
    #779 - Andrew Dice Clay & Joey Diaz

    en-usMarch 29, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Unexpected effects of high-potency ediblesHigh-potency edibles can cause unintended effects like extended sleep or paranoia. Prices range, with some costing over $100 per serving. Always exercise caution.

      Edibles, especially high-potency ones, can have unintended and strong effects, leading to extended periods of sleep or other unexpected experiences. For instance, Brownies can cost around 180 for two, with each piece costing around 90. One particular type of edible, called "stars," contains 200 milligrams each. While some people may enjoy the effects, others may find themselves sleeping for extended periods or experiencing paranoia. A notable incident involved the speaker consuming edibles in the form of popcorn, leading him to sleep for nearly 20 hours. The speaker advises caution with edibles and emphasizes the potential risks, especially for those unfamiliar with their effects. Additionally, the legal and social landscape around edibles varies, with some places allowing their sale and consumption while others do not.

    • Creating Authentic ContentStaying true to your creative vision and building a supportive community can lead to a successful content creation career despite external pressures.

      Creating engaging content, even if it's unconventional or done in an unconventional way, can lead to a larger following and more opportunities. The speaker in this conversation shares an anecdote about using Periscope to give advice and build a following, despite potential backlash from networks looking to film a show about his content. He also talks about the importance of staying true to one's creative vision and not letting external pressures deter from that. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of having a supportive community, as seen in the involvement of friends and colleagues in his content creation. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of authenticity and perseverance in building a successful content creation career.

    • Creating Reality TV with No PlanUnscripted events led to compelling content, even without a formal production plan. Capturing moments as they happened resulted in hours of footage for a captivating show.

      The early days of reality TV were chaotic and unscripted, with unexpected events leading to compelling content. Steve Renizese and Mike Black's interaction illustrates this, as they created a reality show without a clear plan, resulting in Mike's reluctance to be thrown down the steps for a stunt. Despite the lack of a formal production, they managed to capture moments like Eleanor's fistfight with Steve Renizese's wife, which added to the show's entertainment value. Renizese's approach to creating content was to just "do what I tell you," capturing moments as they happened, resulting in hours of footage that could be edited into a captivating show.

    • A raw and violent comedy sceneThe comedy scene in the past was known for its raw and sometimes violent nature, leading to incidents that were seen as badges of honor rather than punishments.

      The comedy scene in the past was known for its raw and sometimes violent nature. The speaker shares an experience where he and his children were banned from the comedy store after an incident involving Paulie Shaw and a customer named Joey. The speaker was prepared to defend himself and his children, but instead chose to deescalate the situation to avoid legal consequences. However, the children were banned from the store, and the speaker saw it as a badge of honor rather than a punishment. The older comedians, who were on their way out, disliked the young comedians, leading to occasional conflicts. One comedian, Joey, was known for his violent reactions, which were often met with amusement by the speaker and others. Despite the violence, the speaker found the situation hysterical, reflecting the raw and unapologetic nature of the comedy scene at the time.

    • Managing Intoxicated Patrons in Comedy ClubsMaintain order and respect for performers by handling disruptive drunks, embrace the chaos while setting boundaries, and reflect on the impact of comedy clubs on comedians' careers.

      Managing a comedy club comes with its unique challenges, particularly when dealing with intoxicated patrons. While some drunks can add to the fun, others can disrupt the performance and disrupt the experience for other patrons. The speaker shares his experiences of dealing with belligerent drunks, from throwing them out of the room to having security intervene. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining order and respect for performers, and laments the lack of intervention from management or security when necessary. The speaker also reflects on the impact of comedy clubs on the careers of many comedians, including his own experiences with Russel's puppet and classic Twilight Zone episodes. Ultimately, he encourages embracing the chaos and having fun while maintaining boundaries and respect for all involved.

    • Joe Rogan's friendship influenced interviewee's comedy careerThe interviewee was inspired by Joe Rogan's success and friendship to pursue a career in stand-up comedy and eventually perform in arenas. Building a career beyond initial success is crucial.

      The interviewee's friendship with Joe Rogan played a significant role in inspiring and motivating him to pursue a career in stand-up comedy and eventually perform in arenas. The interviewee recalls seeing Rogan's success and encouraging him to hit the road and expand his career beyond a hit TV show. The interviewee also mentions how influential Rogan was to him growing up and how he admired him as a comedian. The interviewee's admiration for Rogan and their friendship fueled his own aspirations in comedy. Additionally, the interviewee emphasizes the importance of taking advantage of opportunities and building a career beyond initial success.

    • Discussing friendship and infidelity, comedian Bob Saget emphasizes authentic connectionsBob Saget, despite controversy, remains committed to pushing boundaries with his comedy and values authentic friendship over hollow relationships.

      Comedian Bob Saget's career has seen significant ups and downs, with intense backlash following his success. During an interview with a reporter, Saget discussed his theatrical performance style and shared his perspective on friendship and infidelity. Despite the controversy surrounding his material, Saget remains committed to his craft and his goal of affecting people through comedy. He emphasized the importance of authentic friendship and called out hollow relationships, urging people to value genuine connections. Despite the criticism, Saget continues to push boundaries with his comedy, unafraid to tackle taboo subjects and challenge audiences.

    • Double standard in comedy: Acceptable in movies, not on stagePeople have a contradictory response to comedy, accepting exaggerated actions in films but criticizing live performances that push boundaries.

      Comedy, like in movies, can be absurd and ridiculous, yet it's often met with criticism when performed live on stage. According to the speaker, people seem to have a double standard when it comes to comedy, allowing for over-the-top actions in films but getting upset when comedians push boundaries with their material. The speaker also shares his personal preference for absurd and ridiculous comedy, citing examples from his own experiences and impressions. He argues that comedians should be allowed to be characters on stage, separate from their real selves. The speaker reminisces about a comedy show he attended with friends and expresses frustration with those who argue against the absurdity of comedy. He also reflects on his own comedic career, sharing how his act evolved from impressions to self-deprecating humor.

    • Paving the way for future comicsComedian's controversial act, though promoting misogyny and hatred against gays during its time, was just an extreme version of stand-up comedy. Today, with greater acceptance and understanding, the same jokes would not elicit the same response.

      The comedian's controversial act, which was seen as promoting misogyny and hatred against gays during its time, was actually just an extreme version of stand-up comedy. The comedian himself did not hold any hateful intentions towards anyone, and the jokes were meant to be funny. The backlash against the act was significant during a time when societal norms and attitudes towards sexuality and gender identity were different. Today, with greater acceptance and understanding, the same jokes would not elicit the same response. The comedian acknowledges the importance of his role in paving the way for future comics and the overlooked impact of his act on the evolution of comedy.

    • The joy of having sex and finding happinessThe act of having sex brings immense joy and forgetting worldly troubles, even if it means dealing with guilt or playing pranks. Finding joy in life's simple moments, like laughter and intense pleasure, is essential.

      According to the speaker, the act of having sex is a significant moment in life, bringing immense joy and forgetting the world's troubles, even if it means playing pranks or dealing with guilt. Laughter and intense pleasure are the two greatest things, but it's challenging to experience both at once. The speaker shares anecdotes about comic relief and past experiences, emphasizing the importance of finding joy in life's simple moments. Despite past stressors and controversies, such as being under the microscope and rumors of being banned from MTV, the speaker finds happiness in his current relationships and experiences.

    • The power of authenticity and connection in comedyStaying true to oneself and connecting with audiences through authenticity and vulnerability are key to successful comedy performance.

      Comedy, like art, can be subjective and the success of a comedian can hinge on their ability to connect with their audience. The speaker, a comedian, shared his experience of performing in front of large audiences and how he was able to captivate them with his act, despite initial resistance. He discussed how Paul Reiser struggled to engage the MTV audience with his material, while the speaker was able to deliver a memorable performance with a poem and a discussion about his manager. The speaker also highlighted the importance of authenticity and connection in comedy, as evidenced by his relationship with his rock star friends, who were respected and admired both on and off stage. The speaker's success in comedy came from his ability to be true to himself and his craft, and his willingness to push boundaries and take risks to connect with audiences. The speaker's experience underscores the importance of staying true to oneself and the power of authenticity and connection in comedy and in life.

    • Staying true to one's roots and passionsSuccessful artists like Dice Raw, Robin Williams, and Eddie Murphy continued their stand-up careers alongside acting gigs, emphasizing the importance of staying dedicated to one's art and refining one's craft.

      Artist Dice Raw recognizes the value of staying true to one's roots and passions, even when presented with opportunities to explore new avenues. He shares the experiences of other successful artists like Robin Williams and Eddie Murphy, who continued their stand-up careers alongside acting gigs. Dice Raw emphasizes that he has always loved acting, but he found his initial training and daily practice through stand-up comedy. Despite being offered acting roles, he continued to hone his skills on stage until he landed a role in "Crime Story" with esteemed actors like Kevin Spacey and Michael Madsen. Dice Raw's story illustrates the importance of staying dedicated to one's art and continuing to refine one's craft, even when presented with new opportunities.

    • Unexpected opportunities from persistence and creativityStaying open to new experiences and using unique perspectives can lead to unexpected opportunities and meaningful connections.

      Persistence and creativity can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker recounts how he missed out on an audition but was later contacted about a role on a TV show, leading to a successful acting career. He also shares how he used his experiences in a halfway house to inspire his comedy and connect with his audience. Despite dealing with negative thoughts and challenges, he found a way to channel them into something positive. This story highlights the importance of staying open to new experiences and using our unique perspectives to create meaningful connections with others.

    • Artistic Expression and Free SpeechComedian emphasizes importance of free speech and art, comparing it to diverse music genres, sharing impact stories, and aspiring for sustainable career in comedy.

      Everyone should be allowed to express themselves artistically, even if others find it offensive. The speaker, a comedian, emphasizes the importance of free speech and art, comparing it to music genres one might not personally enjoy. He shares stories of respected artists who have attended his shows, highlighting the impact of his work on fans from different generations. The comedian also discusses his experiences with gambling to make ends meet, but stresses that it's not a sustainable solution. Ultimately, he aspires to continue his career in comedy and inspire his sons to pursue their own dreams.

    • From financial struggles to gambling for survivalGambling can be a risky strategy for making money, but for some, it may be a last resort when all other options have been exhausted. Personal responsibility and family values are crucial in managing the risks and rewards.

      Despite facing financial struggles in the past, the speaker found a way to make money through gambling, but only when his back was against the wall and he was willing to accept the risk of losing everything. He emphasized that this strategy is not a recommendation for everyone, but rather a personal one based on his experience and comfort level. The speaker also highlighted the importance of taking care of his family and helping those in need when necessary. He shared stories of his past successes and losses, which ranged from small to large sums of money, and how he learned to manage his losses and celebrate his wins. Overall, the speaker's perspective on gambling was a complex one, acknowledging both the risks and rewards, and emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and family values.

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    The Gaudy's Online Info:

    Web: www.gaudylanguage.com

    Insta: @The_Gaudy

    Twitter: @gaudylanguage

    Email:  Gaudymediaco@gmail.com


    Alex Powers' Online Info:

    Web: www.alexpowerslive.com

    Insta: @alexpowerslive


    Thanks for listening!


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    You can learn more about Bill at: imdb.com Bill Timoney

    If you’d like to contact him for coaching, you can find him on Facebook. Bill Timoney/Facebook

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    On Episode 10 of Will and Bobby Know Everything, we're joined by our good friend Sarah Van Auken, who guides us in a conversation about The Creative Arts.

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    We had a really great time recording this episode, and it's a lot of fun to listen to, so:

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    Thanks guys, I hope you enjoy the show, and see you next week for Episode 11!