
    752: React vs Vue vs Angular with Corbin Crutchley

    enApril 05, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Comparing Vue, Angular, and React: Insights from a Developer with Experience in All ThreeA developer with a background in Angular and experience in React and Vue shares insights into their similarities and differences, emphasizing the importance of a robust development environment for high-stakes projects.

      Corbin Crutchley, the author of "The Framework Field Guide," shares his extensive experience and insights into the similarities and differences of Vue, Angular, and React. With a background in Angular development, Corbin later joined Hilton as a React developer and experimented with Vue as well. He noticed the overlap in learning these frameworks and decided to create a comprehensive resource. The environment at Hilton, especially in the groups meetings and events team, was high stakes, as transactions could involve booking numerous hotel rooms, leading to significant financial losses if there were bugs. To ensure the software's high standard, they utilized CICD systems, a robust QA team, and dedicated accessibility teams. The stack for the tech project was predominantly React, using Next.js and Tailwind CSS.

    • Discussing the complexities of building large-scale applications, particularly for Hilton's booking app.Building complex apps for large companies involves dealing with multiple brands, translations, and various challenges like single sign-on systems and booking flights with multiple airlines. Angular, Vue, and React each have their strengths for different use cases.

      Building complex applications, especially for large companies, involves dealing with a multitude of challenges. During a discussion, it was mentioned that working on a booking app for Hilton required supporting multiple brands and translations, making the design system a complex endeavor. The speaker also shared their frustration with single sign-on systems and the complexity of booking flights with various airlines. When it comes to choosing the best framework for building applications, the speaker expressed personal preferences for Angular, Vue, and React, acknowledging that each has its strengths. Angular's signals and standalone components were praised, while Vue's composition APIs were highlighted for interactive websites and event-driven UIs. For static sites with interactivity, the speaker recommended using Astro or Next.js with React. Comparing these frameworks involves considering various sub-areas, and structuring the comparison effectively can lead to a more comprehensive understanding.

    • Learning the basics of React firstFocus on foundational concepts before exploring advanced topics or meta frameworks to better understand framework approaches and adapt to differences.

      When learning React or other front-end frameworks, it's essential to have a solid foundation of the basics before diving into more advanced topics, such as meta frameworks and ecosystems. The author of the books on learning React, Angular, and Vue.js structures his content accordingly, with a focus on the basics first, followed by ecosystems, and finally, internals. Understanding the foundational concepts helps in comprehending how different frameworks approach similar problems and how to adapt when there are differences. For instance, Angular uses view containers and directives, while React has hooks. The author provides comparisons and alternatives when possible. Regarding meta frameworks, there is competition in the space with Angular, Nuxt, and Astro each offering unique features. At the recent NG Conf, Angular announced that YouTube is starting to use Angular signals within their applications, marking a potential merge of Angular and Google's Wiz framework. However, it's not a merger in the sense of one replacing the other, but rather a learning exchange between the two frameworks.

    • Merging Trends in Frontend Frameworks: Angular, React, and VueFrameworks like Angular, React, and Vue are merging concepts and learning from each other, with signals for reactivity being a key example. Signals offer a more seamless and efficient way to manage state and react to changes, making them essential for modern frontend development.

      The lines between frontend frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue are becoming increasingly blurred, as they adopt similar technologies and approaches. For instance, Angular and Wiz, which were once thought of as opposites, may be merging or at least learning from each other. This trend is indicative of a larger shift towards more flexible, interoperable frameworks. Another key concept discussed was the use of signals for reactivity. Signals are a reactivity primitive that allow for automatic updates of values across different parts of an application, such as the DOM and JavaScript state. While each framework implements this concept differently, the underlying idea is the same: to bridge the gap between the state in memory and the state in the DOM, ensuring consistency and reducing the need for manual updates. In Angular, this concept is similar to refs in Vue, while React has a more manual reactivity system. Signals offer a more seamless and efficient way to manage state and react to changes, making them an essential tool for modern frontend development. The conversation also touched on the potential merging of Angular and Wiz, with Sarah Jasner's tweet adding to the confusion. Despite the conflicting messages, it's clear that the frontend landscape is evolving, with frameworks borrowing from each other and adopting new technologies to meet the demands of modern web development.

    • Preference for component-local state updates in Svelte and Preact SignalsSvelte and Preact Signals offer more direct and component-local state updates, potentially leading to better standardization and more powerful tools, such as isomorphic form handling, and the convergence on the idea of derived state in reactive programming.

      The speaker is expressing a preference for state management solutions like Svelte signals and Preact Signals, which allow for more direct and component-local state updates, compared to the more passing-and-propagating approach required in React. They find this approach refreshing and believe it could lead to better standardization and more powerful tools in the future, such as isomorphic form handling. They also mention the potential addition of signals to vanilla JavaScript and browsers. Another related concept mentioned is derived state, which is a state that is calculated based on other states, and can be particularly useful in reactive programming. The speaker is excited about the convergence on this idea and the potential benefits it could bring. They also hint at an upcoming release of Svelte 5 and their plans to create a course around it for the Syntax YouTube channel.

    • Modern front-end frameworks manage state and components with reactive primitives and various ways to store and pass state.Modern front-end frameworks like Angular, Vue, React, and Svelte manage state and components using reactive primitives and offer different ways to store and pass state. React uses props for passing children, while Svelte has slots for more flexibility.

      Modern front-end frameworks like Angular, Vue, React, and Svelte all have a commonality in managing state and components. State is a value that can be updated, and frameworks provide primitives to change it automatically. One such primitive is a reactive primitive, which can be used to derive new state from the initial state. This derived state or computed state is used in Angular, Vue, and React under different names, while Svelte likely has a similar concept with Runes. Frameworks offer various ways to store state, from localized data within a component to a global store providing data to the entire application. The choice depends on the specific needs of the project. For instance, you can have a global store, use dependency injection, or pass props. When it comes to passing children, each framework has its approach. React uses a concept of passing children as props, while Svelte has slots. Slots allow you to define a place in a component where another component can be inserted, providing more flexibility in how components are composed. In summary, these frameworks offer powerful state management and component composition features, with each having its unique approach to handling state and passing children. Understanding these concepts is crucial for building efficient and scalable applications using modern front-end frameworks.

    • Understanding component composition and passing values in React, Angular, and framework-agnostic librariesReact and Angular offer distinct ways to compose and pass components and values. React uses JSX syntax for literal values as children, while Angular utilizes structural directives for dynamic loading and injection. Framework-agnostic libraries employ their own reactivity primitives for rerendering control.

      Modern component-based frameworks like React, Solid, Vue, and Angular offer different ways to compose and pass components and values between them. React's JSX syntax allows passing literal values as children, while Angular's structural directives enable dynamic loading and injection of templates. Both approaches offer unique advantages and require a shift in thought. Additionally, framework-agnostic libraries, such as tanstack's, use their own reactivity primitives to control rerendering, which is a departure from the typical application flow where the state in the app informs the framework when to rerender. Understanding these differences can help developers make informed decisions when choosing the best approach for their projects.

    • Using a single form library for multiple frameworksA single form library with a core API in plain vanilla JS reduces complexity and maintenance efforts in a mega corp environment, but maintaining a consistent look and feel across frameworks can be challenging

      The use of a single, framework-agnostic form library like Tansacform, which is built with a core API in plain vanilla JavaScript, can significantly reduce the complexity and maintenance efforts in a mega corp environment where multiple frameworks are used. The core API, which makes up around 95% of the codebase, remains mostly vanilla, while the adapter for each specific framework accounts for only a small percentage. The challenge lies in maintaining a consistent look and feel across different frameworks, each with its unique capabilities. Most of these form libraries are headless, meaning they don't track DOM stuff, which allows for a more flexible usage in various environments. However, attempting to write code that works everywhere comes with its own challenges and potential for introducing more bugs. My advice would be to consider not doing it due to the increased complexity and maintenance requirements, but if it's a necessity, focus on design and project management aspects to minimize divergent tech stack decisions and ensure consistency across applications.

    • Choosing a Front-End Framework: Beyond Business DecisionsWeb components offer a foundation for building reusable, agnostic UI components, while each framework has its unique strengths and limitations. Focus on finding the right abstractions and tools to streamline development.

      When it comes to choosing a front-end framework, there are various technical solutions and decisions to be made beyond just the business decision-making process. For instance, developers can use web components to build a framework-agnostic UI component layer or use tools like LitLabs to integrate these components back into their preferred framework. However, each framework has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and developers may encounter certain headaches or limitations. For example, some developers find Angular's directives to be less versatile than those in other frameworks, while others may prefer the more primitive nature of React and bring their own helper libraries for forms. Ultimately, these headaches can often be signs of inefficient development practices and a need for better abstractions or tools. Web components can also play a role in this by providing a foundation for building reusable, agnostic UI components. While each framework has its quirks, none of them have boilerplate code that is overwhelmingly more than the others. Instead, developers should focus on finding the right abstractions and tools to streamline their development process. And for those looking to abstract form state across multiple renderers, there's always room for a new library like outhouse.js.

    • Exploring Web Components: Benefits and ChallengesWeb components offer flexibility and potential industry entry for new devs, but can present challenges in terms of developer experience and complexity. The author's free book aims to reduce barriers to entry.

      Web components, while powerful, can present challenges in terms of developer experience and complexity, especially when compared to other tools. This is due in part to the lack of base primitives and the need for bring-your-own tooling solutions. However, the benefits of web components, such as their flexibility and potential to help new developers enter the industry, make them worth exploring. Another notable takeaway is the author's decision to make their book free, which stems from their personal background and a desire to reduce barriers to entry in the tech industry. The book's creation involved collaboration with designers and a unique color-transition feature on the website. Writing the book involved structuring the content and choosing a tech stack for publication.

    • Approach to organizing and writing a React JavaScript tutorial bookPlanning and decision-making are crucial when creating a comprehensive teaching resource. Logical flow and building upon concepts are important for effective instruction.

      Creating a comprehensive and effective teaching resource, like a technical book, involves careful planning and decision-making. The author discussed their approach to organizing and writing their React JavaScript tutorial book, which aimed to teach the basics and enable contributors to open-source projects. They wanted to ensure a logical flow and thought process for the reader, introducing concepts in a way that built upon each other. They also shared their experience with the technical challenges of creating an interactive and publishable book using markdown, which required custom compiler plugins. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of thoughtful instructional design and technical implementation in creating valuable learning resources.

    • Creating a custom markdown renderer and building an interactive websiteLearning to create a custom markdown renderer and using Astro for building an interactive website without a framework can be rewarding, while staying informed through Twitter and GitHub can help keep you updated in the tech industry.

      Creating a custom markdown renderer can be a powerful tool for building interactive and dynamic websites. This process involves creating a syntax for tabs and building a programming language around it, which can feel overwhelming but is incredibly rewarding when it starts working. For building an interactive website without using a framework, Astro was used, and all interactivity on the site is achieved through vanilla JavaScript. During the discussion, some personal preferences were shared, such as using WebStorm with a material theme and Fira code font, and using different terminals on different operating systems. Staying up-to-date was discussed, and it was revealed that Twitter is a primary source of information, with a focus on tech news and updates. The GitHub homepage was also mentioned as an underutilized resource for discovering new and interesting projects. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of being persistent and focused in learning new technologies and staying informed about the latest developments in the tech industry.

    • Engaging with the developer community through GitHub and RFCsEngage with the community early, ask questions, and learn from the latest technologies and designs. Beginners should be bold and seek support and positive feedback for growth.

      Engaging with the developer community through GitHub and RFCs can lead to valuable learning experiences and insights into the latest and upcoming technologies. Following issues and threads, especially in major frameworks, can provide a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and designs. For beginners, starting early is crucial, and being bold and asking questions is an effective way to learn and engage with the community. The importance of community support and positive feedback cannot be overstated, as it can help newcomers navigate the industry and gain valuable insights. My advice for beginners, especially those who may have dropped out of high school like myself, is to get started, be bold, and ask questions. The developer community is a rich resource for learning and growth, and everyone has something valuable to contribute. As for my sick pick, I would recommend Shiki, the new syntax highlighter that just released version 1. It supports all the languages and plugins you could ever want and is definitely worth checking out.

    • Markdown-it APM: A Flexible and Powerful Markdown ProcessorMarkdown-it APM is a versatile Markdown processor for Atom and other apps, enabling custom elements and features like type hinting for code examples. Despite some challenges with non-standard theme formats, it's a valuable tool for developers working with Markdown content.

      Markdown-it APM, a Markdown processor for Atom and other applications, offers a flexible and powerful solution for rendering Markdown content. Its ability to accept custom elements makes it an excellent choice for developers who want to add features like type hinting to their code examples. The demo on the homepage is convincing, and the potential for customization is impressive. However, there is a challenge for those using non-standard theme formats, such as JSON with comments, which cannot be directly installed and required. The creator of the framework, Corbin, encourages readers to check out his Framework Field Guide and join the Unicorn Utterances community for further learning and support. Overall, Markdown-it APM is a valuable tool for developers working with Markdown content, offering both ease of use and customization options.

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