
    Podcast Summary

    • A Philosopher's Perspective on Feminism and Modern DebatesChristina Hoff Sommers, a philosopher and women's rights advocate, argues for a redefinition of feminism as a movement focused on fairness and equality for both genders, challenging the mischaracterization of her views as anti-feminist.

      Christina Hoff Sommers, also known as "Based Mom," is a philosopher and women's rights advocate who has gained attention for her perspective on modern feminism. She has faced backlash for her views, which she believes have been mischaracterized as anti-feminist. The term "based," which is often used in the hip hop community to describe authenticity and not caring about others' opinions, was used as a nickname for Sommers by the gaming community. She became involved in the Gamergate controversy due to her advocacy for men's rights and her criticism of feminist ideologies that she believes have strayed from their original purpose of promoting equality. Sommers argues that feminism has evolved into a form of female chauvinism, and she seeks to redefine it as a movement focused on fairness and equality for both genders. She believes that the origins of modern feminism can be traced back to the 1950s, when women were fighting against stereotypes that portrayed them as inferior and relegated them to domestic roles. Sommers' experiences and views offer a nuanced perspective on the ongoing debates surrounding gender equality and feminism.

    • Mob mentality in academia against dissenting viewsAcademic environments can foster intolerance and fanatical mobs, silencing dissenting voices and promoting a culture of infanticile behavior. It's crucial to promote mutual respect, equality, and factual accuracy in academic discourse.

      The academic environment can become a breeding ground for propaganda and twisted conspiracy theories, particularly when it comes to contentious issues. This was evident during the speaker's experience presenting a paper criticizing the demonization of men in feminist texts. The reaction was not based on genuine disagreement, but rather a fanatical mob mentality that intolerated dissent. The speaker was excommunicated from the Church of Feminism and faced hissing and booing from the audience. This mob mentality is dangerous and cannot be reasoned with, especially on college campuses where college presidents and deans often cave to the angry mobs, leading to a culture of intolerance and infanticile behavior. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of promoting mutual respect and equality, as well as factual accuracy, in academic discourse.

    • Divisive college classrooms and the culture of hypersensitivityA vocal minority of charismatic professors and the Department of Education's edict have led to a culture of hypersensitivity on campus, where every remark can be interpreted as a microaggression and students are encouraged to report each other, creating a toxic environment.

      The political climate in some college classrooms can be divisive and intoxicating for a small percentage of students, leading them to adopt paranoid views and even rage against certain groups. This phenomenon, which can be observed in both gender and race scholarship, is fueled by a vocal minority of charismatic professors who teach these views and the recent edict from the Department of Education that has turned campuses into "little pink police states," where every remark can be interpreted as a microaggression and students are encouraged to report each other. This has led to a culture of hypersensitivity and policing that goes beyond the intended goal of addressing campus assault. The logical implications of this use of terms like microaggressions are a cause for concern, as they can be applied to seemingly innocuous actions and create a toxic environment on campus.

    • Blurred Lines: The Complexity of Consent in SocietyMaintain a nuanced understanding of consent to avoid oversimplification or trivialized use of the term 'rape', and avoid infantilizing women or denying their agency in sexual situations.

      The current societal discourse surrounding sexual assault, particularly on college campuses, has led to a blurring of lines and a trivialization of the term. Some argue that consensual sex between intoxicated individuals can be considered rape, leading to a potential degradation of the seriousness of the crime. Additionally, there is a growing trend towards infantilizing women and denying their agency, creating a culture where regretful sex is stigmatized, particularly for men. This can result in false accusations and damaging consequences for those falsely labeled as rapists. It is crucial to maintain a nuanced understanding of consent and avoid the oversimplification or trivialized use of the term "rape."

    • Inconsistent application of responsibility and accountabilityThe speaker critiques the inconsistent societal response to responsibility and accountability in sexual situations versus other actions, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced understanding and application of these concepts.

      The discussion revolves around the inconsistent application of responsibility and accountability in various situations, particularly regarding sexual activity and gender roles. The speaker argues that while individuals are held responsible for actions like driving under the influence or committing violence when drunk, they are often not held accountable for sexual activity, especially when a woman is involved. This inconsistency is seen as a problem, and the speaker criticizes those who refuse to entertain alternative viewpoints as fanatical and intolerant. The speaker also touches upon the societal pressure to conform to gender roles and the denial of biological differences between men and women by some feminist activists. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and controversies surrounding issues of gender, responsibility, and accountability.

    • Discrepancy between popular and actual rape statisticsPopular rape statistics may be misleading due to subjective surveys and biased research in gender studies, with the actual number of rapes on campus being significantly lower than commonly believed

      There is a significant discrepancy between popularly cited statistics on rape and the actual numbers, leading to a distorted perception of the issue. This discrepancy can be attributed to subjective surveys and a lack of objective scrutiny in gender studies. For instance, the widely quoted statistic that one in four women have been raped originated from a study that defined rape broadly and included instances where women did not consider the incident to be rape. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the actual number of rapes on campus is closer to one in 50 or 53. It's crucial to approach such statistics with a critical mindset and recognize the potential biases in research, especially in areas where objective conversations are often discouraged.

    • The Complexity of Sexual Assault on College CampusesHookup culture and binge drinking can lead to misunderstandings and false accusations, while exaggerated statistics create a cycle of ideological indoctrination. People want fairness based on actions and behavior, not gender or race.

      The issue of sexual assault on college campuses is a complex problem that goes beyond simple labels of patriarchy or victimhood. The speaker argues that the combination of hookup culture and binge drinking can lead to misunderstandings and false accusations, ruining the lives of young men. The speaker also criticizes scholars who exaggerate statistics for personal gain, creating a cycle of ideological indoctrination. Most people, according to the speaker, just want to live in a world where people are treated fairly based on their actions and behavior, not their gender or race. The current polarized climate is pushing people away rather than bringing them together to find solutions.

    • Disillusionment with Gender Politics and the Need for Truth and FairnessDespite encountering extremes on both sides, the speaker advocates for truth, fairness, and judging people based on merits, not gender. They remain optimistic that identity politics will give way to more rational and inclusive discourse.

      The speaker has experienced a deep disillusionment with gender politics, having once naively believed that confrontation could lead to understanding. They have encountered extreme views on both sides, with some women's rights activists displaying intolerance and bullying towards dissenting voices, while men's rights advocates can hold harmful and misogynistic beliefs. The speaker advocates for truth and fairness, and believes that people should be judged based on their merits rather than their gender. They also express optimism that the irrationality of identity politics will eventually reach its limit and give way to more rational and inclusive discourse. The proliferation of information and the democratization of the media through social media are seen as both a challenge and an opportunity in this regard.

    • Atheism Plus: Preaching to the ChoirWhile Atheism Plus groups promote ethical values without deities, their repetitive talks may lack unique perspectives and come across as preaching to the choir. However, they reinforce positive ideas and foster open dialogue, despite occasional controversies and cultural insensitivity.

      Atheism plus, a group that promotes ethical and moral values without belief in deities, can come across as repetitive and unoriginal due to their emphasis on core values that most people agree with. These gatherings serve as social hookups for like-minded individuals, but their talks often lack unique perspectives and can be seen as preaching to the choir. Despite this, they do reinforce positive ideas and are generally non-harmful, although there can be instances of overreaction and cultural insensitivity. The line between appreciation and appropriation can be blurry, leading to controversies and apologies. Ultimately, these groups and their actions highlight the importance of open-minded dialogue and understanding different perspectives.

    • Social media and the exaggeration of issuesSocial media can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts through exaggerated or inaccurate statements. It's crucial to promote accurate and nuanced discussions for genuine understanding and progress.

      Social media has turned many issues into a giant reality show, where people communicate not just to express their views but also to gain attention and validation through likes and upvotes. This behavior, which can be seen on college campuses and among self-proclaimed social justice warriors and hashtag activists, often involves exaggerated or inaccurate statements that can create misunderstandings and fuel conflicts. For instance, the wage gap between men and women is often cited as women making only 75 cents for every dollar men earn. However, when factors like choice of majors, hours worked, and dangerous jobs are taken into account, the gap narrows significantly. It's essential to promote accurate and nuanced discussions to foster genuine understanding and progress towards addressing social issues.

    • A generational shift in education and social issuesBalancing personal interests and practical considerations is crucial in higher education, while remaining open-minded and respectful of diverse perspectives.

      There seems to be a generational shift in values and priorities when it comes to education and social issues. The speaker, who grew up during the free speech movement in California, recalls a time when students advocated for personal freedom and rejected authority figures. However, in today's context, there is a growing emphasis on social justice and equality, which can lead to debates about the value of certain academic programs and the wage gap. At Oberlin College, for instance, students were concerned about gender pay equity, but the speaker suggested that they could take more practical steps, such as pursuing well-paying careers in fields like engineering. The speaker also encountered Wiccan students at Bryn Mawr, who were practicing a pagan religion, and expressed concern that they might have wasted their time studying gender studies. The audience laughed, but the speaker's message was clear: there is a need to balance personal interests and practical considerations when it comes to higher education. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of open-mindedness and respect for diverse perspectives, even when they challenge our own beliefs.

    • Considering both financial and personal factors in career decisionsFocusing solely on earning potential can lead to missed opportunities for happiness and overall well-being. Consider both financial and personal factors when making career choices.

      While choosing a career based on interests and fulfillment is important, it may not always lead to the highest earning potential. According to the discussion, men and women have different preferences when it comes to careers, with women often drawn to caring and nurturing roles and men to more technical ones. This gender divide can lead to wage disparities, but it's essential to consider the "happiness gap" as well. The speaker argues that focusing solely on earning potential can lead people away from jobs they truly enjoy, potentially impacting their overall well-being. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider both financial and personal factors when making career decisions.

    • Lack of representation of women in engineering and computer science may not be due to discriminationRecognize women's preferences and choices in career paths, focus on supporting and encouraging them, rather than pushing specific careers based on gender.

      The lack of representation of women in certain fields, such as engineering and computer science, may not be due to discrimination, but rather a matter of personal interest and lifestyle preferences. Women have made significant strides in fields like biology and veterinary medicine, but have not seen the same progress in engineering and computer science. This may be because these fields often require long hours and intense dedication, which may not align with the lifestyle preferences of many women. It's important to recognize that women's preferences and choices are valid, and a feminist movement that accommodates these preferences is necessary. The focus should be on encouraging and supporting women in their chosen paths, rather than pushing them into specific careers based on gender.

    • Modern feminism focuses solely on women's issues, overlooking human equalityModern feminism's narrow focus overlooks human equality, leading to skewed perspectives from bias sampling and trolling on social media. Navigate the noise for common sense discussions about gender equality.

      While the original meaning of feminism was about equality between the sexes, the modern interpretation has shifted to focus solely on women's issues. This narrow perspective overlooks the fact that there are various human issues that need attention and resources. The focus on men's tweets or comments as proof of oppression is a form of bias sampling and trolling, which can give a skewed perspective. Social media, despite its flaws, provides a platform for voices that may not be heard in traditional academic or media settings. The challenge is to navigate the noise and focus on the common sense discussions about gender equality.

    • Education Gap Between Boys and GirlsHistorical biases, socialization, and educational settings contribute to the education gap between boys and girls, particularly for working-class and ethnic minority students. Addressing this issue is crucial for future opportunities and success.

      There's a significant education gap between boys and girls, with girls outpacing boys in education. This trend started in the 80s and has continued to the present day, particularly among working-class and ethnic minority students. This gap can be attributed to various factors, including historical societal biases, differences in how boys and girls are socialized and treated in educational settings, and the redefinition of typical boy behavior as pathology. This issue is critical because education is a crucial factor in future opportunities and success. It's essential to understand and address this gap to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to succeed.

    • Exploring Male Friendships and BehaviorBoys engage in teasing and joshing as a way of bonding, men are stoical and problem-solving focused, recognizing differences and adapting approaches for boys' needs is crucial, and high energy boys should be engaged, not stifled.

      Understanding the dynamics of male friendships and behavior is crucial. Boys often engage in teasing and joshing as a way of showing affection and strengthening their bonds. This behavior, while it may sting, also motivates them to improve and build resilience. Men are more stoical and may not ruminate on their feelings as much as women. Psychologists suggest that boys might benefit from engaging their problem-solving skills rather than talking about their feelings in a traditional sense. The importance of recognizing these differences and adapting approaches to suit male needs has been largely overlooked in modern psychology and clinical counseling. Additionally, the school environment can be challenging for boys, especially those with high energy levels. Instead of stifling their natural energy or labeling it as a problem, teachers should find ways to engage their imaginations and channel their energy into productive activities. The Australians are leading the way in exploring male psychology and counseling, and it's time for a more nuanced understanding of the unique needs and experiences of boys.

    • Boys Disengaged in EducationBoys are often discouraged from using their imaginations and interests in non-fiction and action stories are overlooked in education, leading to disengagement and potential struggles in the information economy.

      The education system is failing to engage many young boys, leading to concerns about their future in the information economy. Boys are often discouraged from playing and using their imaginations, which is essential for learning. Instead, their interests are labeled as violent or disruptive. Teachers, often female and with little understanding of boys' needs, may struggle to connect with them, especially in larger classrooms. Boys are often left behind in reading, as schools prioritize feminine literature over their interests in nonfiction and action stories. However, simple changes, such as allowing boys to stand up during lessons or using humor, can make a big difference. Teachers who can connect with boys and encourage their natural curiosity will help ensure they are engaged in their education and prepared for the future.

    • Comparing gender segregation in schools to gender apartheid and the suspension of a boy for playing with a toy,The stifling of creativity and expression in young boys is highlighted by the comparison to gender apartheid and the suspension of a boy for an imaginary toy. Debunked assumptions about video games leading to real-life violence and the positive impact of the internet on reducing prejudice are discussed.

      The comparison of separating children by gender in schools to gender apartheid, as well as the suspension of a young boy for playing with an imaginary bow and arrow, highlights the potential stifling of creativity and expression in young boys. The argument against violent video games equating to real-life violence has been debunked, and the decrease in crime since the rise of video games suggests a correlation is unlikely. The newest generations, who grew up with the internet and open communication, are more open-minded and less sexist, homophobic, and racist than previous generations. These assumptions about the negative effects of video games and the internet are largely unfounded, and the expansion of our global community through technology is leading to a better understanding of cultural differences.

    • Intense focus can lead to addictive behaviorsUnderstanding individual's relationship with intense activities is crucial to prevent negative outcomes, not the activity itself.

      Intense focus and obsession in any field, be it fighting, ballet dancing, or video games, can potentially lead to addictive behaviors. The intense nature of these pursuits can make it difficult for individuals to transition when they must move on. It's essential to recognize that the activity itself is not inherently harmful but rather the individual's relationship with it. Mental management is crucial to prevent negative outcomes. For instance, video games do not cause violence or addiction on their own; instead, it's the individual's mental management that determines the impact. Additionally, different cultures may have unique practices, but it's essential to understand that they do not necessarily equate to harm.

    • The Complexity and Diversity of Human InterestsPeople have unique interests and needs, even if they seem strange or unusual to others. Gender influences academic choices in prosperous societies.

      People have unique interests and needs, even if they seem strange or unusual to others. This was illustrated through the discussion of furries, a community where individuals take on anthropomorphic animal personas. The speaker shared their surprise and confusion upon encountering a furry convention, but acknowledged that it's an agreement between consenting adults. The conversation then shifted to gender studies, with the speaker reflecting on why it seems to be predominantly pursued by women. The explanation offered was that in prosperous societies, women have more freedom to choose their academic paths, while men are often more practical and focused on earning a living. However, it's important to remember that these are generalizations and there are certainly exceptions. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexity and diversity of human interests and motivations.

    • Understanding Gender Differences for Better RelationshipsExploring gender differences rooted in biology and sociology leads to healthier, happier relationships through understanding and compromise.

      An honest and objective exploration of the differences between men and women, rooted in both biology and sociology, can lead to better understanding and more successful relationships. However, this field of study is often overshadowed by ideological battles and indoctrination. Men and women approach life and relationships differently due to biological predispositions, but it's essential to learn how to compromise and understand these differences to build strong, lasting partnerships. For example, men tend to be greater risk-takers and rule breakers, and this energy can be channeled into positive pursuits when properly socialized. Women, on the other hand, are often more nurturing and focused on creating a stable home environment. Understanding these tendencies can help individuals navigate the challenges of marriage and parenthood. Overall, an open and honest exploration of gender differences, rooted in both science and sociology, can lead to healthier, happier relationships.

    • Challenging toxic ideologies in gender studiesThe academic world's resistance to new ideas perpetuates problematic gender theories. The next generation might challenge this and shift the focus towards healthy masculinity, but the tenure system and web-based learning could impact the future of education.

      Fostering healthy masculinity and challenging toxic ideologies in gender studies is crucial for creating a functional society. However, the academic environment can be resistant to new ideas, leading to the perpetuation of problematic theories. The next generation, being the most open-minded yet, might challenge these ideas and lead to a shift in the academic world. But, the tenure system poses a significant obstacle, and the future of education might lie in web-based learning. Ultimately, it's essential to encourage open dialogue and question the status quo to progress towards a more inclusive and balanced understanding of gender.

    • Preserving civil liberties on campusGroups like FIRE are essential in challenging ideological traps and infringements on freedom, while the ACLU's silence is concerning, and sensible individuals must join the resistance to ensure freedom isn't lost.

      Colleges and universities are at risk of becoming dysfunctional due to the weaponization of students' sensitivities, leading to ideological traps and infringements on freedom. The importance of groups like the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education (FIRE) in preserving and increasing civil liberties on campus cannot be overstated, as they provide a platform for sensible individuals to resist and challenge these issues from an objective perspective. The ACLU, once a champion of civil liberties, has been relatively silent on campus issues, possibly due to intimidation or a small but vocal group of zealots imposing their twisted theories on the larger community. It's crucial for sensible individuals to join the resistance and ensure that freedom is not lost during their generation.

    • Hostile university environment towards conservative and libertarian studentsStudents should engage in open dialogue, challenge beliefs, and form friendships despite potential backlash in university environment

      The university environment can sometimes be hostile towards certain viewpoints, particularly for conservative and libertarian students. Instances of intolerance and mob mentality, as seen in the Duke Lacrosse case and other similar situations, can create an echo chamber for liberal students while potentially punishing those with differing opinions. It's crucial for students to engage in open dialogue and challenge their own beliefs by understanding their critics. Conservative students, in particular, may benefit from this exchange of ideas and form lifelong friendships with their liberal counterparts. However, the current climate on campus may make it increasingly challenging for conservative students to express their opinions without facing backlash.

    • Campus culture fuels unhealthy response to perceived offensive commentsCampus culture encourages sensitivity to a fault, leading to false accusations, misinformation, and hysteria. People lack resilience and rationality when faced with disagreements, and may be seeking causes for offense due to overprotective upbringing or lack of real adversity.

      The current campus culture encourages an unhealthy response to perceived offensive comments, often leading to misinformation, hysteria, and grandstanding. An incident at Yale, where a professor's wife was falsely accused of making a genocidal joke, serves as an example of this phenomenon. People are easily offended and looking for reasons to be outraged, often lacking the resilience and rationality to handle disagreements. The constant search for causes to be offended by may stem from overprotective upbringing and a lack of real adversity. It's important to be cautious of the emotional response of rage and self-righteousness, as history shows that such behavior can lead to dangerous and negative consequences.

    • Former Radical's Reflection on Past ErrorsFormer radicals can use past experiences to critique and challenge extreme movements, emphasizing the importance of nuanced perspectives and learning from past mistakes.

      Even those who have participated in radical or extreme movements can come to understand the errors of their ways and use that experience to critique and challenge those movements from the outside. The speaker, who was once part of a mob that attempted to destroy a computer at NYU believed to be used for war research, reflects on the experience as a formative moment of awareness about the dangers of the left. He acknowledges the allure of being part of a group and the potential for former radicals to become influential critics. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of nuanced perspectives and the ability to learn from past mistakes.

    • Feeling politically homeless and challenging problematic policiesThe current political climate demands more scholars, especially women, to challenge hegemonic gender studies and advocate for individual liberty and rational perspectives.

      The current political landscape leaves many feeling politically homeless due to policies and regulations coming from both parties that are not in the best interest of individual liberty and well-being. The speaker expresses concern over the influence of special interest groups and the burden of time and energy required to challenge problematic policies, particularly in education and gender studies. They believe that more scholars, especially women, are needed to challenge the current hegemony and bring a more rational perspective to these issues. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains motivated to speak out against bullies and push for a more reasonable and fact-based approach to gender studies.

    • Focusing on Negative Male Behaviors Risks Creating Harmful StereotypesProfessor Michael Kimmel's focus on negative male behaviors risks creating self-defining narratives and harmful stereotypes for men. Instead, attention should be given to the majority of men who exhibit positive behaviors and protect society.

      Michael Kimmel, a male feminist and professor of sociology at SUNY, despite having a center dedicated to studying men, holds a hardline feminist view and surrounds himself with like-minds like Eve Ensler, Gloria Steinem, and Carol Gilligan. His focus on negative male behaviors, such as toxic masculinity and violence, risks creating a self-defining narrative for men and can lead to harmful stereotypes. Instead, attention should be given to the vast majority of men who exhibit positive behaviors and protect society. The negative actions of a few should not define the whole.

    • Motivations of Male FeministsSome male feminists join for validation and moral superiority, but not all share these motivations. The movement includes diverse perspectives, and it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue to challenge gender stereotypes.

      Some male feminists may be motivated to join the movement due to feelings of inadequacy or lack of traditional masculine characteristics. They may seek validation and a sense of moral superiority by calling out the weaknesses of other men. However, it's important to remember that not all male feminists hold these motivations, and the movement includes a diverse range of perspectives. Additionally, some feminist practices, such as creating safe spaces or using aggressive language, can be perceived as divisive and otherizing, which may unintentionally reinforce the very stereotypes they aim to challenge. It's crucial for all individuals to engage in respectful and open dialogue, and to recognize the complexity and nuance of gender issues.

    • Navigating Social Media: When to Engage and DisengageLearn when to engage and disengage on social media, respect comedians' jokes, and promote productive conversations

      Navigating the world of social media requires learning when to engage and when to disengage, especially when it comes to late-night Twitter exchanges that can lead to unnecessary conflicts and insults. Comedians and their jokes should be allowed to exist without being labeled as offensive or triggering, as some individuals may have overly sensitive reactions due to their upbringing or environment. College campuses have become more sensitive, with committees deciding which comedians to invite and subjecting them to trials. These reactions can stem from a young person's desire to establish their viewpoint and separate themselves from their parents, leading to a closed loop of indoctrination. It's important to remember that not all jokes are offensive, and it's essential to have a sense of humor and perspective in the face of potential controversy. Ultimately, it's crucial to learn how to navigate social media in a way that promotes productive conversations and respectful discourse.

    • The need for open discourse in academia vs. insularityAcademia can be rigid and intolerant, but the internet and social media foster open discourse and learning from diverse perspectives

      The academic world can become insular and intolerant to differing perspectives, leading to a lack of open discourse and evolution of ideas. In contrast, the internet and social media provide a platform for diverse ideas to flourish and for individuals to connect and learn from each other. The speaker expresses concern about the rigidity of academic ideologies and the need for a "youth rebellion" to challenge these rigid perspectives. He also shares examples of controversial incidents in academia and reflects on the importance of open discourse and self-reflection in the face of criticism. Ultimately, he believes that the internet and social media offer valuable opportunities for individuals to engage in open discourse and learn from one another, regardless of age or background.

    • The importance of knowledge and preparation in expressing opinionsChristopher Hitchens emphasized the need for knowledge and preparation to effectively express opinions in public forums, and the loss of comedians like Madeline Kahn and Joan Rivers was lamented. New, feminine comedians who are not politically correct were encouraged.

      The importance of knowledge and preparation in expressing opinions, especially in public forums, was emphasized in this conversation. Christopher Hitchens was noted for his ability to dismantle arguments based on misinformation or lack of research. The discussion also touched upon the role of comedians as skeptics and how they can be susceptible to political hijacking or self-censorship when they become successful. The loss of comedians like Madeline Kahn and Joan Rivers was lamented, and the need for new, feminine comedians who are not politically correct was emphasized. The conversation underscored the value of resilience and the ability to withstand criticism in the face of opposition, which are essential qualities for comedians and critical thinkers alike.

    • Dick Gregory's Impact on Society and ComedyComedian Dick Gregory brought attention to controversial topics and inspired a new generation of comedians, but today's college campuses are not welcoming environments for comedians, so they create videos to reach younger audiences and teach open debate and rational communication online.

      Dick Gregory, a comedian and activist, made a significant impact on society by bringing attention to controversial topics, including the Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories. His provocative humor inspired a new generation of comedians. However, today's college campuses are not welcoming environments for comedians due to sensitive students and activists who disrupt performances. Comedians are now creating videos to reach younger audiences and teach them the importance of open debate and rational communication online. The future may hold a rebellion against current college culture and the invasive interfacing between human beings through technology.

    • Exploring the Future of Advanced Technological ConnectionsTechnological advancements could enable unprecedented communication and understanding through visual interaction and thought transmission, but it's important to maintain a balanced perspective.

      The potential for advanced technological connections between individuals, including visual interaction and the sharing or even merging of thoughts. This could potentially be achieved through means beyond just reading text, such as thought transmission. The implications of such advancements are vast and could allow for unprecedented levels of communication and understanding between people. The speaker expresses a sense of regret for potentially missing out on this future, but also recognizes the importance of the work being done and the balanced and rational perspective of the speaker. The speaker, Christina Summers, is thanked for her insightful series and her passion for sharing these ideas. The discussion highlights the excitement and potential of technological advancements, while also acknowledging the importance of maintaining a balanced and rational perspective.

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    #40 - Social media monopolies, censorship, misinformation, and the tragic decline of our parent's generation

    #40 - Social media monopolies, censorship, misinformation, and the tragic decline of our parent's generation

    In this week's episode, Krystle and Kimber discuss why the right wing all the sudden started caring about tech monopolies and social media censorship.  


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    Follow us on Twitter: @BigBitchPod, @PhD_bitch, and @Krydinz

    If you have money to spare right now, please become a patron at www.patreon.com/bigbitchenergy  

    #180 — Sex & Power

    #180 — Sex & Power

    Sam Harris speaks with Meghan Daum about her book “The Problem with Everything.” They discuss contemporary feminism, violence against women, campus sexual assault, moral panics, new norms of conversation, the 2020 Presidential campaign, and other topics. 

    If the Making Sense podcast logo in your player is BLACK, you can SUBSCRIBE to gain access to all full-length episodes at samharris.org/subscribe.

    “Raising the cost of repression” — Sol Iglesias on political violence, red tagging, and threats to academic freedom in the Philippines

    “Raising the cost of repression” — Sol Iglesias on political violence, red tagging, and threats to academic freedom in the Philippines

    Free to Think speaks with political scientist Sol Iglesias about "violence for social control" and threats to scholars in the Philippines, including online trolling, "red-tagging," threats, and violent attacks. 

    Iglesias, who is a professor at the University of the Philippines and contributes to SAR’s monitoring of attacks on higher education in the country, believes academic freedom is the lifeblood of social progress and development. “[It’s] part of this ecosystem of truth telling, speaking truth to power, [and] producing evidence-based social and political criticism,” she says. “We can’t do without it.”


    Ep 70: Author Amy Gentry

    Ep 70: Author Amy Gentry

    Amy Gentry is the author of three psychological thrillers for adults, one 33 1/3 on Tori Amos, and a bunch of shorter stuff. Her latest book is Bad Habits, which is here to scratch all your dark academia itches and also make you laugh and cringe.

    After chatting a bit about her book and her own background in academia, we dug into process and publication (and her #pitmad success story), the dead end of trying to be “a good little author,” money and class and missing hotels. Amy also got me thinking differently about my standard weaknesses/obstacles question—nay, the very idea of weaknesses. And, I think she got me back onto Goodreads.

    I loved Amy’s energy and this conversation, and I hope you do, too.

    Produced & edited by me, Sara Zarr

    Theme music by Dave Connis

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