
    Podcast Summary

    • Matt and Robyn's friendship and Matt's dedication to creating insightful documentariesMatt's late-night interview with Robyn showcases his commitment to storytelling, while their first documentary, 'The Union,' had a significant impact on the marijuana industry and BC economy. Creating a second documentary, 'Human Culture,' presented challenges and unintended consequences of the drug war on policing and community relations.

      Matt and Robyn's friendship and Matt's dedication to creating insightful documentaries are highlighted in this conversation. Matt shares a story about how he stayed up late to interview Robyn after his show, demonstrating his commitment to helping others through storytelling. Robyn expresses his appreciation for Matt's efforts and the impact of their first documentary, "The Union," on the marijuana industry and BC economy. Matt then discusses the challenges of creating a second documentary, "Human Culture," and the unintended consequences of the drug war on policing and community relations. Throughout the conversation, the deep bond between the two friends is evident, and their shared passion for exploring complex issues shines through.

    • The war on drugs can lead to unnecessary violence and unjust seizure of propertyThe war on drugs can result in extreme consequences, including violence, unjust seizure of assets, and intimidation of communities, particularly those from lower economic backgrounds.

      The war on drugs can result in extreme and unnecessary violence, as well as the unjust seizure of property, even for individuals who have not been proven to be involved in criminal activity. The story of a mayor whose dogs were shot during a DEA raid on his home serves as a disturbing reminder of this reality. In the case of a store owner, he was accused of structuring his cash deposits, resulting in the seizure of all his savings, leaving him to spend significantly more to try and get it back. These incidents highlight the harsh consequences of asset forfeiture laws and the potential for abuse of power by law enforcement. The impact of these events goes beyond the individuals involved, as they serve to intimidate and instill fear in communities, particularly those from lower economic backgrounds. The documentary explores these issues in depth, aiming to raise awareness and spark conversation about the need for reform.

    • IRS's handling of suspected structuring casesThe IRS's aggressive approach to suspected structuring cases can lead to public accusations and embarrassment for individuals, even without concrete evidence.

      The IRS's handling of suspected structuring cases, even against individuals with no concrete evidence, can be detrimental and embarrassing. The convenience store owner's case is a prime example, as he publicly faced accusations despite having no evidence presented against him. The DA's office has faced criticism for their approach, with figures like Shell Lionheart drawing scrutiny for their handling of related issues. Access to information, as discussed in the podcast, has become a game-changer, with individuals like Ross Perot using television to spread awareness about complex financial issues before the internet era. This access to information empowers individuals to challenge misinformation and hold institutions accountable.

    • The impact of the internet on politics and societal normsThe internet exposes deception, debunks urban legends, and challenges the influence of money in politics, leading to greater transparency and accountability.

      The spread of information through the internet is changing the political landscape by exposing deception and challenging the old ways of politics. The discussion touched on various topics, including urban legends debunked by Snopes, the influence of money in politics, and the impact of the internet on societal norms. The speaker shared personal experiences and examples, such as the urban legend of a man who thought he was an orange and the myth of a man flying a rocket into a mountain. They also discussed the Commission for Presidential Debates and the high cost of entering presidential elections. The speaker expressed concern about the influence of certain individuals in positions of power, like Clarence Thomas, and the need for transparency and accountability. Ultimately, they believed that the age of information is making it increasingly difficult for politicians to deceive the public and that this is a positive development.

    • Families' Efforts to Help Loved Ones with Medical CannabisFamilies face legal complexities and stigmas to help loved ones with medical cannabis, but stories of children's improvements and potential economic benefits highlight its significance as a viable treatment option.

      Despite the legal complexities and stigmas surrounding the use of medical cannabis, families are willing to go to great lengths to help their loved ones experience its potential benefits. Stories of children, like Jade and Kyla, who have severe conditions and have seen significant improvements after using CBD oil, highlight the need for easier access to this form of treatment. The regulatory hurdles, such as restrictions on concentrates and licenses, add to the challenges faced by families. However, the evidence of its positive effects, including reduced seizures and improved focus, cannot be ignored. The comparison to other regulated substances, like alcohol, and the economic benefits seen in places like Denver, Colorado, further emphasize the potential of medical cannabis as a viable treatment option. Ultimately, it's a simple plant with significant potential that deserves to be regulated and made accessible to those who need it.

    • The power of personal stories in challenging long-held beliefsPersonal experiences and stories can challenge politicians' and law enforcement's beliefs, especially in contentious issues like marijuana legalization, and force accountability through the spread of information on the internet and social media.

      The nature of politics and the legal system can be compared to the world of sex work, where individuals are expected to be fake and adapt to changing circumstances. However, when it comes to issues like marijuana legalization and its potential medical benefits, personal experiences and stories can challenge long-held beliefs and force accountability. The internet and social media have made it easier for individuals to share their stories and evidence, making it harder for politicians and law enforcement to ignore the truth. This was exemplified by Dr. Lester Grinspoon's personal journey from disbeliever to advocate for marijuana's medical benefits after his friend Carl Sagan bet him he was wrong, and later when his own son was diagnosed with leukemia. The power of personal stories and experiences can lead to reconsideration of long-held beliefs and force accountability from those in power.

    • Improving quality of life for cancer patients with cannabisCannabis use can significantly improve cancer patients' quality of life and extend lifespan, but its illegality and stigma hinder access for those in need.

      The use of cannabis as a treatment for cancer patients, particularly for managing nausea and increasing appetite, can significantly improve their quality of life and extend their lifespan. Despite the scientific evidence supporting its benefits, it remains illegal in many places, making it difficult for those in need to access it easily. The stigma surrounding cannabis use, rooted in misconceptions and biases, hinders progress and keeps valuable treatments out of reach for those who could benefit most. The personal story shared highlights the importance of exploring all available options in cancer treatment, as what works for one person may not work for another, but that doesn't negate the validity of effective treatments like cannabis.

    • Societal perception and regulation of alcohol vs marijuanaDespite alcohol causing more social problems, societal acceptance and regulation differ significantly. Marijuana's impact is more nuanced, and evidence-based policies are needed.

      While alcohol is a drug that causes numerous social problems, including domestic violence and fights, the societal perception and regulation of it differ significantly from that of other drugs like marijuana. The speaker shares personal experiences of observing fewer fights and incidents at events where marijuana was prevalent compared to alcohol. The speaker acknowledges the challenges associated with alcohol but also recognizes the transition towards greater acceptance and legalization of marijuana. The speaker criticizes politicians for their ideological flexibility and points to hypocrisy in figures like Chris Christie, who continue to oppose marijuana despite their own struggles with addiction. The speaker's perspective emphasizes the need for evidence-based policies and a more nuanced understanding of the impact of different substances on society.

    • Overcoming Food and Sugar Addictions: A Continuous StruggleFood and sugar addictions are challenging to overcome due to the necessity of eating and the prevalence of added sugars. External factors and cultural differences can make it difficult to maintain a sugar-free diet, but it's essential to continue striving for a healthier relationship with food and sugar.

      Food and sugar addictions are challenging to overcome due to the necessity of eating and the prevalence of added sugars in various foods, even those unexpected. These addictions can impact energy levels and mood, leading to increased aggression or constant cravings. Despite personal efforts to limit sugar intake, external factors such as family or workplace can make it difficult to maintain a sugar-free diet. Unlike other addictions, there is no complete avoidance of sugar, making it a continuous struggle. Additionally, cultural differences can influence access to certain foods and the intensity of food-related discussions. Canada, for instance, has stricter immigration policies and a unique pride in its culture, which can make it difficult for some individuals to enter the country. Despite these challenges, it is essential to continue striving for a healthier relationship with food and sugar.

    • Discussion on documentaries, funding, and piracyIntense debates can arise from passionately held opinions, even on trivial matters. Navigating complex issues like funding documentaries and piracy requires nuance and understanding.

      Passionately held opinions can lead to intense debates, even over seemingly trivial matters like preferred donut brands or operating systems. The discussion also touched upon the challenges of funding documentaries, particularly in the face of piracy and content laws. A notable example was the case of Mark Emery, a Canadian who was extradited to the US for selling marijuana seeds, despite paying taxes in Canada and providing support to drug rehabilitation clinics. The debate also included a reflection on the evolving technology landscape, with DVDs and floppy disks being replaced by digital downloads and cloud storage. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of standing by one's beliefs and navigating complex issues with nuance and understanding.

    • Politics and Media's Role in Marijuana ChargesThe arrest and media attention surrounding Mark Geragos's marijuana charge was more politically motivated than legally justified, highlighting the complex relationship between law enforcement, media, and public opinion.

      The arrest and subsequent media attention surrounding Mark Geragos's marijuana possession charge was more of a political move than a legal one, according to those involved. The prosecutor who helped send Geragos to jail now advocates for changing marijuana laws due to their draconian nature. Nancy Grace, a vocal critic of Geragos and marijuana legalization, is seen as using controversy to boost her public profile and ratings. The debate around marijuana and its effects is complex, with some arguing that it leads to lethargy and munchies, while others claim it can lead to violence. Ultimately, the media's role in shaping public opinion and the influence of sponsors and political views on coverage were explored in the film "Brett Morgen's 'Jane's Addiction': Directing Culture."

    • Cannabis and Mental Health: The Complex ConnectionThe relationship between cannabis use and mental health issues is complex and not definitively linked, with no reported deaths or cancer cases caused by cannabis, and no significant increase in schizophrenia cases despite widespread use.

      The relationship between cannabis use and mental health issues, particularly schizophrenia, is not as clear-cut as some people believe. While there are concerns that cannabis use may contribute to mental health issues, the evidence is not definitive. There have been no reported deaths or cases of cancer directly caused by cannabis use. The idea that cannabis use causes schizophrenia is also not supported by the evidence. Epidemiological studies have shown no significant increase in schizophrenia cases despite the widespread use of cannabis. It's important to remember that mental health is a complex issue with many contributing factors, and focusing on cannabis use alone may neglect other important factors. Additionally, early childhood development and experiences can play a significant role in mental health outcomes. As Gabor Maté points out, it's essential to consider the broader picture and not just blame cannabis use for mental health issues.

    • Childhood trauma and its impact on addictionChildhood trauma increases the likelihood of addiction by 600 times. Trauma can lead to addictive behaviors as a coping mechanism.

      Childhood experiences, particularly trauma, can significantly impact a person's development and increase the likelihood of addiction. Dr. Gabor Maté, a renowned speaker and author, emphasized this point in a discussion about addiction and genetics. He explained that children absorb the emotions and stress of their parents during formative years, which can lead to addictive behaviors as a coping mechanism. Furthermore, Maté argued that the addiction itself is not the primary problem, but rather the addict's attempt to solve an underlying issue. A study referenced in the discussion showed that children who experienced loss, divorce, or abuse were 600 times more likely to become addicted. These findings underscore the importance of addressing childhood trauma and supporting individuals in their healing process.

    • The Misuse of Ideologies for HarmIdeologies can have beneficial principles, but become harmful when manipulated and used to control, rather than promoting peace and personal growth.

      While some ideologies and practices, like Scientology, may have beneficial principles, they can become harmful when those in power misuse them. The Go Clear documentary exposes how Scientology transformed from a goal-oriented practice into a controlling religion, with severe consequences for those who disagreed or left. The founder, L. Ron Hubbard, may have had mental health issues and used the religion as a means to avoid taxes and gain power. Despite this, some individuals found value in Scientology's mental awareness practices. However, it's essential to recognize that ideologies can be harmful when they are used to manipulate and control people, rather than promoting peace, understanding, and personal growth. The Sikh religion, for instance, embodies the values of acceptance and unity, and their traditional practices, like the use of Bhang, contribute to their unique culture. It's crucial to distinguish between the core principles of an ideology and the actions of those who misuse it.

    • Understanding the Root Causes of AddictionAddiction stems from deeper needs and often linked to adverse childhood experiences, shaping the brain and increasing appeal of addictive substances or behaviors. Focus on addressing underlying issues instead of punishment.

      Addiction, whether it's to substances like marijuana or behaviors like shopping, stems from a deeper need to escape pain or feel good. The root cause often lies in adverse childhood experiences that shape the brain and increase the appeal of addictive substances or behaviors. It's essential to understand the individual's background and experiences to truly grasp their addiction. The war on drugs focuses on punishing those with addiction, but it's more productive to address the underlying issues. The risk of addiction increases exponentially with each adverse childhood experience, and these experiences alter the brain's biology. People who use substances occasionally without negative consequences should not be labeled as addicts. The debate around marijuana and its effects on health is ongoing, but there's no solid evidence linking it to lung cancer. Ultimately, addiction is a complex issue that requires empathy, understanding, and a focus on healing the underlying pain.

    • New evidence of ancient catastrophes around 12,000 years agoRecent discoveries of nuclear glass and other evidence suggest a widespread catastrophe 12,000 years ago caused the end of the ice age and the extinction of many animals, challenging old perspectives and inspiring new ways of thinking.

      Recent archaeological discoveries and scientific findings are shedding new light on the history of civilization and cataclysmic events. Graham Hancock and other researchers have been exploring the idea that there were significant disasters around 12,000 years ago, which may have caused the end of the ice age and the extinction of many animals. This theory is supported by the discovery of nuclear glass, which is found in meteor impact sites and in layers dating back 12,000 years. This evidence has been found across Europe and Asia, and it suggests that there was a widespread catastrophe that led to the covering of ancient sites like Gobekli Tapi. This theory is not fringe, as it is being studied by legitimate archaeologists. The podcast discussed how this new information is challenging old perspectives and inspiring people to think outside the box. Additionally, the importance of self-reflection and humility was emphasized as a means to personal growth and progress.

    • The Power of Hard Work and DedicationHard work and dedication lead to personal growth and success, as demonstrated by Floyd Mayweather's career in boxing and the speaker's experience in the film industry. Other inspiring stories, like Ray Mancini's, further illustrate this principle.

      Hard work and dedication pay off, no matter the field or the challenges faced. Floyd Mayweather's success in boxing is a testament to this, as it required countless hours of training and perseverance. Similarly, in the film industry, the speaker faced numerous obstacles but was able to overcome them through hard work and determination. The lessons learned from these extreme situations can be applied to all areas of life, helping individuals develop their human potential and overcome adversity. The speaker's first film, which was a great success, is a prime example of this principle in action. Other inspiring stories, such as Ray Mancini's journey to win a world title for his father, further illustrate the power of hard work and dedication. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that with focus, energy, and persistence, individuals can turn even the most difficult tasks into vehicles for personal growth and success.

    • Documentaries can emotionally connect and make a differenceEffective documentaries focus on truth and provide valuable info, like mental health docs that reveal complex causes and solutions

      Documentaries have the power to emotionally connect with audiences and make a significant impact. The story of Ray, a boxer who won a world title despite losing his brother three months prior, is a powerful example. Documentaries can also bring attention to important issues, such as mental health. Michael Moore is known for making documentaries, but some criticize him for manipulating facts and making people look stupid. Instead, effective documentaries should focus on the truth and provide valuable information. Mental health is a complex issue often disguised as a gun problem. Early childhood experiences and trauma can lead to mental health issues, and access to proper treatment and medication can help individuals overcome these challenges.

    • Balancing mental health with medication, lifestyle, and social supportUnderstanding mental health conditions, seeking treatment, and reducing stigma are crucial for effective management and promoting empathy and acceptance in society.

      Effective management of mental health involves a combination of medication, lifestyle changes, and social support. The individual discussed in the conversation, who has bipolar disorder, found success by balancing his condition with lithium medication, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol. However, he faced stigma and challenges in finding employment due to societal perceptions of mental health issues. The conversation emphasized the importance of understanding mental health conditions, seeking treatment, and reducing the stigma surrounding mental health. The individual's journey highlights the importance of a holistic approach to mental health management and the need for greater empathy and acceptance in society.

    • Exploring ancient skills through podcastsPodcasts offer hosts unique insights and endless learning opportunities, while providing audiences with historical knowledge and modern mastery examples.

      Listening to podcasts provides immense personal benefits for the host as well as the audience. The host gains access to insightful conversations with brilliant minds, leading to constant curiosity and new ideas. Podcasts have become an essential part of the host's life, providing entertainment and education on long drives. One particular podcast, Dan Carlin's Hardcore History, stands out for its engaging storytelling and in-depth historical analysis. Ancient techniques, such as ancient archery, are being rediscovered, showcasing the incredible skills of the past. A modern archer, Lars Anderson, has been revolutionizing archery by reviving lost techniques, demonstrating remarkable speed and accuracy. The combination of historical knowledge and modern mastery of ancient skills highlights the enduring allure and value of podcasts.

    • Running on the balls of our feetFocusing on landing on the balls of your feet while running can lead to a more natural and efficient gait, reducing potential harm to your knees.

      Our running techniques and even the shoes we wear have significantly impacted the way we run, often leading to inefficient movements and potential harm to our bodies. For instance, the common practice of heel striking while running is actually detrimental to our knees, and instead, landing on the balls of our feet allows for a more natural and efficient gait. This concept of running "on the balls of our feet" is not new, as even athletes in various sports have long understood the importance of adapting their stances and movements to optimize their performance. Moreover, our modern running shoes, with their thick heel pads, have contributed to the widespread adoption of heel striking as the "correct" way to run, despite its drawbacks. The next time you hit the treadmill or the track, try focusing on landing on the balls of your feet, and notice the difference in how your body feels and performs.

    • Impact of shoe design on body healthChoose shoes with minimal sole thickness and heel height for better posture and overall health. Avoid shoes with significant heel padding or unnatural sole structures, as they can negatively impact your body.

      The design of shoes, particularly those with significant heel padding or unnatural sole structures, can have negative impacts on our bodies. The speaker shares his personal experience with his son's baling work and the impact of running shoes with padded heels. He also mentions the debunked trend of barefoot technology shoes and their potential risks, such as causing injuries or stress fractures. The speaker advocates for wearing shoes with minimal sole thickness and heel height, like Chuck Taylors or Converse All-Stars, for better posture and overall health. He also discusses the importance of considering the potential risks and benefits of various types of wallets, and the convenience of using a fanny pack for travel.

    • The Practicality of Fanny Packs for TravelersFanny packs can be essential for carrying important documents and equipment during travel, but may face stigma and inconvenience. Despite this, having all necessary documentation is crucial to avoid issues.

      Despite the stigma and inconvenience, having a fanny pack can be practical and necessary for carrying important documents and equipment during travel, especially for those in the film industry or frequently crossing international borders. The speaker shares personal experiences of being misunderstood or targeted due to having a fanny pack, but emphasizes the importance of having all necessary documentation to avoid any issues. The discussion also touches upon the topic of profiling and the challenges of traveling while appearing to fit certain stereotypes.

    • Admitting past mistakes at the borderBeing truthful and transparent about past drug use can lead to a smoother travel experience, while denying it may lead to increased scrutiny and lengthy detainments.

      Being truthful and transparent with authorities, even if it means admitting past drug use, can lead to a smoother travel experience. The speaker's insistence on his innocence and refusal to admit to past drug use led to increased scrutiny and lengthy detainments at the border. The border guards, suspicious of his frequent trips to New York and the presence of cocaine particles on his bag, saw him as a potential smuggler. Only when the speaker finally admitted that the cocaine particles could have come from a previous night out at a New York nightclub did the situation improve. The experience highlights the importance of being open and honest with border officials, even if it means acknowledging past mistakes.

    • The War on Drugs and Charismatic FiguresThe war on drugs has produced charismatic figures who challenge societal norms, and the line between criminal and icon can be blurred. Recognizing humanity and selflessness is crucial.

      The war on drugs, specifically the criminalization of cannabis, has led to the emergence of charismatic and often hilarious figures who have dedicated their lives to challenging the status quo. These individuals, like Howard Marks from the UK, have shown that the line between criminal and icon can be blurred, and that the war on drugs has been an ineffective and silly endeavor. Marks, a legendary cannabis smuggler, was known for his humor and charisma, and despite making a profit from his activities, he saw himself as a rocker living on borrowed time. The documentary also touched upon the removal of fighting in hockey, drawing parallels between the black-and-white perception of drugs and sports, and the complex dynamics and nuances that exist within both. Ultimately, the film highlights the importance of recognizing the humanity and selflessness of those who have challenged societal norms, whether it be through drug smuggling or fighting on the ice.

    • Professional athletes in violent sports show selflessness and humilityProfessional athletes in violent sports like hockey and MMA demonstrate selflessness and team spirit, making them beloved figures despite the violence associated with their roles.

      The enforcers in professional sports, particularly hockey and mixed martial arts, are some of the most selfless and humble athletes despite the violence associated with their roles. They understand the fragility of their careers and the impact of their actions on their team. A prime example is Kevin Westgarth, a Princeton graduate and former NHL player, who expressed deep regret for letting his team down after being knocked out in a game. The selflessness and team spirit of these athletes add a compelling layer to their stories beyond statistical arguments. The popularity of violent sports like UFC and hockey may raise concerns about their place in society, but the unique characteristics and personalities of individual athletes continue to draw fans. For instance, Georges St. Pierre's honorable martial arts background, classy demeanor, and physical prowess made him a beloved figure in the MMA world. However, injuries have limited Cain Velasquez's fighting career and prevented him from reaching the same level of popularity.

    • Cain Velasquez's Mental Toughness and Exceptional ConditioningCain Velasquez's mental toughness and exceptional conditioning allow him to outperform opponents despite carrying more weight and facing unique challenges like high-altitude fights.

      Cain Velasquez's mental toughness and exceptional conditioning set him apart in mixed martial arts, even though injuries have hindered his popularity. His ability to out-condition opponents, despite carrying around 100 more pounds, is remarkable and often leaves onlookers in awe. However, high-altitude fights, such as his upcoming one in Mexico City, pose unique challenges due to the reduced oxygen levels. The infamous Mark Hunt versus Ben Rothwell fight in Denver serves as a reminder of the extreme fatigue that fighters experience at high altitudes. Additionally, Velasquez's brutal training regimen and genetic predisposition for cardio have contributed to his impressive performance in the ring. Despite his challenges, his determination and conditioning have consistently set him apart in the heavyweight division.

    • The Importance of Technique and Positioning in Martial ArtsSmaller individuals in martial arts should focus on perfecting technique and positioning over relying on brute strength. Learn from small instructors and study tactics used by successful fighters like Floyd Mayweather.

      Perfect technique and understanding of positioning are crucial, especially for smaller individuals in martial arts. The speaker shares his experience of second-guessing himself in a fight and how it led to his loss. He emphasizes the importance of learning jujitsu from small instructors, as they rely on technique rather than strength. The speaker also draws parallels to boxing, citing Floyd Mayweather as an example of a fighter who uses smart tactics and perfect technique to outmaneuver opponents. Ultimately, the speaker emphasizes that martial arts are about strategy and positioning, not just brute strength.

    • The Physical and Mental Toll of Making Weight in Combat SportsFighters face risks of dehydration and injury while making weight, emphasizing the need for safer weight cutting practices.

      The physical and mental toll of making weight in combat sports, particularly in mixed martial arts and boxing, can have serious and long-lasting consequences. Fighters like Demetrious Johnson and Horiguchi, despite their small statures, showcase exceptional technique, knowledge, and strategy. However, the practice of cutting weight to make weight classes can lead to dehydration, which puts fighters' brains at risk and can lead to serious injuries or even death. It's a complex issue, as fighters are driven to compete at their optimal weight, but it's clear that finding a solution to reduce the risks associated with weight cutting is crucial for the safety of combat athletes.

    • Neuro1: A Nootropic to Support Brain Function, Especially for Those with Head TraumaNFL player Bill Romanowski developed Neuro1 to improve brain function, specifically for individuals with head trauma. Backed by scientific research, it provides essential nutrients to boost neurotransmitter production, enhancing memory, executive function, and reaction time.

      Neuro1, a product developed by NFL player Bill Romanowski, is designed to support brain function, particularly for individuals who have experienced head trauma. Romanowski developed the product due to his own cognitive issues resulting from concussions. Neuro1, like other nootropics, provides the body with essential nutrients to produce human neurotransmitters more effectively. These nutrients improve memory, executive function, and reaction time. The benefits are backed by scientific research, specifically two double-blind placebo-controlled studies conducted by the Boston Center for Memory. The product is not a magic solution, but it can help individuals enhance their cognitive abilities.

    • Optimize Brain Function with Healthy Lifestyle ChoicesProper nutrition, sleep, and supplements like Alpha Brain and probiotics contribute to optimal brain function and overall well-being.

      Taking care of both physical and mental health is crucial for optimal brain function and overall well-being. Long hours and unhealthy habits during work can negatively impact cognitive function and energy levels. Proper nutrition, including fruits and vegetables, and adequate sleep are essential. Additionally, supplements like Alpha Brain, which offers a money-back guarantee, can help support cognitive function. Probiotics, such as kombucha, can also boost immune system health and contribute to overall wellness. It may require some effort to prioritize healthy choices while traveling or during busy work periods, but the benefits are worth it.

    • Discussing health risks of energy drinksExcessive consumption of energy drinks, particularly large sizes, can lead to heart problems, addiction, and negative effects on overall well-being. Be aware of portion sizes and opt for healthier alternatives or moderation.

      Energy drinks, especially the large and giant-sized ones, contain high amounts of caffeine and other stimulants that can be detrimental to health when consumed excessively. The speakers in the discussion shared personal experiences and concerns about the potential risks associated with energy drink consumption, including heart problems, addiction, and negative effects on overall well-being. They also highlighted the importance of being aware of portion sizes and the hidden servings in larger cans. It's essential to be mindful of the potential health risks and opt for healthier alternatives or moderation when consuming energy drinks.

    • The Dangers of Consuming Too Much Caffeine and SugarExcessive consumption of caffeine from energy drinks and coffee, and sugar from processed foods, can lead to harmful effects including increased heart rate, anxiety, and dangerous levels of caffeine intake. It's essential to be aware of daily limits and maintain a balanced diet.

      The consumption of energy drinks and caffeine, especially in large quantities, can lead to harmful effects, including increased heart rate, anxiety, and even risky levels of caffeine intake. For instance, a Venti Starbucks coffee contains 415 milligrams of caffeine, while a regular eight-ounce cup of coffee from a diner has only around 133 milligrams. Energy drinks, such as Red Bull and Five Hour Energy, contain significantly higher amounts of caffeine, with a single can of Five Hour Energy containing 200 milligrams. Consuming multiple cans or energy drinks and coffee in a short period can lead to dangerous levels of caffeine intake. It's important to be aware of the amount of caffeine in the beverages we consume and to limit our intake to recommended daily limits. Additionally, the prevalence of sugar in children's diets, especially in the form of cakes and candies, can lead to unnatural cravings and potential health risks. It's crucial to maintain a balanced diet and limit the consumption of processed sugars.

    • The war on drugs harms individuals and communities, often perpetuating cycles of poverty and criminalizationThe war on drugs disproportionately harms individuals and communities, perpetuating cycles of poverty and criminalization through misaligned law enforcement incentives and ineffective policies.

      The war on drugs, particularly the focus on marijuana, disproportionately harms individuals and communities, often perpetuating cycles of poverty and criminalization. Law enforcement's incentives are misaligned, as they profit from asset forfeiture and maintain high arrest rates for nonviolent drug offenses. These policies have contributed to a staggering amount of asset seizures and a decrease in murder conviction rates due to a lack of community engagement. Instead of focusing on revenue generation and imprisonment, resources should be directed towards preventing crimes and addressing the root causes of drug use. It's crucial to challenge the narrative that criminalization is necessary for public safety and instead advocate for evidence-based policies that prioritize harm reduction and individual freedom.

    • Impact of Law Enforcement Image and TacticsThe way law enforcement presents themselves and act can influence community trust. Military-style uniforms and aggressive tactics may create hostility, while approachable demeanor and open communication foster respect.

      The way law enforcement presents themselves and conducts their duties can significantly impact their relationship with the community. Military-style garb and aggressive tactics can create a sense of hostility and distrust, while a more approachable and communicative demeanor can foster cooperation and respect. The use of asset forfeiture and the militarization of police forces can also blur the lines between protecting and serving, and enforcing the law. It's crucial to recognize the importance of law enforcement in maintaining order but also address the potential harm caused by a broken relationship between law enforcement and the community. By focusing on open communication and respect, we can work towards building a stronger, more effective partnership between law enforcement and the civilians they serve.

    • Impact of the war on drugs on law enforcementThe war on drugs and harsh laws have led to desensitization and moral ambiguity for law enforcement, but technology and increased access to information are driving policy changes towards legalization and transparency.

      The war on drugs and the resulting harsh laws and policies have a profound impact on those enforcing them, leading to desensitization and moral ambiguity. The internet and increased access to information have brought about unprecedented backlash against these archaic laws, leading to policy changes in places like Portugal, and paving the way for legalization in many parts of the world. Technology and connectivity have made it increasingly difficult to hide the truth, and it's only a matter of time before society looks back on these practices with shame. The film "The House I Live In" highlights these issues and the potential for change, reaching audiences in ways that were not possible before. The rapid pace of change and the difficulty in lying about facts are making it increasingly clear that the ways we have lived our lives in the past will soon look outdated and foolish.

    • The Inquisition and Salem trials might have been influenced by ergot poisoningThe belief in witchcraft during historical times may have been caused by ergot poisoning from contaminated food, and advancements in science could make dishonesty harder in the future

      The mass hysteria and accusations of witchcraft during the Inquisition and Salem trials might have been influenced by ergot poisoning from contaminated wheat. This theory suggests that the symptoms of witchcraft, such as hallucinations and delirium, were actually caused by this fungus. The belief that people were bewitched was a way to explain these strange behaviors, and those accused were often subjected to harsh punishments, including drowning. As technology advances, scientists are getting closer to understanding brain activity and potentially reading minds. This could lead to a future where dishonesty becomes increasingly difficult, as our thoughts and feelings might be easily discernible. This historical context and future implications highlight the importance of scientific inquiry and the potential consequences of misunderstanding unusual phenomena.

    • The End of Manipulative Organizations and LeadersPeople are becoming more skeptical of charismatic leaders and organizations that rely on manipulation and discourage personal growth. The future lies in embracing truth, critical thinking, and personal growth.

      The future may bring an end to manipulative organizations and leaders, as people become more reliant on truth and information. The discussion touched upon the demise of cults like Scientology, and the shift towards transparency and critical thinking. The fascination with charismatic figures who claim to have wisdom and answers is archaic, and people are increasingly skeptical, especially when young and impressionable. The horrifying realities of organizations like the Sea Org, which rely on slave labor and discourage personal growth, have been exposed, making it clear that such ideologies are not the answer. The future lies in recognizing the importance of truth, critical thinking, and personal growth.

    • The dangers of unchecked fameFame can lead individuals to be isolated from reality, surrounded by sycophants, and susceptible to manipulation, causing them to lose touch with the world around them.

      Fame can lead individuals to be surrounded by people who agree with them unconditionally, potentially isolating them from reality and causing them to lose touch with it. This was evident in the discussion about Tom Cruise and his involvement with Scientology. The documentary showcased how he was praised excessively, given special treatment, and isolated from criticism, leading him to fully embrace the organization's beliefs despite their controversial nature. This phenomenon is not unique to Tom Cruise and can be observed in other famous individuals who become enamored with their own fame and the sycophantic responses they receive. The discussion also touched upon the power of manipulation and the tactics used by organizations like Scientology to lure people in and keep them engaged, using a sense of belonging and exclusivity to maintain control. Overall, the conversation highlighted the dangers of unchecked fame and the importance of staying grounded in reality.

    • Appreciating the unique and brilliantUnconventional individuals, like those in 'The Edge of Tomorrow,' may initially be overlooked but their work and influence continue to resonate and inspire.

      The success of unconventional and seemingly "wacky" individuals, such as those depicted in movies like "The Edge of Tomorrow," can't be denied despite their unique appearances or behaviors. Fans of these individuals, like Adam, continue to appreciate their work and influence, even if their popularity may wane at times. For instance, "The Edge of Tomorrow" was initially perceived as a box office bomb but is now recognized as a unique and well-executed science fiction film. It's important to remember that people's quirks and unconventionalities often make them interesting and brilliant in their own ways. Additionally, Adam's documentaries, "The Union" and "The Culture High," are highly recommended and available on various platforms.

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    Sebastian Junger is a bestselling author, journalist, and an Academy Award-nominated documentary filmmaker. His latest book, "In My Time of Dying", is available now. www.sebastianjunger.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    #2171 - Eric Weinstein & Terrence Howard
    Eric Weinstein holds a PhD in mathematical physics from Harvard University and is a member of the Galileo Project research team.  www.ericweinstein.org www.geometricunity.org Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen, musician, and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering. www.terryslynchpins.com www.tcotlc.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2170 - Max Lugavere

    #2170 - Max Lugavere
    Max Lugavere is a filmmaker, health and science journalist, author, and host of The Genius Life podcast. His debut film Little Empty Boxes is out now. http://littleemptyboxes.com www.maxlugavere.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12

    #2169 - Protect Our Parks 12
    Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker and one half of the sketch comedy duo "Gilly and Keeves" with John McKeever. Watch his new comedy series, "Tires," and special, "Beautiful Dogs" on Netflix. www.shanemgillis.com Mark is the co-host of the podcasts "Tuesdays with Stories" with Joe List and "We Might Be Drunk" with Sam Morril. Watch his latest stand-up special, "Soup to Nuts," on Netflix. www.marknormandcomedy.com Ari is the host of the "You Be Trippin'" podcast. His latest comedy special, "Ari Shaffir: Jew," is available now via YouTube. www.arishaffir.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer

    #2168 - Tyler Fischer
    Tyler Fischer is a stand-up comic, actor, and filmmaker. His latest special, "The Election Special | LIVE at Comedy Mothership," is available now via YouTube. https://youtu.be/FmvJjMGX7hw?si=PyOsFVH4as8HMHBD www.tylerfischer.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh

    #2167 - Noland Arbaugh
    Noland Arbaugh is the first human recipient of Neuralink’s brain-computer interface implant: an innovative new technology that allows him to control digital devices with his thoughts. Noland Arbaugh: https://x.com/ModdedQuad Neuralink www.neuralink.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2166 - Enhanced Games

    #2166 - Enhanced Games
    Christian Angermayer and Dr. Aron D’Souza are the co-founders of the Enhanced Games, an upcoming Olympic-style event that brings together the world’s top athletes to compete without arbitrary bans on performance-enhancing substances.  www.enhanced.org Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2165 - Jack Carr

    #2165 - Jack Carr
    Jack Carr is a bestselling author, retired Navy SEAL, and host of the “Danger Close” podcast. His newest book, "Red Sky Mourning,” is available now. www.officialjackcarr.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    #2164 - Action Bronson

    #2164 - Action Bronson
    Action Bronson is a musician, chef, painter, and author. Look out for his forthcoming album "Johann Sebastian Bachlava the Doctor'' and watch his series "F*ck, That's Delicious" on YouTube. www.actionbronson.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The connection of this IG Live interview starts off a little spotty but smooths out as Monique shares her experience and the boundaries in place when using it.

    Link to Monique's Book Recommendation: Quit Like A Woman

    *If you want to connect with other POCFs just like you, click here to join the private forum!

    *Want to hang out in real life? Click here to join the All-Inclusive POCF Retreat happening this fall, 2023! We'd love to meet you!

    For more resources, visit meganwaldrep.com

    (If you or a loved one suffers from addiction, please call the SAMHSA National Helpline to learn more: 1-800-662-4357. You are not alone!)

    With love & #POCFpride!

    Episode 29: Dangers of Teen Marijuana Use

    Episode 29: Dangers of Teen Marijuana Use

    Did you know marijuana use is a growing cause of suicide among teens?

    Guest Laura Stack of Johnny's Ambassadors says as more state's legalize recreational use, the potency is reaching dangerous levels and leading to serious mental health issues, especially among youth.

    Stack's son, Johnny, was an honor student with a promising future who suffered a mental break from marijuana use that led to his suicide.

    In her conversation with Host Gail Ferguson Jones, Laura explains that:

    • Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is more likely to cause anxiety and emotional distress than to calm or cure it
    • Dispensaries in Colorado, the first state to legalize recreational use, are legally required to provide written warnings of the mental and emotional dangers.
    • The cannabis being sold at dispensaries is often processed into "dabs" or "crystalline," which increases the potency to dangerous levels.
    • The American Psychiatric Association is warning that there is no mental or emotional condition that is helped by marijuana use.   

    Learn more about the teen prevention work of Johnny's Ambassadors at:  https://johnnysambassadors.org/

    Learn more about The Buttrfly Effect Peer Recovery Coaching Program for families at: https://bit.ly/3YXFh1B

    Music for The Buttrfly Effect Podcast by Mixaund Bandcamp at: https://www.mixaundbandcamp.com





    #59 - Former Universal Health Services Executive on The Behavioral Health Industry Evolution

    #59 - Former Universal Health Services Executive on The Behavioral Health Industry Evolution

    Martin Schappell spent 15 years as a leader at Universal Health Services (the largest inpatient psychiatric hospital operator in the United States) as a Senior Vice President in the Behavioral segment. He joins us to talk about the behavioral health care industry, how care has evolved over the last 30 years, and the impacts of our current climate on the mental health of the seniors in our population.

    In this episode we talked at length about why behavioral healthcare has changed so much, what is good about those changes as well as what is bad.  We also discussed where the opportunity is for entrepreneurs in this space. 

    Martin now serves as president and CEO of Shell Point Retirement Community where he has been for the last 4 years.  Shell Point is the second largest single site senior living community in the United States with 2,500 residents and 1,200 employees in Florida.  Martin’s behavioral health care industry experience and his firsthand knowledge from operating Shell Point give him unique insights into the mounting mental health differences


    Links mentioned in the show: Universal Health Services, Shell Point Retirement Community



    1. Martin shares observations from his career which began as a licensed marriage counselor, and eventually led him to behavioral health care hospital management and into senior management at one of the largest providers in the country.

    2. Martin talks about how he believes he was really wired for “business” versus being a “clinician” but that his clinical training made him a great leader. He told me that learning about people, their motivation, understanding mental illness, etc. has influenced his leadership style.

    3. As Martin transitioned from the non-profit clinical world to Charter Behavioral Health, he transitioned into a business management role. Eventually, Charter failed, and sold hospitals to UHS in bankruptcy during 2000.  That led Martin to land at UHS where he served as a Senior Vice President in the Behavioral segment. 

    4. The delivery of behavioral health care has evolved greatly over the last 30 years. Delivery has become more efficient.  30 years ago, it was very common for people to be hospitalized for 3 months at a time for acute mental health problems.  Now it’s more common to be hospitalized for 3 days or less at a time.  The industry has prioritized efficiency over individualized care as the reimbursement model has shifted over the years and while here are positive consequences on system capacity, there are negative consequences on the quality of individualized care as well.

    5. We talked about the natural evolution that a person goes through during treatment and how this process takes time. It’s a very personal and individual process that is different for everyone.  So at some point, standardization is not in the best interest of the people this system is trying to help.  Everyone’s pace may be a bit different.  But to accelerate that beyond someone’s ability to gain insight is rushing the process.

      What drove this duration change?
      Some of this is because of the cost of treatment – we reduced length to reduce cost.  We are automating, and standardizing treatment when it is a very individual thing.  Therapy is by design, a very inefficient process so it is not going to be possible to standardize it for everyone.

    6. We talked about the Art versus the Science of recovery and treatment. We got into the balance between the two concepts and how getting that balance right leads to a highly individualized level of care which the modern-day system is leaning away from.

    7. Where is the greatest opportunity for entrepreneurs in the mental health startup landscape?  We talked at length about this. Martin was clear that his top priority is around testing and measurement. He explains that we need to find solutions that standardize the assessment, diagnosis, and validation of diagnosis in the early days of treatment.  Often times, due to a lack of accurate testing, we misdiagnose and then establish a treatment plan that does not work leading to years of bad experiences and an unhealthy human.

    8. We spent time talking about senior mental health care and how seniors are disproportionately being driven into self-isolation and loneliness during this time of COVID. There are consequences to that isolation and withdrawal.  Ove the next 6-12 months we will likely see an escalation of mental health issues in seniors as a result and we talked about what we can be doing about it since we know we can predict it.

    Connect with the Stigma Podcast in the following ways: Patreon Page,  Website, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Email

    Connect with host Stephen Hays here: Stephen Hays Personal Website, Twitter, LinkedIn, What If Ventures (Mental Health Venture Fund)



    Healing Trauma in a Toxic Culture with Dr. Gabor Maté

    Healing Trauma in a Toxic Culture with Dr. Gabor Maté
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