
    78. Max Fosh REVEALS Niko London Mayor BEEF, What The Private Investigator REALLY Discovered & How He Went So Viral On TikTok

    enMay 10, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Going Viral on TikTok: A Surprising and Entertaining ExperienceSocial media platforms like TikTok can quickly make content go viral, reaching large audiences, even if the content may be easily forgotten.

      Max Flush, a guest on the Fellas podcast, shared his experience of going viral on TikTok with a unique audio clip. He was surprised by the reach and impact of the sound, which was used in over 50,000 videos, and even inspired the BBC Radio 1 presenters to call him the "grapefruit guy." Max uses TikTok as a shop window for his content, scheduling videos in advance and forgetting about them once they're uploaded. He sees it as a niche platform where content can quickly go viral but may be easily forgotten. Despite this, Max finds the experience of going viral both surprising and entertaining. Overall, the conversation highlights the power and reach of social media platforms like TikTok and the unexpected ways in which content can resonate with audiences.

    • Seizing unexpected opportunities leads to successPersistence, creativity, and taking opportunities can lead to unexpected success in unexpected places

      Persistence and seizing opportunities can lead to unexpected success. Max Fosh started his YouTube career with street interviews during university, not knowing his niche. He then reached out to Zac and Jay, creators of the Zac and Jay show, offering to help film. They came up with a plan to create buzz by pretending to be a new model at London Fashion Week. With only 24 hours and strange outfits, they managed to get noticed by paparazzi and fashion shows, leading to an invitation to a South Korean brand's show. This experience helped Max keep his YouTube presence alive and eventually grow his channel. This story highlights the importance of being persistent, taking opportunities, and thinking creatively to achieve success.

    • Unexpected collaborations can lead to massive growthAn individual went from 1500 to 80,000 YouTube subscribers in a week through a successful collaboration, resulting in over 30 million views and newfound fame in China.

      Sometimes unexpected opportunities can lead to significant growth and fame, even if you initially manage your expectations modestly. This was the case for an individual who went from having 1500 YouTube subscribers to over 80,000 in a week, following a successful collaboration with another channel. The video, which went viral and was later discovered in China, resulted in over 30 million views and the individual's newfound fame in the country. This experience served as a breakthrough moment for the individual, similar to other well-known YouTubers who gained popularity through notable collaborations or events. However, capitalizing on this unexpected success required resources and effort that the individual and their team were unable to sustain. Despite this, the experience demonstrated the potential for significant growth through unexpected opportunities.

    • Unexpected opportunities from perseverance and timingPersevering and waiting for the right moment can lead to unforeseen opportunities. Even when faced with competition, staying true to your goals can ultimately pay off.

      Perseverance and timing can lead to unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared how they were inspired by a YouTube creator they admired, but initially thought it was too much effort to follow in their footsteps. However, when the opportunity arose for them to run for London mayor, they seized it, even when another creator announced they were doing the same thing. Despite initial frustration, the speaker ultimately benefited from the situation as it helped them gain attention and build their own audience. Additionally, the speaker mentioned that due to COVID-19, the requirements to run for mayor were simplified, making it easier for more people to enter the race.

    • Underdog strategy disrupts well-funded opponentLimited resources and no political experience don't hinder an individual from challenging a well-funded opponent with unconventional tactics and leveraging information.

      During a political campaign, an individual with limited resources and no political experience can disrupt and challenge a well-funded opponent by using unconventional tactics and leveraging information. In this specific instance, the speaker, Max Hodge, used his knowledge of his rival, Lawrence Fox, and his team's communication mistakes to gain attention and ultimately sway public opinion against Fox. Hodge's actions, such as wrapping his car with a campaign message and attending events where Fox was expected to be, created a nuisance that Fox and his team struggled to ignore. Additionally, Hodge was able to intercept Fox's campaign ads and receive the revenue, further amplifying his presence. This underdog strategy proved effective, demonstrating that creativity and persistence can lead to significant impact in the political landscape.

    • Money can't buy political success in liberal citiesWealthy candidates with extreme views and a lack of political experience may struggle to win elections in liberal cities, emphasizing the importance of understanding community values and needs.

      Money alone does not guarantee success in political elections, especially in cities with strong liberal leanings. The anecdote shared involves a wealthy individual named Lawrence, who ran for London mayor despite having no political experience and a far-right agenda. The city's political climate was not favorable to his views, and he ultimately finished around 6th or 7th place out of 20 candidates. The speaker, who had advised against Lawrence's mayoral bid, noted that if he were serious about making a difference, he should have targeted a rural area or run for a lower-level position instead. Ultimately, the outcome served as a reminder that genuine understanding of a community's values and needs is essential for political success.

    • US YouTube market larger and more lucrativeUS market's higher ad investments enable better content and revenue for YouTubers. Effective thumbnail design and long-form content key to gaining viewership. Consider shifting ad dollars from traditional TV to UK YouTubers to help them compete.

      The US YouTube market is significantly larger and more lucrative than the UK market due to higher advertising investments. This enables US YouTubers to produce higher quality content and earn more revenue. The speaker also mentioned the importance of effective thumbnail design and long-form content in gaining viewership. He acknowledged the influence of YouTubers like Nico Sage and Ryan Trahan, who have mastered these elements. The speaker also suggested that UK viewers should shift their advertising dollars away from traditional TV providers like Sky and BT, and instead support UK YouTubers to help them compete on a larger scale. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains optimistic about the future of UK YouTube and encourages creators to adapt to a US audience when necessary.

    • Understanding cultural differences in YouTube contentSuccess on YouTube depends on catering to specific audience preferences and cultural nuances in different regions.

      The opening of YouTube videos in the US often includes high-energy greetings and introductions that capture viewers' attention, while in the UK, people tend to be less responsive to such antics on the street unless they are intoxicated. Additionally, American audiences are more likely to engage with simple, geography-based content, potentially leading to viral videos. The speaker shared an experience of attending the Adult Video News (AVN) convention in Las Vegas, which had an odd atmosphere and a strong focus on fan interactions. The success of these videos and interactions can be attributed to the audience's familiarity and engagement with the content. However, the speaker's attempt to create similar content in the UK failed due to the lack of interest from the crowd. Overall, understanding the cultural differences and audience preferences in different regions is crucial for creating engaging and successful YouTube content.

    • Encountering the Industry's Focus on NumbersThe entertainment industry prioritizes metrics and social status over genuine connection and talent, leading to uncomfortable experiences and unexpected challenges.

      The entertainment industry, even in its less traditional forms like YouTube and porn, can be driven by superficial metrics and materialistic expectations. At a convention, the speaker encountered Vitaly, a former porn performer turned producer, who asked for the speaker's subscriber count before agreeing to an interview. This experience highlighted the industry's focus on numbers and social status, rather than genuine connection or talent. The speaker felt uncomfortable during the interview, with Vitaly's erratic behavior and drug use adding to the discomfort. The incident serves as a reminder that success in creative fields can come with unexpected challenges and demands. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of starting a religious podcast, showcasing the speakers' light-hearted and humorous approach to exploring deeper topics.

    • Revitalizing a YouTube channel: Authenticity and consistent content matterAuthenticity and consistent content are essential for building and maintaining a YouTube audience. While drastic changes can help, they're not always necessary. Collaboration with other creators can lead to new opportunities, but focus on creating engaging content that resonates with your audience.

      While drastic changes like beard transplants or shaving one's head can help revitalize a struggling YouTube channel, they may not be necessary. Authenticity and consistent content are key. The conversation also touched upon the benefits of collaborating with other creators, but it may not always be feasible depending on the format of one's content. An interesting anecdote shared was how shaving one's head and changing the channel title can give a fresh start. However, it's essential to remember that authenticity and consistency are crucial for building and maintaining an audience. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the importance of collaboration and how it can lead to new opportunities and experiences. But ultimately, it's essential to focus on creating engaging content that resonates with one's audience.

    • Unexpected financial gains from a missed partyHiring a private investigator to follow a suspected no-show led to personal info gain, emphasizing the importance of strong password security.

      Inviting someone to a party who you suspect won't attend can lead to unexpected financial gains, as demonstrated in a creative and expensive experiment involving hiring a private investigator to follow the person around. The investigator was able to gather personal information, including passwords, without the person's knowledge. This highlights the importance of strong password security and the ease with which hackers can obtain passwords through data leaks or other means. The overall outcome was a successful prank and a valuable lesson learned.

    • Effectively managing multiple passwords with a password managerUsing a password manager like Dashlane ensures secure storage and easy access to multiple passwords, but it's crucial to secure the password manager account itself.

      Using a password manager like Dashlane is an effective way to manage multiple passwords securely. Password managers keep all your passwords in one place and offer recovery methods in case you lose access. However, it's essential to ensure the security of your password manager account. The speaker, Maxwell, recommends Dashlane and has had positive experiences with it. He also shared a creative story of how he came up with the idea for a video on breaking into a security convention. The process was surprisingly easy, and he even managed to get the head security guard to introduce him in the video. Maxwell also mentioned that he has had instances where he had to cut out parts of videos due to their controversial nature, especially when it came to interviewing people on the streets. Overall, the discussion revolved around the importance of password security and the creative process behind producing engaging content.

    • YouTube removes video due to privacy concernsBe cautious about including individuals in your content without their consent to avoid potential removal by YouTube

      Privacy concerns on YouTube can lead to videos being taken down, even if they don't explicitly name or focus on the person making the complaint. This was evident in a situation where a man in a video, who didn't want to be seen, claimed it was a violation of his privacy. The video, which was gaining significant views, was taken down, causing frustration for the content creator. Even though the man in question was only in the video for a brief moment and there was no emphasis on him, YouTube still decided to remove it due to the privacy complaint. This incident highlights the importance of being aware of privacy concerns and the potential consequences of having individuals in your content without their consent.

    • KSI reflects on diss tracks with Simple SimonKSI chose not to create a diss track against a young instigator due to ethical concerns and lack of musical talent.

      The discussion revolves around the history of diss tracks between YouTubers KSI and Simple Simon. KSI explains that he didn't create a diss track response due to the age of the instigator, who was around 7 years old at the time. He expresses uncertainty about targeting a young child and questions whether there was a winning situation. The conversation also touches on KSI's music abilities and the involvement of producers in creating diss tracks. KSI shares that he was tempted but ultimately decided against it due to his lack of musical talent. The discussion ends with a reflection on the popularity and longevity of the oldest diss tracks, with KSI expressing amusement at the fact that these videos continue to receive high viewership.

    • YouTube Success: Collaboration, Analytics, and AlgorithmsCollaborate with other creators, focus on analytics, improve thumbnail and title, understand YouTube's algorithms, and be consistent with content for YouTube success. Seek advice from experts like Paddy Galloway who have achieved success themselves.

      There's a significant art to creating successful content on YouTube, and you can make a living from it with the right skills and strategies. The conversation between two content creators revealed that they have found success through collaboration with other creators, focusing on analytics, and improving their thumbnail and title game. They also discussed the importance of understanding YouTube's algorithms and being consistent with content. Additionally, they mentioned that there are many consultants and experts emerging in the field, but it's essential to find those who have actually achieved success themselves. An example given was Paddy Galloway, who is considered a pioneer in the field. Overall, the conversation emphasized that YouTube success is largely driven by skill and dedication rather than luck.

    • Live streaming innovations: Monetizing extended streams and engaging audiencesStreamers monetize extended streams through donations and reactions, inspired by Asian culture, while maintaining viewer interaction and generating income.

      Live streaming has evolved into unique and innovative ways to engage audiences and generate income. For instance, some streamers keep their channels live for extended periods, even while sleeping, with donations triggering various reactions. This practice, inspired by Asian culture, is a clever way to maintain viewer interaction and monetize the stream. Streamers like Andrew Tate, who have amassed significant followings, are known for their entrepreneurial spirit and controversial personas. Despite rumors of wrongdoing, some allegations against him have been debunked. Ultimately, the live streaming landscape continues to push boundaries, offering new opportunities for creators and viewers alike.

    • Andrew Tate's Hustlers University: £40 Mentorship ProgramBe wary of expensive mentorship programs, especially those with questionable business practices and potential pyramid scheme structures. Always do thorough research before making financial commitments.

      Andrew Tate, a millionaire and kickboxing champion, has a new program called Hustlers University which promises to mentor individuals for a £40 fee. The program has gained popularity through reaction videos on TikTok, with some individuals attending in suits. However, there are criticisms that the program may be a pyramid scheme. Tate, who calls himself a decimillionaire, has been seen in videos driving expensive cars and living a luxurious lifestyle, but there are also allegations that he has engaged in questionable business practices. Despite these criticisms, some individuals continue to sign up for the program, and Tate has a large following on social media. It's important to approach such opportunities with caution and do thorough research before making any financial commitments.

    • Unexpected attention for a known TikTok scammer and Dubai influencers' unusual practicesA known scammer on TikTok received unexpected donations, revealing his past, while Dubai influencers were found involved in paying for services like being shat on, showcasing the extreme lengths some influencers go for money and fame.

      The internet can uncover shocking and unexpected information, even in the realm of social media influencers. In the discussion, a known scammer on TikTok received unexpected attention and donations, leading to revelations about his past. Meanwhile, a separate topic emerged about Dubai influencers and their involvement in unusual practices. A video of an Instagram model being paid to be shat on surfaced, sparking curiosity and disgust. The cost for such a service ranges from $8,000 to $40,000. While some may find this fascinating, others are appalled. The conversation highlights the lengths people will go to for money and fame, and the darker side of social media influencer culture.

    • The Mandela Effect: Challenging Our Understanding of Memory and PerceptionOur memories and perceptions can sometimes be incorrect, leading to phenomena like the Mandela Effect, where widespread misconceptions exist despite evidence to the contrary. It's important to approach such phenomena critically and be open to the possibility that our beliefs may not align with objective reality.

      Our memories and perceptions of certain facts can sometimes be incorrect, leading to phenomena known as the Mandela Effect. This was discussed in detail during the conversation, with examples given such as the misremembered line in "We Are the Champions" and the monocle on the Monopoly man. Despite popular belief, the Monopoly man does not wear a monocle, but rather a top hat. Similarly, the line "We are the champions, my friend" was not originally part of the song. These misconceptions, although widespread, are not based on reality. The Mandela Effect is a fascinating phenomenon that challenges our understanding of memory and perception. It serves as a reminder that our memories can be fallible and that we should be open to the possibility that our beliefs may not align with objective reality. This is not to say that these misconceptions are intentionally deceitful, but rather a testament to the power of collective memory and the human tendency to remember things in ways that align with our beliefs or experiences. It's important to approach such phenomena with a critical and open-minded perspective, and to be willing to challenge our own beliefs when presented with evidence to the contrary.

    • Misconceptions in Pop Culture: Pikachu's Tail and C-3PO's LegsPop culture icons can lead to 'Mandela effects' where fans remember details differently from reality, such as Pikachu's black-tipped tail or C-3PO's golden legs. These misconceptions can spark debates and remind us to fact-check.

      Our discussion uncovered various misconceptions or "Mandela effects" related to pop culture icons, such as Pikachu's black-tipped tail and C-3PO's golden legs. These misconceptions often stem from fans' memories being different from the actual facts. For instance, Pikachu's tail has a brown base, not a black tip, and C-3PO has a silver leg. Another example is the Star Wars quote "Luke, I am your father," which is often misremembered as "No, Luke, I am your father," despite the original line not containing the word "Luke." These misconceptions can lead to interesting debates and discussions, showcasing the power of collective memory and the importance of fact-checking.

    • Supporting content creators keeps the industry aliveEncourage creators by subscribing, following, and sharing their work to keep their financial sustainability and creativity thriving

      Importance of promoting and engaging with content creators, especially those who put their work out there in a raw and authentic way. Max Bosch, also known as the "Banana Male," was a guest on the podcast "The Fellas," and his unique personality and content were highlighted throughout the episode. The hosts encouraged listeners to subscribe to their podcast, follow Max on social media, and check out his other work. They jokingly mentioned "making sure the lights stay on and keeping their money up," emphasizing the value of supporting content creators financially. This discussion serves as a reminder that the entertainment industry thrives on the creativity and dedication of individuals, and by subscribing, following, and sharing their work, we can help keep it alive.

    Recent Episodes from The Fellas

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    187. The Lost Technology that Built the Pyramids & Why McDonalds Is SECRETLY Healthy...

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    The boys dig deep on some Pyramid conspiracy theories this week, addressing history's biggest questions about the Pyramids. Freezy also reveals a new rather controversial opinion (shock) on why McDonalds is actually healthy?!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

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    The Fellas
    enJuly 02, 2024

    186. Theo Baker On Cursing Usain Bolt & Miniminter's Awkward Encounter...

    186. Theo Baker On Cursing Usain Bolt & Miniminter's Awkward Encounter...

    SOAPBOX RACE PART 1: https://fellasloaded.com/video/b88f1b22-88eb-4b6b-a571-78026a1d566b

    He's back again fgs. We've given you some time off but the main man Theodore is back again to discuss all his latest injuries and whatever else is going on in his life. Decent podcast tbf to the bloke.If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    WATCH BACK SIDE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVIx71-0Gm4

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

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    The Fellas
    enJune 25, 2024

    185. We Scammed KSI Live & Calling Out NIKO Omilana!

    185. We Scammed KSI Live & Calling Out NIKO Omilana!

    BECOME A FELLAS LOADED MEMBER TO WIN £5,000: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Right, we got JJ absolutely hook, line and sinker this week. You may have seen the viral Mas+ drink produced by Lionel Messi? Well we rang up JJ convincing him that we've been made an offer... We also discuss Kai Cenat's viral live stream with Kevin Hart & Drewski, Logan's fight with Bradly Martyn & who we're voting for in the general election.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enJune 18, 2024

    184. Behzinga Talks Sidemen INSIDE Success & We Decide Season 2 Cast!

    184. Behzinga Talks Sidemen INSIDE Success & We Decide Season 2 Cast!

    CHIP GOES HOME: https://fellasloaded.com/video/818b412e-9526-4dad-a145-647835ada376

    Ethan is here to discuss all things INSIDE! The Sidemen's brand new reality show finished on Sunday and what a week it was. Ethan discusses house secrets, underrated contestants & everything they'll change for next year!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enJune 11, 2024

    183. We Finally Got Fellas TATTOOS & Calfreezy’s Mum Reacts LIVE on FaceTime…

    183. We Finally Got Fellas TATTOOS & Calfreezy’s Mum Reacts LIVE on FaceTime…

    It's our first ever live podcast so Proddy has organised one of the biggest surprises in Fellas history... Some of you may remember about a bet the boys made all the way back in episode 9 of season one, well it's finally time to honour it! Will they do it? Only time will tell!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

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    The Fellas
    enJune 04, 2024

    182. Logan Paul vs George Janko BEEF Explained, PRIME Try Sponsoring Us & Four Season Baby Is A FRAUD!

    182. Logan Paul vs George Janko BEEF Explained, PRIME Try Sponsoring Us & Four Season Baby Is A FRAUD!

    NEW MURDER MYSTERY VIDEO: https://fellasloaded.com/video/4f6e2cde-9795-4184-ad66-6e0f7bee1e2f

    Fresh off Chip's debut half-marathon, Cal & Chip are back with a solo episode! This week the Four Seasons baby has really rattled us... Chip doesn't seem to be too impressed with the air time she's received. We discuss the ongoing beef between George Janko & Logan Paul & what is the really definition of "man smell"?!

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enMay 28, 2024

    181. Joe Sugg On Why UK Vloggers QUIT YouTube, LA Trip With Joe Weller & Zoella & Alfie’s Relationship!

    181. Joe Sugg On Why UK Vloggers QUIT YouTube, LA Trip With Joe Weller & Zoella & Alfie’s Relationship!

    UK YouTube legend and Fellas superfan, Joe Sugg, joined us this week. The boys go back a long way (everyone remembers that iconic LA trip!). They discussed why the UK YouTube group with Alfie, Marcus, and co. ended, how much money they were really making, and we finally get to the bottom of the Calfreezy cursed image.

    Joe Sugg: https://www.instagram.com/joe_sugg/?hl=en-gb

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

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    The Fellas
    enMay 21, 2024

    180. Deji On His Gambling Addiction, £1M Bet With KSI & What Really Happened In Vegas…

    180. Deji On His Gambling Addiction, £1M Bet With KSI & What Really Happened In Vegas…

    I cannot believe this is the first time we’ve ever had ComedyShortsGamer on this critically acclaimed podcast… Deji joins us to discuss the recent Vegas trip with the Troops, why he finally moved out of his family home & opens up about his gambling addiction.

    DEJI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrqsNpKuDQZreGaxBL_a5Jg

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    The Fellas
    enMay 14, 2024

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    179. Hardest Geezer on Being Robbed In Africa & Finish Line Disaster...

    BETTERHELP | Go to https://betterhelp.com/fellas for 10% off your first month #ad

    Russ Cook AKA Hardest Geezer joins us in The Fellas studio for the FINAL podcast since he run the length of Africa. From being kidnapped in Congo to taking shifts in the van to have a tug… This podcast really had absolutely everything. Big thank you to Russ for stopping by, a true legend.

    Hardest Geezer: https://www.youtube.com/@UCKyGSGxBLHvOZt002P9ZK4w

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

    178. KSI Reveals His AWFUL Forfeit & Real Baby Reindeer Stalker FOUND…

    BULLYBILLOWS | https://bit.ly/BBXFELLAS Use the code ‘FELLAS’ to get 10% off collars, harness and leads #ad

    HELLO FRESH | Get 60% your first box + 25% off the next 8 boxes + free dessert for life at http://www.hellofresh.co.uk/HELLOFELLAS

    Finally… Our dogs join us on set for a podcast and it’s quite possibly the most chaotic thing you’ll watch all year. Alphonso, Finn & Lola join The Fellas for a solo ep this week. Let’s just say, we know where Alphonso gets it from.

    If you'd like to work with us, email the studio on workwithfellas@fellasstudios.com

    Join Fellas Loaded: https://fellasloaded.com/explore/

    Watch The Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@thefellaspodclips

    Listen on Spotify: https://shorturl.at/xBCPU

    Listen on Apple Podcasts: https://shorturl.at/opIU0

    Join the Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/FellasPodcast

    Follow us on Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/thefellasinsta

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    The Power of Perspective in Unveiling the Meaning Behind Back-End Work for a Scrum Team | Rohit Ratan Mani

    Rohit Ratan Mani: The Power of Perspective in Unveiling the Meaning Behind Back-End Work for a Scrum Team

    Read the full Show Notes and search through the world’s largest audio library on Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: http://bit.ly/SMTP_ShowNotes.

    Rohit discusses his experience as a Scrum Master working with a back-end team suffering from high attrition rates. He realizes that the team members feel undervalued and that the monotonous work is affecting their motivation. To address this, he arranged a workshop with the team and leaders, where the team gained new insights into their importance to the organization. The workshop helped the team see the bigger picture and meaning behind their work, revitalizing their motivation. The key takeaway is the significance of creating opportunities for teams to understand their value and fostering open communication to prevent attrition.

    Featured Book of the Week: The Five Dysfunctions Of A Team by Lencioni

    Rohit discusses "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Lencioni, which provides valuable insights into team dynamics. The book helped him understand the hidden dynamics within teams and enabled him to observe and analyze their functioning. It particularly highlighted the significance of trust and conflict in team success. Rohit emphasizes the need for adaptability when working with different teams, as each team is unique and requires a tailored approach. Overall, the book enhanced his understanding of how teams work together and his role within them, emphasizing the importance of trust and conflict resolution.


    [IMAGE HERE] Do you wish you had decades of experience? Learn from the Best Scrum Masters In The World, Today! The Tips from the Trenches - Scrum Master edition audiobook includes hours of audio interviews with SM’s that have decades of experience: from Mike Cohn to Linda Rising, Christopher Avery, and many more. Super-experienced Scrum Masters share their hard-earned lessons with you. Learn those today, make your teams awesome!  


    About Rohit Ratan Mani

    Rohit is an Enterprise Agile Coach, helping Leaders, individuals and teams to develop a growth mindset to be top achievers in their respective work area and  in personal life.

    You can link with Rohit Ratan Mani on LinkedIn and connect with Rohit Ratan Mani on Twitter.

    Ask The Nonproft Expert - Segment #4

    Ask The Nonproft Expert - Segment #4

    Q. What is the best way for a nonprofit to create partnerships?

    Listen as Kamila Brown-Washington shares her expertise.

    Kamila has built a multi-million dollar profitable charitable agency and has helped over 3000 clients learn to put strategic systems and processes in place to become a profitable business.

    Kimberly is in the process of transforming her agency and will also build a multi-million dollar profitable agency and she wants other nonprofit leaders to do the same.
    Website: KamilaBrownWashington.com

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    Casey Mank shows how to make your writing more effective by making it simpler.  

    — YOU’LL LEARN — 

    1) Why writing matters tremendously—even when you’re not a writer 

    2) How to make your writing more powerful in three steps 

    3) Why people aren’t reading what you write—and how to fix that 

    Subscribe or visit AwesomeAtYourJob.com/ep829 for clickable versions of the links below. 

    — ABOUT CASEY — 

    Casey has taught in writing classrooms for over 10 years, most recently at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and School of Nursing and Health Studies. She has taught writing to professionals at organizations including Kellogg’s, MasterCard, Sephora, the Aspen Institute, Viacom Media, the EPA Office of the Inspector General, the PR Society of America, the National Association of Government Communicators, and many more. Casey serves on the board of directors at the nonprofit Center for Plain Language and is proud to have helped thousands of writers get to the point and reach their audiences with greater impact. 

    • Email: casey@boldtype.us  

    • LinkedIn: Casey Mank 

    • Website: BoldType.us 


    • Tool: WebFx.com 

    • Tool: Hemingway 

    • Tool: Difficult & Extraneous Word Finder

    • Tool: Grammarly 

    • Study: "How Little Do Users Read?" by Jakob Nielsen 

    • Study: "The Impact of Tone of Voice on Users' Brand Perception" by Kate Morgan

    • Website: PlainLanguage.gov

    • Book: "Letting Go of the Words: Writing Web Content that Works (Interactive Technologies)" by Janice Redish 

    • Book: "Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die" by Chip Heath and Dan Heath 

    • Book: "Brief: Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less" by Joe McCormack

    • Book: "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk, Jr., E.B. White, Test Editor, and Roger Angell      

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