
    7/12/22: Biden Polling, Senate Election Updates, 2022 House Map, Hunter Biden, Energy Crisis, Sri Lanka, & More!

    enJuly 12, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Insights from various podcasts on culture, trends, news, and personal storiesListeners can explore a range of topics from different podcasts, including culture, trends, news, and personal stories, and support their favorite creators to continue their work.

      There are various podcasts offering different perspectives and topics for listeners. Danielle Robet and Symone Boyce host "The Bright Side" on Iheart Radio, discussing culture, trends, and inspiration. Meanwhile, Joe Piazza shares family stories on his podcast. Elliot Kayne hosts "The Black Effect presents Family Therapy" on Iheart Radio, focusing on co-parenting and relationships. The political landscape is also filled with podcasts, such as "Breaking Points," which aims to provide trustworthy news and coverage leading up to the midterm elections. Despite the economic recession, many podcasts are seeking support from their audiences to continue their work and expand their reach. For instance, "Breaking Points" is offering discounts for annual upgrades for their monthly subscribers. The New York Times poll reveals that President Biden's approval rating is low, with 64% of Democratic voters preferring a new standard bearer for the 2024 presidential campaign. Voters express concern about the economy, with only 1% rating economic conditions as excellent. These podcasts offer insights into various aspects of life, from personal stories to political analysis, and provide opportunities for listeners to engage with and support the creators.

    • Biden's Approval Ratings Decline Among Young Voters and Black VotersYoung voters and black voters, crucial to Biden's nomination, now prefer a different candidate, with 47% wanting a change compared to 44% supporting Biden. Age and economic concerns are contributing factors.

      President Joe Biden's approval ratings are declining across various demographics, particularly among young voters and black voters. The discontentment among these groups is significant, and many are expressing a desire for a different nominee. Notably, even black voters, who were crucial to Biden's nomination due to their strong support, now have more saying they want a different candidate (47%) than those who want Biden (44%). A 44-year-old independent voter from Alabama, Clifton Hurd, articulated the economic struggles that have led him to reconsider his support for Biden, while a 38-year-old former factory worker in Indiana highlighted her disappointment in Biden's lack of action on issues that matter to her. Age is also a factor, with older Democrats expressing concerns about Biden's ability to handle the presidency due to his age. This dissatisfaction is a stark rebuke of Biden, considering that a solid majority (64%) of Democrats want someone else as their nominee.

    • Historically, Democrats unlikely to challenge Biden in primaryThe Democratic Party is unlikely to challenge President Biden in the primary due to fear of splitting the vote and giving the advantage to Republicans.

      Despite President Joe Biden's low approval ratings and the growing speculation about potential Democratic challengers, it is highly unlikely that anyone will primary him. Biden is widely expected to run for re-election, and despite his weak numbers, the Democratic Party seems unwilling to challenge him. Historically, weak presidents within their own party have faced challenges, but the consensus among pundits and analysts is that Biden will not face significant opposition in the primary. The Democratic Party's fear of splitting the vote and giving the advantage to the Republican Party seems to be the driving factor behind this decision. The poor approval ratings and the head-to-head matchups against potential Republican opponents do not seem to deter the Democrats from backing Biden. The historical precedent of Ted Kennedy challenging Jimmy Carter in 1978, which many Democrats see as a mistake, further solidifies their stance. However, the low approval ratings and the potential for a weak showing in the midterm elections could make Biden vulnerable in the general election. The Democrats may need to reconsider their strategy if they want to have a chance of stopping a potential Republican landslide in 2024.

    • Young Democrats' disapproval of BidenBiden's approval rating among young Democrats plummeted to 19%, with 81% disapproving, indicating a significant shift and a need for Democrats to re-engage this demographic.

      The current political landscape is in a state of flux, particularly when it comes to the younger demographic within the Democratic Party. Biden's approval rating among young voters (under 30) is at a dismal 19%, with 69% disapproving, which is a significant shift from just a few years ago when Democrats were counting on this group for political dominance. The polling data also shows that 94% of Democratic voters under 30 prefer a different presidential nominee. These numbers are a stark rebuke to the Democratic Party, as this demographic went strongly for Biden during the presidential election and had his highest approval ratings at the beginning of his presidency. Additionally, young voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the economy, with 0% saying it's excellent and 1% saying it's good. These trends suggest that the Democratic Party may need to reevaluate its approach to engaging and addressing the concerns of young voters if it hopes to maintain its base and win future elections.

    • Cost of living crisis hinders young adults from achieving milestones, leading to record debt and inflationThe cost of living crisis is preventing young adults from reaching adulthood milestones, resulting in record debt and inflation, causing disillusionment and disengagement among young voters, and potentially impacting the political landscape and future of the country.

      The cost of living crisis in America is making it increasingly difficult for young adults to achieve the milestones of adulthood, such as buying a car or a home, leading to record levels of debt and inflation. The Biden administration's response to these issues has left many young voters feeling disillusioned and disengaged, with record numbers expressing a lack of interest in voting in the upcoming elections. This disengagement is a significant concern as these voters represent a large and growing portion of the electorate, and their lack of participation could have serious consequences for the country as a whole. The political establishment's focus on electability over policy and substance is also contributing to this sense of disillusionment and apathy. Ultimately, the failure to address the root causes of the cost of living crisis and to engage meaningfully with young voters could have long-term consequences for the political landscape and the future of the country.

    • John Fetterman's Senate campaign makes him an appealing alternative to Biden for some Dems, but challenging him in the primary is riskyDespite concerns about Fetterman's left-leaning policies, some Dems find him more appealing than Biden. However, the risk of a Democratic primary challenge to Biden could result in blame for his potential defeat and a strong hold by Trump on non-college educated voters.

      John Fetterman's strong campaign in the Senate race makes him a more appealing candidate compared to Joe Biden for some Democrats, despite concerns about his left-leaning policies. However, challenging Biden in the primary is a risky move for Democrats due to their fear of being blamed for his potential defeat and the strong hold Trump has on the Republican base, especially among non-college educated voters. The education divide between Trump and DeSantis voters is significant, with Trump maintaining a dominant position among non-college educated voters. The January 6th hearings have been damaging to Trump, but he still holds the narrative war within the Republican base on certain issues. Therefore, it would be a challenge for any candidate, including DeSantis, to win the Republican primary by leaning into arguments against Trump on these issues.

    • The Republican primary race between Trump and DeSantis is not a foregone conclusionDespite DeSantis' lead among college-educated voters, Trump's strong base of support keeps him a formidable contender. Biden's standing within the Democratic party is vulnerable, but third-party options are limited, making the midterm elections a disappointing affair for many.

      The Republican primary race between Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis is not a foregone conclusion, despite DeSantis' lead among college-educated voters. However, Trump maintains a strong base of support, making him a formidable contender. Conversely, President Biden's standing within the Democratic party is vulnerable, with a significant number of key Democratic voters expressing preference for someone else. The political system's inability to produce viable third-party candidates further limits the options for disenchanted voters. The midterm elections are shaping up to be a disappointing affair for many, with few prospects for meaningful change regardless of the outcome. The discussion also touched upon the challenges faced by third-party candidates in getting on the ballot due to the rigged system.

    • Herschel Walker's Campaign Plagued by Lies and DeceitHerschel Walker's campaign is marred by a pattern of dishonesty, including lies about secret children, education, and business accomplishments, causing doubt about his trustworthiness and political competence. Polls show him trailing behind opponent Raphael Warnock.

      Herschel Walker's campaign has been plagued by numerous revelations of lies and deceit, which has raised serious concerns about his trustworthiness and political competence. His denials of having secret children were eventually proven false, and even his own campaign staff has lost faith in his honesty. This pattern of dishonesty extends to his personal and professional life, including fabrications about his education and business accomplishments. These issues have made it difficult for him to present a clear and unifying message during debates and interviews, and polls consistently show him trailing behind his opponent, Raphael Warnock. The chaos surrounding his campaign, coupled with his lack of political talent, raises serious doubts about his ability to succeed in the political arena.

    • Georgia GOP's Herschel Walker Threatens Senate SeatDespite favorable House election prospects, poor Senate candidate quality, including Herschel Walker in Georgia and Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania, jeopardizes Republican chances of retaining or gaining seats.

      The Georgia Republican Party is facing a significant challenge in the upcoming Senate election due to their nomination of Herschel Walker. The party did not want him as their nominee but felt compelled to support him after former President Trump's endorsement. Walker's poor performance and divisive views have put the seat in jeopardy, with polls showing him trailing Raphael Warnock by a few points. This situation is particularly concerning because the polling averages show that Republicans are heavily favored to make historic gains in the House of Representatives. The poor candidate quality in the Senate races, such as Walker and Pennsylvania's Dr. Mehmet Oz, is a major factor in these tight races. Despite Biden's low approval ratings in Georgia, the Democrats have a real shot at retaining the seat, highlighting the impact of weak nominees on election outcomes.

    • Fetterman's authentic campaign style outperforms Oz's cookie-cutter approachFetterman's relatable background and comfortable demeanor resonate with voters, overshadowing Oz's repetitive attacks and lack of definition as a candidate.

      In the Pennsylvania Senate race between Dr. Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman, Fetterman's relatable and authentic campaign style is outperforming Oz's cookie-cutter Republican approach. Despite Oz's wealth and resources, he has failed to connect with voters and has been overshadowed by Fetterman's savvy campaigning. Fetterman's background as the mayor of a steel town and his comfortable demeanor have resonated with Pennsylvania voters, making him a formidable opponent. Oz's repetitive attacks on Fetterman as a left-wing extremist have not been effective, and his silence on the campaign trail has allowed Fetterman to dominate the airwaves. The contrast between the two candidates has been damaging for Oz, especially as he has struggled to define his political vision and distinguish himself from Biden.

    • Pennsylvania Senate Race: Oz's Outsider Status Under AttackFetterman effectively defining Oz as a carpetbagger could make it a tough race for Oz despite his wealth and celebrity status

      The Pennsylvania Senate race between Dr. Mehmet Oz and John Fetterman is turning into a referendum on Oz's status as an outsider in the state. Fetterman is effectively defining Oz as a carpetbagger, and Oz has yet to effectively counter this narrative. This strategy is reminiscent of how the Obama campaign defined Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race. If Oz continues to struggle to define himself and Fetterman's caricature sticks, it could be a difficult uphill battle for Oz, despite his wealth and celebrity status. Historically, electing wealthy candidates is not unheard of, but it requires political talent to overcome attacks. Unfortunately for Oz, he seems to be struggling in this regard.

    • The Power of Loyalty to the Trump BrandIn the Pennsylvania and Missouri Senate races, established figures like Dr. Oz and Trump-backed candidates like Eric Greitens are facing unexpected challenges and importance of appealing to the MAGA base is highlighted.

      The political landscape is shifting in unexpected ways, with established figures like Dr. Mehmet Oz facing unexpected challenges, while controversial figures like Eric Greitens are gaining momentum. In the Pennsylvania Senate race, Oz, a wealthy celebrity doctor, is struggling against John Fetterman, a seasoned politician, despite his high net worth and celebrity status. Meanwhile, in Missouri, Trump is poised to endorse Eric Greitens, a divisive figure with a history of scandal, over the more establishment candidate Vicky Hartzzler. These developments underscore the power of loyalty to the Trump brand and the importance of appealing to the MAGA base in the current political climate. Additionally, the primaries in both states demonstrate the lengths to which candidates and their teams will go to secure the coveted Trump endorsement.

    • Missouri Senate Race: Shamelessness and Grift Reign SupremeMissouri Senate race is marked by candidates seeking Trump endorsements through questionable means, Greitens leads despite scandals and allegations, close Democratic primary, concerns over Republican candidate quality, and Democrats defending more seats, making a Democratic victory long odds.

      The race for the Senate seat in Missouri is marked by a high level of shamelessness and grift, with candidates like Eric Greitens and Billy Long reportedly seeking Trump endorsements through questionable means. Greitens, who has a history of corruption and shifting political allegiances, is currently leading in the polls despite past scandals and ongoing allegations of domestic violence. On the Democratic side, the primary between Lucas Kunze and a beer heiress is close, but the odds of a Democratic victory are considered long. Meanwhile, in the House races, the poor quality of some Republican candidates is raising concerns, but Democrats are defending more seats and face an uphill battle to maintain control. Overall, the political landscape is showing signs of the challenges and controversies that come with the election season.

    • Republicans Favored to Make Significant Gains in House MidtermsDemocrats face challenges in House races due to declining approval ratings, massive shifts towards GOP, and an enthusiasm gap.

      The Republican Party is poised to make significant gains in the House of Representatives in the upcoming midterm elections. Many districts that President Biden won by double-digit margins in 2020 are now in play, with Biden's approval ratings down by double-digits in these districts. This trend is not limited to these districts, as Biden's approval ratings have been declining overall. The House races are more of a referendum on the national mood, and the current mood is not good for the Democrats. Republicans are favored to win the Senate as well, but the House picture is particularly clear, and Democrats are in for a very challenging election. The fact that Republicans are contesting in Biden-plus-9 districts is a sign of the massive shifts towards the GOP. The Democratic Party faces an enthusiasm gap, and they will need to make an affirmative case to win over voters, particularly in suburban areas and among Hispanic voters. The challenges for the Democratic Party extend beyond just the midterm elections, as Pelosi's leadership is also in question. However, it's important to note that not all voters who are dissatisfied with Biden will flip to the Republican Party. Some may still identify as Democrats and could be motivated by specific issues, such as abortion or gun rights. Overall, the current political landscape presents significant challenges for the Democratic Party.

    • Political climate weakens GOP candidates, Hunter Biden's personal life vs. business dealingsDespite low approval ratings and competitive Senate seats, GOP weaknesses lie mainly in candidate quality. Hunter Biden's personal issues are less important than potential business corruption.

      The current political climate, as indicated by low approval ratings and the number of competitive Senate seats, points to significant weaknesses among Republican candidates. Regarding Hunter Biden, while his personal life and alleged drug use may be newsworthy due to his connection to the President, the most relevant information involves his business dealings and potential corruption. The authenticity of the leaked data from his iPhone is unclear, but if it reveals corruption, it should be discussed in that context. Ultimately, the situation is sad and calls for empathy and support for those struggling with addiction, rather than politicization.

    • Transparency and investigation crucial in reporting complex issuesMedia should cover complex issues like Hunter Biden's allegations and Germany's energy crisis with transparency and facts, rather than dismissing them.

      Transparency and investigation are crucial in reporting, despite potential discomfort or complexity of the subject matter. The Hunter Biden situation, which involves allegations of foreign business dealings and potential corruption, should not be ignored due to its public interest. Social media and the Secret Service have acknowledged the situation, and it's essential for mainstream media to do the same and provide context and facts rather than dismissing it. The energy crisis, specifically in Germany, is another pressing issue that requires attention. Germany's reliance on Russian natural gas and the recent pipeline shutdown could lead to a global crisis and mass suffering in the developing world. The West's rejection of nuclear power has worsened the situation, highlighting the need for a balanced energy approach.

    • Europe's energy vulnerability and inconsistent policies towards RussiaEurope faces energy insecurity due to Nord Stream pipeline issues, inconsistent Western policies, and insufficient renewable energy sources. This could lead to power rationing, soaring energy prices, and potential inflation.

      The ongoing situation with the Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia and Europe, which could lead to a complete shutdown, has significant implications. Not only does it expose the vulnerability of Europe, particularly Germany, but it also highlights the inconsistency in Western policies towards Russia and the Ukrainian conflict. At the same time, the inability of renewable energy sources like wind power to meet demand during critical situations exacerbates the issue, leading to soaring energy prices and potential power rationing. This situation not only affects European countries but could also result in increased inflation in the US and other parts of the world. Furthermore, the expansion of coal-fired power plants in Germany despite the green movement's promises underscores the failure of the modern green movement to deliver on its promises. The situation underscores the urgent need for reliable energy sources, such as nuclear power, to ensure energy security and stability.

    • Economic struggles in Sri Lanka reflect global challengesSri Lanka's economic crisis, marked by high debt, inflation, and scarcity, is not unique. Countries worldwide face similar issues, worsened by COVID-19, government missteps, and the war in Ukraine. The consequences are severe, with long lines for essentials and potential protests and riots.

      The economic crisis in Sri Lanka, which led to massive protests and the resignation of top officials, is not an isolated incident. Countries around the world are facing similar challenges with high debt loads, high inflation, and food and fuel scarcity. The situation in Sri Lanka began in 2019 with a devastating terrorist attack that hurt the tourism industry, followed by COVID-19 and disastrous government decisions, such as banning fertilizer imports and passing a massive tax cut. The war in Ukraine further exacerbated the crisis by increasing food and fuel prices and causing a loss of tourism revenue from Russian and Ukrainian travelers. The international community's downgrading of Sri Lankan debt and the country's inability to make debt payments led to an official default and bankruptcy. The consequences are dire, with long lines for gas, empty hospitals, and food inflation skyrocketing. Unfortunately, Sri Lanka's struggles are not unique, with countries like Ecuador, Pakistan, Egypt, and Tunisia also facing similar challenges. The situation is further complicated by the Federal Reserve's policy of increasing interest rates, making it harder for these countries to service their dollar-denominated debt. The danger of contagion is real, with some countries already experiencing protests and bread riots. The war in Ukraine may be the final straw for many nations, pushing them into economic collapse.

    • Impacts of Ukraine War and Importance of Ending it, Supporting Content Creators, Effective Communication and Understanding Leadership Roles in RelationshipsThe Ukraine war's consequences reach beyond Ukraine, requiring global efforts to end it. Amidst challenges, podcasts like Joe Piazza's 'Sicilian Inheritance' and 'The Bright Side' offer comfort, while clear communication and recognizing leadership roles in relationships foster healthy co-parenting and partnerships.

      The ongoing Ukraine war is not only devastating for the people of Ukraine but also has significant impacts on millions of people around the world, pushing some to the brink of crisis. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize efforts to end the war. Additionally, during difficult times, supporting content creators, like podcasts, can provide entertainment and distraction. For instance, Joe Piazza's "Sicilian Inheritance" and "The Bright Side" podcasts offer optimism and personal stories. Furthermore, in relationships, effective communication and understanding leadership roles are essential for co-parenting and healthy partnerships. These themes emerged from the discussions on Breaking Points and Family Therapy podcasts.

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    To become a Breaking Points Premium Member and watch/listen to the show uncut and 1 hour early visit: https://breakingpoints.com/ 

    Dave Smith: https://x.com/ComicDaveSmith

    Vaush: https://www.youtube.com/@Vaush  

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