
    Podcast Summary

    • Speaker challenges athlete Blake Griffin during training sessionAssertiveness and confidence led to a productive training session with Blake Griffin. Admiration for hockey enforcers and their role in the sport.

      During a recent encounter, the speaker found himself interacting with a giant athlete, Blake Griffin, in an unexpected way. The speaker, who has a radio voice and a background in MMA, challenged Griffin to step up his game during a training session. Despite Griffin's initial hesitation, the speaker's assertiveness led to a more productive session. The conversation also touched on the unique dynamic of enforcers in hockey and how they are an essential part of the game, unlike in other sports where fighting results in penalties or ejections. The speaker expressed his admiration for hockey enforcers and their role in the sport. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of confidence, assertiveness, and preparation in achieving success, whether in sports or other areas of life.

    • The Unique Dangers of Hockey and its EnforcersHockey's physicality and lack of face masks for enforcers create a dangerous environment, with historical origins and potential health risks also discussed.

      Hockey is a unique sport due to its physicality and the fact that enforcers, who are responsible for maintaining order and fighting, cannot wear protective face masks. This creates a dangerous environment and adds to the sport's reputation for being rough and aggressive. The discussion also touched upon the historical origins of fighting in sports, and how it may be more prevalent in certain cultures or regions. Another point made was the potential effectiveness of certain fighting techniques on ice, such as kicks or punches, and the possibility of introducing new techniques if hockey's popularity were to decline. Lastly, the conversation touched upon the use of smokeless tobacco, specifically Copenhagen long cut wintergreen, and its potential health risks.

    • Advancements in Technology and the Importance of Human ConnectionsWhile technology advances, human experiences and connections remain essential, as they transcend time and cannot be replicated by machines.

      Technology has advanced significantly over the past few decades, and we can expect even more advancements in the future. For example, researchers are working on regenerating limbs using flatworms as inspiration, and satellite internet is becoming more accessible, providing faster internet connections in areas where traditional methods are not available. However, despite these advancements, some aspects of life, such as human connections and personal experiences, remain unchanged. For instance, the speaker shared his personal story of moving to a new place and finding a sense of belonging there, which is a universal experience that transcends time and technology. Additionally, the speaker reflected on how technology, such as phones and the internet, have evolved so rapidly that our children may never experience certain aspects of life, like using a landline or waiting for a movie to download. Overall, while technology can make our lives easier and more convenient, it is important to remember to appreciate the human experiences and connections that cannot be replicated by machines.

    • Overcoming rejection and building something meaningfulDetermination and resilience can help you create something meaningful despite setbacks. Learn from mistakes and obtain necessary permits to avoid legal issues.

      Determination and resilience can lead to the creation of something meaningful, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of being rejected by gyms due to his perceived instability, but he didn't let that stop him. He found a mentor in Greg Jackson and built a training facility, which later evolved into a ranch with a horse stable and dorms. However, he made a mistake by not obtaining the necessary permits and faced a cease and desist notice. Despite this setback, he learned from his mistakes and encourages others to obtain permits legally to avoid potential issues. The ranch is now a place where he can train, pursue his hobbies, and potentially transition to running a camp in the future.

    • The Impact of Coaches and Mentors on a Fighter's CareerHaving a strong support system of coaches and mentors can legitimize a fighter's career, provide valuable advice and technical instruction, and help adapt to evolving combat sports. Mentorship builds confidence and legitimacy in one's craft.

      Having a strong support system and guidance from experienced coaches can make a significant impact on a fighter's career. The speaker shares his personal experience of how having a stable of coaches and training with respected figures in the industry helped legitimize his own career and provide valuable advice and technical instruction. Additionally, the importance of adapting to the evolving nature of combat sports and being able to excel in various disciplines was emphasized. The speaker's anecdotes also highlight the importance of mentorship and the impact it can have on a fighter's confidence and sense of legitimacy in their craft.

    • Argument at Grand Lake over a spray of waterArguments can escalate dangerously, especially with alcohol. Maintain self-control and communicate effectively to resolve conflicts peacefully.

      Emotions can lead to dangerous situations, especially when alcohol is involved. The speaker recounted an incident at Grand Lake where a man sprayed water on his boat and an argument ensued, leading to the man threatening to run his boat into the speaker's. The speaker tried to de-escalate the situation but was eventually physically confronted. This altercation could have been avoided if both parties had remained calm and resolved their disagreement peacefully. The importance of self-control and communication in resolving conflicts cannot be overstated. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the unexpected beauty of Grand Lake, despite its freezing cold waters, and the camaraderie of their group of UFC fighters, emphasizing the importance of enjoying nature and building strong relationships with friends.

    • Stories of Frivolous Lawsuits: Turning Small Incidents into Lottery OpportunitiesBe aware of surroundings and potential for frivolous lawsuits, clear communication is key in rental agreements, and financial difficulties may lead to suing.

      People can try to sue over seemingly insignificant incidents, turning them into potential lottery opportunities. For instance, a man described an altercation on the beach that led to him being sued for assault, despite his actions being light and in self-defense. Similar incidents have happened to UFC fighters Chuck Liddell and Matt Hughes, where they were sued for choking fans who asked for pictures. In another case, a neighbor sued the man for his dog allegedly attacking her horse, but it was another dog that was responsible. These stories highlight the importance of being cautious and aware of one's surroundings, as well as the potential for frivolous lawsuits. Additionally, it is important to note that sometimes, people may resort to suing due to financial difficulties. The man in the story also shared his experiences with being sued for subleasing his rented house to his training partners, and the woman claiming that they were doing so without her knowledge or permission. This further emphasizes the importance of clear communication and understanding of rental agreements. Overall, these stories serve as reminders to be mindful of potential misunderstandings and the possibility of frivolous lawsuits, and to approach situations with caution and a level head.

    • Navigating Complex Transactions: Unforeseen Challenges and RisksBe aware of potential risks and complexities in transactions, including patent trolling, and be prepared for unforeseen challenges. Understand the implications of your actions.

      Navigating complex situations can involve unexpected challenges and consequences. The speaker shares an experience of using a realtor to buy a ranch, only to be sued for subleasing the property for training sessions. This situation highlights the importance of understanding the potential risks and complexities involved in various transactions, as well as the potential use of patent trolling and its financial impact on larger entities. The conversation also touches upon the unpredictability of nature and the excitement surrounding potential changes, while reminiscing about past fears of technological disasters. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the potential consequences of our actions.

    • Exploring the Risks and Rewards of Psychoactive SubstancesThroughout history, people have used various substances for their psychoactive effects, some with unknown risks. Personal experiences can be life-changing, but proper preparation and expertise are crucial to minimize risks.

      People have throughout history discovered and used various substances for their psychoactive effects, often with limited knowledge of the risks involved. For instance, propane in extreme cold weather and certain cacti like peyote or San Pedro for hallucinogenic experiences. Some substances, like meth and marijuana, have been used for recreational purposes, leading to unintended consequences. Ayahuasca, a potent hallucinogenic brew, has been used for thousands of years, but its active ingredient, DMT, can be dangerous without proper preparation. Personal experiences with these substances can be life-changing, leading to both positive and negative outcomes. The risks and rewards of exploring these substances should be weighed carefully. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the importance of having expertise when dealing with certain substances, as seen in the examples of meth production and the brewing of ayahuasca. Overall, the exploration of these substances highlights the human curiosity and the risks and rewards that come with it.

    • A Carefree Approach to Fighting and LifeFormer fighter embraces life outside the ring, encourages taking risks in and out of the octagon, and acknowledges potential injuries from grappling style

      The speaker, a former fighter, approaches fighting and life with a carefree attitude. He recalls taking fights on short notice and partying heavily before weigh-ins. He believes that fighting should not consume one's entire life and that it's important to enjoy the experience. He shares that some fighters become overly cautious and play it safe as they progress in their careers, but he prefers to live life to the fullest, even if it means taking risks. The speaker also mentions that he's had injuries but has never had surgeries, and shares that the intense grappling style of fighting can lead to more injuries compared to striking styles like boxing.

    • MMA Training: Risks and Importance of Positive EnvironmentsMMA training increases injury risk, avoid conflicts in camps, filter online conversations, focus on constructive talks and enjoy simple pleasures.

      Training for MMA involves a higher risk of injury compared to traditional weightlifting or running. Additionally, bringing in unfamiliar training partners to high-level camps can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Online communication with strangers can also result in unwanted negativity, and it's essential to filter out the constructive conversations from the irrelevant or insulting ones. The discussion also touched upon the preference for various beers and the importance of knowing the source of a product. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of focusing on positive training environments, effective communication, and enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

    • Exposing Charlatans in Martial Arts and Combat SportsLosses are important for growth and improvement, emotional investment in opponents can hinder performance, and authenticity and respect for adversaries are valued in martial arts and combat sports.

      The world of martial arts and combat sports has had its fair share of charlatans and impostors throughout history. Rex Tory, a man who claimed to be a black belt and participated in no-holds-barred fights, turned out to be a murderer. His exaggerated tales of winning trophies in secret contests were exposed as lies. The importance of losses in driving growth and improvement was emphasized, with the Nate Diaz fight being mentioned as a particularly challenging experience. Anger and emotional investment in opponents can negatively impact performance, and authenticity and respect for adversaries are valued. Despite past rivalries, retired fighters can find camaraderie and respect for one another. Unfortunately, the ongoing legal troubles of Nick Diaz cast a shadow over their potential reunion.

    • Nevada State Athletic Commission's questionable decision-makingDespite passing tests, Diaz faces a 5-year suspension due to commission's power and inaccurate urine test, delaying his comeback

      The Nevada State Athletic Commission's suspension of Nick Diaz for five years, despite him passing multiple anti-doping agency tests, highlights their questionable decision-making and the frustrating power they hold over athletes. The inaccuracy of the urine test used by the commission compared to blood tests adds to the controversy. Diaz, who is known for taking care of his body and not using performance-enhancing substances, faces a difficult comeback due to the short window of opportunity in professional sports. The situation underscores the frustration of athletes being subjected to the decisions of those with power, but little experience or understanding of the physical demands of their profession.

    • Impact of Psychological Tactics in MMA FightsNick and Nate Diaz's use of trash talking and mind games confuse and demoralize opponents, leading to victories. Adaptability and unpredictability are crucial in combat situations.

      The use of psychological tactics, such as trash talking and mind games, can significantly impact the outcome of a fight. The discussion highlights the effectiveness of Nick and Nate Diaz's style in confusing and demoralizing their opponents, leading to victories. Anderson Silva's experience with the Diaz brothers demonstrates the power of these tactics, as they were able to disrupt his confidence and performance in the octagon. The conversation also touches upon the importance of adapting to opponents and being unpredictable in combat situations.

    • The mental aspect of fighting is a significant challengeFighters face immense pressure and criticism, making it hard to focus and perform at their best. Mental training like meditation or visualization may not work for everyone, and the fear of letting down loved ones and fans can be paralyzing.

      The mental aspect of fighting is a significant challenge for fighters. The pressure to perform and the criticism from fans can be overwhelming, making it difficult for fighters to focus and perform at their best. Despite their desire to let their heart guide them, the mind often gets in the way. Some fighters, like the speaker, have tried mental training, such as meditation or visualization, but have found it to be unfathomable or not effective for them. The build-up to a fight and the weight of expectations can be debilitating, and the fear of letting down loved ones and fans can be paralyzing. Ultimately, the speaker believes that being fully prepared and ready on game day is crucial but incredibly challenging.

    • Out-of-body sensation during peak performance in fightingFighters experience detachment for focus during peak performance, believe mental training can lead to consistent flow state, and emphasize addressing negative emotions and having a coach for guidance.

      During peak performance in a fight, the fighter experiences an out-of-body sensation where they see themselves performing from a third-person perspective. This detachment allows them to be more focused and dominant. The fighter also mentioned that through mental training and specific techniques, they believe it's possible to achieve a consistent flow state, similar to how they improved their fighting skills. The conversation also touched upon the importance of addressing negative emotions and finding ways to overcome them, as well as the potential benefits of having a coach to guide mental training.

    • Find Your 'Zone' for Peak PerformanceProper preparation and relaxation techniques, such as nutrition and rest, can help achieve a state of focus and improvement in challenging activities.

      Achieving a state of focus and relaxation, often referred to as being "in the zone," is essential for excelling in challenging activities. This state can be found in various domains, including music, comedy, sports, and more. Preparation is crucial, and while some people may use alcohol or other substances to help them relax, it's essential to find the right balance to avoid negatively impacting performance. Some believe that certain substances, like beer, can have positive effects, such as replenishing the body's glycogen stores. Ultimately, everyone must find what works best for them, whether it be through proper nutrition, rest, or other means.

    • Exploring Alternative Methods for Pain Relief and RelaxationThe speaker values finding effective methods for pain relief and relaxation, but seeks to avoid the associated high or impairment, and appreciates the importance of understanding the true demands of new experiences.

      The speaker has experimented with various methods for pain relief and relaxation, including stem cell therapy, CBD cream, and marijuana. While he has had positive experiences with these substances, he expresses a desire to find a way to use them without feeling the associated high or impairment. He also shares anecdotes about hiking and the challenges of navigating unfamiliar terrain, emphasizing the importance of understanding the true distance and effort required. Ultimately, the speaker values personal autonomy and the ability to make choices that help him manage his pain and improve his quality of life.

    • Focus and determination in traditional climbing and MMAClimbers and MMA fighters showcase intense focus and resilience, with free climber Alex Honnold's rope-less ascent and Donald Cerrone's upcoming title fight illustrating their dedication. Proper gear and unexpected challenges are crucial.

      Traditional climbing, especially at high altitudes, presents unique challenges and requires intense focus and determination. This was exemplified by the speaker's experience and the story of free climber Alex Honnold, who climbed mountains without ropes and even forgot his chalk mid-climb. In the world of mixed martial arts, fighters like Donald Cerrone also demonstrate remarkable resilience and dedication, as seen in his upcoming title fight against Tony Ferguson. The speaker also shared anecdotes about their own experiences, including the importance of proper gear and the unexpected challenges that can arise. Additionally, the conversation touched on various topics such as guns, hunting, and humor, adding to the overall conversational tone.

    • Bias in Sports Commentating: Shaped by Perspectives and ExperiencesDespite personal biases, commentators strive for objectivity in sports analysis, drawing from unique experiences with athletes and acknowledging cultural differences.

      Perspectives and experiences shape our opinions, even in seemingly objective fields like sports commentating. The speaker shared stories of his experiences with NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick and Formula One commentator Danica Patrick, acknowledging his biases towards them but striving to remain objective in his commentary. The European practice of using suppressors during hunting was also discussed, highlighting cultural differences and the importance of respecting others' traditions. The speaker's passion for racing and the unique experiences he's had with racing personalities add depth to his commentary, making it engaging for fans.

    • Maintaining Objectivity and Respect in CompetitionIn the heat of competition, it's important to maintain objectivity and respect for opponents, recognizing their skills and potential for success, no matter their background or circumstances.

      Even in the heat of competition, it's important to maintain objectivity and respect for the skills and abilities of opponents. The speaker shares his admiration for friends and fighters, but emphasizes that he would still call a fair fight, no matter who was involved. He also believes that everyone has the potential to succeed, no matter their background or circumstances. A notable example is the story of Colin Oke and Jonathan Webb, who trained each other for their fights and then ended up facing off against each other. Despite the unusual circumstances, both fighters put on impressive performances. Overall, the speaker values friendship and respect, but understands that the ultimate goal is to recognize and appreciate the talent and determination of all athletes.

    • McGregor's Approach to Fighting and TrainingFighter Conor McGregor emphasizes constant motion, a strong will, and pushing beyond limits in his unique training methods and mindset for success in the ring. He values psychological warfare, staying active during rest days, and upgrading skills without damaging the body.

      Fighters like Conor McGregor have unique training methods and mindsets that contribute to their success in the ring. McGregor discussed his experiences with psychological warfare in fights, training with Melvin Guillard, and the importance of upgrading skills without damaging the body. He also shared his perspective on the importance of staying active during rest days and his plans for retirement. Overall, McGregor's approach to fighting and training is characterized by constant motion, a strong will, and a willingness to push beyond conventional limits.

    • Embracing discomfort for personal growthPush beyond comfort zones, seek out challenges, surround yourself with inspiring individuals, and learn from setbacks to reach full potential.

      The pursuit of personal growth and improvement, whether it's through physical challenges or mental discipline, requires a willingness to push beyond comfort zones and face tough opponents. The speaker draws inspiration from individuals who embody this enduring spirit, such as Rhonda Rousey and Dan Gable, and emphasizes the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who challenge and inspire growth. Ultimately, the journey towards self-improvement involves embracing discomfort, seeking out tough challenges, and learning from setbacks to ultimately reach one's full potential.

    • Admiration for UFC's Talented Fighters: Felder's Lightning-Fast Kick, Edgar's Endurance, and MoreUFC fighters like Paul Felder, Frankie Edgar, Anthony Pettis, and Khabib Nurmagomedov showcase impressive skills and determination, with unique strengths like Felder's fastest switch kick and Edgar's grueling pace. Despite competition, there's mutual respect among these elite athletes.

      The UFC fighting scene is filled with incredibly talented and impressive athletes, each with unique strengths and styles. During a recent discussion, the speaker expressed admiration for fighters like Paul Felder and Frankie Edgar, highlighting their speed, skill, and determination. Felder's lightning-fast switch kick was described as the fastest ever seen, while Edgar's ability to set a grueling pace was praised. Other fighters, such as Anthony Pettis and Khabib Nurmagomedov, were also acknowledged for their formidable skills and impact on the sport. Ultimately, despite the competition between these elite athletes, there is a deep respect and admiration for one another, recognizing the unique challenges and demands of their profession.

    • UFC Fights: McGregor vs Aldo - Speakers' Excitement and OpinionsSpeakers discussed McGregor's upcoming UFC fights, his weight struggles, and the significance of his fight against Aldo. They highlighted Aldo's long UFC tenure and the unpredictability of UFC fights.

      During the discussion, the speakers expressed their excitement and anticipation for the upcoming fights in the UFC, specifically between Conor McGregor and other fighters like Aldo. They also shared their opinions on McGregor's weight class and struggles to make the required weight. Additionally, there was a humorous exchange about the Irish community's reaction to McGregor being referred to as a "leprechaun." The speakers also mentioned Aldo's long tenure in the UFC and the upcoming fight between him and McGregor being a significant jump in competition. Overall, the conversation revolved around the excitement and unpredictability of UFC fights and the unique personalities of the fighters involved.

    • Discussing the fighting styles of Conor McGregor and Jose AldoConor McGregor and Jose Aldo, two elite UFC fighters, share a strong presence and a drive to be the best. McGregor's training methods focus on technical drills to improve skills without damaging his body, while Aldo is more calculated in his approach. Both have faced tough opponents and shown resilience in the ring.

      Conor McGregor is a formidable fighter with a dominant record, impressive striking skills, and high-level jujitsu. He's faced tough opponents and has shown the ability to come back from close fights. Aldo, despite his long reign as one of the best fighters, has faced challenges and tough battles. McGregor's training methods focus on technical drills to improve his skills without damaging his body. The conversation also touched on their shared sense of humor and their unique perspectives. Despite their differences, they both have a strong presence and a drive to be the best. The discussion also revealed that McGregor has a wild fighting style, while Aldo is more calculated. McGregor's training methods, which he describes as upgrading his software without damaging his hardware, involve drilling specific techniques without damaging his body. The conversation also revealed that McGregor has a strong sense of humor and a desire to constantly improve, much like Aldo. The two comedians in the room added to the lighthearted atmosphere of the conversation.

    • The Deceptive Nature of Size and PowerSize and power can be misleading. A person's appearance may not reflect their abilities or influence, and historical events can shape perceptions of power dynamics.

      Size and appearance can be deceiving. The speaker was surprised by the size difference between himself and Gabby Garcia, a woman who transformed from an overweight person to a world jujitsu champion with an impressive physique. The conversation also touched upon the topic of power and control, as seen in the discussion about Putin and his alleged wealth and control over Russia. The speaker expressed fear of Russians due to historical and current events involving power and wealth. Despite these topics, the conversation also included lighter moments, such as the speaker's love for Johnny Cash and his dog's name. Overall, the conversation highlighted the unexpected nature of appearances and the complexities of power dynamics.

    • Putin's Extreme Measures to Protect Russian InterestsPutin uses force to deter foreign investment and protect Russian interests, demonstrated through his handling of a situation involving mafia guys and foreign businessmen, and his creation of a welcoming ranch while maintaining control.

      Russian President Vladimir Putin uses extreme measures to deter foreign investment and protect his country's interests. This was demonstrated through Putin's handling of a situation involving mafia guys and foreign businessmen, where he had Spetsnaz forces kill over 200 people as a warning. Putin's actions showed that he is willing to use force to send a strong message to anyone considering shaking down foreign companies in Russia. Additionally, Putin has created a unique environment at his personal ranch, where he provides hospitality and tries to bring people into a family situation, which is a stark contrast to his past experiences with trainers who wouldn't claim him. This shows Putin's desire to provide a welcoming atmosphere while maintaining control and protecting his interests. Despite the challenges, such as lack of permits and high costs, Putin continues to build and maintain the ranch. Putin's actions and mindset reflect his strong leadership and willingness to take drastic measures to protect his country and its interests. The incident with the mafia guys and foreign businessmen served as a warning to anyone considering similar actions, and the ranch represents Putin's desire to provide a welcoming environment while maintaining control. Overall, Putin's actions demonstrate his commitment to Russia and his ability to use extreme measures when necessary to protect his country's interests.

    • Meeting Heroes: Unforgettable Encounters and Memorable MomentsPersonal interactions with idols can lead to meaningful connections, overcoming fear and nervousness, and shaping our lives.

      Meeting idols and heroes in person can be an unforgettable experience. The speaker shared stories about meeting Chuck Norris and Al Pacino, and how the encounters left lasting impressions on him. Despite the fear and nervousness that often come with meeting celebrities, the personal interactions led to meaningful connections and memorable moments. The speaker also shared a common misconception about shooting guns at art, but clarified that it's not true and only seen in movies. The anecdotes illustrate the impact of meeting our heroes and how it can shape our lives.

    • Misunderstandings and Nervous Moments: The Importance of Clear CommunicationBe clear and intentional with words and actions to avoid misunderstandings and embarrassing encounters, especially during tense situations. Approach relationships and financial pressures with empathy and understanding.

      Communication is crucial, especially during potentially awkward or tense situations. The anecdote shared in the discussion illustrates how misunderstandings and nervous moments can lead to embarrassing encounters. It's essential to be clear and intentional with our words and actions, as small missteps can sometimes result in larger misunderstandings. Additionally, the discussion highlights the unique challenges that come with navigating relationships and financial pressures. It's important to remember that everyone experiences these challenges in different ways and to approach situations with empathy and understanding.

    • Material possessions can distract from relationships and personal growthConsider what truly brings happiness and fulfillment beyond material possessions, such as relationships, personal growth, and simple pleasures.

      Material wealth and possessions can consume people's lives, leading them to neglect other important aspects such as relationships and personal growth. The speaker shares an anecdote about a woman being upset with her husband's purchase of a more expensive house than their current one. He argues that society's focus on material possessions can lead to a narrow perspective on life and happiness. The speaker reflects on his own sources of joy, which include laughter with friends, getting better at something, and simple pleasures. He encourages listeners to consider what truly brings them happiness and fulfillment beyond material possessions. The conversation also touches on the influence of media and the internet on shaping people's desires and aspirations.

    • Cats' Survival Instincts: Consuming Deceased FacesUnderstanding animals' instincts and needs helps ensure their wellbeing. Cats may eat deceased faces due to hunger, while dogs typically don't and some animals, like turtles, can survive without food for long periods.

      Cats, when left without food, may resort to consuming the deceased's faces due to their strong survival instincts. This discussion also touched upon the fact that dogs might starve to death but are less likely to eat their owners, and some animals, like turtles, can go for extended periods without food. The conversation also included some light-hearted humor and promotion of various events and appearances. It's important to remember that animals' behaviors can be driven by their instincts and circumstances, and understanding their needs can help ensure their wellbeing.

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    So in this short episode, David touches on the last 3 episodes of Demystifying Mental Toughness with Paul McGee, Mark Bennett and Jamie Forrester and looks at how important interpersonal confidence is if you are to thrive in sport, your chosen field or in life in general.

    Key Learning Points:

    • You will build your awareness of where you're assertive, where you're aggressive, passive, or passive-aggressive.
    • Assertiveness is not raising your voice or shouting.
    • Assertiveness is about controlling your emotions and then responding in a confident, yet direct way.
    • The passive person will be good at controlling their emotions, however, remaining quiet.
    • Controlling your emotions, yet manipulate someone by lying to them, or avoiding responsibility is classed as passive-aggressive behaviour.
    • As a young footballer or rugby player, it’s important to have confidence in yourself and take responsibility for what you say and do.
    • If you’ve interpersonal confidence you’ll be able to take and receive criticism and compliments much better.

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    Other Podcasts to Help You

    Podcast Ep41: Paul McGee - How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence

    Podcast Ep42: Mark Bennett – Characteristics of High Performance Athletes

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    Other Resources to Help You


    Blog: 5 Reasons team captains should work with a Sports Psychologist

    Blog Coaches - Are you and your team pulling together during tough times?

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    Blog: Communicating with children in sport

    207 And Breathe: How To Prevent, Manage and Master Difficult Conversations

    207 And Breathe: How To Prevent, Manage and Master Difficult Conversations

    In business and sporting organisations conflict is widespread and there is a need for leaders and managers to be able to prevent, manage and master difficult conversations to improve the overall culture.  As a result, people then feel more respected and valued, job satisfaction improves, as well as performance and the mental health of those involved.

    Today’s episode looks to help you in this respect where author and conflict crisis consultant, Nicole Posner, helps you understand the psychology behind difficult conversations and why we avoid them.  She discusses what creates and drives conflict and offers some tools to better deal with conflict.

    Feel free to tune in!

    Key Learning Points:

    • Fear can take over where we fear losing control, fear the confrontation or fear being judged.
    • Our brain often goes into protect mode when we are faced with difficult conversations.
    • Power dynamics play a huge role in conflict management.
    • Unresolved conflict can play a part in mental health challenges for some people.
    • Improving your self-awareness and emotional intelligence is paramount in conflict management and resolution.
    • When giving feedback, being curious is a great tool to use as is listening attentively.
    • By simply making time for small talk, you take a proactive approach in preventing difficult conversations. 

    Connect with Nicole Posner


    Nicole Posner Conflict Crisis Consultant Website

    Book written by Nicole Posner

    And Breathe...: Prevent, Manage and Master Difficult Leadership Conversations in Business and Beyond!

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    Relevant Podcast Episodes

    Ep041: Paul McGee - How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence

    Ep120: David Charlton - Sport Coach Development: Helping Athletes Perform Better by Adapting How You Communicate

    Ep128: Paula Eddy-Wilcox – Can You Show Vulnerability and Be Mentally Tough? Yes!

    Ep199 Audrie Woodhouse – Leadership: How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Public Speaking

    Ep201 Dr John Perry and Doug Strycharczyk - Even The Mentally Tough Can Find Things A Struggle Without Self Awareness

    Relevant Resources to Promote Positive Cultures

    Blog: 3 Tips to deal with bullying in sport

    Blog: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words

    Blog: How Coaches Can Help Athletes Deal with Mistakes

    Blog: 5 Ways To Create A Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

    Blog: How Mentally Healthy is Your Clubs Sporting Environment

    The Mental Edge - How to Assert Yourself so That Other People Don’t Throw You Off Your Game

    The Mental Edge - How to Improve The Skills of Team Captains

    174 How To Deal With Criticism So That You Don’t Take It So Personally #BITESIZE

    174 How To Deal With Criticism So That You Don’t Take It So Personally #BITESIZE

    Criticism is everywhere today, where people often share their opinions of other people very easily despite not knowing the person, online using social media.  The criticism often goes too far, especially in a sporting context, when so much emotion is evident.  Throw in general criticism on the side of a pitch from spectators, and negative feedback from coaches and team-mates.  It really can be tough being involved in sport with no hiding place.

    You’ll find some athletes and coaches brush off criticism, others though can find it very difficult to deal with.  It can impact their well-being and relationships with other people.  Sometimes they’ll respond angrily or in an aggressive manner, in other cases they’ll be overcome with sadness and get very upset. 

    The key is to take the learning, from criticism, which isn’t easy and is the focus of this bitesize episode, with Professor Paul McGee, one of Europe’s leading speakers and a respected author.  He shares some great stories and ideas to help you.

    Feel free to tune in!

    Key Learning Points:

    • A bad game doesn’t mean that you are a bad person.
    • Recognise if you become defensive in the face of criticism.
    • Acknowledge if your inner dialogue is overly critical and learn to be kinder to yourself.
    • Perspective is vital.

    Useful Questions To Ask Yourself:

    • Would you seek advice from the person who has criticised you?
    • Does the person criticising you have your best interests at heart?
    • Will I remember this incident in 6 months’ time?
    • On a scale of 1-10 how close to death is this situation?

    Connect with Paul McGee


    The Sumo Guy Website 

    Books written by Paul McGee

    S.U.M.O. Your Relationships: How to Handle Not Strangle the People You Live and Work With

    S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On): The Straight-Talking Guide to Succeeding in Life

    Connect with David Charlton

    Sign Up to The Mental Edge

    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

    Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

    Relevant Podcast Episodes

    Ep041: Paul McGee - How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence

    Ep105: Hannah Bromley – Overcoming Psychological Challenges in Professional Women’s Football

    Ep120: David Charlton - Sport Coach Development: Helping Athletes Perform Better by Adapting How You Communicate

    Ep131 David Charlton – How to Deal with Self-Criticism using Self Compassion – FINAL PART

    Ep166: Mark Bennett MBE - How To Help Athletes and Coaches Reflect On Their Performances

    Relevant Blogs

    Blog: 3 Tips to deal with bullying in sport

    Blog: Communicating with children in sport

    Blog: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words

    Blog: How Coaches Can Help Athletes Deal with Mistakes

    Blog: 5 Ways To Create A Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

    Other Useful Resources

    Conversations with Kids - Dealing with Criticism

    Kristin Neff Website on Self-Compassion

    199 Leadership: How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Public Speaking

    199 Leadership: How To Mentally Prepare Yourself For Public Speaking

    In today's episode Audrie Woodhouse, who was a fabulous actress and performer and now a successful coach and speaking consultant, shares some great ideas when it comes down to communication skills and public speaking, especially when we consider the key elements of leadership communication.  This episode is also a very helpful episode for those who dread speaking or performing and who let their inner chatter get out of control and end up getting very nervous.  Managing state, speech preparation and mental preparation as well as channelling your focus are features of what we discuss.


    Key Learning Points:

    • Understanding yourself better, what it is you're passionate about and what you want to say to the world when you speak is essential.
    • A speaking coach helps you write your own story so that you speak with your true authentic voice.
    • Politicians are under an awful lot of pressure, they have advisors, speech writers and communication strategists to help them come up with the right things to say however, that approach is not always effective.
    • Using your breath is key to managing your psychological state before you speak.
    • Body language is an important part of building rapport when you speak in public.

    Connect with Audrie Woodhouse


    Audrie Woodhouse Honestly Speaking Website

    Connect with David Charlton

    Sign Up to The Mental Edge

    Join David @ The Sports Psychology Hub

    Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn

    To listen to relevant podcast episodes that link to improving your communication skills

    Ep197: Nick Jonsson – Mental Health: How To Overcome Executive Loneliness

    Ep139: Steve Beharall – Steve Beharall’s Journey from Football Coach to CEO

    Ep128: Paula Eddy-Wilcox – Can You Show Vulnerability and Be Mentally Tough? Yes!

    Ep120: David Charlton – Sport Coach Development: Helping Athletes Perform Better by Adapting How You Communicate

    Ep041: Paul McGee – How to Develop Interpersonal Confidence

    Other Useful Resources linked to developing your communication skills

    The Mental Edge - How to Assert Yourself so That Other People Don’t Throw You Off Your Game

    The Mental Edge - How to Improve The Skills of Team Captains

    eBlog - 5 Ways to Create a Psychological Safe Sporting Environment

    Blog: Why You Should Recognise The Power of Your Words

    Blog: How Mentally Healthy is Your Clubs Sporting Environment

    How to Overcome People Pleasing

    How to Overcome People Pleasing

    Just going with whatever your friend wants you to do feels easy in the moment, but long term it can erode away your self esteem. While it's nice to be considerate of others, when you're constantly saying 'no' and 'yes' to others just to please them, it can leave you riddle with even more anxiety and emptiness. So tune into this episode to learn about the solution to 'people pleasing' and tips to help you practice it, so you can build more meaningful friendships that aren't costing you your own happiness!

    Want to stop feeling so anxious all the time?

    Learn more about my personalised coaching programs for students here: www.kategladdin.com/coaching