
    Podcast Summary

    • From Offensive Podcast to Unexpected Business SurroundingsDespite the challenges of maintaining a controversial podcast, the hosts draw on their past experiences in less desirable jobs to fuel their passion and authenticity, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself.

      The hosts of the Tommy Buns podcast have built a unique niche for themselves with their silly and offensive content, but as podcasting becomes more professionalized, they find themselves in unexpected surroundings among more traditional businesses. Despite the challenges, they reflect on how their experiences in less desirable jobs, such as office work and labor, have shaped their perspective and drive to continue creating their podcast. The hosts also emphasize the importance of staying true to oneself and remembering the misery of past jobs to fuel their passion for their current work.

    • The Impact of Harsh Conditions on Individuals during Formative YearsHarsh conditions during formative years can lead to poverty, substance abuse, and reliance on welfare, shaping who we become. Addressing the root causes and providing opportunities for growth can lead to positive change.

      Working under harsh conditions, whether it's extreme heat, sweaty labor, or hazardous environments, can have detrimental effects on individuals, especially during their formative years. These experiences shape people and can lead them to adapt to their environment, which may include poverty, substance abuse, and reliance on welfare. The song "King Cole" by Sturgill Simpson provides a poignant depiction of this reality, highlighting the stark contrast between urban and rural poverty and the impact it has on people's lives. It's important to recognize that these environments can significantly influence who we become, and addressing the root causes of poverty and providing opportunities for growth can lead to positive change.

    • Experiences shaping perspectives: New York and Los AngelesRecognizing the impact of environment on individuals, the speaker shares his experiences of growing up with a racist friend and the contrasting realities of privileged and underprivileged communities. He stresses the need to address poverty and its pervasive effects.

      Our environment significantly shapes who we become and the opportunities we have in life. The speaker shares his experiences growing up with a racist friend in New York and how their environments influenced their perspectives. He also highlights the stark contrast between privileged and underprivileged communities in Los Angeles and the challenges faced by children growing up in rough neighborhoods. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing the issues faced by those in extreme poverty, which is a pervasive problem in the United States. He criticizes the lack of focus on these issues in public discourse and calls for more attention and solutions to help those growing up in challenging circumstances.

    • Acknowledging and addressing difficult truthsFacing reality and making consistent efforts to better ourselves in all aspects can lead to significant progress and improved overall well-being.

      People often hold themselves back from reaching their full potential due to denial and fear of facing difficult truths. This can manifest in various aspects of life, such as work, relationships, or personal habits. By acknowledging and addressing these issues, individuals can make significant progress and improve their overall well-being. The fear of confronting emotions and feelings is often worse than the actual experience of dealing with them. Additionally, neglecting one area of life can lead to negative consequences in other areas. To live a fulfilling life, it's essential to face reality and make consistent efforts to better ourselves in all aspects. This includes being organized, letting go of unnecessary possessions, and addressing any underlying emotional or psychological barriers. By doing so, we can become champions in every aspect of our lives.

    • Childhood Christmas Excitement vs. Online ShoppingThe speaker reflects on the joy of Christmas past and the hassle of returning online purchases, while also sharing his disdain for the trend of making things look vintage and critiquing societal expectations of appearance.

      The speaker reminisces about the excitement of childhood Christmas and the importance of returns, but admits to rarely returning online purchases himself. He expresses overwhelm and disdain for the trend of making things look vintage, particularly in clothing. He also discusses the societal expectations of acceptable looks for men and women, criticizing the high-waisted trend for women and expressing a preference for practicality and comfort. Overall, the speaker's perspective showcases a mix of nostalgia, frustration, and amusement towards various aspects of consumer culture.

    • Societal norms shape clothing choices and expectations based on genderUnderstanding societal norms and their impact on clothing choices and behaviors can help us navigate complex social situations and avoid offensive language.

      Societal norms and expectations influence the way people express themselves, including their clothing choices, and these choices can be interpreted differently based on gender. The discussion also touched upon the idea that attention and success, especially in the media industry, can be intoxicating and lead to confrontational behaviors. Additionally, there's a warning about using certain words, like "twink," which can be considered offensive. The conversation also included a critique of reality TV shows, particularly the Real Housewives franchise, for their focus on confrontations and negative behaviors.

    • A candid conversation about comedy, materialism, and fans from TijuanaThe speakers shared their experiences and observations, expressing surprise at meeting fans from Tijuana and admiration for the Balboa Theater in La Jolla, while also touching upon the negative effects of wealth and materialism on children.

      The discussion touched upon various topics including the price of Xanax, an exaggerated description of a large penis, and the ease of visiting the United States from Mexico. The conversation also included reminiscing about comedy clubs in San Diego and the potential negative effects of wealth and materialism on children. Despite some offensive language and crude humor, the speakers expressed their surprise at meeting fans from Tijuana and their admiration for the Balboa Theater in La Jolla. The conversation also highlighted the issue of rampant materialism and its potential impact on children growing up in certain cultures, such as Miami and La Hoya. Overall, the discussion showcased the speakers' experiences and observations, as well as their ability to find humor in various situations.

    • Miami's 90s Culture and Large Car Wheels as a Status SymbolThe 90s Miami culture was marked by large car wheels as a status symbol, possibly influenced by the cocaine import business and popularized in rap music, leading to extreme body modifications and unusual experiences for some individuals.

      The culture of Miami, particularly in the 90s, was associated with large wheels on cars as a status symbol, possibly influenced by the cocaine import business. This trend was popularized in rap music, leading to a competition of who had larger wheels. The discussion also touched upon the concept of some individuals having different sensory experiences and tolerances to pain, which can lead to extreme body modifications. The speaker shared personal experiences of encountering individuals in Miami's emergency room with objects stuck in their bodies as a form of self-expression or intimidation. The speaker also mentioned the possibility of certain individuals having overlapping pleasure and pain receptors in their brains, leading to unusual experiences.

    • Exploring the appeal of Jackass stunts despite risksThe Jackass crew's willingness to take risks and push boundaries continues to inspire and entertain audiences, but concerns about potential harm and pressure to outdo each other can lead to dangerous consequences.

      The Jackass stunts, despite their extreme nature, have an enduring appeal due to the adrenaline rush and the unpredictability of the outcomes. However, the speaker expresses concerns about the potential harm and the pressure to outdo each other, which can lead to dangerous consequences. The speaker also shares their admiration for some of the most iconic stunts, such as the toy car in the ass and Johnny Knoxville's encounters with bulls and Muay Thai fighters. Despite the risks involved, the Jackass crew's willingness to push boundaries continues to inspire and entertain audiences.

    • The cycle of unhealthy food choicesDespite knowing better, people often prioritize instant pleasure from unhealthy foods, perpetuating a cycle that's hard to break. Seek out quality, homemade alternatives for healthier options.

      People sometimes prioritize instant pleasure and convenience over their health, leading to an overwhelming reliance on unhealthy foods. This cycle is further perpetuated by the corporatization and mass production of once delicious but now subpar food items. The speaker's attachment to these unhealthy choices is deeply rooted in the pleasure they provide, making it challenging to break the cycle. However, the discovery of a local Russian bakery that offers high-quality, homemade chocolate croissants has provided a delicious and healthier alternative. This experience highlights the importance of seeking out and appreciating quality, homemade food items, and the potential for positive change in one's eating habits.

    • Sharing love for Italian cuisine and fitnessIndulge in pleasurable experiences like authentic Italian food and maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular fitness.

      Food and fitness play significant roles in personal enjoyment and well-being. The speaker shared his fondness for authentic Italian dishes, particularly linguine with clams, and his current fascination with grilled octopus. He also emphasized the importance of pushing oneself in fitness, even when feeling under the weather, as guided by his trainer who believes in following God's will. The speaker's dedication to finding the best restaurants and experiencing new dishes, as well as his commitment to working out, highlights the importance of indulging in pleasurable experiences and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Impact of Crowd Energy on Performer's ExperienceCrowd energy can be nerve-wracking or electric, impacting a performer's preparation and experience. Heavier weights during training and wrist mobility exercises can enhance performance.

      The energy and behavior of a crowd can greatly impact a performer's experience and preparation. At a light event with hecklers and free tickets given away, the atmosphere was tense and nerve-wracking for the performer. However, during a highly anticipated event like the McGregor fight weekend, the excitement and large turnout created an intimate and electric environment that surpassed expectations. Additionally, the performer shared an experience of training with a trainer who had a divine revelation to use heavier weights during a workout, which helped the performer's perceived risks. The performer also discussed the importance of wrist mobility and strength exercises to improve wrist health and strength, and mentioned that hand size can also be a factor in forearm strength. Overall, the crowd's energy and the performer's preparation and training played significant roles in the success of the event.

    • Genetics and Physical Advantages in Martial ArtsUnderstanding genetics can explain physical advantages in martial arts, but everyone has unique strengths and focusing on personal growth is key to success.

      Genetics play a significant role in physical abilities and advantages. For instance, in martial arts, longer limbs and larger hands provide more leverage and power. However, not everyone is born with these advantages, and some individuals may face disadvantages due to their genetics. This can lead to feelings of inequality and frustration. The discussion also touched upon the topic of performance enhancing drugs, acknowledging that some natural advantages are similar to the effects of these substances. Ultimately, it's important to remember that everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses, and focusing on personal growth and self-acceptance can lead to greater happiness and success.

    • Exploring unconventional paths for enhancement and incomePeople invest in and undergo procedures to enhance body parts, use medications for improved performance, and find lucrative opportunities in the sex industry, reflecting the human drive for improvement and earning a living.

      The desire for enhancement and the pursuit of lucrative opportunities can lead people to explore unconventional paths. From the discussion, it appears that people are willing to invest in and undergo procedures to enhance various aspects of their bodies, such as penis size. The development of medications like Cialis and Viagra, which help increase blood flow and improve performance, has been a game-changer. The potential for even greater enhancements, such as growing the size of a man's penis, could be an extremely lucrative investment. The sex industry, particularly stripping, also provides lucrative opportunities for some individuals, with some performers reportedly charging high fees for their services. The discussion also touched on the acceptance and normalization of unconventional sexual practices and relationships, such as a man who is gay for pay. Overall, the conversation highlights the human drive for improvement and the various ways people seek to enhance their lives and earn a living.

    • Exploring the Unique Perspective of Stripper Genius on TwitterSocial media, particularly Twitter, offers a unique perspective into various lives and experiences, impacting our daily lives and shaping our perception of reality. Quality over quantity is important, and personal experiences with addiction highlight social media's role in shaping values and priorities.

      Social media, specifically Twitter, provides a unique perspective into various lives and experiences, including that of a stripper named Stripper Genius. The feed is addictive and offers a mix of humor and realness, making it an interesting source of news and entertainment. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of quality over quantity and the impact of social media on our daily lives, particularly in shaping our perception of reality and our children's behavior. Additionally, the speaker shares their personal experiences with addiction to social media and the role it plays in shaping our values and priorities. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of social media to connect us to diverse experiences and perspectives while also raising awareness about its potential negative impacts.

    • Encouraging Creativity and Humor in the ClassroomInstead of focusing on future careers, encourage creativity and humor in the classroom to help children find joy in learning and succeed, even in less-than-ideal school environments

      Raising children can be challenging as they are often more interested in distractions like phones or tablets than focusing on the present moment. The age at which to give a child a phone is a common question, and there are now tracking devices designed specifically for kids. However, constant contact can lead to unwanted interruptions. The idea of children focusing on their future careers at a young age can be overwhelming and discouraging for some. Instead, encouraging creativity and humor in the classroom can help children stand out and find joy in learning. Even in less-than-ideal school environments, finding ways to make learning fun and engaging can help children succeed.

    • A teacher's harsh words can leave a lasting impactBe mindful of your words and actions towards young people as they can shape their confidence and future aspirations.

      The words we speak, especially to young people, hold significant power. During a conversation, the speaker reminisced about his high school days and how a teacher's negative comment impacted him. Despite the teacher's poor English skills, the speaker imitated her accent as a joke, leading to being kicked out of class. However, the teacher's response went beyond a simple disciplinary action, as she declared that the speaker would amount to nothing in life. Such harsh words can leave a lasting impression on a student, potentially hindering their self-confidence and future aspirations. It's crucial for adults to be mindful of their words and actions, as they have the power to shape the lives of young people.

    • The impact of teachers during formative yearsTeachers can shape our perspectives on life through valuable insights and knowledge, but inappropriate relationships can lead to harm. The impact depends on the individual relationship and actions of both parties.

      The experiences we have with our teachers during our formative years can have a profound impact on us. These educators, who may be dealing with their own stresses and pressures, can provide valuable insights and knowledge that shape our perspectives on life. However, not all teacher-student relationships are appropriate, and the power dynamic can lead to harmful situations. It's important to remember that these experiences, whether positive or negative, are transient and can help us grow and learn. Ultimately, the impact of a teacher on a student's life depends on the individual relationship and the actions of both parties involved.

    • The Importance of Meaning and Purpose in Personal Well-Being and Career SatisfactionPursuing meaningful work and staying true to oneself can improve mental and emotional health, even in challenging industries like entertainment.

      Meaning and purpose are essential for personal well-being and career satisfaction. The interviewee shares his experience of feeling trapped in office jobs, which he perceived as unfulfilling and potentially detrimental to his mental health. He found solace in pursuing his passion for comedy, which he had discovered as a child through movies and comedians like Bill Murray and Eddie Murphy. The entertainment industry, with its complex business side, can be a double-edged sword, offering fame but also potential disappointment and hate. The interviewee's story highlights the importance of staying true to oneself and seeking meaningful work to maintain mental and emotional health.

    • Online anonymity fuels harsh commentsOnline anonymity can lead to mean-spirited comments, but it's essential to consider the context and perspective of each situation. Everyone faces unique challenges, and it's crucial to approach interactions with empathy and understanding.

      Online anonymity can lead to mean-spirited and harsh comments that people wouldn't dare say to someone's face. The discussion also touched upon the idea that some individuals, like celebrities, may face different kinds of challenges and criticisms in their lives, and it's essential to consider the context and perspective of each situation. For instance, while being a public figure comes with its own set of difficulties, growing up in poverty or living in a crime-infested neighborhood presents unique struggles as well. Furthermore, the entertainment industry, such as YouTube, can create a platform for individuals to gain significant attention and success, but it also exposes them to criticism and backlash. Ultimately, it's crucial to remember that everyone's experiences and challenges are unique, and it's essential to approach interactions with empathy and understanding.

    • The Power of Words: Insensitive Remarks and Harmful StereotypesWords have the power to harm and perpetuate stereotypes against marginalized communities. It's essential to promote respectful and inclusive dialogue to avoid perpetuating harm.

      The use of offensive language and insensitive comments, even in a seemingly joking manner, can have serious consequences and contribute to harmful stereotypes and discrimination against marginalized communities. The discussion touched upon topics of race, size, disability, and sexual assault, with participants making insensitive remarks and defending controversial figures. It's essential to remember that words have power and can negatively impact individuals and groups, especially when spoken publicly. It's crucial to promote respectful and inclusive dialogue and avoid perpetuating harmful stereotypes or language.

    • From Stand-up to Sitcoms: Damon Wayans' Career ShiftDamon Wayans left stand-up comedy for a successful acting career in sitcoms, but his unique style and fearless approach to comedy continue to inspire new generations.

      Damon Wayans, despite his undeniable comedic talent and success, chose to leave stand-up comedy for a career in acting. At the height of his fame, Wayans was known for his long, unpolished sets that left audiences in stitches. His natural ability to be funny and take risks made him a favorite among comedians and fans alike. However, the allure of steady work and significant paychecks from sitcoms proved too strong, leading him to leave stand-up behind. Despite his potential to be considered one of the all-time greats, Wayans' departure left many wondering what could have been. His unique style and fearless approach to comedy continue to inspire new generations of comedians. Though he may not be performing stand-up regularly anymore, his impact on the comedy world remains significant.

    • Importance of live performance in stand-up comedyLive performance is crucial for honing stand-up comedy skills and building an audience, but navigating complex issues like fame and power dynamics requires nuanced discussions.

      Developing stand-up comedy skills requires an audience and practice in front of them. Joe Rogan shared his experience of recording ideas before performing, but emphasized the importance of performing live. Regarding Bill Cosby, Rogan expressed his skepticism towards the accusations, acknowledging the complexity of the situation and the power dynamics involved in fame. He also pointed out the inconsistency in the public's reaction towards Cosby and other celebrities facing similar allegations. Overall, Rogan's conversation touched upon the importance of live performance, the complexities of fame, and the need for nuanced discussions on sensitive topics.

    • High-profile figures in entertainment industry accused of sexual misconductRecent years have seen high-profile figures in entertainment industry face scandal over sexual misconduct allegations. Delayed reporting is common due to victims' shame and fear, leading to professional and financial consequences.

      The entertainment industry has faced significant scandal in recent years, with high-profile figures like Stephen Collins and Bill Cosby being accused of sexual misconduct. Collins, who starred in the TV show "Seventh Heaven," confessed to sexual abuse allegations over a year ago, leading to his divorce and potential financial consequences. Cosby, a legendary comedian, has faced numerous accusations of drugging and sexually assaulting women, leading to his professional downfall. The delay in reporting such incidents is common in cases of sexual assault, as victims often feel shame and fear of disbelief. The public reaction to these scandals has been varied, with some questioning the artistic integrity of the accused, while others expressing outrage and demanding accountability. The impact of social media on the public discourse around these issues cannot be ignored. Ultimately, these cases highlight the need for greater awareness and support for victims of sexual assault.

    • The Complexity of Heroes and VillainsPeople can have both good and bad qualities, and it's important to remember that heroes can commit heinous acts. The line between consent and non-consent can be blurred by individuals' motivations and actions.

      The line between heroes and villains can be blurred, and it's important to remember that people are complex and can have both good and bad qualities. The Cosby case highlights this complexity, as he was beloved by many as a comedian and actor, but allegations of drug-facilitated sexual assault have tarnished his reputation. The desire to hold onto heroes can make it difficult to accept that they may have committed heinous acts. Additionally, some individuals may have inconsistent behaviors or hidden demons. In the case of Cosby, reports suggest he had a God complex and enjoyed a sense of power over his accusers. The line between consent and non-consensual sex is clear, but the motivations and actions of individuals can be more complicated.

    • Cultivating a Public Image as a CoverPredators can use charitable work and a seemingly impeccable public image to manipulate public perception and avoid scrutiny for their criminal actions.

      Bill Cosby's reputation as a trusted and impeccable public figure was deliberately cultivated as a cover for his alleged criminal actions. Hannibal Buress' comedy routine brought these allegations to light, sparking a larger conversation about the tactics used by predators to manipulate public perception. The idea that all of Cosby's accusers are lying is considered ridiculous, as these allegations involve serious crimes. Evil people often use charitable work as a means to gain public trust and avoid scrutiny, as seen with the cases of Sandusky and Lance Armstrong. It's important to remember that behind the public persona, there may be a very different reality.

    • Culture of doping in professional cycling during Lance Armstrong's eraLance Armstrong's use of performance-enhancing drugs and deceptive practices led to a culture of doping in professional cycling, resulting in a $100 million lawsuit against his US Postal Service team for defrauding the government.

      The culture of professional cycling during Lance Armstrong's era was permeated with performance-enhancing drug use, and the pressure to compete at the highest level led many athletes to engage in deceptive practices. Armstrong himself admitted to using various drugs, including EPO and testosterone, to enhance his performance and recovery. The US Postal Service team, which sponsored Armstrong, is now being sued for $100 million for defrauding the government due to Armstrong's use of performance-enhancing drugs while representing the team. Armstrong's aggressive defense of himself and his attacks on those who accused him only worsened public perception of him as a cheater and an asshole. Despite the controversy, Armstrong's success in the sport brought cycling into the mainstream, making him a household name and a symbol of the sport.

    • Exploring Misogyny, Empowerment, and ComedyThe speakers discussed misogynistic attitudes, admired Beyonce's empowering performance, and appreciated comedian Ian Edwards' unique talent, emphasizing the importance of hard work and dedication in various fields.

      The speakers in this conversation were discussing various topics, including misogynistic attitudes, Beyonce's empowering performance, and the lucrative nature of comedy. The speakers also shared their admiration for comedian Ian Edwards and his unique talent. Despite some misconceptions and misunderstandings, they appreciated each other's perspectives and continued to engage in a lively and humorous conversation. The speakers also highlighted the importance of hard work and dedication to success in various fields. Overall, the conversation showcased the speakers' ability to find common ground and enjoy each other's company despite their differences.

    • Friends discuss the pressures of societal expectations to have children and live conventionallyPeople should be free to make their own choices about having children and living arrangements without societal pressure or judgment

      There is no one-size-fits-all approach to life, and people should be free to make their own choices based on their individual circumstances and desires. The conversation between the two friends, Tommy Buns and the speaker, reveals their differing perspectives on having children and living arrangements. While Tommy Buns is excited about becoming a father and feels financially and emotionally ready, the speaker expresses his disdain for societal pressure to settle down and have kids. He shares his frustration with people who have divorced and lectured him about growing up and having a family. The speaker also admires friends who live unconventional lives, such as Steve Maxwell, who travels the world and lives out of a bag, and Tom Rhodes, who has recently decided to live in an apartment after years of traveling as a comedian. Ultimately, the friends agree that everyone should be free to live their lives as they choose and not be judged or lectured by others.

    • The value of one's life isn't defined by having childrenInstead, it's about positively impacting those around us and finding joy in unique moments.

      The value of one's life and contributions doesn't depend on having children. Instead, it's about how we positively impact the lives of those around us. The conversation also touched on the idea that passing gas, or farting, can be a bonding experience between partners. While some may find it gross, others see it as a sign of comfort and familiarity in a relationship. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that everyone's experiences and preferences are different, and what works for one person may not work for another. The most important thing is to be true to ourselves and find joy in the unique moments that make up our lives.

    • Personal habits and relationships: Respecting boundariesCommunicate openly and respect each other's boundaries in any relationship, as people's habits and expectations can vary greatly.

      People's behaviors and expectations can vary greatly when it comes to personal habits and relationships. For instance, some individuals may feel comfortable farting in front of their long-term partners, while others might prefer to hold it in or leave the room. In more extreme cases, such as in the porn industry, there may be less concern for personal etiquette due to the nature of the work. Ultimately, it's essential to communicate openly and respect each other's boundaries in any relationship. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of college football and the excitement it brings to some people.

    • A fan's appreciation for college football's traditions and passionCollege football offers a unique blend of tradition, rivalries, and authenticity that resonates with fans, making it more appealing than the NFL for some.

      The speaker is a passionate fan of college football, particularly drawn to its tradition, rivalries, and strategic aspects. They appreciate the role of analysts in highlighting the intricacies of the game and enjoy following the development of young players. The speaker's preference for college football over the NFL stems from the perceived genuine passion and authenticity of college football, with its long-standing programs and the drive of students to make it to the professional level. The speaker's fandom is rooted in their upbringing and personal connection to certain teams. The ongoing Tom Brady deflation controversy in the NFL was mentioned, but it didn't seem to hold the same level of excitement for the speaker as college football.

    • NFL's Unprecedented Suspension of Tom Brady and Controversial Financial ConsequencesThe NFL's suspension of Tom Brady for using deflated footballs during the AFC Championship Game sparked controversy due to the financial consequences, including loss of draft picks and requirement to pay back money, while the preference for slightly deflated balls and comparison to past controversies like corked bats added fuel to the debate.

      The NFL's suspension of Tom Brady for using deflated footballs during the AFC Championship Game was unprecedented and sparked controversy due to the financial consequences, including the loss of draft picks and the requirement to pay back money. The discussion also touched upon the preference for slightly deflated balls in football and the comparison to past controversies like corked bats. Brady's high public profile and immense wealth, estimated to be around $400 million for him and his supermodel wife, added fuel to the controversy. The conversation also explored the physical demands and injuries that quarterbacks face, as well as the advancements in sports medicine, such as stem cell treatments.

    • Advancements in Medical Technology and Athletic PerformanceSpeaker shares excitement about potential of stem cells, young blood transfusions, and myostatin inhibitors to improve health and athletic performance. Personal experience of surprising recovery from shoulder surgery adds credibility.

      The speaker is excited about the potential advancements in medical technology, specifically the use of stem cells and young blood transfusions, to improve physical health and athletic performance. He shares his personal experience of undergoing shoulder surgery and recovery, expressing surprise at the lack of pain or setbacks. The speaker also mentions the potential use of myostatin inhibitors to increase muscle size. He speculates about the possibility of "places where you're going to be able to go and they're going to put young blood in your body," and expresses a belief that this will become a reality in the near future. The speaker also promotes his own comedy specials and podcast, which are available on Netflix and social media.

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    Learn more about Dave Meltzer here: http://www.davemeltzer.com/

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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 136 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Deliverances in the church, Taylor Swift and royal family theory, 100 days underwater reverses a guy's age, Being gullible is a superpower, Family feud murder case, Guy exposes himself on TV by rapping, Twitch streamer catches a ghost, Kids growing up too fast, Hospital scenario about morals, Fighting for love, All news channels having the same script, What is actually "meant to be" and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Thanks to our Sponsors: Visit https://EBAY.com for terms Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Episode 27: She Hooked Up With Her Cousin for OnlyFans

    Episode 27: She Hooked Up With Her Cousin for OnlyFans
    In this episode Tana and Brooke are joined by Stella Barey aka The Anal Princess. They discuss sex parties, anal, having intercourse with homeless people, and how Stella's sexual relationship with her cousin skyrocketed her OnlyFans. This episode is sponsored by Favor (http://www.heyfavor.com/cancelled), and Noom (http://www.noom.com/tana), Cerebral (http://www.cerebral.com/tana) and Adam & Eve (http://www.adamandeve.com offer code Tana). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Don't Be Afraid To Be Multidimensional

    Don't Be Afraid To Be Multidimensional

    One of the biggest mistakes I see people make are they think they're pigeon holed into sticking to the one thing they've been doing - but a bit part of figuring out what your thing is, is tasting more than one thing and changing up what you're doing, if you're not happy with it. 

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/garyvee/message