
    7/26/21: Biden's Polling Numbers, Tucker Spying Confirmed, Pentagon Budget, Cuomo Let Off, Hunter Biden's Art, Renewed Lockdown Hysteria, Media Silence, Vaccines, and More!

    enJuly 26, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Opportunities for growth and optimism despite challengesDespite the ongoing pandemic and perceived lack of progress, opportunities for personal growth and affordability exist, but a significant drop in optimism about the country's direction may have wider implications.

      There are opportunities for personal growth and advancement, whether it's through earning a respected degree online with Purdue Global or making your Walt Disney World vacation more affordable. However, the current mood of the country, as shown in polls, reveals a significant drop in optimism about the direction of the United States. This shift is not solely due to the ongoing pandemic and its challenges, but also the perceived lack of progress in economic recovery and the administration's handling of the situation. The concern is that this pessimism is not limited to any particular political group, which could have wider implications for the future.

    • Political climate may favor opposition figureThe current political climate could benefit a Republican or opposition figure due to public discontent with Biden's handling of the pandemic, economic recovery, and communication.

      The current political climate indicates a potential for a Republican or other opposition figure to gain traction by capitalizing on public lack of optimism and pessimism towards the country's future, particularly in the areas of handling the pandemic and economic recovery. Biden's approval ratings have dropped significantly in these areas, and his administration's perceived inaction and lack of communication may be contributing to this trend. Additionally, the delta variant surge and the stalled infrastructure package may further erode public support. Independents, a crucial voting bloc, are already showing signs of dissatisfaction with Biden's handling of key issues, including the economy, crime, gun violence, and immigration. These trends could potentially impact not only Biden's reelection prospects but also midterm elections and future political races.

    • Expectations for COVID-19 response to take a backseat in upcoming electionsImmigration and crime are key issues for GOP base, Biden's approval rating is low, and voter turnout is crucial in midterm elections

      The response to COVID-19 is expected to be a less pressing issue compared to economic recovery, crime, and immigration in the upcoming elections. Immigration and crime are particularly animating issues for the Republican base, which could lead to higher turnout for the GOP. The withdrawal from Afghanistan is an area where President Biden has been clear and strong, and Americans generally respect that. However, Biden's approval rating has hit a new low, and the midterm elections could be influenced by the energy and motivation of each party's base. The discussion also touched upon the polarization of issues and the importance of voter turnout.

    • Political Climate: Uncertainty and Dissatisfaction Amid Complex Issues and Polling ErrorsThe current political climate is marked by uncertainty and dissatisfaction due to complex issues, lack of urgency, and polling errors. Effective policy-making can lead to political gains.

      The current political climate in Washington is marked by a lack of urgency and understanding on key issues, leading to a sense of uncertainty and dissatisfaction among Americans. This is evident in the ongoing debates over infrastructure, reconciliation, and the economy. The infrastructure package, for instance, is a complex issue that requires significant investment and time before its benefits are visible to the public. Similarly, the pandemic response and the economic recovery have left many Americans feeling neglected, with pressing issues like unemployment benefits and eviction moratoriums looming large. Moreover, the accuracy of polls has been called into question, with pollsters missing the mark by an average of 4.5 percentage points at the national level during the 2020 elections. This error was even more significant at the state level, where pollsters were off by over 5 points. As a result, any predictions about the midterm elections should be taken with a grain of salt and adjusted accordingly. Lastly, the Biden administration's approach to governance has been criticized for its focus on bipartisanship and lack of bold policy initiatives. This approach, reminiscent of the Clinton era, risks alienating voters who are looking for tangible solutions to their problems. Instead, effective policy-making can lead to political gains, as demonstrated by successful infrastructure projects and economic recoveries.

    • Bipartisanship in D.C. prioritizes defense spendingPolitical considerations drive bipartisan support for increasing defense spending, while infrastructure and reconciliation bills face calls for fiscal responsibility

      Despite the ongoing debates about infrastructure spending and the reconciliation bill, bipartisanship in Washington D.C. seems to be focused on increasing defense spending. The recent unanimous vote to boost Pentagon spending from $700 billion to $740 billion was driven by political considerations and the desire for investments in military installations and weapons programs in various states. This additional funding will primarily go towards the F-35 program, a controversial and expensive initiative. While there is a call for every penny in infrastructure and reconciliation bills to be paid for, there is no such demand when it comes to defense spending. This behavior is indicative of where bipartisanship converges and raises questions about the true motivations behind these decisions.

    • Bipartisan support for increasing defense budgets leads to wasteful spendingPoliticians from both parties compete for defense funds, leading to expensive and often wasteful spending, rather than investments that benefit citizens

      The current way the US military is funded is insanely expensive and can be seen as a patronage game, where politicians from both parties compete to bring more funds to their districts, leading to massive defense budgets that often result in questionable spending. For instance, the cost of a new navy ship's ammunition can reach $1,000,000 per round, and past examples include spending hundreds of millions on a gas station in Afghanistan, which is now controlled by the Taliban. This bipartisan support for increasing defense budgets, which started during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, is difficult to stop and often results in wasteful spending, rather than investments that benefit the citizens of the country.

    • Bipartisan support for defense spending driven by patronage and pork barrel projectsDespite record-breaking defense spending, lawmakers prioritize funding for specific projects and defense contractors over infrastructure and pay-for requirements, leading to inefficient spending on programs like the F-35, which faces safety concerns and suboptimal performance.

      The recent Senate vote to boost Pentagon spending, totaling 770 billion dollars, was not driven by a genuine concern for national defense, but rather by the desire to increase funding for major weapon systems and military installations. This increase in spending, which was supported by both Democrats and Republicans, can be seen as a means to secure more funds for defense contractors and specific projects in their districts. The debate around infrastructure spending and pay-for requirements was ignored in this instance, as lawmakers rushed to distribute funds to their states. The F-35 program, which is one of the largest defense spending projects and a symbol of the military-industrial complex, is a prime example of this trend. Despite the enormous cost, the technology does not always perform optimally and poses safety concerns for its operators. This spending pattern highlights the convergence of bipartisanship and the prioritization of patronage and pork barrel projects over effective and efficient defense spending.

    • Costly Consequences of Wasteful War Spending and Politician PatronageThe cost of war and political patronage have led to wasteful spending, mass outbreaks, and thousands of deaths in nursing homes during the pandemic, highlighting the importance of accountability and transparency in government spending.

      The cost of war, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been staggering, with stories of wasteful spending on projects that have since been taken over by enemy forces. Politicians have used the defense budget as a tool for patronage, with bipartisan support, leading to a perpetual increase in military spending. A notable example is the handling of nursing homes in New York during the COVID-19 pandemic, where an order to accept coronavirus patients led to mass outbreaks and thousands of deaths. Despite investigations, the justice department recently dropped the nursing home investigations in all states, leaving families seeking answers and accountability. It's crucial to understand the implications of these patterns of spending and the potential consequences for citizens.

    • DOJ drops civil rights investigation into nursing home deaths under BidenThe DOJ's decision to close a civil rights investigation into nursing home deaths under the Biden administration denies families compensation and hinders unbiased probes.

      The Department of Justice's decision to drop a civil rights investigation into nursing home deaths under the Biden administration, following a politically charged investigation by the Trump administration, has significant implications. The investigation, which was looking into allegations of a pattern or practice of unlawful conditions in certain residential institutions, including nursing facilities, could have potentially provided compensation for victims' families. However, with the closure of this investigation, that avenue for justice is now permanently closed. The investigation was significant due to ongoing state-level investigations, including those into sexual harassment allegations against Governor Cuomo and potential manipulation of nursing home death data. The disparity between state and federal COVID-19 death tolls raises concerns about potential underreporting. The investigation's political nature, with the Trump administration focusing on Democratic-led states and the Biden administration taking the opposite approach, highlights the impact of political blinders on justice. Overall, this situation underscores the importance of independent and unbiased investigations.

    • Biden administration's handling of Hunter Biden's art sales raises ethics concernsThe Biden administration's plan to keep art buyers anonymous to the public while allowing Hunter Biden access to this information creates a potential conflict of interest and opens the door to corruption.

      The Biden administration's handling of Hunter Biden's art sales raises significant ethics concerns. The White House's plan to keep the buyers anonymous to the public, but not to Hunter Biden himself, creates a potential conflict of interest and opens the door to corruption. Former ethics officials and critics argue that transparency is key to preventing any appearance of impropriety. Instead, the current arrangement outsources government ethics to an art gallery owner and relies on the honor system, which is not sufficient. This situation contradicts initial assurances made by the administration and undermines public trust.

    • Failure to uphold ethical promisesThe administration's failure to enact strong ethics regulations and restore transparency continues, with business as usual practices in handling ethics waivers, lobbying, and financial dealings. Concerns over Hunter Biden's involvement in the art industry add to the lack of commitment to meaningful change.

      The promises of ethical reforms and transparency made by the current administration have not materialized. Despite campaigning on a platform of strong ethics regulations and restoring the soul of America, the administration has continued business as usual. This is evident in the handling of ethics waivers, lobbying practices, and financial dealings. The administration's actions demonstrate a return to normal and a lack of commitment to meaningful change. The art industry was brought up as an example of a dirty industry rife with money laundering, and Hunter Biden's recent involvement in it raises concerns. The administration's failure to live up to its ethical promises and the normalization of questionable practices in politics and business are significant issues that deserve attention and scrutiny.

    • Mixed messages on COVID-19 restrictions fuel vaccine hesitancyConstant changes in COVID-19 restrictions and inconsistent messaging from public health officials and media create confusion, mistrust, and hinder efforts to encourage vaccination among hesitant individuals. Clear, consistent communication about the benefits of vaccination is key to building trust and promoting widespread acceptance.

      The inconsistent messaging from public health authorities and media hysteria around COVID-19 restrictions have contributed to vaccine hesitancy and resistance. Instead of encouraging a return to normalcy after vaccination, the constant flip-flopping on restrictions has created confusion and mistrust. Now, with the rise of the Delta variant, there is renewed pressure to reinstate mask mandates and restrictions, despite evidence that vaccines protect against severe outcomes. This approach risks further damaging trust in public health officials and hardening the stance of those who are hesitant or refuse to get vaccinated. To effectively address this issue, it's crucial to focus on building trust and providing clear, consistent messages about the benefits of vaccination to all communities, especially those who have been disproportionately affected by the pandemic and its restrictions.

    • Media prioritizes control over public health and workers' rights coverageThe media often overlooks important stories, like the ongoing miner strike and Walgreens wage theft lawsuit, in favor of culture wars and political controversies, leaving essential workers without support or public attention.

      There is a troubling disconnect between what the media chooses to cover and what truly matters for public health and workers' rights. A recent discussion highlighted the lack of coverage on the historic miner strike in Alabama, which has been ongoing for nearly 4 months. Instead, networks focus on culture wars and political controversies. Meanwhile, essential workers are left to fight for their rights without public support or media attention. Another example is the Walgreens class action lawsuit, where the company was forced to pay a large settlement for wage theft, yet this story received little mainstream coverage compared to a single shoplifting incident. These instances demonstrate the importance of acknowledging the central truth that those in power prioritize control over reaching out to those on the fence. It's crucial for us to stand up against this trend and demand more accountability and transparency from our media.

    • Media prioritizes audience size over truthMedia's focus on audience size leads to a lack of transparency and accountability, with 80% of brands losing money on TV ads

      The relationship between media and advertising has evolved into a system that prioritizes audience size over truth and facts. This was evident in the discussion about cable news, which was described as a scam programming model, resting on a scam revenue model, fueled by a scam political dialogue. The origins of this business model can be traced back to the invention of advertising-supported media in the United States, where newspapers began selling audience access to advertisers at a loss. This created a corrupting influence where news coverage could be swayed by advertisers, leading to a lack of transparency and accountability. The media's prioritization of audience size over truth was further highlighted by the revelation that 80% of the brands studied were losing money by placing ads on television. Ultimately, this system is unsustainable and will likely collapse, leaving us all better off when the dishonest gig is up.

    • Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy in the US: Diverse Groups and Cultural FactorsRecognizing diverse groups of unvaccinated individuals, including anti-vaxxers and the wait and see group, and addressing cultural factors like skepticism towards institutions and individualism, can help increase US vaccination rates. FDA approval could also boost confidence and allow for mandates.

      Addressing vaccine hesitancy in the US, particularly with the Delta variant on the rise, requires recognizing the diverse groups within the population of unvaccinated individuals. These groups include the anti-vaxxers, who are unlikely to be converted, and the wait and see group, who have shown progress due to seeing the vaccines' real-world effectiveness and feeling pressure from the cost-benefit analysis. Additionally, moving from emergency authorization to full approval of the vaccines by the FDA could help increase vaccination rates by sending a stronger signal of government support and allowing for mandates. Cultural factors, such as skepticism towards institutions and Reaganite individualism, may also contribute to higher vaccine hesitancy in the US compared to other developed countries.

    • US healthcare system's individualism fuels vaccine hesitancy and precarityThe US healthcare system's emphasis on individualism and lack of nationalized healthcare can discourage vaccination and create uncertainty, hindering public health efforts during a crisis.

      The lack of nationalized healthcare in the US, rooted in Reaganite individualism, contributes to vaccine hesitancy and precarity among certain populations. This fear of government involvement and uncertainty about healthcare access can discourage individuals from getting vaccinated or taking time off work, even during a public health crisis. The FDA's cautious approach to vaccine authorization, with its emphasis on emergency use authorization, can also send mixed messages and potentially hinder vaccination efforts. The concept of herd immunity is complex, as the virus does not recognize national numbers; instead, it spreads among unvaccinated communities. Therefore, vaccine uptake and political ideology play significant roles in determining the spread of the virus. The divide between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations highlights the importance of addressing vaccine hesitancy and promoting equitable access to vaccines to protect public health.

    • Hosts appreciate audience feedback and made set design changesListeners' feedback led to set design improvements, hosts thank sponsors, and mental health resources were promoted

      The hosts of the show value feedback from their audience and are constantly making improvements based on that feedback. They recently made changes to the set design, and while the hosts had initial reservations, they have grown to like the new look. The hosts encourage listeners to leave positive reviews to help others discover the show and thanked their sponsors, Undercover Tourist and Viking, for their support. Additionally, they emphasized the importance of mental health and encouraged listeners to check out BetterHelp for online therapy services.

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    Yvette Carnell is founder of BreakingBrown.com.
    Before embarking on a career in new media, she served as a Congressional aide on Capitol Hill.


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