
    8/16/22: FBI Trump Witness, Trump Lawyers, Midterm Fundraising, Dr. Oz, Housing Market, Coal Country Jobs, & More!

    enAugust 16, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • New seasons of Next Question with Katie Couric, All Stars 4 on MTV, and Sicilian Inheritance podcastKatie Couric's Next Question returns with notable guests, MTV's All Stars 4 offers a $300,000 prize, and Sicilian Inheritance podcast explores family origins. Breaking Points invites premium membership and releases on YouTube and Vimeo, while news covers Trump inquiries, elections, and the housing market.

      The ninth season of Next Question with Katie Couric promises engaging conversations with notable guests like Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and Renee Fleming, among others. Meanwhile, MTV's All Stars 4 is back with a new season of competition for a $300,000 prize. Additionally, Joe Piazza's new podcast, Sicilian Inheritance, explores his family's origin story. Amidst the chaos of cable news, Breaking Points invites its audience to become premium members and contribute to their mission of creating a healthier and more trustworthy mainstream media. The news cycle is filled with developments regarding various inquiries into Trump and his allies, primary elections, midterm races, and the housing market. The team at Breaking Points is also addressing listener preferences by releasing the show on both YouTube and Vimeo.

    • FBI investigation into Trump raid involves national security concerns and cooperating witnessesThe FBI's ongoing investigation into Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate involves highly classified materials and potential cooperating witnesses, and the DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit due to national security and witness protection concerns.

      The ongoing investigation into the Trump raid by the FBI involves highly classified materials and potential cooperating witnesses, according to a new filing by the Department of Justice. The DOJ is objecting to the release of the affidavit due to concerns about national security and potential harm to cooperating witnesses. The search warrant also made reference to the potential involvement of classified documents without classification markings, which could violate the Espionage Act. The FBI is investigating the mishandling of classified documents, and it's unclear if any Trump associates are cooperating with the investigation. The search warrant itself and the inventory list have been made public, but the affidavit, which would provide more details about the investigation, has not been released. The DOJ's objections suggest that the investigation is ongoing and active, and that the release of the affidavit could compromise it.

    • DOJ's Mar-a-Lago investigation involves a cooperating witness and a criminal probeThe DOJ's search at Mar-a-Lago was a deliberate decision, involving a cooperating witness and a criminal investigation, with the affidavit's details unlikely to be made public soon.

      The ongoing investigation into former President Trump's handling of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago involves a cooperating witness and a criminal investigation, with the affidavit used to secure the search warrant not yet made public. The search for the documents was not a freelance operation, but a carefully considered decision made by the Department of Justice. Contrary to speculation, the seizure of Trump's passports during the raid did not indicate he was considered a flight risk, but rather part of the investigation. The unsealing of the affidavit is unlikely, as both the government and Trump himself may not want the details made public. The investigation is expected to continue for the next few months, with more revelations likely to come.

    • FBI confirmed taking and later returning Trump's passportsThe FBI's handling of former President Trump's passports during their search of Mar-a-Lago highlights the importance of transparency and truthfulness in communications, particularly in high-profile investigations.

      The FBI did take all three of former President Trump's passports during their search of Mar-a-Lago, as confirmed in emails between the FBI and Trump's legal team. However, the FBI's initial denial that they were in possession of the passports was seen as disingenuous, especially given that they had already returned them by the time of the denial. The incident highlights the importance of transparency and truthfulness in communications, particularly in high-profile investigations. The filter team process, which involves sifting through seized materials to determine what is privileged and non-pertinent, is a standard procedure in such investigations. However, the public debate around the incident underscores the need for clear and accurate communication from all parties involved. The incident also serves as a reminder of the importance of diplomatic passports for former presidents and the unique travel privileges they offer.

    • Trump Teams Handle Mar-a-Lago Investigation Material, Trump Hints at 2024 RunTrump's teams manage investigation material, Trump hints at 2024 run, Trump uses inflammatory language, GOP not keen on Trump's timing, Trump's actions could cause division and instability.

      Former President Donald Trump's teams are handling the investigation-related material following the FBI raid at Mar-a-Lago, while Trump himself is using public appearances and interviews to defend himself and potentially hint at a 2024 presidential run. He's using inflammatory language, implying that going after him could lead to dangerous consequences for the country. Sources close to Trump have reportedly told Fox News that he will soon make an announcement about his potential presidential run. The national GOP is not keen on Trump inserting himself into the political fray before the midterms, but from Trump's perspective, he might be doing himself a disservice by waiting. The longer he waits, the more other potential candidates gain momentum. However, it's important to note that Trump's actions could potentially cause further division and instability in the country.

    • Georgia Prosecutors Eye Giuliani in Election ProbeGeorgia prosecutors are investigating Rudy Giuliani for potential involvement in election interference. Evidence suggests an indictment is possible, but not guaranteed. Giuliani may be used to implicate higher-ups, including Trump.

      The investigations into election interference related to the 2020 presidential election are intensifying, as former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani has been identified as a target in the inquiry in Georgia. Prosecutors believe there is enough evidence to suggest an indictment is possible, though this does not guarantee one. Giuliani, who appeared before state legislative panels after the election and spread false conspiracy theories about voter fraud, may be used as a potential stepping stone in the investigation to potentially implicate higher-ups, including former President Trump. The seizure of sensitive election data from Coffee County in Georgia, involving unauthorized access by an outside group, may also implicate Giuliani, Sydney Powell, Patrick Byrne, and Lindell, who have been linked to the attempt to overturn the Georgia election results. Lindsey Graham was also subpoenaed to testify in relation to attempts to influence or disrupt the lawful administration of the Georgia election.

    • Lawmakers and Lawyers Facing Legal Consequences for Election InterferenceSome lawmakers and lawyers who tried to overturn election results, like Lindsey Graham and Trump's legal team, could face legal consequences for their actions, including potential compromising of sensitive information.

      Several lawmakers and lawyers who were involved in attempts to overturn the election results, particularly in Georgia, could face legal consequences for their actions. Lindsey Graham is one such individual who has been subpoenaed to testify before a special grand jury in Georgia regarding his communications with election officials in the state. The Washington Post has reported that Trump's legal team, including Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis, pursued access to voting systems and data in multiple states, potentially compromising sensitive information. These actions could be relevant to ongoing investigations in Georgia and other states. The stakes are high, as those involved no longer have the protection of a presidential pardon.

    • 2020 election conspiracy theories led some individuals to possible criminal behaviorUnfounded 2020 election conspiracy theories drove extreme actions from lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, potentially putting them in legal jeopardy. Republican Senate campaign arm faces fundraising struggles, indicating potential challenges for GOP in midterm elections.

      The 2020 election conspiracy theories, particularly those involving allegations of manipulated voting machines, drove the actions of some high-profile individuals, including lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani, to the point of possible criminal behavior. These theories were considered the most extreme and unhinged at the time, and their pursuit led to significant legal jeopardy for those involved. Additionally, the Republican Senate campaign arm is experiencing fundraising troubles, as evidenced by cancelled TV ad buys in key states and a decrease in online donations to candidates. These developments suggest that the GOP may face challenges in the upcoming midterm elections.

    • Republicans face fundraising challenges in key battleground statesDemocrats outspend Republicans 8x on abortion-related ads, capitalizing on GOP candidates' extreme views to paint them as out of the mainstream, potentially impacting midterm election outcomes

      The Republican Party is facing significant fundraising challenges in several key battleground states due to the dominance of Donald Trump in online donations and the underperformance of some candidates in terms of fundraising and electoral experience. Meanwhile, the Democrats are capitalizing on the issue of abortion as a major campaign issue, outspending Republicans by nearly eight times on related ads. This dynamic is particularly evident in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, where Democrats are targeting Republican candidates' extreme views on abortion to paint them as out of the mainstream. The Republicans' inability to raise sufficient funds and the Democrats' effective messaging on abortion could significantly impact the outcome of the midterm elections.

    • Democrats Use Abortion Issue to Define GOP OpponentsDemocrats are effectively using the abortion issue to define Republican opponents as out-of-touch elitists, shifting the midterm election focus beyond inflation and immigration.

      The Democratic Party's strategy in the ongoing midterm elections has been to effectively use the abortion issue as a defining message against their Republican opponents. This approach, which has been largely ignored by the GOP, has given Democrats a better chance of holding on to the Senate than previously expected. The Dobbs decision on abortion rights shifted the political landscape, making the election about more than just inflation and immigration. While the economy still favors the Republicans, the closer look at individual races reveals that some candidates, like John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, have been successful in defining their opponents as out-of-touch elitists. Meanwhile, some Republican candidates, like Doctor. Oz, have made missteps, such as campaigning on the outrageous price of crudites while at the wrong grocery store. These mistakes have provided Democrats with opportunities to gain ground in unexpected ways.

    • Oz's campaign ad misunderstood relatable topics and phrasesOz's campaign team mismanaged messaging, focusing on Fetterman's veggie tray comment instead of embracing Oz's strengths as a TV personality and empathetic approach. Republican playbook of demonizing 'socialism' and attacking Democratic leaders was ineffective in the current political climate.

      Dr. Mehmet Oz's recent campaign ad showcasing his misunderstanding of common phrases and struggles with relatable topics has been widely criticized as a misstep. This incident echoes the perceived out-of-touch behavior of Mitt Romney during his 2012 presidential campaign. The ad's poor reception further suggests that Oz's campaign team may not be effectively managing his messaging, as evidenced by the ill-advised focus on Fetterman's veggie tray comment. Instead, critics argue that Oz should embrace his strengths as a television personality and focus on his empathetic approach, rather than attempting to portray himself as an everyman. Moreover, the Republican playbook of demonizing "socialism" and attacking Democratic leaders like Pelosi and Biden has proven ineffective given the current political climate, particularly with the unpopularity of President Biden in Pennsylvania.

    • John Fetterman's health issues and campaigningDespite health challenges and favorable conditions for Democrats, the Pennsylvania Senate race between John Fetterman and Dr. Oz remains competitive. A housing market crash is anticipated by many Americans, which could affect the construction industry and worsen the housing shortage, with US homebuilder confidence at its lowest since 2007.

      John Fetterman's health issues and effective campaigning have put him in a surprising position, making the race against Dr. Oz closer than expected. Despite Fetterman's struggles and the favorable conditions for Democrats, Oz is still fighting for a chance. A recent study reveals that a majority of Americans, especially younger generations, anticipate and even desire a housing market crash, which could impact the construction industry and housing availability. US homebuilder confidence is currently at its lowest since 2007, potentially leading to unfinished projects and worsening the housing shortage.

    • Housing crisis: A divide between asset owners and rentersDespite potential price drops, rising mortgage rates make it hard for most to afford monthly payments. Building more housing and keeping rates low are key to addressing the crisis and reducing wealth gap.

      The housing market crisis is causing a growing divide between asset owners and non-owners, with many renters hoping for a market crash so they can afford to buy a home. However, even if prices do go down, rising mortgage rates make it difficult for most people to afford the monthly payments. The root cause of the problem is a lack of housing supply due to high interest rates and a decrease in homebuilding. The situation is complicated by the fact that retirees, who hold a significant amount of wealth in the form of housing, are also negatively affected by falling housing prices. A potential solution would be to keep mortgage rates low and provide government assistance for down payments, but preventing permanent capital from buying up available housing is also crucial to make homeownership accessible to a wider population. Ultimately, building more housing is essential to address the current housing crisis and reduce the growing wealth gap.

    • Fed's interest rate hikes may not address root causes of inflation and worsen housing crisisThe Fed's focus on controlling inflation through interest rate hikes might not solve the underlying causes and could exacerbate the housing market crisis, requiring legislative action.

      The Federal Reserve's efforts to control inflation through interest rate hikes may not only fail to address the root causes of inflation but also worsen existing issues, such as the housing market crisis. The Fed lacks the power to increase housing supply or help people afford down payments, and these problems require legislative action. Additionally, the New York Times' endorsement of Danny Goldman, a family friend, in the New York 10th district primary, raises concerns about transparency and potential conflicts of interest. These issues highlight the importance of disclosing relationships, especially for media organizations that claim to be impartial and unbiased.

    • Unexpected developments in the New York Democratic primary raceThe New York Democratic primary race features unexpected challenges for Mondaire Jones, including local competition and controversy over COVID-19 responses and censorship.

      The Democratic primary race in New York has seen some unexpected developments, including a perceived "big footing" of Mondaire Jones by Sean Patrick Maloney, who announced for the same district without consulting him. Jones, who gained prominence for prosecuting Donald Trump in Congress, is facing challenges from other contenders with stronger local support and experience in legislating. Meanwhile, the debate around COVID-19 responses and censorship during the pandemic led to a contentious moment when the Biden administration called for social media platforms to share misinformation impact and enforce transparency, which was criticized as a potential censorship attempt. This incident, among others, underscores the complexities and controversies that can arise in political races and public health debates.

    • Government pressure on social media platforms to regulate free speechThe Berenson case highlights the controversy surrounding government involvement in regulating free speech on social media, raising concerns about potential consequences and threats to a free society.

      During the pandemic, journalist Alex Berenson was suspended from Twitter for violating COVID-19 misinformation rules, but later had his account reinstated after evidence emerged of potential government pressure on the company to silence him. Berenson's case raises concerns about the role of the government in regulating free speech on social media platforms. Despite Berenson's controversial views, he is an American citizen and journalist, entitled to the right to free speech. The revelation of internal Twitter messages discussing the White House's pressure on the company to ban Berenson adds to the controversy. The government's involvement in deciding what individuals can and cannot say on social media platforms is a slippery slope that threatens the foundations of a free society. The Berenson case serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and accountability in government actions and the potential consequences of government interference in free speech.

    • The Fates of Cheney and Palin Reveal Trump's Grip on the GOPCheney's likely loss and Palin's fundraising struggles underscore the importance of aligning with Trump in the Republican Party.

      The political futures of Liz Cheney and Sarah Palin serve as indicators of the current state of the Republican Party. Cheney, a former Republican leader, is likely to lose her primary election due to her unwavering opposition to Donald Trump. Her defeat underscores the fact that being on the wrong side of the Trump divide within the GOP is a significant factor. Palin, on the other hand, is also facing a tough re-election campaign despite her past influence on the party. Her struggles with fundraising and the new ranked choice voting system highlight the challenges of being a polarizing figure in the Republican Party. Both women's political journeys illustrate the power of Trump's influence on the GOP and the importance of aligning with his views to succeed within the party.

    • Power struggles and alignments in the political partiesThe Inflation Reduction Act signifies a shift in approach to climate change and industrial revitalization, with potential for high-paying green jobs and transition from declining industries to renewable energy sectors

      The recent political developments, including the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act into law, are more about power struggles and alignments within the political parties than about policy differences. Two senators, one with ties to the Bush era and the other to the early days of Trumpism, have contrasting political futures despite likely similar voting records. Meanwhile, the Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to revive America's industrial core with clean energy jobs, represents a shift in approach to climate change and industrial revitalization, with the potential for transitioning from declining industries like coal to renewable energy sectors. The bill's success in bringing about this transformation remains to be seen. Jeff Stein's reporting on a coal miner in West Virginia seeking a green energy job highlights the hope for high-paying jobs in the new energy economy. This legislation, a departure from past carbon pricing approaches, shows the evolving philosophy within the Democratic Party and Manchin's energy-focused perspective.

    • Transition to renewable energy may not fully revive manufacturing industry or replace coal jobsThe Inflation Reduction Act could create jobs in renewable energy sectors but the per job output is less than coal mining and the transition has been slow. However, specific tax credits may help revive energy producing regions and encourage former coal miners to join the renewable workforce.

      The Inflation Reduction Act, while adding manufacturing jobs, particularly in renewable energy sectors like battery production, may not be enough to significantly revive the manufacturing industry or replace the jobs lost in coal mining in West Virginia. The per job output in renewable energy production is relatively minimal compared to coal mining. Moreover, the transition to renewable energy has been slow due to initial low wages and the dominance of non-union firms in the industry. However, the bill includes specific tax credits for energy producing regions, providing hope that West Virginia and similar areas will directly benefit. This could potentially encourage more former coal miners to join the renewable energy workforce. Despite the challenges, it's essential to acknowledge the importance of providing stable jobs for communities that have relied on coal mining for generations.

    • Balancing Energy Transition and Economic ConsiderationsThe Infrastructure Bill includes provisions for fossil fuel emissions increase and reduction, with renewable energy and carbon capture technology investments driving down emissions overall. The oil industry's support comes from these incentives, but concerns about expedited approval processes and potential giveaways persist.

      The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, while containing provisions that could increase fossil fuel emissions, is also expected to drive down emissions overall due to investments in renewable energy and carbon capture technology. The oil industry's support for the bill is due in part to these carbon reduction incentives. However, there are valid criticisms, including concerns about expedited approval processes for fossil fuel infrastructure and potential giveaways to the industry. The debate highlights the complexities of balancing energy transition and economic considerations. It's crucial to continue following this issue closely as the bill is implemented.

    • Popular podcasts return with new seasons and notable guestsMTV's Challenge Podcast covers All Stars 4, Next Question features Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and Renee Fleming, The Bright Side offers daily conversations about culture and trends. Available on Iheartradio and Apple Podcasts.

      Several popular podcasts, including MTV's Challenge Podcast, Next Question with Katie Couric, and The Bright Side, are returning with new seasons, featuring notable guests and providing premium content for listeners. MTV's Challenge Podcast is covering the latest season of "All Stars 4," Next Question with Katie Couric will be joined by guests like Kris Jenner, Jay Shetty, Hillary Clinton, and Renee Fleming, and The Bright Side, hosted by Danielle Robae and Simone Boyce, offers daily conversations about culture, trends, inspiration, and more. These podcasts are available on various platforms, including the Iheartradio app and Apple Podcasts. Listeners can expect engaging, optimistic, and thought-provoking content from these shows.

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    Trump Makes MORE CONFESSIONS during Deranged Event

    Trump Makes MORE CONFESSIONS during Deranged Event
    MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Trump’s latest event in Columbus, Georgia before the Georgia Republican Convention where Trump made more confessions about his crimes and engaged in other abhorrent conduct.  NOM NOM: Go Right Now for 50% off your no-risk two week trial at https://TryNom.com/MEIDAS Shop Meidas Merch at: https://store.meidastouch.com Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/meidastouch Remember to subscribe to ALL the Meidas Media Podcasts: MeidasTouch: https://pod.link/1510240831 Legal AF: https://pod.link/1580828595 The PoliticsGirl Podcast: https://pod.link/1595408601 The Influence Continuum: https://pod.link/1603773245 Kremlin File: https://pod.link/1575837599 Mea Culpa with Michael Cohen: https://pod.link/1530639447 The Weekend Show: https://pod.link/1612691018 The Tony Michaels Podcast: https://pod.link/1561049560 American Psyop: https://pod.link/1652143101 Burn the Boats: https://pod.link/1485464343 Majority 54: https://pod.link/1309354521 Political Beatdown: https://pod.link/1669634407 Lights On with Jessica Denson: https://pod.link/1676844320 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices