
    8/12/21: Cuomo Resigns, Infrastructure Passes, Media's Covid Hysteria, Rand Paul Censored, Ron DeSantis Roasted, Climate Disaster, Media Fails, Obama, and More!

    enAugust 12, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Explore savings opportunities in various aspects of lifeFind spring deals on home and wardrobe items, buy Disney tickets at child prices, save on wireless service, and support independent media for exclusive content. Stay informed about political events and be cautious of misinformation.

      There are various opportunities for savings and refreshes across different aspects of life. At dd's discounts, find spring deals on home and wardrobe items. For a more affordable Walt Disney World vacation, buy adult theme park tickets at child prices from undercover tourists. Save on wireless service with Consumer Cellular, and support independent media like Breaking Points for exclusive content. Additionally, some notable events include Cuomo's resignation, the infrastructure package's passing, and the reconciliation budget process's commencement. Meanwhile, be cautious of misinformation regarding COVID-19 from the media.

    • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations and COVID-19 crisis mishandlingNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned from office in disgrace due to sexual misconduct allegations and mishandling of the COVID-19 crisis. He lost support from key figures including President Biden and his top aide Melissa DeRosa, and is now facing impeachment proceedings.

      New York Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned from office in disgrace after facing numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and mishandling the COVID-19 crisis in his state. The resignation came as he was facing impeachment and removal from office. Cuomo's resignation marks the second time in 13 years that a New York governor has stepped down from office in disgrace, following Eliot Spitzer. Despite his attempts to downplay the allegations and blame his Italian heritage for his actions, the writing was on the wall for Cuomo, who lost the support of key figures including President Joe Biden and his top aide Melissa DeRosa. The resignation was seen as an opportunity for Cuomo to go out on his own terms and potentially pave the way for a comeback in the future. The women who challenged Cuomo in Democratic primaries, Cynthia Nixon and Zephyr Teachout, were criticized in the past but are now being recognized for their stance against Cuomo's leadership. New York is now moving forward with impeachment proceedings against Cuomo, even though he is out of office.

    • Cuomo's resignation overshadowed by scandals and cover-upsDespite accomplishments, Cuomo's resignation doesn't absolve him of scandals and cover-ups, including sexual harassment allegations, poor pandemic response, and potential criminal charges

      New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's resignation following allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct is not being seen as sincere by many, as he had previously feigned altruism and claimed to be doing it for the people of New York. Additionally, he may face criminal charges from several women and there are more coming forward even after his resignation. The attorney general's report, conducted by a fellow Democrat, detailed his poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in nursing homes, undercounting deaths, and covering up the numbers. Despite his accomplishments in areas like infrastructure and minimum wage, his failure to address these scandals and the subsequent cover-ups have overshadowed his governorship. The media's lionization of him during the pandemic and his performative actions, such as giving good press conferences, have also been criticized. Overall, Cuomo's resignation does not absolve him of the numerous controversies and scandals that have plagued his tenure as governor.

    • New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's Political Future Uncertain Amidst Scandals and Legal WoesGovernor Cuomo faces numerous challenges including sexual misconduct allegations, Medicaid cuts during pandemic, book sales failure, lawsuits, and corruption investigations, while a bipartisan infrastructure bill passed in the Senate bringing substantial investments in infrastructure projects.

      Despite Andrew Cuomo's attempts to rebound from various scandals, including allegations of sexual misconduct and cutting Medicaid during the pandemic, his political future looks uncertain. The failure of his book sales, ongoing lawsuits, and investigations into corruption add to his woes. On the positive note, a bipartisan infrastructure bill worth $1.2 trillion passed in the Senate, bringing significant investments in roads, rail, the electric grid, broadband internet, transit systems, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and water infrastructure.

    • Biden's old-school politics and corporate-friendly policies secured bipartisan support for infrastructure billBiden's personal connections with key senators, corporate support, and long-standing relationships with Republicans helped secure a bipartisan vote for the infrastructure bill.

      President Biden's ability to secure bipartisan support for the infrastructure bill was a result of his old-school political skills and corporate-friendly policies. Despite former President Trump's opposition, Biden was able to make personal connections with key senators, promising investments in their states, and delivering on their requests. Additionally, the corporate-friendly nature of the bill was a significant factor, as corporations heavily support infrastructure development and were not opposed to the slight tax increases on the wealthy and corporations. Biden's long-standing relationships with Republican senators, such as Chuck Grassley, Lindsey Graham, and Mitch McConnell, also played a role in securing their votes. Overall, Biden's backslapping politician approach, combined with the popularity of infrastructure and corporate support, contributed to the overwhelming bipartisan vote in favor of the bill.

    • Republicans trying to block larger budget package with infrastructure billRepublicans aim to pass infrastructure bill first, pressuring Dems to oppose larger budget reconciliation package. Manchin's filibuster threat adds complexity.

      The Republican party's ultimate goal in the ongoing infrastructure bill negotiations is to block the larger $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package. They are hoping that the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill will pressure moderate Democrats to oppose the larger package. Additionally, Manchin's threat to eliminate the filibuster if no action is taken was also a factor in the negotiations. The strategy seems to be working, as several moderate Democrats have stated they will not vote for the larger package until the infrastructure bill is passed. This could lead to a game of chicken between the moderates and Pelosi. The infrastructure bill, while a step in the right direction, is insufficient given the scale of the needed investment in infrastructure. The opposition from Republicans, who previously voted for the 2017 Trump tax cut bill that added significantly to the deficit, is hypocritical and insulting. The culture war amendments added by the Republicans to the bill were also unnecessary and misleading. The Republicans' opposition to the bill would be laughable if it weren't so frustrating. If the bill had been put forward by Trump, they would have loved it. The answer is still no, they will not vote for the bill.

    • Infrastructure bill: Positive aspects but falls short, COVID-19 vaccine misinformationThe infrastructure bill has both positive and negative elements, the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness should be emphasized correctly, and it's important to seek reliable sources for accurate information.

      The recent infrastructure bill contains both positive and negative aspects. While some detrimental elements, like privatization schemes and a proposed gas tax, were removed, the bill still falls short of adequately addressing the need for significant investment. Meanwhile, in the realm of COVID-19 vaccine information, misinformation continues to spread through sensationalized reporting, which fuels vaccine hesitancy. The focus on headline-grabbing statistics, like the 42% effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against infection, can be misleading and contribute to unnecessary fear. Instead, it's crucial to emphasize the vaccines' effectiveness in preventing hospitalization, severe illness, and death. As consumers of news, it's essential to be cautious and seek out reliable sources to ensure accurate understanding of important issues.

    • Media misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines can have serious consequencesMedia misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines can lead to unnecessary fear or complacency, making it crucial to fact-check information, understand context, and seek expert opinions.

      Media misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and related health data can have serious consequences. During the pandemic, studies on different vaccines were conducted at various times, leading to varying results. However, if all studies had been conducted simultaneously, the outcomes would have been similar. Yet, sensationalist headlines and inaccurate reports can lead people to question the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, potentially discouraging vaccination. For instance, a leaked CDC document erroneously claimed that the Delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox, causing unnecessary fear. It's crucial to fact-check information, understand context, and consider the motivations behind the sources. Media outlets and public health officials both have incentives to shape narratives, and misinformation can fuel fear or complacency. Always seek expert opinions and rely on your independent judgment.

    • The inconsistency in how COVID-19 information is handledYouTube suspended Senator Rand Paul for a week for questioning cloth mask efficacy, while some outlets spread misinformation without consequences. The inconsistency in information handling raises concerns about freedom of speech and the importance of considering various perspectives.

      There is a significant difference in how information, particularly regarding COVID-19, is handled by various sources. While some outlets, like the New York Times and Axios, spread information without being held accountable for potential misinformation, individuals like Rand Paul face suspension or censorship for sharing alternative viewpoints. In this case, Paul was banned from YouTube for a week for questioning the efficacy of cloth masks based on two peer-reviewed articles. However, it's important to note that Paul's rhetoric was criticized for being unnuanced and potentially misleading, but it does not equate to the flat-out claim that masks don't work. The expert Michael Osterholm, who is an epidemiologist and the director of the Center For Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, also stated that cloth masks are the least effective type of mask. The inconsistency in how information is treated and the potential for censorship raises concerns about freedom of speech and the importance of considering various perspectives in the ongoing COVID-19 discourse.

    • Senator Paul's contradictory stance on government powerSenator Paul's opposition to mask mandates and push for in-person work contradicts his anti-government stance, while inconsistent content moderation fuels distrust and polarization.

      Senator Rand Paul's stance on mandating in-person work and opposing mask mandates while using government power to enforce it, contradicts his usual stance against government overreach and corporate oppression. His actions can be seen as hypocritical and lacking nuance. Furthermore, the suspension of figures like Rand Paul and Marjorie Taylor Greene from social media platforms for spreading misinformation raises questions about the consistency and fairness of these platforms' content moderation policies. It's important to allow for open dialogue in a free society, even when the information may be controversial or misleading. The inconsistent application of content moderation policies by these platforms further fuels the distrust and polarization in society.

    • Double standard in media and consequences of misinformationMainstream media can spread misinformation with minimal repercussions, while individuals and alternative sources face censorship, leading to unequal consequences and damaging societal impact. Promoting transparency, an appeals process, and consistent regulations is crucial for maintaining a balanced and informed society.

      While there may be instances of irresponsible statements or not peer-reviewed studies, the consequences and response vary greatly depending on the source. Mainstream media outlets can spread misinformation without significant repercussions, whereas individuals or alternative outlets face censorship. This double standard can lead to damaging consequences, especially when the reach and cultural authority of mainstream media are considered. It's crucial to promote transparency, an appeals process, and consistent application of regulations across the board. A comedian like Bill Burr, who criticizes mask mandates, gains more impact when coming from an unexpected source, even if their political leanings may not align with traditional expectations. Ultimately, fostering an open and clear process and upholding freedom of speech, while addressing direct threats, is essential for maintaining a balanced and informed society.

    • Governor DeSantis' Mask Mandate ControversyFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis is withholding pay from school leaders who enforce mask mandates against CDC recommendation, contradicting GOP stance on local control and individual freedoms.

      Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is using his authority to withhold pay from school leaders who implement mask mandates, despite the CDC recommendation, in a move seen as a political stunt. This action contradicts the Republican party's stance on local control and individual freedoms. The governor's decision to ban mask mandates and punish those who implement them goes against the advice of health experts and the wishes of some school districts, fueling controversy and division. This incident highlights the complexities of balancing public health and individual freedoms during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Trusting the expertise of doctors and economic transformationRecognize the gravity of the crisis and need for substantial change, trusting experts in public health and economic transformation.

      While there have been mistakes made by experts and politicians throughout the pandemic and in the ongoing budget reconciliation process, it is crucial to trust the expertise of doctors, medical advisors, and researchers in matters of public health. Similarly, when it comes to economic transformation, the New Deal serves as a historic example of a comprehensive and fundamental reorganization of the economy. The ongoing reconciliation process, while significant, pales in comparison to the New Deal's scope and ambition. Therefore, it's essential to recognize the gravity of the current crisis and the need for substantial change to address the needs of working people. The ongoing political debates should not distract from the importance of addressing the underlying issues and striving for meaningful progress.

    • Failure to address societal issues and climate crisis with current proposed programThe current proposed program does not go far enough to address societal issues and the climate crisis. Radical action is needed to prevent catastrophic consequences, including social unrest and legitimacy crises.

      While there is a need for a new deal to address societal issues such as inequality and addiction, the current proposed program does not go far enough. Moreover, the climate crisis requires radical action beyond what is currently being contemplated. Failure to address this issue at the necessary scale could lead to catastrophic consequences, potentially sparking a legitimacy crisis and social unrest. The poor and working class are most at risk from the climate crisis and its consequences, and the elites' inaction could lead to widespread blame and anger. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere does not care about political realities or midterm elections, and the bigger picture, even in the best-case scenario, ends in catastrophe. It's crucial that we acknowledge this reality and work towards a new economic model that prioritizes climate action and social safety net improvements.

    • CNN's Coverage of Andrew Cuomo: Conflict of Interest and Hero NarrativeCNN faced criticism for allowing Chris Cuomo, brother of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, to advise him on responding to sexual harassment allegations and for creating a hero narrative around him, raising questions about journalistic standards and impartiality.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic, CNN was criticized for its coverage of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. The network allowed Chris Cuomo, Andrew's brother, to advise him on how to respond to sexual harassment allegations, despite it being a clear conflict of interest. This situation raised questions about CNN's journalistic standards and impartiality. The network also praised Andrew Cuomo excessively, creating a hero narrative around him, which some argued was biased and partisan. Despite CNN's claims that Chris Cuomo had boundaries he wouldn't cross, he was allowed to propagate his brother's image while being banned from reporting against him. This incident highlights the complexities and potential biases that can arise when family members hold high-profile positions in media and politics.

    • New York's Political System Failed to Check Governor Cuomo's Scandals Until Sexual Harassment AllegationsDespite numerous scandals, including giving immunity to nursing home executives, accepting millions for a COVID book, and providing VIP treatment to family and allies, the political system failed to hold New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable until sexual harassment allegations emerged.

      New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's corruption and scandals, including giving immunity to nursing home executives and allowing them to write the law, accepting millions for a COVID book while New York was hit hardest, and providing VIP treatment to family and allies, went largely unchecked until the sexual harassment allegations came to light. The political and governmental system, including law enforcement, did not move against him until then. The question is whether the political system has normalized such behavior, and if not, why not. Other scandals, such as the incorrect bolts used on the Tappan Zee Bridge (now called the Cuomo Bridge) or the $320,000 in bribes taken by his right-hand man, could have potentially led to his downfall, but the sexual harassment allegations were the tipping point.

    • Politicians weather crises and scandals by staying quietDespite scandals, some politicians avoid confrontation and remain in power, normalizing questionable behavior in American politics. Obama's climate policies set a concerning precedent by acknowledging the crisis but increasing fossil fuel production.

      Politicians, including those with scandal-ridden pasts, have found they can muscle through crises and scandals by staying quiet and avoiding confrontation with the media and public. This was evident during the COVID-19 pandemic when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was considered a hero despite allegations of nursing home mismanagement and sexual harassment. Previous examples include Chris Christie's bridge scandal in New Jersey. The normalization of such behavior raises concerns about the state of American politics. Another concerning issue is the lack of significant action on climate change during the Obama administration. Despite acknowledging the urgency of the crisis, Obama's policies actually increased fossil fuel production, setting a dangerous precedent for the current era of Democratic control. This contradiction between climate rhetoric and actions, which was seen during the Obama years, could lead to disastrous consequences if repeated.

    • No climate, no deal: Legislators hold infrastructure bill hostage for climate actionSome legislators are refusing to pass an infrastructure bill without a serious climate bill, potentially changing the dynamic of democratic politics. The success of this approach depends on their willingness to hold out and negotiate with more moderate Democrats.

      The dynamic of democratic politics has shifted since the Obama era, with some legislators now refusing to pass an infrastructure bill without a serious climate bill. This could be a game changer, as these legislators hold significant leverage in the ongoing legislative battles. The strategy being employed is the "no climate, no deal" approach, where the infrastructure bill will not be passed until the reconciliation bill, which includes climate provisions, also passes. However, the success of this approach depends on the willingness of these legislators to hold out and play a game of chicken with more moderate Democrats like Joe Manchin. The criticism that progressives are not being effective in their political strategies by criticizing former presidents like Barack Obama is a product of the era of identity politics and party loyalty. It's important to educate the public about the records of former presidents, including their climate policies, to provide context and inform future policy decisions.

    • Encouraging advocacy from congresspeople and supporting independent mediaPush for change from leaders and support independent media to uncover corruption and make a difference.

      There is a need for congresspeople to push for more from their leaders, but currently, this is seen as unacceptable. This was discussed in relation to Nina Turner's comments about pushing Joe Biden to deliver more. However, this kind of advocacy should be encouraged in politics. Additionally, independent media, such as The Daily Poster, plays a crucial role in breaking news and uncovering corruption. It's essential to support independent media if you believe in it. The speaker also encouraged listeners to subscribe to Secular Talk for more content and to check out their interview with Steven Donziger. Overall, the message is that pushing for change and supporting independent media are important steps towards making a difference.

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