
    623. Q&AF: Trump Taken Off Ballots, Building Sense Of Urgency With Team & Talking To Successful People

    enJanuary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • New Year, New Focus on Self-ImprovementFocus on mental, physical, and emotional well-being to reduce external influences, commit to self-improvement challenges like 75 Hard, and take control of your life in the new year.

      The new year presents an opportunity for personal growth and improvement, despite the challenges and distractions in society. People are becoming more aware of manipulation and deception, and focusing on their mental, physical, and emotional well-being can help reduce the power of external influences. The 75 Hard challenge, which involves getting in shape, reading a book, and eliminating distractions for 75 days, is an example of a commitment to self-improvement. The more individuals focus on themselves and their goals, the less impact external forces will have on their lives. It's a call to action to take control of one's life and make the most of the new year.

    • Stay informed and adapt to competeStay updated on current events and adapt to maintain a strong position in a competitive world

      In today's competitive world, especially in entrepreneurship, it's essential to focus on self-improvement to widen the gap between yourself and others. The speaker emphasizes that it's a reality that we're in a competition, and those who get better during challenging times will come out on top. The recent events, such as the attempts to remove certain political figures from ballots, can serve as motivation and even scare people onto a particular side, potentially benefiting those involved. It's crucial to stay informed and adapt to the ever-changing environment to maintain a strong position.

    • Intolerance and lack of diversity of thought in politicsThe current political climate's intolerance and lack of diversity of thought is pushing moderate Democrats away, leading to extreme policies and actions, and causing consequences such as open borders, inflation, and military incapacitation.

      The current political climate, particularly among the progressive left, is characterized by intolerance and a lack of diversity of thought. This attitude, which can be seen as a form of moral superiority, has led to a shrinking of the Democratic Party and a growing sense of political homelessness among moderate Democrats. The party's shift towards more extreme policies and actions, such as interfering with elections and attacking systems and institutions, is pushing more people away from the Democrats and into other political territories. The consequences of these actions are becoming increasingly apparent, with issues such as open borders, inflation, and military incapacitation. These developments are opening people's eyes to the reality of what has happened and the lengths to which some will go to manipulate the political process.

    • Political Divide: Balancing Social Liberalism and Fiscal ConservatismThe political climate is deeply divided, requiring balance between progressive policies and traditional values. Laws and moral frameworks are essential for order, but their enforcement is lacking.

      The current political climate is deeply divided, with some individuals and groups pushing for progressive policies that others view as unconstitutional and harmful to traditional values. The speaker believes that these extreme elements on both the far left and far right pose a threat to societal norms and morality, and that a balance between social liberalism and fiscal conservatism is necessary for unity. They also believe that laws and moral frameworks are essential to maintain order when individual morality is absent, but these are not being effectively enforced. Ultimately, the speaker anticipates major economic and moral corrections to address these issues.

    • Transparency creates urgency in teamsEffective leaders use a mix of motivational tactics to encourage urgency and action, understanding their team's unique motivations.

      Transparency is an effective way to create urgency within a team or organization. When leaders are open about the organization's struggles and goals, team members are more likely to respond with appropriate urgency. However, different employees may respond to motivational tactics in various ways. While some may be motivated by rewards or the fear of consequences, others may be driven by a desire to contribute to the team's success. Ultimately, effective leaders understand their team and use a combination of motivational tactics to encourage urgency and action. Regarding the broader discussion, it's important to take seriously the potential cultural shift towards intolerance and extremism. History shows that when individuals or groups gain power and refuse to accept differing perspectives, they can lead to destructive outcomes. It's crucial for individuals to be informed, engaged, and vocal in shaping the future of their communities and countries. This year may be a pivotal moment in history, and each person's voice and actions can make a difference.

    • Creating a culture of urgency and intensityLeaders set the tone for urgency and intensity, requiring consistent effort and practice to build a culture that approaches every interaction as the only one, not wasting opportunities or reps.

      Creating a culture of urgency and intensity is crucial for long-term success in any organization, be it college football or a business. The leader sets the tone, and if they are not urgent, neither will their team be. Building such a culture requires consistent effort, practice, and development as a leader. It's essential to sense the need for urgency early on and address it promptly, as waiting until it's too late often results in losses that can't be recovered. Great organizations don't waste opportunities or reps and approach every interaction with the mindset that it's the only one. Instilling this mindset into a team takes a significant amount of energy, but it's what's required for greatness. Unfortunately, in today's world, softness and complacency can be alluring, but they don't lead to winning.

    • Success demands urgency and dedicationTo be successful, one must be willing to put in the effort and adopt the mindset of someone who has no other options

      Success requires a high level of urgency and dedication that goes beyond the common perception of a relaxed and stress-free path to victory. The speaker emphasizes that those who have achieved great success, whether in sports, business, or other fields, do not have the luxury of waiting or taking it easy. They understand that the inputs required to win are far greater than what most people assume, and that ignorance and lack of options are powerful motivators. The speaker's own experience of building a business over 25 years, despite the challenges and hardships, underscores this point. The takeaway is that those who want to be successful must be willing to put in the effort and adopt the mindset of someone who has no other options.

    • The Journey to Success is ChallengingDevelop mental and emotional fortitude to navigate the hardships of building a business or achieving personal growth. Honesty about difficulties and focusing on personal growth can help.

      Building a successful business or achieving personal growth is a challenging journey that requires hard work, discipline, and mental toughness. Entrepreneurs on the internet should be honest about the difficulties involved instead of giving a false sense of ease. Programs like Live Hard and books like The Book of Mental Toughness can help individuals develop the necessary skills to endure the hardships and build resilience. The focus should be on personal growth and building the necessary mental and emotional fortitude rather than seeking shortcuts or hacks. The reality is that the path to success will always be hard, but with the right mindset and tools, it becomes easier to navigate and persevere through the challenges.

    • Embrace the hardships for long-term successEmbracing hardships builds essential skills for long-term success, while avoiding them limits your ability to compete

      In order to achieve true greatness and compete at a high level, it's important to embrace the hardships and challenges that come with building something from the ground up. The skills and lessons learned during these difficult times are essential for long-term success. Avoiding the hardships through shortcuts or quick fixes may provide temporary gains, but they will limit your ability to compete with those who have gone through the full journey. The value of a bulletproof mindset lies in its ability to help you execute on your goals despite external circumstances. So, even if you're starting small, remember that the pain and frustration are relative to your current situation, and the skills you gain during the hard times will serve you well in the long run.

    • Approaching successful individuals with humility and persistenceStay focused, keep learning, and never give up, even when sharing your business with more successful individuals. View each interaction as an opportunity to learn and grow.

      Entrepreneurship is a learning process with ups and downs, and having the perseverance and intelligence to not quit and learn from mistakes are the two essential skills to succeed long-term. When it comes to sharing your business with more successful individuals, approaching the situation with humility, a willingness to learn, and persistence is crucial. Don't let self-doubt hinder your progress. Instead, view each interaction as an opportunity to learn and grow. Remember, even the most successful entrepreneurs faced rejections and obstacles before achieving their goals. So stay focused, keep learning, and never give up.

    • Don't judge a customer's financial situationApproach every customer interaction with the goal of offering the best possible solution, regardless of their appearance or perceived financial situation. Start by presenting the best solution to their problem and make compromises if needed to fit their budget.

      Successful salespeople approach every customer interaction with the goal of offering the best possible solution, regardless of the customer's perceived financial situation. It's important not to judge a book by its cover and assume that someone who looks less affluent can't afford higher-priced products. Instead, salespeople should start by presenting the best solution to the customer's problem and then make compromises if necessary to fit the customer's budget. This approach is more effective than starting with a limited product offering based on assumptions about a customer's financial situation. Ultimately, the goal is to solve the customer's problem in the best possible way and build a strong relationship based on trust and respect.

    • Focus on solving the customer's problemEffective selling requires understanding and offering the best solution to the customer's problem, rather than making assumptions based on personal biases or perceived budgets.

      Effective selling goes beyond appearances and personal biases. Instead, focus on understanding and solving the customer's problem in the best possible way. Don't limit yourself or your offerings based on assumptions about a customer's budget or perceived worth. By doing so, you risk losing potential sales and damaging your reputation. Confident salespeople, regardless of age or personal wealth, prioritize problem-solving and showing customers the best solution. Remember, if you don't offer the best solution, a competitor might, leading to negative word-of-mouth and lost business opportunities. Stay focused on helping customers and adapting to their budgets, rather than making assumptions or limiting yourself.

    Recent Episodes from REAL AF with Andy Frisella

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

    In today's episode, Andy and DJ are joined in the studio by comedian Tim Young. They discuss the Supreme Court's dismissal of the Social Media Censorship case, the congressional report that showed interference in 2020, and what we know about the 2 Venezuelan men accused of killing 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    732. Andy, Vaughn Kohler & DJ CTI: Trump-Biden Debates, Julian Assange Avoids Setting Foot On US Mainland & Alex Jones' Bankruptcy

    In today's episode, Andy & DJ are joined in the studio by the translucent Pastor of Disaster, Vaughn Kohler. They discuss the upcoming Trump and Biden debates, Julian Assange dropping $500k for a flight to a remote island to avoid setting foot on the US mainland, and a bankruptcy court trustee filing a motion to liquidate Alex Jones' Infowars.

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    Rob Aird, Unispace, and Darren Krakowiak; S01E07, CRE Success: The Podcast

    Rob Aird, Unispace, and Darren Krakowiak; S01E07, CRE Success: The Podcast

    Rob Aird is the Managing Director of Unispace in Asia Pacific. He is also the guest on this episode of CRE Success: The Podcast with Darren Krakowiak.


    To learn more about Rob, visit his LinkedIn profile.


    To learn more about Unispace, go to https://www.unispace.com/


    CRE Success: The Podcast is hosted by Darren Krakowiak, Founder, CRE Success.


    CRE Success has been established to help people in commercial real estate (CRE) achieve success more quickly. It is a leading provider of business, career and leadership coaching for CRE professionals across Asia Pacific.


    CRE Success consults to companies on business strategy, including client experience, growth plan execution, human capital, operational excellence and sales enablement. The firm also provides in-house coaching and mentoring resources, training, and helps align employees with the company's strategic direction and objectives.


    For more information, visit https://www.https://www.cresuccess.co/podcast


    To read the transcript, see https://www.cresuccess.co/podcast-transcript-s01e07


    To download our FREE eBook, The 5 Ps of Commercial Real Estate Success, visit https://www.cresuccess.co/ebook


    Follow Darren Krakowiak on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenkrakowiakcresuccess/

    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeqHODdeVgXpXEppg7qhNxw

    Follow CRE Success on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cresuccess/

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    Tag us on social media: @cresuccess or use our hashtag: #cresuccess


    Voiceover: Tracey Szymanski

    Podcast music sourced from audioblocks.com

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