
    Podcast Summary

    • Improve coding productivity with error handling and toolsImplement error handling and use tools like Sentry for bug identification, and evaluate productivity habits for distraction-prone individuals to optimize workflows and boost efficiency.

      Implementing error and exception handling, using tools like Sentry, can significantly improve productivity in coding by allowing developers to identify and fix bugs more efficiently. Additionally, focusing on productivity habits, especially for those with ADHD or other distractions, involves evaluating current habits, identifying roadblocks, and implementing systems and processes to overcome them. The new year is a great time to reflect on these habits and make improvements. Furthermore, there are numerous resources, such as books and podcasts, available to help individuals optimize their workflows and boost productivity.

    • Struggling with Focus and DistractionsRecognize patterns of distraction and find strategies to improve focus, minimize distractions, and manage time effectively.

      Focus and avoiding distractions are crucial for productivity, but can be challenging for many individuals. The speaker identified their lack of focus as a major hindrance, often getting sidetracked by small tasks or distractions. Procrastination, particularly with tasks they find unpleasant, is another issue. The speaker also mentioned the danger of technology, such as social media and email, which can easily pull attention away from the task at hand. The use of tools like do not disturb settings can help minimize distractions, but can also lead to missed opportunities or communications. Ultimately, recognizing these patterns and finding strategies to improve focus and minimize distractions can lead to increased productivity and better time management.

    • Effective Time Management and ProductivityBuild routines, use calendar notifications and habit tracking apps to stay organized, be punctual, and maintain consistent habits for success.

      Effective time management and the adoption of good habits are crucial for productivity and success. The speaker, an executive producer, shares his experience of having fewer "empty days" since taking on a new role, which has led him to rely heavily on calendar notifications and habit tracking apps. He emphasizes the importance of being punctual for meetings and maintaining consistent habits, such as flossing. The speaker also expresses frustration with expensive habit tracking apps and shares that he built his own, called Habit Path, which is currently in beta and available on the waitlist. He discusses the benefits of rolling his own auth for the app and expresses a potential interest in open-source collaboration. Overall, the conversation highlights the significance of staying organized, adhering to routines, and utilizing tools to optimize daily life.

    • Understanding neural pathways for habit formationUtilize tools, track progress, and interrupt old habits to create new neural pathways for successful habit change

      Forming and breaking habits involves understanding the concept of neural pathways in the brain. Our brains get used to performing certain actions, good or bad, and it takes effort to create new, positive neural pathways. This can be achieved by interrupting old habits with different behaviors or using tools like focus apps or putting your phone in a different pocket. Streaks and tracking progress can also be effective motivators for maintaining new habits. For example, apps like Streaks can help build streaks for various activities, while seeing progress in a tracking app can motivate individuals to continue a habit. However, implementing new habits can be challenging, especially with the added complexity of technologies like passkeys that require back-and-forth communication. Overall, understanding the science behind habit formation and utilizing tools to help create new neural pathways can lead to successful habit change.

    • Focusing on strengths and practicing good habitsConsistently using a convenient and effective to-do system can improve productivity and personal growth by helping us focus on strengths and prioritize tasks.

      The habits we cultivate and practice shape who we become throughout our lives. The speaker uses the example of being a dancer and focusing on what they're good at, which continues to improve, while neglecting what they don't practice leads to no improvement. To be productive and get things done, using a "to-do" app or system is essential. The speaker recommends the Getting Things Done methodology by David Allen and using Siri for reminders. The best to-do app is the one that is used consistently, whether it's a physical calendar, a pen and paper, or a digital app like Things or Height. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a system that is convenient and effective for tracking tasks and reminders. Additionally, the speaker expresses a desire for a large touch screen monitor in the kitchen as a calendar and to-do list, but acknowledges it as a future project. In summary, examining and practicing good habits, using an effective to-do system, and consistently reviewing and updating it are key to personal growth and productivity.

    • Repurposing power source for tablets, managing to-do lists, and using a calendar for productivityTransform old power sources, prioritize tasks, manage to-do lists, and utilize a calendar for maximum productivity and time savings

      Repurposing an old security system's power source to power tablets throughout the house is a creative and cost-effective solution for unlimited power. Meanwhile, effectively managing to-do lists involves assigning due dates, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining the list to maximize productivity. However, the most essential productivity tool is a well-managed calendar, which keeps one on track and focused on important deadlines and commitments. The speaker acknowledges his personal struggle with tackling tasks that cause anxiety but encourages the importance of prioritizing and completing them for greater satisfaction and time savings. By combining these tools and strategies, one can effectively manage their time and tasks for increased productivity.

    • Scheduling dedicated time for tasks and protecting uninterrupted focusEffectively manage time and focus by scheduling tasks, batching work, and using focus apps to minimize interruptions and protect uninterrupted time for maximum productivity.

      Effectively managing your time and focus is crucial for productivity, especially for creative or focused work. The use of a calendar is essential for scheduling dedicated time for tasks such as email, deep work, and upkeep. Scheduling large uninterrupted sections of time is important for getting into the headspace for coding or other creative work. Time management also involves grouping and batching tasks together to minimize interruptions. Focus apps can help block distracting websites or domains to maintain focus during work sessions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and protecting uninterrupted time to maximize productivity.

    • Using a focus app can enhance productivityA focus app can block distracting websites, display motivational quotes, and provide focus modes to boost productivity.

      Finding the right focus app can significantly improve productivity by interrupting distracting habits and providing motivation. The speaker personally uses HeyFocus on Mac, which blocks access to distracting websites and displays motivational quotes. Although some may find these quotes inspiring, the speaker finds them more as a reminder of the work that needs to be done. Additionally, the built-in focus modes in Mac's operating system can also be effective, especially when scheduled on a strict schedule. The speaker also suggested considering having fewer displays to minimize distractions and increase focus.

    • Creating an optimized coding environmentMaximize productivity by personalizing and streamlining your coding environment, focusing on one tab, and eliminating distractions.

      Creating an optimized coding environment can significantly boost productivity. The speaker shared that they are most productive when coding on a single screen at a coffee shop, with their laptop as their display. They also mentioned the importance of having enough screen real estate and the ability to focus on one tab at a time. The use of extensions like APC Customize UI or writing custom CSS for Versus Code can help personalize and streamline the coding experience. Additionally, pairing down the editor setup and eliminating distractions can lead to increased focus and efficiency. Procrastination and getting started are common challenges, but once the ball is rolling, productivity can flourish.

    • Building momentum through repetitionStarting new tasks can be tough, but repeating them builds momentum and makes us want to do it again, leading to a productive routine.

      Starting a new task or habit can be challenging, but the more times we start and finish something, the easier it becomes and we develop a sense of momentum and accomplishment. Productivity expert shares that it's easier to tackle hard tasks once we've done them a few times, and the feeling of accomplishment makes us want to do it again. He is motivated to improve his habits and processes this year as he is now part of a bigger team and his actions will impact others. The key is to start, even when it's hard, and keep going to build momentum and develop a productive routine.

    Recent Episodes from Syntax - Tasty Web Development Treats

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
    • 01:17 Why ‘Supa’ and not ‘Super’?
    • 02:26 How did Supabase start?
    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
    • 12:35 How do you decide which libraries are officially supported vs community maintained?
      • 15:17 You don’t need a client library!
    • 16:48 Edge functions for server-side functionality.
    • 18:51 The genesis of pgvector.
    • 20:59 The product strategy.
    • 22:25 What’s the story behind Supabase’s awesome docs?
    • 25:26 The tech behind Supabase.
    • 35:46 How do you balance business goals with open source?
    • 42:01 What’s next for Supabase?
    • 44:15 Supabase’s GA + new features.
    • 48:24 Who runs the X account?
    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Shameless Plugs

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    787: You Should Try Vue.js

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    Show Notes

    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
    • 05:04 Will React Compiler help with managing Context?
    • 06:39 What happens if you’re not using a React Compiler?
    • 09:30 Will this work on any NextJS version?
    • 12:18 What are React Server Components?
    • 16:28 Shipping all the data inside an encapsulated component.
    • 20:17 Clearing up the frustrations around retrofitting server components.
    • 23:13 Handing migration.
    • 28:30 Is this just a fetch request with props?
    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
    • 41:53 Will we ever get Async Client Components?
    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
    • 45:31 Turbopack.
    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

    In this Potluck episode, Scott and Wes tackle listener questions on modern blogging, website environmental impact, and using LangChain with LLMs. They also cover CSS hyphens, unit vs. integration testing, and balancing web development with new parenthood.

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    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

    783: How We Built a Netflix Style “Save for Offline” Feature Into Syntax

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    Show Notes

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    782: The Developer’s Guide To Fonts with Stephen Nixon

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    Show Notes

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    780: Cloud Storage: Bandwidth, Storage and BIG ZIPS

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    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    779: Why SQLite is Taking Over with Brian Holt & Marco Bambini

    Scott and CJ dive into the world of SQLite Cloud with special guests Brian Holt and Marco Bambini. They explore why SQLite is gaining traction, its unique features, and the misconceptions surrounding its use—let’s get into it!

    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 01:20 Who is Brian Holt?
    • 02:26 Who is Marco Bambini?
    • 05:12 Why are people starting to talk so much about SQLite now?
    • 08:47 What makes SQLite special or interesting?
    • 09:46 What is a big misconception about SQLite?
    • 11:13 Installed by default in operating systems.
    • 12:03 A perception that SQLite is intended for single users.
    • 13:36 Convincing developers it’s a full-featured solution.
    • 15:11 What does SQLite do better than Postgres or MySQL?
    • 17:30 SQLite Cloud & local first features.
    • 20:38 Where does SQLite store the offline information?
    • 23:08 Are you typically reaching for ORMs?
    • 25:00 What is SQLite Cloud?
    • 27:29 What makes for an approachable software?
    • 29:18 What make SQLite cloud different from other hosted SQLite options?
    • 32:13 Is SQLite still evolving?
    • 34:40 What about branching?
    • 37:37 What is the GA timeline?
    • 40:04 How does SQLite actually work?
    • 41:19 Questions about security.
    • 44:28 But does it scale?
    • 45:52 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

    Sick Picks

    Brian: Trainer Road
    Marco: Tennis

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    Show Notes

    2:03 - Habits we’re trying to build

    • Scott
      • Focus on one project at a time
        • Alfred tasks to quit apps and block sites
      • Not being efficient with my time
        • Daily todo lists and utilizing calendar
      • Too much screen time
        • Listening to music in the background instead of having the TV on
    • Wes
      • Flossing
      • Mindless context switching

    13:37 - General strategies for building habits

    • Make them trackable
      • Easy enough to not ignore them
      • Quantifying them is key
    • Make them small enough
    • Be accountable
      • Tell other people your habits and have them remind you about them
    • Replace bad habits with good things
      • Design a sticker
      • Reply to three emails
      • Drink some water
    • Celebrate your wins productively
    • Keep the streak alive
    • Can’t do x until y is done


    Tweet us your tasty treats!

    010 | Defeating Your Inability To Focus with Erik Fisher

    010 | Defeating Your Inability To Focus with Erik Fisher

    In this episode, I sit down with Erik Fisher, host of the Beyond The To Do List podcast, as he walks us through the importance of focus, the habits he’s implemented to keep his focus and energy up, and the solution that kept him from occasionally crashing.

    We also talk about the productivity philosophy that keeps Erik feeling competent and confident, the lesson he learned from the most stressful period in his life, and the tool he uses to kill his fight or flight mechanism so he can maintain focus.

    I hope you’ll enjoy our interview on focus and hope you’ll decide to heed Erik’s great advice. To find out about and his hidden agenda to begin podcasting and more, let’s get to the straight talk!

    What You’ll Discover In This Episode:

    • Techniques To Maintain Focus On The Task At Hand
    • What You’re Unknowingly Doing That Causes Your Inability To Focus
    • How Your Circadian Rhythms Affect Your Work
    • Old And New Technologies That Promote Focus
    • So Much More!

    Important Resources & Links From This Episode:


    Ready Aim Fire! A Practical Guide For Setting and Achieving Goals

    Focus Booster: Have More Clarity Make Better Decision Live a Better Life


    Pomodoro Technique

    12 Pomodoro Timer Apps That Will Boost Your Productivity

    Productivity Pub Crawl

    #317 Defeating Procrastination: Tactics to Boost Productivity Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    #317 Defeating Procrastination: Tactics to Boost Productivity Even When You Don't Feel Like It

    Action Plan: https://jimharshawjr.com/ACTION
    Free Clarity Call: https://jimharshawjr.com/APPLY


    Do you procrastinate? Do you know there’s more potential inside of you if you could just get to work even when you don’t feel like it? 

    We all procrastinate— even world-class performers. 

    BUT what sets them apart is the ability to shake off the distractions and easily build back their momentum to accomplish what needs to be done for the day.

    Through years of experiencing procrastination myself and engaging with world-class personalities in business and sports, I’ve discovered the tools and tactics that can effectively reduce the friction to boost your productivity— even when you don’t feel like it.

    In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you the 9 reasons why we procrastinate and the actionable strategies you can use so you can finally defeat procrastination and empty your to-do list in a breeze. 

    This is your time to be productive! Listen now!

    If you don’t have time to listen to the entire episode or if you hear something that you like but don’t have time to write it down, be sure to grab your free copy of the Action Plan from this episode— as well as get access to action plans from EVERY episode— at http://www.JimHarshawJr.com/Action

    78: How To Break Old Habits & Build New Ones w/ Nir Eyal

    78: How To Break Old Habits & Build New Ones w/ Nir Eyal

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    -Why do we get distracted?

    -Mastering the internal triggers that distract you

    -Why to-do lists suck

    -How to manage your external triggers

    -Using ‘pacts’ to hold yourself accountable

    -Is willpower a finite resource?



    Nutritional Coaching

    Workout Programming






    CONNECT w/ NIR:                               


    Finding the Lost Hours in Your Day

    Finding the Lost Hours in Your Day
    Where are those elusive hours going in your daily routine?

    Show Summary:
    Ever felt like your day just evaporates without accomplishing much? In this episode, we dive into the heart of productivity, uncovering the hidden time-wasters in our day. Using insights from "Deep Work" by Cal Newport and real-life examples, we explore effective ways to reclaim those lost hours and boost productivity.


    • Tracking your daily activities can reveal surprising time-wasters.
    • Peak productivity hours should be reserved for core tasks.
    • Tools like Clockify or RescueTime can be game-changers for time management.
    • Time lost is akin to money wasted - budget both wisely.
    • Adapting and restructuring can lead to unexpected productivity gains.

    So, are you ready to rediscover your lost hours? Let’s make sense of the chaos together.


    Charles Alexander
    has been a full-time Business Coach since 2007. He has coached over 2,000 entrepreneurs to grow their businesses and helped over 250 people start businesses.

    Then he decided to practice what he preached. After years of seeing the need for video marketing, he started creating Explainer Videos for Busy Professionals in 2015. That part-time business is now a full-time business with proven systems and a team.

    Using those real-world experiences, I have created a boatload (well not a real boat, but you get the picture) of resources for you below, so you can start doing more by doing less!

    Website - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/

    Book - Start Now Quit Later - https://a.co/d/3xPW1Hs

    Course - Start Now Quit Later Blueprint, https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/start-now-quit-later-form

    Explainer Videos for Your Business - https://www.yourcharlesalexander.com/videopackages

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yourcharlesalexander/

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/yourcharlesalexander/

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/yourcharlesalexander