
    626 Marriage Secrets from a Divorce Lawyer with James Sexton

    enApril 11, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Divorce Attorneys Reveal More Truth Than TherapistsDivorce attorneys, due to legal requirement for full disclosure, often gain more honesty from clients than therapists. Couples should prioritize honesty, communication, and relationship training for a successful marriage.

      Effective communication and treating your partner well are essential components of a successful relationship. However, James Sexton, a divorce lawyer with two decades of experience, reveals that divorce attorneys often get more truth from clients than therapists due to the legal requirement for full disclosure. Sexton's book, "If You're in My Office. It's Already Too Late," offers insights from his extensive experience with couples and the common reasons marriages fail. Couples should undergo training before marriage and be honest about their feelings to build a lasting, fulfilling relationship. Divorce attorneys like Sexton act as shields and weapons, protecting clients' interests while advocating for their needs. This candid communication and transparency are crucial for any relationship's success.

    • Approaching Marriage as a Thoughtful CommitmentConsider the benefits and potential challenges of marriage before entering into it to increase the chances of a successful and long-lasting union.

      Marriage, as a human-created technology, is designed to solve problems but also comes with unintended consequences. The speaker, who has worked with over a thousand clients, emphasizes that by the time people seek help, the damage is often too extensive to repair. Marriage, like any technology, requires consideration of the problems it aims to solve, the potential issues it may create, and whether it will actually deliver the desired benefits. Unfortunately, many couples fail to have this conversation before entering into marriage, leading to a high divorce rate. It's crucial to approach marriage as a thoughtful, intentional commitment, considering both the benefits and potential challenges.

    • Marriage: A high-risk technology with few warningsDespite a high divorce rate, marriage is a cultural norm. Seeking professional advice can help couples understand legal and emotional commitments.

      Marriage, with a failure rate over 75%, can be compared to a technology with a high risk of breakdown. Yet, despite this, we continue to use it and even celebrate it as a cultural norm. It's interesting to note that the percentage of married couples who stay together for religious reasons or for the sake of their children might be similar to those who don't want to divorce but stay unhappily married. This highlights the importance of considering the long-term implications of marriage, just as we would consider the practicalities and future needs when purchasing a car. Unfortunately, unlike significant purchases, there is little formal education or information provided to couples before they enter into marriage. Therefore, seeking professional advice, such as consulting a divorce lawyer, could be a valuable step in ensuring a better understanding of the legal and emotional commitments involved.

    • Seek advice from those with relationship experienceBefore marriage, learn from real-world experiences to gain accurate perception and make informed decisions

      Before getting married, individuals should proactively seek out information and insights from those who have experienced long-term relationships or marriage. This includes understanding the day-to-day realities and challenges, as well as learning from those who have gone through divorce. By doing so, they can gain a more accurate perception of what marriage entails and make informed decisions based on real-world experiences rather than unrealistic expectations. Additionally, being open and honest about relationships, even with close friends, can provide valuable perspective and help individuals navigate the complexities of marriage.

    • The importance of role models in personal growth, especially in relationshipsReflect on past relationships, learn from successes and failures, communicate honestly, respect differences, and know when to uncouple for personal growth.

      Having role models for success and failure is crucial in personal growth. These role models can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn't in various aspects of life, including relationships. The speaker shared his experience of marriage and divorce, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection and honest communication in maintaining a successful relationship. He also highlighted that people change over time, and it's essential to acknowledge and respect those differences. Ultimately, the speaker's experience led him to believe that it's okay to uncouple when a relationship no longer serves the growth and happiness of both parties. While divorce may not be an exciting topic, it's a common experience for many, and it's essential to remember that not all divorces are painful and destructive. Instead, they can be a stepping stone towards personal growth and self-discovery.

    • Small acts of kindness and attentiveness in a marriage can prevent challenges from becoming major issues.Paying attention to small signs in a marriage and addressing issues early on can prevent minor challenges from escalating into major problems leading to divorce.

      Paying attention in a marriage can prevent challenges from becoming major issues. According to a divorce lawyer, while many marriages may encounter difficulties, these challenges don't necessarily mean the end. Instead, they can be opportunities for couples to deepen their connection and work through issues together. The lawyer emphasized that small acts of kindness and attentiveness can go a long way in maintaining a healthy marriage. For instance, a husband buying his wife her favorite granola was a simple gesture that made her feel valued and appreciated. However, when he stopped doing this small act, she realized that their marriage was in trouble. Therefore, the lawyer advises couples to reflect on moments when they felt their marriage was over and consider whether there were signs they had ignored beforehand. By paying attention to these small signs and addressing issues early on, couples can prevent minor challenges from escalating into major problems that may lead to divorce.

    • Ask Practical Questions Before Marriage for CompatibilityAsking practical questions before marriage in areas like household chores, sleep patterns, financial habits, and sexual needs can help build a stronger foundation and prevent misunderstandings.

      Connection is the foundation of a successful marriage, and small disconnections can lead to "death by 1,000 paper cuts." Before getting married, it's essential to ask practical, pragmatic questions to ensure compatibility in areas like household chores, sleep patterns, financial habits, and sexual needs. These conversations can help prevent misunderstandings and build a stronger foundation for the relationship. When couples start to lose connection, communication is key. Being honest and open about feelings and needs can help rebuild the connection and prevent small issues from escalating into bigger problems. Ultimately, marriage requires effort, honesty, and a willingness to grow and adapt together.

    • Consider sending thoughtful emails instead of immediate conversations for effective communicationEffective communication is essential for relationships, sending thoughtful emails can help prevent or resolve issues, and indifference is the opposite of love.

      Effective communication is key to a successful relationship. When there are issues or concerns, instead of having an immediate conversation that may lead to defensiveness, consider sending a thoughtful email. This approach allows your partner to digest the information and respond in a more considered way. The book "The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" suggests using the technique "hit send now" for sending emails that may be difficult or sensitive. Clear and effective communication can help prevent or resolve many issues in a relationship, and is essential for seeing each other's blind spots and growing together. The top reasons for divorce include infidelity, financial issues, and attrition, or a lack of care and connection. Love is about paying attention, wanting to please, and finding joy in each other's happiness, so indifference is the opposite of love.

    • Marriage as a partnership of equalsCommunication and shared understanding are key to a successful marriage, not traditional views of wealth preservation

      Traditional views on marriage, rooted in a time when women were considered property, no longer serve modern relationships where both partners are autonomous and equal. Instead, open and honest communication is key to navigating financial stress and other challenges that inevitably arise in long-term partnerships. The best approach is to discuss financial matters before marriage and maintain transparency throughout. Marriage, originally created to preserve wealth and lands, should now be seen as a partnership of equals, with each partner bringing their own value and independence to the relationship. The key to a successful marriage lies not in romantic notions, but in open and honest communication and a shared understanding of financial responsibilities.

    • Maintaining financial connection and independenceIdentifying and addressing potential issues in relationships, fostering strong emotional and physical connections, and allowing for individuality and autonomy are key to successful, long-lasting relationships.

      Financial autonomy and shared financial purpose are essential in a relationship, while also allowing individuals to have some financial independence. The human need for connection and physical intimacy are the core reasons for infidelity, and maintaining that connection is crucial to prevent it. People cheat when that connection and intimacy start to fade, and sex can be a powerful way to build and sustain it. Esther Perel's perspective on relationships and the importance of identifying and addressing potential issues before marriage can help create stronger, more fulfilling relationships. Ultimately, the key to a successful and long-lasting relationship is maintaining a strong emotional and physical connection, while also allowing for individuality and autonomy.

    • Communicating Sexual Desires in MarriageSharing every sexual desire, no matter how unconventional, strengthens the bond between partners and prevents relationship staleness. Identifying and communicating desires ensures both partners' needs are met, leading to a happier marriage.

      Open communication and understanding of each other's sexual desires are crucial in maintaining a satisfying sexual connection in a marriage. Withholding or hiding these desires can lead to dissatisfaction and potentially even infidelity. Sharing every sexual desire, no matter how unconventional or seemingly trivial, can strengthen the bond between partners and prevent the relationship from becoming stale or monotonous. It's essential to remember that everyone's desires and attractions are complex and unique, and there's no need to judge or be embarrassed by them. By identifying and communicating our desires, we can ensure that both partners' needs are being met, leading to a happier and more fulfilling marriage.

    • Communication and experimentation keep the spark aliveKeep the conversation small and focused, experiment, and gauge your partner's reaction to prevent stagnation and maintain sexual desire and attraction in a relationship.

      Communication and experimentation are key to keeping the spark alive in a sexual relationship. Don't make drastic changes without gauging your partner's reaction first. Small steps can lead to deeper conversations and a stronger connection. Avoid losing the plot by focusing on the original intention of the conversation. Marriage, or committed relationships, come with legal implications, such as opting out of the title system and sharing financial responsibilities. It's essential to understand these implications and have open conversations with your partner about your relationship status and expectations. Remember, the goal is to prevent stagnation and maintain sexual desire and attraction.

    • Understanding financial responsibilities in relationshipsClear communication and legal agreements can help mitigate unexpected financial obligations and potential debts in relationships, ensuring financial stability for both parties.

      When it comes to ownership and financial responsibilities in relationships, whether it's a shared car or a business, or even marriage, it's crucial to understand the legal implications and potential consequences. When we merge our lives with someone else, we're not just sharing love and experiences, but also assets and potential debts. Marriage, for instance, can bring about unexpected financial obligations, such as alimony or spousal support, which can significantly impact one's lifestyle and future financial stability. The same goes for starting a business or even buying a shared asset. It's essential to have open and honest conversations about expectations and potential outcomes before entering into such commitments. Ignorance of the law or the terms of a relationship can lead to costly and emotionally draining consequences. That's why having a prenuptial agreement, or even just having a clear understanding of the potential financial implications, can be a smart and responsible decision.

    • Having open and honest conversations about relationshipsEmbracing past and present relationships, expressing love, and preparing for potential outcomes can deepen connections and lead to a stronger partnership.

      Having open and honest conversations about the value and meaning of a relationship, especially during significant milestones like marriage, can lead to a deeper connection and appreciation for each other. This conversation can be seen as a romantic and important way to express love, and can help individuals be prepared for potential outcomes, such as marriage ending or the need for a prenup. These conversations can also bring people closer together, much like the stories we tell about how we met or fell in love. The speaker, as a divorcee and storyteller, emphasizes the importance of embracing the past and present relationships, and being open to the possibility of love and partnership in the future.

    • Viewing Marriage as a TechnologyMarriage is a personal decision influenced by external factors, not a one-size-fits-all solution, and should be evaluated based on individual needs and circumstances.

      Marriage should be viewed as a technology rather than a romantic sentiment. We need to reevaluate its importance and what it truly means for us as individuals and as a culture. Marriage is a decision made by two people, but influenced by many external factors. It's not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it may require trying multiple times to find what works best. The idea is not to endorse or condemn marriage, but to understand its potential benefits and challenges, and whether it's the right technology for you. Like any tool, it has its purpose and potential issues. Ultimately, the decision to marry or not should be based on an honest assessment of whether this technology aligns with your personal needs and circumstances.

    • Marriage: A Unique Bond of Love and CommitmentMarriage is a complex, evolving bond that requires dedication, communication, and continuous effort to impress and support each other.

      Marriage, like technology or car choices, doesn't have to fit a one-size-fits-all definition. Instead, it's about the individuals involved and their compatibility in solving life's challenges together. Parents should take marriage seriously and consider the problem they're trying to solve by marrying a particular person. They should also communicate openly with their children about the unique nature of their love and commitment. Marriage requires effort and attention, and admirable relationships are those where partners continue to impress and support each other. Jimmy Iovine's secret to a long-lasting marriage is to never stop wooing and closing the deal with your spouse. Overall, marriage is a complex and evolving bond that requires dedication and communication.

    • Forming Meaningful Connections and Choosing the Hardest PathThe hardest and rightest choices often align, and these choices are rooted in forming meaningful connections with others. Cherish unexpected moments and don't take life too seriously, but use insights and knowledge to prevent unnecessary suffering and mistakes.

      The importance of connection and doing the hard thing right cannot be overstated in life. The speaker emphasizes that the hardest and rightest choices often align, and these choices are usually rooted in forming meaningful connections with others. Additionally, the speaker encourages not taking life too seriously and cherishing the unexpected, seemingly insignificant moments that bring joy and fulfillment. These truths, according to the speaker, are the most valuable lessons to carry with us throughout our lives. Furthermore, the speaker acknowledges the pain and challenges that come with relationships and divorce, but emphasizes the importance of using insights and knowledge to prevent unnecessary suffering and mistakes.

    • The Importance of Connection and Self-Discovery for GreatnessIdentify what makes you feel alive and connected, dedicate yourself to it, communicate deeply in relationships, and share the message of connection for a fulfilling life.

      Greatness lies in deeply connecting with oneself and others. The speaker, Lewis Howes, emphasizes the importance of identifying what makes us feel alive and connected, and dedicating ourselves to it. He believes that the tragedy of our time is people living for their vacations instead of finding joy in their daily lives. Lewis also mentioned the significance of communication in relationships, which contributes 50% to a great relationship. He encourages listeners to dive deeply into connection and to share this message with others who may benefit from it. Additionally, Lewis encourages listeners to check out his book, "The Millionaire Morning," which offers insights into the mindset and habits of the rich. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of connection and self-discovery in achieving greatness.

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    68: Navigating Infidelity In Relationships with Dr. Jeanne Michele

    68: Navigating Infidelity In Relationships with Dr. Jeanne Michele

    Dr. Jeanne Michele is a teacher, modern-day philosopher, change agent, and coach. And with her departure from traditional counseling, she is sharing how couples can navigate and recover from infidelity in a relationship – a subject we have yet to discuss but one that happens to be part of my personal experience. Whether you’ve experienced infidelity in a relationship or not, get ready for a very raw conversation on how to come out on the other side feeling empowered.

    And always available to my podcast fans!
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    anything you desire to manifest this year, find it here:

    Want more pleasure? Think about these things

    Want more pleasure? Think about these things

    Eyyy, This week we are dropping into all the richness of what pleasure has to offer us. IF you're craving more pleasure in your life or you just wish your partner could give you more pleasure in the bedroom; tune in. I share some really practical and simple ways to get in touch with your own well of pleasure and also give you some really great questions to ask yourself when you feel like your pleasure cup is empty AF. We all need a good reminder of the simpler things when it comes to our sexuality and how we experience this and this podcast episode will give you just that. Grab your cup of coffee or tea,pull on those fuzzy socks and sit back for a dose of Pussy Fairy Tea. 
    xo The Pussy Fairy

    If you want to create deeper intimacy NOW, go grab the 14 days to hotter intimacy E-book
    Come find me in the Getting intimate Facebook group!  
     Subscribe to my email list for a juicy gift at  https://www.azariamenezes.com/your-pussy-is-a-portal-to-healing  or come find me on Instagram @azaria.menezes and say Hi. I'd love to  hear your questions so I can answer them on future episodes! 

    5 ways you can increase your wetness factor in the bedroom

    5 ways you can increase your wetness factor in the bedroom

    Okay, soo this is a juicy little quicky I took from the Getting Intimate Facebook group because it was too good not to share on here.
    Have you ever wanted to know what supports your personal wetness factor in the bedroom? 
    Do you ever wonder if there's any way you can increase it?  Of course, a woman's wetness factor is going to vary depending on what's happening in her life.  Ex. :  Breastfeeding, different stages in her cycle, menopause, stress factors etc.  but there are ways you can support your personal wetness factor and how you feel about it!  I share 5 ways that support your vaginal lubrication in the bedroom.  The Pussy Fair is spilling the Tea, come sip. 
    xo The Pussy Fairy

    Come find me in the Getting intimate Facebook group where we talk all things sex and pleasure! 
     Subscribe to my email list for a juicy gift at  www.azariamenezes.com  or come find me on Instagram @azaria.menezes and say Hi. I'd love to  hear your questions so I can answer them on future episodes! 

    Boundaries, self trust and self love with Veronica Puryear

    Boundaries, self trust and self love with Veronica Puryear

    Let's unpack all the ways you can use boundaries, self love and self trust for your relationships with yourself and others. Veronica a Somatic Sex, Intimacy, and Relationship Guide sits down with the Pussy Fairy to chat about all the ways we can celebrate all of our parts so we can show up feeling more grounded in our self trust.  If you have ever wondered what it could look like to deepen your intimacy with self trust, what it could look like to create a more loving relationship wth setting boundaries and how we can actually find joy and silliness in the parts of ourselves we lovvve to loathe.  Veronica drops some serious gems in this episode and you might wanna tune in if youre ready to get intimate with a double whammy of 2 intimacy enthusiasts! 
    Grab your cup of coffee or tea, pull on those fuzzy socks, or tackle that laundry pile and tune in  for a dose of Pussy Fairy Tea. 
    xo The Pussy Fairy 

    About our guest: 
    I'm Veronica (aka Indelicate Coaching) and I'm a Somatic Sex, Intimacy, and Relationship Guide. I go deep into emotional experiences to help you to transform from lonely to a leader in love, from frustrated to erotic mastery, and from disconnected to fully embodied pleasure. In addition to my degrees in psychology and management, I have trained with the Somatica Institute and a very humorous Universe. I'm a Scorpio moon, cat mom, HSV+, and stone cold fox. 
    Find Veronica @indelicate_coaching on instagram 

    If you want to create deeper intimacy NOW, go grab the 14 days to hotter intimacy E-book
    Come find me in the Getting intimate Facebook group!  
     Subscribe to my email list for a juicy gift at  https://www.azariamenezes.com/your-pussy-is-a-portal-to-healing  or come find me on Instagram @azaria.menezes and say Hi. I'd love to  hear your questions so I can answer them on future episodes!