
    Podcast Summary

    • Revealing the harsh realities of keeping dolphins and orcas in captivityFormer Marine Land employee Phil Demers shares insights on the cruelty and inhumane treatment of dolphins and orcas in captivity, challenging our perception and advocating for their respect and freedom in their natural habitats.

      The intelligence and complex behaviors of marine animals, particularly dolphins and orcas, challenge our perception of them as mere entertainment or attractions. A former Marine Land employee, Phil Demers, shared his experiences and insights on the podcast, revealing the harsh realities behind the scenes. Phil's testimony, along with the documentary "Blackfish," opened many people's eyes to the cruelty and inhumane treatment of these animals in captivity. Orcas, which are actually the largest dolphins, display remarkable adaptability and hunting skills, making them the top predators of the sea. However, their intelligence and complex social structures make their captivity a moral issue. It's essential to recognize and respect their natural behaviors and habitats, allowing them to thrive in their own environments.

    • Animals in the Natural World: Compassion, Instinct, and SurvivalAnimals, including pets, can exhibit violent behaviors driven by instinct and survival. It's important to remember they're part of the natural world and find balance between compassion and understanding.

      Nature can be harsh and animals, including those we keep as pets, can exhibit violent behaviors. Despite our desire to treat animals with compassion and kindness, they often behave in ways that may seem cruel or indifferent to us. For instance, bears and other predators kill and eat other animals to survive. Even domesticated animals like cats can be vicious hunters. As much as we may want to protect and care for animals, it's important to remember that they are part of the natural world and their behaviors are driven by instinct and survival. It's a complex issue, and while some may advocate for animal rights and humane treatment, others may recognize the importance of the predator-prey relationship and the role animals play in the ecosystem. Ultimately, it's a reminder that the natural world can be beautiful and brutal at the same time, and that we must find a balance between compassion and understanding for all living beings.

    • The Disconnect Between Modern Food Convenience and Natural ProcessesRecognizing the historical context and natural processes behind modern food conveniences is crucial to understanding their potential consequences, including distorted perspectives on life and potential health issues for cats on vegan diets.

      Our modern convenience in obtaining food has led to a disconnection from the natural process and the understanding of the effort and sacrifice required to sustain life. Animals, including predators, had to be ruthless to survive and provide for themselves. Today, we can easily buy food without putting in much effort or thought into its origin. However, this privilege can lead to a distorted perspective on life and what it takes to create basic necessities. The speaker argues that everyone, including vegans, has hypocrisies in their lifestyle and it's essential to recognize and respect the complexities of society and nature. The speaker also mentions the potential consequences of feeding cats a vegan diet. In conclusion, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding the historical context and natural processes behind our modern conveniences, and the potential consequences of disregarding them.

    • Our actions shape beings around usRelationships and actions impact the development and adaptation of other species, as seen in dogs, foxes, and pigs.

      Our relationships and actions shape the beings around us, whether it's dogs, foxes, or pigs. The speaker's experiences in South Korea and his observations of dogs led him to question the boundaries of ethics when survival is at stake. He then shared the story of how selective breeding transformed foxes' appearances and behaviors within a short period. Similarly, pigs' physical characteristics change when they're released into the wild. These examples illustrate the significant impact of our interactions on the development and adaptation of other species. The speaker's personal experiences and the scientific research on foxes and pigs demonstrate the power of relationships and the environment in shaping the creatures we know.

    • Exploring the Unique Traits of Wild AnimalsWild animals have distinct characteristics and behaviors. Through patience and dedication, they can be tamed, offering a connection to nature.

      Wild animals, much like different breeds of dogs and people, have unique characteristics and behaviors. The Russian boars, for instance, can interbreed and produce offspring with advantageous traits. Similarly, a feral cat, though initially fearsome and unapproachable, can be tamed and become a companion with patience and dedication. The wild genes passed down from their parents instill a primal instinct to survive, leading to fearful and unpredictable behavior. However, the fascination with wildlife and the thrill of taming the wild can be a rewarding experience, offering a connection to nature that may be otherwise lacking in urban living.

    • The Meaning and Complexities of Hunting and Wildlife ConservationHunting can be a deeply meaningful experience, but it's important to respect wildlife and their habitats. Ethical hunting practices and wildlife management are crucial for conservation efforts.

      The experience of hunting and connecting with nature, while also consuming animals, can be a deeply meaningful and sacred experience for some people. The speaker emphasizes the importance of animals living in their natural habitats and acknowledges the complexities and challenges of wildlife conservation. He also defends his position as a meat-eater and hunter, emphasizing the connection he feels to the animals and the natural world through this practice. The speaker criticizes zoos for not effectively reintroducing animals into the wild and encourages respect for wildlife management and ethical hunting practices. Ultimately, he encourages appreciation for the natural world and the role animals play in it.

    • The Addictive Power of CheeseCheese's casein ingredient can trigger brain's addictive element, resembling drug-like effects. Personal struggles with cheese addiction and environmental concerns about almond milk, as well as hidden sugars in healthy alternatives, add to the complexity of making ethical and healthy food choices.

      Certain foods, particularly cheese, can be addictive due to the presence of an ingredient called casein, which releases opiates and triggers the brain's addictive element. The speaker, who admits to being a weak man and struggling with food addictions, shares his personal experiences with cheese and its similarity to drugs in terms of addiction. The discussion also touches upon the environmental impact of almond milk and the potential hidden sugars in seemingly healthy alternatives. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and challenges of making ethical and healthy food choices.

    • The impact of El Nino on California's droughtEl Nino brings heavy rainfall during droughts, highlighting the importance of adapting to changing environmental conditions. Desalination plants offer a solution to water scarcity, but consider costs and drawbacks.

      California's current heavy rainfall during a drought period, which is a result of El Nino, serves as a reminder of the consequences of ignoring nature and the importance of adapting to changing environmental conditions. The speaker expresses his enjoyment of experiencing weather and its consequences, but also acknowledges the challenges, such as extracting fresh water from saltwater and dealing with corrosion, that come with it. California's upcoming desalination plant in San Diego is a promising solution to the water crisis, but it's important to consider the costs and potential drawbacks of such technologies. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for innovation and resourcefulness in addressing water scarcity and environmental challenges.

    • The Complexity of Life: Plants and SustainabilityThe production of almond milk raises ethical concerns due to its resource-intensive process, but recognizing the complexity of life and interconnectedness of all beings can lead to a more nuanced perspective on sustainability.

      Almond milk production uses a significant amount of water and resources, leading to debates about the nutritional value versus the environmental impact. However, the speaker also reflects on the complexity of consciousness and life, noting that plants, like animals, exhibit behaviors and adaptations that suggest they are living beings deserving of consideration. This perspective challenges the common distinction between plants and animals and raises questions about our relationship to all forms of life. Ultimately, the speaker suggests that we need to acknowledge the interconnectedness of all living things and the role of life feeding on life in the natural world. This perspective offers a nuanced view on sustainability and ethics, encouraging us to consider the complexities of the natural world and our place within it.

    • The ruthless beauty of nature: Venus flytraps and elk huntingVenus flytraps are fascinating predators that trap animals for survival, while elk hunting offers a chance to connect with nature and understand its complexities

      Nature is both beautiful and ruthless. Venus flytraps, for instance, are fascinating predators that use their unique hustle to survive and evolve. They trap and eat animals, including frogs, to fuel their growth. While it may be tough to watch, it's a natural part of the ecosystem. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of experiencing nature firsthand to truly appreciate its wonders and complexities. He plans to take his kids on an elk hunting trip to give them a chance to witness these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat. While hunting is a part of the experience, the primary goal is to let the kids connect with nature and understand the elk's environment and concerns. Overall, the discussion highlights the intricacies of the natural world and the importance of experiencing it directly.

    • Impact of human actions on wildlifeRecognizing and respecting the natural behaviors and habitats of animals is crucial for their wellbeing.

      The captivity of animals, no matter the species or size, raises ethical concerns. Witnessing a deer's persistent attempts to enter Marine Land despite a large fence, and the potential danger it posed to itself, highlights the impact humans have on wildlife. The experience of encountering a moose in the wild and the inherent danger it poses when agitated, further emphasizes the importance of respecting animals in their natural habitats. The progress made in banning orca captivity in Ontario and the implementation of standards of care for animals in captivity are steps towards addressing these concerns. However, there is still much work to be done to ensure the wellbeing of animals in captivity. The experiences shared underscore the importance of recognizing and respecting the natural behaviors and habitats of animals.

    • Water disinfection unit malfunction at MarineLand harms animals, sparks public outrage and policy changePublic awareness and activism can lead to significant changes in policies and industry practices, as seen in the aftermath of the MarineLand water disinfection unit incident and the subsequent ban on whale and dolphin captivity in Canada.

      The breakdown of a water disinfection unit at MarineLand in 2012 led to the death and injury of numerous animals due to excessive use of chlorine. The incident was kept hidden from the public, but it sparked a paradigm shift in public opinion against animal captivity. Since then, legislation like the Ending the Captivity of Whales and Dolphins Act (Bill S-203) has been introduced to ban the import, breeding, and captivity of whales and dolphins in Canada. The captivity industry, including MarineLand and SeaWorld, have faced backlash and financial struggles due to decreased attendance and lawsuits. The industry's attempts to acquire wild-caught animals through deceptive means have also been exposed. The takeaway is that public awareness and activism can lead to significant changes in policies and industry practices.

    • Comparing SeaWorld's animal practices to slaveryCritics argue for releasing animals to the wild or seaside sanctuaries, while SeaWorld faces opposition and financial harm for continuing captivity and breeding

      SeaWorld's practices of importing and keeping wild animals in captivity, particularly cod and dolphins, is compared to slavery. Critics argue that these animals are kept in tiny pools, often next to the ocean, and should be allowed to transition back to the wild or live in seaside sanctuaries. The idea is to maintain human care and observation while allowing animals to live in more natural conditions. However, SeaWorld continues to face opposition, including financial harm from activists, despite their claims of concern for animal health and wellbeing. The ultimate goal is to phase out captivity and breeding, and create a relationship between humans and animals that is not based on confinement. The recent financial struggles of SeaWorld are seen as a result of growing public awareness and activism against animal captivity.

    • Dolphins' Impressive Mimicry in Language ExperimentsDolphins' ability to mimic human speech in language experiments showcases their advanced cognitive skills. Modern floating tanks, used for sensory deprivation, have therapeutic benefits and were popularized by dolphin researcher John Lilly.

      While attempts have been made in the past to communicate with dolphins and teach them human languages, such as the experiment with John Lilly in the 1960s, these efforts were largely focused on mimicry rather than true communication. However, the impressive display of mimicry shown by dolphins in these experiments highlights their advanced cognitive abilities. Furthermore, modern floating tanks, which are filled with high concentrations of Epsom salt and provide a sensory deprivation environment, have been found to be incredibly therapeutic and beneficial for both mental and physical health. John Lilly was also a pioneer in the use of isolation tanks, which have gained popularity for their ability to promote relaxation, clear the mind, and even enhance the effects of psychedelic substances.

    • The Power of Routines and Breaking Negative CyclesEstablishing routines and addressing both mental and physical stress can significantly improve well-being. Physical activity can change perspective and resolve problems. Everyone can benefit from adopting healthy habits.

      Establishing routines and breaking negative cycles can significantly improve our mental and physical well-being. The speaker shares his personal experience of rejecting rituals in the past due to his challenging upbringing, but now recognizes the importance of setting up strategies and systems to avoid falling back into old patterns. He emphasizes the role of physical activity, such as going for a run or practicing martial arts, in changing one's perspective and resolving problems. Additionally, he highlights the connection between mental and physical stress and the importance of addressing both aspects to improve overall well-being. The speaker's extreme situation serves as a reminder that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, can benefit from adopting healthy habits and routines.

    • Harassment and Intimidation: A Costly Legal BattleAddressing harassment and intimidation early on can prevent costly legal battles and significant financial strain.

      Intimidation and harassment can lead to lengthy legal battles and significant financial strain. The speaker shared his personal experience with a neighbor who threatened him and his girlfriend, resulting in multiple videos, police involvement, and a private charge that was quashed, leading to potential legal fees of over $100,000. Despite efforts to seek protection and bring the issue to court, the process took over a year and a half, and the speaker is now facing the possibility of paying for the other party's legal fees. This situation highlights the importance of addressing harassment and intimidation early on, and the potential financial and emotional toll it can take.

    • Crowdfunding for Animal Rights Lawsuit against MarinelandAn unprecedented crowdfunding campaign supports an animal rights lawsuit against Marineland due to loss of major benefactor. The campaign's success highlights growing awareness towards animal rights and intolerance for animal abuse.

      The ongoing legal battle against Marineland, a Canadian marine park accused of animal abuse, is being crowd-funded by the public due to the loss of a major benefactor. The use of crowdfunding for litigation is unprecedented, and the support of animal rights organizations and individuals has kept the campaign going. The campaign's website, SaveSmooshy.com, is where donations can be made. The owner of Marineland, John Holer, has a history of intimidating those who stand against him, as seen in the case of Paula Mallard, who ultimately took her own life after being threatened with eviction. This case sheds light on Holer's alleged behavior and underscores the importance of speaking out against animal abuse and holding those responsible accountable. The campaign's success is a reflection of the growing awareness and consciousness towards animal rights and the realization that the mistreatment of animals is not acceptable, much like the abolition of slavery.

    • Experience of bonding with a walrusBonding with a large protective animal like a walrus offers a unique perspective and unforgettable experience, with the animal seeing humans as protectors and us teaching them humor and protecting them in return.

      Having a strong bond with an animal, as I experienced with Smooshy the walrus, offers a unique perspective and opportunity for connection that goes beyond what we have with pets like dogs. Smooshy saw me as her mother, and I got to teach her humor and protect her from threats. She even showed remarkable protective instincts towards me, going so far as to attack those who came close. The bond between us was so strong that other trainers and even the owner of Marine Land have experienced similar protective behavior from walruses. Unfortunately, the lack of regulations during Marine Land's operation allowed for such behaviors to go unchecked for 53 years. While there are now thankfully some regulations in place, the bond between humans and animals, particularly those as large and protective as walruses, is a powerful and unforgettable experience.

    • Accessing Public Information: Costs and ConsequencesChallenging established entities for public access to information can result in significant costs and consequences, as seen in Mike Garrett's legal battle against Marine Land. Information is public property, but accessing and using it can come with financial and personal repercussions.

      The discussion revolves around the issue of public access to information and the consequences for individuals who challenge established entities, using the example of Mike Garrett and his legal battle against Marine Land. The key point is that information is public property, but accessing it and using it can come with significant costs and consequences. Mike Garrett, who opposed Marine Land's practices, is currently having his wages garnished due to a cost award in a lawsuit. The discussion also touches on the role of lawyers and the public's ability to help support individuals in similar situations. The tone of the conversation is passionate and supportive of Garrett, with a sense of frustration towards those who use their power and wealth to suppress information and silence opposition. The conversation also includes a call to action for lawyers in Canada to help Garrett's case and make a name for themselves. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of access to information and the potential risks and consequences for individuals who challenge established entities.

    • Power and Morally Questionable BehaviorPower can lead individuals to engage in morally questionable behavior to protect it, potentially causing harm to themselves and others, and damaging their legacy

      Power can corrupt, and those who hold it may go to great lengths to protect it, even if it means engaging in morally questionable behavior. This was evident in the discussion about Marineland and its owner, who has been accused of mistreating animals and using strong-arm tactics to suppress criticism. Despite the negative publicity and potential financial losses, he continues to fight legal battles to maintain his power and reputation. Ultimately, such actions may only serve to further damage his legacy and contribute to a growing public awareness of the cruelty and inhumane practices that have long been accepted in certain industries.

    • John Puttick's Legal Tactics Delay and Obstruct LawsuitsJohn Puttick uses legal tactics like filing multiple motions and hiring a stand-in to delay and obstruct lawsuits, creating a lengthy and costly war of attrition for plaintiffs.

      John Puttick, the owner of Marine Land, has used legal tactics to delay and obstruct lawsuits against him, including filing multiple motions and hiring a "glorified janitor" instead of himself to respond to the allegations. These tactics have made the legal process lengthy and costly for those suing him, creating a war of attrition. Puttick is currently being sued for allegedly plotting to steal a walrus and for defamation, while former employee Jim Hammond is being sued for witnessing the shooting of dogs on his property. Despite the lack of response from Puttick in these cases, the lawsuits have not been dropped, and the plaintiffs are determined to continue fighting for the truth to come out in a trial. The hijacking of the legal process through endless motions and adjournments has made it difficult for those suing to prove the legitimacy of their claims and has created significant financial and emotional strain.

    • The Challenges of Activism and Legal BattlesActivism can lead to lengthy legal battles, which can be discouraging and financially draining. Anti-SLAPP legislation, meant to protect against baseless lawsuits, can be influenced by politics, making it difficult for individuals to seek justice.

      The legal system can be an abusive and discouraging process, especially when it comes to activism and speaking out against controversial issues. The speaker, who has been involved in a long-running legal battle, shares their perspective of feeling unjustly punished and the challenges of trying to pursue personal endeavors while dealing with the ongoing legal issues. They also discuss the issue of anti-SLAPP legislation and how its implementation can be influenced by political factors, making it difficult for individuals to seek justice and protection against baseless lawsuits. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains hopeful and continues to advocate for change.

    • Man's legal battle against Marineland over animal cruelty allegationsMan's lawsuit against Marineland for animal cruelty takes years with no resolution, man offers $1.5M for proof of trespass, Marineland countersues for $1.5M, man believes system fears his speaking out, mostly Canadian support.

      Despite the great initiatives like scuba diving with beluga whales for people with disabilities in Canada, the legal system can be frustratingly slow and seemingly biased towards those with power and wealth. A man's ongoing lawsuit against Marineland, a Canadian theme park, over allegations of animal cruelty and trespassing, has dragged on for years with no resolution in sight. The man offers $1.5 million to anyone who can prove he was in the park during the alleged incident, but Marineland is suing him for $1.5 million in damages. The man believes the legal system is fearful of his speaking out against Marineland, and outside support has been mostly from Canadian sources. The case highlights the challenges of seeking justice in the face of power and wealth, and the frustration of being an outsider looking in.

    • Speaker exposes mistreatment of animals by individual, faces backlashSpeaker reveals individual's questionable lifestyle, mistreatment of animals, and lack of support from organizations after speaking out, encouraging individual to take responsibility and raise funds for animal's rescue

      The speaker's experience with an unnamed individual involved being watched, outed in an article, and dealing with the fallout of their actions. The individual, who owned multiple businesses and had no financial obligations, was living a questionable life and was allegedly involved in the mistreatment of animals. The speaker's decision to speak out was inspired by the condition of an animal named Smooshy and the passing of the individual's son. The speaker expressed disappointment in the lack of support from organizations that had used their story for fundraising but hadn't provided any assistance. The speaker suggested that the next step would be for the individual, Peter, to take responsibility and raise funds directly for Smooshy's rescue. The speaker also noted that SeaWorld, which had been criticized for orca captivity, was still using animals for performances despite recent laws and expansions.

    • Critique of SeaWorld and the Captivity IndustrySeaWorld's decision not to breed orcas doesn't mean larger habitats for existing ones, as they're suing to overturn the ban. The industry is driven by profit, with animals taken for aesthetics and sold for large sums. Criticisms include harmful practices like Taiji fisheries and dolphin meat consumption.

      SeaWorld's decision to not breed orcas anymore is not leading to the creation of larger habitats for existing animals, as they are instead suing to overturn the ban. The speaker argues that the industry is driven by the captivity market, with dolphins and whales being taken for aesthetic purposes and sold for large sums of money. The speaker also criticizes practices like the Taiji drive fisheries and the consumption of dolphin meat, which they argue is fueled by the captivity industry and has negative health effects. The speaker expresses hope for a cultural shift away from these practices and a ban on orca captivity. The speaker also criticizes SeaWorld for not creating larger habitats for existing animals, despite their supposed care for them. The speaker suggests that the California Coastal Commission should reconsider their approval of the breeding clause and instead make the entire practice illegal. The speaker also mentions a recently-tabled federal ban on orca captivity. In essence, the speaker is critiquing the practices of SeaWorld and the captivity industry as a whole, arguing that they are driven by profit and the demand for aesthetically pleasing animals, rather than concern for the wellbeing of the animals. The speaker also criticizes harmful practices like the Taiji drive fisheries and the consumption of dolphin meat, and expresses hope for a cultural shift away from these practices and a ban on orca captivity.

    • Exploring Animal Exploitation: Beyond Geographical BoundariesThe captivity industry raises ethical concerns, the intelligence of animals challenges consumption patterns, and the depletion of fisheries necessitates responsible choices for animal welfare and ecosystems.

      The exploitation of animals for entertainment and consumption is a complex issue with cultural and ethical dimensions that extends beyond geographical boundaries. The captivity industry, as seen in the case of elephants in China, is a growing concern. Similarly, the Yulin Dog Festival in China raises questions about the hypocrisy of human attitudes towards different animals. The intelligence and consciousness of animals, such as pigs and octopuses, challenge our perceptions and consumption patterns. The depletion of ocean fisheries, driven by overfishing and destructive fishing methods, highlights the need for responsible consumer choices. Ultimately, the protection and preservation of animal welfare and ecosystems require collective action and awareness.

    • The Impact of The Joe Rogan Experience on Social Awareness and ProductivityThe podcast broadens perspectives, raises awareness about social and environmental issues, and improves productivity through guest's emphasis on ergonomic chairs like Capisco from Ergo Depot. However, ag gag laws hinder transparency and education on factory farming practices.

      The podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience" has played a significant role in raising awareness about various social and environmental issues, broadening listeners' perspectives, and shaping a rapidly shifting paradigm. The guest on the show expressed his gratitude for the podcast and credited it for expanding his own consciousness. He also highlighted the importance of ergonomic chairs, specifically the Capisco chairs from Ergo Depot, which have improved his comfort and productivity during long podcast sessions. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the issue of ag gag laws, which restrict people from filming and exposing unsanitary and inhumane practices in factory farming. These laws prevent the public from being informed and educated about the reality of the business, potentially keeping them in the dark.

    • The Difference Between Ethically Raised Animals and Industrial FarmingUnderstanding the source and treatment of our food is crucial. Ethically raised animals lead natural lives and contribute to a circular food chain, while industrial farming practices can lead to unethical treatment and negative environmental impacts. Personal experiences and ethical dilemmas highlight the complexities of ethical consumption.

      There's a significant difference between ethically raised animals and those kept in industrial farming conditions. The speaker emphasizes the importance of transparency and ethical treatment of animals, sharing personal experiences with raising chickens and the benefits of their free-roaming lifestyle. He criticizes campaigns against eggs and meat consumption, pointing out the natural behaviors of animals and the importance of understanding the food chain. The speaker also shares an anecdote about feeding a hawk and the ethical dilemma of what to do with a leftover mouse, ultimately deciding to give it to the chickens. This experience highlights the ruthless nature of chickens and the circular nature of the food chain. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being aware of the source and treatment of our food and the complexities of ethical consumption.

    • Chickens: Omnivorous PredatorsDespite being perceived as harmless, chickens are omnivorous predators with a strong instinct to peck and eat living things. Respect animals' natural behaviors, even those we consume.

      Chickens, despite being commonly perceived as harmless birds, are actually omnivorous predators with a strong instinct to peck and eat living things. The speaker's experience with his own chickens attacking his daughter and trying to eat a mouse illustrates their aggressive behavior. Chickens are not vegetarian by nature and will abandon their food for a live prey. The size of chickens keeps them from being a threat to humans, but larger animals like grouper exhibit similar predatory behaviors and can pose a real danger. The speaker's anecdotes about grouper eating sharks and moose highlight the importance of respecting the natural instincts and behaviors of animals, even those that are commonly consumed as food.

    • Exploring the Depths of the Ocean: Uncovering Awe-Inspiring Creatures and ComplexityThe ocean holds a wealth of unknown and awe-inspiring creatures, from massive grouper fish to elusive giant squid, emphasizing the importance of continued exploration and research. Media and technology play a crucial role in sharing these discoveries with the public, fueling curiosity and wonder.

      The ocean is full of awe-inspiring and largely unknown creatures. From massive grouper fish to elusive giant squid, the deep ocean continues to surprise and challenge our understanding of the natural world. These discoveries, from the tentacled Kraken to the flexible bodies of giant squid, remind us of the vastness and complexity of the ocean and the importance of continued exploration and research. Additionally, the conversation highlighted the role of media and technology in bringing these discoveries to the public and fueling curiosity and wonder. The ocean, with its vast unknowns and incredible creatures, is a reminder of the beauty and mystery of the natural world.

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    (Sound effects and music from Pixabay—Lesfm and Olexy)

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