
    655: Private Money Explained Part 4: Rates, Returns, and Protecting Investors w/Amy Mahjoory

    enAugust 30, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Asking questions and seeking guidance is better than admitting 'I don't know'When uncertain, ask questions and seek expert advice to successfully raise capital for real estate investments. Engage with resources like Bigger Pockets for support and guidance.

      When faced with uncertainty or a situation where you don't have all the answers, it's better to ask questions and seek guidance from experts or your network rather than admitting "I don't know." This was a key theme discussed on the Bigger Pockets Podcast episode 655, where the hosts shared personal experiences and offered advice on implementing a 4-second power pitch and navigating the process of raising capital for real estate investments. The episode featured a conversation with Amy Majorie, a capital raising expert, and covered her 4-part system for successfully raising funds. The hosts also delved into the importance of knowing what to do with the raised capital and avoiding potential red flags. They encouraged listeners to engage with the content by asking questions on YouTube and sharing their thoughts. The episode ended with a reminder that Bigger Pockets, a largely free resource for real estate investors, offers a wealth of information and a supportive community to help answer questions and provide guidance.

    • Explore the Bigger Pockets community for valuable real estate insightsImmerse in free resources, learn about private lending, and discover passive income strategies through the Bigger Pockets community.

      The Bigger Pockets community offers a wealth of free educational resources for those interested in real estate investing. From blogs and podcasts to YouTube videos, immersing oneself in this content can provide valuable insights and knowledge that can lead to substantial returns. Private lending, in particular, is highlighted as a powerful tool for building a portfolio with minimal property management headaches. For those seeking passive income without the burden of tenants or maintenance, investing in a private real estate fund or utilizing a no money down strategy through companies like Rent to Retirement can be effective options. The Bigger Pockets Podcast, sponsored by Airbnb, also features valuable interviews and insights from experienced investors and industry professionals.

    • Taking Action, Building Credibility, and Closing Deals in Real Estate InvestingSuccessfully invest in real estate by taking action, establishing credibility, closing deals, and considering investor involvement for transparency and engagement, while understanding each investor's unique strengths and motivations.

      Successful real estate investing involves taking action, establishing credibility, and closing deals, while also considering the potential benefits of involving investors in the project for transparency and excitement. The process can vary depending on the investor and the investor relationship desired. Action could include hosting meetups or other events to establish oneself as a local professional. Credibility is built by transitioning from group settings to personalized, financial discussions. Closing deals involves wiring money and addressing logistics. Nurturing relationships post-transaction is also important for maintaining investor satisfaction and trust. Regarding investor involvement, it can be beneficial for transparency and engagement, but it's essential to consider the potential impact on the investment process and the desired investor profile. Some investors may add value through their expertise and resources, while others may distract from the focus of the project. It's crucial to understand the unique strengths and motivations of each investor and structure the investment process accordingly.

    • Understanding Risks in Real Estate InvestingInvestors can choose to mitigate risks by structuring deals as debt or offering larger potential upsides through equity, depending on their risk tolerance and financial situation.

      When it comes to investing, especially in real estate, understanding the risks and potential downsides is just as important as the potential upsides. For some investors, like David Green, the emotional and reputational cost of losing someone else's money outweighs the potential financial gain. As a result, he chooses to structure his deals as debt, guaranteeing a return to investors, and making the repayment process as convenient as possible. This approach may not offer the highest returns, but it provides a level of security and peace of mind for both parties. Conversely, other investors may need to offer a larger potential upside in the form of equity to attract investors, as they may not be able to guarantee a return. Ultimately, the approach taken depends on an investor's risk tolerance, financial situation, and goals. It's essential to be transparent about the risks and potential rewards, and to structure deals in a way that is fair and beneficial to all parties involved.

    • Learning from Risky Real Estate InvestmentsAvoid financial losses by being conservative in analysis and due diligence, and learn valuable lessons from past mistakes.

      Real estate investing comes with risks, and it's essential to be conservative in analysis and due diligence to avoid financial losses. A personal experience shared involved significant financial hardships due to risky investments, leading to personal guarantees, liquidation of assets, and even some investors not getting their investment back. However, the silver lining was learning valuable lessons and becoming more cautious in future investments. Structuring deals with private money lenders can vary, and it's crucial to do what feels comfortable and makes sense for individual goals. With the current market shift and increasing ease of raising money through social media, it's crucial to exercise caution and follow principles to reduce risk. There isn't a quick or easy answer to who to trust with your money, but being informed and following due diligence can help mitigate potential losses.

    • Equity vs Debt Investment in Real EstateInvestor's goals, experience, and investment scale determine whether equity or debt is the better option in real estate. Short-term projects like house flips may favor equity, while larger-scale investments like apartment complexes may benefit from private debt investors.

      The decision between equity and debt investment in real estate depends on the investor's goals, experience, and the scale of the investment. For short-term investments like house flips, equity might be the best option due to the quick returns. However, for larger-scale investments like apartment complexes, raising funds through equity syndications might not be practical or desirable. Instead, private debt investors could be a better fit for those who prefer a clearer understanding of their investment and a fixed return. Real estate investors should educate their private money lenders about the different investment options to help them make informed decisions. Ultimately, the choice between equity and debt investment depends on individual circumstances and preferences.

    • Value in real estate investing isn't always immediate cash flowIn larger real estate deals, value is often created through increased rents, equity growth, and eventual sales, which may not be distributed as cash flow until later stages.

      In real estate investing, especially in larger deals, it's important to understand that not all value is created or paid out in the form of immediate cash flow. While smaller deals may provide consistent monthly cash flow, larger projects like apartment complexes or developments require more time and resources to create value. This value is often realized through increased rents, equity growth, and eventual sales, but it may not be distributed to investors as cash flow until a later stage in the project. It's crucial for investors to be aware of this and not be discouraged by a lack of immediate cash flow, as the potential for significant returns still exists. Additionally, collaboration and resource sharing among investors and experts can lead to better investment opportunities and informed decisions.

    • Understanding Your Audience's Investment GoalsEffectively communicate a clear strategy to potential investors based on their investment goals, have deals ready, and build trust within your network.

      In the world of real estate investing, there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to using private money from lenders. Some investors prioritize monthly cash flow, while others focus on tax benefits and long-term returns. It's crucial to understand your audience and their investment goals before deciding which approach to take. Additionally, when raising money for projects, it's essential to be prepared and have deals in mind to present to potential investors. Collaboration and building trust within your network can also lead to successful fundraising. Ultimately, the key is to have a clear strategy and effectively communicate it to potential investors.

    • Identifying and Approaching the Right Private Money LendersBuild relationships, educate investors, mitigate risk, prioritize quality, and leverage a strong network when raising funds from private money lenders.

      When it comes to raising money, it's important to identify the right investors and approach them in the right way. The speakers in the discussion emphasized the importance of building relationships and having a common mindset with private money lenders. They also warned against red flags such as unsolicited requests for money or data dumping on potential investors. It's crucial to educate private money lenders about the opportunity and the controls in place to mitigate risk. Remember, just because someone offers to invest doesn't mean you should accept their money without proper vetting. Always prioritize quality over quantity and position yourself as a polished professional. Additionally, never underestimate the value of a strong network and seeking advice from experts when needed.

    • Confidence and transparency are crucial in investor interactionsBe prepared, knowledgeable, and transparent when communicating with investors. Avoid ambiguity and uncertainty, seek advice, and improve based on feedback.

      Confidence and transparency are key when interacting with potential investors. The speaker emphasized the importance of being prepared and knowledgeable, avoiding uncertainty or ambiguity in communication. He also mentioned that not having a clear deal or project to present can be a challenge, and the importance of deal flow in addition to investor flow. New investors should avoid giving vague answers and instead be transparent about what they don't know, and be confident in their delivery when presenting their pitch. Additionally, seeking advice from experienced investors and learning from their experiences can be valuable. The speaker also advised that if an investor is not interested, it's important to ask for feedback to improve for future interactions.

    • Building personal connections is key to successFocusing on relationships and showing genuine interest in others leads to greater success than a solely transactional approach

      Building relationships and showing genuine interest in people is key to success in various aspects of life, including watch collecting or raising capital for a business. The speaker learned this lesson the hard way when he was met with long wait lists at watch dealerships due to his aggressive approach. He was then advised to approach dealers by focusing on building a personal connection and avoiding coming off as a potential flipper. Similarly, in the context of raising capital, it's essential to focus on building relationships with potential investors by highlighting who you are and what you bring to the table, rather than leading with a focus on the return. This approach not only helps build trust but also positions you as a person worth investing in. The takeaway is that in both personal and professional contexts, showing genuine interest in others and building relationships is a more effective approach than focusing solely on the end goal or return.

    • Streamlining Real Estate Investment Management with RelayFi and PropStreamRelayFi simplifies banking for real estate investors with no monthly fees, while PropStream offers access to millions of properties and motivated sellers with advanced filters. Passive investors can consider Pine Financial Group's mortgage fund for a targeted 8% return. Effective communication and trust-building are essential for successful investments.

      There are innovative solutions to simplify financial management for real estate investors, such as RelayFi for streamlined banking and PropStream for efficient property sourcing. RelayFi offers a centralized platform for managing multiple business accounts with no monthly fees or minimums, while PropStream provides access to over 155 million properties nationwide and advanced search filters to find motivated sellers. Additionally, for those looking for passive real estate investment opportunities, Pine Financial Group offers a mortgage fund with a targeted 8% preferred return. However, effective communication and building trust with potential investors is crucial, as highlighted in Oren Klaff's book "Pitch Anything," which emphasizes the importance of addressing the brain's initial threat response before presenting investment opportunities.

    • Raising private money for turnkey rentalsInvestors target 6% annualized return, 2-year minimum term, monthly interest-only payments, and potential appreciation for cash-out refi. Friends and family can be used as private lenders with higher returns.

      Raising private money for turnkey rental properties involves different strategies compared to flips or the BRRRR method. The annualized return for investors is typically around 6%, with a minimum term of 2 years. Monthly interest-only payments are made from the cash flow. It's essential to target rental communities in areas with potential appreciation for a cash-out refi in 2-3 years to repay the private lender. Some investors even use friends and family to raise funds, offering a higher return in exchange for their home equity line of credit. The good old days of sharing successes and failures in real estate may be gone, but education and coaching come with a cost, and free resources are widely available.

    • Evaluating the credibility of online real estate educatorsConsider the educator's background, ongoing commitment, and reach when evaluating online real estate education. Look for those who are still actively practicing what they teach.

      While there are concerns about the credibility and authenticity of online education, especially in real estate, it's essential to evaluate the educator's background and ongoing commitment to their craft. The speaker emphasizes that he has put in thousands of hours of work into creating free educational content and that those who consume it have received a significant value. He also acknowledges that some people might be more effective at implementing strategies if they weren't teaching them, but he argues that the ability to reach and teach a large audience can outweigh the potential benefits of doing deals individually. Ultimately, the speaker encourages individuals to be discerning consumers and to look for educators who are still actively practicing what they teach.

    • Assessing the Value of Financing OptionsWhen choosing between private and hard money loans, consider the value gained from each option, including the required paperwork and potential interest rates.

      When considering different financing options for real estate investments, it's crucial to assess the value you'll receive in return. Hormozi's example of spending $170,000 on calls with Grant Cardone and deeming it worth it due to the value gained highlights this point. In the context of private money versus hard money, Tomas asked about the paperwork process and the benefits of private money. To secure a private money loan, you'll need a recorded mortgage, a promissory note, and insurance coverage with your lender listed. While private money may not require points or a credit check, it typically comes with higher interest rates. Ultimately, the choice between private and hard money depends on the specific deal and your goals. However, it's essential to remember that valuable resources, like legal documents and systems, are not typically given away for free and should be respected as such.

    • Learning from a Real Estate CoachA personal coach or mentor can help accelerate your learning curve and increase chances of success in real estate investing, but it comes at a cost. Consider whether it's a worthwhile investment based on your unique journey.

      While there are plenty of free resources available to help you learn how to raise money for real estate investments, having a personal coach or mentor can significantly accelerate your learning curve and increase your chances of success. The coach can provide personalized guidance, push you out of your comfort zone, and help you navigate the complexities of borrowing money. However, this comes at a cost, and it's essential to consider whether it's a worthwhile investment for you. The speaker emphasized that everyone's journey is unique, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution to raising money. Whether you choose to use free resources or invest in a coach, the important thing is to take action and keep learning. The speaker also encouraged listeners to engage in the comments section and share their thoughts on the topic. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of education, persistence, and seeking guidance when needed to succeed in real estate investing.

    • Navigating the Real Estate Market with Private Money Lenders and Experienced InvestorsWork with experienced investors and private money lenders, focus on short-term rentals for potential returns, add value to maximize returns, and find an investor-friendly agent for market expertise.

      In today's real estate market, opportunities for investment or lending depend on specific deals and markets. Private money lenders should ensure they're working with experienced investors who have a proven track record and strict buying criteria. Amy sees the best opportunities in short-term rentals due to potential decreasing returns in long-term investments, while she personally is scaling up by acquiring and renovating hotels into Airbnbs. Rob also believes in the potential of short-term rentals for solid returns, but emphasizes the importance of adding value to maximize returns. Overall, finding an investor-friendly agent is crucial for navigating the market and achieving financial freedom. BiggerPockets Agent Finder can help match investors with local market experts for confidence in making deals. Remember, the goal is financial freedom, not timing the market perfectly.

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    How to Buy Your First, Second, or Third Rental Property!
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    975: BiggerNews: Rent Price Updates and Why Landlords Are Optimistic About 2024 w/Zumper’s Anthemos Georgiades
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    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto

    974: Maximalism: The New Renter-Friendly Trend Landlords Can’t Overlook w/Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto
    Want to really stand out in your market? A few renter-friendly interior design ideas can make a world of difference, elevating a run-of-the-mill property into one that attracts tenants and guests and stays occupied year-round. Today’s guest has some affordable, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks centered around “maximalism,” the design trend you can’t afford to not know about.   Welcome back to the BiggerPockets Real Estate podcast! If you want to boost your property’s value, keep renters happy, and get even MORE cash flow from your portfolio, you’ve come to the right place. Today, interior designer Tay “BeepBoop” Nakamoto joins the show to share some of her most popular rental design tips. Regardless of your investing strategy, whether you own short-term rentals or are flipping houses for a profit, you won’t want to miss out on these enormous value-adds. The best part? They are extremely cost-effective, easy to implement, and, most importantly, reversible!   In this episode, Tay delves into maximalism—the interior design trend that is taking the world by storm in 2024—and shares how you can seamlessly integrate this popular style with your rental properties. She even shares some of the best places to find furniture, décor, and materials, as well as some common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home renovation projects! In This Episode We Cover The best renter-friendly, do-it-yourself (DIY) design hacks for rentals How to implement maximalism throughout your rental properties Why you must know your limits when making design changes Where to find budget-friendly furniture and décor for your property How landlords can benefit from keeping up with the latest design trends Common pitfalls to avoid when tackling your own home design projects And So Much More! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-974 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell

    973: Seeing Greene: Retiring Early, ARMs vs. Fixed-Rate Mortgages, & When to Sell
    Want to retire early? Real estate investing might be your best bet. Looking to boost your cash flow and expand your real estate portfolio, too? In today’s show, we’re sharing how to use home equity to build wealth the RIGHT way, plus the “portfolio architecture” secrets that enable you to retire earlier than you thought. Whether you’ve got one rental or a hundred or are just starting to dig into real estate investing, we’ve got the investing information you need on this Seeing Greene to reach true financial freedom. First, an investor sitting on $300,000 of equity asks what he should do: sell his current rental property and buy more OR convert the single-family home into a multifamily investment. The answer isn’t as clear-cut as you’d think. Next, we discuss whether ARMs (adjustable-rate mortgages) vs. fixed-rate mortgages are your best bet for a lower mortgage rate. Plus, we'll share the five BIG mistakes new real estate investors can make. Finally, David describes “portfolio architecture” to an investor who wants to retire by age fifty. He CAN get it done, and you can, too, IF you follow David’s massive passive income plan!  Want to ask David and Rob a question? If so, submit your question here so they can answer it on the next episode of Seeing Greene, or hop on the BiggerPockets forums and ask other investors their take! In This Episode We Cover How to retire earlier with rental properties by strategizing your “portfolio architecture” Using home equity to invest and whether you should renovate a property or sell it and buy more rentals  Adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs) vs. fixed-rate mortgages and the “rate roulette” you could be playing Five real estate investing beginner mistakes you should avoid when using the BiggerPockets Forums  How to explode your cash flow by converting your long-term rental into a short or medium-term rental  And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:31) Buy More Rentals or Convert Current One? (07:33) ARM vs. Fixed- Rate Mortgages (16:43) 5 Mistakes New Investors Make (21:08) Portfolio Architecture (Retire Early!) (32:05) Moving “Lazy” Equity (42:09) Note Investing 101 (51:12) Starting a Business (53:50) Ask Us Your Question! Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-973 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market

    972: 3 Beginner Steps to Find Undervalued Real Estate in ANY Market
    What sets apart the wealthy from the wannabes when investing? Knowing how to find real estate deals! You’ll be ahead of ninety-nine percent of investors if you know how to find off-market real estate deals and discounted on-market properties. Today, we’re giving you everything you need to know to find real estate deals in your market, no matter your budget, and even if you have zero real estate investing experience. Henry Washington, co-host of On the Market and author of Real Estate Deal Maker, is on to condense his seven years of investing into simple steps YOU can follow to find undervalued real estate. You’ll learn what a great real estate deal is, how to spot one even if you’ve never invested, why buying right is what REALLY makes you rich, three steps to start finding deals today, and the beginner mistake that’ll stop the deals from coming your way. Plus, Henry even shares the hidden on-market deals ANYONE can find (if they’re up to it). If you follow these steps, you’ll have a steady stream of real estate deals flowing your way. But if you don’t, you could waste years of building wealth waiting for the right deal to fall into your lap. So, are you going to take action or make excuses?  In This Episode We Cover How anyone in any real estate market can find undervalued real estate deals The three steps to finding discounted deals and why most people give up too soon Hidden on-market deals that anyone with a real estate agent can find  The biggest beginner mistake you can’t afford to make (it’ll could cost you…) Why you DON’T need a ton of time and money to start finding off-market real estate And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (02:08) What Makes a Great Deal? (06:34) How You Really Make Money (08:10) 3 Steps to Find Deals  (16:21) Biggest Beginner Mistake  (20:37) Learning From the Best  (23:29) Hidden On-Market Deals (29:09) Most People Won’t Do This  (33:02) Beginner Steps to Take (35:26) Grab Henry’s Book Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-972 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    971: BiggerNews: Mid-Year Housing Market Update + Mortgage Rate Forecast w/Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather

    971: BiggerNews: Mid-Year Housing Market Update + Mortgage Rate Forecast w/Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather
    We’re almost halfway through 2024, and the housing market is at a standstill. Mortgage rates are high, inventory is low, buyers have fewer choices, and many homeowners refuse to put their properties up for sale. But could things change in the second half of this year if interest rates fall and inventory improves, even if ever so slightly? We brought Redfin Chief Economist Daryl Fairweather on this BiggerNews episode to get her team’s latest 2024 housing market predictions. First, Daryl explains how our stubbornly strong economy put the Federal Reserve in a challenging position and whether or not we could hit the magic two-percent inflation rate goal. Will buyers ever get a break in this tough housing market, and could lower interest rates improve things? Daryl shares what she thinks will happen once the Fed finally cuts rates, how low rates could go, and whether or not this will heat home prices up yet again. Some “unusual demand” may come late this year for housing, but will agents, brokers, and sellers see the traditionally hot summer season they’ve been waiting for? We’re answering all these questions and more with this housing market data leader on this BiggerNews episode!  Support today’s show sponsor, Rent App: the free and easy way to collect rent! In This Episode We Cover 2024 housing market and mortgage rate predictions from Redfin’s Chief Economist  How our economy has stayed so stubbornly strong EVEN with rate hikes  Homeowner control and why buyers may be in an even worse position AFTER rates fall Improving housing inventory and what’s contributing the most to more homes on the market Why inflation may NOT need to hit the two-percent target for the Fed to lower rates The “lock-in effect” explained and why more homeowners with low rates could start selling And So Much More! (00:00) Intro (01:38) A Stubbornly Strong Economy (07:03) Housing Is STILL Hot? (13:23) Mortgage Rate Prediction ((18:29) Will Inflation Fall? (20:56) 2024 Predictions (23:53) An Opportunity for Investors Check out more resources from this show on BiggerPockets.com and https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-971 Interested in learning more about today’s sponsors or becoming a BiggerPockets partner yourself? Email advertise@biggerpockets.com. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    834: Seeing Greene: Inherited Houses, HELOC Risks, and Our Favorite 2-Star Review

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