
    Podcast Summary

    • From personal experience to legislative changeIndividual action, understanding emotions in politics, grassroots organizing, and passing bills can lead to meaningful change

      Making a positive impact on the world starts with individual action, not just words or protests. Amanda Nguyen, the founder and CEO of RISE, a civil rights organization, shares her story of turning her personal experience of sexual assault into legislative change. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the emotional aspect of politics and taking practical steps to make a difference, such as getting involved in grassroots organizing and passing bills at the state level. Nguyen's passion for activism was fueled by her background in astrophysics and her discovery of the broken criminal justice system after being raped at Harvard. Despite the odds, she persevered and made a significant impact by enacting laws that protect the rights of sexual assault survivors. Ultimately, her story serves as a reminder that each person has the power to make a difference and enrich the world.

    • Unequal rights for survivors of sexual violenceMarissa Hoechsteder, a survivor of sexual violence, recognized the unequal rights survivors face across the US and used her constitutional right to petition the government to pass 21 laws, impacting 40 million people, including the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights.

      Survivors of sexual violence have unequal rights across the United States, and survivor Marissa Hoechsteder chose to rewrite the law to ensure equality. She discovered that while some states destroy rape kits, others do not, leading to an unfair system. Hoechsteder believed in the constitutional right to petition the government and created a theory of organizing called openomics to pass laws. Her team has passed 21 laws, impacting at least 40 million people, including the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights. A critical moment for Hoechsteder was realizing the ubiquity of the issue when she visited a rape crisis center in Boston and saw it filled with survivors seeking help. The lack of access to resources for survivors in some areas is a significant problem. Hoechsteder's story inspired her to take action and fight for change.

    • Survivors' Rights and the Double Standard in Rape CasesSurvivors of rape face challenges in pursuing justice due to long statutes of limitation and high costs for rape kits. The Survival Bill of Rights aims to help, but implementation varies. At least 25 million survivors exist, and evidence destruction in rape cases while rapists keep theirs undermines truth and justice.

      Survivors of rape and sexual violence are often forced to make difficult choices between pursuing justice and advancing their careers or personal lives. This is due in part to long statutes of limitations and the financial burden of paying for rape kits. The Survival Bill of Rights aims to address these issues by ensuring survivors have the right to hold onto evidence and not be charged for rape kits. However, the implementation of these rights varies by state. Additionally, the prevalence of sexual violence in the US is significant, with at least 25 million survivors, underscoring the importance of addressing these issues. The destruction of evidence in rape cases while convicted rapists are allowed to keep theirs creates a double standard that undermines the pursuit of truth and justice.

    • The Power of Individual Voices and Persistent OrganizingIndividuals with determination and knowledge can pass bills in record time through persistent organizing and understanding the rules of the system.

      The most effective way to make a difference and bring about change, even on a large scale, is through the power of individual voices and persistent organizing. As demonstrated by the Survive Act movement, a group of determined individuals with no resources or connections were able to pass a bill unanimously in Congress in record time. The process involves understanding the rules of the system, such as how a bill is introduced and assigned to committees, and utilizing that knowledge to make an impact. By showing up and advocating for their cause, individuals can access their representatives and senators, who serve the people and are obligated to listen. The Survive Act movement, which focused on securing the rights of sexual assault survivors, serves as an inspiring example of the power of grassroots activism and the importance of being informed and persistent in the face of adversity.

    • Activism and organizing: The power duo for effective social changeActivism sparks movements, but organizing sustains them. Gamification helps turn activism into organized, directed energy, providing clear objectives, skills development, and community building.

      Effective social change requires both activism and organizing. Activism, fueled by anger and surface emotions, can initiate movements, but it cannot sustain them. Hope, which comes from having a clear plan and a sense of agency, is essential for long-term change. Gamification, by breaking down complex processes into manageable steps and providing feedback and community, can help sustain activism and turn it into organized, directed energy. To pass a law, one must first identify their motivation, then take small, achievable steps towards their goal, and build a community to support the cause. In a busy political landscape, showing a return on investment of energy is crucial for maintaining engagement and momentum. By providing a clear objective, skills development, and community building, gamification can help everyday people feel empowered to make a difference and sustain social movements.

    • Persuading Congress to Agenda Your BillBuilding empathy and using influential figures can help persuade Congress to add your bill to their agenda. A determined and persistent approach is crucial for success.

      Making an agenda in the United States Congress is a crucial step in passing a law, and the people who hold the authority to set the agenda are a small group. To get on the agenda, it's essential to meet and persuade these decision-makers. In today's world, reaching out to them through various means like emails, phone calls, or even showing up in person is possible. It's a sad reality, but politics is not always about logic or facts, but emotion. Building empathy and bringing in celebrities can help in making the case and gaining attention. A determined and persistent approach can lead to success, as shown by the story of a rape survivor who managed to pass her bill despite being told it would not make it through.

    • The Power of Storytelling and Speaking UpTestifying in Senate amplified cause, having belief and resources led to change, self-love is a daily practice, work-life integration, and making joyful choices.

      The power of storytelling and having the courage to speak up can make a significant impact on bringing about change. The example given is how Terry Crews testifying in the United States Senate amplified the cause and led to the passing of laws. Additionally, having a strong belief in a cause and asking for the necessary resources can lead to great achievements. On a personal level, the greatest challenge is learning to love oneself fully and authentically, which is a daily practice. The speaker emphasizes the importance of work-life integration and making choices that spark joy in both personal and professional life.

    • Helping everyday people pass their first lawRise empowers activists to create meaningful change through effective advocacy, compromise, and relentless commitment.

      The Rise social movement, founded by a rape survivor, aims to help everyday people pass their first law by providing seed funding, mentorship, and training. The movement has already helped organizations like Zero USA, founded by survivors of the Parkland shooting, gain traction and make an impact. However, it's important to note that building a successful social movement requires more than just emotional anger or cathartic performances. Rise teaches activists how to channel their passion into effective advocacy, avoiding exhausting or ineffective emotional outbursts. The movement's mission is to create meaningful change through compromise, understanding of the system, and relentless commitment.

    • Effective advocacy for civil rights requires focus and empathyFocus on specific goals, build relationships, and leave political differences aside to effectively advocate for civil rights and bring about change

      Effective advocacy for civil rights requires focus and empathy, even in the face of political tribalism. Survivors of rape, like activists in other fields, must leave their political differences at the door and engage with lawmakers in order to pass laws and bring about change. This skill is especially important in complex negotiations, such as those involving international relations and national security. The ability to focus on a specific goal and build relationships, even with those who hold different beliefs, is essential for successful advocacy. For those looking to get involved, RISE and similar organizations offer training and resources to help individuals become effective advocates and bring democracy back into the hands of the people. Ultimately, the goal is to empower others to take action and create lasting change.

    • Empowering Change through Organizations like RISEEveryone can contribute to ending sexual violence through organizations and campaigns, recognizing survivor humanity, and advocating for legal reforms and a universal survivor bill of rights.

      Everyone has the power to enact change, even in their spare time, through organizations like RISE and their campaigns to reform laws related to sexual violence. The conversation around consent and the ramifications for non-consensual acts is an important one that needs to be had, and there is still much work to be done in reforming the criminal justice system. The recognition of the humanity in all survivors is essential for true peace and justice, and this is a global issue that requires international attention. RISE is working on a universal survivor bill of rights to ensure governments recognize the full dignity of survivors and prioritize criminal justice systems to serve them. The issue of sexual violence affects a large portion of the population, and addressing both the healing process for victims and the legal reforms is crucial.

    • Celebrating Shared Humanity and Individual ImpactThe Nobel Peace Prize honors individuals for their efforts towards justice and humanity, inspiring communities and reminding us of the impact of individual actions.

      The pursuit of justice and humanity goes hand in hand, and the recognition of this effort through awards like the Nobel Peace Prize can inspire and bring hope to communities. The Nobel Peace Prize is a secretive process where nominations can come from anyone, and the ceremony is a celebration of shared humanity and the ripple effects of individual actions. However, the journey towards recognition is not always easy, as advocates may face indifference or dismissal, but perseverance and optimism can lead to change. The Nobel Peace Prize serves as a reminder that one person's actions can make a significant impact on the world. The speaker, a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize, shared her experiences of advocating for human rights and attending the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. She emphasized the importance of sharing the belief in common humanity and the impact of recognition on communities. Despite facing indifference and dismissal in the past, she persevered and continued to advocate for her rights, inspiring others and making a difference. The Nobel Peace Prize ceremony is a celebration of shared humanity and the ripple effects of individual actions.

    • Impact of our actions extends beyond ourselvesA father's gratitude for a speaker's advocacy inspired by the ripple effect on his family. No one is invisible or powerless when we demand to be seen and come together. Greatness is found in the impact we have on others and the world.

      The work we do to make a difference in the world doesn't just impact those directly involved, but also extends to our loved ones and the broader community. A powerful example of this was shared by a father of a rape survivor, who expressed his gratitude for the speaker's advocacy and the ripple effect it had on his family. Another insight gained from the conversation was the idea that no one is invisible or powerless when we demand to be seen and come together. This was further emphasized by the concept of the overview effect, which inspires awe and reminds us that we are all one humanity. Amanda, the speaker, was acknowledged for her courage and determination to make a change despite personal challenges, inspiring others to do the same. To follow Amanda's journey and learn more about her work, you can find her on Instagram (@AmandaNgocNguyen) and Twitter (@NGUYEN_Amanda), or visit her website at RiseNow.us. The question of what greatness means was left open-ended, but the conversation provided a reminder that greatness can be found in the impact we have on others and the world around us.

    • Empowering yourself to make a differenceFocus on building emotional connections and effective communication to make a positive impact in the world, regardless of resources.

      Each individual has the power to define love for themselves and make a difference in the world by building emotional connections and communicating effectively. Amanda Nguyen's story serves as inspiration that you don't need wealth or resources to make a change. Instead, focus on building a team and moving people emotionally to create lasting impact. As Woodrow Wilson said, we are here to enrich the world and lift people up, not hurt them with negative energy. By asking ourselves how we can make a positive difference in the lives of those around us, we can make a change in every moment.

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    • Holistic health involves addressing emotional traumas and adopting practices that enhance both mental and physical well-being.

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    Join Scott and the Dinner Table Community 

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    • The impact of money on mental health and relationships.
    • How to heal from money traumas and develop a secure attachment to money.
    • The significance of generosity and stewardship in creating a lasting legacy.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    As you listen, I want you to think about this: What is one small change you can make in your daily routine that could have a profound impact on your productivity and overall happiness? Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your full potential.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of a disciplined morning routine on productivity and mindset.
    • The power of gratitude and its role in combating negative emotions.
    • Key money lessons from Tony Robbins on mastering core businesses and giving back.
    • The importance of innovating and progressing during challenging times.
    • How to create habits that align with success and fulfillment.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1625

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full-length episodes featured today:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Dean Graziosi – https://link.chtbl.com/1620-pod

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    Please find a transcription of this episode here

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    Chrissy Beckles - Giving New Life to Stray Dogs in Puerto Rico

    The correlation between boxing and rescuing stray dogs isn’t one that’s clear at first glance. But for Chrissy Beckles, founder of the Sato Project, the connection is one she makes each and every day. 

    Since 2011, the Sato Project has rescued more than 8,000 dogs in Puerto Rico. With nearly half a million stray dogs roaming the island, there’s no one knockout solution. Chrissy sat down with host Jay Ruderman to talk about the long journey,  from gaining feral dogs’ trust, to finding funding, to weathering a category 5 hurricane. 

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