
    Podcast Summary

    • The connection between critical thinking and martial arts, specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.Discovering reality-based training, like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, can challenge assumptions, align beliefs with reality, and enhance critical thinking skills.

      Critical thinking and martial arts, specifically Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, go hand in hand. Peter Boghossian, a philosophy professor at Portland State University and atheism advocate, shared his personal journey from practicing various martial arts, including those he now considers fantasy-based, to discovering the value of reality-based training. He highlighted the importance of being open to testing beliefs against real-life experiences and the transformative impact of being placed in challenging situations, such as getting "tapped" or submitted during Jiu Jitsu training. Boghossian emphasized that this type of corrective mechanism can help individuals align their beliefs with reality and develop a unique character and attitude. Through Jiu Jitsu, one can not only improve physical abilities but also enhance critical thinking skills and challenge assumptions.

    • Focuses on leverage and technique against joints or chokes in grapplingJujitsu allows for full-speed training without head trauma risk and clear skill identification, while MMA competitions objectively test and compare combat-based martial arts

      Submission grappling, or jujitsu, is a martial art that focuses on leverage and technique against joints or chokes, allowing practitioners to go full speed during training without the risk of head trauma like in striking-based martial arts. Jujitsu also allows for clear identification of skill levels, as there's no room for faking or pretending in the sport. Moreover, combat-based martial arts, including jujitsu, can be effectively tested and compared by observing their performance in MMA competitions, where two individuals of equal weight face off in a controlled environment. This mechanism provides a valuable means of distinguishing what works from what doesn't, fostering a critical thinking mindset and an openness to revising beliefs.

    • The shift towards testability and practicality in martial artsThe focus on practical application, testing, and continuous learning has led to the development of more effective martial arts techniques and training methods.

      The importance of testability and practical application was a game-changer in the evolution of martial arts, particularly with the rise of mixed martial arts competitions like the Ultimate Fighting Challenge. Traditional martial arts practices, such as Kata, were criticized for being a waste of time due to their lack of applicability to real-life fighting situations and their inability to be tested or proven effective. The speaker argues that while some elements of these practices, like precision movement and control, can be beneficial, not all movements are applicable to modern martial arts. Instead, the focus should be on practical application, testing, and continuous learning. This shift towards testability and practicality has led to the development of more effective martial arts techniques and training methods.

    • The importance of resistance in effective practiceEffective practice requires resistance or corrective mechanisms for growth in various domains, including physical and intellectual.

      Effective practice in various domains, whether physical or intellectual, requires some form of resistance or corrective mechanism. Shadow boxing, for instance, may not be as effective without an actual opponent to provide feedback. Similarly, prayer, while having potential mental benefits, lacks the corrective mechanism that comes with engaging with others or facing challenges. The importance of resistance extends beyond the physical realm, as it also plays a crucial role in cognitive and intellectual development. It's essential to acknowledge that different practices serve various purposes and that combining diverse methods can lead to more comprehensive growth.

    • Personal growth through Jiu JitsuJiu Jitsu offers a realistic and effective means of self-discovery and personal growth, allowing individuals to test their limits, learn from mistakes, and adapt.

      Jiu Jitsu, unlike traditional or fantasy-based martial arts, provides a realistic and effective means of self-discovery and personal growth. Unlike faith or religion where people may hold onto illusions, Jiu Jitsu allows individuals to test their limits, learn from their mistakes, and adapt. The speaker shares his personal experiences of being humbled in other martial arts and how Jiu Jitsu provided a sobering reality check. While there may be a debate on whether it's our responsibility to help people transition from other martial arts to Jiu Jitsu, the speaker emphasizes the importance of personal growth and self-discovery through the practice of Jiu Jitsu.

    • Recognizing the difference between fantasy-based and realistic trainingMisalignment between training and reality can lead to a false sense of proficiency and even worsen skills in combat situations. Train correctly and consistently apply techniques to effectively adapt to real-life situations.

      While practicing martial arts techniques through drills like shadowboxing, kata, or knife training can be beneficial, it's crucial to recognize the difference between fantasy-based training and realistic training. The former may look impressive but lacks the resistance and corrective mechanism that comes with training against a live, resisting opponent. This misalignment between training and reality can lead to a false sense of proficiency and even make you worse in actual combat situations. The UFC and other full-contact sports provide valuable insights into what truly works in real-life situations. It's essential to train correctly and consistently apply techniques to both improve your skills and effectively adapt to the ever-changing dynamics of a real fight.

    • Exploring different training methods for combat skillsShadowboxing enhances visualization, movement, and dexterity. Focus mitts offer resistance and live opponent practice. Yoga complements training with flexibility and body maintenance benefits.

      Various training methods, such as shadowboxing and working with focus mitts, each have their unique benefits for improving combat skills. Shadowboxing can help with visualization, movement, and dexterity, while working with focus mitts provides resistance and the opportunity to practice against a live opponent. Ultimately, the key is to be conscious of the reasons for engaging in different training activities and ensuring they contribute to your overall goal. Additionally, there is value in incorporating activities like yoga into training regimens, as they can offer benefits beyond flexibility and body maintenance. The choice between different training methods depends on individual goals and preferences.

    • The importance of skills over physical strength in martial artsSmall practitioners prove that relying on skills instead of strength can lead to mastery in jiu-jitsu. Strength training enhances technique execution and workload capacity, but mental fortitude, dedication, and good technique are vital before starting a conditioning program.

      While physical strength is important in martial arts, over-relying on it can come at the expense of perfecting techniques. Small practitioners, who may not have the same physical strength, often have to rely solely on their skills, making them masters of jiu-jitsu. Strength and conditioning, on the other hand, can significantly improve an athlete's ability to execute techniques and maintain high workloads, giving them an advantage in competition. However, it's crucial to note that mental fortitude, dedication, and good technique are essential before starting a strength and conditioning program. Ultimately, jujitsu is an excellent method for exposing distorted thinking and seeking truth through logical interactions between techniques. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, derived from Japanese jiu-jitsu, became effective due to the Gracie brothers' manipulation and improvement of techniques, which established the basics. Despite debates on the importance of new techniques versus the basics, both are crucial for mastering the art.

    • Embrace the Power of Unconventional TechniquesStay open to new ideas and techniques, even if they seem unconventional or are met with skepticism, to advance and succeed.

      Being open to new techniques and ideas, even if they seem unconventional or are met with skepticism, can lead to significant advancements and success. The discussion highlights the example of Eddie Bravo, who was mocked for his unorthodox BJJ techniques but went on to defeat renowned opponents and change the game. Critical thinking and belief revision are crucial in this process, as it allows individuals to acknowledge mistakes and adapt to new information. The BJJ world, like many others, is constantly evolving with new techniques and approaches, and those who are unwilling to learn and adapt may be left behind.

    • Understanding the Effectiveness of Different Martial ArtsDifferent martial arts have varying effectiveness in real combat situations. Effective self-defense requires training against resisting opponents, but safety should be prioritized.

      The UFC has revolutionized martial arts, leading to rapid advancements and the integration of various styles. However, not all techniques are equally effective in real combat situations. For instance, some martial arts, like Sambo, can be highly effective against resisting opponents, but others, like Chempo, may not be as applicable. Moreover, training against resisting opponents is crucial for effective self-defense, but doing so in a way that avoids causing severe harm is essential. Watching videos of skilled fighters like Melvin Manhoof can provide a glimpse into the devastating power and impact of well-honed techniques. Ultimately, the key is to understand the strengths and limitations of different martial arts and to train effectively while prioritizing safety.

    • Respect and Discipline in Martial Arts CultureMartial arts culture instills deep respect and discipline, shaping identity and purpose, but can also create a delusion from reality. Stay committed to goals and value sacred spaces.

      The speaker's experience with martial arts culture involved a deep-rooted sense of respect and discipline that extended beyond just physical training. This respect was reinforced through cultural practices and traditions, and it provided the speaker with a sense of identity and purpose during a difficult period in his life. However, this respect also created a kind of delusion that kept him from fully engaging with reality in certain situations. Despite this, the speaker maintains a disciplined approach to his focus in life and values the importance of staying committed to his goals. The speaker also reflects on the idea of sacred spaces and how they can shape our behavior and priorities.

    • Approach relationships with care and respectStrive for authenticity, sincerity, and respectful communication in relationships to build meaningful connections and bring positivity into our lives

      Relationships, whether romantic or platonic, should be approached with deep care and respect. They are sacred spaces where authenticity and sincerity are key. Instead of focusing on criticism or negativity, we should strive for forthright speech and respectful communication. Our world could benefit greatly if we treated it as our sacred place, where we value and protect the well-being of others and the environment. By being authentic and sincere in our interactions, we can build meaningful and respectful relationships that bring joy and positivity into our lives.

    • Embrace personal growth and learn from mistakesRecognize mistakes, practice gratitude, and be kind to self and others for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

      Being human involves making mistakes and experiencing emotions, and it's important to recognize and learn from our mistakes while practicing gratitude and kindness towards ourselves and others. Age is just a number, and personal growth is a lifelong process. Expressing gratitude and authentic emotions, especially towards friends, sets a positive example for young people and helps create strong relationships. Being kind to people and verbalizing positive emotions can make a significant impact on those around us. Ultimately, striving for authenticity, self-improvement, and gratitude can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

    • Questioning and challenging beliefs for progressCulturally accepted ideas should be open to revision, false beliefs and superstitions should not dictate societal values, and we should promote a culture of empathy and understanding

      While personal beliefs and spiritual experiences can provide meaning and guidance in life, it's essential to question and challenge them to promote progress and evolution. The speaker emphasizes that ideas, even if they were once culturally accepted, should not be considered sacred or immune to revision. He uses the example of the decreasing acceptance of the idea of Satan as evidence of cultural evolution. Furthermore, the speaker argues that false beliefs and superstitions can act as scaffolding for societal order but should not be the basis for societal values or ethics. Instead, we should strive towards more humane and accessible ways of dealing with people and promoting a culture of empathy and understanding.

    • Our understanding of the universe evolves, old ideas may seem preposterousStay open-minded and question assumptions as new knowledge emerges, old beliefs may be reevaluated, and the complexity of the universe challenges the notion of a grand controlling plan

      Our current understanding of the universe and reality is constantly evolving, and ideas that seem firmly rooted in the past may one day be seen as preposterous. Even concepts like religion and ideology, which shape our beliefs and actions, may be reevaluated as we gain new knowledge and perspectives. It's important to remain open-minded and question our assumptions, as we may one day look back on our current beliefs with the same skepticism we hold for those of the past. Additionally, the idea of an all-knowing entity controlling the universe with a grand plan remains unproven, and the complexity of the universe as we understand it challenges the notion that any one belief or ideology holds all the answers.

    • Beliefs can lead to superiority, but authentic engagement matters mostBeliefs can create divisions, but genuine connection and open-mindedness foster understanding and respect

      People's beliefs, whether religious or related to martial arts, can lead to arrogance and a sense of superiority over others. However, what truly matters is how we treat people and engage with them authentically, regardless of their beliefs. The speaker shares an example of a hunting camp companion who explored his religious beliefs privately and lived a kind and generous life. The speaker also reflects on the waste of time and energy when beliefs are held too rigidly and inflexibly, comparing it to the experience of realizing that certain martial arts techniques don't always work as promised. The speaker encourages open-mindedness and honest engagement with others, rather than asserting dominance through beliefs or ideologies.

    • Creating safe spaces for complex conversationsMartial arts foster self-discipline, problem-solving skills, and human potential. Safe spaces for complex topics can prevent extremism, while self-esteem should be a byproduct of hard work.

      Creating safe spaces for open and sincere conversations about complex topics, such as gender identity or behavior, is crucial. Extremists may fill the void if these discussions are not allowed. Martial arts, like Jiu Jitsu, can serve as an excellent vehicle for developing human potential through problem-solving and self-discipline. These skills are essential for life, especially when faced with adversity or uncertainty. Self-esteem should not be taught absent accomplishments, but rather as a byproduct of hard work and dedication. The focus on self-esteem at the expense of actual achievement in our school systems has led to inconsistent academic performance. The problem-solving aspect of martial arts at a high level cannot be replicated in other endeavors.

    • Adversity, problem-solving, and growth throughout historyEffective problem-solving is crucial for growth and survival in various aspects of life, including human conflicts and natural adaptations

      Throughout history, conflict and problem-solving have been inherent parts of life. From human wars to species adapting to survive, the nature of life seems to be driven by finding the most effective methods to achieve goals. This includes overcoming adversity, facing fears, and dealing with competition for resources. While some may find these aspects of life unsettling, they are essential for growth and evolution. Whether it's in martial arts or in the larger context of human history or the natural world, the ability to adapt and solve problems is key to survival.

    • The Regressive Left's Impact on AcademiaThe enforcement of rigid ideologies and use of trigger warnings in academia stifles intellectual discourse, limits learning experiences, and creates a culture of fear and misunderstanding.

      The current state of academia, specifically the "regressive left," is stifling intellectual discourse through the enforcement of rigid ideologies and the use of trigger warnings. This not only limits the learning experience for students but also creates an environment of fear and misunderstanding. An example given was a student who misconstrued a professor's use of Star Trek and Marilyn Manson as racist microaggressions, despite the professor's intentions being far from it. This incident highlights the need for open dialogue and a willingness to engage with diverse perspectives, rather than being overly sensitive and quick to label. The current academic climate is hindering progress and encouraging a culture of intolerance, ultimately leading to a less effective learning environment.

    • Polarizing Discourse on College CampusesCollege campuses are becoming divisive spaces where people label and judge based on race, gender, or ideology, hindering productive dialogue and critical thinking skills.

      The discussion highlights the polarizing nature of modern discourse, particularly on college campuses, where people are quick to label and judge based on race, gender, or ideology, rather than engaging in meaningful dialogue. The speaker shares an experience with two women, one who is offended by his use of Star Trek and Marilyn Manson references, and another who accuses him of racism. Despite their different reactions, both women fail to engage in a productive conversation, with the second woman even refusing to speak with him. This incident underscores the dangers of creating "safe spaces" that shield individuals from opposing viewpoints, ultimately hindering the growth and development of critical thinking skills. The speaker also touches upon the issue of arbitrating others' reality and the increasing use of identity politics as a weapon in debates. Overall, the discussion sheds light on the need for open-mindedness, empathy, and respectful dialogue in our increasingly divided society.

    • The Complexity of Gender Identity DebatesApproach gender identity debates with an open mind, prioritize understanding and compassion, and focus on promoting positive change rather than resorting to name-calling and shutting down opposing viewpoints.

      The ongoing debate around gender identity and language usage stems from a desire for radical egalitarianism and inclusivity. However, some individuals take this to extremes, leading to the redefinition of established terms and a failure to prioritize important issues. The use of shaming tactics and vitriolic language instead of promoting understanding and compassion further exacerbates the situation. The conversation around gender identity is complex and nuanced, and it's crucial to approach it with an open mind and a focus on promoting positive change rather than resorting to name-calling and shutting down opposing viewpoints. Ultimately, the goal should be to foster a society where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender identity.

    • Suppressing free speech on college campuses hinders growth and progressSilencing opposing viewpoints in universities denies individuals transformative discourse, stifles intellectual exploration, and creates ideologues without a deep understanding of their beliefs

      The suppression of free speech and open dialogue on college campuses can hinder the process of deriving values and understanding through reason and rationality. This is problematic because it denies individuals the opportunity to engage in transformative discourse, which is crucial for personal growth and societal progress. The desire to shut down opposing viewpoints can create ideologues who hold sacred beliefs without fully understanding their origins, ultimately becoming their own enemies. The university environment, which should be a place for intellectual exploration and growth, is being transformed into a space where dissenting voices are silenced, stifling the very thing that can liberate and emancipate us.

    • Prioritizing ideology over authenticityThe regressive left shuts down opposing viewpoints, creating a hierarchy of topics off-limits for discussion, even in contradictory alliances between feminists and Islamists.

      The regressive left, as represented by certain individuals and institutions, seems to prioritize ideology over authenticity and genuine dialogue. They have become so entrenched in their beliefs that they shut down opposing viewpoints, creating a hierarchy of topics that are off-limits for discussion. This is particularly evident in their seemingly contradictory alliances, such as the relationship between feminists and Islamists. This behavior is not only frustrating on an individual level but also concerning when it permeates academia and high-level positions. Ultimately, it's important to question whether these individuals truly believe in their ideologies or if they're just perpetuating them out of a need to conform.

    • Engaging with diverse perspectives is crucial for progressAcknowledge differences, engage with opposing viewpoints, and approach discussions with an open mind to test validity and learn.

      Limiting debate and silencing opposing viewpoints hinders progress and understanding. It's crucial to engage with diverse perspectives, even if they challenge our beliefs, to test their validity and learn from one another. The discussion touched upon the importance of acknowledging biological and cultural differences, rather than viewing them as social constructs, and the dangers of identity politics and labeling those with differing opinions as bigots or racists. It's essential to approach discussions with an open mind, considering that we may be wrong and that what works is what truly matters, whether in martial arts or in the realm of ideas.

    • Surround yourself with enriching peopleFocus on positive interactions and distance from negativity, engage with inspiring individuals online and offline, and build strong relationships for positive change.

      It's important to surround yourself with people who enrich your life and with whom you can have meaningful interactions. People have different personalities, and not everyone may be your cup of tea. It's okay to distance yourself from those who bring you down or overwhelm you with their issues. In the digital age, we have unprecedented access to a vast network of people, so focus on engaging with those who inspire thought and debate. Don't let negativity bring you down, and remember that kindness and rapport are the most effective ways to build relationships and change moral attitudes. The story of the chickens illustrates that it takes just one shock to change the dynamic, and harsh punishments don't work in the criminal justice system. Instead, be kind and build strong relationships to create positive change.

    • Engaging in activities like religion and martial arts build strong bonds and communitiesPracticing activities like Jiu Jitsu can help individuals develop emotional maturity, self-control, and strong bonds. Understanding the importance of not reacting to mistreatment and recognizing the 'battery effect' can lead to calm and relaxed demeanors.

      Engaging in activities like religion and martial arts, such as Jiu Jitsu, can foster strong bonds and communities. These activities require trust and can help individuals develop emotional maturity and self-control. The speaker shares an example of how practicing Jiu Jitsu has helped him understand the importance of not reacting with nastiness when mistreated, and instead, walking away or ignoring the situation. The speaker also discusses the concept of the "battery effect," suggesting that human bodies have a certain energy requirement for physical activity and conflict, and when not met, can result in irrational responses. Jiu Jitsu practitioners, in particular, are often calm and relaxed due to their proficiency in self-defense and understanding of the limitations of the average person. The speaker also mentions how dangerous individuals can often be the nicest people, emphasizing the importance of not judging based on appearances.

    • Self-deception and tribalism in martial arts and religionBeing honest with oneself is crucial to avoid falling into the traps of self-deception and tribalism, which can lead to harmful consequences in various aspects of life, including martial arts and religion.

      Self-deception and tribalism are prevalent in various aspects of life, including martial arts and religion. People often engage in behaviors and beliefs that reinforce their own comfort zones and align with their tribes, even if it means pretending or deceiving themselves. This can lead to harmful consequences, such as being exposed as a fraud in martial arts or engaging in destructive behaviors in religion. It's crucial for individuals to question their reality and be honest with themselves to avoid falling into these traps. The martial arts discussion highlighted the importance of authenticity and the potential dangers of pretending or inventing moves, while the religious discussion touched upon the comforting nature of shared beliefs and the potential for self-deception within that context.

    • Valuing and promoting honesty for personal growth and societal progressHonesty fosters meaningful connections, progress, and an informed society. Question and challenge information for personal growth and to avoid indoctrination.

      Promoting self-honesty and authenticity is crucial for personal growth and societal progress. Conversations, especially those held publicly through social media, can challenge our beliefs and inspire new perspectives. However, many people adopt predetermined patterns of behavior that shield them from vulnerability and authenticity, hindering the potential for meaningful connections and progress. By valuing and promoting honesty, we create an environment where it's acceptable to admit uncertainty and revise beliefs, leading to a more informed and enlightened society. Education, whether formal or self-directed, plays a vital role in this process, but it's essential to question and challenge the information we receive, rather than being indoctrinated into rigid ideologies.

    • Debating diversity requirements in academiaThe meritocracy of academic hiring is debated due to diversity requirements, but a balanced approach is necessary to ensure equal opportunities and representation for underrepresented groups.

      The ongoing debate surrounding diversity requirements in universities, particularly in the sciences, is a complex issue. Some argue that these requirements undermine meritocracy and hinder the pursuit of the best candidates. Others believe that promoting diversity is essential to ensuring equal opportunities and representation in fields where underrepresented groups face significant barriers. The speaker in this conversation expresses concerns about the potential impact of diversity requirements on the meritocracy of the academic hiring process, drawing parallels to religion and cults. He also questions the inconsistency of applying diversity requirements to some areas but not others, such as sports teams. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the need for a nuanced and evidence-based approach to addressing diversity in academia, balancing the importance of meritocracy with the goal of promoting equal opportunities for all.

    • Focusing on outcomes instead of opportunities perpetuates inequalityCentering conversation around equal opportunities, meritocracy, and addressing root causes of inequality, rather than orchestrating outcomes, is crucial for true equality.

      Focusing on outcomes instead of opportunities perpetuates inequality. The conversation around equality should be centered around providing equal opportunities for all, regardless of race or ethnicity, rather than orchestrating outcomes. Meritocracy is crucial, and systems should be designed to be blind to race or ethnicity. The issue of inequality within marginalized communities is complex and primarily driven by class, not race. Long-term solutions, such as investing in first-rate public education, are necessary to address the root causes of inequality. It's essential to have an honest conversation about these issues without fear of being labeled racist. The use of identity politics and the concept of privilege as a way to discredit arguments is a tactic that hinders progress towards true equality. Ultimately, we need to address the underlying structural issues that perpetuate economic disparity and inequality.

    • Strive for open and inclusive environmentsEncourage genuine inquiry and questioning while addressing structural inequalities and biases

      While acknowledging the existence and importance of privilege and racial treatment, it's crucial not to discard all conversations or opportunities for dialogue due to the actions of some mean-spirited individuals. Instead, we should strive for open and inclusive environments where people can ask questions and learn from each other's experiences, ultimately leading to a better understanding of what is hurtful and what is not. The goal should be to encourage genuine inquiry and questioning, while also addressing and correcting structural inequalities and biases. It's essential to recognize that these conversations are important and can lead to growth and understanding, but they must be approached with sensitivity and open-mindedness.

    • The importance of open dialogue and critical thinking in preventing misunderstandings and misinterpretationsConstant exposure to a sheltered environment can lead to a lower threshold for finding offense. Open dialogue and critical thinking are crucial for understanding complex situations and preventing misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

      Constant exposure to a shielded environment without encountering diverse and challenging ideas can lead to a lower threshold for finding offense. This was discussed in relation to a controversial campus incident where a man was expelled for consensual sex with a woman who later claimed she was raped due to being intoxicated. The incident was criticized as sexist and disempowering, but the speaker argued that alcohol-induced mistakes do not equate to rape. The administrative response to the incident was also criticized as a form of microaggression. The speaker emphasized the importance of open dialogue and critical thinking to prevent misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal experience of being handed a note excusing someone's absence, only to discover that the note was from the speaker herself. The incident served as a reminder to challenge assumptions and not jump to conclusions.

    • Understanding Gender Pronouns and the Debate Around ThemThe debate around using correct gender pronouns highlights the importance of respect, understanding, and compassion towards individuals' gender identities, while acknowledging potential challenges.

      There's a growing trend towards people choosing their own pronouns, and mistakes in using the correct pronouns can lead to significant backlash. Some people believe that this focus on pronouns is a distraction from more important issues and that people should be free to identify as they choose without fear of punishment for mistakes. Others view it as a sign of a slippery reality and a lack of moral triage, leading to confusion and paranoia. Ultimately, the debate highlights the need for understanding, respect, and compassion towards individuals' gender identities while acknowledging the potential challenges that come with such a complex and nuanced issue.

    • Understanding and Acceptance vs. Hyper-sensitivity and LabelsHyper-sensitivity and enforcing rigid ideas can hinder progress and create adversarial relationships. Focus on understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect instead for productive and positive interactions.

      Hyper-sensitivity and enforcing rigid ideas on people can create unnecessary conflict and adversarial relationships. These moments, which the speaker calls "green lights," can be triggered by innocuous actions, leading to shaming and finger-pointing. This behavior, according to the speaker, slows down progress and hinders the development of genuine friendship, kindness, compassion, and open-mindedness. Instead, focusing on understanding, acceptance, and mutual respect can lead to more productive and positive interactions. The speaker also criticizes the use of labels and shaming language, suggesting that it creates a socially toxic environment. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of empathy, respect, and understanding in building meaningful connections and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

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    How to Find Your Passion and Purpose

    How to Find Your Passion and Purpose
    Most people abandon their New Year's Resolutions by mid-January. This often occurs because people make resolutions based on what they feel like they should want, rather than what they actually do want. In other words, their goals and resolutions aren’t in alignment with their purpose. On this episode of Being Well, Dr. Rick and Forrest Hanson discuss how we can identify and pursue our purpose, and why it’s so valuable to have one in the first place. They explore questions and strategies that can help us develop clarity on what we find meaningful, what our core values are, and how we’d like to spend our time. Watch the Episode: Prefer watching video? You can watch this episode on YouTube. Key Topics: 0:00: Introduction 3:00: Why spend time discussing how to have a purpose? 11:00: Nonverbal ways to establish yourself in your purpose 12:50: Ways to be flexible that make purpose accessible 17:45: Fresh starts help us retain freedom in the present 21:20: How to listen to yourself when it's unclear what you want 26:05: Getting feedback from others and abandoning doomed pursuits 32:10: Moving past the inner critic and fear of letting others down 38:10: Five questions to ask yourself 48:15: Soul work and sacredness 50:30: Doing what helps you look at things differently 54:10: Recap Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Sponsors: From Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don't hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you're in need.  Find the new CBD+ performance gummies and the whole dosist health line-up today at dosisthealth.com. Use promo code BEINGWELL20 for 20% off your purchase.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Want to sleep better? Try the legendary Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Connect with the show: Subscribe on iTunes Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Forrest on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Visit Forrest's website Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    RWH005: Meet the Master w/ Aswath Damodaran

    RWH005: Meet the Master w/ Aswath Damodaran
    IN THIS EPISODE, YOU’LL LEARN 00:09:21 - Why it’s so valuable to build unscheduled “day-dreaming time” into your day. 00:13:17 - Why it’s a competitive advantage to be a generalist in a world of specialists. 00:18:29 - What 42 years as a professor have taught Aswath about how to communicate. 00:31:14 - Why he’s intensely skeptical about the ESG movement. 00:39:46 - Why he owns no cryptocurrencies and views Bitcoin as a currency “for the paranoid.” 00:44:21 - Which investment principles guide him. 00:46:20 - How to identify the investment philosophy that fits best for you. 00:52:07 - Why he’s glad that he sold Amazon and Tesla, and how he hit the jackpot with Apple. 00:54:49 - How he values businesses by focusing on three key drivers above all else. 01:19:58 - Which investors he admires the most. 01:23:20 - Why he believes that macroeconomic forecasting makes soothsayers look good. 01:25:06 - How he maintains his serenity in difficult times, both in markets and life. 01:27:07 - Why it’s so important to spread your bets and not concentrate too aggressively. 01:33:30 - How “small, right” actions can have a massive impact on you and others. *Disclaimer: Slight timestamp discrepancies may occur due to podcast platform differences. BOOKS AND RESOURCES Join the exclusive TIP Mastermind Community to engage in meaningful stock investing discussions with Stig, Clay, and the other community members. Aswath Damodaran’s YouTube channel, featuring his free videos on valuation. Aswath Damodaran’s website, Damodaran Online, which includes his blog. Aswath Damodaran’s Google Talk, which has been viewed over 1.1 million times. Aswath Damodaran’s books, including “Narrative and Numbers”. William Green’s book, “Richer, Wiser, Happier” – read the reviews of this book. William Green interviews Jason Zweig on RWH004: Intelligent Investing. William Green interviews Joel Greenblatt on RWH003: How to Win The Investing Game. William Green interviews Howard Marks on RWH002: Investing Wisely In An Uncertain World. William Green interviews Tony Robbins on RWH001: The Life Force Revolution. William Green interviews Ray Dalio on WSB410: The Changing World Order. William Green’s Twitter. SPONSORS Support our free podcast by supporting our sponsors: River Toyota Linkedin Marketing Solutions Fidelity Efani Shopify NDTCO Fundrise Wise NetSuite TurboTax Vacasa NerdWallet Babbel Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Your Own Hero's Journey [Recognition & Acceptance] #168 Corey Boutwell

    Your Own Hero's Journey [Recognition & Acceptance] #168 Corey Boutwell

    Are you feeling lost, stuck, or unfulfilled in your personal or business life? Maybe it's time to take a closer look at where you are on your hero's journey.

    The hero's journey is a classic narrative structure that can help us understand our own lives and how we can grow and transform.

    By recognizing and accepting where we are on our journey, we can take steps to move forward and overcome obstacles.

    Whether you're facing challenges in your personal or business life, the hero's journey can provide a roadmap for growth and success.

    The recognition and acceptance stage is crucial in this journey, as it allows us to face our fears and begin to take action.

    Once we recognize where we are, we can begin to take steps towards transformation and growth.

    Don't be afraid to embrace your own hero's journey and use it to guide your personal and business life.

    It's time to recognize and accept where you are and take the first step towards a brighter future.

    Start your hero's journey today and watch as your personal and business life transforms before your eyes.

    Don't wait another day to begin your journey. Start today and embrace the hero within.


    Join the masterclass here: https://masterclass.coreyboutwell.net/ascendregistration

    The Next Level Tickets Here: https://thenextlevel.coreyboutwell.net/2024signup

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    #50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man

    #50 Chris / Kristin Beck - Navy SEAL Transitions To Woman Then Back To Man
    Episode #50 is one of the most important interviews you'll ever hear. Chris Beck is a retired Navy Seal with 20 years service & 15 deployments under his belt. Even with his Bronze Star with Valor, Chris wasn't only known for his skills behind the trigger, but for his brilliance in technology and engineering. Chris pioneered the mission planning systems for all of SOCOM, revolutionized the future of warfare with the "Iron Man" Project, and contracted for the Pentagon with a $600 million dollar research and development budget. Despite all of his accomplishments, Chris was facing demons in private. TBIs, PTSD, and a traumatic childhood sent Chris down a path to find out who he truly was. Through trauma and misguided agendas, Chris transitioned to a woman and after years of being pulled into this ideology, ultimately started the long journey to transitioning back into the man he always was. This episode explores his journey through an abusive childhood, the trans agenda, and the nuance of sexuality & biology. Chris's fiance' Courtney joins us and explains how gender dysphoria can endanger and influence children and how society has reached a breakpoint with these issues. Stick around until the end of the episode to learn how Chris sparing a life in combat may have set the stage for him to save his own and how thousands of others will be. Shawn Ryan Show Sponsors: https://mudwtr.com/shawn - USE CODE "SHAWN" https://hvmn.com - Use Code "SHAWN" https://betterhelp.com/shawn Chris Beck Links: Instagram | Twitter Please leave us a review on Apple & Spotify Podcasts. Vigilance Elite/Shawn Ryan Links: Website | Patreon | TikTok | Instagram Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices