
    About this Episode

    In today's episode we explore the topic of positivity--when is it used for authentic growth and when might it be a form of toxicity and bypassing reality?

    Resources from today's episode:

    Wayne Dyers "The Wake"

    Brené Brown Books we love:
    The Gifts of Imperfection
    Daring Greatly
    Rising Strong

    Follow Sarah for Writing Prompt Wednesday on Instagram @frommyhearttoyourslovesarah

    Recent Episodes from Two Therapists in Therapy Podcast

    53. The Courage to Start "The Work"

    53. The Courage to Start "The Work"

    In this episode, Sarah & Becca explore how people begin to do inner work that leads to healthier relationships with others and with themselves.

    Resources for Self Work:

    Video Resources:
    Brene Brown Netflix Special "the Call to Courage" https://www.netflix.com/title/81010166

    Kristin Neff's Self Compassion TED Talk

    Therapy Resources:
    Adjusted Fee Therapy Sessions: https://openpathcollective.org/

    Finding a local therapist with Psychology Today

    Self Work Courses:
    The Narrative Enneagram

    Readings and other online Resources:

    Sonya Renee Taylors work on "The Body is Not an Apology"

    The Enneagram for Black Liberation by Chichi Agorom

    Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff, PhD