
    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    en-usMay 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting educators through the iConnections funds for teachers initiativeThe Wall Street Skinny podcast hosts Jen and Kristen are passionate about education and have joined the advisory board for the iConnections funds for teachers initiative to support the Ron Clark Academy and its professional development opportunities for educators nationwide.

      The Wall Street Skinny podcast, along with its hosts Jen and Kristen, are passionate about education and have joined the advisory board for the iConnections funds for teachers initiative. This initiative aims to support the Ron Clark Academy and its pioneering teaching methods by providing access to their professional development opportunities for educators nationwide. The funds will be raised through events in major cities, with all proceeds directly donated to the Ron Clark Academy to financially aid teachers in participating in these groundbreaking programs. Personal finance expert Katie Song was brought on to discuss personal finance, but the hosts took a moment to share their recent experiences, including Jen's bagel outing with her almost 80-year-old mother and Kristen's recovery from the flu. Despite these distractions, they remain committed to supporting educators and the important work being done through the iConnections funds for teachers.

    • The Speaker's Love for Boats and the SeaThe speaker finds joy and peace on the water, imagines herself as a boat dog, and appreciates unconventional relationships and the explorer spirit of the past.

      The speaker deeply enjoys the feeling of being on a boat, particularly in a meditative and private setting. This sensation brings her great joy and peace, and she imagines herself as a boat dog, living on the water. She finds the idea of a private island or a boat ride to be ideal, even if it's a simple rowboat. The speaker also appreciates the unconventional nature of people and relationships, as seen in her admiration for Zendaya dating Tom Holland instead of a more predictable partner. Additionally, she shares a fascination with the show "Shogun," and the idea of being an explorer or sailor in the 1600s, particularly during the doldrums when resources are scarce. The speaker also mentions having a fear of scurvy due to her lack of consumption of citrus-related foods.

    • From Investment Banking to Financial PlanningEven those with financial industry backgrounds can benefit from the expertise of a financial planner, as demonstrated by Katie Song's career transition from investment banking to financial planning

      Even those working in the financial industry can benefit from the expertise of a financial planner, as demonstrated by Katie Song's transition from investment banking to becoming the chief financial planner at Domain Money. The speaker shared a personal experience of having to balance a career in investment banking with motherhood, leading to a desire to find a more flexible career. Despite having an MBA and experience in investment banking, the speaker admitted to not knowing what a certified financial planner was before meeting one. This encounter inspired Katie to pivot her career and become a financial planner. The discussion also touched on the common misconception that those in the financial services industry are automatically financially savvy, and the importance of seeking professional advice for personal finances.

    • Meeting the Requirements to Become a CFPTo earn the CFP designation, one must obtain a degree, pass a test, and accrue 2000 hours of related experience in financial planning.

      Becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) involves obtaining a bachelor's degree or higher, passing a rigorous test, and accumulating 2,000 professional hours in the industry. These hours must be related to financial planning, including analyzing clients' financial situations, presenting plans, and helping clients implement them. The CFP designation is a trademarked term, and CFP practitioners provide ongoing financial guidance to clients, acting as their first call for financial decisions. Not all financial planners hold this designation, and it represents an elite level of financial planning expertise. The CFP curriculum creates a consistent framework for financial planning, and CFPs aim to be a more proactive and ongoing resource for clients compared to the more reactive role of a Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

    • Certified Financial Planner Process and Industry OverviewThe CFP certification requires a rigorous exam and practical experience. The industry primarily focuses on assets under management, but some financial planners charge a flat fee. Understanding the process and available models helps individuals make informed decisions.

      Becoming a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) involves taking a challenging exam, which has become less rigorous over the years, and gaining practical experience. The process can be intimidating, and it's essential to distinguish between financial advisors with proper training and those without. While large institutions offer training programs, the industry primarily focuses on assets under management (AUM) as a revenue source. Financial planners often handle both financial planning and investment management. Starting out, one could work for a smaller firm or a tech startup for more client exposure. A unique business model is charging a flat fee instead of AUM, which is less common in the industry. This model allows for more transparency and flexibility for clients. Overall, the financial planning industry can be complex, but understanding the process and available models can help individuals make informed decisions.

    • A financial planner provides a holistic view of a client's financial situationA financial planner builds a balance sheet, assesses values and priorities, navigates complex income situations, and creates a personalized plan based on a client's unique financial data.

      While an asset manager can help manage investments, a financial planner adds value by providing a holistic view of a client's financial situation. The planner builds a balance sheet, assesses values and priorities, and helps clients understand their current financial standing and future goals. They also navigate complex income situations and provide clarity on spending and saving. Unlike asset managers who focus on investment simulations, financial planners use clients' financial data to determine their unique financial situation and create a personalized plan. While some clients may have a clear retirement goal and only need an asset manager, many benefit from a financial planner's expertise to ensure they're making informed financial decisions and staying on track towards their goals.

    • Determining a client's unique financial situation and goalsEffective financial planning requires understanding a client's specific needs, goals, and priorities. Cashflow management and transparency about spending are essential. Tailored recommendations based on individual circumstances can help clients make improvements and achieve their goals faster.

      Understanding a client's unique financial situation, goals, and priorities is crucial for a financial planner to provide effective recommendations. Cashflow management is essential, and transparency about spending is important. A financial plan can help individuals identify areas for improvement and motivate them to make changes to achieve their goals faster. During the client intake process, financial planners should ask questions that help determine a client's financial goals, time horizon, and values. The recommendations provided should be tailored to each client's specific needs and circumstances, rather than being one-size-fits-all. By focusing on what matters most to the client, financial planners can build a strong foundation for a successful financial planning relationship.

    • Effective financial planning: Big three spending categories, behavior adjustments, and peace of mindSet clear targets, understand spending habits, prioritize big categories, adjust behavior, and seek happiness with spending while considering affordability in major purchases

      Effective financial planning involves setting clear targets, understanding spending habits, and focusing on areas of greatest impact. The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the "big three" spending categories: food, travel, and shopping. She encourages behavior adjustments rather than small savings, and prioritizes finding peace and happiness with spending. Additionally, she stresses the importance of affordability when considering home purchases, and encourounters few conflicts with couples due to their shared understanding of finances. Overall, her approach to financial planning is about critical thinking, problem solving, and promoting a stress-free relationship with money.

    • Bringing spouses into financial planningEffective financial planning involves both partners, overcoming fears through communication and education, starting small to build credit, and approaching with empathy and patience.

      Effective financial planning requires bringing both spouses or partners into the process, even if one is fearful or uninterested. Communication and education are key to helping them understand the importance of financial decisions and the reasons behind them. Many people have stories they tell themselves about their inability to understand finance, but with guidance and support, they can overcome their fears and take steps towards financial literacy. For those with poor credit or no access to credit, starting small with a secured credit card can be an effective way to build credit and improve financial health. It's important to remember that everyone's financial situation and comfort level with money is unique, and approaching financial planning with empathy and patience can lead to successful outcomes.

    • Building good credit early in lifeEncourage use of credit cards for credit history, have at least two cards, pay bills on time, and consider financial advice from a planner when income reaches $100,000

      Building good credit is an essential financial habit that should start early in life. The speaker shares his personal experience of encouraging his family members to get credit cards to build credit history. He emphasizes the importance of having at least two credit cards to optimize credit and establish a credit history for a longer period. The credit bureaus look for evidence that individuals have access to credit and pay their bills on time. The speaker also mentions that people should consider engaging with a financial planner when they reach a certain income level, around $100,000, as the initial fee can be significant for those earning less. The speaker's business model offers affordable ongoing financial advice after the initial fee, making it accessible to a wider audience. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of building good credit and seeking financial advice at an early stage in life.

    • The importance of affordable, accessible financial advice for younger professionals and those with limited financial literacyThe hourly rate model for financial advice offers flexibility and personalized guidance, filling a gap in the industry for those seeking affordable, accessible financial advice

      There is a significant need for accessible, on-demand financial advice, particularly for younger professionals and those with limited financial literacy. Traditional financial services often charge high fees for annual updates and may not cater to those who don't meet certain requirements. The speaker emphasizes the importance of financial education and planning, especially for first-generation earners, and expresses a desire to help more people through their business. The hourly rate model allows for flexibility and personalized advice, filling a gap in the industry. However, it's important to note that while some people may not be ready for financial advice at a younger age, others, especially those from financially disadvantaged backgrounds, are eager for guidance. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of financial literacy and the need for affordable, accessible financial advice.

    • Valuing Financial Planning ServicesYoung people may ignore parental advice, but professional guidance can lead to greater financial success. Consider income, time horizons, and existing accounts for effective savings strategies. Joint brokerage accounts and index funds balance liquidity and growth potential. Educate clients on investment choices for empowerment.

      While young people may not listen to their parents when it comes to financial advice, paying for professional guidance can lead to greater success and effectiveness. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having "skin in the game" and valuing financial planning services. When it comes to savings, the speaker gets specific with clients, considering their income projections, time horizons, and existing accounts. By opening joint brokerage accounts and investing in index funds, clients can balance liquidity and growth potential. The speaker also values educating clients about the reasons behind investment choices, enabling them to explain and potentially teach others. While the speaker acknowledges that getting too granular can lead to people shutting down, the overall approach is to encourage action and put money to work.

    • Overcoming financial barriersUnderstanding the basics of checking and savings accounts can help you make informed decisions and maximize savings, empowering you to take control of your finances and reach your goals.

      Procrastination and indecision can hinder your financial growth, and it's essential to take action and educate yourself to overcome these barriers. The difference between a checking account and a savings account might seem trivial, but understanding the basics can help you make informed decisions and maximize your savings. The financial industry can be intimidating, making it seem like you need professional help to manage your money. However, with the right knowledge and guidance, you can take control of your finances and feel accomplished and relieved. Don't let fear or confusion hold you back from reaching your financial goals. Take action today and start building a better financial future.

    • Understanding Clients' Emotions is Key to Effective Financial PlanningEffective financial planning requires emotional intelligence to understand clients' backgrounds, money traumas, and psychological blocks, helping them make informed decisions and overcome behavioral issues.

      Starting a financial planning business is more self-driven compared to larger institutions where one is recruited and follows a more traditional pathway into investment management. For those starting out, learning the mathematical aspects of financial planning and effective delivery are crucial. However, the key to being an effective financial planner goes beyond numbers. Emotional intelligence plays a significant role in understanding clients' backgrounds, money traumas, and psychological blocks to help them make informed financial decisions. Behavioral issues, such as spending habits and entitlement, can hinder clients from achieving their financial goals. Understanding these human behaviors and helping clients reframe their mindset is an essential part of the financial planning process.

    • Comparing yourself to others can hinder progressFocus on personal goals and best version of self, not comparisons to others' financial situations or 'magic numbers'.

      Comparing yourself to others can hinder your progress and cause unnecessary stress. Instead, focus on your own personal goals and the best version of yourself. Each person's financial situation is unique, and comparing yourself to a supposed "magic number" at a certain age can be misleading. It's important to know where you stand financially today and use that as a starting point for making progress. The "Millionaire Next Door" test, which uses age and gross income to determine net worth, can be a helpful tool for gaining perspective, but it's important to remember that it doesn't take into consideration individual circumstances such as debt or cost of living. Ultimately, the key is to focus on making progress towards your own financial goals and not getting bogged down by comparisons to others.

    • Understanding the impact of inherited wealthEmbrace inherited wealth, understand its role, and communicate effectively with family to make the most of it.

      Inherited wealth or family money can significantly impact an individual's financial situation, but it's important to embrace it rather than feeling guilty or ignored. This money comes with added responsibility to understand its role in your overall financial picture. Furthermore, the relationship with family money can also be complicated, especially when it's used as a weapon for control. Millennials, in particular, are poised to inherit a massive wealth transfer from the baby boomer generation, but they may not feel equipped to handle it due to a lack of communication and constantly changing financial rules. Embracing and understanding your financial resources is crucial to enjoy and make the most of them.

    • Factors affecting rent vs buy decisionConsider personal finances, location, market conditions, length of stay, and consult with financial professionals before deciding between renting and buying a home.

      The decision between renting and buying a home depends on various factors including personal financial situation, location, and market conditions. The American dream of homeownership as a source of wealth creation is not universally true, especially in expensive cities where renting can be cheaper. Timing is crucial, as the length of stay in a home can impact the overall cost. For some, homeownership may provide security and alleviate housing insecurity. However, it's essential to consider the opportunity cost of tying up funds in a physical asset versus investing in other areas. Ultimately, it's important to assess individual circumstances and consult with financial professionals to make an informed decision.

    • Real Estate and Financial Planning: Important Parts of Asset AllocationConsider diversification and cash flow in real estate investments. Seek a good fit with a CFP for financial stress reduction. Starting a financial planning career offers opportunities for entrepreneurship and flexibility.

      Real estate can be an important part of one's asset allocation, but it's crucial to consider diversification and cash flow. For those considering a career as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), it's a great field with opportunities for entrepreneurship and flexibility. It's never too late to start, and finding a good fit with a financial planner is essential when looking to reduce financial stress. Katie, a CFP, shared her personal experience of starting her practice while balancing family life. She emphasized the importance of personality and fit when hiring a financial planner. Domain Money, where Katie works, can be found on Instagram and their website for those interested in financial planning services or building a career in the field. Remember, it's okay to seek help with personal finances, even if you're knowledgeable in other areas.

    Recent Episodes from The Wall Street Skinny

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach

    73. What It Takes to Be a Credit Investor with Ty Wallach
    In the second of our three SALT iConnections interview series, we sat down with Ty Wallach, a living legend in the credit investing world.  

    Ty was a partner and portfolio manager at Oak Hill and Paulson, two of the most successful and famous names in investing over the past three decades, and is currently the CIO of Atlast Merchant Capital.

    We spoke with Ty about his role as an investor in both the debt and equity during the Caesar’s Palace Coup (check out episodes 39, 40 and 41 for a deep dive into one of the most infamous deals of all time!), how Paulson made billions investing during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008, relative value investing within the capital structure of a company, the Orwellian relationship between the markets and economic data in the current environment, and about the optimal paths to pursuing a career as a credit investor, specifically with regard to the merits of the CFA for advancement along that path.  

    A must listen for anyone interested in public markets or private credit investing!

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usJune 01, 2024

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci

    71. From Wall Street to the White House and Back Feat. Anthony Scaramucci
    Live from SALT iConnections in NYC, we are joined by Anthony Scaramucci, a financial, political, and pop culture icon here in America.  Anthony worked at Goldman Sachs, is the founder of SkyBridge Capital (a global alternatives investment firm), and is the founder of the SALT iConnections cap intro conference...but is possibly most infamous for his 11 day stint as the White House Communications Director during the Trump administration. Particularly timely as many gear up for their summer internships, Anthony shares with us his lessons in resilience, in learning to chase personal growth vs prestige, and in how to graciously take a joke.

    Anthony's latest book, "From Wall Street to the White House and Back," is a must-read and is available here:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1637584636/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&qid=&sr=

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 25, 2024

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    70. The Skinny On NVDA's Stock Split, SALT iConnections Recap, and Gold Decoupling

    We're BACK from a whirlwind 48 hours in NYC, fully rested and ready to give you the skinny on the latest in global markets.  First, a quick recap of our adventures at one of the world's largest cap intro conferences, where we got to chat with some of the industry's greatest thought leaders and meet new friends throughout the industry.  Next up, a quick note on today's Bloomberg article (linked below) discussing the decoupling of Gold and US Treasuries for the first time in 50 years.  And finally, we touch on NVDA's spectacular sales growth and their stock split announcement, the mechanics of which Kristen explains in detail.


    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 23, 2024

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    69. Capital Intro 101 with Ron Biscardi

    We talk about Hedge Fund, Private Equity, and other "Alternative" Investment Funds all the time.  But we don't always stop to ask, "how do they get all their money?"  In this episode, we sat down with CEO of iConnections Ron Biscardi to explore the world of "Cap Intro": the ecosystem within which capital --- meaning, the money from pension funds, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, family offices etc --- gets allocated to fund managers in the Alts space.  We learn about seed capital (money that gets new funds off the ground), explore the roles of third party marketers, broker dealers, & prime brokerage within a bank when it comes to cap intro, and discuss how iConnections has built a platform backed by technology to facilitate the world's largest cap intro conferences.  

    An expert in relationships and connecting people, Ron also shares his experience involving athletes, stars, and influencers like Kim Kardashian, Shaquille O'Neal, and Eli Manning in the conversation, all of whom have become formidable investors in their own right and are at the forefront of deal making in the space today.  We are so excited to share this episode ahead of next week's SALT iConnections conference in NYC from May 20-21, where (thanks to Ron!) we will sharing live interviews with some of the industry's most influential and innovative thought leaders.  

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 18, 2024

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    68. The Skinny On AI and the GPT-4o Update, Meme Stocks Return, and Golf & Finance

    In today's episode we share our thoughts on the new Ghat-GPT4o update in light of Apple's controversial commercial, our thoughts on the difference between gambling and investing in light of the GameStop / AMC resurgence, and finally the intersection of golf and finance. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 17, 2024

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    67. Finance, Philosophy, and the Yen Carry Trade feat. John Normand

    We often talk about institutional investors as the allocators of capital to the public and private markets.  They are huge, active participants driving supply and demand dynamics in the fixed income and equity markets, and they often make sizable investments as LPs in private equity and private credit funds.  But what exactly are they trying to accomplish, and why?

    We sat down with John Normand --- the former head of Cross-Asset Strategy at JP Morgan and the current head of Investment Strategy at Australian Super --- to discuss investment strategy at a superannuation fund (what we in the US think of as a "pension fund").  John is one of our most accomplished and distinguished guests to date.   Not only does he explain the mechanics of defined benefit / defined contribution plans, but he also shares his philosophical perspective on the ethics of investing, his current views on the macro environment, and a crash course in one of the staples of fixed income markets: the Yen carry trade.  This episode is a must listen for anyone who wants to understand how some of the biggest allocators of capital in both the public and private markets approach investment strategy.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 11, 2024

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    66. The Skinny on "FTX Found the Money"...plus Boston vs NYC, Middle School, and Phobias

    Today's episode is a bit lighter. We get into what it means that "FTX found the money" as well as catch up about some super random stuff including the Tom Brady roast, NYC comedy clubs, Broadway, musical instruments, and our personal phobias. 

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    The Wall Street Skinny
    en-usMay 10, 2024

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    65. Personal Finance 101: How to Become Wealthy feat. Katy Song

    Many assume that those who are skilled in high finance are also experts in personal finance and managing their own money.  But NOTHING could be further from the truth!  We sat down with Katy Song, a former Investment Banker and published author, who is the Chief Financial Planner for Domain Money (a new financial planning company that is revolutionizing the approach to personal finance) to understand the role and career path of a financial planner, explore the different challenges people face when it comes to managing their own money, and drill down into the specific advice she gives to clients looking to build wealth and accomplish their goals.

    Book a consultation session with Katy here:

    Access additional information and resources (including Katy's book, "Fear Less") here:  https://www.domainmoney.com/advisors/katy-song

    Raised in Rye, New York, Katy moved to California in 1993 to attend the University of California, Santa Cruz (Go Banana Slugs!). After graduating in 1997 with honors and a B.A. in Global Economics, she worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce in the International Trade Administration. Katy attended the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley (Class of 2002), after which she worked as an investment banker for Citigroup.

    Since 2008, Katy has focused on helping families with young children and couples get their financial lives in order and put them on track for living the life they want. She is a member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA).

    At Domain Money, Katy serves as Chief Financial Planner, overseeing a team of CFP® professionals dedicated to crafting personalized financial plans that alleviate client stress and pave the way for their desired lifestyles. She spearheaded the development of Domain Money's financial planning process and service offerings, ensuring a client-centric approach.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    64. The Skinny On Bank Balance Sheets, And The Paramount Deal

    This week in 'The Skinny On' we get into an update on the Fed, Jen rants about bank balance sheet reqs and Kristen gives you the skinny on the drama unfolding at Paramount amid merger talks with SkyDance and Apollo.

    The  Funds4Teachers event is happening the dates below:

    Atlanta - Apr 25
    Boston - June 6
    Chicago - June 18
    New York - Sep 26

    To learn more about how to support this initiative and register click here: https://iconnections.io/funds4teachers/

    Follow us on Instagram and Tik Tok at @thewallstreetskinny


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    You can learn more about the MOS Championship at www.moschampionship.com

    You can also read Juan’s story on our blog: https://certiport.pearsonvue.com/Blog/2022/March/From-MOS-to-Machine-Learning-Engineer.


    Podcast is edited and managed by Haili Murch LLC.

    If you are interested in starting a podcast or you are currently a podcaster needing help managing or relaunching your podcast, you may email Haili Murch at hello@hailimurch.com or you can click here to book a call: https://calendly.com/hailimurch/podcast-discovery-call