
    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Self-Sabotage and Its SymptomsSelf-sabotage is caused by misalignment between our identity and desired outcomes. Symptoms include financial instability, unhealthy relationships, self-destructive behaviors, fear of success, lack of focus, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. To overcome, identify and address root cause: limiting beliefs and thoughts.

      Our personal identity, made up of our thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, acts as a thermostat setting for various aspects of our lives, including happiness, finances, and success. External circumstances do not have control over our internal experiences. Self-sabotage occurs when our identity, or thermostat setting, is not aligned with our desired outcomes. The seven symptoms of self-sabotage discussed include financial instability, unhealthy relationships, self-destructive behaviors, fear of success, lack of focus, people-pleasing, and perfectionism. To eliminate self-sabotage, it's essential to identify and address the root cause: limiting beliefs and thoughts that shape our identity. By changing our mindset and beliefs, we can adjust our identity thermostat and achieve greater success and happiness.

    • Limiting beliefs impact our success and happinessRecognizing and challenging limiting beliefs can help us break free from self-imposed limitations and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment

      Our identity or belief about ourselves sets a limit on our success and happiness in various areas of life, including relationships, physical health, and career. This limit, or "thermostat setting," can unconsciously influence us to sabotage our growth when we surpass it. For instance, if we experience a promotion or a period of increased happiness, but later find ourselves back at our old level, it may not be due to external factors, but rather our subconscious efforts to align with our self-perceived worth. This pattern can be observed in various aspects of life, and recognizing and challenging our limiting beliefs can help us break free from this cycle and achieve sustained growth and fulfillment.

    • Impact of surroundings and people on personal growthEvaluate the company you keep, focus on present and future, and surround yourself with inspiring individuals to break free from self-sabotage and low identity patterns.

      Our surroundings and the people we associate with significantly impact our personal growth and identity. Just like a thermostat setting, being around individuals with higher goals and achievements can "heat us up" and inspire us to elevate ourselves. Conversely, staying in familiar, predictable environments can lead to self-sabotage as a way to maintain a sense of control. It's essential to evaluate the company we keep and consider whether they challenge us to grow or simply validate our current state. The diseases of self-sabotage and low identity are interconnected, and focusing on the past can perpetuate these patterns. To break free, focus on the present and the future, and surround yourself with individuals who inspire and motivate you to reach new heights.

    • Focusing on the past, lack, and comparison can limit usLet go of the past, appreciate what we have, and focus on growth to create a fulfilling life

      Focusing on the past, what we don't have, and comparing ourselves to others can sabotage our present and future. The past can limit us by keeping us stuck in negative emotions and old stories. Focusing on lack can reinforce the very thing we want to avoid. Comparison, especially to filtered versions of others' lives on social media, can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. To move forward, it's essential to let go of the past, appreciate what we have, and focus on growth and progress. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling and joyful life.

    • Comparing ourselves to others can lead to negative emotionsRecognize uniqueness, focus on present, and avoid comparison to cultivate joy and happiness

      Comparison is a common form of self-sabotage that can negatively impact our relationships, happiness, and overall well-being. Comparing ourselves to others, their idealized social media personas, or even to past experiences or relationships can lead to feelings of inadequacy, dissatisfaction, and unhappiness. It's essential to recognize that everyone's experiences and circumstances are unique, and it's unfair to compare ourselves to others' masks or illusions. Instead, we should focus on the things we can control and appreciate the present moment for what it is. The family in the story found a brief moment of joy and happiness by taking a picture, reminding us that even in the midst of chaos and frustration, there are moments of bliss and happiness to be found. So, avoid the comparison trap and focus on the present to cultivate joy and happiness in your life.

    • Avoid self-sabotage by focusing on controllablesStay focused on controllables, be courageous, learn from setbacks, and minimize distractions to avoid self-sabotaging behaviors.

      Constant focus on things outside of our control, such as the media or other people's actions, can lead to self-sabotage. This can manifest in various ways, including becoming discouraged and getting distracted. To avoid self-sabotage, it's essential to focus on what we can control and influence, rather than trying to control the uncontrollable. Additionally, staying courageous in the face of adversity and learning from setbacks can help us overcome discouragement and grow instead. Lastly, identifying and minimizing distractions can help us stay focused on our goals and avoid self-sabotaging behaviors.

    • Unconsciously reducing efforts or behaviors that led to initial successRecognize patterns of self-sabotage and make a conscious effort to maintain or increase behaviors that led to initial success to avoid sabotaging progress

      Self-sabotage can manifest in various ways, even after achieving some level of success. It's common for individuals to unconsciously reduce their efforts or the behaviors that led to their initial success, often due to the fear of the unfamiliar and the desire for the illusion of control. This "cooling down" can occur in various aspects of life, such as fitness, business, or personal habits. Instead of building on initial progress, individuals may celebrate too long and do less, leading to a cycle of chasing their tail and ultimately sabotaging their success. To avoid self-sabotage, it's crucial to recognize these patterns and consciously make an effort to maintain or even increase the behaviors that led to initial success.

    • Symptoms of Self-SabotageFocusing on the past, comparing and lacking, and getting distracted are symptoms of self-sabotage. Surround yourself with positive influences to avoid these behaviors and focus on growth.

      Self-sabotage can hinder personal growth and progress. Seven symptoms of self-sabotage include focusing on the past, comparing and lack, and getting distracted. These behaviors can be reinforced by the people we surround ourselves with, particularly if they spend a lot of time talking about the past or focusing on what they don't have. To avoid self-sabotage, it's important to increase our "thermostat setting" by focusing on our intentions and surrounding ourselves with positive influences. These friends should encourage us to focus on the present moment or look towards the future, rather than dwelling on the past. Ultimately, it's important to have friends who challenge us to grow and push us towards our full potential, while still accepting and loving us for who we are.

    • Believe in Your Power to Grow and ProgressFocus on growth, surround yourself with positivity, challenge negative thoughts, embrace the present, and pursue your dreams relentlessly.

      You have the power to change your life by focusing on growth and progress, rather than dwelling on the past or comparing yourself to others. Believe in your potential and surround yourself with people who see it in you. Observe and challenge your thoughts, and don't let them control you. Embrace the present and project into the future. You belong in your dreams and have everything within you to make them come true. Don't allow yourself to be discouraged or distracted, and when you taste success, hunger for more. Progress is power, and you were born to expand and grow. Share this message with someone you care about.

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    Find out more about the Jared Lorenzen Project here:



    In Brian's LYB Episode, he brought up the Born This Way Foundation 
    They have an entire resources page that connects you with resources for whatever issue you're facing
    here is the resource page: https://bornthisway.foundation/get-help-now


    Pravana Hair Colors: 


    Shelby's Recommended Mental Health Resources: 







    As always, feel free to contact Love Your Bodd 

    Love Your Bodd Stuffz

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