved joint and muscle pain, increased calmness, clarity, and cognition. Hydrogen baths, in particular, create a cloudy, milky appearance due to the gas's absorption into the body. While some may find the idea unconventional, numerous studies support the benefits of hydrogen therapy, making it a promising addition to overall wellness practices.

    • WHOOP wearable tracks sleep and measures cardiovascular and muscular strainWHOOP wearable offers a comprehensive understanding of body's readiness for intense activities by tracking sleep, heart rate, muscular load, and recovery metrics like heart rate variability, resting heart rate, and respiratory rate.

      The WHOOP wearable not only tracks sleep metrics but also measures cardiovascular and muscular strain. Strain is calculated based on heart rate and, more recently, muscular load from workouts. A higher strain score indicates greater cardiovascular or muscular exertion. WHOOP's unique algorithm identifies specific workouts and calculates effective tonnage, providing a comprehensive understanding of the body's readiness for intense activities. By balancing recovery and strain, users can optimize their workouts and overall well-being. Sleep, while crucial for recovery, is not the only factor. Other metrics like heart rate variability, resting heart rate, and respiratory rate contribute to recovery assessment. WHOOP's integration of muscular load is a game-changer, making it the first wearable to offer such a feature. This comprehensive approach helps athletes and fitness enthusiasts make informed decisions about their workouts and overall health.

    • Advanced technology like WHOOP can predict health issues before they become seriousWHOOP's predictive capabilities were demonstrated through an athlete's case of rhabdomyelitis and the discovery of COVID-19's unique respiratory rate indicator

      Advanced technology, such as WHOOP, can provide valuable insights into an individual's health and wellbeing, even predicting potential health issues before they become serious. The story of an overtrained athlete who ignored warnings from his WHOOP device and developed rhabdomyelitis illustrates this point. This condition, caused by severe overtraining, can put significant strain on the kidneys and even be fatal. The athlete's high strain and declining recovery were flagged by WHOOP weeks before the condition developed. Another example of WHOOP's predictive capabilities is its role in detecting COVID-19. During the early stages of the pandemic, the company added a feature to its app that allowed users to log a positive COVID-19 test. With a large and growing dataset, WHOOP partnered with leading research institutions to analyze the data. They discovered that an extremely elevated respiratory rate was a unique indicator of COVID-19, which could not be detected with other common illnesses like the cold or the flu. This predictive capability is a testament to the power of artificial intelligence and big data in healthcare.

    • Wearable technology and predictive analytics in COVID-19 detectionWearable tech like WHOOP detected COVID-19 cases before symptoms appeared, leading to early testing and prevention. The combination of data and AI can revolutionize healthcare, enabling individuals to take charge of their health.

      The WHOOP app, which monitors various health metrics including respiratory rate, played a crucial role in detecting COVID-19 cases before symptoms appeared. In the case of golfer Nick Watney, he tested negative for COVID-19 but noticed a significant spike in his respiratory rate on Whoop, leading him to get a second test that came back positive. This discovery led the PGA tour to procure a thousand Whoop straps for all players, staff, and media members, making it an essential part of the COVID-19 safety protocol. This incident highlights the potential of wearable technology and predictive analytics in early disease detection, leading to behavioral modifications that can significantly impact one's health and longevity. The combination of large pools of data and AI can pave the way for the next generation of medicine, empowering individuals to take charge of their health and become their own citizen scientists.

    • Whoops new conversational interface powered by OpenAIWhoop integrates OpenAI to create a conversational interface, acting as a 24/7 coach, expanding consumer base, entering medical space, predicting health issues, revolutionizing health and wellness.

      WHOOP, a health and fitness tracking app, is integrating OpenAI technology to create a conversational interface, allowing users to ask questions and receive personalized insights based on their data. This interface aspires to function as a 24/7 coach or trainer, providing guidance on various aspects of health and performance. The company's mission has evolved from focusing on professional athletes to a wider consumer base, including fitness enthusiasts and those seeking healthier lifestyles. The future direction of Whoop includes expanding into the medical space, with medically approved capabilities and preventative care features, aiming to shift healthcare from curative to preventative costs. With more voluminous and real-time data, the potential lies in predicting or diagnosing health issues before they become problematic. This conversational interface and expanded capabilities aim to revolutionize the way we approach health and wellness.

    • Monitoring health in real-time for personalized, predictive, and preventative careThe latest technology and data analysis enable us to track various health aspects, predict potential issues, and implement effective interventions, leading to a future of personalized, predictive, and preventative healthcare.

      Our bodies function best when we consider the holistic context of our daily lives, rather than viewing health as a series of isolated snapshots. The latest advancements in technology and data analysis are enabling us to monitor various aspects of our health, from sleep patterns to nutritional intake, in real-time. This data can then be used to predict potential health issues before they become serious, allowing for more effective interventions. Furthermore, the entrepreneurial journey of the guest, who built a multibillion-dollar company, serves as an inspiring reminder that following one's dreams and going against the grain can lead to remarkable achievements. The combination of these insights offers a compelling vision for the future of healthcare, where personalized, predictive, and preventative measures become the norm.

    • Belief in transformative tech and user-friendly productEntrepreneurs can succeed by believing in their tech's impact, creating a user-friendly product, and navigating challenges with determination.

      Belief in the transformative potential of a technology, coupled with a focus on creating a user-friendly product that resonates with consumers, can help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of building a successful company, even in a crowded industry with numerous competitors. The speaker, who built a multibillion-dollar health monitoring company, WHOOP, shares how they were driven by a strong belief in the impact of health monitoring on people's lives and their determination to create a product that people not only found valuable but also felt good about wearing. Despite facing numerous challenges and competition from big brands and tech companies, they managed to thread the needle between technology and branding to create a product that had a cult-like following among athletes, celebrities, and prominent individuals. The entrepreneur also acknowledges the existence of difficult periods in the journey, where they questioned whether they or the company would make it, but their unwavering belief in the technology and the impact it could have kept them going.

    • Entrepreneurial Highs and Lows: Separating Personal Identity from Business PerformanceSeparate personal identity from business, focus on personal growth, be open to negative feedback, and practice meditation for improved mindset and business performance.

      Entrepreneurs often struggle to separate their personal well-being from their business performance. This can lead to a dangerous cycle where personal and business highs and lows are intertwined, creating a roller coaster effect. During a challenging period in his life, the speaker experienced this firsthand, dealing with excessive coffee consumption, alcohol use, and building a wearables company while neglecting his personal health. He learned the importance of separating his identity from his business and focusing on personal growth, which ultimately led to a healthier mindset and improved business performance. The speaker also emphasized the importance of being open to negative feedback and learning to engage with it rather than ignoring it. This shift in mindset allowed him to become a better leader and absorb different perspectives, ultimately benefiting both his personal and professional life. Meditation played a crucial role in this transformation, helping him become more present, calm, and resilient.

    • Believing in the importance of your problem solutionDeep conviction in a problem's importance fuels entrepreneurial resilience, allowing for perseverance through challenges and stressors, while practicing gratitude and balancing success with purpose creates a more fulfilling entrepreneurial journey.

      Maintaining deep conviction in the problem you're solving and believing in its importance can help entrepreneurs overcome various challenges and stressors throughout their business journey. This deep belief acts as a driving force, pushing entrepreneurs to persevere through doubts, financial struggles, and technological hurdles. Moreover, developing resilience and learning to balance success with meaning, purpose, and gratitude are essential for entrepreneurs to thrive and stay happy. The constant pursuit of happiness at a future destination can lead to disappointment and a lack of fulfillment. Instead, practicing gratitude and allowing dopamine and serotonin to work together can create a more balanced and productive approach to entrepreneurship. To learn more about Whoop and its offerings, visit whoop.com and try the free trial for their sleep program.

    • Exploring a Risk-Free Trial with Will AhmedWill Ahmed offers a risk-free trial for his product to the science-based community, known for its positive approach. He's excited to collaborate with Gary and looks forward to the community's continued success.

      There's an excellent opportunity to try out a product with a risk-free trial, and if you're not satisfied, you can send it back without being charged. This offer extends to the audience of this community, which is known for its positive and science-based approach. I, Will Ahmed, can be found on social media under the handle @willahmed, and I've admired the community's growth and impact in recent years. I've had a great time speaking with Gary, and I'm excited to collaborate more in the future. Overall, it's been a pleasure to witness the community's success, and I'm confident it will continue to thrive. As always, it's just science.

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    92. Eat This, Not That: The Shocking Truth About Processed Foods

    92. Eat This, Not That: The Shocking Truth About Processed Foods
    Is your grocery cart sabotaging your health? Discover the shocking truth about processed foods and learn how a whole food diet can transform your wellbeing. In this episode, Gary Brecka reveals that a staggering 90% of grocery store items may be undermining your health goals. Learn why nutrient-dense foods are the key to boosting your energy levels, enhancing mental clarity, and supporting a robust immune system. Ready to make the switch? Then, hit that play button and learn practical tips on how you can embrace the whole food diet lifestyle. Remember, your plate has the power to change your life – are you ready to harness it? TIMESTAMPS:  00:00 ​Intro of Show 01:00 ​Highly-Processed Foods in Your Grocery Store 01:18 ​Whole Foods and Whole Food Diet Definition 03:23 ​Highly-Processed Diet vs. Whole Food Diet 04:39 ​Benefits of Eating Whole Foods 06:15 ​Science-Backed Research on the Benefits of Whole Food Diets 07:14 ​Tips for Transitioning to Whole Food Diet 08:00 ​Recap Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    91. Dr. Will B Explains How to Heal Your Gut and Prevent Disease

    91. Dr. Will B Explains How to Heal Your Gut and Prevent Disease
    Have you ever wondered if the key to your overall well-being lies in your gut? In this episode, Gary Brecka explores the fascinating world of the gut microbiome and its profound impact on your health. Discover how the trillions of microbes living in your gut not only aid in digestion, but also play a crucial role in your mental health, immune system, and overall vitality. They also shared the science behind microbiome, how diet and lifestyle choices can transform your gut health, and why conventional medicine alone isn’t always enough. As Dr. Will B stated, “The food choices that you make today will start to impact your microbiome by tomorrow.” How will you begin nurturing your gut today? Let us know in the comments below! Connect with Dr. Will B: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theguthealthmd?igsh=MWkyejllcWo5aWo3Mw== Website: https://theplantfedgut.com/  “Fiber Fueled” (Dr. Will B’s Book): https://theplantfedgut.com/book/  38TERA (Your Gut’s New Bestfriend): https://38tera.com/ TIMESTAMPS:  00:00 ​Intro of Show and Guest 02:31 ​Dr. Will B’s Transformative Journey  07:23 ​The New Science of Microbiome 11:31 ​Gut Microbiome’s Impact on Our Health 14:51 ​Feeding Your Microbiome 15:14 ​Inside the Intestine: Microbes’ Existence as an Ecosystem 17:10 ​Gut Microbiome’s Disturbance Potentially Causing Mental Disorders  19:08 ​Healthy Microbiome Diet and Lifestyle 22:21 ​Power of Fermented Foods 25:42 ​Cancer Therapies and Microbiome 31:36 ​Feeding Microbes with Fiber 33:14 ​Risks of Colon Cancer  39:26 ​Plant Sources of Fiber 44:55 ​Gut Microbiome Tests and Checking Yourself 59:20 ​Basic and Healthy Gut Nutrition 01:01:47 ​Probiotic Studies 01:05:03 ​Preventative Measures  01:06:43 ​Connect with Dr. Will 01:11:46 ​Final Question: What does it mean to you to be an “Ultimate Human?” Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 FOLLOW US: The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    90. The Ultimate Guide to Clean Water for Better Health

    90. The Ultimate Guide to Clean Water for Better Health
    Did you know that the quality of your drinking water can significantly impact your health? August is National Water Quality Month, and human biologist Gary Brecka discusses the shocking truth about your drinking water and its impact on your health. Remember: Your body shouldn't be a filter for contaminants. Every ounce of clean water matters! Also this month, we are giving away The Ultimate Human Swag Boxes to five lucky winners! All you have to do is subscribe to our channel, and we will send this amazing package right to your front door! Studies Discussed On Today’s Episode: NCBI | Importance of Water Quality: https://bit.ly/4dIAXe1 ResearchGate | Alkaline-Reduced Water: https://bit.ly/46NICFV PubMed | Hydrogen-Rich Water and Immunity: https://bit.ly/3M5uePB PubMed | Hydrogen-Rich Water and Platelet Count: https://bit.ly/3X1Kyas PubMed | Hydration and Health: https://bit.ly/3YL5gwl NCBI | Water and Health: https://bit.ly/3Amfw4j PubMed | Water Quality and Contaminants: https://bit.ly/4dFNcYS TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Intro 01:02 ​Impact of Water Quality to Our Health and Environment 01:22 ​Fluoride as a Neurotoxin (Effect on IQ) 03:21 ​Different Types of Available Water 03:54 ​Best Water Filtration Systems 04:11 ​Echo Hydrogen Water Bottle Benefits 05:16 ​Chlorine Gas in Commercial Steam Rooms 06:23 Giveaway: The Ultimate Human Swag Boxes 07:18 Importance of Water Filtration Systems 09:08 ​Connection Between Hydration and Health 11:33 ​Recap Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    89. STOP Self-Sabotage Now! Case Kenny's Mind-Blowing Techniques

    89. STOP Self-Sabotage Now! Case Kenny's Mind-Blowing Techniques
    We all have that voice in our head. The one that doubts, criticizes, and sometimes... sabotages us. But what if I told you that voice could become your greatest ally? In this eye-opening episode, host Gary Brecka sits down with mindfulness expert Case Kenny to explore the power of self-awareness and personal growth. Learn how you can tap into your inner voice and turn it into your superpower! Connect with Case Kenny: Get Case Kenny’s newest book, “That’s Bold of You” here!: https://theultimatehuman.com/book-recs Listen to "‎New Mindset, Who Dis?" podcast weekly on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3X0HqeV For more information on Case Kenny visit: https://bit.ly/3AkSGd3 Follow Case Kenny on YouTube: https://bit.ly/46N0vo5 Follow Case Kenny on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3Ap1IpH Follow Case Kenny on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3yHfmDZ Follow Case Kenny on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4dkJ14N Follow Case Kenny on X.com: https://bit.ly/3WIq3yg 0:00 ​Intro of Show and Guest 4:09 ​Case Kenny’s Journey from Being an Entrepreneur to a Mindfulness Influencer 12:59 ​Guided Journaling as a Mindful Practice 13:50 ​Gary Brecka’s Personal Mindful Exercises 15:27 ​Mindfulness Definition 17:23 ​“Visualize the Vocalizing” 23:30 ​“That’s Bold of You” (Book by Case Kenny) 24:26 ​Vulnerability and Judgments 26:21 ​The Power of Our Inner Voice 29:53 ​Mindfulness Exercise: Journaling 34:12​Practicing Gratitude 36:11 ​Examining Contrast and Opposites 37:38 ​The Truthful Purpose of Our Lives 45:15 ​Journal Types 47:04 ​Asking Hard Questions and Having Difficult Conversations 50:57 ​Perspectives on Social Media 57:25 ​Quotes from Case Kenny and the Meanings behind Them 1:04:15 ​Final Question: “What does it mean to you to be an Ultimate Human?” 1:05:40 ​Connect with Case Kenny Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    88. Joint Pain Ends Here: Gary Brecka's Science-Backed Solutions

    88. Joint Pain Ends Here: Gary Brecka's Science-Backed Solutions
    Are you struggling with joint pain or worried about maintaining mobility as you age? In this episode, Gary Brecka reveals a science-backed 6-part framework to keep your joints healthy and pain-free. He also explores the impact of low-impact exercises, having a balanced, anti-inflammatory diet, and regular hydration. Don’t let joint pain hold you back! Watch now to learn everything you need to know about keeping your joints in top condition.  00:00 ​Intro of Show 01:15 ​Importance of Understanding Joint Health 01:43 ​Anatomy of Joints 02:36 ​Actionable Steps in Maintaining Joint Health: 02:41 ​  1. Regular Exercise 04:04 ​  2. Anti-Inflammatory Diet 05:34 ​  3. Supplements Intake 06:43 ​  4. Regular Hydration 08:29 ​  5. Avoidance of Prolonged Inactivity 09:25 ​  6. Non-Smoking 09:46 ​More Strategies for Maintaining Joint Health 12:20 ​Outro Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook: https://bit.ly/464VA1H SUBSCRIBE TO: https://www.youtube.com/@ultimatehumanpodcast https://www.youtube.com/@garybrecka Download “The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka” podcast on all your favorite platforms: https://bit.ly/3RQftU0 The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    87. Daymond John: Shark Tank Star Reveals His Ultimate Health Transformation

    87. Daymond John: Shark Tank Star Reveals His Ultimate Health Transformation
    Ever wonder how top entrepreneurs stay at the top of their game? In this episode of the Ultimate Human podcast host Gary Brecka and co-host Sage Workinger hear from Daymond John on how he transformed his health. The most powerful part? Daymond said being healthier has improved every area of his life - from his marriage to his business acumen. He shares how your body is your most valuable asset. Making small, consistent changes - your future self will thank you. Tune in to this amazing podcast and ask yourself what small change can you make today to improve your health and, by extension, your business? Get any of Daymond John's books: "Power of Broke," "Rise and Grind," and "Powershift" here: https://theultimatehuman.com/book-recs Listen to Daymond John’s "That Moment" podcast weekly on Spotify: https://spoti.fi/4dEFhuZ For more information on Daymond John visit: https://bit.ly/3YCKrDj Follow Daymond John on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3YECY6Y Follow Daymond John on Instagram: https://bit.ly/4dAkvfN Follow Daymond John on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3WB4DTz Follow Daymond John on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3Wy5VP8 Follow Daymond John on LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/3WX98JB Follow Daymond John on X.com: https://bit.ly/3SI0Y50 00:00 ​Intro 02:48 ​Daymond’s Teaching of Financial Literacy and Psychology of Money to His Children 10:19 ​Daymond’s Health Journey with Gary (Metabolic Syndrome) 18:01 ​The Psychology of Finding Happiness in Your Goal-Setting 26:01 ​Changing One’s Mindset and Habits 29:35 ​Vitamins/Supplements Industry vs. Fast Food Industry 31:35 ​Changes in Daymond John’s Life  41:00 ​The Impact of Scientific Advancements  42:24​ 80-20 Rule 44:23 ​Gamifying on Facts and Data  47:01 ​Daymond’s Business Strategy on His Various Businesses 50:10 ​The Ultimate Human Podcast’s Initial Objectives  55:10 ​Final Question: “What does it mean to you to be an Ultimate Human?” Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines: https://bit.ly/4eLDbdU Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: https://bit.ly/3L5k8hl Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: https://bit.ly/4cMDGm7 Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program: https://bit.ly/3ROGPd6 PLUNGE - Use code “Ultimate” for $150 off your order of the best cold plunge & sauna in the US: https://bit.ly/3yYE3vl EIGHT SLEEP - Use code “GARY” to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra: https://bit.ly/3WkLd6E ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE: https://bit.ly/3xG0Pb8 BODY HEALTH - Use code “ULTIMATE10” for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER: https://bit.ly/4cJdJE7 Discover top-rated products and exclusive deals. Shop now and elevate your everyday essentials with just a click!: https://theultimatehuman.com/amazon-recs Watch “The Ultimate Human Podcast with Gary Brecka” every Tuesday and Thursday at 9AM ET on YouTube: https://bit.ly/3RPQYX8 Follow The Ultimate Human on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3VP9JuR Follow The Ultimate Human on TikTok: https://bit.ly/3XIusTX Follow The Ultimate Human on Facebook: https://bit.ly/3Y5pPDJ Follow Gary Brecka on Instagram: https://bit.ly/3RPpnFs Follow Gary Brecka on TikTok: https://bit.ly/4coJ8fo Follow Gary Brecka on Facebook:https: //bit.ly/464VA1H The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The Content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such conditions. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices