
    648. Q&AF: Spreading The Message Without Social Media, Family And Friends Support & Business Partnership Roles

    enFebruary 12, 2024
    What segments are featured in the "Q and AF" podcast?
    How can listeners support the podcast?
    What is the 75 hard program about?
    Why does the speaker admire the large, athletic man?
    What marketing techniques did the speaker use for his business?

    • Exploring the 75 Hard Program through the 'Q and AF' PodcastListeners can access the 75 hard program's first phase through the 'Q and AF' podcast, featuring interviews, discussions, and real talks, all while supporting the ad-free show through sharing.

      The "Q and AF" podcast, hosted by Aidey Priscilla, offers various segments including Q&A sessions, discussions on societal and cultural topics, real talks, and interviews from individuals who have completed the 75 hard program. The podcast is ad-free and instead, Aidey asks for listeners' support through sharing the show. The 75 hard program is the first phase of a larger live hard program, which can be accessed for free on the real AF audio feed. For more information, listeners can purchase the book on mental toughness on AndyForCella.com. The podcast aims to bring real and authentic content to the audience.

    • Impressive physical presence leaves lasting impactPhysical dominance and charisma can make a big difference, but reaching a larger audience without social media is a challenge.

      Physical dominance and charisma can make a significant impact, even without the use of social media for self-promotion. The speaker admires a large, athletic man he met, who was so physically imposing that the speaker felt intimidated and awed by him. Despite not knowing him personally, the man's impressive presence left a lasting impression on the speaker. The speaker also shared his own experience of building a successful business without relying on social media, but expressed concern about how to effectively reach a larger audience without its use, particularly if he were to run for local office. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledged the value of technology and social media, despite their potential downsides, and the importance of finding alternative methods to spread messages and build relationships.

    • Balancing Technology and Human Interaction in BusinessBusinesses must adapt to technology while maintaining a human touch to build a loyal customer base and succeed.

      Social media and technology are powerful tools for businesses to reach a large audience at a low cost. However, the impact on interpersonal relationships and jobs is a concern for some. The future of business may involve a balance between technology and human interaction, with consumers seeking authentic connections. Traditional methods like door-to-door canvassing, product mailers, and community events can still be effective in building a loyal customer base. Ultimately, the success of a business may depend on its ability to adapt to technology while maintaining a human touch.

    • Blending old-school techniques with modern technologySuccessful businesses effectively connect with people, show they care, and serve their customers by blending traditional in-person tactics and modern technology

      Successful business owners understand the value of both traditional in-person business tactics and modern technology. Ignoring either approach can leave opportunities on the table. The speaker shares his experience of building a business in an era without social media or technology, relying on guerrilla marketing and in-person networking. He emphasizes the importance of blending these old-school techniques with modern technology to reach and connect with people at scale while maintaining a personal touch. The polarization of thought between total anti-tech and total pro-tech approaches doesn't yield success. Instead, businesses that know how to blend the two and effectively connect with people, show they care, and serve their customers stand out.

    • The power of wider recognitionPeople may not publicly support close work until it gains wider recognition. Focus on improving quality, expanding reach, and taking constructive criticism with a grain of salt.

      While people value connection and care, they are less likely to publicly support or share the work of those closest to them until it has gained wider recognition. This phenomenon is due to a combination of factors, including the human tendency to underestimate our own abilities and the desire to align with what is perceived as popular or successful. Therefore, it's essential to focus on improving the quality of our work and leveraging technology to expand our reach beyond our immediate circle. This approach can help us build a stronger following and ultimately lead to greater support and success. Additionally, it's important to remember that constructive criticism and encouragement from friends and family should be taken with a grain of salt and used as motivation to improve, rather than as a definitive measure of our worth or potential success.

    • People's support comes late in the gameDon't rely on others for validation or motivation, focus on self-improvement, and keep pushing forward despite others' opinions.

      People's beliefs and support in your success often come late in the game. It's a common human behavior to only show support once it's clear that you're on the path to success. This can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that you can't rely on others for validation or motivation. Instead, focus on improving yourself and your work, and don't let others' opinions deter you from your goals. Most people in your life may not care about you as much as you think, so it's crucial to make decisions based on what's best for you, not their opinions. Wasting time trying to please or win over those who don't truly support you can hinder your growth and potential. Keep pushing forward, and eventually, those who matter will come around.

    • Focus on personal growth, not validation from othersEmbrace negative energy as fuel for progress, don't rely on external validation, tap into inner strength and resilience.

      In order to succeed, you must focus on your own growth and development, rather than seeking validation from others. People may express support and admiration, but their absence during challenging times can reveal their true intentions. Embrace the negative energy and use it as fuel to drive your progress. Remember, nobody is there to carry you through your journey, so it's essential to tap into your inner strength and resilience. Utilize both positive and negative energy to propel yourself forward, and don't be discouraged by those who doubt or dismiss your potential. Instead, channel that energy into improving yourself and eventually, the external validation will come.

    • Use doubts as motivation2 Use doubts as fuel, 3 build on small wins, 4 foundation through hard work, 5 clearer roles with growth, 6 success is earned

      Facing doubts and disbelief from others can be a powerful source of motivation and energy. Instead of being discouraged, use it as fuel to push forward and accomplish your goals. Pride in self-accomplishment is essential for mental health and well-being. Start with small wins and build on them over time. In business, roles may evolve and change as the company grows, but a strong foundation built through hard work and determination is crucial. In the beginning, partners may need to wear multiple hats and learn as they go. But with experience and growth, clearer roles and responsibilities can emerge. Remember, success isn't handed to us; it's earned through hard work and determination.

    • Flexible roles and collaborative culture at the companyThe company values a flexible, team-oriented approach to work, where roles and responsibilities are not strictly defined by titles and everyone works together to help each other out.

      At their company, roles and responsibilities are not strictly defined or limited by titles. The founders, Andy and Sal, started out with clearly defined roles but have since grown and adapted as the company scaled. They have a collaborative culture where everyone works together and helps each other out, regardless of their position or department. This approach stems from their leadership style, which requires a balance of ego and humility. They understand the importance of asking for help and recognizing where they need improvement. This mentality extends to all employees, and titles hold less weight compared to a collaborative work environment. When new roles or responsibilities arise, they are shared among team members until someone steps up to take ownership. Overall, their company values a flexible, team-oriented approach to work.

    • Embrace challenges and find solutions for problem-solving skillsValuable employees possess leadership, management, and sales skills, which are difficult to find. Companies that prioritize these traits have engaged and fulfilled staff. To become a valuable asset, embrace challenges, learn new skills, and approach problems with a positive attitude.

      Individuals who can take initiative, assume responsibility, and find solutions to problems are invaluable assets to any organization. These skills, which include leadership, management, and sales, are essential for entrepreneurs and are difficult to find in the workforce. Companies that value these traits are more likely to have engaged and fulfilled employees, while those who prioritize a paycheck over contribution and growth may feel unfulfilled and stagnant in their roles. To succeed, it's important to embrace challenges, learn new skills, and approach problems with a can-do attitude. By doing so, individuals can become valuable contributors and leaders within their organizations, and potentially even attract higher salaries and opportunities for advancement.

    • Lead by example: Personal excellence is a leader's obligationLeaders must embody the standards they wish to instill, change their own behavior to positively impact their environment, and take responsibility for initiating change.

      Personal excellence and leadership go hand in hand. The speaker emphasizes that if you want to see change in your team or organization, you must first set the example by developing necessary skills like managing people and selling, and becoming proficient in them. He also highlights that most business cultures are ineffective due to poor leadership, and that leaders must be the living embodiment of the standards they wish to instill in their teams. Personal excellence is an obligation for individuals, and when people observe it, they start to emulate it. Therefore, leaders must take responsibility, initiate change, and become the example they want to see in their environment, regardless of whether others follow suit or not. This principle applies not only to leading a company but also to being a good parent or community member. By changing your own behavior, you can positively impact your environment and the people around you.

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    Instagram: @drandreabonior
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drandreabonior/

    Dr. Andrea Bonior is a best-selling author, speaker, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist who’s made a career of translating the science of psychology into meaningful, real-life change.

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    Join us on Instagram: @decidedlypodcast
    Join us on Facebook
    Shawn’s Instagram: @shawn_d_smith
    Sanger’s Instagram: @sangersmith

    At Decidedly Wealth Management, we focus on decision-making as the foundational element of success, in our effort to empower families to purposefully apply their wealth to fulfill their values and build a thriving legacy.


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    Website: https://drandreabonior.com/
    “Baggage Check” Podcast: https://www.baggagecheckpodcast.com/listen
    Book “Detox Your Thoughts: Quit Negative Self-Talk for Good and Discover the Life You’ve Always Wanted”: https://drandreabonior.com/books
    Book “The Friendship Fix: The Complete Guide to Choosing, Losing, and Keeping Up With Your Friends”: https://www.amazon.com/Friendship-Fix-Complete-Choosing-Keeping-ebook/dp/B004L2LG38
    Book ”Psychology: Essential Thinkers, Classic Theories, and How They Inform Your World”: https://www.amazon.com/Psychology-Essential-Thinkers-Classic-Theories/dp/1623157080 Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrAndreaBonior
    Instagram: @drandreabonior
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drandreabonior/

    Dr. Andrea Bonior is a best-selling author, speaker, professor, and licensed clinical psychologist who’s made a career of translating the science of psychology into meaningful, real-life change.

    A keynote speaker on stress management, workplace wellness, coping, burnout, motivation, and emotional health, for fifteen years Andrea was the voice behind the mental health advice column “Baggage Check” for the Washington Post.

    When she’s not making guest appearances on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper she blogs for Psychology Today, where her pieces have been read more than 25 million times.

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    00:00 - Intro

    00:47 - Why do many individual contributors (ICs) never experience a good manager?

    3:27 - How did the ideology of management being bad become pervasive in startups?

    5:27 - What should a new manager do in their first 90 days?

    8:57 - Getting better at 1:1s

    11:17 - More tips for the first 90 days

    13:17 - Remote management

    15:12 - Mistakes rookie managers make

    19:27 - Letting people go

    23:37 - Being a manager and still wanting to write code

    27:57 - Feeling overwhelmed as a manager

    31:27 - Getting a team to gel

    38:42 - Giving people kudos

    39:57 - Non-engineers running engineering teams

    42:07 - Staying legit technically as a manager

    43:27 - Management vs leadership


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