
    63: Financial advice you MUST know today w/ expert Rachel Cruze from the legendary Dave Ramsey Solutions Enterprise!

    enAugust 01, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Learning the value of money from her father's personal finance empireGrew up in an entrepreneurial household, learned the importance of hard work, avoiding debt, and making good financial decisions from her father, and became a financial expert and best-selling author.

      Growing up in the Ramsey household, Rachel Cruze learned the value of money through everyday life experiences, not in a legalistic or unauthentic way. From a young age, she was taught the importance of hard work, avoiding debt, and making good financial decisions. Her father, Dave Ramsey, built his personal finance empire, Ramsey Solutions, from scratch, and Rachel was an integral part of it from the beginning. She grew up in an entrepreneurial household and was exposed to the impact of her father's teachings on a large scale when she started traveling and speaking at his events as a teenager. These experiences shaped Rachel's perspective on money and led her to become a financial expert and best-selling author.

    • Don't let material possessions control your lifeAnalyze spending habits, avoid overspending, and focus on experiences and relationships instead of material things to live a fulfilling life.

      While it's okay to have nice things, it's important not to let them control your life or lead you into debt. Ramsey emphasizes the importance of living within your means and not letting material possessions define your happiness or identity. He encourages analyzing the deeper reasons behind spending habits and avoiding overspending to avoid being owned by your stuff. Rachel shares her personal experience of the impact of Ramsey's teachings on her career and life, and they discuss the potential emotional and financial consequences of letting material possessions have too much power.

    • Affordability goes beyond dollar amountsConsider the percentage of income or wealth a luxury purchase takes before labeling it affordable

      Affordability is not just about absolute dollar amounts, but also about percentages of one's overall wealth or income. For those with substantial means, a luxury purchase might be a small percentage of their world, while for others, it could mean going into debt. The key is to evaluate whether the purchase significantly impacts one's financial situation, and if not, it could be considered an affordable luxury. This advice aligns with the strategy of successful individuals like Daniel Negreanu in managing their resources, allowing them to make logical decisions rather than emotional ones. Despite some differences in approach, the importance of financial responsibility, instilled by the speaker's father, remains a valuable lesson.

    • Staying the course and connecting money to all aspects of lifeBy staying consistent, touching on pain points, and providing a clear, guided plan, successful individuals can create a business that reaches and helps a vast number of people.

      Perseverance, longevity, and connecting money to all aspects of life are key factors to achieving success and making a significant impact in a short period of time. Ramsey and the speaker share similarities in their approaches, but their methods differ. Ramsey's approach includes never stopping, staying the course, and calling his own shots, which has led to his long-term success. Additionally, they both focus on connecting money to various aspects of life, providing inspiration and instruction to their audiences. This approach resonates with people on a deeper level, leading to large followings and a positive impact on millions of lives. By staying consistent, touching on pain points of the masses, and providing a clear, guided plan, they have been able to create a business that reaches and helps a vast number of people.

    • Ramsey Solutions prioritizes human connection over revenue from live eventsIn the current economic climate, focus on getting out of debt to maximize income for wealth-building

      While live events were once a significant revenue generator for Ramsey Solutions, they no longer hold that position and are now seen more as opportunities for human connection. The company's biggest revenue drivers are now business-to-business aspects, including subscription models and tools for budgeting and classes. In the current economic climate, the advice from Ramsey Solutions is to prioritize getting out of debt as quickly as possible, as your income is your most valuable wealth-building tool. When your income is going towards debt payments rather than savings or investments, your ability to build wealth is limited.

    • Focusing on small wins and paying off smaller debts firstPsychologically, paying off smaller debts first can lead to greater success and momentum towards becoming debt-free, providing a sense of accomplishment and hope.

      While mathematically, paying off high-interest debts first may be the most beneficial, psychologically and behaviorally, focusing on small wins and paying off smaller debts first, known as the debt snowball method, can lead to greater success and momentum towards becoming debt-free. This approach can provide a sense of accomplishment and hope, encouraging individuals to continue paying off their debts. Regarding student loans, the advice is to pay them off as soon as possible due to the long-term impact of the debt and the potential for forgiveness discussions. However, there are concerns about the industry and its potential harm, and it's essential to be smart about the investment in education and the potential return on that investment.

    • Long-term investing strategyMaintain a long-term perspective when investing and don't be swayed by short-term market fluctuations or fear. Continue investing in retirement accounts during bear markets for long-term gains.

      Despite the economic uncertainty and market volatility, investing for the long term is a sound strategy. The speaker's personal experience with education and the current economic climate emphasizes the importance of staying the course and not being swayed by short-term market fluctuations. The speaker also believes in the resilience of the American economy and the eventual recovery from the current economic downturn. Additionally, the speaker advocates for continuing to invest in retirement accounts, even during bear markets, as the long-term gains outweigh the short-term losses. The speaker also expresses confidence in the real estate market, despite the recent price increases and supply shortages, and does not believe there is a bubble. Overall, the key takeaway is to maintain a long-term perspective when it comes to investing and not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations or fear.

    • Post-recession real estate market: Low inventory and longer selling processesTransparent negotiations and thorough preparation are key in the current real estate market with low inventory and longer selling processes.

      The real estate market has changed significantly since the recession in 2008. While demand for homes remains high due to a larger millennial population in the prime home-buying age, supply is still low. This has led to a softening of the market, with houses staying on the market longer and buyers negotiating prices again. However, not all areas are experiencing the same trends, with some cities like Houston seeing significant softening due to economic factors. The difference between 2008 and now lies primarily in the lack of inventory. Additionally, the trend of multigenerational households has increased due to the high cost of real estate, with 18% of American households now having multiple generations living together. In terms of negotiation, Rachel encourages transparency and preparation. With paid transparency becoming more common, she believes that being open about compensation can lead to fair negotiations. As for negotiating prices when buying real estate, she advises getting appraisals and inspections, and being prepared for a longer selling process.

    • Consider company culture and work environment during salary negotiationsWhile negotiating salary, evaluate company culture and ensure it aligns with personal values and goals. Building wealth through homeownership is important, but consider creative solutions to make it more affordable.

      While negotiating salary is important, it's equally crucial to consider the culture and work environment of a potential job. Asking for fair market value is essential, but it should not be the sole deciding factor. People spend a significant amount of time at work, and it impacts their overall well-being. Therefore, it's essential to evaluate the company culture and ensure it aligns with personal values and goals. Additionally, considering reducing expenses to maintain the same cash inflow while working in a happier and more fulfilling environment could be a viable solution for some career issues. Regarding criticism, Ramsey Solutions often receives backlash on their real estate advice, particularly the recommendation to put at least 5% down and opt for a 15-year fixed rate mortgage with payments not exceeding 25-30% of take-home pay. Critics argue that these guidelines are unattainable for many people. However, Ramsey Solutions responds by emphasizing the importance of building wealth through homeownership and the long-term financial benefits of following these guidelines. They also encourage individuals to explore creative solutions, such as roommates or smaller homes, to make homeownership more affordable.

    • Rachel Cruze Discusses Real Estate and Career RegretsRachel Cruze discussed the real estate market, her potential career as a political correspondent, her financial regret, and her interest in technology for financial education.

      Rachel Cruze, a financial expert and co-author of books with her father, Dave Ramsey, shared her insights on various financial topics during a live event. She discussed the current state of the real estate market and the frustration of feeling like one is taking a step back in homeownership. Rachel also revealed that if she hadn't joined the family business, she might have pursued a career as a political correspondent. When asked about her biggest financial regret, she mentioned not being more aggressive with investing earlier in her career. Lastly, she expressed her interest in exploring technology and digital experiences to create a community aspect in financial education, as she believes it could be a game-changer in the industry.

    • Prioritizing People Over ProfitRamsey Solutions focuses on helping people financially and has a succession plan to continue their mission, emphasizing fact-based decision making during uncertain times.

      Ramsey Solutions, led by Dave Ramsey, prioritizes helping people over growing their business for the sake of profit. Despite being a successful and influential brand, they have a succession plan in place to continue their mission of providing financial guidance and inspiration for generations. Ramsey emphasizes the importance of making financial decisions based on facts rather than feelings, especially during uncertain times. This long-term perspective, rooted in helping people and gathering accurate information, is a core value of Ramsey Solutions.

    • Focus on facts over feelings in financial decisionsEmotions can lead to impulsive actions, while facts provide a more grounded perspective when making financial decisions. Research before making significant financial moves.

      When making financial decisions, it's important to prioritize facts over feelings. Rachel Cruze emphasized this point during her appearance on Trading Secrets, sharing that emotions can lead to impulsive actions, while facts provide a more grounded perspective. She gave the example of market news and media headlines, which can create feelings that prompt people to make changes to their investments, but by the time the news is widely disseminated, the market has likely already reacted. To avoid making hasty decisions based on emotions, Cruise advised listeners to focus on the facts and do their research before making significant financial moves. Additionally, she encouraged listeners to check out her website, rachelcruise.com, for more information on her work and books.

    • Loss leaders attract new customersOffering a product or service at a loss attracts new customers, building relationships, and eventually monetizing those relationships through various other services.

      Loss leaders are a strategic part of a business model where a company offers a product or service at a lower price or even at a loss to attract new customers. This strategy can lead to greater opportunities for revenue growth in other areas. For instance, in the context of the discussion, the speaker mentioned how a financial literacy company uses instructional programs as loss leaders to build relationships with customers and eventually monetize those relationships through various other services like mortgage, financial advising, and insurance. Another example given was how live events used to be a significant revenue stream but now serve as a loss leader due to the importance of human connection and building relationships with customers. Overall, the use of loss leaders is a smart business strategy to attract new customers and create opportunities for future revenue growth.

    • The power of in-person connections and financial literacyIn-person events foster relationships and grow brands, while financial literacy and strategies like the avalanche method save money on student loans. Check loan forgiveness options on the Student Aid website.

      In-person connections during events have a profound impact on building relationships and growing a brand. The energy and feedback from attendees cannot be replicated through social media or virtual platforms. Additionally, when it comes to managing debt, particularly student loans, understanding the numbers and implementing strategies like the avalanche method to pay off high-interest debts first can save significant amounts of money. It's essential to be informed about potential loan forgiveness or discharge options, which can be found on the Student Aid website. While the situation may seem overwhelming, learning the facts and taking action can lead to financial improvement. Overall, the importance of human connection and financial literacy cannot be overstated.

    • Understanding Snowball Effects, Bear Markets, and RecessionsThe snowball method builds momentum from small successes, while bear markets and recessions are economic conditions with significant market downturns and negative GDP growth respectively.

      The financial concepts of snowball and avalanche methods, as well as bear markets and recessions, were discussed. The snowball method is about building momentum from small successes, such as paying off small debts or getting one good workout, leading to larger wins. A bear market, on the other hand, is a market condition where the S&P 500 index has decreased by 20% or more for at least two consecutive months. A recession occurs when there are two consecutive quarters of negative year-over-year Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth. GDP is a measurement of a country's economic output, and it's important to understand these concepts to navigate financial situations effectively. The housing market was also mentioned as a current topic of interest, and Jason Oppenheim will be discussed further in upcoming episodes.

    • Factors Influencing Real Estate MarketDespite challenges from interest rates and inflation, a lack of inventory compared to 2008 may mitigate impact. Consider factors like inflation, stimulus, and generational demand when making real estate decisions.

      While the real estate market may face challenges due to rising interest rates and inflation, the lack of inventory compared to the 2008 housing crash may help mitigate the impact. However, the overall value of homes may be influenced by factors beyond just supply and demand, such as inflation, stimulus, and changing mentalities towards homeownership. The current generation, being the largest and youngest, is expected to continue driving demand for homes in the coming years. Ultimately, the market's future remains uncertain, but it's important to consider various factors when making real estate decisions. If you put 20% down on a home, you can avoid Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI).

    • Understanding Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) for HomebuyersPMI protects lenders when borrowers make small down payments, enabling first-time homebuyers to purchase homes with less savings. However, it increases the borrower's monthly payments and can impact real estate values if the market weakens.

      Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) is a type of insurance that protects lenders when borrowers put down less than 20% as a down payment on a home. This insurance allows first-time homebuyers to purchase a house with a smaller down payment, but they must pay for the insurance as it increases the lender's risk. If the housing market experiences issues, banks may become more cautious with their lending, leading to fewer buyers and potentially impacting real estate values. Overall, PMI is an essential tool for managing risk in the real estate market. It's crucial for homebuyers to understand this concept to make informed decisions when purchasing a home. Additionally, the podcast's hosts appreciate the positive feedback from their audience and plan to continue providing financial literacy advice and insightful conversations with industry experts.

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    Trading Secrets
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    This week, Jason is joined by standup comedian, actor, TV Host, and executive producer Howie Mandel! 

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    Howie reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

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    Co-Host: David Arduin
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    Guests: Howie Mandel

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    Trading Secrets
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    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Robert Pagliarini

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
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    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
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    177. Jesse Solomon is unapologetically himself! Summer House fan favorite reveals the key to his success in reality TV, finance, working as a music agent, and future business plans

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    Jesse joined season eight of the hit reality show after working a career in corporate finance and the music industry. Throughout this season, Jesse has become a fan favorite of the show and even opened up about being a cancer survivor after being diagnosed with testicular cancer back in 2017. Jesse gives insight to leaving his corporate job to pursue social media and reality TV, how Summer House found him, breaking down his career path from college for music business to networking his way up, behind the scenes of working for WME, being unapologetically himself, and his current dating status. Jesse also reveals his business plan while navigating the digital world, still working in finance, the decision to share his cancer journey, the importance of going to the doctor as an adult, what market he wants to get into, and what he considers his own personal red flags. How did he and his former business partner raise over $11M for their startup? Has he run into any issues when working with an investor group? 

    Jesse reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Jesse Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 24, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
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    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon

    176. More Than Money: Breaking down how to succeed in branding, finding your niche, and navigating the world of PR with business coach Julie Solomon
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur, business coach, public speaker, bestselling author, podcast host and working mom of two, Julie Solomon!

    For more than 15 years, Julie has been empowering lives, including her own, and has launched several successful online programs and masterminds including, Pitch It Perfect, The Influencer Academy and Shine Mastermind. She was recently named one of the top 100 leaders in influencer marketing. Julie breaks down the importance of PR and branding, the steps to building your brand, when to bring in a publicist, how media and PR work in regards to ROI, how niching down is key, what the diamond method is, why she finds selling a $3,000 course is easier than selling a $30 book, how a huge following is not critical to monetizing, secret to negotiation, and finding your anchor price.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    To get access to Julie’s FREE class: juliesolomon.net/trading

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: Julie Solomon

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Farmer’s Dog:
    Brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 20, 2024

    175. Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!

    175.  Micah Lussier: From making $130k in tech to reality TV star. BTS of Love is Blind & Perfect Match, landing brand deals, and finding her core audience revealed!
    This week, Jason is joined by Love is Blind Season 4 and Perfect Match’s Micah Lussier! 

    Although Micah’s time on the show did not end in marriage, she most certainly got the full experience of the experiment, having split from her partner Paul on their wedding day. After her time on the show, Micah has leveraged her newly generated platform into various brand partnership opportunities.

    Micah gives insight to the two sides of her life in reality TV and previously working in tech, how the Love is Blind reunion was, what she thinks makes a season thrive or flop, a teaser about her time on Perfect Match, how she would describe her brand, how success can be defined in the tech space, and how she ended up on Love is Blind. Micah also reveals the behind the scenes of the timeline for Love is Blind, the departure process for her job in tech, how they talk about money on the show, and what she enjoys about going on reality shows. What other reality shows would she consider? When did she tell her job that she was on a hit reality TV show? 

    Micah reveals all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Micah Lussier

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

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    Bilt Rewards:
    With the Bilt Card, earn extra points on rent days and get exclusive travel and fitness rewards and the best part is that even if your landlord requires a check or a specific payment portal, Bilt can handle it all. The card is a no-brainer in my opinion. Earn points by paying rent right now when you go to joinbilt.com/TRADINGSECRETS *Terms apply.

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    Trading Secrets is sponsored by BetterHelp

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 17, 2024

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly

    174. More Than Money: Unlocking the inner workings of the recruitment industry with The Linchpin Co. founder and CEO, Colleen Pelly
    This week, Jason is joined by entrepreneur in talent acquisition professional, Colleen Pelly!

    Colleen is the founder and CEO of the Linchpin Company, a full service people operations group offering custom recruitment and consulting services. Having worked for major brands such as Tesla and Lululemon, she gained experience in full cycle recruitment from entry level to executive level roles in developing and executing training programs. Colleen gives insight to what people don’t know about the recruitment industry, how she came up with the idea for Linchpin Co, and the difference between in house and external recruiting. Colleen also reveals the grant application process,  how connections are a key element to successful recruiting, how she keeps track of her mistakes in business, what can give you an edge over other applicants, what a recruitment scorecard is, and so much more. 

    If you're looking to make passive income, this is a way to do it. You will get 10 percent off your first invoice with the first role that The Linchpin Co places when you go to https://www.thelinchpinco.com/contact and tell them Trading Secrets sent you! 

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guest: The Linchpin Co CEO and Founder Colleen Pelly 

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 13, 2024

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally

    173.  Joey Graziadei & Kelsey Anderson, Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple reveal the $$$ behind their careers pre show, navigating the spotlight, and making major moves professionally and personally
    Episode Description:
    This week, Jason is joined by Bachelor Nation’s newly engaged couple and fan favorites Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson! 

    Joey walked away from his lead role on The Bachelor this past season after asking Kelsey to marry him. Since their season wrapped, Joey and Kelsey have spent their time traveling and spending as much time together as an engaged couple. Having come from two different career paths and geographical locations (Joey a tennis pro in Hawaii and Kelsey a project manager in New Orleans), they are now faced with the deciding factor of what is next for them personally and professionally. 

    Joey and Kelsey reflect on meeting fans at CMAfest and their impact on their audience, what goes into teaching tennis, where they saw their careers going prior to the show, how Kelsey and Joey ended up on the show, what role Jason played in Joey’s journey, and having important conversations in the fantasy suite. Kelsey and Joey also dive into the decision for Joey to move in with Kelsey in New Orleans, where they see their careers moving post show, discussing the influencer space and navigating other people being worried about their finances, and a few rapid fire questions. How many times has Kelsey been nominated for The Bachelor? Where do they plan on moving after the lease ends? What other reality show would they love to do? 

    Kelsey & Joey reveal all that and so much more in another episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney
    Guests: Joey Graziadei and Kelsey Anderson

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!
    The Washington Post:
    The Washington Post helps you go deeper on the news that matters most to you. Their journalists bring you the facts and provide clarity about what’s happening in the industry, revealing the role tech giants and regulators play in our lives, the dangers and wonders of breakthrough technological developments and the national conversation around artificial intelligence. Go to WashingtonPost.com/SECRETS to subscribe for just 50 cents per week for your first year. That’s 80% off their typical offer, so this is truly a steal. 

    Zocdoc is a FREE app and website where you can search and compare highly-rated, in-network doctors near you and instantly book appointments with them online. Once you find the doc you want, you can book them immediately —no more waiting awkwardly on hold with a receptionist and these docs all have verified reviews from actual, real patients.  Go to Zocdoc.com/TRADINGSECRETS and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. 

    Shopify powers 10% of ALL eCommerce in the US. And Shopify’s the global force behind Allbirds, Rothy’s, and Brooklinen, and millions of other entrepreneurs of every size across 175 countries. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at SHOPIFY.COM/secrets

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 10, 2024

    172. More Than Money: Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!

    172. More Than Money:  Jason and David break down the Kyle Cooke Episode!
    This week, Jason is joined by the Curious Canadian David Arduin to break down the Kyle Cooke episode!

    Jason and David dive in to why they think that Kyle felt comfortable coming on to Trading Secrets to talk about the drama and using business facts over gossip, how Kyle showed a different side of himself on the episode, what a vesting period is and what it means for a company, what current ratio is, the different kinds of SBA loans, how they think the drama will impact the businesses, navigating business with friends and family, and playing devil's advocate.

    It’s an episode you can’t afford to miss! 

    Host: Jason Tartick
    Co-Host: David Arduin
    Audio: John Gurney

    Stay connected with the Trading Secrets Podcast! 
    Instagram: @tradingsecretspodcast 
    Youtube: Trading Secrets
    Facebook: Join the Group
    All Access: Free 30-Day Trial 

    Trading Secrets Steals & Deals!

    The Farmer's Dog:
    This spring, brighten up your dog’s bowl with fresh, healthy food. Get 50% off your first box, delivered to your door here

    Cort Furniture:
    Get furniture on your terms with CORT. Rent or Buy furniture that flexes to fit any situation, style and budget and to get 50% off your first month’s furniture rental head over to cort.com/podcast

    Trading Secrets
    enJune 06, 2024

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    Brents Bio:

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    You can find Brent here:

    Instagram: @brentlbowers

    The Web: https://www.thelandsharks.com/

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    Connect with Connor:






    Connect with Mike:


    Produced by Social Chameleon

    Recorded via Riverside.fm

    Mike’D Up! Merch

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