
    Podcast Summary

    • Lies, no matter how small, have big consequencesLying, even about insignificant matters, can lead to public humiliation and the end of one's reputation. The psychological toll of repeating a lie can be overwhelming.

      Lies, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, can have profound and long-lasting consequences. The Renazee story discussed in the podcast serves as a reminder of this. Renazze lied about working in the Twin Towers during September 11th, and this lie eventually caught up with him, leading to public humiliation and the end of his reputation. The psychological toll of repeating a lie over and over again, especially when it transitions from a private to a public sphere, can be overwhelming. Chris Ryan, the podcast host, expresses his empathy for Renazze but also acknowledges the difficulties that come with being in the public eye and dealing with the consequences of past lies. Additionally, the discussion touches upon the idea of avoiding work and the responsibilities that come with it, as well as the challenges of managing a business and the parasitic infrastructure that can form around it.

    • The Role of Determinism in Shaping Who We AreOur past significantly shapes who we become, and it's important to consider this when judging ourselves or others.

      Our lives and who we become are shaped by a combination of factors, including genetics, upbringing, and experiences, many of which are outside of our control. The speaker uses the examples of Jared from Subway and a comedian named Steve Renazizi to illustrate this idea. Renazizi's actions, while not evil, were still inexplicable to the speaker, and they made him wonder about the role of determinism in shaping who we are. The speaker also touches on the idea that public figures often have to maintain a certain persona, which can make authenticity difficult to achieve. Ultimately, the speaker believes that a significant portion of who we are is determined by our past, and this is something worth considering when we judge others or ourselves.

    • The Illusion of FameFame is a complex illusion, it's a magic trick based on beliefs and expectations, stay true to oneself, respect fans, everyone is human behind the curtain.

      Fame is a complex illusion that can be both intoxicating and confusing. Joe Rogan, in his podcast, shares his perspective on the nature of fame, comparing it to a magic trick that only holds value based on people's beliefs and expectations. He emphasizes the importance of staying true to oneself while acknowledging and respecting the experience of fans, even if it feels like a misrepresentation. Rogan also recalls personal experiences of meeting famous people and how the aura of fame can be both surreal and ordinary. Ultimately, he encourages appreciating talent and recognizing that behind the curtain, everyone is just human.

    • KISS's use of masks and face paint for anonymityKISS's deliberate use of masks and assumed identities contributed to their massive success by maintaining a level of mystery and intrigue, allowing them to separate their public and private lives and add to the allure of their rock star personas.

      The band KISS embraced anonymity off-stage by wearing masks and face paint, allowing them to maintain a level of mystery and intrigue that likely contributed to their massive success. This was a deliberate choice, as they adopted larger-than-life personas and fake names for their on-stage alter egos. The band members' anonymity extended beyond their music, with one member even working as a commercial pilot to avoid recognition. The use of masks and assumed identities allowed KISS to maintain a level of separation between their public and private lives, adding to the allure of their rock star personas.

    • The origins of cinema and obsession with material possessionsFrom the debate over a horse's gallop to the obsession with material possessions, society's values have shaped both cinema and innovation.

      The origins of cinema began with the debate over whether all a horse's feet left the ground at once during a gallop. This was documented in the first motion picture by Thomas Edison in 1889. However, Edison's business interests may have led him to steal Nikola Tesla's ideas, including the invention of alternating current. Geniuses, like Tesla and Edison, often exhibit obsessive and potentially pathological behaviors. Civilization, according to Freud, is built on deflected sexual energy, and the societal definition of success is often tied to material possessions rather than genuine friendship and enjoyment. Our fascination with acquiring the latest material goods drives innovation and technology, ultimately contributing to an artificially enhanced life. Despite the temporary nature of life, our societal values prioritize wealth, fame, and power.

    • On the brink of a significant transformationWe may create new life forms through technology, potentially making humans obsolete. Overconsumption of resources could lead to an apocalyptic collapse, but conscious reproduction and sustainability offer alternatives.

      Humanity is on the brink of a significant transformation, much like the phase shift from a group of birds to a flock or from grasshoppers to locusts. We are creating new life forms through technology, and it's possible that we may become obsolete. Civilization can be seen as a phase shift into a "locus" form, where we have swarmed and consumed resources at an unsustainable rate. The speaker suggests that a reduction in population through conscious reproduction could be a solution to save the human race and prevent an apocalyptic collapse. The speaker is currently grappling with these ideas in his book and sees three possible scenarios for the future of humanity: a transitional life form giving birth to techno intelligence, an apocalyptic collapse, or a conscious shift towards sustainability.

    • The internet fosters new forms of exchange and empowers individualsThe internet enables unprecedented connection, fosters non-capitalistic exchange, and empowers individuals to make a difference in the world.

      The internet represents a revolutionary shift in human communication and collaboration, enabling unprecedented levels of freedom, international connection, and crowd-sourced innovation. From Kickstarter's rapid growth in arts funding to the Amazon tribe's use of technology for land defense, the internet is fostering new forms of non-capitalistic exchange and enabling individuals to make a difference in the world. The potential for further advancements, such as internet direct voting, is vast, but requires a population prepared to embrace the challenges and responsibilities that come with it. Ultimately, the internet represents a powerful tool for human progress, but its impact depends on our ability to adapt and work together as a global community.

    • Interconnectedness of Humans and NatureHumans are part of a larger interconnected system, from social groups to microorganisms, and the internet may facilitate a new level of species-level consciousness

      Human beings are not isolated individuals, but rather interconnected parts of a larger organism or "superorganism." This concept is evident in various natural phenomena, such as bird flocks and fish swarms, which form cohesive groups without a clear leader. Similarly, humans have a strong need for social connection and community, as isolation and loneliness can lead to profound sadness and even existential crises. Furthermore, our bodies are hosts to vast numbers of microorganisms, making us even more interconnected at the biological level. The internet, as a potential catalyst for a species-level consciousness, may represent a new stage in our understanding and experience of this interconnectedness.

    • From ancient civilizations to modern advancements, humans have faced both innovation and catastrophic eventsHuman progress is driven by both innovation and catastrophic events, with survivors rebuilding and rediscovering lost knowledge to create new societies and structures

      Human civilization has undergone significant transformations throughout history, and our advancements can be attributed to both innovation and catastrophic events. The ancient Egyptians, for instance, were an advanced civilization that left behind hieroglyphs and architectural marvels like the pyramids. However, much of their knowledge was lost when the Library of Alexandria was burned. Despite this, humans have continued to progress, from the time of Genghis Khan to the present day with figures like Elon Musk. One theory suggests that asteroidal impacts played a role in the end of the Ice Age and the wiping out of a large portion of humanity. In the face of such events, survivors had to rebuild and rediscover the knowledge of the past, leading to the creation of new societies and structures.

    • Human efforts to manage nature have unintended consequencesAttempts to control nature can lead to unexpected results, such as increased cobra populations or decimated bird populations, highlighting the complexity of human-nature interactions

      Human attempts to manage and control nature can have unintended consequences. This was discussed in relation to a book that explores what would happen if all humans disappeared, leading to the natural world taking over. The conversation touched upon the importance of animal management and the debates between hunters and wildlife advocates. An example of unintended consequences was given through the "cobra effect," where an attempt to control cobra populations in India led to an increase in their numbers. Similarly, Australia's introduction of foxes to control rabbits resulted in the foxes decimating ground nesting birds. These examples illustrate the complexity and challenges of human efforts to manage and control nature.

    • The Balance of Nature: Can Cane Toads Teach Us a Lesson?The cane toad's introduction to Australia led to an out-of-control population growth due to lack of natural predators and poisonous nature, but its rise and die-off serves as a reminder of nature's balance and the interconnectedness of all life forms.

      Nature has its ways of balancing ecosystems through various means, including the introduction of new species or the natural die-off of populations. The discussion revolved around the cane toad, a large amphibian introduced to Australia to control sugar cane grubs. However, due to their lack of natural predators and poisonous nature, their population grew out of control, leading to numerous encounters with humans. The cane toad's size and behavior were compared to a natural cycle of rise and die-off, as seen in other species like rabbits. This concept was further expanded upon by referencing the book "A Short History of Progress" by Ronald Wright, which explores the life cycles of various civilizations. The idea that we are all made of star dust and carbon-based life forms originated from stars was also touched upon, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things in nature.

    • Society's Complex and Contradictory Relationship with Sex and SexualityWe idealize certain body types and use sex to sell, but also stigmatize and shame open expression. Recognize and challenge societal norms for a more inclusive culture.

      Our relationship with sex and sexuality is complex and contradictory. We use sex to sell products and idealize certain body types, particularly for women, while also stigmatizing and shaming those who express their sexuality openly. This creates a confusing and often conflicting message about sex and body image. The discussion also touched on the impact of societal norms on individual experiences, with some people feeling empowered by the exploration of sexuality and others feeling objectified or shamed. Ultimately, it's important to recognize and challenge these societal norms, and to create a more inclusive and positive culture around sex and sexuality.

    • Finding Balance in a Circular, Sustainable Way of LivingPrioritize balance and find joy in the present moment to create a more fulfilling existence. Value relaxation and innovation, and set boundaries to protect personal time and well-being.

      The relentless pursuit of productivity and constant connectivity, driven by advancements in technology, can lead to a loss of balance in life. As the speaker reflects on his own experiences and the history of civilization, he emphasizes the importance of finding a circular, sustainable way of living. This means valuing relaxation and innovation, as well as setting boundaries to protect personal time and well-being. The speaker's personal decision to return to Spain, where he feels a stronger connection to the culture and way of life, illustrates this philosophy. The hustle and game of life can be overwhelming, but by prioritizing balance and finding joy in the present moment, we can create a more fulfilling existence.

    • Observing Cultural Differences in Spain and AmericaCultural differences significantly influence daily life, from food habits to tipping customs and attitudes towards sex and politeness.

      Cultural differences can greatly impact daily life experiences. The speaker shares his observations on the contrasting customs of Spain and America, from the absence of to-go cups in Spanish cafes to the tipping culture in American restaurants. He also discusses the more relaxed attitude towards sex in Spain compared to the United States. The speaker expresses frustration with the excessive politeness and customer service expectations in America, which he finds to be time-consuming and artificial. He prefers the straightforward interactions and efficiency of Spanish culture. However, he acknowledges the advantages of America for work opportunities and expresses a love-hate relationship with both countries.

    • Understanding Legal Differences Between Spain and the USSpain focuses on addressing harm, US emphasizes strict law adherence; Spanish police lenient, US legal system prone to corruption and abuse in asset forfeiture

      The legal systems and societal norms in Spain and the United States differ significantly, particularly when it comes to tolerance for ambiguity and law enforcement. In Spain, there's a more relaxed attitude towards rules and regulations, with a focus on addressing problems that cause harm rather than strict adherence to the law. In contrast, the US legal system places a greater emphasis on following the law, with harsher consequences for infractions, including asset forfeiture and minimum mandatory sentencing. This conversation highlighted the experiences of the speaker in navigating different offices in Spain and the lenient approach of the Spanish police towards ambiguous situations. However, it also shed light on the potential for corruption and abuse of power in the US legal system, particularly with regards to asset forfeiture. Overall, the discussion underscores the importance of understanding cultural differences and the potential implications of these differences on everyday life and interactions with law enforcement.

    • Legalized stealing and bribery in the US systemThe US legal and political systems disadvantage the less privileged and favor the wealthy and corporations, leading to community wealth extraction and a culture of infinite growth, akin to legalized stealing and bribery.

      The legal system in the US, particularly regarding asset forfeiture and the political system with lobbyists and Super PACs, is set up to disadvantage the less privileged and favor the wealthy and corporations. This results in the extraction of community wealth and a culture of infinite growth, where constant profit is expected. This system, as discussed, is akin to legalized stealing and bribery. The consequences of this can be seen in various industries, including the military industrial complex, and the hysteria around certain substances like drugs. This situation is concerning and collapsing the country, as highlighted in documentaries like "The Corporation." It's crucial to be aware of these issues and the impact they have on individuals and communities.

    • Spanish Culture Values Pleasure and Time OffIn contrast to America's obsession with productivity, Spain values pleasure and taking time off. Most Spaniards take a full 30-day vacation in August, leaving work virtually empty. This cultural difference is reflected in various aspects of life, including advertising and fitness industry jargon.

      While Americans are infatuated with productivity and work, the Spanish culture values pleasure and taking time off. The speaker shares his experience of how Spain, particularly Barcelona, is virtually empty during the month of August as most people take their full 30-day vacation. He contrasts this with America's obsession with productivity and working hard, often to impress others. He criticizes commercials that promote this mindset, pointing out that the people in these ads are often not even employees of the companies they represent. The speaker also reflects on the evolution of the term "bro" and how it has shifted from a friendly greeting to a derogatory term. He ends by mentioning "bro science" in the fitness industry, which refers to unproven ideas. Overall, the speaker's observations highlight the cultural differences between Spain and America regarding work-life balance and the importance of pleasure.

    • Cultural differences in expressions of affectionUnderstanding and respecting diverse cultural practices and values is crucial for effective interpersonal relationships.

      Cultural norms significantly impact interpersonal relationships and expressions of affection. The speaker shares his experience of the differences between Spanish and American cultures, discussing the concept of "bromance" and the physicality of greetings in Spain. He also touches upon the topic of thought privacy and the taboo nature of certain thoughts in various contexts, referencing the Boy Scouts and religious practices. The speaker's reflections highlight the significance of understanding and respecting diverse cultural practices and values.

    • Early experiences shape sexual development and preferencesEarly experiences can influence fetishes and preferences, but do not define one's sexual orientation or identity

      Sexual development and attraction can be influenced by early experiences and imprinting, leading to fetishes or preferences that last a lifetime. This phenomenon is more common in men than women, who exhibit greater sexual plasticity and adaptability throughout their lives. Some argue this could explain the origins of certain sexual behaviors or orientations, including fetishes and even pedophilia. However, it's essential to remember that these experiences do not define one's sexual orientation or identity. Instead, they represent unique aspects of individual sexuality. It's important to approach these discussions with sensitivity and understanding, recognizing the complexity and diversity of human sexual experiences.

    • Understanding the Complexities of Human DesiresPeople have diverse sexual needs and desires, and accepting and understanding these differences can lead to unique opportunities.

      The human psyche and sexual desires can be quite intriguing and unexpected. The story shared involves a woman named Sierra Lynch, who discovered a unique business model by selling personal items to men with specific fetishes. This concept started innocently enough with the selling of stinky socks, but it evolved into more extreme territories, including blackmail and humiliation. While some may find this behavior disturbing, it highlights the diversity and complexity of human sexuality. Sierra's story is a reminder that people have various desires and needs, and understanding these differences can lead to unique opportunities. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the idea that our ancestors may have had more flexible sexual standards to ensure reproduction. The ancient scholar John Marco Allegro's work on the Dead Sea Scrolls further supports this theory. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the importance of acceptance and understanding of individual differences and the complexities of human desires.

    • Ancient Fertility Cults and Psychedelic Mushrooms' Impact on Christianity's OriginsAncient beliefs in fertility and population growth influenced Christianity's emergence. Psychedelic mushrooms might have been used in rituals, leading to spiritual experiences and shaping Christian beliefs.

      According to this author's interpretation based on his study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient fertility cults and the consumption of psychedelic mushrooms may have played a significant role in the origins of Christianity. The importance of fertility and population growth during that time is emphasized, as well as the idea of being sexually adaptable to increase chances of reproduction. The author also touches upon how excess and easy living in modern times may lead to unusual sexual desires and fetishes. He suggests that true excitement and strong orgasms may come from experiencing sexual deprivation or waiting longer periods between sexual encounters.

    • Stigmatizing Substances Can Hinder Our HealthAvoid societal norms and taboos when considering substances like testosterone or marijuana, which can significantly enhance our quality of life as we age, under ethical and responsible guidance from healthcare professionals.

      People, including ourselves, often stigmatize the use of certain medications or substances, such as testosterone or marijuana, due to societal norms and taboos. However, these substances can significantly improve our quality of life, especially as we age, by enhancing our energy levels, mood, and overall well-being. It's essential to approach these substances ethically and responsibly, under the guidance of a knowledgeable healthcare professional, to ensure optimal health benefits and avoid potential negative side effects. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize our health and well-being, acknowledging that aging is a natural process, and seeking the means to mitigate its challenges is not a sign of weakness or vanity.

    • Beliefs about nature, sexuality, and health are influenced by societal norms and expectationsOur understanding of sexuality, health, and nature can be shaped by societal norms, imprinting, and hormonal influences, requiring a nuanced perspective to challenge conventional wisdom.

      Our understanding of nature, sexuality, and health is not always based on factual information or critical thinking. Instead, it can be influenced by societal norms and expectations. For instance, the belief that we should work hard without questioning why, or the use of sex pills that don't actually work based on the assumed connection between blood flow and sexual arousal. Even in the realm of sexuality, our behaviors and desires can be shaped by imprinting and hormonal influences. For example, male mammals, including humans, can become sexually imprinted on a particular species during development. Similarly, the lack of testosterone can significantly impact a person's interests and pleasures. Understanding these complexities requires a nuanced perspective and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom.

    • Impact of Testosterone on Emotions and BehaviorTestosterone influences emotions and behavior, with deficiency linked to depression and excess leading to heightened emotions and feelings of love. Testosterone supplements can help alleviate depression in certain individuals, while culture and diet can impact levels.

      Testosterone plays a significant role in various aspects of human behavior and emotion. The discussion highlighted how the lack of testosterone can lead to depression, and its increase can result in heightened emotions and the feeling of being in love. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the use of testosterone supplements to alleviate depression in individuals with traumatic brain injuries and mid-life crises. The conversation also touched upon the impact of different cultures and diets on testosterone levels and the microbiome. Overall, the conversation emphasized the complex relationship between hormones, emotions, and human behavior.

    • Food as Art: Unique Practices and Cultural SignificanceUnique food practices, like using cheese mites, challenge food safety regulations and offer distinctive flavors. Food is an art form, providing sensory experiences beyond nutrition.

      There are unique and often controversial food practices that produce distinctive flavors, such as the use of cheese mites in certain types of cheese, which are banned in the US but highly valued in Europe. These practices challenge conventional food safety regulations and can lead to protests from consumers. Food can be seen as an art form, providing sensory experiences beyond just nutrition. For instance, Anthony Bourdain's shows opened people's eyes to this perspective. Some people approach food as fuel, while others savor the artistry and cultural significance behind each meal. Jiu-jitsu, an intense physical activity, is an example of an experience that can be both dangerous and rewarding, especially for those starting at an advanced age.

    • Balancing Progress and PreservationWe must consider the potential consequences of our actions and strive for a balance between progress and preservation. Informed decision-making and government intervention can help address resource depletion and environmental concerns, while acknowledging the need for safety and security.

      The drive for technological advancement and convenience is leading to questionable choices, such as consuming nutrient-rich but pleaseless food substitutes or neglecting the health of our planet. This discussion also touched on the potential for government intervention and the importance of informed decision-making in shaping the future. The conversation highlighted the stark reality of dwindling resources, such as tuna stocks and the overabundance of plastic in the ocean. It's crucial to consider the potential consequences of our actions and strive for a balance between progress and preservation. If we could have a more direct role in how our taxes are spent, we might be able to better address these issues. However, it's important to acknowledge that there will always be threats to our safety and well-being, requiring a degree of resistance and a military presence. Ultimately, it's about finding a balance between the ideal and the real world.

    • Understanding the Root Causes of ConflictExploring the complex origins of violence and conflict, from historical exploitation to systemic issues, is crucial for promoting peace and preventing future cycles.

      Every instance of evil or violence in the world is often a response to earlier actions or circumstances. From Pol Pot's regime in Cambodia to ISIS, people believe they are doing good, even if their actions lead to harm. However, it's crucial to recognize that many of these conflicts arise from colonial exploitation and systemic issues like poverty and crime. While some argue that violence is necessary to promote ethical standards, others believe non-violent resistance is the only way to end the cycle. The complexities of these issues are highlighted in documentaries like "The Seven Five," which explores police corruption in New York City. Ultimately, understanding the root causes of conflict and working towards systemic change is key to promoting peace and preventing future cycles of violence.

    • Encountering the Unusual: A Young Boy and a PsychiatristThe human mind is complex and intricate, and understanding and compassionately approaching those with mental health challenges is crucial.

      The speaker had an encounter with a young boy on a bus who seemed to be experiencing some kind of unusual behavior. Initially, the speaker assumed the boy was just bored, but as he observed the boy's actions more closely, he realized something was off. The boy appeared to be having a difficult time processing the world around him, and the speaker was left wondering what was causing his experience. The speaker then shared a story about Cassilda, a psychiatrist he knows who specializes in working with individuals who have lost touch with reality, often referred to as psychotics. Cassilda finds these individuals fascinating and honest, and she has a unique ability to connect with them. The speaker admires Cassilda's approach and her willingness to dive into the depths of people's struggles, even when it's challenging and intense. The speaker reflects on his own experiences with mental health and how he was drawn to psychology as a way to better understand his own mind. However, he ultimately decided that he didn't have the patience to deal with other people's problems on a professional level. The speaker's encounters with the young boy and Cassilda highlight the complexities and intricacies of the human mind and the importance of understanding and compassionately approaching those who experience mental health challenges.

    • Surroundings Influence Our LivesBeing around positive and healthy people encourages similar behaviors, while negative energy and self-sabotaging actions can wear us down. Prioritize healthy relationships and set boundaries to protect your mental state.

      The energy and behaviors of those around us can have a significant impact on our own lives. Negative energy, laziness, and self-sabotaging behaviors can wear on us and become the norm if we're constantly exposed to them. On the other hand, being around positive and healthy people can encourage us to adopt similar behaviors. However, it's important to recognize that we can't force others to change, and trying to do so can be unhealthy and counterproductive. Additionally, being around others' problems and disasters too frequently can be draining and potentially harmful to our own mental state. It's essential to establish firm boundaries and prioritize our own well-being.

    • Balancing Creative Freedom and Industry PressuresArtists must decide whether to prioritize creative freedom or external pressures, and building relationships with industry professionals can help navigate compromises.

      Creative freedom is a valuable asset in the entertainment industry, but it often comes with challenges and compromises. Comedians, like the speaker, may face pushback from producers or networks who want to shape their material to fit a certain mold. In the speaker's experience, this led to disagreements over content, particularly when it came to discussing sensitive or taboo topics. Ultimately, the decision to prioritize creative freedom over external pressures comes down to the individual artist and their values. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of building relationships with industry professionals, as these connections can provide leverage and opportunities for future projects. Additionally, the speaker admires artists like Doug Stanhope who have fully committed to their unique styles and have not compromised their art for commercial success.

    • The power of following your passions and the digital ageA man's love for Fargo led him to start a business and inspire a book, showcasing the limitless opportunities in the digital age for creators to share their work and connect with audiences.

      Creativity and following one's passions can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared a story about a man who quit his high-paying job on Wall Street to start a business in Fargo, North Dakota, after falling in love with the town. This experience inspired the speaker to consider publishing a book of excerpts from his podcast, which could reach a wide audience and provide value to both listeners and non-listeners. The internet and digital media have opened up new avenues for creators to share their work and connect with audiences in unique ways, such as podcasting and YouTube content. The speaker also emphasized the importance of staying true to one's vision and working with partners who share the same values. Overall, the discussion highlights the power of pursuing one's passions and the endless possibilities of the digital age.

    • Shift in power towards dispersed society through podcastsPodcasts challenge traditional power structures, enable free expression, and offer global access to education, potentially leading to new, ethical corporations and a more optimistic future.

      The ubiquity and accessibility of podcasts represent a shift in the distribution of power, moving away from centralized institutions towards a more dispersed and connected society. Podcasts allow anyone to express their thoughts freely, and their availability on various platforms makes them accessible to a global audience. This shift towards direct connections and the dissemination of raw data through the internet challenges traditional power structures and could lead to new, more ethical and grounded forms of corporations. The unsustainable infinite growth paradigm is being questioned, and the ability to educate oneself through podcasts and other digital means is changing the way we view the world. The speaker expresses hope that this is the beginning of a return to dispersed power and a more optimistic view of the future.

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    Airbnb CEO: “IT WAS SO DARK WE NEARLY DIED!”. I Was Lonely, Deeply Sad & Wanted To Be Loved! [INSPIRING!] Brian Chesky

    Airbnb CEO: “IT WAS SO DARK WE NEARLY DIED!”. I Was Lonely, Deeply Sad & Wanted To Be Loved! [INSPIRING!] Brian Chesky
    Is being an artist the secret behind running a Fortune 500 company? In this new episode Steven sits down again with the co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, Brian Chesky. Brian created ‘Airbed and Breakfast’ in 2007 with his college friend Joe Gebbia as a scheme to pay their rent. Cut to 2020, when Airbnb became a public company, with its initial public offering reaching $100 billion, one of the highest in history. Brian has been named by Forbes as one of America's Richest Entrepreneurs Under 40, and one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People. In this conversation Brian and Steven discuss topics, such as: His difficult childhood Always feeling like an outsider and different How his art teacher changed his life The way industrial design shaped his career as a CEO Always wanting to design his own world Wanting to escape his childhood His work addiction Working as a way of finding love How success is isolating What no one told him about success The need to fight to be connected with people Why success won't fix you How Obama changed his life The life changing impact of one text message His biggest regret The impact of Walt Disney upon him How creativity changes the world Airbnb initially just being a way to pay the rent How creativity beats data Why more companies need creativity and heart Why company culture is everything The importance of leaders as examples How your worst moments define you Airbnb’s fight for survival What he learned about true happiness The world’s loneliness pandemic Follow Brian: Instagram: https://bit.ly/3ti1InE Twitter: https://bit.ly/3RSjGYo Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now: https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: Instagram: http://bit.ly/3nIkGAZ Twitter: http://bit.ly/3ztHuHm Linkedin: https://bit.ly/41Fl95Q Sponsor: Huel: https://g2ul0.app.link/G4RjcdKNKsb Shopify: http://shopify.com/barlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Best Sex Life w/ Andrew Santino | Your Mom's House Ep.692

    The Best Sex Life w/ Andrew Santino | Your Mom's House Ep.692
    Watch Andrew Santino’s Standup Comedy Special “Cheeseburger” streaming now on Netflix!   SPONSORS: - Go to https://Saatva.com/theshit to get $200 off ANY mattress of your choice. - Grab your Liquid I.V. in bulk nationwide at Costco or you can get 20% off when you go to http://LiquidIV.com and use code HOUSE at checkout   Welcome back to the Mommy Dome with Tom Segura and Christina P and we are still recovering from Charo’s recent visit. We watch some clips about pronouns/gender, discuss #BurpGate, and Tom announces David Wolter the Eerie weatherman has accepted his basketball challenge.   We then welcome comedian, podcaster and actor, Andrew Santino! Go watch his special “Cheeseburger” on Netflix now! They talk about weird fan interactions, working with Bobby Lee, we watch a clip of a cool girl going over her sex stats for the year, discuss Prince Harry getting frostbite on his Cory and having sex abroad. The Mommies introduce Santino to Sam’s Tailor, watch a girl on TikTok who apparently didn’t kill her brother, and review Christina’s latest TikTok curations.    https://tomsegura.com/tour https://christinaponline.com/tour-dates https://store.ymhstudios.com/ https://www.reddit.com/r/yourmomshousepodcast Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices