
    78 The Ultimate Guide to Book Marketing (and Selling Thousands of Books Yourself) with Tucker Max

    enJuly 31, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Expert Advice on Book Marketing from Tucker MaxLearn proven marketing strategies from a three-time New York Times best-selling author to successfully promote and sell your own book

      Tucker Max, a three-time New York Times best-selling author, shares his expertise on creating a successful book marketing campaign in his newest book, "Create a Best Seller by Yourself." Max, who has sold millions of copies of books through effective marketing strategies, reveals key principles for authors looking to market and sell their own books. With insights from his team and experiences from dozens of successful campaigns, this guide provides valuable information for anyone aiming to become a bestseller. Max, who has been less active in podcasts until recently, is now also hosting his own podcast, "The Made in Grounds." Overall, Max's success and expertise in book marketing make him an invaluable resource for authors seeking to make their mark in the literary world.

    • Marketing a book: Reach a broad audienceTo increase chances of book success, focus on valuable insights, clear explanations, and actionable advice for a broad audience.

      Marketing a book, whether self-published or through a major publisher, requires a focus on providing value to a large audience. According to the speaker, there are over 400,000 books published each year, but only a small fraction make it onto the New York Times bestseller list. To increase your chances of success, it's essential to identify a topic that resonates with a significant number of people. The quality of the writing is important, but the value of the information it contains is paramount. Many authors make the mistake of writing about their own interests without considering the needs and interests of their potential readers. Instead, authors should strive to create a book that offers valuable insights, clear explanations, and actionable advice. In essence, the key to book marketing is to produce a work that speaks to the needs and desires of a broad audience.

    • Researching Market Demand for Your BookExplore online platforms to assess market demand, offer a unique perspective, and cater to specific niches within a topic to stand out.

      Before writing a book, it's crucial to determine if there's an existing market for it. This can be done through online research on platforms like Amazon, blogs, social media, and other relevant websites. The presence of multiple books on a particular topic doesn't necessarily mean there's no room for your book, but it does indicate demand. To stand out, consider offering a unique perspective or catering to a specific niche within the topic. Even in crowded fields, there's often space for innovative and well-executed ideas. For instance, Eckhart Tolle took the complex subject of Buddhism and simplified it for a wider audience, leading to immense success. So, before embarking on your writing journey, ensure there's an interested audience for your book.

    • Repackaging complex ideas for wider accessibilityEffectively simplifying and marketing complex ideas can lead to financial success and helping people understand concepts they might not have the confidence to explore on their own.

      Simplifying complex ideas and making them accessible to a wider audience can lead to success and helping people. Eckhart Tolle, for instance, took Buddhism and made it understandable for the average person, which was a valuable service. Similarly, Tim Ferriss created the concept of lifestyle design by combining ideas from various sources. The ability to repackage and market complex ideas effectively can lead to financial success and helping people who might not have the confidence to create original content. While it's important to acknowledge the value of original ideas, there's also merit in curating and simplifying existing knowledge. Additionally, the speakers, Ryan and [Name], brought various marketing strategies to book marketing, combining them to offer a unique service to their clients.

    • Simplify solutions for people's problems through informationIdentify what people want, create a professional self-published book, focus on content, and provide easy-to-achieve results.

      Providing simplified solutions to people's problems through information can lead to wealth and making a positive impact on their lives. The key is to identify what people want and provide an informational structure that helps them achieve their desired results easily and quickly. Self-publishing has become a viable option for authors, and the focus should be on creating a professional book with a great cover, a compelling book description, and social proof. The content is crucial, and authors should start there. Traditional publishing may still offer credibility, but it's no longer a requirement for success. Instead, authors should assume they will self-publish unless their goal is to hit the New York Times bestseller list, which requires bookstore sales and a publisher's help.

    • The publishing industry's focus on culture over sales is contributing to its declinePublishing houses prioritize cultural responsibility over sales, leading to losses and a decline in the industry. Authors can consider self-publishing or building their own platforms to succeed.

      The traditional book publishing industry is facing significant challenges due to its focus on cultural responsibility over sales, which is leading to its decline. Amazon, on the other hand, is thriving by prioritizing sales and customer satisfaction. Self-publishing through platforms like Ingram is an alternative for authors, but it's unlikely that mainstream publishing houses will give book deals without a significant author platform. Publishers are still in business due to their backlist of classic titles and their desire to acquire the next big hit to stay relevant in the industry. However, most publishers lose money on acquisitions year over year. For example, Lena Dunham's upcoming book is an illustration of the industry's focus on acquiring the next big thing. Overall, the publishing industry's focus on culture over sales is contributing to its decline, and authors are increasingly turning to self-publishing and building their own platforms to succeed.

    • Publishing industry's emotional decisionsDespite financial uncertainty, publishing houses prioritize deals that boost their status, relying on media coverage to justify purchases.

      The publishing industry makes emotional decisions based on what will make their bosses happy and keep them employed, rather than what makes financial sense. This was illustrated in the discussion about Lena Dunham's book deal, where she received a large advance despite low expected sales due to the status it brought to the publishing house. The industry also relies on the media chain to generate coverage and justify purchases, even if the books don't sell well. The future of physical bookstores is uncertain, with Amazon potentially buying Barnes and Noble to avoid sales tax issues, but books themselves are not going away as more people turn to them for their affordability, ease, and improved quality.

    • The Power Shift in PublishingWith the internet, self-publishing has become a viable option for writers. Talent, hard work, hustle, and skill development are crucial for success. The process of writing a book has changed, with a focus on the value of the idea and effective communication.

      The publishing industry has undergone a significant shift due to the internet. Before the internet, traditional publishers held the power to decide what books would be published. However, now anyone can publish their work online, and the good content rises to the top. This is evident in the success stories of self-published authors like 50 Shades of Grey and Hugh Howey. While talent and hard work are essential, hustle and skill development are equally important for success. For those who don't want to get published traditionally, the process of writing a book has changed. Instead of spending hours writing, one can start with their idea, outline it, and use technology to create a book through interviews and transcriptions. The focus should be on the value of the idea and the ability to communicate it effectively.

    • Cost-effective book writing approach: 'Book in a Box'Non-fiction authors can create high-quality books by outlining ideas, recording speech, transcribing, editing, and designing with 'Book in a Box' service, saving time and money compared to traditional ghostwriting.

      Writing a book doesn't necessarily require a lengthy and expensive ghostwriting process. Instead, a more cost-effective and efficient approach is to help the author outline their ideas, record their speech, transcribe and edit the content, and design the final product. This method, known as "Book in a Box," was discussed by the speaker and can be found on their newly launched website. For those interested, the speaker offered to help Lewis (or his listeners) try out this service and potentially offer a discount. This method is ideal for non-fiction authors looking to establish authority or sell their skills or knowledge, and it can result in a high-quality product at a fraction of the cost of ghostwriting.

    • Affordable book publishing solution from Book in a BoxSave thousands with Book in a Box's publishing services, build an audience, and execute a marketing strategy for a successful book launch

      Book in a Box offers a cost-effective solution for publishing a professional book, with services including consultation, editing, and cover design, for as little as $6,000 to $10,000. This is a significant savings compared to traditional publishing methods, which can cost upwards of $15,000 or more. Additionally, the execution and marketing of a book are crucial for its success. Before launching a book, authors should consider creating content related to their book topic and building an audience through guest posting and social media. They may also want to begin the process three months in advance by hiring a team and setting up a marketing strategy. Overall, the marketing tactics for a book are similar to content marketing, focusing on identifying what people care about and leveraging that to gain attention for the book.

    • Maximizing book visibility through content creation and sharingCreating valuable content and sharing it with the right audience can significantly boost book sales. Identify angles that resonate with media outlets and provide value to benefit them.

      Creating valuable content outside of your book and sharing it with the right audience can significantly boost your book's visibility and sales. This can be achieved by turning blog posts into evergreen content, partnering with curators or respected voices in your niche, and effectively pitching your book to media outlets. It's essential to identify the angles that resonate with specific media outlets and present your material in a way that benefits them rather than just focusing on promoting your book. By doing all the legwork and providing value, you increase the likelihood of getting coverage and reaching a larger audience.

    • Offer value to reporters to increase chances of media coverageProvide a well-framed story, supporting materials, and align with the reporter's audience to increase chances of getting covered

      When trying to get media coverage for a book, it's essential to provide value to the reporter and make their job easier. Instead of just sending an email about your book and yourself, offer them a well-framed story that aligns with their audience and makes them look good. Provide an excerpt, a slideshow, or other supporting materials. This approach increases the likelihood of getting covered and can lead to significant views and recognition for both the reporter and the author. The book "The Book in a Box Method" was written with this approach in mind, providing instructions and examples for those with limited budgets but ample time to market their books effectively themselves. The authors wrote the book out of frustration with marketing experts who had never successfully marketed a book before and charged high fees for their services.

    • Targeting niche audiences for book marketingFocusing on specific bloggers and niche audiences for book promotion can lead to significant sales. Identify influential bloggers in your book's genre and engage with them to reach potential readers.

      Focusing on niche audiences is crucial for successful book marketing. This was discussed in detail during a conversation about the "Book in a Box" format, where it was revealed that the greatest return on investment comes from targeting blogs that cater specifically to your book's audience. For instance, if your book is about self-improvement, reaching out to influential bloggers in that niche, like Tim Ferriss, can lead to significant sales. This strategy doesn't necessarily require the biggest names, but rather, the right fit for your book's audience. Another successful example is Ryan Holiday's "Obstacle is the Way," which saw a significant boost in sales when Tim Ferriss featured it on his blog and audiobook platform. These niche audiences can provide a substantial impact on book sales, making them an essential focus for authors.

    • Identify audience and key ideas before writing a bookEffectively market book ideas to niche audiences and broaden reach through title, cover, and structure decisions, even with limited budgets.

      Before writing a book, it's crucial to identify the specific audience and the one or two key ideas. These ideas should be effectively marketed through various platforms, starting with niche audiences and then broadening the reach. The marketing plan, including title, cover, and structure, should be established before writing the book. These decisions are essential even for those with limited budgets. Ultimately, having a clear marketing strategy increases the chances of reaching the intended audience and making sales. Additionally, the speaker transitioned from writing books to focusing on book marketing and personal life changes, which seemed to be a personal decision rather than a strategic one.

    • Writing and marketing a bestselling bookIdentify target audience, build pre-launch list, use social media, offer bonuses, and consider using Tucker's new service for support and guidance.

      Writing and marketing a bestselling book is a challenging process, but with the right strategies and resources, authors can optimize their experience and maximize book sales. Tucker shared valuable insights on this topic during his interview on the School of Greatness podcast. He emphasized the importance of having a clear target audience, building a pre-launch list, utilizing social media, and offering bonuses to incentivize sales. For those looking to write and sell their own book, Tucker also announced a new service to help support and guide them through the process. Be sure to check out the show notes at LewisHouse.com/seveneight for more information and links to Tucker's book and services. Remember to share this episode with your network and subscribe to the podcast to stay updated on Tucker's upcoming intimate interview. So go out there and do something great by taking action on your book writing and marketing goals.

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    This week’s guest, Philipp Schoeffmann, joins us to explain how to build on those basics to turbocharge your marketing.

    Philipp is a 20-year marketing veteran. He has not only lit up the stage as the charismatic host of the Affiliate Worlds conferences, but he is also the pioneer behind Reals, a service that repurposes your existing video content into engaging clips that boost your brand’s authority.

    Philipp sits down with Greg to explain why marketers need to avoid shiny object syndrome and instead focus on the core ingredients of marketing mastery.  

    Before you can expect to successfully market to your audience, you need to understand what drives them. What makes them tick? What keeps them up at night?

    Armed with this knowledge, you can create attractive offers and impactful content that really resonates with consumers and keeps them coming back for more.

    The good news is that creating powerful content doesn’t have to be a grueling process. With the right structure in place and a little help from AI, creating high-quality content at scale is easy as pie. 

    Another way to save time and money on content creation is to lean into the power of user-generated content. According to Philipp,

    “User-generated content is definitely the way to go. In general, you can expect your traffic to be maybe a fourth in terms of cost. CPMs are a lot lower. Engagement rates are four or five times higher. And you just build up a lot of trust. So user-generated content gets you better buyers at a cheaper cost.”

    If your marketing feels tired and lackluster, listen in to Philipp’s top-notch advice on how to create content that really packs a punch!

    As an added bonus, Phillip is offering our podcast listeners a 20% discount on his Reals service. Head over to the Reals website (linked below) to learn more!

    Topics Discussed in This Episode:

    • Phillip walks us through his 20-year journey in online business (04:22) 
    • How the marketing industry has changed over the last 20 years (09:30)
    • How to create value in your marketing (12:59)
    • Why content is still king in 2023 (19:30)
    • How to structure your content so that it is not a time killer (26:29)
    • The anatomy of what makes a good short video (36:18)
    • How brands can encourage the creation of user-generated content(49:27)
    • How Phillipp uses AI to create content (53:33)


    Sit back, grab a coffee, and learn the secret to mastering content marketing in 2023 and beyond!

    EP 437 Virtual Dinners & Celebrity Endorsements: Unconventional Guide to Digital Marketing for Small Local Businesses

    EP 437 Virtual Dinners & Celebrity Endorsements: Unconventional Guide to Digital Marketing for Small Local Businesses

    Revolutionize Local Business Marketing: Virtual Dinner Parties and Celebrity Endorsements

    In this game-changing episode of the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast, we're tearing down the walls of traditional local business marketing. We introduce revolutionary strategies that can take any local business from hometown hero to global sensation.


    Why Local Businesses Need Digital Marketing

    The episode kicks off by challenging the traditional notion of "local" in business. We argue that in the age of digital marketing, being local is a mindset, not a market. If you're not online, you're invisible.


    Virtual Dinner Parties: The New Frontier

    We dive deep into the concept of Virtual Dinner Parties, a disruptive marketing strategy that transcends geographical boundaries. These aren't your average Zoom calls; they're highly engaging events that can attract customers from different states, countries, or even continents.


    Maximize Impact with Celebrity Endorsements

    The episode also explores the untapped potential of celebrity endorsements in local business marketing. We discuss how even small businesses can leverage the power and reach of celebrities to gain instant credibility and a broader audience.


    How Parents Can Help Local Businesses

    Lastly, we address parents who want to make a difference in their local business community. We outline how they can offer Virtual Dinner Parties and celebrity endorsements as a service, turning them into local business marketing superheroes.


    The Myth of 'Local', What is a Virtual Dinner Party?, Creating a Viral Marketing Video, Making the Pitch to Local Businesses

    Throughout the episode, we punctuate each segment with provocative thoughts and real-life case studies, challenging listeners to rethink their marketing strategies and take action.


    This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in innovative marketing strategies, from business owners to parent entrepreneurs. Tune in to discover how you can revolutionize your approach to local business marketing.
