
    653 Become Superhuman and Achieve the Impossible with Iron Cowboy James Lawrence

    enJune 13, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Finding the 'why' and pushing throughDespite setbacks and pain, never give up and learn from experiences to grow and achieve greatness. Find a deep 'why' and push through the desire to quit.

      That no matter how many defeats or setbacks we encounter, we must not be defeated. We can learn and grow from our experiences, even if they involve great pain and hardship. James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, is a prime example of this mindset. He holds numerous records for completing extreme triathlons, including 30 full Iron Man distances in one year and 50 Iron Man lengths in 50 consecutive days. He was able to endure such feats by finding a deep enough "why" and pushing through the desire to quit. The episode also explores the importance of community and self-talk in achieving greatness. For those with big dreams and passions, the School of Greatness podcast offers a supportive community and valuable insights to help overcome challenges and stay motivated.

    • The Iron Cowboy's 50-day Ironman ChallengeDetermination, teamwork, and perseverance helped James Lawrence complete 50 Ironman triathlons in 50 states in 50 days, despite facing exhaustion and injuries. He also helped a boy with cerebral palsy finish an Ironman.

      James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, accomplished an incredible feat by completing 50 full-distance Ironman triathlons in 50 states in 50 days. Each Ironman consists of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a 26.2-mile marathon run, making for a total of 140.6 miles per day. Lawrence broke the Guinness World Record for the most official Ironman events in a single year leading up to this challenge. However, during the 50-day journey, he faced numerous challenges, including exhaustion and injuries. Despite these setbacks, he was determined to complete the event with Dayton, a boy with cerebral palsy, who he had sworn to help finish an Ironman. With the help of his wingmen, Casey and Aaron, they worked together to ensure Dayton completed the event, even when Lawrence himself was struggling. This story highlights the power of determination, teamwork, and perseverance in the face of adversity.

    • Embrace challenges and don't quitDespite setbacks, pushing through challenges can lead to new opportunities and personal growth

      When faced with seemingly insurmountable challenges, it's essential to push through and not give up. The speaker, who attempted to complete 50 consecutive Ironman races, faced numerous obstacles, including injuries, lack of sleep, and unexpected setbacks. However, he refused to quit because he saw it as an opportunity to rebuild and make a positive impact on others. His determination led him to discover new opportunities and evolve as a person. The universe may tell us to quit, but with passion and a growth mindset, we can navigate through discomfort and emerge on the other side with a new lease on life.

    • Overcoming challenges in an Ironman raceCompleting an Ironman race demands dedication, training, mental fortitude, and a support system. Focus on personal growth, prioritize recovery, and adaptability for long-term success.

      Enduring challenges, like completing an Ironman race, requires a combination of physical strength, mental fortitude, and a strong support system. The journey to reach such a goal is not easy and requires dedication, training, and the ability to push through pain and injuries. The average completion time for an Ironman race is around 14 hours, with professionals finishing in under 9 hours, and the world record being just under 8 hours. However, it's important to note that everyone's journey is unique, and the focus should be on personal growth and impact rather than comparing oneself to others. Additionally, it's crucial to prioritize recovery and adaptability during training to avoid injuries and ensure long-term success. Ultimately, the experience of overcoming such a challenge can lead to profound personal growth and a sense of accomplishment that extends beyond the race itself.

    • Challenging yourself and trusting in recoveryConsistent training and adaptation lead to improved performance and faster recovery times. Mental preparation, nutrition, and planning are crucial for success in longer distance events.

      Pushing your body to its limits and giving it the opportunity to recover can lead to improved performance and faster recovery times. The speaker's experiences with decathlons and Ironman triathlons demonstrate this concept. Initially, the speaker found it challenging to recover from intense physical events, but through consistent training and adaptation, they were able to recover more quickly and perform better each time. This principle can be applied to various aspects of life, including fitness and personal goals. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of mental preparation, nutrition, and planning in achieving success in longer distance events. Overall, the discussion highlights the benefits of challenging yourself and trusting in your body's ability to adapt and recover.

    • Embracing Challenges for GrowthEmbracing discomfort and challenges can lead to growth, adaptation, and incredible experiences. Mental and physical alignment, support from others, and regular exposure to uncomfortable situations are key.

      Pushing past comfort zones and enduring challenges, even when they seem daunting, can lead to growth, adaptation, and incredible experiences. The speaker, who has completed 50 Ironman races, emphasizes the importance of mental and physical alignment and the role of support from others in accomplishing great feats. He also highlights the value of putting oneself in uncomfortable situations regularly, as a means of personal development. This perspective underscores the idea that adversity and discomfort are essential components of growth and that embracing challenges, rather than shying away from them, can lead to profound learning and transformation.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growth and resilienceFacing adversity and addressing fears can accelerate learning, build mental toughness, and lead to self-discovery. Continuously challenging ourselves is key to becoming the best version of ourselves, especially for parents in today's world.

      Embracing challenges and pushing beyond comfort zones is essential for personal growth and resilience. Facing adversity early on can accelerate learning and build mental toughness, which will be crucial in the future. Identifying and addressing fears, no matter how small, can lead to breakthroughs and self-discovery. Engaging in introspective activities, such as long bike rides or journaling, can help facilitate these conversations and lead to growth. Ultimately, being conscious of our fears and working to overcome them, no matter the size, is key to becoming the best version of ourselves. As a father, the greatest fear is not being able to provide and support our children effectively, especially for girls in today's challenging world. By continuously challenging ourselves and addressing our fears, we can grow as individuals and be better equipped to handle life's obstacles.

    • Allowing children to experience struggles is crucial for their growthParents should allow children to face challenges and learn from mistakes, shaping them into resilient, confident individuals

      As parents, allowing children to experience struggles and suffering is a crucial part of their growth and development. This unconditional love and guidance can help shape them into resilient, confident individuals. The fear of letting them down and not providing them with the tools to succeed can be overwhelming, but it's essential to remember that suffering and learning from mistakes are integral parts of life. As difficult as it may be, parents should strive to provide guidance rather than shielding their children from hardships. The greatest show of love is to allow them to experience life's challenges and learn from them. This concept can be challenging to put into practice, especially during transitional and difficult ages, but using negative examples and providing guidance can help steer children in the right direction. Ultimately, the sacrifices and struggles faced by parents can provide valuable lessons for their children and help them grow into successful, independent individuals.

    • Finding inner strength during challengesThrough self-reflection during tough times, we can discover our inner strength, forgive past mistakes, and plan for the future to move forward and become our best selves.

      Enduring challenges, whether it's a long race or a difficult period in life, provides an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection. James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, shares how during his 50-day race, he had 50 long conversations with himself, where he forgave his past, planned his future, and discovered his true alter ego. These conversations were essential for him to continue pushing forward and ultimately complete the race. We all need to find our alter ego, that inner strength, to help us navigate through tough times and take care of ourselves and those around us. Forgiveness and planning for the future are crucial components of this process. As Eckhart Tolle's teachings suggest, letting go of past regrets and focusing on the present moment can help us move forward and become the best version of ourselves.

    • Discovering inner strength and resilience through challengesChallenges can help us develop an alter ego, a strong inner self that emerges during tough times, enabling us to overcome adversity and grow as individuals. Practice accessing this alter ego to be better prepared for life's challenges.

      Life's challenges can help us discover our inner strength and resilience, which we can come to know as our alter ego. This alter ego can emerge in difficult situations, enabling us to overcome adversity and grow as individuals. James, also known as the Iron Cowboy, shares his experience of developing his alter ego during a world record-breaking endurance event. He intentionally put himself in challenging situations, sharpened his mental toolbox, and on day 30, the Iron Cowboy alter ego was born. This alter ego helped him push through the toughest moments, allowing him to endure and thrive. It's essential to put ourselves in difficult situations and practice accessing our alter ego to be prepared for life's challenges.

    • Developing mental toughness and resilience through training and experienceMental toughness and resilience are skills that can be developed through consistent training and experience, even for those with limited talent. Talent alone is not a guarantee of success without dedication and hard work.

      Mental toughness and resilience are not innate abilities, but skills that can be developed through consistent training and experience. The speaker, who grew up wrestling and endured various challenging experiences, believes it took over two decades of mental training to develop the mental fortitude required to overcome obstacles and reach peak performance. He emphasizes that while talent is important, it's not a guarantee of success without dedication and hard work. The speaker's personal story illustrates how someone with limited talent can outperform those with more natural ability through sheer determination and mental fortitude. Ultimately, the speaker believes that the perfect combination of talent and hard work creates the most successful individuals in any field.

    • Proving yourself to others vs proving yourself rightFocusing on proving yourself right and trusting abilities leads to greater success and alignment of mind and body. Let go of external validation and criticism, trust your team, and stay present.

      Proving yourself to others can be a limiting and stressful experience, but focusing on proving yourself right and trusting in your abilities can lead to greater success and alignment of mind and body. The speaker shares his personal journey of completing an endurance challenge and the importance of letting go of external validation and criticism. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, trusting your team, and staying focused on the present moment. By shifting his mindset and letting go of the need to prove others wrong, the speaker was able to achieve his goals and find a new level of belief in himself.

    • Proving others wrong vs doing things for the right reasonsInstead of trying to prove others wrong or living up to expectations, focus on doing things for the love of it, lifting others up, and practicing gratitude and faith for happiness and success.

      Focusing on proving others wrong and living up to other people's expectations can lead to unnecessary suffering and unhappiness. Instead, it's important to trust the journey, trust yourself, and focus on doing things for the right reasons, such as lifting others up and being grateful. The speaker shares that he spent years of his life trying to prove people wrong, but it wasn't until he shifted his focus to doing things for the love of it that he found true happiness and success. Daily practices like gratitude and faith can help keep one centered and focused on the positive.

    • Embrace positivity, gratitude, and authenticity for personal growthGratitude, positivity, and authenticity are keys to personal growth. Trust your gut, stay focused, let go of distractions, and be present. Practice daily mindfulness and let societal pressures not dictate your personality.

      Maintaining a positive mindset and practicing gratitude are essential for personal growth and success. The speaker emphasizes the importance of trusting one's gut feelings and hard work, and staying focused on the bigger picture. He also encourages being present and playful, letting go of distractions and focusing on what truly matters. The speaker shares his personal challenge to have a daily 60-second dance party with family to practice being present and playful. He also reflects on the importance of authenticity and not letting societal pressures dictate one's personality. The three truths he would leave behind if this was his last day on Earth would be to be grateful, be more lighthearted, and be present.

    • Personal growth through challengesCompleting a challenge, no matter the size, can lead to personal growth and inspiration for others. Stick to your vision and forgive yourself for mistakes.

      Challenges, no matter how small or large, can lead to significant personal growth and inspiration for others. James, also known as Iron Cowboy, shared his experience of committing to a 30-day dance party challenge and the consequence of missing a day being a thousand push-ups. His story of completing 50 Iron Man triathlons in 50 states in 50 days is a symbol of inspiration, showing that having a vision and sticking to it, even through pain and adversity, can lead to greatness. Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of forgiveness and being lighthearted in moving forward in life. Ultimately, James' definition of greatness is being remembered as a loving father to his children. This interview serves as a reminder that everyone has the potential to achieve the impossible and make a positive impact on those around them.

    • Being inspired by others to push past limitsEncountering challenges and defeats can help us discover our strengths and resilience, inspiring us to try new things and push past our limits.

      Listening to stories of people pushing their limits can inspire us to challenge ourselves in new ways. The guest on this episode, James, has inspired Lewis to step out of his comfort zone and face types of endurance he's not excited about. As Maya Angelou wisely said, encountering defeats can help us discover our strengths and resilience. So, don't be afraid to try new things and push past your limits. For more inspiring content, check out LewisHouse.com for show notes, links, and their books like "The Mask of Masculinity" and "School of Greatness." Remember, as Lewis puts it, "It's time to go out there and do something great."

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    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of a disciplined morning routine on productivity and mindset.
    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

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    James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, is a renowned endurance athlete born in Calgary, Canada. He gained international recognition for completing 50 Ironman-distance triathlons in 50 consecutive days across all 50 U.S. states in 2015, a feat known as the "50-50-50." His journey into endurance sports began with a Thanksgiving fun run alongside his wife, Sunny Lawrence, sparking a passion for triathlons that led to various challenges and world records.

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    • "Relationships are a privilege and a two-way street. We've stopped giving energy to people who are only taking our energy."
    • "The real magic happens when you can get your mind and your body to align."
    • "It's mental. But it's a hundred percent physical and a hundred percent mental."
    • "Once you start dreaming big and performing, the body takes some time to get in line with what the mind is telling it to do."
    • "What's next doesn't have to be in the same category. It can be something different that pushes us in a different capacity."

    Connect and Learn more about James and Sunny.
    James’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ironcowboyjames/
    Sunny’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunnyjolawrence/

    Connect and learn more about Dean Stott.
    Instagram: @deanstott
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-stott-24725880
    Website: https://www.deanstott.com/about-dean

    Connect and learn more about Alana Stott.
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-stott-mbe-194493aa
    Website: https://alanastott.com/

    From Financial Ruin to Breaking World Records featuring James “The Iron Cowboy” Lawrence and Sunny Lawrence (Part 1)

    From Financial Ruin to Breaking World Records featuring James “The Iron Cowboy” Lawrence and Sunny Lawrence (Part 1)

    James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, is a renowned endurance athlete born in Calgary, Canada. He gained international recognition for completing 50 Ironman-distance triathlons in 50 consecutive days across all 50 U.S. states in 2015, a feat known as the "50-50-50." His journey into endurance sports began with a Thanksgiving fun run alongside his wife, Sunny Lawrence, sparking a passion for triathlons that led to various challenges and world records.

    Sunny Lawrence has been an integral part of James's journey, sharing in the love for triathlons and providing crucial support. As a team, they tackled ambitious projects like the "Try and Give a Damn" initiative, aiming to set a world record by completing numerous Half Ironman distance triathlons in a year while raising funds for charity. Their collaborative efforts have not only pushed the boundaries of human endurance but also highlighted the importance of resilience, dedication, and making a positive impact on the world.

    In this episode of Behind The Seen, Dean and Alana Stott interview James and Sunny Lawrence, a power couple whose journey from financial hardship led to an unexpected world record-breaking endeavor. The Lawrences share their inspiring story, from the early days of a chance meeting in Utah to facing economic challenges and losing everything. The couple found solace and purpose in the world of triathlons, leading to their first world record attempt to raise funds for charity. Join the conversation as they discuss the dynamics of their relationship, the challenges they overcame, and the unexpected turns that led to a remarkable journey of personal and athletic growth.


    • Game Ready for Life's Opportunities: James emphasizes the importance of being "game ready" for life's opportunities, highlighting the need to position oneself for success when chances arise.
    • Behind-the-Scenes Realities: The podcast explores the unseen struggles behind the successes we witness in media, business, athletics, and high-performance culture, with a focus on honest communication and mutual respect.
    • Opposites Attract: The Lawrences' contrasting personalities, with James being more introverted and a dreamer, while Sunny is extroverted and grounded, demonstrate how opposites can complement each other in a partnership.
    • Triathlon as Personal Development: Triathlons became a source of personal development and balance for the Lawrences, offering a way to navigate the challenges of parenthood while pursuing individual and shared goals.
    • Turning Challenges into Opportunities: The Lawrences turned a period of financial difficulty into an opportunity to give back by embarking on a world record attempt, showcasing resilience and determination.


    • "This generation, you got to get game ready... when the opportunity shows, boom, someone's going to grab it."
    • "I felt like that was rare... to be so masculine but still be so calm."
    • "Triathlon was something that we could do as an adult, join a community of like-minded people... and balance family and all that."
    • "We found endurance sports or triathlon... something fun that we enjoyed that helped balance out all the realities of life."

    Connect and Learn more about James and Sunny.
    James’ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ironcowboyjames/
    Sunny’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sunnyjolawrence/

    Connect and learn more about Dean Stott.
    Instagram: @deanstott
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-stott-24725880
    Website: https://www.deanstott.com/about-dean

    Connect and learn more about Alana Stott.
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-stott-mbe-194493aa
    Website: https://alanastott.com/

    Juggling Work, Life, and Podcasting: An Update Ep. 131

    Juggling Work, Life, and Podcasting: An Update Ep. 131

    In this episode of "Women Don't Do That," our host Stephanie shares a personal update on the challenges and victories of balancing work, life, and podcasting as a working mom. She discusses her personal experiences and the ups and downs of trying to find balance, while also offering listeners the chance to feel seen and heard. This episode isn't about providing advice or quick fixes, but about acknowledging the struggles that working moms face and making space for those experiences to be shared. Whether you're a fellow working mom or just interested in hearing an honest and heartfelt account of what it's like to juggle competing demands, this episode is sure to resonate. So tune in to join the conversation and feel a little less alone in the journey of motherhood and career.

    How to find WOMENdontDOthat:








    Interested in sponsorship? Contact us at hello@womendontdothat.com

    Produced by: Stephanie Mitton

    Ep 32 Sam Coxon Ironman, Coaching and Mindset