
    #614 - Christopher Ryan, PhD

    en-usFebruary 19, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • Hippie Culture in Portland: From Acceptance to JudgmentThe shift in Portland's hippie culture from acceptance to judgment creates a fascist mentality, and authenticity and acceptance are crucial.

      Portland, Oregon, while known for its hippie culture, has evolved over the years. What was once a city known for its eccentricity without judgment has transformed into a place where some residents adopt the hippie identity but exhibit a smug and judgmental attitude towards others. This shift has created a fascist mentality within the hippie community. Additionally, there's a growing trend of people buying used clothes with worn-out appearances to adopt the persona, rather than earning it through genuine use. The speaker reflects on his own experiences with being an outsider in different cultures based on physical appearance. Ultimately, the discussion highlights how cultural identities can be adopted superficially, and the importance of authenticity and acceptance.

    • Perceptions and biases towards physical traitsPeople's perceptions of physical traits can be influenced by societal norms and stereotypes, leading to complex feelings and biases. Embracing one's unique features and personal agency is crucial for positive self-perception.

      People's perceptions and biases towards certain physical traits, such as red hair, can be complex and rooted in societal norms and stereotypes. The conversation touched on the association of red hair with temperamental personality traits and the desirability of certain looks, like gray hair for older men, or baldness for younger men. The discussion also highlighted the lengths people go to maintain their appearance and the impact of societal pressure on individual choices. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing one's unique features and the role of personal agency in shaping self-perception.

    • Understanding the Impact of Our Actions and DecisionsOur actions and decisions can have deeper meanings and impact those around us. Embrace the moment and consider the potential significance of your choices.

      Our appearances and actions can hold deeper meanings and impact those around us, sometimes in ways we don't realize. A simple decision, like shaving one's head, can be influenced by cultural beliefs or personal experiences. Additionally, attitude and mindset play a significant role in how we face challenges and adversity. The story illustrates how a man's decision to shave his head was influenced by his girlfriend's beliefs and his father's health. It also highlights the importance of embracing the moment and living life to the fullest, as demonstrated by a friend's positive attitude towards his battle with pancreatic cancer. Ultimately, the story emphasizes the power of attitude and the importance of understanding the potential significance of our actions and decisions.

    • Perspective on losing one's life at older agesAt older ages, losing a few years instead of entire life is the focus, raising questions about extending human lifespan and its implications.

      The concept of "losing one's life" was put into perspective during the discussion, with the idea that at older ages, such as 73 or 69, it's not about losing one's entire life, but rather a few remaining years. The conversation also touched upon the idea of extending human lifespan, raising questions about the resources and implications of such a development. The speaker expressed fascination with the idea of learning from a thousand-year-old person, but also acknowledged the challenges of dealing with overpopulation and resource distribution. The conversation concluded with a reflection on the potential advancements in technology that might make human existence less necessary in the future.

    • Exploring the Depths of Life's MysteriesFrom consciousness transfer to underwater life discoveries, technological advancements bring limitless possibilities and solutions to challenges, while reminding us of life's vastness and complexity.

      The potential for technological advancements and discoveries in various fields, from artificial intelligence to underwater life, holds the promise of transformative experiences and solutions to current challenges. For instance, the concept of transferring consciousness into artificial bodies could offer limitless pleasurable experiences and adventures. Meanwhile, the discovery of organisms like sea slugs, which can shift between photosynthesis and eating, hints at possibilities for human survival through sustainable means. Furthermore, the intricacies of evolution, such as termites' ability to maintain precise temperature and humidity conditions for their eggs, challenge our understanding of how complex behaviors and structures emerge. Ultimately, these discoveries remind us of the vastness and mystery of life and the potential for breakthroughs that defy current explanations.

    • Limiting conversations about controversial topics hinders progressOpen dialogue and respect for all experiences are crucial in navigating complex ethical dilemmas

      Limiting conversations about controversial topics, such as eugenics, can hinder progress and understanding. While some may argue that certain perspectives are invalid, it's essential to consider that everyone's experiences and opinions hold value. The idea of preventing people from breeding based on genetic predispositions raises ethical concerns, but education and support can encourage responsible decision-making. The argument against allowing people to bring life into the world with potential health issues can be seen as invalidating their experiences. However, it's crucial to remember that we're not comparing these experiences to nothing; a fetus isn't suffering before birth. The discussion around these complex issues should be open and respectful, allowing us to learn and grow from each other's perspectives. The idea that fetuses might have consciousness or memories before birth is intriguing and warrants further exploration. Ultimately, the importance of open dialogue and respect for all experiences is crucial in navigating these complex ethical dilemmas.

    • Challenges of Understanding Perceptions and MemoriesOur memories and perceptions can be inaccurate and subjective, influenced by experiences and environment. Understanding others without facial expressions adds complexity, and preserving past experiences is important.

      Our memories and perceptions of the world around us can be inaccurate and subjective. Oliver Sacks, a renowned doctor and author, has explored this concept through his research on hallucinations and his personal experiences. He describes the challenge of understanding people without being able to read their facial expressions and recounts his own memories of growing up that may not align with reality. The discussion also touches on the impact of environment and experiences on our perceptions, as well as the importance of preserving and appreciating the past. The conversation highlights the complexities and nuances of memory and perception, and the importance of maintaining an open mind to new experiences and perspectives.

    • Growing up with constant transitionsAdaptability and openness to new experiences, despite challenges, can lead to unique friendships and personal growth.

      Growing up as a kid in unfamiliar environments and constantly moving can lead to unique experiences and perspectives. The speaker and the interlocutor share this experience, having both attended multiple schools and lived in various places. While there are advantages to growing up in a stable community, such as a sense of familiarity and belonging, there are also limitations. On the other hand, moving frequently can lead to a more diverse and interesting life, as one is forced to adapt to new surroundings and meet new people. The speaker expresses that he has formed close friendships with people he met during these transitions, and that these experiences have shaped his identity. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of adaptability and openness to new experiences, even if they come with challenges.

    • Impact of Coke on IndividualsCoke can lead to addiction, weight loss, excessive self-promotion, loss of focus, and underlying feelings of shame and low self-esteem.

      Coke, or cocaine, can have a significant impact on individuals, particularly those with certain personality structures or self-esteem issues. The speaker shared personal experiences of people he knew who became heavily involved with Coke, leading to negative consequences such as addiction, weight loss, and a focus on grand plans at the expense of relationships. The speaker himself does not have a desire for Coke, preferring hallucinogens instead. He believes that Coke can make people feel the need to brag and talk about themselves excessively, and can lead to a loss of energy and focus in other areas of life. The speaker also noted that those who become addicted to Coke often have underlying feelings of shame and low self-esteem.

    • Addiction as a coping mechanism for psychological traumaAddiction can be a response to psychological trauma and suffering, not just about the substance or activity. Coping mechanisms like Coke use can be a way to escape harsh environments or deal with a lack of stimulation.

      Addiction may not be solely about the substance or activity, but rather about the psychological trauma and suffering an individual is experiencing. The example given was of a woman who turned to Coke as an escape from her overbearing mother's constant criticism and pressure for achievement. The theory of addiction being due to trauma was further supported by the "Rat Park" experiment, where rats in enriched environments showed little interest in Coke after initial use. The discussion also touched upon the idea that addiction can be a coping mechanism for dealing with a lack of stimulation or a harsh environment.

    • From primatologist to businessman: Richard's journey of curiosity and reinventionFormer primatologist Richard transformed his life from studying chimps to opening a mountain bike shop, owning a chain of vegetarian burrito shops, and eventually embracing the paleo lifestyle, all while making a positive impact on animal welfare.

      The life story of Richard, a pioneering businessman and former primatologist, is a testament to his curiosity, resilience, and adaptability. From sneaking into chimpanzee enclosures in the 60s and 70s, opening the first mountain bike shop in the country, to owning a chain of vegetarian burrito shops, and eventually embracing the paleo lifestyle, Richard's journey is filled with innovation and reinvention. His experiences with chimpanzees and his observation of their behavior, even while high, influenced his perspective on animal welfare and the ethics of keeping animals in captivity. This, in turn, led him to write about the issue and eventually work on it through his friend's marine mammal consortium. Richard's story is a reminder that personal growth and making a positive impact on the world can come from the most unexpected places.

    • The ethics of orca rehabilitation and releaseThe debate continues on whether captive orcas can be adequately rehabilitated and released into the wild, with considerations for their living conditions, human benefit, and animal rights.

      The ethical treatment and reintroduction of captive orcas into the wild is a complex issue. While some argue that it's impossible to provide them with an adequate living space in captivity, others believe that with enough resources and time, they could be rehabilitated and released. The comparison was made to teaching humans survival skills and the potential application of this to orcas. However, the discussion also touched upon the ethical considerations of using animals, such as orcas and primates, for human benefit, even if it means potentially harming them. The philosopher Peter Singer's argument about animal rights and testing pharmaceuticals on beings with consciousness and emotions was brought up, adding another layer to the conversation. Ultimately, the question remains: do we have the moral obligation to provide the best possible living conditions for captive orcas and other intelligent animals, or is it acceptable to use them for human gain, even if it means sacrificing their lives?

    • Sociopaths vs. Psychopaths: Understanding the DifferencesSociopaths and psychopaths share some similarities, but sociopaths are more emotional and prone to outbursts, while psychopaths are more manipulative and unable to form emotional attachments.

      Sociopaths and psychopaths share some similarities, including a disregard for laws and social norms, a failure to feel remorse or guilt, and a tendency to display violent behavior. However, there are significant differences between the two conditions. Sociopaths tend to be more nervous and prone to emotional outbursts, while psychopaths are unable to form emotional attachments or feel real empathy with others. Psychopaths are also more manipulative and able to gain people's trust by mimicking emotions. Sociopaths and psychopaths can be found in various fields, including Wall Street and the military, where they are able to make decisions that hurt others without feeling empathy or remorse. The distinction between sociopathy and psychopathy is a topic of ongoing debate among experts.

    • The Price of Fame: Surrounded but DisconnectedFame can create an insulated world, distorting reality and making it hard to connect authentically. Following passions and seeking genuine experiences is crucial.

      Fame comes with a price, and for celebrities like George Clooney, it can mean living in an insulated world where they're constantly surrounded by people and cannot experience true human connection. The discussion also touched upon the idea that fame can distort one's perception of reality and make it difficult to discern authentic emotions and feedback. Another interesting point raised was the impact of influential figures on individuals, as illustrated by the story of Tao, the Italian prince and flamenco guitarist, who was encouraged by Keith Richards to pursue his passion for music. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of fame, as well as the importance of following one's passions and seeking authentic experiences.

    • The importance of obsession for mastery and successTo achieve greatness, one must be deeply passionate and dedicated to their craft, putting in the time, effort, and emotion, regardless of past experiences.

      True mastery and success in any skill or craft requires an obsessive dedication and passion. The speaker shares his regret for not having this obsession as a kid, which prevented him from sticking with disciplines like electric guitar lessons or piano. He believes that great artists, whether musicians or comedians, have this deep-seated need to create and connect with their audience. The speaker also touches upon the idea that some individuals, like successful psychopaths or artists, may have been driven by traumas or needs that fuel their obsession. To achieve greatness, one must be willing to put in the time, effort, and emotion, and not be concerned with what came before. This is evident in the music of iconic artists like Hendrix, who brought something new and innovative to the table through their unwavering dedication and unique perspective.

    • Jimi Hendrix's Unique Interpretations of SongsJimi Hendrix's emotional covers resonated deeply with listeners, fueled by trauma and adversity, transforming the music scene during the psychedelic era as a black man in a racist world, embodying the genius and work ethic of great artists.

      Music, particularly covers, can evoke intense emotions and resonate deeply with listeners. Jimi Hendrix is a prime example of an artist whose unique interpretations of songs have surpassed the originals. Trauma and adversity can often fuel great art, and the dynamic interplay between pain and creativity can result in powerful expressions of human experience. Hendrix's impact on music during the psychedelic era, as a black man in a racist world, is a testament to the transformative power of art. Phil Hartman, who witnessed Hendrix's rise firsthand, also embodied the genius and work ethic that characterized the great artists of his time.

    • Hartman's Contrasting Lifestyle: Perfection in Work vs. Wild SideHartman's dedication to his craft contrasted with his carefree attitude towards life outside of it, showcasing the complexities of his personality.

      Phil Hartman was known for his meticulous organization and dedication to his craft, but he also had a wild side. He loved getting high and visiting strip clubs, appreciating the dancers with a childlike enthusiasm. Despite his success, Hartman struggled with personal issues, including marital problems that ultimately led to his tragic death. His obsession with perfection in his work contrasted with his carefree attitude towards life outside of it. The speaker shares a fond memory of Hartman's stories and genuine appreciation for the dancers, which didn't make him feel uncomfortable, despite societal norms. Hartman's singular focus on his goals as a child evolved into a more balanced approach to life as he grew older, but his passion for his craft remained unwavering. The ease of performing on TV shows allowed him to excel in his career while maintaining a sense of normalcy in his personal life.

    • Unexpected journey into actingStarting small in acting can lead to bigger opportunities, but the experience may not always be enjoyable due to working with difficult actors and unsupportive teams.

      Acting in a scripted show like "News Radio" or working with a comedy troupe like Andy Dick's allowed for more collaboration and room for improvisation compared to stand-up comedy, where the performer is on their own and under more pressure to deliver. The speaker's unexpected journey into acting began with small roles, leading to larger opportunities like "News Radio" and a Disney show for Fox, despite having no prior acting experience or training. However, the experience was not always enjoyable due to working with difficult actors and unsupportive production teams. Ultimately, the speaker found success in acting, but it came as a surprise and was not something they had planned or pursued intentionally.

    • The Benefits of High-Pressure EnvironmentsExperience in high-pressure situations, like comedy or martial arts, can improve performance under pressure and handling competition in other areas of life.

      Having experience in high-pressure environments, such as stand-up comedy and martial arts, can greatly benefit an individual when it comes to performing under pressure and handling competition in other areas of life, like acting auditions. Phil Hartman's experience in the competitive and mean-spirited world of Saturday Night Live showcased both the greatness and hostility that comes with such environments. However, the speaker personally prefers the solitude and authenticity of creating stand-up comedy or writing books, rather than dealing with the potential negativity and competition that comes with collaborative projects. The speaker values the idea of writing as if they are already dead, ensuring their work remains true to their thoughts and ideas, rather than catering to what might sell or please others. Ultimately, the speaker values the freedom and authenticity that comes with creating alone.

    • The complexities of war and human experiencesWar's impact goes beyond patriotism, leading to cultural advancements and human suffering. Embrace peace and human connection, and strive for empathy and understanding.

      Periods of conflict and social upheaval can lead to significant cultural advancements, but also result in great human suffering. During such times, it's essential to appreciate the value of peace and human connection. Unfortunately, some people may not fully grasp the implications of war and the loss of life, instead viewing it through a simplistic, patriotic lens. This disconnect can lead to a surface-level understanding of complex issues and the human experiences behind them. For instance, the Vietnam War era saw an increase in American casualties, social unrest, and the rise of influential artists and literature. However, it's crucial to remember that the people involved in these conflicts are human beings, and their experiences should not be reduced to a cookie-cutter narrative. Instead, we should strive for empathy, understanding, and a commitment to fostering positive human interactions.

    • The Reliability of Memory and StorytellingBe critical of information, recognize biases, and fact-check to ensure accuracy in storytelling. People's memories can be influenced by trauma and the tendency to embellish or forget details.

      Memory is not always reliable and people have a tendency to embellish stories, as was the case with Brian Williams' account of his experiences in Iraq. Trauma can influence how we remember events, and over time, memories can change. Some people, like the compulsive liar mentioned, even add details to make their stories more exciting, regardless of their truthfulness. This is a reminder that it's essential to be critical of the information we receive and recognize that people may have biases or motivations that influence their stories. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the idea that memory is a way of forgetting, as Milan Kundera once said. The human tendency to embellish or forget details highlights the importance of fact-checking and questioning the sources of information.

    • Dealing with Pathological LiarsPathological liars can cause harm and destruction, but their condition often goes unnoticed until the lies are exposed. Those with psychiatric conditions may find solace in acceptance and laughter, while normal individuals can make mental health professionals uneasy.

      Encountering a pathological liar can be an unsettling experience. At first, it may seem like harmless banter, but the lies and deceit can lead to serious consequences. These individuals often move from one group to another, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. The lies eventually come to light, and they must find new victims to deceive. It's a form of insanity that requires constant movement to avoid being exposed. Interestingly, those who are psychotic are often aware of their condition and find solace in the acceptance and laughter of others. This approach can help create a rapport and ease tension in a situation. However, it's the normal, sane individuals who can make a psychiatrist uncomfortable. If given the choice, outside of comedy, I would likely be a martial arts instructor. The enjoyment of teaching and the long-term commitment required to reach higher belts resonates with me. It's a fulfilling experience to see students progress and grow.

    • The Journey to Mastery: Commitment, Resilience, and Lessons LearnedCommitment and resilience are essential for achieving greatness. Teaching can inspire and motivate, multiple cats can provide companionship, and acts of kindness demonstrate potential for growth in challenging situations.

      Commitment and resilience are key to achieving greatness, whether it's in martial arts or other areas of life. The journey to mastery may be challenging, with only a small percentage of individuals reaching the highest levels. However, the lessons learned along the way can be invaluable. Teaching, particularly children, can help develop the ability to motivate and inspire others, which can be useful in various situations. Additionally, having multiple cats instead of just one can provide them with companionship and reduce the likelihood of neurotic behavior. Furthermore, even in stressful or difficult situations, people often display acts of kindness and generosity, demonstrating the potential for growth and appreciation for peace in the midst of chaos.

    • Disasters and hardships bring people togetherEmbrace change, challenge norms, and seek thrilling experiences to appreciate life's good times, and don't let civilization insulate us from danger and hardship.

      According to the discussion, disasters and hardships can bring people together and provide a sense of relief from the monotony and isolation of normal life. The speaker emphasizes that people need thrills and experiences to truly appreciate the good times, and that civilization's attempts to insulate us from danger and hardship can lead to a sense of stagnation and dissatisfaction. The speaker also highlights the importance of embracing change and the progression of human understanding, as well as the need to challenge societal norms and fight for equality and rights for all.

    • Navigating the journey of human progressWe're constantly improving and adapting to new challenges, with technology accelerating our progress. Remember, we're not at the end of this journey yet.

      We are living in a time of rapid progress and access to knowledge, but we are still in the process of figuring out the inherent problems of our civilization. The speaker compares this to the evolution of human beings from monkeys, constantly improving and adapting to new challenges. We are currently at the pinnacle of human knowledge, but there is still much to learn and decipher as we move forward. The access to information through technology is accelerating our progress in ways we can't fully comprehend. It's important to remember that we are in the middle of this journey and not at the end, and it's amazing to be a part of it. The speaker also reflects on how this accelerated pace of change affects the experience of aging and the memories of our past. Overall, the message is one of optimism and excitement for the future, despite the challenges we face.

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    Beginning –

    The family unit and societal conditioning that we’ve all been exposed to, whether helpful or unhelpful. Shedding the unhelpful layers to leave only the thoughts, habits, beliefs, etc that serve us well.Social conditioning generally leaves us in 1 of 2 boxes:
    • The person who falls in line, never questions and may “wake up” later in life realizing they never lived and don’t know who they are.
    • The rebel non conformist who gets looked at in a negative light.
    The view points on these 2 types are shifting to a more understanding model. We now know that the “troublemaker kid” probably isn’t trying to give everyone a hard time as much as they’re having a hard time and need some care, love and understanding.

    We’re all children parading around as adults with whatever belief systems were given to us as children. When you can see the separation between what was given to you versus what actually resonates with you, growth occurs and you can begin to “parent” yourself. Most often this means giving yourself that which you needed as a child but didn’t receive. This allows you to begin forming yourself into the happiest, highest version of yourself.

    12:40 –

    Dissecting what’s considered “trauma”. People understandably get a little touchy on this subject but the energetic point of view is that trauma is anything that goes against your original energy signature and causes harm to that field. If you walk away from the incident, no matter how minor, with a distorted energy field that takes you away from your true self, we’re considering it trauma.

    Obviously, varying degrees of trauma are possible. What is traumatic for one may not be for another and the time and work it takes to restore that energy field distortion depends on the level of impact it had on the particular person in question.The first step in healing any of it is awareness.

    Emotions become stuck in our body because when the situations that cause them occur, we don’t know how to experience that, process it and allow it to be released. Therefore it becomes stored for later. Emotions like anger or resentment are easier to feel than the pain behind them which leads us to hide behind them.

    16:16 –

    Nothing happened “to you”, it’s just what happened. Again, it’s normal to feel the more aggressive emotions and you HAVE to feel them in order to get to the other side of them and release them. It’s up to us to find healthy ways to release them so that we’re not hurting others along the way because that just perpetuates the cycles of pain.You have to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable since problems occur when we suppress our emotions instead of allowing them to safely and productively play out.

    Some people can sit with something once, allow it to be felt and released and be done. Most of us have to hack at it little by little for a while because these things can get DEEPLY imbedded into who we are and touch every facet of our lives. Unraveling it layer by layer is something Monique equated to a spider web. A beautiful and fitting analogy for what we’re discussing.

    You have to systemize what works for you so that you know exactly what to do when you’re met with these emotionally charged situations and circumstances or else you’re always going to feel as though you’re drowning. These systems are your tools and can be as structured or as laid back as you like and as what works for you.

    34:27 –

    You want to avoid “toxic self care”. An example of this would be crawling into bed for a nap that lasts 3 days. You have to be self aware of these traps so that you can pull yourself out of them.

    Avoiding all stuck-ness because energy needs to MOVE. There’s a lot of ways you can get the energy moving, from food to taking a walk.

    Shadow work helps with empowerment a lot. We all have yin and yang energy. “Good” and “bad” are a human construct which can make us uncomfortable with the aspects of ourselves that may be labeled as “bad”. Coming to terms with these aspects can help us find empowerment through acceptance and love for even those parts of ourselves that others would have opinions about.

    41:02 –

    Empowerment is about finding what resonates with YOU despite the cultural taboos. What’s best for you and what works best for you and standing by that despite other’s opinions.Authenticity is ever evolving. You really only have yourself. Stay hyper aware. That’s the work. We’ll get there.

    Our guest:

    Hi, my name is Monique, and I am an Intuitive Empowerment Coach! I help people overcome limiting beliefs using my Self Mastery Method which empowers them to build confidence, trust themselves, develop a greater mind-body connection, and cultivate their dream life! My passion is helping people make deep connections from within, unraveling the patterns that have been holding them back, and creating the space for them to step into their power! I wholeheartedly believe that each one of us possesses the innate capability to embrace our unique authenticity, all it takes is that first step to look within!
    Our host:

    S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water

    Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

    AI Reset: "Life As We Know It Will Be Gone In 5 Years" - Upcoming Utopia vs Dystopia | Salim Ismail PT 2

    AI Reset: "Life As We Know It Will Be Gone In 5 Years" - Upcoming Utopia vs Dystopia | Salim Ismail PT 2
    Welcome back to part 2 of this power-packed episode with Salim Ismail! In this part, we delve deeper into the transformative impacts of AI on society, the pivotal choices between dystopian and utopian futures, and the critical role of decentralized systems in our global infrastructure. Salim offers his insights on the societal and technological strategies that could lead humanity towards a prosperous future, and emphasizes the importance of embracing these rapid changes and preparing for the inevitable disruptions they bring. We also work to understand how technologies like AI and decentralized systems are not just futuristic concepts but immediate tools for societal transformation in Salim’s visionary perspective.  Don't miss these critical insights that could redefine how we approach technology and its integration into every facet of human life in the final part of this eye-opening conversation with Salim Ismail.  And if you're loving the Impact Theory Podcast, please take a moment to leave us a review or rate the show. Your feedback is incredibly valuable! Follow Salim Ismail: Website: https://salimismail.com/ Get AI ready: https://web.openexo.com/impacttheory/ Connect in the OpenExO Community: https://openexo.com/community/salimismail Follow Me, Tom Bilyeu:  Website: https://impacttheoryuniversity.com/  X: https://twitter.com/TomBilyeu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ If you want to dive deeper into my content, search through every episode, find specific topics I've covered, and ask me questions. Go to my Dexa page: https://dexa.ai/tombilyeu Themes: Mindset, Finance, World Affairs, Health & Productivity, Future & Tech, Simulation Theory & Physics, Dating & Relationships SPONSORS: Visit https://betterHelp.com/impacttheory today to get 10% off your first month. NetSuite has extended its one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks! Head to https://NetSuite.com/THEORY.  Go to https://go.lumen.me/impact and get $50 off your Lumen! Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://drinkag1.com/impact. Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/IMPACT to start your free two-week trial. Take control of your gut health by going to https://tryviome.com/impact and use code IMPACT to get 20% off your first 3 months and free shipping. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you.  *New episodes delivered ad-free, EXCLUSIVE access to hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, Tom AMAs, and so much more!* This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices