
    63: Give You The Ick

    enApril 28, 2022
    What was the nurse's reaction to the patient's piercing?
    Why is respecting patients' autonomy important in healthcare?
    How can societal expectations affect men's emotional expression?
    What impact can deleted messages have on a relationship?
    Why are trust and communication crucial for couples?

    Podcast Summary

    • Respecting Patients' Autonomy and Avoiding Shaming BehaviorHealthcare professionals should respect patients' personal choices and avoid shaming or judgmental behavior to maintain a professional and respectful environment.

      It's important to respect each other's boundaries and maintain professionalism in all interactions, especially in healthcare settings. In the discussed situation, a patient was shamed by a nurse for having a clitoral hood piercing during pregnancy. The nurse's reaction was unprofessional and inappropriate, as it involved shaming and attempting to dictate personal choices. This incident highlights the importance of respecting patients' autonomy and avoiding judgmental or shaming behavior. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that everyone has different triggers and sensitivities, and it's essential to be mindful of them in all conversations.

    • Respecting Patient's ChoicesHealthcare professionals should avoid making assumptions or passing judgment on patients based on their appearance or personal choices, including body modifications. Patients deserve respect and dignity, and healthcare providers should create a safe and comfortable environment for open communication about bodies and health concerns.

      It is inappropriate for healthcare professionals to make assumptions or pass judgment on patients based on their personal choices, including body modifications like piercings. A healthcare professional's role is to treat patients with respect and dignity, regardless of their appearance or personal preferences. In the case discussed, a woman was shamed by a nurse for having a clitoral hood piercing and was questioned about removing it during pregnancy. The nurse's behavior was unprofessional and judgmental, and it is essential for healthcare providers to avoid making assumptions and stigmatizing patients based on their choices. Patients should feel comfortable and safe discussing their bodies and any concerns they may have with their healthcare providers.

    • Addressing Patient Concerns and Respecting ConsentEffective communication and respect for patient consent are essential in healthcare. Failing to address sensitive concerns or answer questions can lead to feelings of violation, shame, and mistrust. Healthcare providers must be aware of the impact of piercings and other factors on pregnancy and breastfeeding, and educate patients accordingly.

      Effective communication and respect for patient consent are crucial elements in the medical field. The discussion highlights the importance of addressing patients' concerns and questions, even those related to sensitive topics, in a professional and respectful manner. It also underscores the potential consequences when these principles are not upheld, including feelings of violation, shame, and mistrust towards healthcare providers. Moreover, the conversation emphasizes the need for ongoing education and awareness regarding the impact of piercings and other factors on pregnancy and breastfeeding. Ultimately, healthcare providers play a vital role in creating safe and supportive environments for patients, fostering trust, and ensuring optimal health outcomes.

    • Effective communication and prioritizing wellbeing are crucialHealthcare professionals must communicate effectively and compassionately with patients, while parents have a responsibility to protect their children from harm and create a safe environment.

      It's important to prioritize the wellbeing and safety of individuals, especially in sensitive situations. In the first story, a healthcare professional failed to provide adequate support and communication to a patient who had just experienced a stroke. The patient had questions and needed assistance, but the healthcare professional dismissed him and left him in tears. In the second story, an individual was dealing with unwanted advances from an uncle, who despite having mental illness, continued to flirt inappropriately. The individual's parents were aware of the situation but did not take appropriate action to protect their daughter. Both stories highlight the importance of effective communication, empathy, and prioritizing the needs of individuals. In the healthcare context, healthcare professionals must ensure they provide clear and compassionate communication to their patients, especially during challenging times. In the family context, parents have a responsibility to protect their children from harm and create a safe environment for them. Ignoring these responsibilities can lead to negative consequences and emotional distress. It's crucial to prioritize the wellbeing and safety of individuals, ensuring they are heard, supported, and protected.

    • Protecting Children from Inappropriate Family BehaviorChildren deserve a safe and comfortable environment from family members. Parents must address any concerning behavior and protect their kids. Ignoring or downplaying inappropriate actions can harm kids and continue the cycle of abuse.

      Children should not be subjected to uncomfortable or inappropriate behavior from family members, regardless of their mental health or past experiences. Parents have a responsibility to protect their children and address any concerning behavior. Ignoring or downplaying such behavior can put children at risk and perpetuate a cycle of harm. If a child feels uncomfortable around a family member, they should communicate this to their parents and document any instances of inappropriate behavior. If the parents do not take action, the child may need to consider staying with a trusted friend or family member or limiting contact with the offending relative.

    • Protecting Children from Trauma and Discomfort in Family SettingsPrioritize children's safety and comfort over family norms or traditions, even if it means challenging them. Communicate openly and respectfully with family members to ensure everyone's needs and feelings are considered.

      It's important to prioritize the safety and comfort of children, even if it means challenging family norms or traditions. In the first discussion, a parent expressed concern about their child being exposed to generational trauma and inappropriate behavior from a family member. While it's understandable to want to protect family members with mental health issues, it's crucial not to let that come at the expense of a child's well-being. In the second discussion, a debate arose over a child wearing a white dress to a wedding. While some may view it as a minor issue, it's essential to consider the potential impact on the child and the overall discomfort it may cause. Ultimately, it's important to communicate openly and respectfully with family members and prioritize the needs and feelings of children.

    • Respecting Others' FeelingsConsidering others' emotions and avoiding conflicts is crucial for a smooth wedding day experience. Pride vs. principle: choose wisely.

      The husband made the right decision in checking with the bride before allowing their baby to wear white to a wedding, despite the wife's anger. Pride seemed to be the driving force behind the wife's reaction, rather than a matter of principle. The conversation also touched upon the potential difference between pride and principle, and the importance of considering the bride's feelings in such situations. Additionally, the idea of picking battles and focusing on what truly matters was emphasized. The husband's actions were seen as courteous and the best way to handle the situation, avoiding potential conflicts and ensuring a smooth wedding day experience for all involved.

    • Respecting Autonomy in RelationshipsRespect each other's autonomy and individuality in relationships, avoid imposing personal preferences, and communicate openly to maintain healthy bonds

      Individuals have the right to make decisions about their bodies based on their own preferences and comfort, without pressure or manipulation from others. The discussion revolves around a woman who was pressured by her boyfriend to get a boob job, despite her initial reluctance. The boyfriend's insistence and angering behavior led the woman to question their relationship and ultimately resulted in her being kicked out of his house. The incident highlights the importance of respecting each other's autonomy and individuality in relationships, and not making assumptions or imposing personal preferences on others. It's crucial to communicate openly and avoid making decisions that could potentially harm or manipulate the other person.

    • Pressure to alter appearance in relationshipsRelationships should respect individual's autonomy over their bodies and appearance, not pressure them into undergoing procedures for partner's satisfaction.

      Being in a relationship where your partner tries to control or govern your decisions regarding your body and appearance can be detrimental to your self-confidence and mental health. It's important to be with someone who accepts and loves you for who you are, not what you could potentially look like. The pressure to undergo plastic surgery or elective procedures solely for the sake of your partner's attraction is unhealthy and can lead to serious complications. It's crucial to prioritize your own happiness and well-being in relationships. The speaker's experience of feeling pressured by her boyfriend to undergo a breast reduction despite her hesitations and fears is a clear example of this issue. It's essential to remember that everyone has the right to make decisions about their bodies based on their own desires and comfort levels, without external pressure or influence.

    • A young woman shares her experience of a manipulative relationshipRecognize manipulation, prioritize self-worth, and prioritize personal growth in relationships.

      Experiencing a relationship, especially at a young age, can be complex and challenging. The OP, who was in a relationship with an older man when she was 19, shared her experience and sought advice after receiving comments about potential abuse. Initially, she defended the relationship, but after reflection and reading the comments, she realized she had been manipulated and immature. The man had treated her well and given her compliments, but he also asked her to change things about herself. The OP ended the relationship and received support from the online community. This experience taught her the importance of self-worth and the potential dangers of manipulative relationships. It's essential to recognize the signs of manipulation and prioritize personal growth and self-love.

    • Respecting individual autonomy in unsolicited offersBe mindful of unsolicited offers, respect others' autonomy, and communicate with empathy during sensitive moments.

      Unsolicited offers or gestures, especially those concerning personal appearances or health, can feel intrusive and discomforting, even if they come from a well-intended place. The individual's autonomy and decision-making power should be respected. In another situation, it's important to remember that everyone processes emotions differently, and it's not up to others to dictate how one should react, especially during sensitive moments. The focus should be on providing support and understanding. In both cases, communication and empathy are key to navigating these delicate situations.

    • Supporting others' emotionsBeing supportive and empathetic towards others' emotions, even in uncomfortable situations, is essential for creating a compassionate world.

      It's important to support and validate others' emotions, even if it may feel embarrassing or uncomfortable for us. In the context of the discussion, the woman's initial reaction of embarrassment towards her partner's emotional breakdown in a public place was criticized as unsupportive and toxic. Everyone experiences loss and emotion differently, and it's crucial to put aside our own embarrassment and offer comfort and understanding. Additionally, societal expectations and judgments can make it difficult for people, especially men, to express their emotions freely. We should remember that we're not the center of everyone's attention and that people are often more focused on their own experiences than ours. By being supportive and empathetic, we can help create a more compassionate and understanding world.

    • Supporting others during emotional momentsBe empathetic, understanding, and compassionate towards others during emotional experiences, rather than being judgmental or embarrassing.

      Everyone processes emotions differently, and it's important to be supportive and understanding rather than judgmental or embarrassing towards others during emotional moments. The discussion revolved around a situation where someone felt embarrassed by their partner's emotional reaction to losing their dog. However, the partner's reaction was not the main issue; it was the fact that the speaker found it embarrassing and wished for their partner to keep composure. This perspective was criticized as insensitive and disrespectful towards the partner's grief. The conversation also touched upon the importance of checking one's own emotions and reactions during others' emotional moments. Overall, the conversation emphasized the significance of empathy, understanding, and compassion towards others during emotional experiences.

    • Supporting unique ways of coping with lossBe empathetic, supportive, and understanding of others' emotions and experiences, even when they may not align with our own expectations or beliefs.

      Everyone grieves differently, and it's important to be supportive of others in their unique ways of coping with loss, even if we may not agree with their methods. In the discussed situation, the woman's response to her husband's emotional expression of grief was contradictory, as she related to his emotions but also criticized his expression of them. However, it's crucial to remember that there's no right or wrong way to grieve, and it's essential to be supportive and understanding rather than judgmental. The husband's story of discovering that his ex-wife had deleted a message from him about their unborn child years ago and raised their daughter without him is a poignant reminder of the importance of being present and communicative during significant life events. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to be empathetic, supportive, and understanding of others' emotions and experiences, even when they may not align with our own expectations or beliefs.

    • Respecting privacy and trust in relationshipsViolating trust by deleting messages can lead to deeper issues, including insecurity and manipulation. Couples should address past mistakes and work through them together, seeking counseling if necessary, to maintain trust and communication in their relationship.

      Privacy and autonomy are essential in a relationship. Deleting a message intended for someone else's partner without their knowledge is a violation of trust and privacy, especially when the message concerns significant information like a pregnancy. This action can lead to deeper issues, such as insecurity and manipulation, potentially altering the course of the relationship. It's crucial for couples to address past mistakes and work through them together, seeking counseling if necessary. Trust and communication are vital for a healthy and lasting partnership. The discovery of a deleted message can be a red flag, prompting the need for open and honest conversations. It's essential to remember that everyone makes mistakes and can grow, but addressing them is crucial for the betterment of the relationship.

    • Misunderstandings and mistrust in relationshipsEffective communication and trust are vital in relationships. Misunderstandings and assumptions can lead to conflicts and negative consequences. Address issues directly and honestly to build trust and respect.

      Communication and trust are crucial in maintaining healthy relationships. The text discussion revolves around a situation where a wife deleted a message from her husband's phone without reading it, assuming it was from his ex. The fear and mistrust in their relationship led her to take drastic measures, but the actual content of the message turned out to be a pregnancy reveal. This incident highlights the importance of open communication and trust between partners. The husband's attempt to explain himself to his ex and the subsequent legal issues further emphasize the need for effective communication and trust in relationships. The situation also shows how misunderstandings and assumptions can lead to unnecessary conflicts and negative consequences. It's essential to address issues directly and honestly to prevent misunderstandings and build a strong foundation of trust and respect in a relationship.

    • The Consequences of Invading Privacy in RelationshipsInvading privacy can harm trust and lead to negative outcomes. Communication and trust are key to resolving concerns.

      Privacy is essential in any relationship, and invading it can lead to harmful consequences. The speakers in this discussion shared their experiences with going through their partners' phones and the negative outcomes that ensued. They acknowledged that trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, and if that trust is broken, it can be difficult to repair. However, they also emphasized that everyone makes mistakes and that communication is key. If one feels the urge to go through their partner's phone, they should consider talking to them about their concerns instead. The speakers also acknowledged that there are rare circumstances where going through someone's phone might be necessary, but only after the relationship has ended. Overall, they advised against invading privacy and instead encouraged open communication and trust.

    • Moving on from negativity and toxicityFocus on healthy relationships, self-love, personal growth, community, and authenticity. Don't waste time on negativity and embrace new opportunities for self-improvement.

      Sometimes it's necessary to cut ties and move on from relationships or situations that are no longer serving us, no matter how difficult it may be. Life is too short to waste time on negativity and toxicity. Instead, focus on finding and nurturing healthy relationships and self-love. Another takeaway is the importance of personal growth and learning from past experiences. It's never too late to seek out new knowledge and opportunities for self-improvement. Additionally, the power of community and connection through shared experiences, such as a book club, can be a source of joy and support. Lastly, be authentic and true to yourself, and don't let fear or doubt hold you back from pursuing your passions. Exciting things are on the horizon, so don't be afraid to take risks and embrace new opportunities. And remember, don't be "icky," "ew," or "disgusting," but instead, strive for clarity, connection, and positivity in all aspects of life.

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    Two Hot Takes
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    Two Hot Takes
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    174: Is it That Outrageous?!
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    Checkout out our Midwest Married Episode and here about the butt rag!!

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    enJuly 11, 2024

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    This episode is about ethical non-monogamy and the importance of clear boundaries, agreements, and rules in relationships. The host distinguishes the three concepts and explains how they serve different purposes in ensuring mutual respect and security in all parties involved. The importance of open and honest communication is highlighted, as well as the need for negotiation when a third party is involved. Punishing partners for past mistakes is discouraged as it does not contribute to building healthy relationships. Finally, the host cautions against using rules, which can create power imbalances and restrict behavior.

    References used for this podcast are as follows:  

    "The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities" is a book written by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy and published by Celestial Arts in 2009.

    Another book on ethical non-monogamy is "More Than Two: A Practical Guide to Ethical Polyamory" by Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert, which was published by Thorntree Press in 2014.

    In an article published on Psychology Today on December 9, 2020, titled "How to Create a Relationship Agreement That Works for You," Eva Taylor Grant offers tips for negotiating relationship agreements that are customized to each individual's needs.

    The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom provides a resource on their website called "Polyamory Basics," which can be found at ncsfreedom.org.

    A blog post on Psychology Today by Frankie Bashan titled "Polyamory: A Practical Guide" provides advice on communication, boundary-setting, and other aspects of polyamorous relationships.

    Finally, Meera Solanki Estrada wrote an article for HuffPost called "Polyamorous Relationships: A Definition of Polyamory, How It Works And Why It's Not All About Sex" which explores common misconceptions about non-monogamy and offers an introduction to the concept of polyamory.

    To conclude, establishing boundaries, agreements, and rules is essential for maintaining respectful and healthy relationships, particularly in the context of ethically non-monogamous relationships. It's critical to understand the distinctions between each of these concepts to avoid misunderstandings, respect personal limits, and negotiate mutual agreements that work for everyone involved. Remember, boundaries are personal limits, agreements are mutual understandings, and rules are external guidelines that should be avoided. The following podcast will discuss navigating toxic relationships and rebuilding trust, so stay tuned. Thank you for listening, and until next time, stay safe, stay respectful, and keep exploring your relationships.

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