
    675. Andy, Ian Smith & DJ CTI: Trump's New $175M Bond, Yellowstone Star Kicked Off Flight & Torture In Putin's Prisons

    enMarch 26, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • CTI: Cruise the Internet - Episode with Ian SmithListeners can tune in to CTI: Cruise the Internet for thought-provoking discussions and personal stories, including experiences with the 75 Hard Program.

      Andy Priscilla and DJ Cruz host a speculative talk show called "CTI: Cruise the Internet," where they discuss various topics and share their opinions on what's true and what's not. The show includes segments like Q and AF, where viewers can submit questions, and "75 Hard Verses," where individuals share their experiences with the 75 Hard Program. The show is free and they ask for listeners to share it if they find it valuable. During this particular episode, they welcomed a special guest, Ian Smith, who shared his experience with the program and some light-hearted banter about beards and levels of coolness.

    • Vice President Harris's Unintentional Clap to a Protest SongCultural sensitivity and awareness are crucial for public figures to avoid awkward situations and maintain respect. Understanding the context of surroundings is essential.

      Public figures, including Vice President Kamala Harris, can sometimes find themselves in awkward or embarrassing situations when they fail to fully understand the context of their surroundings. During a recent visit to Puerto Rico, Harris unintentionally clapped along to a protest song criticizing her before realizing the meaning of the lyrics. This incident highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness, especially for those in positions of power. Additionally, the conversation between the speakers touched on various topics, including their poor shooting performance at the farm and their inability to get the tech started. Despite these setbacks, they remained optimistic and found humor in the situation.

    • New York Appeals Court Reduces Trump's Bond in Legal BattleThe New York appeals court reduced Trump's bond in his legal battle with the Attorney General from $454 million to $175 million, but the costly proceedings are drawing attention away from pressing state issues.

      The legal battle between New York Attorney General Tish James and former President Donald Trump over his assets has taken a significant turn, with the appeals court reducing the required bond from $454 million to $175 million. Trump has responded, expressing his displeasure with the decision and vowing to pay the reduced amount within the given timeframe. However, the larger issue remains that the legal proceedings are consuming significant resources that could be used to address pressing issues in the state. The spectacle of the legal battle has drawn media attention away from these real problems, according to the speaker. The speaker also expressed his view that the sheer number of people involved in the case may lead to confusion and inefficiency. The case serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of lengthy and costly legal battles, especially when resources could be directed towards more pressing societal concerns.

    • Concerns over a controversial fine reduction and its implicationsDespite a reduced fine, the speaker expresses concern over the precedent set and potential support for divisive figures, urging focus on finding effective solutions to prevent injustices.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against a specific individual, while resulting in a reduction of the initial fine, still represents an injustice and sets a concerning precedent. The speaker expresses concern that this situation, and the public response to it, may be pushing people towards supporting figures like Donald Trump. They also criticize the celebration of small victories, arguing that these distractions detract from the larger goal of making meaningful progress. The speaker believes that those responsible for these injustices are not helping their cause and urges finding effective solutions to stop such incidents from happening. Additionally, the speaker shares a personal anecdote about meeting a fan of their show in public and expresses appreciation for their audience's support.

    • Disrespect of individual freedoms during COVID-19Individuals' freedoms and opinions were disrespected during COVID-19, with punishments for those not wearing masks, while vulnerable individuals should have stayed home. The speaker acknowledges Jon Voight's stance but finds it frustrating that those opposing lockdowns are now in power.

      Individual freedoms and opinions have been disrespected during the COVID-19 pandemic, as seen in the incident where a man was removed from a plane for not wanting to sit next to someone wearing a mask, despite the double standard of enforcing mask-wearing for others. The speaker believes that vulnerable individuals should have stayed home, and those who didn't want to wear masks should have been respected, rather than being punished. The speaker also mentions the actor Jon Voight's stance on vaccines and masks, noting that while Voight respected rules and opinions, others did not. The speaker finds it frustrating that those who opposed lockdowns and living in fear are now the ones whose ideas have become public policy, but they are not being acknowledged or respected for their earlier perspectives.

    • Crisis reveals true character, but leaves lasting impactsPeople's aggressive behavior during crises can lead to lasting negative consequences, underscoring the importance of empathy, understanding, and unity.

      People's behavior during times of crisis can reveal their true character. Those who acted aggressively towards others during the COVID-19 pandemic, refusing help or even reporting neighbors, may pose a danger in future crises. Their susceptibility to propaganda and the negative consequences it brought about are concerning. Despite their regret or apologies, their actions have left lasting impacts on those affected. The daily abuse and harassment experienced during that time fundamentally changed people's lives, making them less social and more cautious. It's crucial to remember the importance of empathy, understanding, and unity during challenging times.

    • Manipulation of public fear during COVID-19Manipulating fear can fracture unity, suppress effective treatments, and lead to crimes against humanity. Accountability and learning from mistakes are crucial to prevent loss of life and maintain unity.

      The manipulation of public fear, as seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, can have devastating consequences on unity and human life. The discussion also touched upon the lawsuit against the FDA regarding Ivermectin and how suppressing effective treatments can lead to crimes against humanity. The fear narrative was intentionally engineered to fracture unity and create a response that was not based on facts. It's crucial to acknowledge mistakes and learn from them to maintain unity and prevent the loss of humanity in the face of new narratives and propaganda. The FDA's actions in denying effective treatments and villainizing those who spoke out led to real-world consequences, including loss of life. The recent court victory against the FDA is a step towards accountability for these actions.

    • FDA's Handling of Ivermectin and its ImpactThe FDA's handling of Ivermectin as a potential COVID-19 treatment led to accusations of lying and financial destruction, resulting in potential loss of lives and social disruption. Recent settlements and growing sentiment for accountability may signal a shift in the narrative around health and wellness.

      The FDA's handling of Ivermectin as a potential COVID-19 treatment and their removal of related social media posts has led to accusations of lying and financial destruction. The FDA's actions resulted in the loss of potential lives and social disruption, while those responsible faced minimal consequences. The recent settlement in a lawsuit against the FDA regarding Ivermectin is seen by some as a win, but others view it as a loss. Regardless, there seems to be a growing sentiment for accountability and a shift in the narrative around health and wellness. This is evident in the public support for figures like Princess Kate after her cancer diagnosis, despite her association with figures who previously downplayed the importance of certain treatments. It's possible that we're witnessing a slow admission of past mistakes, and the consequences of these actions may continue to unfold in the coming months.

    • Growing concerns about potential link between mass vaccination campaigns and rising cancer ratesDespite some concerns, experts argue that vaccines continue to save lives and that ongoing research and transparency are crucial for addressing public health concerns.

      There are growing concerns about the potential link between mass vaccination campaigns and rising cancer rates among young people in various countries. Some believe that this could lead to a public backlash against vaccines and politicians associated with their promotion, such as former President Trump and his Operation Warp Speed initiative. The Institute for Progress argues that Operation Warp Speed was a success and should be emulated for further investments in indoor filtration and bio surveillance. However, some individuals are raising alarms about a surge in cancer diagnoses and deaths in young populations, particularly in countries with high vaccine uptake rates. The Deagle Report, a military intelligence and analysis website, projected a significant reduction in the US population by 2030, which has sparked speculation about potential causes, including health issues related to vaccines. Despite this, some experts argue that these concerns are not backed by solid evidence and that vaccines continue to save lives. The ongoing debate highlights the importance of continued research and transparency in addressing public health concerns.

    • Financial instability and lack of healthcare contribute to societal decayThe middle class struggles financially, leading to stress and limited resources for health, while unequal vaccine distribution worsens health crises in lower-income areas. Society also grapples with criminal threats and moral dilemmas in justice systems.

      Financial instability and lack of access to proper medical care are major contributors to societal decay and declining health. The middle class is struggling to keep up financially, leading to increased stress and limited resources for maintaining good health. This issue is further compounded by the unequal distribution of vaccines and medical resources, particularly in lower-income countries. The conversation then shifted to the topic of criminal justice and the use of harsh methods against suspected terrorists. Despite the disturbing nature of the reported tactics, some argued that these measures are necessary to combat terrorism and protect innocent lives. Overall, the discussion highlighted the complex and multifaceted challenges facing society, from financial instability and health crises to criminal threats and the moral dilemmas of justice.

    • Russian Forces Allegedly Torture Suspects in Moscow Concert Hall Attack FootageDespite disturbing footage of Russian forces allegedly torturing suspects, it's crucial to uphold human rights and ethical standards, and serve justice in a humane and legal manner.

      The discussion revolves around the disturbing footage of Russian forces allegedly torturing suspects involved in the Moscow concert hall terror attack. The speaker expresses a desire for harsher punishment for violent criminals, suggesting extreme measures such as mutilation and public humiliation. He draws parallels to movies like "Law Abiding Citizen," suggesting that such actions would serve as a deterrent to crime. However, it's important to note that advocating for violence and torture goes against human rights and ethical standards. It's crucial to remember that violence only begets more violence and that justice should always be served in a humane and legal manner.

    • Delusional Support for CriminalsDelusional support for criminals under the guise of compassion leads to anarcho-tyranny, where law fails to protect regular people and criminals face minimal consequences.

      The world can be a dangerous place, and some people, despite having good intentions, are delusional to the reality of criminal activity. These people, often removed from struggle and living comfortable modern lives, support politicians who let criminals off the streets under the guise of compassion. However, this results in anarcho-tyranny, where the law fails to protect regular people from chaos, while those creating it face minimal consequences. This intentional creation of chaos was seen during COVID when violent criminals were released from prisons, leading to more disorder in people's lives. It's crucial to acknowledge the danger around us and understand that the world isn't always a nice place.

    • Importance of dealing firmly with evil actions and individualsFrustration with generalizations and stereotypes, need to judge individuals based on actions, and the gravity of criminal actions require decisive responses.

      The discussion highlights the importance of dealing firmly with evil actions and individuals, drawing parallels between the actions of the Boston bombers and the dynamic of people who commit heinous crimes. The speaker expresses frustration with the tendency to generalize and stereotype, emphasizing the need to judge individuals based on their actions rather than their race or ethnicity. The conversation also touches upon the inconsistency of negotiating with criminals domestically while refusing to do so with terrorists, and the potential implications of such actions in the geopolitical sphere. Overall, the conversation underscores the gravity of criminal actions and the importance of addressing them swiftly and decisively.

    • Restoring order in society through severe punishment and cultural shiftAsking fair questions and engaging in healthy debates is crucial for finding humane solutions to conflicts, rather than resorting to extreme measures and labeling those asking questions as anti-Semitic or racist.

      Severe and harsh punishment for criminals, and a cultural shift towards intolerance for violence, are necessary to restore order in society. However, the current situation, with criminals outnumbering law enforcement and prosecutors, makes this challenging. People like Candace Owens ask important questions about ongoing conflicts, such as the Israeli-Palestinian situation, and the need for a resolution that doesn't result in the destruction of entire communities and the loss of countless innocent lives, particularly women and children. The emotional response to such conflicts can lead to support for extreme measures, but it's essential to ask fair questions and engage in healthy debates to find a humane solution. The labeling of those asking questions as anti-Semitic or racist, rather than engaging in a genuine debate, hinders progress.

    • Labeling Criticism as Anti-SemiticConflating criticism of actions or policies with hatred towards Jews can stifle productive dialogue and lead to misunderstandings. Distinguish between criticism and hatred.

      The use of the label "anti-Semitic" as a shield against criticism, particularly towards individuals or groups, can be damaging and misleading. The speaker argues that this label is often used to silence discussions about the actions of certain powerful individuals or entities, and that it conflates criticism of those actions with hatred towards all Jews. The speaker also emphasizes that it is important to distinguish between criticism of specific actions or policies, and hatred towards individuals or their faith. The speaker believes that this conflation can lead to a harmful environment where productive dialogue is stifled and misunderstandings perpetuate. It is crucial to remember that criticizing the actions or policies of individuals or entities should not be equated with hating all members of a particular group.

    • Questioning justifications for harm to innocent civiliansIt's crucial to challenge harmful narratives, especially when it comes to children, and differentiate between individuals and their actions to prevent cycles of violence and suffering.

      The aftermath of significant global events, such as 9/11, can lead to justifications for actions that result in harm to innocent civilians. These actions, often framed as defensive measures, can perpetuate cycles of violence and destruction, causing immense suffering and loss. It is essential to question and challenge these justifications, especially when it comes to the treatment of children, who will grow up to shape the future. Furthermore, it is crucial to differentiate between individuals and their actions, rather than making sweeping generalizations based on race or religion. The conversation highlighted the importance of having the courage to ask difficult questions and challenge harmful narratives, even in the face of potential backlash. The interview with Candice and the rabbi demonstrated the need to hold those in power accountable for their actions and to call out those who use hateful language to distract from the real issues.

    • Promoting productive discussions about societal issuesInternal groups should hold their own accountable, external groups should avoid generalizations, and we all share the responsibility to recognize our fundamental similarities and work towards unity and progress.

      Productive discussions about societal issues require responsibility from all parties involved. Internal groups have a responsibility to hold their own accountable for wrongdoings and not defend them based on identity. External groups must avoid generalizations that can harm the message and create divisions. By acknowledging this shared responsibility, we can move towards unity and progress. The speaker emphasizes the importance of discernment and dialogue to address issues like anti-Semitism, racism, and other forms of discrimination. The ultimate goal is to recognize that we are all fundamentally similar and want the same things, and to work together to overcome the divisive tactics used by certain individuals or groups to keep us from having meaningful conversations.

    • Division and Hatred: Tools for Maintaining ControlRecognize our shared American identity and unity in diversity, resist division and hatred, and focus on what unites us to tackle challenges as a nation.

      Division and hatred are tools used by those in power to maintain control over people. By focusing on differences in race, religion, or ethnicity, they create tension and distrust among the population. This is not only un-American but also dangerous, as it weakens the unity needed to face real problems and external threats. We must recognize that our shared identity as Americans is more important than our differences, and we need to come together to tackle the challenges we face as a nation. This doesn't mean suppressing individual identities or beliefs but rather embracing the idea of unity in diversity. We should be wary of attempts to incite racial or ethnic conflict, as they serve the interests of those who seek to divide us. Let's focus on what unites us as Americans and work towards a future where all citizens have equal opportunities to prosper.

    • Uniting against the real enemy: the wealthy instigatorsFocus on the manipulative forces behind divisions and come together against the common goal, as shown by the enduring love of Joanne and Bill.

      Despite our individual identities and differences, it's essential to unite against the real enemy: the world's wealthiest people who instigate division among us. The heartwarming story of two high school sweethearts, Joanne and Bill, who reunited after 73 years, serves as a reminder that love and connection can endure. While we may have disagreements, it's crucial to focus on the manipulative forces behind them and come together against the common goal. The pair's reunion, which happened through a mutual friend, shows that no matter how long it takes, love can find a way. Let's remember to keep our eyes on the real enemy and not let ourselves be divided.

    • Finding joy and companionship in retirementTwo elderly individuals find happiness in each other's company at the bingo hall, demonstrating the importance of companionship and positivity in aging.

      The two elderly individuals at the bingo hall, despite being among the last ones left, seem content and happy with each other's company. They appear to be aging gracefully and enjoying their golden years. The speaker expresses admiration for their resilience and determination to make the most out of their retirement. Another observation made was about one of the women shrinking significantly, but the group speculates that she might still add hills to her walks. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of companionship and positivity in aging, and the ability to find joy in simple things like a game of bingo. The group's positive and supportive attitude towards the elderly couple is evident in their encouraging words and thumbs up gestures.

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    734. Andy, Tim Young & DJ CTI: Supreme Court Dismisses Social Media Censorship Case, Congressional Report Shows Interference & Brutal Killing Of Jocelyn Nungaray

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