
    698 Glenn Beck on Suicide and Addiction to Riches and Fame

    enSeptember 26, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • The Dangers of Arrogance and OverconfidenceBeing overly certain and arrogant in our beliefs can lead to losing valuable relationships. Humility, self-reflection, and empathy are important for understanding different perspectives.

      Being overly certain and arrogant in our beliefs can lead to alienating those around us and potentially losing valuable relationships. Glenn Beck shares his experience of becoming absolutely convinced about a political figure and lecturing his audience about it, which ultimately led to a significant loss of supporters. He now recognizes the importance of respecting and understanding different perspectives, even if they don't align with our own. Additionally, Beck discusses the impact of his past experiences, including growing up in an emotionally abusive household and dealing with addiction, on his life and how they shaped him into the person he is today. Overall, this interview provides valuable insights into the importance of humility, self-reflection, and empathy.

    • Turning hate into connectionEmpathy, asking questions, and sharing vulnerabilities can help turn hate into connection. Personal struggles can contribute to growth and deeper connections.

      It's important to approach situations with empathy and understanding, especially when dealing with criticism or misunderstandings. The speaker shared his experience of being hated by a large audience and how he turned the situation around by sharing his vulnerabilities and mistakes. He emphasized the importance of asking questions and seeking to understand others' perspectives, rather than jumping to conclusions or attacking. Additionally, the speaker reflected on how personal struggles, such as addiction and loss, have shaped him and contributed to his growth. Overall, the message is to respond to adversity with resilience and openness, and to strive for deeper connections with others.

    • Believing in one's own success despite personal strugglesMichael O'Shea's determination and passion for his craft led him to excel in radio and TV, despite his personal struggles with alcoholism and lack of a large social circle. His curiosity and eagerness to learn set him apart and contributed to his success.

      Michael O'Shea, despite his high-functioning alcoholism and self-hatred, believed in his own success and dedication to his craft, which led him to excel in radio and television. However, his inability to attend social events and lack of a large social circle hindered him from achieving greater success. Later in his career, his curiosity and eagerness to learn led him to discover the importance of shading in television production, which ultimately set him apart and contributed to his success. Despite his struggles, O'Shea's determination and passion for his craft ultimately paid off.

    • The importance of connection and understanding between a father and sonThrough the discovery of a shared passion for art, a father and son formed a bond, revealing the impact of past hardships and the power of communication in healing relationships.

      The power of connection and understanding, especially between a father and son, can lead to profound personal growth. The speaker discovered the art of shading in graphics, which reminded him of his distant relationship with his father. As they both began to open up and communicate, they found common ground and formed a close bond. The father's past, filled with hardships and abuse, shaped his distant demeanor, but also his desire to connect and be a good father. The speaker's realization of the importance of the phrase "I am" from his father's teachings in the Church of Religious Science, helped him connect the dots and appreciate the depth of their relationship. Ultimately, their shared experiences of pain, growth, and the power of communication brought them closer together.

    • The power of our words and thoughtsRecognizing and labeling thoughts, focusing on positivity can change our self-perception and reality.

      Our thoughts and the words we use to describe ourselves shape our reality. The speaker shares how he realized the significance of taking God's name in vain and how it relates to our self-perception. He shares his past experiences of thinking he was the greatest, which led him to act monstrously towards others, and then feeling worthless and negative about himself. His father's advice to recognize and label positive and negative thoughts helped him understand the power of his thoughts and begin to change his life. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being aware of our self-talk and striving to focus on the positive to create a better reality for ourselves.

    • Unresolved past experiences impact relationshipsAcknowledging and addressing past traumas and unmet needs is crucial to prevent repeating harmful patterns in relationships.

      Unresolved past experiences and unmet desires can lead to harmful behaviors and unhealthy relationships. The speaker's father, who had struggled with his own father's abuse, vowed not to become an abuser himself. However, in his pursuit of this goal, he neglected his own desires and missed opportunities, leading him to become a different kind of abuser by denying his family the ability to grieve and express their emotions. The speaker's mother, who harbored resentment and missed opportunities, took out her frustrations on her daughters and worsened as she grew older. Both parents' experiences highlight the importance of acknowledging and addressing past traumas and unmet needs in order to avoid repeating harmful patterns in relationships.

    • Learning from and carrying on a father's legacyEvaluate father's actions, make decisions based on what's right, acknowledge and address past traumas, provide support and understanding to those affected.

      Being a son involves learning from one's father and carrying on his legacy. This responsibility extends beyond just following directions; it also includes evaluating the father's actions and making decisions based on what's right. The discussion also highlighted the devastating impact of family dysfunction and abuse. The speakers' experiences of physical and emotional violence, as well as their inability to communicate and heal, left them feeling broken and unloved. Despite these challenges, they remained resilient and worthy of love and validation. The importance of acknowledging and addressing past traumas, and providing support and understanding to those affected, emerged as a powerful message.

    • Overcoming estrangement and finding growthEven the most challenging experiences can lead to personal growth and positive outcomes. Embrace difficult situations and look for opportunities to learn and heal.

      Even the most difficult experiences in life can lead to growth and positive outcomes. The speaker shares her story of estrangement from her sister and the emotional turmoil she faced after her mother's suicide. Through the years, she was able to heal their relationship and now cherishes her sister's companionship. The speaker also reflects on how seemingly negative events in her life, such as her mother's death and moving with her father, ultimately led her to success and personal development. The speaker's father's words, "there is no bad unless you don't do anything with it," resonated with her and became a guiding principle in her life.

    • The Impact of Belief and Mentorship on Academic SuccessBelief from a mentor or authority figure can significantly boost self-perception and academic journey. Questioning, learning, and seeking answers are crucial. Censorship is dangerous, and understanding opposing viewpoints is essential for growth.

      The power of belief and validation from a mentor or authority figure can significantly impact a person's self-perception and academic journey. The speaker shares his experience of feeling unworthy and unintelligent, but a professor's belief in him changed the game. Despite societal and personal obstacles, the importance of questioning, learning, and seeking answers was emphasized. Additionally, the dangers of censorship and the importance of understanding opposing viewpoints were highlighted. Overall, this conversation underscores the importance of self-belief, the power of mentorship, and the significance of open-mindedness in personal growth and academic success.

    • Believing in oneself and staying true to valuesStaying true to oneself and values, even in adversity, is crucial for growth and making a positive impact. Self-belief and courage to resist destructive behaviors are key.

      Believing in oneself and staying true to one's values, even in the face of adversity, is crucial for personal growth and making a positive impact on the world. The speaker shares his own experiences of self-doubt and the importance of self-belief, as well as the inspiring story of a young woman who saved a hundred Jews during the Holocaust. He emphasizes that righteousness is not something we become suddenly, but rather a choice we make to refuse to follow the crowd into destructive behaviors. In a world where truth and facts are often disregarded, staying true to who we are and refusing to compromise our values can be a powerful act of courage and resistance.

    • Learning from the complexities of historyAcknowledge historical figures and events as multifaceted, engage in nuanced learning, and use history for personal growth.

      Understanding history requires acknowledging complexities and learning from both the good and the bad. The speaker shares his personal experience of gaining a deeper understanding of historical figures and events, emphasizing that they are often multifaceted and should not be reduced to simplistic labels. He also highlights the importance of education and open-mindedness in navigating the complexities of history, and the need to avoid being stuck in a polarized perspective. The speaker encourages engaging with history in a nuanced way, recognizing that it is shaped by the actions of millions of people and that learning from it requires putting things into context. Ultimately, the goal is to use history as a tool for personal growth and self-reflection, rather than as a source of chaos or confusion.

    • Embracing Complexity and Moving ForwardRecognize personal and societal flaws, strive for understanding, empathy, and growth, and remember no one is perfect.

      Holding onto past mistakes and refusing to forgive or learn from them can hinder personal and societal growth. This discussion emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the complexity of individuals and nations, and the need to move forward with humility and open-mindedness. It's crucial to recognize that everyone, including ourselves and our country, has flaws and makes mistakes. Instead of focusing on certitude and divisiveness, we should strive for understanding, empathy, and growth. We can learn from our past, pluck out the negative sprouts before they grow, and apply those lessons to ourselves and our society. It's essential to remember that no one is perfect, and we all have a role to play in healing and moving forward.

    • A symbol of unity and shared human desire for freedomThe Statue of Liberty, a gift from France, symbolizes unity and the human desire for freedom, despite conflicts and differences. It was built overcoming challenges and promoting understanding, reflecting the importance of common goals and shared values.

      The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French, serves as a symbol of unity and the shared human desire for freedom and a better life, despite differences and conflicts. The process of building the statue involved overcoming challenges and bringing people together, reflecting the importance of understanding each other's backgrounds and working towards common goals. The French gifted the statue as a way to promote unity and prevent the spread of Marxist ideologies during a time of political turmoil in Europe. Ultimately, the statue represents the enduring power of the idea of a nation and the potential for people to come together, despite their differences.

    • A symbol of unity and equality in the American experimentThe 'Washington Crossing the Delaware' painting inspires conversations about unity, equality, and the American dream, even under oppressive regimes, leading to the creation of iconic symbols like the Statue of Liberty.

      The painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware" holds a deeper meaning than just depicting an historical event. It symbolizes unity and the American experiment of equality regardless of race or social status. The original painting was destroyed during the Allied bombing of Berlin, but its message continued to inspire through a copy that ended up in a German museum under Nazi rule. This copy sparked conversations about the American system and led to the creation of Emma Lazarus' poem "The New Colossus," which embodies the Statue of Liberty's welcoming message to the world's huddled masses. The statue, in turn, represents the idea that everyone, no matter their background, can strive for freedom and create change despite societal barriers.

    • Recognize our past, stay persistent, and use creativity for goodRecognize the value of our past experiences, remain persistent in the face of challenges, and harness our creativity to make a positive impact on the world, particularly through our influence on future generations.

      Despite the challenges and struggles we face in life, it's important to remember our collective history, learn from it, and use our inherent creative power to build and create. The world may lie to us and make us feel worthless or that life is easier than it is, but the truth is that we have the ability to overcome adversity and make a difference, especially through the impact we have on our children. Life may be difficult, but it's worth it. The speaker, Glenn, emphasizes the importance of recognizing our past, staying persistent, and using our creativity for good. He also encourages us to remember that everything we create and leave behind is a reflection of who we are and what we believe to be true.

    • Encouraging courage in the face of fearGreatness is found in those who have the courage to do what's right, even when it's difficult, like historical figures who faced their fears and became heroes.

      Greatness is found in those who have the courage to speak the truth, even to their own friends and tribe. The speaker shared a personal story about encouraging his son to face his fear of crowds by reminding him of historical figures who also faced their fears and became heroes. He emphasized that greatness is not just about being popular or loved, but about having the courage to do what is right, even when it's difficult. The speaker also expressed appreciation for the guest's generosity, curiosity, and willingness to learn and grow. He encouraged listeners to check out the guest's book and shared his definition of greatness as being "terrified but doing it."

    • The importance of being open-minded and seeking new experiencesExpanding knowledge and growing as individuals comes from experiencing new things and engaging in open conversations with diverse perspectives. Keep pushing yourself to grow, challenge beliefs, and never stop seeking new experiences.

      Experiencing new things and having open conversations with people who hold different perspectives is the only source of expanding our knowledge and growing as individuals. Glenn's vulnerability, presence, and forward thinking during this episode served as a powerful reminder of the importance of being open-minded and continuing to seek new experiences. As Albert Einstein once said, "The only source of knowledge is experience." By living our lives with a curiosity and willingness to try new things, we can broaden our horizons and gain valuable insights. So, keep pushing yourself to grow, engage in conversations with those who challenge your beliefs, and never stop seeking new experiences. And don't forget to check out Glenn's new book, "Addicted to Outrage," and share your favorite parts of this episode with him on Twitter. Together, we can continue to be a part of the passionate and supportive community that is always striving for greatness.

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    She oversees a vast portfolio including Seven Bucks Productions, ZOA, Teremana Tequila, the Project Rock line at Under Armour, Acorns, Atom Tickets, and Salt & Straw. Dany shares her journey from humble beginnings to becoming a powerhouse in multiple industries. She discusses her early aspirations, pivotal moments that shaped her career, and her unique approach to success. Dany opens up about personal challenges, including her early divorce from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, and how this experience ultimately strengthened their relationship and fueled their growth as business partners today.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The significance of aligning your actions with your ultimate purpose.
    • How to create and protect your unique path to success.
    • The importance of having a strong support system in both personal and professional life.
    • Strategies for maintaining discipline and focus in pursuit of your goals.
    • How personal challenges can catalyze growth and transformation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1627

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Dr. Jason Collins is the founder of the Pregnancy Institute.  His career and passion has focused on stillbirth, umbilical cord accidents and umbilical cord pathology.  Dr. Collins has been researching cord issues and deaths for over 20 years. His professional opinions come from evidence based facts, which you will hear throughout this entire episode. He continues his research into these tragic losses and would love to connect with newly bereaved parents to help them find answers as well as navigate subsequent pregnancies.

    *NOTE: You will hear us referencing images and documents. If you'd like to see them while listening to this episode, go to my Youtube page to watch the video of this recording.  YouTube

    If you'd like to speak with Dr Collins, you can email him here: jcollinsmd77@gmail.com

    **This information is not intended to vilify medical professionals. It is strictly educational to point out the lack of education on umbilical cords and how we as bereaved mothers can get answers and advocate for ourselves in the event our providers do not have the understanding needed. Always consult with your medical professional, but also, arm yourself with your own education and knowledge.



    NOTE: I am not a doctor or a therapist. The views of my guests are not always reflective of my own.  I am just a real life loss mom describing her experiences with life after loss. These are my experiences, and I'm putting it out there so you feel less alone. Always do your own research and make informed decisions!

    For more REAL TALK about baby loss and grief, hit subscribe to be notified when another episode drops!

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    Website: www.katherinelazar.com


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    Treat Others As You Want to Be Treated

    Treat Others As You Want to Be Treated
    246 [AM111] Coping While CoopedToday's reading is about kindness in my mind.  I used a lot of curse words today and feel a little bad about that since it starts with a bible verse.I hope to be back tonight to give you an update on Tony Robbin's UPW- Unleash the Power Within.  It's my first time attending a Tony event, so I am a combination of intrigued and excited.Stay tuned for details as they unfold!------------------------------------------------Did you enjoy the show? Please leave us a rate and review!This helps us reach other gamblers who may need to hear recovery messages.-------------------------------------------------Get in touch with me!Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.comFacebook          : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddinInstagram         : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesome_321nokiddinPinterest           : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatestaLinkedIn            : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatestaYouTube           : www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUV58i4z2Se3jXuDldcXaAWebsite            : www.321nokiddin.com**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on:Facebook  : www.facebook.com/blueoctoberInstagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberbandTwitter       : www.twitter.com/blueoctoberYoutube    : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficialWebsite    : www.blueoctober.comSupport the show9 of us wrote about the concept of Belonging and share our individual stories about how we found belonging.Please check it out in the link below!Link to our book- BELONGING- Secrets to Soothe the Soul https://amzn.to/45qS6pl Get in touch with me! Questions or feedback or just want to connect? Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddin Instagram : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesomest Pinterest : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatesta LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatesta YouTube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUV58i4z2Se3jXuDldcXaA Website : www.321nokiddin.com **A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on: Facebook : www.facebook.com/blueoctober Instagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberband Twitter : www.twitter.com/blueoctober Youtube : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficial Support the show

    E31: The Doctor Whisperer w/ Sharon Fekete

    E31: The Doctor Whisperer w/ Sharon Fekete

    **Listener note** This episode contains discussions about suicide and suicidal ideation. If you are having thoughts of suicide, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800.273.8255

    Our guest for Episode 31 is Sharon Fekete, Founder of The Doctor Whisperer & 13th Ave Media.  She has been whispering strategies to physicians for over 20 years & amplifies businesses through the power of social media. Sharon also speaks at medical conferences on topics such as hospitality in healthcare, hiring a dream team, and branding.

    As a firm believer in advocating toward improved mental health, Sharon published her book, The Broken Road to Mental Health, in Life & in Business, on her 25th sober anniversary.  Her personal struggle with depression and thoughts of suicide were the impetus to writing her book, as she knew there were many people suffering in the business community who could relate.

    Sharon also speaks to corporations about mental health in the workplace & includes her own previous struggles with addiction, depression and the journey to overcoming adversity.

    Sharon hosts two podcasts, The Doctor Whisperer & The Broken Road to Mental Health.  Sharon is a wife, stepmom, fur baby mom, and avid bike rider who often says “We are all under construction.”

    Sharon is quite witty and very grateful for all of her life experience, which she expertly weaves into her work with doctors. We hope you enjoy the episode.

    Episode Resources

    The Doctor Whisperer

    Sharon's Book 


    Crisis Center of Tampa Bay


    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


    Susie Steiner Award from Hillsborough Community College

    Comedy Intervention IX








    A Real Chat With Justin Brien

    A Real Chat With Justin Brien
    357Justin shares his struggles with addiction and how he has turned things around!Justin is a mental health advocate, inspirational speaker and a certified professional Executive Transition Coach.@jybrien19 instaJustin Brien Facebook Www.justinbrien.comTo hear more directly from Justin, click below https://justinbrien.com/?fbclid=IwAR0SlUNymiZibd-_b8tSbtrDa42LRXu0FmcOEGX_qrO_f1359VFgm_ZBink------------------------------------------------Did you enjoy the show? Please leave us a rate and review!This helps us reach other gamblers who may need to hear recovery messages.-------------------------------------------------Get in touch with me!Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.comFacebook          : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddinInstagram         : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesome_321nokiddinPinterest           : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatestaLinkedIn            : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatestaWebsite            : www.321nokiddin.com**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on:Facebook  : www.facebook.com/blueoctoberInstagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberbandTwitter       : www.twitter.com/blueoctoberYoutube    : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficialWebsite    : www.blueoctober.comSupport the show9 of us wrote about the concept of Belonging and share our individual stories about how we found belonging.Please check it out in the link below!Link to our book- BELONGING- Secrets to Soothe the Soul https://amzn.to/45qS6pl Get in touch with me! Questions or feedback or just want to connect? Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddin Instagram : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesomest Pinterest : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatesta LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatesta YouTube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUV58i4z2Se3jXuDldcXaA Website : www.321nokiddin.com **A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on: Facebook : www.facebook.com/blueoctober Instagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberband Twitter : www.twitter.com/blueoctober Youtube : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficial Support the show

    Comparing Ourselves to Others

    Comparing Ourselves to Others
    402 -What are some things that you're good at? There's nothing wrong with being proud of ourselves. People are having different levels of success in different timeframes. We shouldn't be comparing ourselves with others. There's enough success for everyone.  Let's take notice of the small things. A little homework for you guys: Write down a list of things that you're proud of and skills that you have. Have a fabulous day!------------------------------------------------Did you enjoy the show? Please leave us a rate and review!This helps us reach other gamblers who may need to hear recovery messages.-------------------------------------------------Get in touch with me!Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.comFacebook          : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddinInstagram         : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesome_321nokiddinPinterest           : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatestaLinkedIn            : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatestaWebsite            : www.321nokiddin.com**A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on:Facebook  : www.facebook.com/blueoctoberInstagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberbandTwitter       : www.twitter.com/blueoctoberYoutube    : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficialWebsite    : www.blueoctober.comSupport the show9 of us wrote about the concept of Belonging and share our individual stories about how we found belonging.Please check it out in the link below!Link to our book- BELONGING- Secrets to Soothe the Soul https://amzn.to/45qS6pl Get in touch with me! Questions or feedback or just want to connect? Email address : bobbie@321NoKiddin.com Facebook : www.facebook.com/321NoKiddin Instagram : www.instagram.com/bobbietheawesomest Pinterest : www.pinterest.ph/bobbiemalatesta LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/bobbiemalatesta YouTube : www.youtube.com/channel/UCkUV58i4z2Se3jXuDldcXaA Website : www.321nokiddin.com **A super special thanks to Justin Furstenfeld for granting us permission to use his music on the show!Please support and follow the Blue October band on: Facebook : www.facebook.com/blueoctober Instagram : www.instagram.com/blueoctoberband Twitter : www.twitter.com/blueoctober Youtube : www.youtube.com/user/blueoctoberofficial Support the show